06x06 - Odd Squad/For Emergencies Only

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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06x06 - Odd Squad/For Emergencies Only

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ Because in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty, crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse rubber goose ♪

♪ Green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake ♪

♪ Large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents!

Vicky: yeah, right.

Dad: hurry!

It's time for our favorite tv show...

All: "c.c. Cruiser and the hot rod squad!"

Grr! Yah!



A show filled with so much sporty, racy action even my fish love it!

Who doesn't love a show about a hot guy loner

Who solves crime with his cool talking car named rodd?

Turbo brakes activated.

Mom: don't forget about the hot yet smart scientist, dr. Tina tune-up.

[Tires squealing]

She made the car and fights for equality in a male-dominated world.

And don't forget about the totally awesome freeze frames!

Mustaches are cool.

And I'm hot yet smart.

[Trunk horn honks]

C.c., The kidnapped circus monkey is in that truck.

[All gasp]

[Laughing evilly]

It's time to rock 'n' road.

You saved the monkey, c.c.,

And mustaches are cool.

[Tires screech]

[Truck horn honks]

I need a tow truck!

Well, it looks like we're done monkeying around.

[All laughing]

Can we unfreeze now?

More seconds.

Oh, man. I wish I could drive a cool talking car like c.c. Cruiser.

But, timmy, you're and you don't have a driver's license.

Or a car.

But I do have fairy godparents.

Oh, ok, I see where you're going with this. Hang on, timmy.

Time to rock 'n' road.

This is not what I had in mind.

I wish we were back home.

And I wish I had a real talking car like c.c.,

Filled with cool buttons, gadgets, and the need for speed.

Step aside, wifey, and let a reckless man handle this wish.

[Engine revving]


And I've got a mustache that's cool.

And I'm carsmo, and I've got gas, but it's the good kind.


Ok, I have the bad kind, too.

Oh, what the heck? Could be fun.

I'm dr. Wanda tune-up, and I've got poof in a super-safe car seat.


But, timmy, you can't drive in dimmsdale. It's against the law.

Cosmo: laws?

Where we're going, we don't need laws.

Timmy: yeah!

Time to rock 'n' road!

[Engine revving]

Narrator: a kid from another world.

A car that's out of this world,

And a wish to drive a car around fairy world

With mustaches and jump stuff.


Dr. Wanda tune-up...


[Tires screeching]

[Railroad bell ringing]


Awesome! We've peeled out, jumped stuff

And freeze-framed just like c.c. Cruiser.

Now all we need is a turbo-charged mystery to solve.

No, you need to look at the road!



Timmy: hey, we're at mama cosma's house.

Good 'cause I got to change my oil, if you know what I mean.

And I've got to drop off poof before this wish gets too dangerous.

Mama cosma, can you watch--[gasps]

The place has been ransacked.

And mama's gone!

Hey, this is just like episode , "a bridge over troubled lava,"

Where c.c.'S grandma gets nabbed by bad dudes,

And they thr*aten to lower her off a bridge into a volcano

If c.c. Doesn't back off!

We got to save my mama from the lava!

Calm down, carsmoron.

She probably just tore the place up

Looking for a coupon, then went shopping.

I don't think so.

A mysterious note that says "bridge, p.m."?

We've got to get to that bridge.

[Wailing] and I need more crying fluid.

Then it's time to rock 'n' road,


[Engine revving]

Heh! Sorry!

You're too young to drive!

I just need some practice!

I'm a great driver.


Oh! Stop! Aah! Watch it!

Watch it! Turn around! Oh!

Timmy: maybe you should stop banging me.

You're not helping.

That building was old anyway.

Who put that tree there? My bad.


Ah! Eeh!

Well, this is the bridge.

It's p.m. And mama's not here.

I want my mama!

I feel so alone!

Not anymore! We've got company!

[Tires squealing]

[Truck horn honking]

Yes! This is just like episode ,

"Earth, wind and your fire,"

Where an evil trucker tries to run c.c. Off the road

So he'll back off.


Hit cosmo's turbo-speed boost button.

That's my cotton candy button.


Nope, puppet show.

Hi, kids! I'm cappy bing bing.

Uh, bottle warmer.

Ooh, I need that.

You could have labeled these buttons, you know.


I wish the truck was gone!


So, what would c.c. Cruiser do now?

This is usually the part in the show where c.c. Finds a lovely local woman

Who eventually helps him solve the crime.

I think I see her now.

Hello, lovely--lady!

It takes one to know one.

Nice wheels, timmy.

Wanda, you look hot yet smart.

Juandissimo, we're looking for mama cosma.

Have you seen her?

Yes. I saw her at the chinese restaurant just moments ago.

Hang on, mama! We're coming.juandissimo: wait.

I must first warn you.

About what?

That objects in your mirror

Are even hotter than they appear, hmm?

Got it. Move it, sport.

[Tires squealing]

Wanda: there's a space.

[All screaming]

I think I'm really getting the hang of this driving thing.

Mama's not here.

They must have taken her away.

Whoa! This is just like episode ,

"Roll the pork fried dice,"

Where c.c. Uncovers a gaming ring in a chinese restaurant

And they use karate to take his girl so he'll back off.

And he finds a very important clue

Hiding in a fortune cookie.

My lucky numbers are , , , and .

This can only mean one thing.

That mama must be where there are horses and lucky numbers.


[Truck horn honking]

Turbo speed boost, go!

[Music playing]

That's my turbo chase music button.

That works, too.

[Tires squealing]


[Call to post playing]


[All screaming]

There's mama!

Ooh, this is just like episode , "horse meat,"

Where c.c.'S forced over the border on horseback and--

Just get mama before she falls off the horse!

It's time to rock 'n' rodeo.

Hey, you pressed the right button that time.

I mean, whoa, horsie!

Don't worry, mama. We've got you now.

No, you got my tail

And made all of us lose the race.

What is going on here?

Smells like horsemeat and turner.

You are the car-driving idiot

Who has been destroying fairy world?

But, jorgen, mama cosma is missing.

Someone nabbed her and tried to run us off the road,

So we'll back off and--

Mama cosma?

I've been at the house since :.

We're having our weekly game of bridge.

Did you say bridge at :?

You're not by chance a fan of c.c. Cruiser?

C.c. What?

We're dead.

Mama cosma: you thought I was mama-napped?

And it was you who drove through my wall?

But your house was in shambles and--and... Blame timmy.

That's because I tore it up

Looking for my free dinner coupon at chop r. Suey's.

Then she came back here to play bridge.

Well, what about that mad trucker who was chasing us to get us to back off?

[Truck horn honking]

All: eeh!

Hey, I just wanted to let you know your left brake light is out,

And those mustaches are cool! Bye!

Man, we were way off.

And you are to stop driving in fairy world forever!


And you've kept me up past my bedtime.

Now, everyone, good night.

Well, I guess that's the end of t.t. Cruiser and the odd squad.

Jorgen: aah! My teddy, mr. Winky!

He's gone!

Someone stole my cuddly boo!

Then I guess it's time to rock 'n' road.

[Tires squealing]

All: aah!

How long do we have to stay in freeze frame?

Just until we fade to black.

Mom: here's your breakfast, timmy--

A nice, steaming bowl of I'm not sure.


Sure wish I had some bacon and eggs.

I said I sure wish I had some bacon and eggs!

Hmph! And I wish you'd enjoy whatever this is.

Oh! Timmy, it's thursday.

That means it's time to shave my back!

Oh, yeah.

I wish I didn't have to do this.

So do i, but mother nature can be a cruel mistress.

And when you're done, you can help me spread manure on the front lawn,

And this time I got the extra-fresh kind.

Hit it, bessie.


Cosmo! Wanda!

I needed wishes and you didn't show up again!

Wanda: sorry, sport, but the baby kept me up all night again.

We're taking our first family photo...

[Sniffing] and you smell like cow butt.

We'll try to pay attention next time, timmy.

Sorry. We're totally there for you.

You can count on us.

Now hurry up. You'll miss the bus.

Francis: hey, turner, you smell like cow butt.

Therefore, I must pound you.

Oh, yeah? Well, wish I had huge muscles to pound you!


I mean, I wish I had fairies who were listening who could save me!

And I'll bet you wish you weren't going to get hurt, too,

But I'll tell you right now it ain't gonna happen.

Ok, how 'bout this?


I don't think that's right for poof.

Poof shmoof! This is my outfit.

Cosmo, wanda,

Is anything different about me?

Not really, sweetie.

Here's a clue: my head's upside down!

Ever since poof showed up, you guys are never there for me when I need you anymore.

Wanda: we love you, sport, but having a new baby takes up a lot of time.


We're new parents now and just can't be everywhere at once.

We only have two hands and two wands.

Hey! What if I could have my very own magic wand?

That way I could grant my own wishes

And you guys could ignore me all you want.

Oh, no!

Only highly trained fairies with incredible reflexes

And high intelligence are qualified to wield

The nearly infinite power contained in a magic wand.


A diaper in my face!


Fine. You can have a wand.

Cool! My own wand!

I can't wait to turn francis into a urinal cake.

Wanda: hold on a minute, tex.

That wand is only good for wishes,

And it's for emergencies only.

If you can't get out of trouble with wishes,

Well, you're a bigger moron than cosmo.

I'm thinking of going upside-down head for the photo.

What do you think? Aah!

Ok, nobody can be a bigger moron than cosmo, but you know what I mean.

So, should I be getting ready for this family photo, too?

No. You should be getting ready for school.

Now kindly skedaddle. I have two babies to dress.

I didn't want to be in their dumb family photo anyway.

Hey, I have my own magic wand!

Oh, but it's for emergencies only.[Bus horn honking]

Hey, I missed the bus.

Hmm, that's kind of an emergency.

I wish I had a super-cool new ride to school.

[Honk honk]

Ha! Looks like being totally neglected has its advantages.

Ha ha ha! [Honking]


Wow! Great car!

It must belong to someone super-rich, handsome and important.

Hey, it's turner.

You guys all laugh while I beat him.

[All laughing]

Hmm. Francis' taunting is causing great harm to my self-esteem.

That's an emergency.

I wish I had two hairy bodyguards.

Grr. Grr.

Moose, rocco, explain the rules to francis, please.

Mr. Turner don't like to have his self-esteem messed with.


Awesome! And I still have wishes to go.

This could be the greatest day ever!

Wanda: oh, ok. We'll be there for our photo at :.

See ya then.


Oh, poof looks so cute.

Yes, you do. Yes, you do!

No, no, no, no! Don't shake him. I just fed him.

Hey, nice sh**t', poof.

That's my boy!

Crocker: live from dimmsdale elementary, it's "the mr. Crocker show."

Now here's your host, mr. Crocker!

Thank you!

Hey, what's the deal with airline food?

We have a great show for you this morning.

Please welcome my first guest, a pop quiz!

Pop quiz, huh? Emergency time!

I wish the quiz was popped.

Turner, I know you and your fairy godparents are behind this,

And I'll prove it.

I'll hound you until the cows come home!

Sounds good to me.


Udders, extra-fresh manure, unpasteurized milk--

My greatest fears!

We'll be back after these messages.



All: yay!

This personal wand wish is the best wish yet, guys!

Oh, right.

You're with poof.

Well, I don't care, right? Right.

'Cause I've got, like, wishes left.

They can take their family photo because I can take care of myself.

Ooh, and I feel a love emergency coming on.


Pasteurized milk?

[Children clamoring]

Crocker: aah! I smell a cow butt!


Timmy, your new locker is, like, so funky fresh.

I especially like the swimming pool.

Thanks! I'm a big fan of the helicopter rides myself.

[School bell rings]

Oh, no! I'm late for science class.

Hey, you want to be my lab partner? Sure.

Cool. All you need to do is finish our project,

Which is due right now.

No problem. I've still got, like, wishes left.

What? Nothing.

Who wants to be the first to demonstrate their mini-robot?

Miss tang, what about you?

Uh, we actually did one together.

In fact, our robot's parked right outside.

It starts as an eco-friendly, gas-guzzling,

Protest-inducing motor vehicle.

Then it transforms into a super-cool--

[Students screaming]

Scary robot?

Don't panic, everybody.

I've got it under control because I wish the robot was gone!

Oh, no. I can't be out of wishes.

I've got, like, left.

[All screaming]

Hey. Moose, rocco.

Hey, what gives?

I stole lunch money from some third-graders

And gave it to these guys. Now they work for me.


You guys are so not invited on my pirate ship swing!

Mr. Crocker?

Howdy, partner!

After living amongst the cows for several hours,

I've gotten over my fear of unpasteurized milk,

Learned to communicate with them,

And have made them my personal bovine army.

I'm commanding them to invade your face!

Hoo moo-moo moo moo!

That means... Destroy the boy!




Crocker: ha ha ha--

I know this is my fault, but I choose to blame cosmo and wanda!


Wanda: I can't believe it, but I've actually managed to get us all ready

And still have plenty of time to get to the--

Timmy: aah!

Wanda: timmy running? Beefy bodyguards?

A giant robot? Unpasteurized milk?

Cow butt?

Oh, this has "emergency wand" smell all over it.

Hey, timmy, how was school today?

It sounds loud and dangerous.

Hey, bovine army. Hi, moose. Hi, rocco.

No time. Wand out of wishes.

I wish everything was back to normal.

We told you to use the wand for emergencies only.

And you told me you'd always be there for me, but you're not.


Timmy: save me!


Whew! Thanks, guys.

That was a close one.

Guess I'll be getting home now.

Timmy, when you ran out of wishes,

Why didn't you just call us?

Well, you're so busy with poof,

I thought you didn't want to be bothered with me anymore.

We're to blame, too, sport.

We've really been ignoring you lately, and we're sorry.

But just because we have a new baby doesn't mean

That you're any less important to us.

We're all a family and we always will be. Really?

Yes. Now we have to get our photo taken and--aah!

Oh, no! We've missed our appointment!

And it takes , years to get another one,

And I look so beautiful.

Then allow me.

I wish you were on time for the family photo!

Ah, there you are, right on time.

Is the whole family ready?

We sure are.

Thanks for getting us here, timmy.

Cheese! Cheese!

Well? Timmy: well, what?

Get in the photo, silly!

Photo? In? Me? Get?

Well, sure. This is a family photo,

And you're part of the family.

We couldn't possibly do it without you, timmy. We love you!


You mean you wanted me in the picture the whole time?

Then how come you weren't yelling at me to get dressed over and over?

Because you were dressed, and you never barf, poop,

Or spit up on yourself like these two.

I love you guys.

Say cow butt!

All: cow butt!


[Machine g*n fire]

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