02x06 - Timvisible/That Old Black Magic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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02x06 - Timvisible/That Old Black Magic

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky

♪ Always giving him commands

Bed, twerp!

♪ Doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality...

♪ They are his oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

Wands and wings.floaty, crowny things.

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, peapod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice.

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are a kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

Hope you have a great last day of school, timmy.

How can I not?

Today's the day I get my perfect attendance award.

We're so proud of you.

You may not have gotten an award for grades or sports,

But when it comes to showing up, you sure do show up a lot.

Oh, no. Francis is outside looking for me.

How do you know he's looking for you?

It's the last day of school.

He celebrates by pounding all the guys.

Hey there, francis. It's just me.

Me, the girl.

Not the boy that you would pound if I was a boy,

Which I'm not, because I'm a girl.

Please, francis, no!

I'm still wearing a dress!

Well, honey, anything else before we drop you off,

Don't look back, and pay absolutely no mind to that scary, gray child?

Yeah, can you drop me off inschool?

Bye, mom and dad! See you later at the awards ceremony!

Both: bye, timmy!

[Coughs] thank you for joining us today, mr. Turner.


[Bell rings]

Look! Over there! A rottweiler!

I'm not falling for that one, turner.

You're right. It's just a brick wall.

A brick wall? Where?

You know, sweetie,

Running away from your problems never solved anything.


But it's great cardio! Run, timmy, run!

A dead end!

Oh, man! If francis sees me, I'm dead!

Wait! Sees me! That's it!

I wish I was invisible!

Cool! You can see right through me!

You're , sweetie. You're not that hard to figure out.


Oh, no! Francis is coming!

You two gotta hide!

I wish that you looked like school kids.

All right, turner, it's time to--

Hey! Where'd turner go?

Brown hair, big teeth?

Short kid, silly pink hat?


Both: never heard of him!

[Timmy chuckles]

Well, when you see him,

Tell him I'm gonna give him a special year-end punch!

Or I'll give it to you.

Oh, cool! I love presents!

Now that's one angry puppy.

Timmy? Timmy?

Cool! I'm invisible!

That means--well, I get to do invisible stuff.



Haunted locker room!


And if you take the sum of the corners,

Then add them to my salary, you get...

Eh, it's not a lot.

Aah! That noise!

It's coming from nowhere!

It's the haunted chalkboard!



Haunted chalkboard? Ha!

I'm not dissecting it. You dissect it.

No way, man. I'm a vegetarian.

Out of the way, geeks!

Ha! This is what I'd do to turner if he was a frog!

Nobody does that to my friends

As long as I can't be seen defending them.

Hey, pick on someone your own species!

Ooh! Ow! Ouch! Ow!

Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

The ghost frog beating up francis? Yeah.

Both: awesome.

Both: ghost frog! The school is haunted!


Hmm. That child with the overactive pituitary gland

Is getting beaten up by a floating frog.


But wait. Frogs don't float or beat up children.

There's only one logical explanation.

Timmy turner has wished himself invisible

With the help of his fairy godparents!



I'll show them that fairies do exist.

I'll show them all!

[Laughing maniacally]

Wow! Being invisible rocks!

With the help of my heat-seeking fairy goggles,

I'll be able to find this invisible boy!

But where to look. Where to look.

Mr. Crocker!

What do you think you're doing?

Principal waxelplax.

I'm just hunting fairies.

Knock it off, crocker.

I don't want anything freaking out the children

During the awards ceremony.

Both boys: aaaah!

Ghost frog!

Haunted locker room!

Haunted chalkboard!

Too late.

Oh, my gosh!

I totally forgot about the ceremony!

If I don't show up in person,

I won't get my award.

And I can't show up if I'm invisible.

Gotta find cosmo and wanda.

There they are! And they're spaniards!

¿Donde esta el queso apestoso?


[Clears throat]

Tengo un puerco en mis chones.

You have a hog in your pants?!


Then you get extra credit.


Extra credit!

Uh-oh. Crocker.


Magic vision goggles! He can see me!

I gotta get out of here!

I got you now, turner.

Fairies! Fairies! Fairies!

Blast! Missed!

[Bell rings]

Oh, no! It's : !

I'm gonna miss the ceremony.


Do we pay taxes for ghosts? No!

I love awards ceremonies.

I've never missed one!

Hey! I've got perfect attendance like timmy.

Good thing the ghosts can't reach us in the car.


Where's timmy? It's not like him to dodge things.


You know, once I capture you, you little ghost boy,

I will finally be able to prove that fairies do exist!

[Whispering] if I can just keep as quiet as a mouse.

Turner! Oh, no!

Now I have you!

Gotta get to the awards ceremony!

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.

And welcome to the awards ceremony!


[Crickets chirping][man clears throat]

Well...let's begin anyway.

I think I'll pick up the best-dressed award.

What do you think, steve?


Well, I can't find turner.

You know what thatmeans.

Um...it means you and I are gonna be best friends,

And you won't k*ll me or my pet pig steve?

We gotta find timmy before it's too late.

With my supersonic bat sonar,

I'll be able to find timmy even though he's invisible.



Boy, am I glad to see you.

Oh, I wish I could say the same.

You're still invisible.

I don't know what to do.

If I wish myself visible, francis will k*ll me.

And if you don't?

Then I don't get my award.

And cosmo gets hit because I'm being a coward.

And that's not fair.

Could the day get any worse?


Oh, yeah. There's that.

And now, for our final award.

The much sought after perfect attendance award.


Please be timmy. Please be timmy.

Oh, bless his little lungs.

He's probably so nervous he can't even breathe.


Ha ha. I've got you now, invisible boy.

Ha ha ha ha!

What the--

A bat?

That's right!

I'm sorry, timmy. Would you like a swing?

No, I'm good. Continue.

Instead of facing my fears,

I've been too busy having fun being invisible...

All at the expense of those who really care for me.

Ah, who am I kidding? I just want my award.

I wish I was visible!

And the winner of the perfect attendance award is...

Timmy turner!

[Honking][cheers and applause]

Thank you!

Behold, fairy godparents do exist!

And as proof, I show you...

An invisible boy!

Oh, yeah? Invisible boy?

Well, this is me clapping my invisible hands.

[All laughing]

[Gasp] crocker!

You're the ghost!

You covered yourself in flour to scare the students

And make us think ghosts and fairies were real!


Crocker: no! No! No, please!

I'm not crazy! No.


Ow! That doesn't bend that way! Aaaaaah!

[Cheers and applause]

I love a good opening act.

Congratulations, turner.

Ready for your other award?

Sure. Do your worst.

You're not afraid?

Of course I am.

I'm just not running away from you anymore.

After my adventures today,

I've learned to take more responsibility for my actions

And face my fears instead of hiding behind my friends.

Wow. That's pretty noble of you.

Yes. Yes, it is.

I'm still gonna wail on you, though.


My hand!

Ow! My other hand!

Ow! My head!

Ow! My spleen!

Well, what do you know?

It doesn't hurt to have perfect attendance.

We sure are proud of you, timmy.

Yeah, and look at that neat dented medal you got.

In my day, all we got were the cruddy undented ones!

Mom: anything interesting happen on your last day of school?

Mmm. Not really.

In fact, if you didn't know any better...

It's like I wasn't even there.

[All laughing]

[Horns honking]


Are we at the amusement park yet, dad?

Don't be in such a rush, timmy.

It's friday the th,

Which means we have to be extra careful today.

Safety first, sweetie.

And here are your two cell phones, honey.

Hello, mr. Turner? It's me, mr. Turner.

I'm driving with my feet!

Is there anything you two can't do?

Wanda: we really shouldn't rush, timmy.

It is friday the th.

Yeah, what's the big hurry anyway?

We're going to adrenaland,

The greatest amusement park on earth.

I'm not gonna let some dumb superstition slow us down.


Well, I thought you liked that other amusement park.


No way! That park was for babies!

Dad, when do we get to the ride?

This isthe ride!

Mom and dad: yippee!

But escalatorland is all the fun of walking up stairs!

Yeah, but adrenaland is for kids and over!

And I'm finally or over!

Which means I'm finally big enough to ride the spleen puncher!




Are you gonna throw up, timmy?

You bet! I've been practicing all week!

Watch! Yaah!

This is gonna be great!

Turner , this is turner . Come in, over.

Turner , come in! Why don't I answer?!

Whoa! Watch where you're stepping!

Step on a crack, break your mother's back!

Ah, come on!

That's just some dumb superstition.

Watch it, timmy!

On friday the th, the anti-fairies escape from fairyworld

And cause bad luck everywhere!

Yeah, they're like regular fairies, only anti,

And friday the th is their christmas!


Who stepped on a crack?

Uh...you did?

Darn me! Good thing I've got my briefcase

Full of good luck charms!

Take this. It'll stop bad luck.

It's too late for your mom...



"The following rides are open today--

All of them,"

Including the spleen puncher!

Nothing could possibly ruin this day!



Darn it!


Curse you, my own two feet.

Stop hurting my wife!

No time to talk.

Quick, take this -leaf clover

And go enjoy yourself!

Go on...without me.

The spleen puncher might be down,

But I can still ride the bowel buster!


[Muffled screams]

Darn it!

[Kids screaming on ride]

Oh, boy! The kidney twister!



Get your tasty salt here!

Take it and put it on stuff! Salt!

Wanda: well, for someone who doesn't believe

In bad luck, you're sure getting a lot of it.

I don't believe in luck,

But I do subscribe to the theory

Of horribly inconvenient coincidences.

I mean, look at all these awesome rides.

They can't all break down!

I'm gonna stay positive!


New theory. I'm having bad luck.

That's it!

I wish my bad luck would stop!

Wanda: timmy, we're not allowed to interfere with anti-fairies.

Well, where are they?

I don't see any anti-fairies here.

You can only see them with these anti-fairy goggles.


Cosmo: stylish and functional!


Hey, I can see one!

Why are they picking on me?

Wanda: oh, they pick on everybody,

But on friday the th,

They slip away from fairy world and cause trouble.



Anybody see my teeth?


That's terrible.

Aaah! My back!


I'm not leaving until every crack in this park is filled!

Come back!

Hey, you!

Stop hurting my mom and ruining my day!

And hurting my mom!

I want to talk to those anti-fairies right now!


Let's go kick some anti-butt!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

We're in fairy world!

[Angelic singing]

Where are the anti-fairies?

Over there!

And jorgen's guarding the door!

Of course I am!

And if these anti-fairies want to get to earth,

They'll have to go through me!

They already have gotten through.

Not my shift.

No one is allowed in anti-fairy world.

Then I wish they were all out here.





Hey! I want to--

Listen, you!

I need to have a word with--

Why won't they stop?

Actually, timothy, why should we?


I'm the anti- fairy cosmo.

I'm not an idiot in any manner whatsoever.

And I'm the anti-wanda!

I'm incredibly stupid and eat with my feets!

Anti-cosmo: you see, we've been trapped

Behind that blasted barrier for centuries,

But we knew some friday the th,

Some child would be stupid enough

To have his fairies bring him here

And wish all of us free!

You're our hero! Our big stupid hero!

What a scoop!

Oh, man. This is really bad, isn't it?

I'll say. That anti-cosmo made me feel like an idiot.

It's not bad yet.

As long as they're here in fairy world,

We can always round them up later.

Hey! This isn't the men's room!

You've betrayed me again!


Jorgen, you have to get them back!

And I will! I will use every urg of my awesome fairy powers to--

[Horn blows]

Shift's over. Your problem.


I guess it's up to us!

You think?

Oh, man!

The anti-fairies are gone!

Cosmo: and look! Everyone's had bad luck!

Dad! Mom! You're ok!

Yes, and I made good luck suits for your mother and myself!

Oh, thank goodness timmy's fine.

Let's go find a working ride!

Timmy, the whole world's falling apart!

Look at this conveniently placed

Big screen television!

Bad luck...



Amuck. I'm chet ubetcha.

Whether it's paris...

Yeah, being the eiffel tower salt guy

Is much better than the last job I had.


Or right here in the greatest country on earth.

Bad luck runs rampant.

Mr. President, whatever you do,

Don't touch that big red button next to the salt.

You mean this button?

We've gotta get the anti-fairies back to fairy world!

How are we gonna find them?

We're not! We'll make them come to us!

[Birds crowing]

The anti-fairies have to go where bad luck happens, right?

Both: right.

Let's get unlucky.

The more bad luck I cause,

The more anti-fairies will have to come here.

And once they're here, we'll trick them back

Into anti-fairy world.

Hit me.




If I don't make it out of here...

Tell my dad... He's weird.



Mr. President, you almost caused a nucular w*r.

What are you gonna do next?

I'm going to escalatorland!

Anti-wanda: tarnation! That buck-toothed punk

Tricked us back into fairy world!

Don't worry. We'll get back.

Who's going to stop us?

[Horn blows]

So many anti-bones,

So little time!


Come on, timmy, this park is dangerous!

But, dad, everything's fine now!


Let's...go...have... Family...fun.

Good idea.

I've never felt more alive.

When do we get to the ride?

This is the ride!

Yippee! Yippee!

Next year, we're going camping.
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