03x13 - Signs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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03x13 - Signs

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.


Oh, hi, come on in.

I'm so glad you're here.

Blue is... Doing something, and I'm trying to figure out what it means.

Will you help me?

You will? Great. Come on.

Hey, blue, look who's here.

See, that's what I mean.

What does that mean?

What is she trying to tell me?

Come on!

Oh, come on.

Right, that's what she means when she does that.

It's a kind of a sign, right.


Okay, blue, we're all here.

Ooh, blue is making another sign.

Well, what do you think this sign means?


Blue? Oh, you think blue is making a sign for her name.

Let's see.

Hey, blue, are you making a sign for your name?

[Barks "yes"]

Oh, well, okay... Blue.

What did you want?

Okay, now that's another kind of sign.

It's a... A fork, a plate and a spoon.

What do you think blue wants?

To eat.

To eat, of course.

Hey, blue, did you want to eat your snack?

[Barks "yes"]

Great idea.

I mean, after all, I'm getting kind of hungry too.

So we'll just get a fork, a plate and a spoon

We'll go to the snack table and...

[Barks "no"]

Oh... So that sign

That circle with a slash through it, must mean "don't."

Okay, blue, if you don't want to eat at our snack table

Where do you want to eat your snack?


Oh! It's another sign.

Do you know what this sign means?

Blue's clues!

Yeah, this sign means blue wants to play "blue's clues"

Which is great, because I love "blue's clues."

♪ We are gonna play blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause it's really fun, yeah. ♪

So remember, blue's paw print will be on the clues-- blue's clues.

Hey, let's figure out a sign so we can tell this paw print that it's time to leave.

I know... I know, we can wave good-bye to the print, because that's a sign.

And it will tell the paw print that it's time to go.

Will you make the good-bye sign with me?

You will? Great.

Paw print?


See you later.

Thanks for coming.

See you tomorrow, 'bye.

Great, paw print's all gone.

You sure are excellent sign-makers.

Hey, you know what we need for blue's clues:

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right. Come on.

[Snoring softly...]

Ooh, another sign.

I wonder what this one means.

Oh... "Do not disturb."

[Sighing sleepily]

I just love blue's clues.

[Sighing sleepily]


Now that we have...

Okay, now that we have our notebook

We're ready to play blue's clues to figure where blue wants to have her snack.

To play blue's clues, we got to find a...

Paw print!

Oh, a paw print, right.

And that's our first... Clue!

A clue? A clue!

Then we put it in our... Notebook.

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

♪ You know what do-- sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time, we can do anything... ♪


♪ That we want to do.

You know, I can tell I'm really

Going to need your help today

Trying to figure out where blue wants to eat her snack.

You will help me, right?

You will? Great.

Come on.

[Bell dings]

[Bell dings]

A clue, a clue!

You see a clue? Where?

[Bell dings]

I don't see anything, just...

Just these nice people out for a drive.

I love convertibles, don't you?

The wind blowing through your hair...

[Bell dings]

No, a clue!


On the green light.

Oh, I see it.

Our first clue is this green light.

Hey, we better write this green light clue in our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

So... A green light.

Ooh, this looks like a job for... My green crayon.

Oh, ho.

So a circle... Color it green, my favorite color.

And there it is... A green light.

So, a green light means...

Go, yeah.

So where could blue want to go eat her snack

With a green light?


Yeah, i, I think we need to find two more clues to figure this out.

Come on.

Whoa, look at all these signs.




Hey, did you see which way blue went?

That way!

Oh, this way. Thanks.

How did you know that?

Oh, look, here's a sign with a picture of blue

And an arrow pointing this way.

So that must mean that we should go this way to find blue.

Glad you saw that sign.

Oh, I guess this sign means we should go outside to find blue.

Come on.

There you are, blue.

We found you.

Hi, pail.

Hey, blue.

Hi, steve.

Shovel left signs that lead to where he is

But I can't figure out what they mean.

Hey, will you help me figure out shovel's signs?

You can't figure out shovel's signs, huh?

Well, we've been figuring out signs all day.

Lead the way, pail.

Here's the first sign.

Which way should I go?

Well, pail, you should go...

Which way should pail go, according to this sign?

That way!

Oh, this way.


Pail, we should go this way

Because the arrow is pointing this way.


Steve, another sign!

Ooh, that's a hard one.

Oh, it's just like that sign from this morning.

What does that mean again?

Right, it means "don't."

So which way should we go, according to that sign?

That way!

Oh, this way... Of course.

So if that signs means don't go that way

Then we should go this way.

Let's go, pail.

Follow me!

I think shovel is right over there.

But how should we get across the stream?

Ooh, okay, check this out.

These signs should tell us

Which way to go to get to shovel.

Ah, well, we can't swim across

So what should we do now?

Hey, what is the other sign?

A bridge!

Oh, right, a bridge!

This sign means there's a bridge nearby.

Come on.

There it is!

Yup, there it is.

Great sign-reading.

Let's go.


We found you!

Just in time!

Thanks for helping me find shovel!

Oh, you're welcome... And thank you.

Brilliant sign-reading, by the way.

We better go look for some more signs...

I mean, clues.

Come on.

A clue, a clue!

Oh, right, that bird is a beautiful shade of blue.


A clue, a clue!

Oh, you see a clue. Where?

Behind you, right there!

I see it!

Okay, this sign is our second clue...

And it's a door with an arrow.

You know where we need to write this clue...

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.


So... Two arches like this for the door...

And a round circle for the knob...

And then an arrow through the door.

There... A door with an arrow.

Do you remember what our first clue was?

Oh, right, a green light...


And now our second clue is... This door with an arrow.

Hey, you know, it kind of looks like that arrow is going outside.

So where could blue want to go outside and eat her snack?

Maybe, maybe, but, but I think we'd better find our last clue just to be sure.

Hey, it's another sign.

Well, what does it mean?

Mail time!

Right! Mail time! Come on!

♪ ...mail time!♪

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail "mail!" ♪


Mail's here, mail's here.

Steve, you know I had a built-in sign?

Really, mailbox? What is it?

My flag!

When I put it up, it means I have letters to mail.

Oh... Well, that's good to know.

Do you have any letters for us?

Here you go.

Thanks, mailbox.

You're welcome.

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

Oh, look, it's a letter from our friends.

Hi, steve.

Good morning, friends.

Good morning, sun.

Good morning, kitten.

Good morning, book.

Good morning, doll.

Good morning, steve.

Good morning, blue.

Have a wonderful day. Bye.


Steve, steve!

Was that you calling me?

Oh, wonder who it was.

Better go check this out.



Oh, that's jane, calling us from her book.

[Barking "blue skiddoo"]


♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too. ♪

Hey, jane, were you calling us?


Steve, this is my friend carly.

Oh, hi, carly.

Carly is deaf.

She can't hear, and she talks

By making signs with her hands.

Oh, sign language.

Well, we know a little bit of american sign language.


We just made up a story.

Want to see it?


Oh... "One sunny day

A girl was sitting by a tree..." Something.

Can you hold on for one second?

You know, I don't know what all these signs mean.

Will you help me figure them out?

You will? Great.

So what do you think this sign means?


Eating... Oh, yeah, that makes sense.

I understand.

"One sunny day, a girl was sitting by a tree eating."

Is that how your story goes?



Ready for the rest of the story?


"Then the girl stood up

And began..." Something.

Hold on, hold on.

I don't know that sign, either.

"The girl stood up

And began," uh...

What do you think this means?


Walking, right.

Does this sign mean "walking?"

Oh, I understand.


♪ La-la-la...

Are you ready for the next part of our story?


Ooh. "The girl began walking

And suddenly..." Ooh.

Wow, what happened there?

Wait, I don't know

That sign, either.

"The girl began walking

And suddenly..." [Gasps]

What do you think this sign means?




Ooh, did the girl in your story

Suddenly become [gasps] scared?

I understand.



I got to know what happened next.

Tell the rest of the story.

"The girl became scared

Because she saw...

Saw a... A..."

Wait, I have no idea what that sign is.

What does this mean?


An elephant?

Did the girl in your story suddenly get scared

Because she saw an elephant?

Oh... I understand.

All righty, I think I'm getting this.

So far your story goes like this...

Will you make all the signs with me? Great.

"One sunny day, a girl

"Was sitting by a tree, eating.

"The girl stood up

And began walking..."


"Suddenly, she got scared

Because she saw an elephant."

Hoo-hoo... What happened then?

Uh, hi.

Hi. You okay?

Oh, sure.

Finish your story...

I was really into it.

"Then the elephant

"And the girl

Became friends."

The end.

Hey, great story!

Steve, you read all the signs in our story.

What's that sign mean?

Oh, we know what that sign is.

Right, "good job."

How do you know all those signs?

Well, I had some help.

Good job.

You sure know a lot about signs.

We're going to go play now.

Oh, bye.

Bye, carly.


Hey, we better go find our last clue

So we can figure out where blue wants to eat her snack.

[Barking "blue skiddoo"]

A clue, a clue!

Oh, you want me to read this sign, too?

Okay... It says the living room is that way.

No, a clue!

Oh, you see another sign...

And it's a clue? Where?

Right there!

Whoa, okay, so this table sign is a clue.

We better put it in our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

We need to right this table clue in our notebook.

So we draw a rectangle...

And then some lines for legs...

And we have a table.

Well, we have all three clues.

Hey, we have all three clues!

We're ready to sit in our...

Thinking chair!

Thinking chair, right. Come on.

Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.

You will help me, right?


All right, we better figure out

Where blue wants to eat her snack, because...

I'm getting really hungry.

Our three clues are...

A green light...

A door with this arrow...

And a table.

So, where could blue

Want to eat her snack

With a green light?

Well, what does a green light mean?


Go, right.

So maybe blue

Wants to go somewhere.

But where?

Well, where is this arrow pointing?


Yeah, outside.

So maybe blue wants to go outside to...

A table, yeah.

Well, what kind of table

Is outside?

The picnic table!

Oh, the picnic table, right!

Blue, do you want to go outside

To the picnic table to eat your snack?

[Barking "yes"]

We just figured out blue's clues!

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause we're really smart.

Okay, blue, let's go...



[Barks "hello"]

To our picnic table

And eat our snack.

Everything looks so good.

I am so hungry.

Let's eat.

Hi, steve.

We brought you some flowers.

Well, thank you so much.

Remember how we helped pail find shovel

By reading all those signs?

Those look great...

But not as great as these banana slices.

Hi, steve!

Hi. Look, it's jane and carly.

How you doing?

Remember how we figured out

All the signs in their story?

We're just having a little snack.

Sit down, join us.

Carly says it looks yummy.

Oh, yeah.

Let's eat.


Hey, thank you so much for all your help today.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you and my dog blue ♪

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we wanna do.

Thank you so much.

Bye-bye. See you.


[Barking happily]

[Barks "good-bye"]


[Giggling, laughing]
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