National Geographic: Jerusalem - Within These Walls (1987)

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National Geographic: Jerusalem - Within These Walls (1987)

Post by bunniefuu »

Within these walls lies a mystical city...

an ancient promise of peace so desired

that man has warred over it for

thousands of years.

Over the centuries its walls

have been reddened

by the blood of Jebusites and Jews,

Babylonians and Persians

armies of Arabs, Crusaders,

Ottoman Turks, and the British Empire.

Sacred city of the soul for one

third of the earth's people,

through the millennia it has drawn

mankind to itself like a magnet.

To all who live, work, and visit here,

this is more than a city;

it is a haven the fulfillment

of some dream

or prophecy the legacy of generations

who have gone before.

For this man and his family,

coming here was the consummation

of a promise made,

This man came here as an orphaned boy

and found a miniature version of

his lost nation.

The dark shadow of h*tler's

armies advancing

across Europe drove this man

on a path

that led to the discovery of his roots

in the very earth beneath his home.

The magnetism of the city's Holy

Places is so strong

that this man risked losing his

own family to come here.

Proud inheritor of a name

that has lived in this city

for 1,300 years,

this man's life bridges past

and future.

From near and far they have come,

searching for refuge, for their pasts,

and the meaning of the present.

Three thousand years of vibrant

history, hope,

and belief are rooted here

within the walls of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, within these walls

in the tiny enclave that is

the Old City,

some of the greatest dramas

in the history

of mankind have been enacted.

This is a story of that city crucible

of the world's three

great monotheistic religions...

symbol of peace in an area of

turmoil and upheaval.

It is a story of peoples of

profoundly different cultures

who struggle to maintain

those differences

people who have fought each other,

but now live side by side in

sometimes uneasy coexistence.

Jews from around the world pray

at the Western Wall vestige of

the Second Temple...

object of Jewish yearning and

prayer for 2,000 years.

Here, built on the sites

where tradition says Jesus spent

His last moments on earth,

was crucified and entombed,

is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Most holy of shrines

in the Christian world,

this church has attracted pilgrims

since the time of Constantine

the Great.

In the walls of their

ancient quarter,

Armenians strive to preserve the

heritage of a vanished kingdom...

in their lives... and in the hearts

and minds of their younger generation.

Consecrated under this Dome is the

sacred rock where,

tradition says,

Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac...

over which the ancient temples of

the Jews were built...

from which, Muslims proclaim,

Muhammad journeyed to heaven.

This tumult of people and history

intersects in the labyrinth of

the ancient bazaars.

Wrapped around the venerable city

like the setting

for an exotic jewel are the walls

retaining traces

of the eras of King Herod,

the Romans, and Crusaders...

last rebuilt by Suleiman the

Magnificent 400 years ago.

Outside the walls, there is the

twentieth century,

the new city of Jerusalem,

and the administrative center of

the nation of Israel.

Inside is a city believed

by medieval man

to be the center of the Universe,

a city known to more people

for a longer time

than any other on earth.

Here, the heart of historic

Jerusalem still beats.

Its ethnic-religious quarters cling

to the sites that give them life:

the Dome of the Rock:

third holiest place of Islamic

pilgrimage after Mecca

and Medina and focal point of

the Muslim Quarter...

the Western Wall

known as the Wailing Wall...

symbol of the Jewish Quarter...

the Church of the Holy Sepulcher,

core of the Christian Quarter that

has grown around it...

the Cathedral of St. James,

spiritual center of the

Armenian Quarter.

Twenty-six thousand souls make their

home in the Old City,

packed into an area of less than

one square mile.

Their story began 3,000 years ago,

when King David bought the threshing

floor on this hill as the site

for the temple of the Jew's one God.

Having subdued the Jebusites,

he transformed their city

into the capital

of the United Kingdom of Israel

and thrust Jerusalem center stage in

a drama that continues to this day.

Once a royal center of

impressive structures

and massive fortifications,

the City of David has begun to reveal

its past to archeologists

under the direction of Dr. Yigal

Shiloh of the Hebrew University.

"David made this city more important

than others

by choosing this location to become

the capital of Judea at the south

and Israel at the north."

The residential area of David's

capital probably looked

much like this village of today.

Urbanization undoubtedly began here

because of the presence of the

Spring of Gihon

a constant source of water.

At the end of the eighth century B.C.,

anticipating an att*ck by the Assyrians,

King Hezekiah ordered

this tunnel built.

"Why should the kings of Assyria

come and find much water?"

asks the Bible in Second Chronicles

Cut deep underground,

the tunnel carried the water

nearly 1,800 feet

from the spring outside the wall

to a point inside the city.

"This system was done by king Hezekiah

as it is described in the Bible

and the inscription that was found

at the southern end of the tunnel."

The city survived the siege

of the Assyrians.

But in 586 B.C., Babylonian forces

b*rned Jerusalem,

massacred thousands, and exiled

the enslaved survivors.

Archeologists have uncovered poignant

reminders of those

who once lived here,

including clay seals bearing names

of people mentioned in the Bible.

The lament of the exiles echoes

through history:

"If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,

let my right hand forget her cunning...

let my tongue cleave to the roof

of my mouth,

if I prefer not Jerusalem above

my chief joy!"

A half century later,

the Persians defeated the Babylonians

and allowed the Jews to return.

The Second Temple rose on the site

of the first.

This model depicts Jerusalem as it was

when Jesus came here to celebrate

the festival of Passover.

Although He knew the repressive

Roman rulers

had labeled Him a rebel,

He continued to preach brotherhood

kindness, and charity.

In the last days before

His Crucifixion,

Jesus left the temple by these steps.

They are on of the few remnants

that remain for in 70 A.D.,

on the anniversary of the day

the Babylonians

had sacked the First Temple,

the Romans b*rned the city

butchered the people,

and took the rest as slaves.

Thus was Jerusalem destroyed

for a second time.

Six hundred years later

according to Muslim belief,

Muhammad departed for the

throne of God

from the sacred rock of Jerusalem

where the temple had stood.

Aware of the Holy Books of the Jews

and Christians,

Muhammad had converted the

idolatrous tribes of Arabia

to the concept of one God.

Only six years after his death,

an army of his followers stood at

Jerusalem's gates,

claiming the city as their own.

Muslims were to rule Jerusalem

for the next 1,300 years.

Except for two interruptions

when the Crusaders wrested

the city from them.

In the 20th century,

the flame of w*r again flared

in the Holy Land.

World w*r I: The British march

into Palestine

to fight the Ottoman Turks.

As it has some 20 times in

its recorded history,

in 1917 Jerusalem falls.

The Holy City is surrendered

to the British.

Mindful that Jesus had walked

into Jerusalem,

General Sir Edmund Allenby humbly

enters Jaffa Gate on foot.

There are renewed stirrings

of Zionism,

the concept of a modern Jewish nation

In 1947,

the United Nations votes to end

the British Mandate

and partition Palestine into Jewish

and Arab states.

May 14, 1948: David Ben-Gurion


the fulfillment of the dream

of generations,"

makes a proclamation Jews everywhere

have long awaited:

"The State of Israel has arisen."

The next day, six neighboring Arab

countries inv*de,

determined to crush the infant nation

before it is born.

With Jerusalem under siege and the

Jewish Quarter ready to fall,

the Holy Books are removed.

Jerusalem is a divided city.

For 19 years the Old City will

be ruled by Jordan.

In 1967, as the Six Day w*r rages,

Israeli paratroopers storm through

St. Stephen's Gate.

Defense Minister Moshe Dayan arrives

at the Western Wall...

in Jewish hands again for

the first time in 2,000 years.

According to ancient custom,

General Dayan writes a prayer

to place in the wall:

"May peace come to the Jewish people."

Today, a fragile peace reigns

in the Walled City.

The Supreme Muslim Council has remained

in charge of the Dome of

the Rock the Israelis

reclaimed the Western Wall,

cherished relic of their lost temple.

Jews from more than one hundred

cultural backgrounds

have come to live in their

ancient capital.

Many are Ashkenazi, from Europe

and the Americas;

the rest, Sephardic and Oriental Jews,

are from Mediterranean regions,

the Middle and Far East.

When the Jewish community in Yemen

heard of the establishment of Israel,

Joseph Zadok and his family decided

to emigrate immediately.

For them, the Biblical prophecy of

the return to Zion was fulfilled.

His grandson, Shalom, explains:

"My family knew from the Bible

and from our tradition that Jerusalem

was the Holy City.

When my family came from Yemen,

they wanted to live only in Jerusalem.

We call it center of the world."

Isolated in remote southern Arabia

for some 2,000 years,

persecuted by their Muslim rulers,

the Jews of Yemen had long dreamed

of redemption

in the promised land.

They clung to their beliefs,

and kept the ancient observances

in their purest form.

Now, celebrating Passover,

the Zadoks commemorate

the Jew's deliverance

from sl*very in Egypt,

just ad Jesus did at what has come

to be known as "The Last Supper."

The Bible promised "They that wait

upon the Lord...

shall mount up with wings as eagles."

In 1949 the Zadoks joined the flood

of Jews

crossing hundred of miles

of desert on foot,

donkey back, and by truck to Aden.

Those who survived the

torturous journey

were flown to the Holy Land

by an airlift dubbed

"Operation Magic Carpet."

Restricted to certain

occupations in Yemen,

many Jews were shoemakers

weavers, jewelers.

Joseph Zadok was a court jeweler

for the King of Yemen.

"Our family has been making jewelry

for more than seven generations.

It is our heritage, our tradition.

When we came from Yemen,

we tried to keep our traditions."

"Most of the Yemenite brides

in Jerusalem

use our wedding dress and jewelry."

The bride, of European ancestry,

carries on her groom's

family tradition.

She wears the elaborate jewelry

and costume the Zakods lend

to bridal parties

for a ceremony called the "hineh"

that accompanied every Jewish

wedding in Yemen.

The henna from which the festivity

derives its name

has long been used as a talisman

of good luck.

If the henna applied to the hands

of the bride

and groom remains in the morning,

their wedding will take place.

Mr. Zadok, a relative of the groom,

is here to bestow a blessing.

Beginning a life together,

this young couple shares

the rich heritage

of their combined European,

Oriental, and Israeli cultures.

During the Jordanian occupation

of the Old City,

the Jewish Quarter had been

nearly destroyed.

When reconstruction began after

the w*r of '67,

Theo and Miriam Siebenberg

were the third family to build here.

"It was my dream to come to Jerusalem.

Jews have been praying for Jerusalem

throughout the centuries,

for thousands of years,

going back even to the time of

the exile in Babylon."

"The Jewish Quarter is full of our

history from 3,000 years ago.

When we came, the Jewish Quarter

was completely destroyed,

and now everything is built and clean.

The changes were immense."

"I was born in Antwerp, Belgium.

My family left Antwerp on May 11,

after the Germans marched into Belgium."

As the n*zi horror swept across Europe,

the Siebenberg family fled...

first by car,

finally even crossing mountains on foot

Always fearful and in hiding,

for months the refugees traveled

against the tide of invaders

until they made their way to safety.

After the w*r, as the Jewish people

struggled to create a homeland,

Theo joined the underground.

Eventually, he made his way here.

Like all Jews born in Israel,

Miriam is known as a "sabra."

"My parents came from Warsaw, Poland.

I was born in Tel Aviv and I went

to regular school

and then the high school.

And after high school I went to the army,

like all the sabras in Israel did.

I thought I'd never leave the army,

I liked it so much."

Miriam and Theo met at a party

Today they often entertain

visiting dignitaries,

drawn by the remarkable discoveries

the Siebenbergs have unearthed.

When Theo and Miriam completed

their house in 1970,

archeologists were digging all around

them in the Jewish Quarter.

Fired by the dramatic finds being made,

Siebenberg determined to build a

museum beneath his home.

As workmen removed 3,000 years of

accumulated debris,

tangible links with those who had

lived on this site

through the millennia began to emerge.

"These stones here are each made out

of one large block of stone.

They are sections actually of

the aqueduct

the passed here 2,000 years ago

and which brought water into the

city of Jerusalem."

"Now this is a mikvah or Jewish

ritual bath,

which is 2,000 years old

and belonged to the mansion

which stood above here.

And of course that was a

three-floor-high house."

The home probably b*rned

when the Romans sacked

Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

"Now if you look down here,

these rooms that you see

down below..."

"...they were hewn out of solid rock

about 3,000 years ago.

That's roughly King Solomon's time.

The openings that you see here were

called a nefesh, or the soul."

"The soul would actually rise out of

these openings,

and there was on top of this a

pyramid-shaped stone structure,

which was the permanent abode of

the soul."

For Theo Siebenberg,

each discovery provided palpable

contact with the past and his people.

"Actually we're four floors under

the house now.

I find this probably the most

exciting part of the excavation.

Actually we're standing in a room

which goes back thousands of years,

and you can almost feel the presence

of the people

who lived here at that time you know,

King Solomon's time

King David's time."

"This is a machine g*n

which was used in the w*r of

Independence in 1948."

"The same week I found this I was

excavating three floors lower

at the other end of the site,

and I found..."

this arrowhead in the w*r

against the Romans in the year 70

of the Common Era."

"So you have this whole span of..."

"Of wars."


Absorbed by his passion,

Theo has spent fifteen years

and three million dollars creating

Siebenberg House,

the museum he and Miriam will

leave to the public.

"This was used 2,000 years ago

for crucifixion.

When you think of it...

Now take this inkwell.

You wonder what letters might

have been written

by the owner of the house..."

These artifacts will enable

future generations

to experience their connections

to ancient Jerusalem.

"This here actually is

carbonized wood

from the fire of this

house 2,000 years ago

when the house was destroyed."

"Don't touch it too often.

I see your fingers peeling if off"

"Traces of history"

Fifty years after the armies of Islam

burst like a thunderclap

across the desert to claim Jerusalem,

a Muslim caliph built a shrine

over the holy rock from

which Muhammad had ascended to

the Celestial Spheres.

This magnificent legacy has

drawn the faithful

for more than a thousand years.

Now, during Ramadan,

the Muslim holy month of fasting

and atonement,

thousands of pilgrims journey to

the Old City

for one of the Islamic world's most

important religious observances.

When prayers are over,

the throng disperses through the narrow

alleyways of the Muslim Quarter.

The family of Khalil Khalidi has

lived in the Holy Land

since the day 1,300 years ago

when his ancestor rode into Jerusalem

at the head of a column of

Islamic warriors.

Khalil has a shop in the Muslim Quarter

where he repairs furniture and antiques.

He specializes in

mother-of-pearl inlay.

His neighbor, a blind old player stops

by to pick up the instrument

that Khalil has repaired for him.

Through the centuries,

his family has provided a

succession of scholars

to Jerusalem's Muslim community.

Among their proudest achievements

and possessions is the Khalidi Library.

Founded in 1900, it consists of their

combined private collections:

Persian, English, French, and Turkish.

Khalil's uncle and cousin refer to

one of the many volumes written

by their ancestors.

"My family came to Jerusalem

with the Islamic liberation

in the year 636 B.C., 15 Hegira.

My family lived in Jerusalem

all its time,

but they were forced to Nablus

for 88 years

when the Crusaders occupied the city.

"They came back to Jerusalem with

the famous Islamic leader,

Saladin al Ayubib.

They were the political and the

religious rulers of Jerusalem."

With his cousin he examines their

remarkable family tree.

Each week Khalil goes to the

historic Muslim

cemetery outside the city walls.

"At the cemetery I go to pray

for my ancestor Muhammad Ali Khalidi.

He was the governor of Jerusalem

in the year 1808.

When I go to visit his tomb,

I feel that I am standing in front

of a great man

with deep roots in this country."

During the month of Ramadan the

Muslim Quarter pulse

with activity after sundown.

Here, where ties are old deep,

friend and family gather to commemorate

their ancestors at a mawlid.

Songs celebrating the birth of

the Prophet Muhammad

are followed by a sumptuous meal,

ending the fast they have observed

since sunrise.

Within the walls of the Old City

the ancient traditions resonate

across the ages,

binding the people of the present

with their treasured past.

Ironically, it was a Roman emperor

Constantine the Great,

who adopted Christianity as

the faith of his realm

and assured the future of

the religion.

His mother, the Empress Helena,

journeyed here three centuries

after Christ's death.

Over the sites where she believed

Jesus had been crucified and buried,

Constantine erected the Church of

the Holy Sepulcher.

Today the church is shared

by six Christian sects:

Greek, Armenian, Ethiopian

and Syrian Orthodox,

Roman Catholic, and Coptic.

The Copts have a tiny chapel at the

back of Christ's tomb;

the front chapel belongs to

the Greek Orthodox.

Among their holdings is the stone

where Jesus is thought to have lain

when He was taken from the cross.

Over the Rock of Calvary where Jesus

was crucified the Greek Orthodox

maintain a chapel.

Deep in the church near the base

of the Rock of Cavalry

is an Armenian Orthodox chapel

dedicated to St. Helena.

Medieval pilgrims etched tiny crosses

in the walls leading to the place

where Helena found what she thought

was the true Cross.

Painted on the bedrock is a ship

with the Latin inscription

"O Lord, we arrived."

It indicates that long before

this church

was built pilgrims journeyed here,

believing this to be the site of

the Crucifixion.

A mud hut village atop the roof

of the church is the only area

which the Ethiopian Orthodox,

one of the oldest Christian communities

in the Holy Land, can claim.

Control of even this modest outpost

is disputed in legal wrangles

that began in Ottoman times.

Tense rivalries between sects

have long raged

over rights to this most sacred of

Christian shrines.

Cloistered behind protective walls,

the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate

grew up

next to the Church of

the Holy Sepulcher.

Its monasteries, chapels,

and administrative offices

form a body comparable to a

miniature Vatican.

As a boy, Father Timothy felt

irresistibly drawn

to join the monks who serve here.

"I decided to join the brotherhood

because I like the aims

that the brothers have in front

of them,

to safeguard the Holy Places,

to venerate them, to have them ready

for every Christian to come also

and venerate."

Chief Secretary of the Patriarchate

and private secretary to

the Patriarch,

Father Timothy recalls the path

that led him here.

"When I was 14 years old,

a priest came once to preach

about Jerusalem.

For me that was the turning point

of my life. I said,

'Jerusalem is the place I am going

to be a priest.'

My parents wouldn't

even listen to that.

At last I said,

'If you are not going to help me,

I will never call you mother and

father again.'

Finally they decided to sign

my passport.

Then I came here.

I said to myself that I should stay

in Jerusalem for life.

I feel deeply every moment

in Jerusalem

that my life is connected with

the life of Jesus."

Timothy attended the seminary

as a young man;

like this generation of seminarians,

he left his native land to dedicate

his life to the holy shrines

of Jerusalem.

Each of his days begins and

ends in prayer

his rededication to

the compelling forces

that induced him to come to

the Holy City.

"Jerusalem is the city which

fills my heart

and should fill the hearts of all

Christians with love and peace.

It would be easy to be a priest

in my country,

but here in Jerusalem I feel

closer to God."

Sequestered behind a huge gate that

is unlocked each morning

and locked again each night,

the Armenian Quarter has existed

for nearly a thousand years.

Life within still centers around the

A reminder of the days

when the Muslim rulers forbade the

ringing of church bells,

the striking of this plank

announces services.

Today the community gathers to

commemorate a holocaust.

For the Armenians are a people

whose ancient homeland has

been ravaged,

many of its citizens k*lled

or scattered.

To Elia Kahavdjian, the service

has special meaning,

for he is a survivor of

the holocaust.

For him, Jerusalem became a haven.

Sixty years ago,

he arrived as an orphaned boy;

now he is surrounded by

his loving family.

Survivors lead the solemn procession

to the Armenian cemetery.

They are living reminders of

one million five hundred thousand

who perished.

In 1915, part of what had once been

the Armenian Christian kingdom

was under Ottoman rule.

Labeling the Armenians "infidels"

and "a dangerous foreign element",

the government began to k*ll their


Life had little value,

as this magazine caption illustrates:

"Five Dollars Buys a Pretty Armenian

sl*ve Girl."

Describing their policy as the

"displacement of the

Armenian population",

the Ottoman Turks drove them on

forced marches into the Syrian Desert.

The road was the path of death

by disease,

m*ssacre and starvation.

Elia Kahvedjian remembers:

"They took us through

the Syrian Desert to Mardin.

We walked I don't know

how many weeks,

how many months walked.

Near Mardin they bring us to a place

where all around it was many hills.

My mother, she says, 'My darling

they are going to k*ll us.

I want to give my son to that Kurd

which is coming.

Maybe he will remain alive."

The Kurdish family fed him

cleaned him up,

and sold him at an auction to a

Syrian Christian family.

The husband was an ironsmith,

and six-year-old Elia worked the

bellows for him.

When the man remarried, young Elia

was put on the streets.

He drifted, begging, for a year,

until the American Near East

Relief organization

placed him in an orphanage and,

eventually, brought him to Jerusalem.

A son and daughter

and their families gather today to

remember the victims...

and rejoice in Elia's survival.

Kahavedjian learned photography

in the orphanage;

he owns a photo supply store,

custom laboratory, and portrait studio.

Although the family now resides

outside the Old City,

its life still revolves around

the Armenian Quarter.

Here, as their parents did,

Kahvedjian's grandchildren learn

Armenian culture, language,

history, and geography.

To prepare for life in Jerusalem the

children are also taught Arabic,

Hebrew, and English.

"... I am opening toe door

I am shutting the door.

I am opening the window

I am shutting the window.

I am knocking on the door

I am pointing to the wall."

His family thriving,

Elia Kahvedjian remembers

the orphans club he

and nine boys formed when, at age 14

he began to work.

The quarters where the orphans lived

have become the Armenian Cultural club.

For Elia, Jerusalem has provided

a refuge of warmth,

friendship and opportunity

In his words,

"This is the happiest time

of my life."

The memory of Jesus and the

miracle of

His Resurrection live in

Jerusalem every day.

Just as He joined the multitudes

that journeyed to Jerusalem

each year at Passover,

throngs of pilgrims from around

the globe come here

at Holy Week to walk in His footsteps.

Following the path Jesus took

from the Mount of Olives

and the Garden of Gethsemane

they enter the Old City.

Carrying crosses along the

"Way of Sorrows"

where tradition says He struggled

in His agony,

they connect with the ancient passion

and eternal mystery of Christ.

In the hours before dawn

on Easter Saturday,

the flames of the lamps

that light the Church of the Holy

Sepulcher are extinguished.

When the door is opened,

thousand of pilgrims press in to

experience an Oriental ritual

that has been repeated each year

for centuries:

the Miracle of the Holy Fire.

The Greek Orthodox Patriarch arrives,

escorted by Father Timothy

and columns of monks.

The tomb of Christ has been sealed.

When the seal is removed,

the Patriarch will enter to

determine if the Holy Fire,

said to be sent down by God

will burst forth this year.

Symbol of Christ's Resurrection,

the Holy Flame is passed to the

exultant crowd.

It is said that here Jesus once stood

flanked by two thieves.

Here He was crucified and rose again.

In the precincts of the church that

commemorates those events,

the hearts of the believers are

illuminated by the flames of faith.

High on the wall of the Muslim Quarter

in the Old City is a house

where American pilgrims

seeking a spiritual haven,

settled one hundred years ago.

Their granddaughter, Anna Grace Lind

still follows,

the path their quest began.

Her grandmother, Anna Spafford,

survived a shipwreck that took the

lives of her four daughters.

Later, when a son also d*ed

her husband wrote:

"Jerusalem is where my Lord lived,

suffered and conquered, and I, too,

wish to learn... especially

to conquer."

Like her mother and grandmother,

Mrs. Lind has dedicated her life to

serving the needy of Jerusalem.

Since 1967, she has administered

the Spafford Children's Center,

which provides prenatal and baby

clinics for mothers

and children who might otherwise

go without these services.

Mrs. Mary Franji

the supervising nurse,

has worked here for nearly

forty years.

The grandmothers of some of these

babies were children when she began.

"Dr. Amireh has quite a number

of patients like the..."

"The main goal of the

Spafford Children's Center

is to help improve the health of

the children in the Old City.

They are mostly Moslems.

We have several Israeli specialists

who come to our clinic.

And we feel that this is a very

important phase of our work

because they are helping

in the reconciliation

between the Jews and the Arabs.

It may be just a tiny seed

but it is a seed that,

we hope, brings forth fruit."

"Okay, fine baby."

"I live right on the city wall.

I feel it's important that quotation

from Isaiah where it says,

'I have set watchmen on my walls

O Jerusalem

to pray day and night until I make

Jerusalem a praise in the earth."'

"... Make Jerusalem a praise

in the earth.

"These timeless words from the Bible

speak of an ideal Jerusalem

a city of glory and peace.

In 1985 the City of David

Archeological Garden is opened.

Amid tangible proof of its

Biblical past,

Mayor Teddy Kollek has come to

speak of Jerusalem in our time.

Aragmatic and sensitive to human needs,

this remarkable man has retained

his office

through the combined votes of

both Arabs and Jews.

"...when we are living in a time

when people want evidence,

they want to see, they want to touch

what they believe in,

and not only believe in the abstract."

"Jerusalem is a place where

meaning survive,

when names survive.

In Jerusalem everybody

has a religion.

That doesn't mean that everybody

goes to synagogue,

or church, or the mosques.

But people believe in things.

The people who come to Jerusalem

because it has a special meaning

for them.

It's not like coming to

another city.

We try to give people a feeling

they live in a city

which belongs to everybody,

where everybody has his

particular past,

and his particular history.

Everybody who lives in Jerusalem

tries to link up

with the past Jews, Christians


"The most important thing

about Jerusalem is its people

in their variety.

It should remain in that variety,

one should protect that variety.

The people who live here,

they are the factor that

is most important."

Through the generations,

thousands of human beings have

been thrust together

to live out their lives in the

vibrant microcosm

that is the Old City of Jerusalem.

Bound by their fierce connection

to the city,

despite their differences,

the pressures of the years,

of v*olence and suffering,

the resilience of these people

and the city itself has preserved

its timeless qualities.

Even in our ear of materialism

and uncertainty,

the concepts of love, rebirth


and peace still shine forth from

within the walls of Jerusalem.
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