10x16 - Vanity Unfair

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x16 - Vanity Unfair

Post by bunniefuu »

[Kim] Previously on…

-I needed Lamar's number.
-Why do you need Lamar's number?

-So I can check on him. Can't I do that?
-[Kim] You just deserve so much better.

Caitlyn let me take this.

[Kim] I know my mom
has really been struggling,

and it's really been hard for her,

so I think that giving her these clothes
of Bruce's will maybe comfort her.

[Kim] Makes me really sad.

He's gone.

[dramatic music]

[energetic music]

-[server] Hey, everybody. Welcome.
-[Khloé] Hi. How are you?

Because I have no self-control, can we get
two orders of the crispy Brussels?

That sounds good.

Look, I got lasered today.
Aren't you proud of me?

Good girl. I need it on my vag so badly.

Oh, god. Thanks for the info.

[Khloé] What would you do?
I know you're like a hairy barracuda.

I used to do laser, so I had no hair.

Now I've been taking these hair pills
and it made all my hair grow back.

I've done laser, and, yes,
there's a little bit there, but, like…

-[Khloé] No, but, like my bikini…
-I also have taken hair pills…

She just got a Brazilian the other day.

-…and had three kids.
-Brazilian what?

-[Khloé] I did?

I don't know. I was at your house
and you were saying you had to get it.

-No, I got a Brazilian hair treatment.
-[Scott] Stop.

Not a Brazil… You thought
I'm getting a Brazilian bikini wax?

-What the hell's a Brazilian hair wax?
-A Brazilian hair treatment is…

You kept saying it.
I just kept saying okay.

You just thought I was getting
my vag*na waxed,

-and I was talking about it?
-I just thought you were opening up.

Oh, my god. I can't believe you thought

I was talking about my vag*na
the whole time.

I wasn't offended. I just thought
you were open about it.

I'm offended that you didn't say,

"Khloé, why are you talking
about your [bleep] so comfortably?"



[theme music]

[upbeat music]

-Good to see you.

-Made it. Long day today.
-Yes. Hi. How are you?

I still can't get over how freezing
San Francisco is.

So, I'm in San Francisco, and I'm gonna
be doing an interview about my game.

The audience is mainly CEOs
of Fortune 500 companies,

and it's a different audience for me,
but I feel so honored to be here.

Stand by, here we go.

I'm here with the co-collaborators
of mobile gaming mega hit,

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.

This game's been a huge success.
What, a bit over $90 million?

[Niccolo] Yeah, $95 million
in consumer revenues

in the first nine months.

Give me an example of something like
during development that you said,

"Yeah, it's not quite right,"
or "Can't you make that better?"

Oh, I changed the look of my character
maybe a dozen times.

I'll notice details on a shoe
that aren't accurate.

I want everything
to look as lifelike as possible.

[Kim] I think just the whole experience

of helping create the game
has been so exciting for me.

-Really appreciate it. Thank you so much.
-So nice to meet you.

I really took the time to make
the character look a certain way

and the clothes and the wardrobe,
and hair, and makeup.

It's so satisfying because all
of our hard work is really paying off.

-[Caitlyn] Kimmie!
-What are you doing?

[Caitlyn] Um, well, I'm getting ready
to do a little sh**t here in the house.

Fun. Well, I am, um, in San Francisco,
and I am gonna meet…

-[Caitlyn] For your book or what?
-Uh, no. The video game.

-[Caitlyn] Oh, the video.
-[Kim] Do you want a character in my game?

[Caitlyn] You know what? I'd be glad to…

As the game goes on, I think it would
be fun just to have the player be able

to, like, meet my friends
and my family members

and have it really lifelike.

So, think about it.

-[Caitlyn] Yeah, let me think about it.
-I'll call you later.

-[Caitlyn] All right. Bye.

-[Niccolo] That would be great.
-[Kim] Our first transgender character.

[Caitlyn] That's a great storyline.

[upbeat music]

-[Kourtney] Hey, Mom.
-[Kris] Hey, Kourt.

Did you see the new black swans
are so cute?

You know that the strawberry Bio-Ks
are not organic.

I know, but the other flavor tastes like…

This is just like a good-for-you thing.
It's not really about the taste.

How did you become this person?
I raised you on mac and cheese.

It's just good for you.

[Kourtney] How are you feeling
with everything?

Kind of numb.

Have you even talked to Bruce?

You know, I did talk to Bruce.

I got a call from him the other morning.

And he said, "Do you have the gold medal?"

And I said, "Yeah, I think so.
It should be in the safe."

Didn't you guys, like,
lose it at one point?

I couldn't find it once because he took it
to something and misplaced it.

So, I called him and I said,
"Yeah, it's right here.

Come and get it. What do you need it for?"

And he said, "Oh, I'm doing
my interview for the Vanity Fair piece."

And I said, "Oh."

The Vanity Fair cover is coming out soon,

and Bruce is going to reveal,
publicly, Caitlyn for the first time.

And I said, "That's amazing.
What are you gonna say?"

And he said, "Well, I will definitely
set the record straight on this,

and I know that didn't sound right,

you know, on that Diane Sawyer interview,
but I have got this."

I was really blown away
by some of the negative things

that Bruce said
during the Diane Sawyer interview.

The whole thing made me feel really bad.

[Kris] Bruce knows
that it's really important to us

that we all support each other
and are there for each other.

So, we'll see.

But anyway, I gave him the gold medal.

I just wanted him to have it
for his kids sooner or later.

[vibrant music]

Hi, Kokes.

-I really need a snack.
-Hi, Keeks. You look cute.


-[Khloé] What happened there?
-I need a hug. Just kidding.

[Khloé] Oh, you never hug me!
Don't let go, please!

-What happened?
-Nothing. I went to Caitlyn's photo sh**t.

-She was pretty.

-No way.
-[Kim] Like, really pretty.

I walked in. In the first shot, she was
in this Halston, like, goldish-like gown.

[Kim] I was with Caitlyn
at her Vanity Fair sh**t.

It was so good to just see
how comfortable she is in her own skin.

I'm so excited to see
these pictures and to see the article

and just for people
to get to know Caitlyn.

So, like, when you walked in,
was he still sh**ting for the mag?

-[Khloé] But, remember, we asked.

Still, I asked a publicist, and I'm like,

"Do I call him 'him' or 'her'
or whatever?"

-[Kim] I'm just gonna say "her."

I'm definitely having a harder time
with the he-she pronouns.

[Khloé] My remembrance of Bruce is a guy,

so, sometimes, when I'm referring
to "her," I say "him."

I'm trying hard to be aware,
but Caitlyn always says,

"Don't overthink it,
and call me whatever you want.

I'm always gonna be Bruce.
I'm always gonna be Caitlyn."

So, then, I went into the closet,
and she had to change.

[Kim] She was like, "You can stay in,"

and took off her top,
then her boobs were like…


Like when she first got hers done.
Like, it made me want a boob job.

-The best boobs.
-Let's reverse.

Let's reverse for one second.
She has full implants?

A full boob job. Like a "C."

Okay, cool. She is just comfortable enough
to take her top off in front of you?

Good for her.

And then, she changed
into a black skin-tight Herve dress.

[phone rings]



[Khloé] Don't have service here. Hello?

Is that Lamar?

Yeah, if I could answer the phone.

-[Khloé] Hello?
-You two are talking quite frequently.

[Khloé] Hi. I'm with Kim.
Can I call you back? Can you hear me?

Kim, Lamar says, "Hi."

-[Kim] Hi, Lamar!
-She says, "Hi, Lamar!"

-Please tell Kanye and North he says "hi."
-I will.

Okay. Got it. What Barry White tone?
I don't understand what that means.

I don't know why Khloé and Lamar
are talking, but he hurt her so badly.

Okay. Kim is staring at me. I have to go.

[Kim] As a big sister,
I'm just really protective,

and for her just to be flirting
with him on the phone

makes me like sick to my stomach.


-Like, I just can't take it.
-What can't you take?

The fact that when he decides
to come around and be friendly.

-And you're, like, flirting with him.
-I'm flirting with him how?

By answering the phone and saying "hello"?

You're just way more attentive. If it
was like French, you would be like, "Ugh!"

Why you French and Lamar
even be in the same category?

I just think, like,
it's a dangerous slope.

One I was married to, and one I…

Who totally disappeared
and completely broke your heart.

[troubling music]

[Khloé] I love Lamar
and care about him a lot.

It makes me feel good to hear his voice
and to know that he is doing okay.

Kim's stance, I know she means well,
but I'm doing okay in my life.

-I'm just saying it's dangerous.
-[Khloé] Okay.

I'm not gonna not talk to Lamar
because you disapprove.

I'm just saying, do you really think
that it's a smart decision?

-Yeah, I know you're a smart person.
-For me to have a relationship with Lamar?

Who cares?

[upbeat music]


He is the cutest, you guys.

-Let's not lie.
-[Scott] It's ridiculous, right?

-[Kim] He is the cutest kid.
-[Scott] He's a supermodel.

So I was at my Glu conference
and Caitlyn called me,

and, um, I said, "Does she want
a character in my video game?"

Like kind of just joking.
And she's like, "Maybe."

What would even be bigger is if you
got the Bruce character on now,

and the character transitions
on the video game, boom!

-That's a video game.
-I think you should be in the game too.

You know, you will come in and say,

"Hey, do you wanna hang out
with Khloé and I?"

Sounds fun. I'll talk to them.

We're adding in a bunch
of different characters in the game.

[Kim] I think it would be fun
for Scott's family,

-and I'd love to have him in the game.
-Hey, your zipper's open.

Oh, it is. I thought you
were saying a joke.

[Scott] Flick of the wrist.

Um, did you know, when I was
at Khloé's, Lamar called?

And then, he said something
like, "Say, hey, baby."

-Dude, that's some freaky [bleep].
-I was like, "Seriously?"

Call your ex of two years and go,
"Talk dirty to me." "Hey, Barry."

I was just like, "Seriously?"
She was like got all shy

and, like, ran outside
and was talking private,

and I was like, "The fact she's flirting
with him, she can't start this again."

[Kourtney] She always feels the same way,

how she feels like
did she end things too quickly.

I said, "I don't know, Khloé, I don't know
what else you could have done."

I just… I don't know. I think it's way
too risky, and way too… I don't know.

Well, obviously.
But is that even what's happening?

[Kim] The fact that she was
just flirting with him…

[Kim] Divorce is such
a hard thing to get over.

And I think that every time
there's some kind of flirting,

like, it just makes it
so much more difficult.

And I really think that Khloé
can't move on with her life

when she still has Lamar
in the background.

Luckily, I know this, that because
they filed for separation and divorce,

if she makes money, then it's her own,
sole money, so at least that's good.

Could you imagine if he didn't sign

and she made all this money,
and then he took half?

-Damn. Gonna leave with half.
-I know.

[conflicted music]

-[attendant] Hello.
-[Khloé] Hi, how are you?

-Good, how are you?
-Good, thank you.

I am on my way to Vegas.
I have an appearance at 1 OAK.

-[Khloé] Hi!

-It's tight. Boo.
-[Khloé] Malika, Khadijah, Dorian, and I

always have such a good time together,
so I'm excited for tonight.

[Dorian] Oh, boo, this is so small.

-It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
-Oh, my god. I'm sorry.

-Breathe, it's okay. Breathe.
-[Dorian] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

No, I'm fine, no, I'm fine.
Don't do that, don't do that.


-My god! Oh, my god. I don't like this.
-[Khadijah] Okay, just… Just wait.

It's okay. You look stunning,
and you're awesome as.

Oh, Jesus, god.
Like, if you look at my feet,

they are, like, creased over right now.

I forgot to tell you guys,
Um, Lamar is in Vegas.

[tense music]

[Dorian] How do you know that?

Um, I talked to Lamar, I know…
I know he's… I know he's been in Vegas.

-Oh, is he going to pop up in the club?
-I don't know.

-Is he partying with us tonight?
-I don't know, but he is in Vegas.

I have some anxiety
about going to the club tonight,

only because I know now
Lamar lives in Vegas.

[Khloé] And not that I
wouldn't want to see him,

but I definitely would not want
to see him in a club atmosphere.

[Dorian] Cheers to a great evening
with great people. Elevate.

Thank you for another
awesome trip to Vegas.

[chill music]

[crowd screaming]

[man] Hey, Nashville, can I introduce you
to our new best friend?


Here is Ms. Kim Kardashian-West.

I'm so excited to be here.

I wish my voice was better,
laryngitis was gone,

but I'm so glad that I came to Nashville.

I'm here in Nashville for an appearance.

I am pregnant, I have laryngitis,
but I never really cancel my commitments.

I just don't think it's fair to the people
that have put so much work into it.

[camera shutters clicking]

[upbeat music]

-How are you feeling?
-I have laryngitis. I'm under the weather.

I wrote about dressing as you for a week.

Oh, my gosh, that was you?
Nice to meet you. I loved it.

The Vanity Fair magazine came out.

How was her response to it?

I don't wanna get
into all those details, but…

Caitlyn's Vanity Fair article came out.
Everyone's, of course, asking questions.

-What does Kris think about all this?
-I'm not gonna go too deep into it.

We have, in advance,
asked everyone not to talk about that

and just stick to the subject
of why they're here.

What will the kids call Caitlyn?

Um, I don't know. We haven't thought
about that yet. Caitlyn?

[Kim] I'm here to be a part of this event,

and the last thing I wanna do

is, you know, derail
from what I'm here to do.

I just would rather not answer
these types of questions.

I just kind of want to get in and get out.

[uneasy music]


[uneasy music]

You should eat some blueberries.

The headlines are, like,
not nice right now for Kris.

[serious music]

[Kim] I finally had a chance
to read the Vanity Fair article,

and all Caitlyn can talk about
is that my mom mistreated her,

and was awful,
and just all these really rude things,

when there's just no reason
to bash my mom.

I'm upset and hurt. I couldn't imagine
what my mom must be feeling.

[line ringing]

Hey. I read the article.

[Kris] Bruce came over the day
before he was gonna do that article.

The next day, he does this.
I mean, we had this great life.

We had a great marriage, we had
two great kids, we had a lot of fun.

We raised babies,
we had birthday parties, we traveled.

We went to amazing ski events.
Not one nice word.

It just sums up that I'm this piece
of [bleep] person who is mean.

He can go [bleep] himself.
I honestly wish I never met this man.

I mean, just [bleep] you, Bruce.

[tense music]

[dramatic music]

[Kim] He can go [bleep] himself.
I honestly wish I never met this man.

I mean, just [bleep] you, Bruce.

I'm annoyed for you
that you wasted, not wasted, but spent…

[Kris] Wasted, yeah,
well, you're accurate.

That's why I think
this is just so shocking.

It's just crazy to me

that Caitlyn would not discuss
the years of really happy times.

[minister] I declare that Bruce and Kris
are now husband and wife.


[Bruce] A romantic kiss
for my beautiful, pregnant wife.

Here comes our kids, they're so excited
about the first day of school.

Here's Kimberly, yes,
keep bopping around, our teenager.

[Kris] Here's my crazy husband.
Honey, this is the only time.

Everything will be okay, I know it will.
I too, am very disappointed.

And I'm really upset with the way
that Caitlyn said things about the family.

-[Kris] I mean, you know, come on.
-[Kim] Yeah.

-All right, I got to rest my voice.
-[Kris] Sorry, you're sick.

It's all right. I'll be home tonight,
go to the doctor in the morning.


[Kris] All right, Kim, get some rest.

-All right, love you.
-[Kris] Have some tea.

-I will. Thank you. Love you. Bye.
-[Kris] I love you.

[upbeat music]

[Dorian] Those are good.

If any of you get anything on my outfit
before we walk out of this door,

we are no longer friends.

I don't have to be your friend,
I'm your sister. I could care less.

You ever been kicked in your face
with a high heel?

You look White House chic right now,
and I'm all the way for it.


[dance music]

-[camera shutters clicking]
-[overlapping yells]

Las Vegas, show some love for Khloé!

[crowd screaming]

[Malika] Yo, security just came to me

and said that Lamar is in the hotel
and asked for a table.

My heart has just dropped to my stomach.

-Who told who this?
-[Malika] A security guard.

I mean, this is just not a place

that I would want to see Lamar
for the first time in years.

If you are ready to go,
then let's just go.

I just wanna go back to my room
and just have harmless, wild fun.

-Want a piece of this?
-What are you doing?

[Khadijah] Malika, don't act her up!

-Oh, no!

-[Dorian] Khloé, we need you guys to…

-[Malika speaking indistinctly]

Oh, my goodness.

[Malika speaking indistinctly]

My ass is on fire.

[dance music]

[Kourtney] Do you want a pear?

[Scott] No, I don't want a pear.

Do you think our grass is too green?

-[Kourtney] I've asked people.

Like, a helicopter was taking pics
to do, like, a story

about people who are watering
their grass too much.

We should find out
what the rules are in a drought.

I don't know. I mean,
I'm not an environmentalist.

[Kourtney] So, Kim went to San Fran.

Yeah, I mean, I would do the game
under different circumstances.

Not the contract that they sent,
I wouldn't want…

a small up-front figure.

I would just want a residual
on people using my character.

Kim wants Scott to be a part
of her video game,

and, you know, it makes sense.

Because we're all a part of it and Scott
is obviously a part of Kim's life.

[Kourtney] I know how Scott is
with negotiating business deals.

I just don't wanna get involved.
I'll let him and Kim work it out.

To do a flat fee, why would I ever
post anything about it or talk about it?

So why did you tell me
to do the deal for the flat fee?

There's no way in hell I told you to.
You straight trip, boo.

Maybe your grass is too green.
By the way, it looks it's about to rain.

It is. It is raining.

[Scott] The rain is here.

I think we should go outside
and do a rain dance. I mean…

♪ Let it rain, let it rain ♪

[lively music]

[Kim] Uh, have you ever heard
of this facial called Ultherapy?

-[phone chimes]

-[Kim] I think you should do it.
-What is it?

[Kim] It's like a tightening thing.
It hurts, though.

Well, I can't do it
while I'm breastfeeding.

-But when you're done, you should.
-Yeah, but I also…

-[Khloé] Did you read it?
-[Kim] Yeah, I did read it.

[Kourtney] Well, what did it say?

It starts off by saying,
"I didn't really want to meet her

'cause she was just
a Beverly Hills shopper.

And then when I found out she was flawed
and had four kids, I was interested."

[Khloé] And then, what did she call
Kendall and Kylie, a distraction?

People dig themselves
into their own holes.

It's just I'm not
gonna be fully supportive

if she's not fully supportive of our mom.

Like, you guys don't have
to like each other.

You guys could think your own opinions
and feel the way you feel.

But don't discredit the 25-plus years
of marriage you guys had.

Obviously, you enjoyed some of it,
that's why you were there.

And don't discredit all these children
that you guys brought into this mix.

[Khloé] This is your very first
magazine article,

and one of the first things
you're gonna do is discredit my mom

and your marriage of 25 years?

We're just not a family who goes
and bashes the other one publicly.

If we have an issue with someone,
we'll go and address it to their face.

We're not gonna write
about it in Vanity Fair.

Do as many articles as you want

and do as many great things
for the transgender community,

but how does that mean bashing my mom?

I am all for Caitlyn screaming
from the rooftops about her transition.

I think it's beautiful,

and I think Caitlyn should take pride
in everything she's doing

and the strength that it takes
to do what she's doing

on such a public platform.

With that being said,

Caitlyn does not need to tear
anybody else down to build herself up.

[Kourtney] I don't think she thinks
she did anything wrong.

I think she's obviously shut out
all of the memories of Mom.

[Khloé] So you're allowed to bash my mom?

That's not okay. We don't believe
in bashing anybody.

Like, we don't bash any parents.

-I expect her to do the same.
-[Kim] Yeah. Totally.

I am definitely gonna go talk to Caitlyn,

just to, like, let her know
that it's not appropriate,

the things that she's been saying,
and she just needs to leave Mom out of it.

-I agree.
-'Cause it's just like enough is enough.

[vigorous music]

-[Kourtney] Ooh, this is cute. Or no?
-Ruffles and stripes? What?

-[Kim] Kourtney.
-[Khloé] Are you okay?

I'm not joking. Caitlyn has that.

-[Khloé] Bruce texted me today.
-[Kim] Or Caitlyn.

He told me to call him Bruce,
which I have in writing.

When his Vanity Fair came out, I said,
"What do you want me to call you?"

He said, "Whatever you're comfortable
with, I want you to call me that."

I said, "I don't wanna be disrespectful,
and I wanna honor what you are."

He goes, "No." That's weird.

Why would you want me to call you Bruce
if your name is Caitlyn?


Some woman from the ESPYS
texts me once a day.

-[Kourtney] So are you going?
-I mean, I think we have to.

Kim, what's happening?

I'm not going.

I'm not rewarding bad behavior
and how she disrespects Mom.

Caitlyn has been awarded the Arthur Ashe
for Courage Award at the ESPYS this year.

[Khloé] Of course, she wants
all of her kids to be by her side

while she's accepting the award.

I'm not supporting you.
You don't support us.

I typically would be there,
front and center,

but, I think, Caitlyn needs
to take a little accountability

for the Vanity Fair article and how
she's hurting other people right now.

[Kourtney] I'd like this if it was solid,
or is the sleeve too crazy?

[Khloé] I just think the sleeve is weird.

-[Kim] Hi, pooch.
-[Khloé] Hi, sista.

You want to say hi to KoKo? Nope.
These things come in other colors too.

[Khloé] Do they come in other styles?

[upbeat music]


Yeah. Just a couple.

[upbeat music]

Hi. Thank you.
I'm so thirsty I'm gonna die.

Let me tell you.
So, we're at the upfronts,

and, all of a sudden,
I go to the restroom with Mom.

She goes, "I don't have the time
to put down one of those seat protectors.

-I was always squatting."
-[Kris] Well, it's like a Slip 'N Slide.

Like, you put it down,
it never stays there.

You sit down, it's over here,
it's over there. It's just whatever.

[Kim] Have you talked to Lamar lately?

You're not answering? You plead the Fifth?

Why would I answer your questions

after the last time you saw
of when I spoke to Lamar

and your reaction?

[Kris] I spoke to Lamar.

[dramatic music]

I didn't actually speak to him,
but I text with him.

[Kim] I don't understand it.
Like, what good could come out of it?

There's been such a loss of trust
for over two years

that will take a lifetime to repair.

So what's the point
in involving the whole family again?

I don't know why my mom's
even putting her energy into it…

[Kim] It's just weird, I'm not gonna lie.

Why is it weird?
I've just always been very supportive.

[Kim] So you're just, like, promoting it
like it's totally normal and fine?

I'm not promoting it!
I'm not promoting it!

[Kris] But I feel her heart.

But don't you want to protect
her heart for later?

I have. Yes, I do. I don't think
it's for us to judge her heart.

But have you asked how I feel?
Never once have you asked how I feel.

[Khloé] I married him really thinking,
for the rest of my life,

I would love to be married to him.
And I will always love him.

[upbeat music]

Do you like these shoes?

-Me and Kourt did that.
-[Khloé] They're cute.

I was thinking I want to rent, like,
a big yacht, and, like, and go somewhere.

-[Malika] Go where?
-[Khloé] Just like you cruise on a boat

like Beyoncé and Jay Z style.

I know, but I'm saying, like, you kinda
you don't have like a destination,

-or somewhere you want to go?
-[Khloé] I don't know. St. Barts.

-I just got the number to a yacht company.
-[phone ringing]

[Khadijah] Did you? Oh, so, you're
really trying to do this?

You should answer.

[Khloé] Hello.

Hey. I'm so, so sorry.

[dramatic music]

[Khloé] Lamar's best friend
since he's been, like 12, Jamie,

just passed away unexpectedly.

This is all just really upsetting.

He's distraught and devastated.

[Jamie] I missed you, son.
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

[Khloé] Lamar has suffered
so much loss in his life.

I'm always gonna be there for Lamar,

especially when something
as tragic as this happens.

Okay. Bye.

One [bleep] death after another.
I can't handle it.

Is he okay?

[Malika] As good
as can be expected type of thing.

[Khloé] I'm really
on high alert for Lamar,

because, I mean, anything,
I think, will set him to spiral,

and that's kind of the last thing
I want for him.

That guy can't get a break.

[Malika] It sucks.

[upbeat music]

You've got to see my house.
Just being under construction.

And then I just got an email saying,
"Hey, they're using hazardous materials."

-[Kim] Mm-hmm.

How are you doing,
and how is everything after…

I mean, Jamie died? It's so insane.

-It's so sad how he died.

[dramatic music]

It's weird that, you know, the best man
in our wedding is now… dead.

[Khloé] I care about Lamar,
so I want the best for him.

I was just there for him
as a friend or whatever, and…

[Kim] Mm-hmm.

-[Khloé] That's all I can do.
-And that's all you can do.

-[Khloé] Yeah.

I know I've been a little bit tough
on Khloé as far as her divorce with Lamar,

but, you know, I think that I'm gonna
just put all my feelings aside

and, you know, just really be there
for her and be a sister for her,

and not really waste my opinion.

[Khloé] Are you not wearing a bra?

-[Kim] No, I am. It just looks like it.
-Your boobs are, like, massive.

-And they're gonna get bigger, right?
-[Kim] Mm-hmm.

Like, ten times the size.

What? I'm gonna make your boobs
a Twitter account.

The left one will talk to the right one.

-[Kim] One's better than the other.
-Which one's better?

-[Kim] The left one.
-[Khloé] You got some big-ass boobs.

[upbeat music]

-[Niccolo] Hello.
-[Kim] I've not eaten all day.

And I'm in one of those moods
where if I don't eat, like, now…

-You'll be less and less accommodating.
-[Kim] I'll m*rder someone.

-Of Scott's demands as a…

[Kim] Yeah, exactly.

You know, I had reservations on setting up
this meeting with Scott and Niccolo.

'Cause Scott always wants
to do a side deal,

or wants to, you know, just start wheeling
and dealing about some other things.

But I'd love to have him in the game.

-[Niccolo] Hi. Great to meet you.
-Are you copying me?

-How you doing? Huh?
-We're wearing the same outfit.

Oh, I thought I was underdressed.
And now I don't feel so bad.

We kinda saw each other
at the Christmas party

-at Mom's house.
-[Niccolo] We did. Yeah, we did.

If the whole game's premise is,
trying to work your way

from the normal working class to stardom,

I don't mind being
a helping hand in that process,

because Kim is widely known
for having amazing cars and style.


I would love to be like,
"All right, guys, today,

I'm gonna take you
for a ride in my new car

to show you exactly
what it's like to go here or there,"

or they actually get into a car
that looks like hers.

Listen, we all know Kim is the star, but…

…Kourtney and Khloé and whoever else
feel a drop not disrespected so much,

but they feel like they
were left out in that sense.

-[Niccolo] Okay.
-Because, you know, they'll notice

their Kardashian Kollection logo
on a jean pocket in the game.

[Scott] And, in life,
they're partners on that.

They think Kim's getting everything,
and we're kind of left in the backseat.

[Kim] Working with family
definitely has its pros and cons,

and I know how to work
with my sisters really well.

I'm not too sure I'm comfortable

with the way that Scott's
positioning himself in this game.

[Scott] Let's give a little equity out
and look at what happens.

And, for me, processing and pushing this,
I will obviously be taking a finder's fee,

and I'll be taking my equity.

And I would like to also be a shareholder

in all other games
that you'll ever come with.

For the rest of my life,
this company, beyond.

Sky's the limit. San Tropez, here I come.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Hey, hey, hey!

[Caitlyn] Uh-oh. It's trouble in town.

How are you doing? I can get you a water.

-Would you like a water or…
-[Kim] Oh, no. I brought one. Thank you.

-[Caitlyn] You sure?
-[Kim] Yes.

-[Kim] Oh, I'm just…

Am I in trouble?

[Kim] Are you? Oh, yes, you're in trouble.

I'm in trouble? How could I be in trouble?
Sweet, adorable little thing like me?

[tongue clicks, sighs]

You still have a lot of Bruce in you.

I thought Caitlyn would be
a little kinder.

-Really? Kinder, sweeter, gentler.
-Where do you want to go? Sit here?

I think Caitlyn has no idea that she said
some things that were hurtful,

so I came to her house in Malibu

to really sit down with her
and explain, we are just really upset.

Where do we start?

[Kim] Uh, Khloé. Let's start with Khloé.

I know that she's really harsh
when she communicates with you.

-You want to read her texts?
-[Kim] She sent them to me.

Um, and that's how Khloé talks
to all of us, so it's not just you.

Khloé sees my mom upset,
and so she gets defensive.

[Caitlyn] And doesn't know anything
about my side of the story.

But that's what kids do.
They don't know the full side.

[tense music]

I understand that Bruce
was so angry and confused

when he was having his gender issues,

but now that Caitlyn is really happy
and accepted and loving her life,

there's no need for her
to be pulling anyone else down,

or bashing us along with her journey.

You know, I read the Vanity Fair, as well,
and I think that there's some things

that you said
that you might not realize are hurtful.

You said Kendall and Kylie
were distractions.

And so, when they read that,
they're gonna think…

I don't know if they'll
quite understand that.

-You know how the print word is, yes.
-[Kim] Yeah.

Then it said, "Had Kris
been accepting to who I am,

we still would be together."

And that's the most unfair thing
in the world to say.

I don't, see, I don't look at it that way.

You don't look at it that way,
but my mom does.

And if you are a woman now,
she is not a lesbian.

[Kim] She does not wanna be with a woman.
That's not fair to ask.

I'm not saying I
would have gone this route,

but as time went on,
our relationship changed drastically.

In my eyes, it's like,
"I don't need him anymore."

I don't think it was that.
I think, honestly…

-I felt it in the way she treated me.
-[Kim] Yeah.

[Caitlyn] She wanted me
out of the house. She was like…


-"You're out of here."
-[Kim] Because it wasn't meant to be.

And that, you should say,
"Thank you, good riddance,

'cause now I am who I am and I'm happy."

Okay. But then, don't come back and be
so, you know, emotional over the breakup.

-[Caitlyn] She wanted me out.
-But you can't fault her.

That obviously means she really loved you

and cherished your 25 years
together as a family.

And I loved her too.

Towards the end, it never would've worked,
and that's fine, and she's okay with that.

[Kim] You both agree that the end was bad.

You guys were in a bad place,
but if I was with someone for 25 years,

I would try to look
for the positive things

and just end it on a good note.

[Kim] I'm just asking you to go back
in your memory and remember

all the good times that you had,
'cause you had at least 15 years.

You said, "Oh, Kris mistreated me."
It sounded like she beat the [bleep] you.

Take it easy. Don't go…

You could've had
a little bit more respect.

Don't go… I can see where you're trying
to go here, don't go there.

[Kim] You've got the fame,
but you're losing your family.

[dramatic music]

[Kim] You could've had
a little bit more respect.

Don't go… I can see where you're trying
to go here, don't go there.

[Kim] You've got the fame,
but you're losing your family.

[tense music]

I want nothing
but good to come out of this.

I want nothing but good to come out
of my relationship with all my kids.

You look amazing. It's your time,

but you don't have
to bash us on your way up.

[Caitlyn] I tried to be as honest
as I could in how I felt.

I have never once ever tried to do
anything that would hurt her.

I'm so upset that everybody
is kind of taking things the wrong way.

Everybody's on edge.
She's feeling bad. I feel bad.

No matter what, we're a family,

and even though you and my mom
aren't together anymore,

and there's this full separation,

we still need to have a united front
and understand each other.

-[Caitlyn] I get that.
-So just mend it. So we can all…

Move on. But I can't apologize.

I can't apologize.
Unless they come out here.

[Caitlyn breathes deeply]

Nobody's come out.
Kourtney hasn't made a move at all.

Obviously, Khloé hasn't come close.

[Caitlyn] You know,
I feel so isolated out here.

Uh, you know, it's like
all of a sudden, there's this wall.

[dramatic music]

I think that you just have to get
the family unity going again.

I just want everybody to be happy.
I love, love, love all my kids.

I wish you guys were here every damn day.

[dramatic music]

[upbeat music]

-Hi, pretty girl.
-Hey, guys.

-What are you doing?

-What kind of water contraption is that?
-We're just running this thing.

[Khloé] That's my diffuser thing.
I have lemon and oranges in it now.

[Kim] Cool. I'll take one of those.

-[Kim] Yeah.

-I could make more.
-[Kim] You'd share?

I share with you all the time.

-[Khloé] You like your water?
-Tastes like a tropical vacation.

So guess what? I went over and I talked
to Caitlyn about the Vanity Fair article.

[Khloé] How did she receive
the information you gave her?

[Kim] She doesn't know
how to listen that well.

She acts like she's listening, but she's
always kind of thinking and waiting…

[Khloé] 'Cause everything she says
is very calculated and thought through,

instead of just having
a normal, casual conversation.

I can't go there.
'Cause him and I are feuding.



-You're still feuding?
-We got a new feud going on.

-[Scott] What's the new feud?
-She wouldn't apologize to my mom.

I'm still really disappointed in Caitlyn,

because her words
in Vanity Fair were so negative.

And I definitely don't feel like Caitlyn

is putting in an effort
to apologize to my mom.

Problem is she doesn't think
that there was something wrong.

The only thing…
the only thing she cared about

was that her Twitter followers
went up more in one day than Obama's did.

-[Kim] And do you want to know why?
-I'll tell you why!

'Cause the greatest athlete of all time
turned into a [bleep] woman.

Who cares, though, like, at the end
of the day? Like, that's what's important?

I don't know what's happening.

[Scott inhales]

-You're doing all right.
-I don't know.

I think that Caitlyn should have
a personal apology to my mother.

[Khloé] You would think, when you're
married to someone for 20-plus years,

you could call them and have,
like, a genuine, sincere apology.

[serious music]

-[Kris] There you are.
-[Kim] Hey.

What are you doing?

[Kim] Just looking at these photos
from Kendall's birthday party.

How cool.

-Your boobs are enormous.
-[Kim] Are huge. I know.

When your boobs catch up with your butt,
you know you're in trouble.

Thanks. Thanks for making me feel
so good about myself.

[Kris laughs]

So I just wanted to talk to you
about, um, a couple things,

and I didn't want you to worry,
but I think I'm gonna, um, leave town.

-[Kris] For a little bit.

'Cause I'm just having
a really tough time.

[Kris] And just…

After reading the Vanity Fair article,
I'm just so disappointed.

I think I just need to…

kind of get away from the negative energy.

[Kim] I don't think
that I realized how deeply

the Vanity Fair article coming out
would affect me.

It's just too much.

I just think it'd be really healthy
for me to just go.

Clear my head.

Just… I just need to… I just need to…

[sentimental music]

-You need to just go relax.
-[Kris] Mm-hmm.

[Kim] I think that's, like,
the best thing that you can do.

Is just to get away and, like,
focus on how you feel, and…

just really, like, live in that moment.

[Kim] I'm so happy
that my mom's going out of town

and just finally doing
something for herself.

Being so far away will just start
the healing process for her.

When you have gone through

everything we've all gone through
for the last couple of months.

[Kris] I just didn't see it coming.

So I think I just need to go…

rest my head and my heart.


[Kim] On the next episode…

We don't care if you wanna transition.
We wanna support you and be there for you.

[Khloé] I would think you would come
from a place of more compassion.

When you try to tell me that I
don't know what I'm talking about--

Because you don't know.

[dance music]

I want to be mad, but, then,
I also worry about Scott's safety.

[Kourtney] He definitely has a problem.

I've worked so hard
to, like, keep this family together.

It just makes me sad for the kids.
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