06x11 - Wishy Washy/Poof's Playdate

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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06x11 - Wishy Washy/Poof's Playdate

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky

♪ Always giving him commands

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

♪ Wands and wings

♪ Floaty crowny things

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

♪ Saturday ♪ saturday

♪ Saturday ♪ saturday

♪ Saturday

Saturday! A day that makes you feel

Alive and rarin' to go!

Aah! Old people!

Ugh! We're exhausted.

Poof had us up all night with his crying.

Guess we're not as young as we used to be.

You can say that again, missy.

No seriously, say it again.

I'm kind of hard of hearing.

[Kids laughing]

Hey, you kids!

Get away from my mule!


Don't worry, guys!

Saturday makes everything better!

Dad: did you just say you wanted to wash my car?

No. Great!


I want the stryker z cleaned, polished,

And raccoon-free by five o'clock!

Tonight's the classic car show

At the cake n' bacon!

I'm taking your mom on a date so we can rekindle

That spark of love we used to have

Before you came along.

Gee, dad. I'd love to help you

Wash and restore your car.

There's just one problem-- I don't want to.

Youthful rebellion, eh?

Well, I'll top that with parental authority.

You better do it or else!

"Or else" what?


Or else I'll take away your skateboard!

Here. It's old anyway.

Eh, then I'll take away your video games!


♪ Go dad, go dad

Beat them all anyway. Here.

Ooh, you're good at the "or else" game!

Ok, then don't wash it.

You're too young to wash this big car anyway.

What? No, I'm not!

Yes, you are.

Only grownups can do jobs like this.

Not little kids, like you,

Who are little and not old.

I'll show you who's a little kid!

I'll wash this car better than you ever could!

Great! I win!

Uh, what just happened?

Reverse psychology just beat

Youthful rebellion!

Dads rule!

Have it ready by :

And don't show fear. Raccoons can smell fear.

♪ Go dad cake n' bacon ♪

♪ Go dad

Ooh. I hate reverse psychology.

Look on the bright side, young fella.

At least, you've had your rabies sh*ts.



This thing is a hunk o' junk

And has a rusty old bumper to boot!

That's no way to talk to my wife!

There's only one thing to do at a time like this.

Wish up a magic car wash that wouldn't just

Clean the car but actually make it brand-new again?

Uh, yep, that's exactly what I meant.

Make it happen!

Can we hurry this up?

It's :. It's time for dinner.

We're having creamed corn.

Cool! A magic car wash!

Cosmo, wanda, bring on the stryker z!

Awesome, poof!

The wish wash made it look like it did

Years ago!

Nice going, guys!

Hey. I wouldn't mind looking years younger.

You don't think--

What do you say, woman?

Let's get rid of our laugh lines

And rusty bumpers.

Oh, what the heck?

Ha ha ha!


Wow, you guys look way younger!

The car wash doesn't just make cars newer,

It makes anything newer!

You're, like, teenagers again!

Like, whatever.

Peace out to my skate-dogs.

What be up in my crib, yo?

What did I just say?

Oh, no! You are teenagers!


Aah! Since cosmo and wanda are teenagers,

They've never been married and never had poof!

Mom: I can't wait to rekindle that old spark of love

We had before timmy came along.

Me, too! And you know I've never loved anything more

In my life than my beautiful wiiii--gah!

Suffering sparkplugs!

It's beautiful!

I've never loved anything more in my life!

[Honk honk]

Ha ha ha!

That's the sound of -cylinder, turbo-charged love!

Sorry, hon. Got to break our love rekindling date

And cruise with my new sweetie!

Peace out, yo.

Well, looks like it's a battle for your dad's heart.

Only one thing to do at a time like this--

Destroy the car and win dad back?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, that's exactly what I meant.

Thanks, timmy!

Yo, t-dude.

Want to grab some air, grind some rails?


I'm, like, totally going to the mall

For a sweet mani-pedi.

You two aren't going anywhere until you go

Back through that car wash

So poof can come back!

Both: what's a "poof?"

Duh! He's your baby?

Aah! A baby?

We're not even married, yo.

And she's not my type.

I like 'em with a little more swirl in the curl.

You guys go back through that car wash or else!

Or else what?

Or else I'll take away your skateboard.


Ok. Then, I'll take away your music.


We needed new ones anyway.

Wow. You're good at the "or else" game.


Ah! I've got to get them back, or we'll never see

Poof again, and cosmo and wanda will be teenage

Know-it-all-jerks forever!

Can anything else go wrong?

Your stuffed cavemen and dinosaur bones

Are right on schedule!

Ain't nothing gonna stop me from delivering on ti--

Ooh, a car warsh!

[Horn honks]

Ha ha!



Dad: you know, I don't come here with just anyone,

But I wanted you to know that you're special,

And to show you how much you mean to me,

A new piston ring!

[Horn honks]

There, there. Don't cry.

And don't explode either,

You four-wheeled man stealer!


You win this round, stryker z,

But two can play at this game.

Hello, dimmsdale.

I'm chet ubetcha here outside

The incredible car wash of youth!

While nobody knows how it works,

It hasn't stopped them from taking advantage

Of the car wash's amazing effects!

This is chet ubetcha saying,

"Time to lose my rusty bumper!"

This is teen chet saying, "oh, no, my voice!

My beautiful voice!"

That does it!

I got to get cosmo and wanda back here!

Yeah! Hi-ho, dino! To the mall!

I'm taking you somewhere extra special to show you

How much you make my motor run.

Oh, ho. Your motor can run, but it can't hide.



I told you this would be special!

Mom: aah!

That driver screams like a girl.

[People screaming]

They got to be here somewhere!

Now, where do teens with attitudes

Hang out to look cool?

The skate shop!

Yo, dudes. Want to see me grab some big air?


Hey! Uncool!


Your nails look totally awesome!

I'm gonna totally text you guys.

O.m.g. B.f.f. L.o.l!

Hey! S.o.s!


You guys are gonna listen to me

And do the right thing!

Like, why?

Because I'm your godchild?

You can't tell us what to do, pops!

We know everything, remember?

Youthful rebellion?

Wait. Reverse psychology beats youthful rebellion!

You're right! I don't think you guys

Should be together after all!


Yeah, I mean, you're just a couple of immature kids

Who have no idea how to act like grownups!

And I never want you to change into grownups!

Hey, you can't tell us what to do!

Sure I can.

You're just a couple of dumb teenagers...

Who are dumb!

Oh, yeah? We'll show you, grandpa!

One pair of grownups coming up!

Wow. Suddenly I feel like a responsible person,

But my nails look fantastic.

Yeah. And I feel like there was a time

When I was once an even bigger idiot than I am now.

I wish the dinosaurs and the car wash were gone!


Poof! Poof!

Well, this story is wrapping up quite nicely.

Sort of.

It's no use.

I'm no match for the stryker z.

Perhaps if I had wheels for feet.


Uh, should we poof away the cavemen?

Not just yet.

Yay! You've made me the happiest man

In the world!


I think we should see other people.

How about mom?

She's tender, warm, and not a car!

You're right! But how could I win

Her love back after I've been

So selfish and unattentive?

She'll never go to the cake n' bacon with me now!

I wish I had a huge diamond ring.

That'll work!

I choose you, honey.

You do realize it's foolish to pick

Material objects over the person

You married and love, right?

I do! And, honey, will you be--


Look at the size of that -pronged, -karat material object

I'd pick over you!

Peace out, yo!

Gentlemen, we've got us a ring to destroy.



He is, like, so b.y.l.t.p.x.!

Who cares?

I'm just glad my mule's back!

Peace out, yo.


Lookee wants a healthy snack.

[Arf arf]

Is it snack time where you are?

Is it? Is it?

Poof, poof. Great!

Then let's have a lookee at lookee's lunch box!

Ha ha ha!

[Arf arf]

It's an apple! Awesome!

Poof, poof.

Poof, poof.

Timmy, can you please play blocks or something

With your godbrother?

All he's done today is watch

"Lookee lookee's lunch box."

Which mesmerizes kids so parents can do

House work and/or goof off!

Uh, hello? I'm .

Blocks are so years ago.

I prefer playing this!

You missed the apple!

I wasn't aiming for the apple.

Well, can't you just sit with him for a while?

I'm busy, and he needs companionship.

You got it, wanda!

We're here for you, and we're here for poof!

It's prunes!

Prunes make strong bones and fiberize your colon!

Poof, poof.

Oh, look at my big boys spending time

With my little boy.

Wait a minute.

Hold still, cosmo.

Ok, timmy, fire away.

Unh! Aah!


Are we in trouble?

No, but no matter how clean his colon is,

Poof will be in trouble if he doesn't get

Social time with other babies.

And since there are no other fairy babies,

You idiots are the closest I've got.

Hey, wanda, you want is a fairy baby play date for poof?

I can do that, and all I need are party invitations.

What kind of party?

The kind that no fairy can resist.


A party? What kind of party?

A party? What kind of party?

I'm a steaming hot.

A party? What kind of party?

A party? Ah, a pancake party?

I am so there!

A pancake party?

Ah, pancakes!

The only carbs I watch

Enter my mouth!

And the only food worth risking tooth decay for!

I'm in love with jack!

Flapjack that is!

The golden, butter-dripping beauties

Are truly my only weakness!

Well, that and my binky

That I've kept since I was a fairy baby

But have long since...beaten--

No! I am stronger than you, binky!

Um, though a treat for the taste buds,

How does a pancake party help get poof

A fairy baby play date?

Easy. I wish that all of our party guests were babies!

Good plan!

Aw, they're so cute!

Wanda: and they're playing with poof!

Yeah, but baby jorgen shouldn't be sucking on his binky.

Remember, you're stronger than binky.




Ok, rule number one-- jorgen keeps the binky.

And rule number two--

Let's go for a wagon ride!

Oh, thank you, timmy.

Poof's so happy.

Being a baby is such a special and fun time.

Then let's go along for the ride!

No, cosmo, I didn't mean--

I got to admit that is cute.

Ok, now how about you poof back

And help me clean up?

Guys, I wish you were adults again and would clean up.


Ok, not cute anymore!

Is your child despondent?

Well, don't blame them. Blame yourself!

Take the "bad parent" test.

Ooh! I love dr. Bill's at-home defective parenting tests!

Does your despondent child say, "I'm busy," a lot?

Oh timmy, we're taking dr. Bill's--

I'm busy!

Do they use a lot of paper towels,

Spend too much time alone in their rooms,

And say, "don't bother me"?

I'm just gonna take these paper towels

Up to my room alone, so don't bother me.

Oh, no!

We're bad parents!

But it's not too late to be great parents.

Rebuild and reconnect your family

With a family play date!


Play date powers activate!

Operation "improvise a diaper for baby jorgen" complete!

Now for operation "get cosmo and wanda

Back to normal so I can unwish this wish and"--

Mom: timmy!

We want to be good parents!

Dad: let us in.

Uh, I need to be alone right now!

Nonsense. You're going to have fun with your family

Whether you like it or not!

Now be quiet while we hang on every

Parent-saving word of dr. Bill.

Reconnect your family by doing simple things.

Bake brownies, get crazy, and jump on the couch,

Or go outside and play croquet.

It's a reconnecting recipe for the perfect family.

I really need to leave now.

No, you don't. To the brownies!




Did you hear a big crash?

And, like, crying babies?

No! But stay here while I go check.

Man, I love this family play date.



Dad: timmy? Like a great parent,

I'm worried about your well-being,

And I'm coming to check on you!

Everything's fine.

Must have been the wind that

Sounded like crying babies.


Weird, huh?

Mom: then let's put these family-saving brownies

In the oven!

[Baby talk]


Oh, he's being despondent again.

We're bad, bad parents!

No. You're great parents!

And great parents don't freak about tossed brownies.

They do other family-saving things

That aren't in the kitchen

Or the living room, right?

Dad: or we can do what's next

On our family rebuilding list

And get crazy and jump on the couch!

[Bionic clicking]


[Bionic clicking]

Ooh, despondency hurts.

That was fun!

What's next on the family saving list?

Croquet? Great!

I'll go wash up and meet you there.

I think this is going really well.

Ok, stay here. Don't move.

How do I get them to stay?


Look, kids. It's captain colon!

Weird show, but down, to go.

Now where could baby jaundissimo be?



Down, to go!

Cosmo? Where's cosmo?

Dad: oh, timmy! Let's play croquet

With this squishy green ball!

Plus these two I found in the bushes,

And you know I like to play hard.


Uh, dr. Bill didn't say play croquet?

Uh, he said, uh, play fetch!

It sounds like croquet!

Ooh, it does!

But we don't have a dog.

Oh, then, you guys be the dogs

'Cause great parents should act like dogs

And rebuild their family,

And you are great parents, aren't you?

We can't argue with that logic.

Eh, uh, we mean--

Woof! Woof!

Bark! Bark.

Again, unbelievable.


Now fetch!

Now, how can I get you guys back to normal before...

Oh, despondency-boy, we're back.

My parents find you!

I wish you were normal!

It's a bran muffin,

Which also cleans your colon!

Oh, great! You'll listen to colon boy,

But you won't listen to me.


What's that, lookee?

You're feeling down,

And that's why you can't talk?

Well, then, let's see what's

In your lunch box.

It's adult cosmo!

Poof him up!

Here we come, son.

Arf arf. Woof.

Poof him up!

Poof, poof.

Timmy, look at all the cute--

I wish all the babies were adults

And back in fairy-world,

And I wish the pancake buffet was gone!

Timmy! We got it! We got the stick!

To prove what great parents we are,

We even bit a mailman as a bonus!

And guess what I did on dinkleberg's lawn?

Then you did it!

You rebuilt and reconnected our family!

Cool! Play date over!

Let's ignore timmy and go watch more tv!

And now I'm dead, because you're all mad

That I turned you into babies.

No. We're mad because we never got to finish our flapjacks!

And we realize it takes a village

To raise a good baby,

So anytime poof needs some baby companionship--

We're ready to poof down to his cute little size.

Aww, look. Poof's trying jorgen's binky.

And I think he likes it.

No, no, poof! That is my binky.

Oh, you shouldn't have done that.

[Jorgen yelling]

Boy on tv: ohh! That's not good for your colon.
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