04x02 - Environments

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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04x02 - Environments

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, Steve.

Have you seen Blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.


Oh, hi!

I'm so glad you're here.

Come on in.

Blue and I are going on a trip.

Do you want to come with us?

You do?

Great! Come on.

Blue, looks who's coming with us!


See, there's so many different places we can go

and each one has its own environment.

You know, its own weather and plants and animals.


Wow, look at this forest environment.

It's full of...

what is it full of?


Trees, yeah, and lots of them.


Ooh, and look at this.

The Arctic tundra.

What do you think all that white stuff is?



Yeah, snow and ice

so I guess it's really cold there.


And there's lots of others, too

like a desert, an island, a swamp, the grasslands...

We better start packing.

Okay, Blue, looks like we have something

for just about every environment here.


Where do you want to go?


Oh! We'll play Blue's Clues

to figure out where Blue wants to go on our trip!

I love Blue's Clues.

♪ We are gonna play Blue's Clues ♪

♪ 'cause it's a really great game, yeah. ♪

So remember, Blue's paw print will be on the clues.

Blue's Clues.

Hey, Paw Print?


If you could go to any environment

any environment in the whole world

where would you go?

[Hawaiian-style music playing]

Oh... looks like the paw print

would go to a tropical island

which is a good choice

because they have all that sun and sand

and they're all surrounded by water.

Nice one.




Hey, you know what we need to play Blue's Clues.

Our handy-dandy...



[Side Table yodeling]

Hi, Steve.

I just love the mountains.

Look and see.

Whoa! Those mountains look really rocky.

And there's snow and ice on the top

so it must be really cold up there...

[echoes]: cold up there....

Plus, you get this cool echo... echo...

The mountains! Great!

Ah... well, thank you very much...

Side Table... Side Table!

To play Blue's Clues, we got to find a...

Paw print!

Oh, a paw print, right.

And that's our first... Clue!

A clue? A clue!

Then we put it in our... Notebook.

♪ 'Cause they're Blue's Clues

♪ Blue's Clues

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's Clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook

♪ 'Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues ♪

♪ You know what do-- sit down in our Thinking Chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...


♪ That we want to do.

You know, I can tell

I'm really going to need your help

figuring out where Blue wants to go on our trip.

You will help, right?

You will? Great!

But, um, where is Blue?



Oh, this way.


♪ We are looking for Blue's Clues ♪

♪ to figure out where Blue wants to go on our trip. ♪

A clue, a clue!


Exotic suggestion!

No, a clue!

Mm-hmm, green fields, tall mountains...

A clue, right there!

Oh, you see a clue?

Oh, on this sun.

That's a bright clue, ha.

Hey, you know where we need to write this clue?

In our sunny, funny...


Notebook, right.

Okay, the sun.

So, we draw a big circle

and little lines for the hot rays of sunlight.

There, a sun.

So, our first clue is the sun.


So, where could Blue want to go on our trip that's sunny?

Maybe... and maybe we better go pack for a sunny place.

Come on.

Okay, so, for a sunny environment, we'll need...

sun hats.

That's... one for me...

one for you...

and one for Blue.


Well, actually, hot.


Oh... a globe.

Thanks, Blue.

This globe lets you see different environments

all over the world.

Uh... what are those brown parts

that are higher than the others

and kind of rocky?



Right, mountains... mountains...

Woman: ♪ Grasslands are flat... ♪

Ooh, that's good.

Did you hear that?

[barking "Blue Skidoo" tune]

Blue just skidooed into that globe.

Let's go, too.

♪ Blue skidoo, we can, too.

[wind blowing]

Hey... that's Mother Nature!

She's famous.

♪ Grasslands are...

♪ flat...


Hi, Mother Nature.

How you doing?

Is there something we can help you with?

I'm making up a tune about environments

but I can't think of all the words.

Well, we've been learning about environments all day.

How does your tune start?

Like this...

♪ Grasslands are flat, and... ♪

Would you help me out here, please?

I need a word that describes grasslands--

this place.

Okay, well...

grasslands are flat, and... what?

[wind blowing loudly]


Right, windy! Ha.

Hey, Mother...

Mother Nature.

How about windy?

Does that word fit?

Windy! That's it!

♪ The grasslands are flat ♪

♪ but hold on to your hat ♪

♪ 'Cause they're windy

[barks "windy"]

BOTH: ♪ With plenty of tall grass

♪ which helps the animals hide. ♪


Can you help me again?

Sure, I'd love to.



Okay. Well, where are we now?

The tropical rain forest.

Oh! All right...

Well, what's the tune here?

♪ The rain forests are hot, and, and... ♪

Oh, I'm stumped on this word, too.

I think we can help again.

Rain forests are hot and...

Rain forests are hot and... what?


Rainy, right.

Hey, Mother...

Mother Nature, how about rainy?

Is that the right word for your song?

Is it ever!

♪ The rain forest is hot

♪ but it's a really wet spot ♪

♪ 'Cause it's rainy

Oh, yeah!

♪ But that's no reason to frown ♪

BOTH: ♪ 'Cause everything is growing all around. ♪


There's one more environment I could use your help with.


This is the Arctic tundra.

Tundra, huh? Okay.

So, lay that tundra tune on us.

♪ The tundra is cold and... ♪

Something... um...

Well, the tundra is cold...

The tundra is cold...

Cold and what?


Snowy... yeah!

Hey, Mother... Nature.

How about snowy?

Is that the word you're missing?

That's great!

You're a natural songwriter.

♪ The tundra is cold

♪ and everywhere you look

BOTH: ♪ it's white and snowy

Go on, kid, uh-huh

♪ It's so completely freezing ♪

BOTH: ♪ there aren't any trees in the ground. ♪

Now let's sing the whole tune.

All right.

BOTH: ♪ The grasslands are flat

♪ but hold on to your hat

♪ 'cause they're windy

♪ With plenty of tall grass

♪ which helps the animals hide... ♪


♪ The rain forest is hot

♪ but it's a really wet spot

♪ 'cause it's rainy

♪ But that's no reason to frown ♪

♪ 'cause everything is growing all around ♪

♪ The tundra is cold

♪ and everywhere you look, it's white and snowy ♪

♪ It's so completely freezing

♪ there aren't any trees in the ground. ♪

Thank you, my wonderful creatures.

Hey, no sweat, Mother Nature.

And thank you.

Well, I've got to whirl.

I left a storm brewing over the fjords.


See you!


You know, with all these environments

I wonder where Blue's going to want to go on our trip.

We'd better find our next clue.

That will help.

A clue.


You know, I had a pen pal there.

He lived by this wide, curvy river.

A clue!

Right there!

Oh, you see a clue!


And it's...


Sand, right.

Hey, we better write this down

in our sandy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Okay... sand.

So, we draw a shape with a line, like this

and we fill it with some dots, like this.

There... sand.

So, we're trying to figure out

where Blue wants to go on our trip

and our first clue was, um...


Right, the sun.

And now, our second clue is... sand.

So, where could Blue want to go on our trip with sun and sand?

Do you think?

Maybe, but, uh, I think we better find

our last Blue's Clue, just to be sure.

[Blue barks]

Ooh, come on.

[barking "Blue Skidoo" tune]

There goes Blue.

Whoo, what a trip.

Hey, we packed sun stuff.

Let's go pack sand stuff.


Okay, how about...

these sandals?

You know, for walking around on the sand in the sun.

♪ ...Mail Time, Mail Time!

Ooh, the mail's here.

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "Mail!" ♪


Mail's here, mail's in. Whew!

Hey, Mailbox, what's with the new look?

I had to travel to another environment

to get your letter.

And here it is.

Uh... thanks.

You're welcome.

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

It's a letter from our friends.

ALL: Hi, Steve!

We're at the swamp.

We know that we're in a swamp

because trees grow in the water.

What's that green stuff?

WOMAN: That green stuff is called duckweed.

The ducks like to eat it.

There's a frog right there! See?


I see a plant.

WOMAN: They're called swamp lilies.

They grow out of the water.

ALL: Bye, Steve!


Wow, the swamp.


[bubbling and squeaking]

What's that sound?

You think?


Let's go see.


I made the bathroom into my favorite environment.

Can you figure out where we are?

Oh, sure... we... can.

Hang on.

[glass squeaking]

You will help, right?


Come on.


Okay, well, what's it like here?

It's, uh... it's kind of hot.

Oh... and rainy.

What environment is kind of hot

kind of rainy, and...

has everything growing all around?

The rain forest!

The rain forest.

Slippery, is the rain forest your favorite environment?



♪ The rain forest is hot

♪ but it's a really wet spot

♪ 'cause it's rainy...

That's right. [laughs]

You knew, I never knew

you could have a rain forest in your bathroom.


What's that?

Sounds like it's coming from the backyard.

Hi, Steve!

Can you figure out our favorite environment?

Come on!

Okay... well, which environment is this?

What's it like here?

It's, uh... kind of flat, and...

[wind blowing]

Windy. Ha.

Check out this tall grass.

Hey, which environment was kind of flat

and sort of windy and...

had lots of tall grass

where, you know, animals could hide?


[wind blows]

Grasslands, yeah!

Hey, Shovel, Pail!

Oh. Are we in the grasslands?

Is that your favorite environment?


You are so smart, environmentally speaking.

♪ Grasslands are flat

♪ so hold on to your hat ♪

♪ 'cause it's windy

♪ Buh-buh-buh...

Hey, another great environment.

Ha. Thanks, Pail, thanks, Shovel.


Come on.

Hello, Steve! Hello, Steve!

We're making an environment cake.

Can you figure out which environment

this cake is decorated to be?

So, which environment is this?

Um, there's lots of ice...

and polar bears.

So I guess it must be... cold.

Yeah, and...

It seems to be... snowy.


Okay, so, which environment

is cold and snowy and... no trees?

The tundra!

Yeah, the tundra is cold and snowy.

Hey, Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper...

are you making a tundra cake?


It's true!

♪ The tundra is cold

♪ and everywhere you look

♪ it's white and snowy...


Nice cake.

It's an ice cream cake.

I should have known.

You know, Blue loves ice cream tundras.

[Blue barks]


Perhaps she's in a different environment.

A clue!

Like a muddy marsh.

No, a clue behind you!

Oh, behind me?

There is a clue... on this cactus!

Better put in my tiny, spiny...


Notebook, right.

Okay... a cactus.

So, we start with a line that curves around like this...

and some lines for the spines.

There... a cactus.

A cactus is our third clue.

Do you know what this means?

We're ready to sit in our...

Thinking Chair!

Thinking Chair! Let's go!


Okay, now that we're in our Thinking Chair

let's think.

You will help me, right?

Great. So, we're trying to figure out

where Blue wants to go on our trip.

And our clues are...



and a cactus.

So, where could Blue want to go on our trip

with sun, sand and a cactus?

Well, what environment has all those things?

Well, the sun would make it... hot, yeah

and the sand would probably be dry...

and maybe the prickly cactus grows there.

Well, what place is very hot, very dry

has sand and maybe a cactus?

The desert.

The desert!

Yeah, that's it.

Because the desert has all those things.

We just figured out Blue's Clues!

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ 'Cause we're really smart.

Blue, is a desert where you wanted to go on our trip?

[barking "the desert"]

Ooh... guess it was.

Let's finish packing.

Okay, so we have our sun hats

because the sun beats down

really hard in the desert

and we have our sandals

you know, for walking around in the sand

and now we have these canteens

filled with drinking water because it is so dry.


Okay, looks like we're all set.

We are desert-ready.

[barks "desert-ready"]

Let's go to the desert.

Wow, Blue, this is an amazing desert.

It's a good thing we got all our stuff.

Okay... what do we have here?

Ah, my hat...

Your hat... here you go.

Ooh, looks good.

Uh, you better put these on.

You know, for walking around in the sand.

There you go.

Ah... my canteen.

And... your canteen.

There you go.

You ready? Good.

I'm ready, Blue's ready.

We're desert-ready.

[barks "desert-ready"]

Look, it's Mother Nature!

Remember how we helped her

with that environment tune?

Hey, Mother Nature...

um, can we sing that song again?

I'd love to.


BOTH: Did somebody say grasslands?

MOTHER NATURE AND STEVE: ♪ The grasslands are flat

♪ but hold on to your hat

♪ 'cause they're windy...

[Blue barking]

♪ With plenty of tall grass

♪ which helps the animals hide... ♪


What about the rain forest?

♪ The rain forest is hot

♪ but it's a really wet spot

♪ 'cause it's rainy...

Oh, yeah!

♪ But that's no reason to frown ♪

♪ 'cause everything is growing all around ♪

ALL: Don't forget the tundra.

♪ The tundra is cold

♪ and everywhere you look, it's white and snowy... ♪

[Blue barking]

Oh, groovy!

♪ It's so completely freezing

♪ there aren't any trees in the ground. ♪


♪ Before the desert sun sinks

♪ you'll be wanting a drink

♪ 'cause it's so dry...

Oh, it's bone dry.

♪ With a lot of hot sand

♪ stretching out as far as you can see. ♪

[Blue barking]

Oh, I just love that tune.


That's a great song.

Come on.

Hey, thank you so much for all your help today.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, Blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

Buh-bye, thanks for coming.

See you later.

♪ Do-do-do, do, do, do

[barking song]

[barking good-bye]


[giggles, laughs]
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