01x04 - Ecclesiasticus 26:9-10

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Warrior Nun". Aired: July 2, 2020 - present.*
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A young woman wakes up in a morgue with inexplicable powers and gets caught up in a battle between good and evil.
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01x04 - Ecclesiasticus 26:9-10

Post by bunniefuu »

"I want to live". That's

God's honest truth.

I don't owe anything to a bunch

of holier-than-thou nuns.

Life's unfair, ladies.

Take it from me.

I'm going back to my friends,

and I'm going to live

the hell out of this life.

I'm going to swim and

eat and kiss and dance

and maybe even make love to, well



Speaking of which

Temptation awaits.

Why am I cold all of a sudden?

Oh, no.

Don't stop. Don't look.

Just a girl walking home

after a tough night.


Nothing to see here except

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Ignore it. No one's asking for a hero.

That's not the life I chose.

g*dd*mn it!


Wait! Stop!

See what you get for being a hero?




What's happening?

Why can't I move my body?

Hush, little lamb.

You've been in a car accident.

Your mother is gone.

But you're a very lucky little girl.

You're in my care now.

I'm not lost.

Just taking the scenic route.

I know it's around here somewhere.


Ava, stop!


You're fast. What the hell?

What the hell, you? I was

on my way to find you.

Yeah, the homeowners came back.

So, we had to bolt.

Holy shit! What happened?

- Oh

- Are you hurt?

No, no, no. I'm fine, really.

You should see the other girl.

She's essentially fine, by the way.

So, where is everybody?


I'll take you.

Okay. Let's go.

- Oh, yeah.

- It's

So, Romeo finds his Rosaline.

You know, this sad dope's

been going on and on

about you since you disappea

Good Lord, girl! What is that?

Uh uh

My time of the month?

Looks like your time of the year.

Hand her to me, Romeo.

I'll find Carrie a prom dress.

- Oh

- It's all good.

Girl, the shit you get into.

This view is freakin' incredible.

And the wife has some

expensive, eclectic tastes.

Let's see what we can find you

that won't embarrass the rest of us.

Oh, what about this one?

Absolutely not.

Why not?

I'm sure it could work.

That's your problem, doll.

You're too easily satisfied.

That is so not my problem.

My problem is that I've never had

the chance to pick out my own clothes.

To find my own style,

discover who I really am.

This probably makes no sense to you.


Actually, it took me a while

to figure out who I was, too.

So how do you do it?

How do you choose who you are?

The key is to remember that

your clothes don't define you.

They define your image for the world.

Fashion can be an illusion.

A book jacket, describing

the fun story inside.

You see?


Yeah, I think I do.

All right, then, doll.

Let's find you.


You look, uh


You're welcome.

Hey, we picked up some supplies.

The f*ck is she doing here?

You didn't tell her?

Tell me what?

Yeah, um, we're moving out.

Bugging out's more like.

What's that mean?

We had a visitor.

A visitor.

We found Jillian Salvius right

here in our f*cking home.

It's technically not our home.

Jillian Salvius?

Yeah. She was looking for you.

What? Why?

She didn't mention.

Somehow, she figured out we

were at the party together,

so she came here to thr*aten us.

Now, we've gotta fly.


Zori, back off.

Well, let's just go then.

- Disappear, hit the next town.

- Are you deaf and fashion-crippled?

Hey, easy now.

I prefer fashion-disabled.

You brought the heat down on us, chica.

You're radioactive.

I'm sorry, I didn't


you're my only friends right now.

You're the only people I know.

We're leaving.

And you are going to disappear.

Zori, enough! Okay?

What did we say when

we started all this, huh?

"We're in it together", remember?

I remember.

We said it right before Little

Miss Spotlight showed up.

We also promised not

to take stupid risks,

to never get caught.

We had a good thing going here, JC.

You f*cked it up by bringing her

in. Now you bring her back here?

How stupid are you?

Stop! Stop it!

Stay out of this, you weirdo b*tch!

Do not talk to her like that!

I said stop!

I'm sorry.


All right. One more time.

Any luck recreating the effect?


Any sign of the girl?

Our people are searching the city.

But we did find Blair Macready

at the bottom of a quarry.


Don't worry. We do have

the situation contained.


You think Cardinal Duretti is

going to stop at Macready?

The Church has been k*lling

heretics for centuries.

You know that.

I also know Duretti.

He's desperately protective

of his reputation.

And his religion.

He thinks I'm going to

open a portal to Heaven

and steal their business.

My point is, if you oppose them openly,

you could find yourself at w*r.

Looks a lot like w*r already.

Father, the Vatican is watching.

Yes, we can limp on,

but without the Halo,

we are effectively neutralized.

Ava will come back.

- You can't know that.

- But I can have faith.


Mother Superion.

May I have a word?

Cardinal Duretti, please join us.

I trust you're squared away

for your return to Rome?

My orders have changed.

Please have a seat.

Given the difficulties we are facing,

I have decided to postpone my return.

For the time being, I will remain

here in an oversight capacity.

May I ask why?

To determine what it might

take to save this operation.

I wasn't aware we needed saving.

Sister Shannon is dead.

You have failed to bring the

new Warrior Nun to heel.

You have lost the sacred Halo.

Father Vincent, how would you

characterize our current status?

As a period of transition.

How euphemistic.

We've faced grave trials before.

We'll face them again.

Father Vincent,

need I remind you that the Cardinal

retains ultimate oversight of our Order?

I merely wished to point out that

oversight is not the same as management.

The fact is this operation has fallen

to its lowest point in decades.

I'm afraid I must agree.

Mother Superion, we go back many years.

We have experienced

many trials together.

Please attempt to

convince your colleague

that I am fighting desperately

to keep this sacred mission alive.

And I am the only ally you've got.

You've lost your friends

and betrayed the nuns

who brought you back from the dead.

Impressive stuff, kid.

I should just go.

Skip town. Find a job.

Make a new life.

New friends.

What's keeping me here, anyway?

You're a woman now.

So, could you at least

try to be anything

but a burden to everyone around you?

But I am trying, Sister Frances.

Look what I taught myself to do.

Sure, what's the use of that?

Well, you know your little joke on

how I never lift a finger around here?

It's the little victories.

What do you want?

I wanted to know how you're doing.

I'm getting by.

Well, you've managed to rattle Zori.

I've never seen that before.

It's the little victories.

Any idea why Salvius could be after you?

I have a vague suspicion.

Do you want to talk about it?


Zori's right.

I have to go.

I'm sorry I f*cked things up

for you and your friends.

It was really nice knowing you.

Hey, can I go with you?

What about your g*ng?

I think we might have come

to the end of our road.

Those aren't real friends.

They're partners

to back you in a scam.

People you boost a couple of

beers with, have a few laughs.

Why is he doing this?

Just to be nice?

Is he rescuing me again?

You're probably just buying

more trouble, you know.

When you say trouble, I hear adventure.

So what? We just hop on

a ferry and go where?

Where we want.

I'd rather be rescued than alone.


Let's go.


Sisters, we are at w*r.

The Lord, in His wisdom, has

widened the scope of our directive.

But I recently saw Dr. Salvius

in possession of a

Divinium-plated device.

I suspect that she's melting down

pieces of the Holy Armor in her lab.

This is blasphemy.

The Church will not see the

destruction of our sacred relics

for the personal

enrichment of a heretic.

Where's Father Vincent?

Why is the Cardinal taking over?

What difference does it make?


It is imperative that we

bring these artifacts

into our possession immediately.

Your Eminence.

Sister Lilith.

Your family has served this

order faithfully since the 1500s,

providing six Halo-Bearers.

An impressive lineage.

But it must have been

hard on you, that legacy.

Those expectations.

And then to have your destiny

so rudely snatched away.

I accept the path before me.

As do I.

But I would suggest there

is a difference between

meekly accepting one's path

and correcting a grave mistake.

Perhaps even a dire sin may be forgiven

in the pursuit of the greater good.

Wouldn't you agree?

I would.

Sister Lilith,

if I may trust you

to keep this conversation

strictly between us.

The OCS is under intense

scrutiny from the Vatican.

We must get our house in order.

How might I help?

Track down the girl.

Bring the Halo back into our possession.

I'll find her,

but she'll never come back with me.

Not willingly.

Then I would suggest

that her lack of loyalty

is a betrayal to the Halo itself.

Perhaps our Order

can only be restored

by a new Halo-Bearer.

The proper Halo-Bearer.



I dropped my tea.

I saw.

What can I do for you?

I have a confession to make.

I'm all ears.

No, I mean

Yes, of course.

Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

It has been

Well, you know how long it's been.

May the Lord be in your heart

and help you to confess

your sins with true sorrow.

I feel no sorrow.

I k*lled a man who was gonna k*ll me.

Then your conscience is clear.

My conscience was never the issue.

And here's what we know.

Someone targeted Shannon directly.

And that means whoever did

it knew Divinium could k*ll her,

and they had enough of

it to rig the expl*si*n.

And now Cardinal Duretti tells us

that Salvius has been collecting

and studying Divinium.



I know you and Shannon were close,

but you mustn't let anger

cloud your judgment.

I found this in her room.

Part of her habit.

Embedded in the wall.

How could there be a hidden

room in her chambers?

It's possible.

This old place has endless secrets.

So, if Shannon had knowledge

that endangered her life,

wouldn't it make sense that she would

keep it somewhere

only she could find it?

A room she'd have to phase into.

I'm knocking down that wall.


If Shannon was m*rder*d,

we can't risk drawing

unwanted attention.

We need Ava to phase into the room.

Any idea where to find her?

I suggest we ask a friend of hers.

Ungrateful little pig!

Do you not know there's children

starving all over the world?

They probably had nuns

cooking their meals.

Your birthday is coming up.

Ooh, I want a motorcycle.

And skis!

Oh, yeah, Jet Skis!

Oh, mental high five!

Soon, next month,

you'll age out of here.

A poor, crippled girl out on the street.

No money, and no way to make it.

What will become of you without me?

Are you all right?

It's going to be strange, leaving.

I've been here so long.

How'd you end up here?


That's a

A long story?

Short and unpleasant.

How about you?

Well, after my mom died,

I was supposed to go to university,

but I figured the college

fund they'd scraped together

should go towards her medical bills.

I just didn't care

anymore about anything.

So, I lifted a businessman's wallet

and a pack of gum in the

shuttle to the airport.

I went inside,

and I whipped the gum at the

big board of airline destinations.

It hit Geneva,

and I bought a first-class

ticket with the guy's gold card.

Oh, my God.

What if it had hit, like,

Florida or something?

I had more gum.

Anyway, so I landed in Geneva,

took the train into the

Alps for the ski season,

and that's where I met Zori and Chanel.

Um, we picked up Randall in Amsterdam.

That was about 18 months ago.


So, come on. Your turn.

Tell me Ava's story.

Not yet.

I'm still figuring it out.

West door.

Looks optimal.

That's, what, two and a half meters?

We need to clear three

meters, or we'll fry.

Not a problem. Let's go!

What are we waiting for, Bea?

Shift change.



I can have patience.

I can be calm.

Come on, you stupid shift change!

Don't be nervous.

You'll do well tonight.

It's not that.

It's more that

I'm just surprised the Cardinal sent us

to break into a private business.

I know it's for Divinium

and all, but I'm

just surp

It's just not what I was

expected to be doing.


It seems like he's changing

the agenda of the OCS.

It's his agenda to change.

And if Jillian Salvius is melting

down the Armor of Adriel,

that is a blasphemy.

Still, we're taking a risk here.

We could expose our sect, and for what?

For the protection of our interests.

Which interests, Lilith?

I noticed you were speaking

with the Cardinal alone

before we left.

Careful around this one, Camila.

She'll pry into all your business.

Only when it affects our business.

Does it?

Guards will be moving.

Let's go.

In this life, or the next.

In this life, or the next.

Where do you want to go?

Casablanca? Tangiers?

Wow. We can lay low in Marrakesh.

I actually know a French dude

who can get you a passport.

Endless possibilities for

the first time in my life,

and a blazing hot guy by my side.

So why can't I leave?

Because something's wrong.

Something's unfinished.


Something you said about

leaving your friends.

I thought you didn't

have any friends here.

No, I have one.


He's getting worse. Poor little lamb.

A poor, crippled girl out on the street.

What will become of you without me?

I know you k*lled yourself.

Oh, my God.

Ava, what's wrong?

Hey. What's going on?

Aren't we leaving?

Yes. Grab some tickets.

It doesn't matter where.

I trust you, okay?

Where are you going?

I have to check in on a

friend. He may need my help.

I'll be back. I promise!


- Did you put it in the report?

- Mm-hmm.


The target has been spotted

at St. Michael's Orphanage.

Dispatch Team Four-A to pick her up.

They're talking about Ava. Maybe we

On it.


Camila, you're up.

All teams report in.

All teams report in.

We have intruders at

the north gate. Over.


You can't be in here.

Look, I don't want to hurt you.

And we appreciate that.


The Cardinal said the

artifacts would be in the labs.

Where'd they go?

Through there, maybe.

Key cards won't work here.

See what you can do.


We're out of time.

Take the others and go.

What about you?

I'll meet you back at the Cat's Cradle.


"You make known to me the path of life".

Ha! Ha!

No! Wait!




I'll sh**t. Don't think I won't.

Why would I doubt?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Faith is my business.

Holy Mother.



Who is that?

Who are you?

Get out!

Who do you think you are?

Just a poor, crippled girl

back from the streets.


But you died.

Yes, I did.

You k*lled me.

I cared for you.

I sacrificed my life for you.

Until the day I was

aging out of the system.

So you put me out of my misery.

You're a devil, sent from Hell.

No, Frances.

You're the devil here.

How many?

How many have you k*lled?

I lost count over the years.

So many souls.

So much pain.

You're a m*rder*r!


I'm a savior.

I released them from their pain.

I released them into the arms of God.

I freed their souls.

Give me the syringe, Frances.




I'm so sorry you had to see that.

Are you okay?

You're an angel.


You'll be okay now. All right?

All right? Now let's take

you to Sister Emilene,

and she'll take good

care of you, come on.

No, just go.

Just go before you get in trouble.

I'll miss you, Diego.

I'll see you again, in Heaven.

How the hell did this happen?

It was a nun.

A very fast nun.

We've got the footage.

I tried to warn you.

Without the Shield, I

can't finish the machine.

I'll send a team to search the city.

Oh, no.

Not our men.

I want you to buy out Macready's

operation under an alias.

You're taking on a private

security company?

Well, given the fact

that our current team

has been taken out by what appears to be

a petite member of the clergy,

it strikes me they may

not be up to the task.

And like you said

the Church and I are at w*r.

The Shield of Faith.

There must have been other artifacts.

She's melted the rest of them down.

Into what?

Some sort of device.

A circle, about two meters in diameter,

connected to power generators,

computer systems.

The first ring was just a prototype.

It was unfinished.

I believe Dr. Salvius needs the

Divinium content of the Shield

to complete it.

She seems to be applying

technology in an attempt to

activate the Divinium somehow.

Activate it to do what?

To open the gates of Hell.

I k*lled Frances.

k*ller. m*rder*r.

No! It was self-defense.

She poisoned me.

Tried to k*ll me again.

She was gonna k*ll

Diego, and I saved him.

So maybe it all balances out.


Hey, Ava.

Hello, Lilith.

I've been looking for you.

I told you.

I'm not going back.

It's all right.

I only need a part of you.
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