03x18 - Where's Wanda?/Imaginary Gary

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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03x18 - Where's Wanda?/Imaginary Gary

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ Because in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty, crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose ♪

♪ Green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake ♪

♪ Large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents!

Vicky: yeah, right.

[Door opens]

Timmy: it's the last dance.

Don't waste your time flapping your gums

'Cause you're as guilty as a fat cat in a canary cage.

It's the end of the line

'Cause you took wanda!

Timmy, voice-over: it all started a few hours ago.

Eh, castle's clean.

And I made finger foods!

Eh! Oh, no!

I don't have any fingers!

Everything's ready for our : appointment.

Timmy, voice-over: it was parent-teacher night at school,

And as usual, I was totally prepared.


It's parent-teacher night at school,

And I'm totally unprepared.

Hey, we just cleaned that.

The theme is classic movies.

I need something movie-related to take for my booth.

Both: ok. Got to go. Bye!

Wait! Why are you in such a hurry?

Timmy, we didn't want to worry you,

But we sort of have an appointment tonight at : .

It's our secret fairy probation hearing.

Which is not a secret anymore.

Hee hee hee! Right!

If jorgen doesn't give us a good report tonight,

We could get level probation.

Which is?

Eh! It's too horrible to describe.




This is dry clean only!

Look, this student-parent night thing

Will be over way before : .

We can't go with you, timmy.

Aw, come on.


That's not going to work, timmy.

Oh, I can't believe it worked!

Hey, this is humiliating...

And itchy.


Waxelplax: welcome

To student-parent movie night.

Ooh, I just love seeing students and parents

Working together in a bloodthirsty duel

To win a two-bit dime store blue ribbon.

Ooh, trixie.

Casablanca. How romantic!

Ohh, a.j., How scientific.

Thank you, miss waxelplax.

If I didn't win first prize,

I don't know what I'd do!

Ohh, and look over here.

Oh, francis, how athletic...

[Chomp chomp]

And edible.

[Chomp chomp]

Timmy, voice-over: cosmo's spastic impression of the shark fromjaws

Turned out to be more popular than I could ever have dreamed.

Ohh, timmy, how fish-rific!

Thanks, principal waxelplax.

In fact, your display is so lame,

You couldn't possibly have had any help from your parents.

First prize goes to timmy turner!

Trixie: timmy?



Timmy, voice-over: and for a minute,

I was king of the world--

And then, it happened.

The lights out! A scream in the night!

[Wanda screaming]

Something was wrong! Wanda was missing!


Hey, it's roomy in here.

Anybody could have taken her--

Francis, the bully;

A.j., The jealous friend--

Not him--

Or trixie, the love of my life.

Hey, why can't it be me?

All right, nobody move!

Man, it stinks to be .

I hate to be alone!


Don't worry, cosmo.

We'll get wanda back before the secret probation hearing.

But how? You're not a detective.

You don't even know about my secret probation hearing.

But it's not a secret anymore.


I wish I was like that guy--

A hard-boiled private eye.

Timmy, voice-over: I had to find wanda.

All I had was my trench coat, my hat,

And an unlimited supply of magical wishes.

The odds were against me.

I started with francis, the bully.

He had stickier fingers

Than a guy bitten by a radioactive spider.

Unfortunately, when I caught up with him,

Those sticky fingers were balled up into a fist.

I did not steal your fish.


[Bell rings]

Something in my gut told me he wasn't lying.

Wow, that smarts.


And then it hit me

Like-- like--

[Engine roaring]

Hey, who put the sofa in the garage?

Like my dad backing the car through the living room wall.


A.j. Was a smart cookie,

But this egghead was about to be cracked.

Timmy, come to steal another trophy from me?

I had the movie night prize locked up

Until you used your fish-riffic display

To take the blue ribbon that was rightfully mine.

So, what do you want?

My other goldfish! I know you took it.

You were jealous because my fish beat your frankenstein,

And so you stole it for revenge.

Gee, timmy, that's really well thought out,

Except I wasn't anywhere near your fish,

And even if I had taken your fish, my sleeves would have been wet.

Timmy, voice-over: darn it! Facts! He had me.


It was minutes until the probation hearing,

And I was as lost as cosmo at a smart guy convention.

Hey, that was a secret smart guy convention.

Uh, no, it wasn't?


But all I'm telling you

Is you're not gonna to find her in time, timmy.

We should, uh, head home.

Keep your pants on, clyde.

Ahh! No pants?

That's what got me level probation,

And there's no love on that level!

"No love"?

And that's when it nailed me like...



Like a frozen slushball on a cold winter day.


[Airplanes flying]



Admit it!

All these years of playing hard to get--

It was just a ploy to get my attention.

That's why you took my fish!


Hey! No pets on the plane!

What? What?

No pets allowed!

Timmy, voice-over: no pets allowed.

She couldn't have had wanda.

And just like that, I was out of suspects

And out of time.



Dad, what areyou doing here?

I'm following you!

I don't mean to interrupt the tough-guy narration,

But why can't ibe a suspect?

Ha ha ha! Please!

You're my dad.

You're the most honest guy I know.

Ooh, that's not true.

I'm stealing cable--

All channels--

And that's not all!

I rip the tags off mattresses,

And I jaywalk!

I'm a bad man!

I needed a clue--

Anything that might help me find wanda.

[Whispering] timmy, go to the pier.

Hmm. The pier.

[Seagulls cawing]

Why did you bring me to a pier?

I don't know.

I'm always so happy here-- the waves, the seagulls.

Would you hold me?

Timmy, voice-over: till : ,

And still so many questions.

Where's wanda, who took her,

And why did cosmo want me to hold him?

Ah, you did your best, timmy.

Uh, anyway, I'd better face jorgen alone.

Ok. Got to go. Bye!



And that's when it hit me like--like--





Well, a bunch of stuff, but I knew who did it.

I knew who stole wanda.

Aah! Sorry.

It's the end of the line

'Cause you took wanda!


What are you talking about, copper?

You tipped your hand

When you said you wanted to face jorgen alone.

I did? You hate to be alone.

I do? But you love wanda.

I do?

Enough to send her away before your probation hearing.


I don't know. Why? Why?

Because you didn't want to do something stupid

And make wanda suffer level probation.

But I did it out of love!


And she loves you, too.

Which is why you know she'd want to be here with you

To face this together.

Well, if you say so.

She's coated in chocolate!

Where did you hide her?

Her favorite place on earth.

Chocolate city, utah.


Cosmo and wanda,

I'm happy to announce that you're no longer on probation.

Wait! Why is this fairy chocolate-coated?


Uh, I tried to send her to peanut city, alabama,

But she wouldn't go.

You know I demand a strict diet of panic and fear

Before my hearings.

And why is that corner of the room

Still black-and-white?

Uh...uh... Uh...uh...

Cosmo, you are free to go.


Wanda, you get level probation.

What? Level ?

How could you get me into this kind of trouble?

When I get back, i--

Level ? Is it bad?

Is it bad?


Woman: welcome to level probation:

Fairy summer school.

I'll be your teacher

Mama cosma,

Your favorite mother-in-law.


Cosmo: it's so nice to be here

And not on probation like wanda.

Cosmo, this is the beginning

Of a beautiful friendship.

Yeah, at least until wanda gets back and totally kills me.


Ah, come on.

Can't I be a suspect, please?

Look. I'm swimming, and it clearly says "no swimming."

And now I'm polluting.


[Gurgling] I'm a bad man!

Cosmo: now will you hold me?


Ha ha ha! Right!

Mrs. Turner: degrees--

That will be the perfect temperature

To make my award-winning yamberry pie.

Hey, mom. Want to play surgeon general?

It's a game where any -year-old

Can be a professional military surgeon.

Hey, my bowels have been moved.

Timmy, I'd love to play,

But I'm waiting for the pie to bake.

Go, pie, go!

Dad, you want to play?

Ooh, I'd love to, timmy,

But word on the street is

That your mom has front-row seats to watch the pie bake.

Go, pie, go!

You know, it's days like this

When I really miss gary.

It's days like this that I really miss my spleen.

Who's gary?

Gary! You know, gary!

Remember? From the party?

Timmy, who's gary?

What's all this stuff?

This is the stuff I used to play with when I was ,

And this is my imaginary friend gary.

He was cool.

Before I had you guys,

I used to play with him all the time.

There's me and gary on the teetertotter

And me and gary getting ready to beat up

The monster in my closet

And me and gary in therapy.

Whenever I was alone and needed somebody to play with,

Gary was always there,

And you guys could bring him here.

I wish my imaginary friend gary was real!

[Rock music plays]


What? I'm free?



I mean...

It's you, timmy!

What's up, pink hat?

Gary, it's you!

Hey, whoa, whoa, hey.

Public displays of affection are not cool.

Wow! That's one cool kid.

Of course he's cool.

It's gary!

You know, gary, from the wish,

In the bedroom-- we were all there, remember?

Gary! Ah, good times. Good times.

Thanks, cos. Thanks, wan.

You're beautiful, both of you.

I can't wait to ride bikes,

Play checkers, and fly kites with you.

Gary: kites? Games? Checkers?

Also not cool.

Then what is cool?

Timmy: dad, can we borrow the car?

Sure. Just have it back by tomorrow.

I have to go to work.

Mrs. Turner: timmy, you're not old enough

To ask for the car or drive it.

But gary and I want to go to the arcade.

Gary? Your-- your imaginary friend.

Is he back?

I thought we got rid of him in therapy!

Gary: hey,

Mr. And mrs. T.,

[Rock music playing]

I guess he wasn't imaginary after all.

Both: go, gary, go!


I just wish timmy was here to see this.


Wow! That's one cool kid.

Possums. Cool.


Hey, guys.

I see you've met my old friend gary...

Who's here... With me.

All: gary.

So, how about we all play surgeon general?

Uh, board games-- uncool.

Come on, little rascals,

Let's go do something cool.

All: cool!

Guys? Um, guys?!

Wow, timmy.

All your friends seem to be impressed with gary.

Yeah, a little too impressed.

Hey, where's cosmo?


I mean, meow.

I mean, arf. Yeah, let's go with that one.


No, silly, I said hi to you.


Yeah. Um, I know you've had a crush on me,

And I was wondering if you wouldn't mind...

Going steady? Taking you to a dance?

Being sweethearts through high school?

Going to college together? Getting married?

Remaining deeply in love as we grow really old together

And spend our golden years traveling the world

And extending our life spans with the advanced technology

That will be available, and we can live until we eventually crumble into atoms

And or scatter across the cosmos where we'll float together for all eternity?

Um, no.

Introducing me to your cool new friend.

And who wears pink hats, anyway, huh?


All right, that's it!

Can I talk to you for a second,


Sure, I guess it's ok.

Talking to uncool kids is cool sometimes, right?

Am I right? Who's the man?

Can I hear a whoop whoop?

All: whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

What's the deal?

Ever since you've been here,

All you've been doing is winning over my friends,

My family, and my not-girlfriend.

I thought you were supposed to be myfriend.

Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, hey.

You're just miffed because people would rather hang with me than you.

Maybe you're the one who should be the imaginary friend,

Ok, there, captain kabuki?

Or maybe you've overstayed your welcome.

I wish gary was back at the house!

And I wish I wasn't!

What the heck?

Since gary's from your imagination,

He's a part of you-- all the cool parts, anyway.

And because of that, we have to listen to him, too.

Really? Cool!

They even listen to me better than they listen to you.

Both: no, we don't.

Quiet! Ok. Ok.

That's it! You're going back.

I wish he was back in my mind.

And I wish he was there with me.


Hey, what gives? Where am i?

We're in your imagination, timmy.

That's what you and gary wished for.

Are you sure it's not my mind?

It seems pretty empty in here.

I got a bad feeling about this.


I wish...



Oh, no, they can't hear me,

So I can't wish my way out of here.


Which is cool.

You dig this?

This is the box you put me in for years,

And that's not cool, boo-boo.

Get him!


Oh, no, you don't.


Ha ha! Yeah, baby!

Gary, why?

You stopped playing with me years ago.

You threw me aside when you got real friends,

Like I was one of your old toys.

Remember these, tim-tim?

Stacking logs, tv tubbies, sock puppets.

Oh, man, gary's totally gonna crush me

Under all my stupid year-old toys.

I'm . I know -year-old stuff,

And beats .

And as soon as he's out of the way,

I'm the only one you'll be listening to.

Come again? We can't hear anything.


Hi, gary.

Meet my pal the surgeon general--

Only for use by kids and up.

And this ismymind!

Hey, hey, hey, easy, dude.

Remember all the good times we had?

The teetertotter? Ducky land?

Therapy? The monster in the closet?



Hey, wait.

I'm not afraid of that

Because when I was ,

I learned it wasn't a monster in my closet.

It was just a sweater.


And you know what I learned at ?

I learned what a real monster was like.

Gary, vicky. Vicky, gary.



Not cool, poopy.

Aah! No, don't!


I will get out of here.

And when I do, ho, ho, ho, yes,

You'll pay.

I swear by all that is--


I swear by all that is cool...

I'll miss gary.

You know, gary, from the imagination .

I was there, and timmy, he was there,

And, wanda, you were there,


Ah, good times. Good times.

You know, I'll sort of miss gary, too.

Deal with it in therapy!

I wish we were out of here.


Wow! That was close.

Yeah, but the good news is I'm out here,

And gary--gary's back where he belongs,

Inside my imagination,

And no matter how cool he is,

He's never getting out.

And I've got the key,

And I locked the door.

I think.

Oh, whatever.

Vicky: ah-choo!

I hate cool.


The door's open.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.


Whew. Laughing maniacally-- not cool.
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