03x08 - Abra-Catastrophe! Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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03x08 - Abra-Catastrophe! Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality, they are his oddparents ♪

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice,

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you're the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right!

Oh, no!

Everything's a jungle!

Is this what bippy wished for?

Well, of course it is! Didn't you hear him?


He was being pretty clear.

You speak monkey?

Well, somebody in this family has to.

You two, fairy world! Now!

Cosmo? Wanda?

They're gone!

Which means the only way to fix this mess

Is to get that muffin back!

Grrrr! Grrrr!

And not get eaten by leopards!


Jorgen: order! Order!

This emergency meeting of every puny fairy in the universe--and me--

Will now come to order!

Because of you two bumbling fairies allowing

Timmy turner's all-powerful fairy-versary muffin

To fall into the wrong hands,

The entire planet earth has been changed!

But it was an accident!

Wow! Wow!

According to the original rules and bylaws

Set down by the ancient fairy council...

Section , amendment , subsection q...

"All fairy godparents must be assigned to the children

Of the dominant species of life on the planet earth."

Who changed the world?

Um...a monkey.

Then I'm going with monkeys!

From this day forth, all fairy godparents will be assigned

To monkey children!

[All grumbling]

Yeah! Monkeys rock!

Binky, you're such a brown-nose.

Since you two were the cause of this,

You will be the first to try it out.

Enjoy your new assignment.

Now, get to work!

♪ Bippy is an average chimp ♪

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Ooh ahh!

♪ The ticks and fleas up in those trees ♪

♪ Are combed out instantly

♪ By his magic little ants with every wish they grant ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality, they are his oddprimates ♪

♪ Fairly oddprimates

Wands and wings!

Grabby taily things!

♪ Oddprimates, fairly oddprimates ♪

♪ Bananas, bananas, bananas, bananas ♪

♪ Bananas, bananas, bananas, bananas ♪

♪ Bananas, bananas, bananas, bananas ♪

♪ Oddprimates, fairly oddprimates ♪

♪ It curls your tail when you're the alpha male ♪

♪ With fairly oddprimates

Ooh aah!


Ready, cosmo?

Ready, wanda!

Both: , , !

Wakey-wakey, bippy!

[Ringing] aah!

Oh, this is just great.

Years at the fairy academy

To baby-sit a butt-scratching primate!

Oh, I scratch my butt one time--

Not you--him!

Look on the bright side.

This might be a whole new adventure for us!

Who knows what bizarre, creative things

Monkeys are capable of wishing for?

Eee eee eee!


Well, my work here is done.

This day is gonna be terrible.

Please be mud.

Mom: ok, exactly how many lies to timmy is that now, honey?

I lost track at , .

It might just be easier to write a truth list.

Well...we love him.

That's one. We're on fire!

Uhh...leopards... Monkeys...muffins...


Just had the craziest dream...


The crimson chimp?

Chimp skylark?

Obey the ape overlords?

Oh, no! My room's been monkeyfied!

Cosmo, wanda! I--


Oh, no! These are regular goldfishes!

Goldfish! What am I gonna do?!

Wait. Bippy was the last one to have the magic muffin.

All I gotta do is find it, and I can fix everything!

Mom: timmy, the school vine is here!

School vine?

Hi, timmy!


Jungle versions of chester and a.j.

I guess we're on our way to, uh,

Jungle version of school?

You bet! And i, for one,

Am grateful that we live in a world

Where our ape overlords allow us to receive an education.


He's swinging off to the school

Our ape overlords allow him to go to.

Watch out for the leopards!

Grrrr! Grrrr!

We're gonna be late for work again.

Yes, but tonight we eat like kings!

I never thought I'd say this,

But going to school might be a good thing,

'Cause there's only one guy I know who has the tools I need

To track down magic stuff.

And that, class, is how the founding alpha males

Signed the declar-ape-tion of independence,

Forming the united apes of america.

You know, if it weren't for the fact

That what he's saying

Is historically accurate,

I would say

That's a horrible pun.

Well, i, for one, am grateful to live in a world

Wherein our ape overlords allow us to share

In their hilarious sense of wordplay.

But in a world where magic and fairies actually exist,

Who cares about history? History means nothing!

If they wanted to, fairies could change the world

So that humans were the dominant species!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Here we go with the "apes have fairies" theory again.

But one day, i, mr. Crocker,

Will travel to the apes' forbidden city

And capture one of the apes' magical...fairy godparents!

Forbidden city?

And then I shall be the supreme magical ruler

Of man and ape! Ha ha ha!

And now...

I'm going to do my "I will be the ruler of man and ape" dance!

♪ Oh, I am the master of man and ape ♪

♪ I am the ruler of man and ape ♪

Everybody sing!

No! Don't take me, take the children!

They'll last longer!

[Apes hooting][crocker screaming]

With crocker out of the way,

I can get his magic detecting stuff,

Find the magic muffin,

And track down cosmo and wanda.


There's gotta be something in here that can help me.

Fairy blaster, x-ray goggles,

Sexy high-heel shoes...

Crocker's magic detector!

I can use this to track down cosmo and wanda!


Looks like I'm taking a field trip to...


Ugh! When this is over,

I'm wishing for a world without puns.

[Car horns honking]

Did you read thedaily banana?

Yeah. Banana stocks are up.

Huh. That's banana-tastic.

So, I heard he gave her an engagement banana.

No! No!

And guess what? It was whole bunches!

Ooh! Ooh!


Knock it off! What are you, a bunch of humans?

Hey! Who you callin' a human?


The muffin's dead ahead!

Eee eee eee!

Gosh, I don't know what's more fun--

The butt-scratching or the scintillating conversation.

Eee eee eee!

You're right. Thatismore fun.

♪ I love the species ♪

♪That throws their own feces ♪

Leave me alone! I've had my sh*ts!



Ook! Ook!

Oh, no! Some kind of human catcher!

And I'm some kind of human!

Got to be careful!

Wanda: why are we even in the apes' forbidden city anyway?

Didn't you hear bippy?


He said, and I quote:

"I want to visit the forbidden city,

"Because I've always been curious

About what they do with the humans they capture."

Or maybe he just wanted a banana.

I could have been paraphrasing.

Eee eee eee!

Cosmo! Wanda!

The muffin!

Timmy: psst! Cosmo! Wanda!

Timmy! Timmy!

Listen to me.

I wish the world was back to normal.

Well, what do you want us to do about it?

We're not your godparents anymore.

We're bippy's. And those are the rules.

If I were to eat a rule-free magic muffin...




Dad: ooh, honey, I love what you've done

With these leopard pelts.

But I feel guilty.

We didn't make anything for timmy

Out of these leopard pelts.

Well, we don't have to tell him

About the leopard pelts, do we?

But then how do we explain

The new leopard coats, the leopard-skin rugs,

And the juicy leopard sandwiches

In the leopard-lined refrigerator?

The lottery!

All right, but I'm counting it all as lies.

Well, this is certainly an unpleasant situation.

But on the bright side,

I finally have my own apartment away from my mother!

I shall have a dinner party on friday.

Turner! If the ape overlords haven't dissected you by friday,

Do you want to come to my fancy dinner party?

I'm serving shrimp puffs.

Shrimp puffs are gross.

Dissect me? I gotta get out of here

Before I'm cut up and/or forced to eat shrimp puffs!

Come on, bippy. Join the party.

[Door opens]

No, no! Don't take me!

I'm hosting a party on friday!

Take him!



What about you? How do you feel about shrimp puffs?


Eee ooh ooh! Eee ooh ooh!

Ah! A muffin!

Hmm, I'm not scheduled to eat until march.

I'd better save this.

What are you going to do?

Smush that banana on my forehead?

Oh, come on!

Eee eee eee!


Muffiny goodness.

Eee eee eee!

Don't worry, timmy. We'll get you out of here.

Really?well, he could be paraphrasing.


Yes! I hope you taste like puffed-up shrimp!

I'm really sorry about this.

Eee eee eee!

You got it, bippy!

Wait a minute.

Monkeyworld is gone, and humans rule again?

Is this what bippy wished for?

Uh, it was either "free timmy,

"Make humans the dominant species on earth again,

And remove all traces of monkeyworld from the planet,"

Or something about wanting a banana.

I forget which. I might have paraphrased.

I'm glad that's over with.

Hey, wait a minute.

Where's the magic muffin?

I thought you had it.

I thought bippy had it.



Eh! What am I doing here?

Wait. It can't be.

A magic muffin! Hurray!

I wonder how it works.

Well, no sense trying to solve a mystery on an empty stomach.

Gah! Pooh! What a horrible muffin!

It's working. I feel the magic.

Yes, yes! I can wish for anything!

But why should I only settle for one lousy wish,

When I can have as many as I want?!

Heh heh heh!

All I have to do is say the magic words:

"I wish I could capture a fairy godparent!"

We've got to find crocker.

Look out!

All: aah!

[All grunting]



Ah! Let me out! Let me out!


I finally captured a fairy!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, no!

Wanda: let me out of this accursed thing!

You're not going anywhere, little fairy.

And I will use your magic to make the world

Exactly what I want it to be:

Mine! Ha ha ha ha!



Some emergency has interrupted my very muscular bath.

What in the name of my bulging triceps is going on?

Sir, according to these reports,

A fairy on earth has been captured

In a high-tech butterfly net

Created by a crazy fairy-hunting teacher.

Those accursed butterfly nets will be the death of us all!

We must prepare for anything.

Scramble the fairies!

Announcer: fairy alert! Fairy alert!

All fighter fairies scramble.

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Uh, sir, now that we've scrambled the fairies,

What do we do?

We cannot risk another fairy being fairy-napped

By one of those despicable butterfly nets.

There! I have blown up the bridge

Between fairy world and the earth.

Uh, sir, we could have blown the bridge

Without scrambling the fairies.

I like to scramble the fairies!

Now the humans will never be able to reach us

With their butterfly nets of death.

But, sir, we usually just poof to earth.

We didn't have to destroy the bridge.

I like to destroy the bridge!

As long as that crazy fairy-hunting teacher has a fairy,

No more fairies will be allowed on earth!

And thus, I return to my bath.

[Squeak squeak]

Ha ha ha!

Wanda! Come back!

Cosmo, stop!

He'll capture you, too!

But I love her!

We gotta save her, timmy. We gotta!

Ooh ooh ooh.

This is all your fault, you poop-throwing primate!

I love her, too, cosmo,

And I won't let anything happen to her.

But I'm useless without wanda.

I can't even clean my ears without wanda.

See? My ear's not clean!

Don't you understand what this means?

I have to start dating again!

I'm terrible at small talk!

Go on. Ask me about the weather.

How's the weather?


See? That makes no sense!

My small talk stinks!

Ok, cosmo's gone bye-bye, bippy.

It's up to you and me.

Man: muffins here.

Fresh banana nut muffins.


Ok, it's up to me.

Now, if I was crocker,

And I'd finally captured a fairy,

What's the first thing I'd do?

Rub it in the face of my students.

Children, I have big news.

I'm quitting teaching--


I'm quitting teaching...

To be ruler of the universe!

Ha ha ha ha!

Crocker's got the muffin.

Say good-bye to your free will, children.


Now, bow down before my power, because finally,

The fairy's magic is mine! All mine!

Oh, no!

Hmm, ice sculptures. Weird.

I was going for a smoldering pile of ash.

Boy: mr. Crocker, may I go to the bathroom?

Anybody else have any clever comments?

Mr. Crocker, may I go to the sanjay?

I'm guessing that's a no.

That's enough, crocker!

Hey, kids, guess what I'm going to change turner into.

A fruit pie?

Toilet paper?

All excellent suggestions.

I gotta get crocker out of here

Before he hurts someone else.

Oh, no, you don't!

You need a hall pass for that.

Aah! I wish I had a magical shield!

I...i...i'll try.

Whoo! I did it.

I'm on the rebound.

Well, this stinks.

I know. I had a hall pass.

It worked!

Magic can't affect other magical items!

And I've got a whole bunch of magical items

Back at my house from my fairy-versary party!

Got to get to that magic arsenal.

Cosmo, I wish I was at my house.

You got it, timmy!

On a mouse. Close enough.




Go ahead and run!

But there's nowhere in the world you can run to when it's...


Hey, bob, beautiful day, huh?

Yeah, how about that weather?

Hey, bob, beautiful day to worship crocker, huh?

Yeah, how about that crocker?

Mom: well, including the time I told timmy

That his pet gerbil didn't run away

And actually went on an all-expenses-paid caribbean vacation

And never came back,

We're up to , lies.

Hmm. Make it , .

I told him that he could grow up to be president.

And he believed me. Sweet!

Why isn't it sweet?

Maybe because we shouldn't fudge the truth

Just because we're afraid we'll hurt his feelings.

Timmy trusts us.

Mmm. Truth.

Crazy, but it just might work.

I sure hope this works!

Radio announcer: good morning, slavesdale!

Today's weather: partly cloudy with a % chance

Of you bowing down to crocker.

This is chet you-bow-down reminding you to bow down.

Cool! Santa's magical bag protected us

From crocker's world-changing magic.

[Knock on door]

Hey, what's with those clothes

That express some sort of individuality?

Now we have to turn you over to crocker.

What? I'm your son!

You can't turn me over to crocker!

He's insane!

Well, you are our only son.

I suppose we could forgive you this one...

Times two equals two!

Why would I be thinking about multiplication at a time like this?

I don't know, but I do think that...

Kittens are adorable!

Let's go find some!

The forget-me-knob. It still works!

Everything magic still works!

Great. My parents finally decide

To be more truthful

Just in time for crocker to take over the world.

Universe. Whatever.

In a world--

Universe. Whatever!

In a world where crocker controls magic,

Truth means nothing.

Crocker can make plus equal "fish."

And it's all my fault!

I've got to save wanda, save the world,

And get everything back to normal!

Yeah, but in a world where crocker controls the magic

And I'm dumber than usual...


How are you supposed to beat him?

With the muffin.

Come on, cosmo.

Let's fight magic with magic!
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