01x11 - Going Wonkers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Thundermans". Aired: October 14, 2013 - May 25, 2018.*
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Series revolves around the Thundermans, a family with superpowers who try to live normal lives in the fictional town of Hiddenville.
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01x11 - Going Wonkers

Post by bunniefuu »

- Thanks for walking me home,

- Sure.

Thanks for saying you'd go
to the dance with me tonight.

- Are you kidding?

It's all I've been thinking
about ever since you asked me.

- I just asked you
in your driveway.

- I know.
seconds ago.

, ...

- [laughs]

Oh, I almost forgot.

Here, I got you this.

- How beautiful.

- The flower not you.

Not that you're not beautiful.

Okay, you talk now.

- I should get going.
I'll see you tonight.

- In hours, seconds,
and --okay, bye.

And that's
how you talk to a boy.


Hot, hot.

How did that happen?

- A dead flower?

- Cole gave it to me.

- Wow.
He's a keeper.

- Cole didn't do this.

I accidentally burned it
with my heat breath.

Isn't that weird?

- Yeah,
but it happened to you,

so I don't care.

Now I care.

- Emergency family meeting!

- Everyone
in the living room now.

- This is not a drill.

- He's fine.

I only buried him
up to his neck.

- I wanted to know
what a plant feels like.

- The Achilles comet is back.

- The Achilles comet?
- That's terrible!

- Oh, no.

- You don't know what
the Achilles comet is, do you?

- No idea.
- Beats me.

- Not a clue.

- It's a comet that messes
with the Earth's magnetic field

and causes
our superpowers to go wonky.

- What does "wonky" mean?


Got it.

[heroic theme]

- ♪ What you see
is not what you get ♪

♪ Livin' our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in,
bet you'll never guess ♪

♪ 'Cause we're livin' our lives
just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture-perfect family
is what we try to be ♪

♪ The closer you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Just trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- Why do I have
to stay like this?

My face is too close
to Dad's butt cushion.

- How do you think
the cushion feels?

- We just never know
when your super speed might...

Do that.

- We could always put him
back in the hole.

- There it is,
the Achilles comet.

Its path is unpredictable, but
now that it's close to Earth,

we can track it.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on.

Is that a new remote?

- I just got it yesterday.

You can program it
to run the DVD player or--

- Hank, can you play
with your little toy later?

- It's not a toy.

Look how red and spongy
the buttons are.

- I know.
I just want to push them.

- Hello!

Giant comet
speeding past Earth

doing weird things
to our powers.

- No comet's
gonna mess with my powers.

- Hot stuff.
Here we go.

- I can't stop it!

- Hit the deck.
- Duck!

- Ah, my foot!

Ah, my remote.

- Whoa, stop it!

- Max, freeze your sister!

- On it!

- Your other sister.

- Oh, right.

- Now thaw 'em out.

- Are you sure?

'Cause we kind of have
our dream family.

- Fine.

- Let me guess.

Max said something
about his dream family?

So how long is this
wonky thing gonna last?

- We have to wait for the comet
to pass to Earth.

That's what this clock is.

- Ten years?

- Ten hours.

- Oh.

Ten hours?

- Don't worry, Dad.

I'll keep everything under
control at the dance tonight.

- There's
a school dance tonight?

I don't think so, sweetie.

- But Cole asked me
to be his date.

- [gasps]
He did?

Oh, that is so exciting.

What are you gonna wear?

- Pajamas, because
you're not leaving this house.

- Aw.
- Aw.

- But, Dad,
I'm totally fine right now.

- It's the twin thing.

You two
have to stay near each other.

The last time this happened,

we realized if we kept
your cribs within three feet,

your powers didn't go off.

- I'm not buying that.


Three feet it is.

- I'm sorry.

I wish there was
a way you could go,

but if you can't
control your powers,

anything can happen,
including being exposed.

- But...

School break starts tomorrow,

and Cole's going on vacation
for two whole weeks.

- You know, Hank,
if Max goes with Phoebe

and they stay within
three feet of each other,

they'll be fine.

- And then I can go with Cole.

[both cheering]

- Yeah, I'm not going
to some lame school dance.

Dad, come on.
You got to shut this down.

- Actually,
it's not a bad idea.

- Why do you hate me?

- The only reason
you don't want to go

is because that girl Cortni
you've been crushing on

said no when you asked her.

- She did not say no.

- No.

- No?
- No.

- A lot of things were said.
I can't remember.

The point is,
I'm staying here.

Nothing will change my mind.

- Great.

Then you can both
hang here with us.

I just got a great new -D
puzzle of the Titanic;

you two, me, and , pieces
of oceanic history.

- So you're gonna be ready
by :?

- We could leave now
if you want.

- ♪ Ah, ah, ah,
show me a new light ♪

♪ I need a man
who's on the same side ♪

♪ To lift me up
and show me real life ♪

- You look great tonight,

- Thanks.

- I can't believe we're finally
have our first date together.

- Hey, guys.
What are we doing next?

- We have to be within
three feet of each other,

not three inches.

- Oh, hey, Cole,
I think you got the last slider.

Splitsies, right?

I'll have the first half.


- Uh, is he gonna be
hanging around us all night?

- Uh, yeah.

It's his first dance.
He's kind of shy.

- Oh, yeah,
you're gonna like that.

- And kind of gross.

- Hi, Max.

You look so handsome tonight.

Want to dance?

- Uh, maybe later, Sarah.

I just ate.

And you know the rule.

You got to wait minutes.

- Right.

I'll see you in .

- I'll be here.

All right, we got minutes
to get out of here.

- No, you promised you'd stay.

There's rumors
about mini tacos later.

- I do like tiny foods.

- Hey, let's get a picture.

We can capture
this night forever.

- I may vomit.

- Stop it.
Cole's just being sweet.

- No, I think there was
something wrong

with that slider.

[shutter clicking]

- Isn't this great?

- Yeah, I'm really glad I asked

you and your brother
to the dance.

- Don't worry.
We can just crop him out.

- Yeah, just crop me out.

- Or you can just get out.

- Or I'll just get out.

- Huh.

Would you excuse me for a sec?

- Max, you can't
get that far away from me.

Did you see what happened
to the camera?


Oh, Cortni's here.
- Uh-huh.

- And she brought a friend,

a really good friend.

- But she...

But I...


- Look, I'm sorry,
Max, really.

But I need you to come back
with me to Cole now.

Come on.
Come on.

- Dance clock's ticking.

tick-tock, tick-tock.

- You wouldn't happen to be
affected by a comet, would you?

- A little glue,
and we are back in business.

- This swing
is the coolest thing ever!

- We got it when you were a baby
to keep you in place.

It's made out of
super strong metal alloys

reinforced with interlocking
coils for maximum stability.

- And it's super bouncy!





- We also got that
when you were a baby.

- Here we are.
Nora is laser-proof.

- You look like a bug.

- Mother, will you
please take me over

so I can be closer
to my dear Billy?

- No, Mom,
it's a trap!

- Ow!

- How about we do
some yoga together?

You know,
your father and I learned

that if we stay
calm and relaxed,

it helps keep our powers
from going off.

- Eating ice cream
helps too.

Of course, the last time
the comet was here,

I gained pounds.

- The comet was only here
for about ten hours.

- It was the comet.
- Okay, Hank.

Calm down.
Go back to your puzzle.

- Nora, let's get
to that yoga.

Tree pose.
There you go.

Nice and relaxing.


All right,
who wants some ice cream?

- Way ahead of you.

[dance music playing]

♪ ♪

- Can you believe Cortni
chose that guy over me?

- You mean she didn't
chose the annoying dude

with no sense of personal space?

- Great; now there's
a third guy who likes her?

- Hey there, Footloose.

- Not now, screw loose.

- Max, you're too far.

You might want to stay away
from the air vents.

- Wait, are you following
your brother again?

- No, just going
where the music takes me.

- Oh, sorry.
Hey, Cortni.

What's up?

- Hi, Max.

- So I thought you didn't
want to go to the dance.

- Oh, it's not that.

I just didn't want to go
to the dance with you.

- Well, who's that?

- That's Jacob.

He's a senior.

- Yeah, citizen.

- Hey, what do you
think you're doing?

- Hey, relax, man.
I'm just talking.

- Talk to someone else,

- Look, Max,
you're cute and all.

It's just,
I'm with Jacob.

He has a car.

- Yeah, well,
you would've loved our walks.

- Why are you still here?

- Relax, bro.
I'm just dancing, okay?

- Oh, you call that dancing?

- Uh, as a matter of fact,
I do.

- Oh, so you think
you're a big shot.

Well, bring it on, freshman.

- Huh.
Oh, I'll bring it.

It'll be

you know what I mean.

- Well, it seems like your
brother's got over his shyness.

Want to get out of here
and grab a pizza?

- Hey, Phoebe,
you got to stay here!

I'm about
to show this Jacob guy up.

- Phoebe, you coming?

I get the feeling
you don't want to hang with me.

- No, I do.
- Then let's go.

- Look, more than three feet.

- [sighs]

I'm sorry, Cole.
I can't.

- That's what I thought.

- But, Cole!

A broken heart?

Oh, come on, comet.
Now you're just mocking me.

- I can't believe
it's over with Cole.

And it's all your fault.

You knew this night
was important to me.

- It's important to me too.

I'm about to have a dance-off
with a guy I've never met before

over a girl who wants
nothing to do with me.

- Yeah, it'll probably take you
minutes to get over this.

- Hey, I've been
following you around all night.

It's your turn
to follow me.

Now, if you don't mind,

I have to dance.

- I heard you're in a dance-off.

Be careful.

- So I've only seen this
in movies.

Who goes first?

Eenie, meenie, miney, mo?

Coin flip?
Rock, paper, scissors?

- Stop talking.

[dance music plays]

- ♪ So if you want it ♪

♪ And if you need it ♪

♪ And you won't bring me down ♪

♪ If you believe it ♪

♪ Then you got to shout out ♪

♪ Scream it loud ♪

♪ Tell 'em
what it's all about ♪

- Go, Max.
Go, Max.

Go, Max.
Go, Max...

- Back, Max.
Back, Max, back, Max.

- Watch how it's done.

- ♪ What's that sound
coming up from the ground ♪

♪ And put my toes to my head ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Wow, he's really good.

I don't know
if I can top that.

- Please.
You can take him.

Just try something like this.

- ♪ Take a deep breath ♪

♪ What comes next ♪

♪ And from the start
to the end ♪

♪ You'll be my best friend ♪

♪ I'm looking all of this up ♪

- Okay, there's no way
I'm doing that.

- Fine, just take out the spin,
street it up,

and throw in
your triple maximus.

- Yeah, my triple maximus.

Wait, how'd you know
about my secret move?

- Dr. Colosso has been posting
videos of you dancing for weeks.

- million hits.

Take that,
stupid talking animals.


Wait a minute.

- Just go dance.

And take him down.

One of us
needs to win tonight.

- ♪ Tell us
what it's all about ♪

♪ Bring it ♪

♪ Don't wait another minute ♪

♪ You could lose it all ♪

♪ Push it to the limit ♪

♪ Yeah, you got to shout out ♪

♪ Scream it loud ♪

♪ Tell 'em what it's all about ♪

♪ We got to shake the roof off ♪

♪ We got to scream it loud ♪

♪ We'll make you roll,
make you rock ♪

♪ We got to shout it out ♪

♪ We got to shout it out ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Wait, you're leaving me?

But I'm a senior.
I have a car.

- Then drive yourself home.

You looked
really great out there, Max.

- What, so now you want me?

'Cause I showed off
my sweet dance moves?

- Isn't that the point
of a dance-off?

- Is there ever really a point
to a dance-off?

Well, maybe now you'll realize
what you missed out on.

- Okay, so what?

Am I supposed
to win a dance-off for you?

- Well, since you offered,

oh, Sarah!

- You're going down!

- Oh.

- Man, thanks
for those moves back there.

- Yeah, glad somebody's night
wasn't a total disaster.

- Oh, right.
Cole, my slider buddy.

I'm sorry, phoebes.

Is there anything I can do?

- I doubt it.

Cole hates me.

- He does not hate you.

Trust me,
he totally likes you.

- How do you know?

- Because I'm a guy.

And because I was within
three feet of you two all night.

Most of the night.

- Well, if Cole still likes me,

then he must've left
thinking I don't like him.

I can't let him leave
for two weeks thinking that.

I have to fix this.

[loud thud]

We have to fix this.

- Om.

- Ga-boinga-boinga-boinga...

- Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah...

- One last piece.

There she is,
the RMS Titanic.

See, kids.

We're staying calm,
and our powers are in check.

- Alert, alert.

One hour
until Achilles Comet passes.

- One hour.

- Whoa!

- What's going on?


- Ah!
My puzzle.

My remote!

- Oh, Hank,
I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.
These things happen.

I'm not gonna let a few slip-ups
set off my superpowers.

[ice cream truck twinkling]

Ice cream truck.


[door bell rings]

Just my ringtone.

- Mm-hmm.

- Just a word of warning.

There's a slight chance
Cole might've moved on

to a girl with a car.

- I thought you were
over Cortni.

- So did I.

- Okay, relax, Phoebe.

You know he likes you,
so just tell him how you feel.

- That's lame.
Guys don't want to hear that.

- Well, then,
what do I say?

- It's so easy.
Just say--

- Too late.
He's coming.


Hi, Cole.
- Hey, Phoebe.

What are you doing here?

- I just wanted to tell you
before you leave

that I really like you.

And not just, like, like,
but, like, like-like.

I mean, you can even say
that I like-like-like you.

Wait, that's too many likes.

That sounded weird.
Am I still talking?

- Unfortunately.

- What do I do?

- How should I know?

- Oh, not you, Cole.
- You're messing it up.

- You're not helping.
- What do you need help with?

- Uh, nothing, Cole.
I mean...

- I messed up big-time.

- I just--oh, what did you do?

- No, no, to him.
Say you messed up big-time.

- Oh, right.
I messed up big-time.

- It was an off-night,
you know?

- It was an off-night,
you know?

- Like in a game when you
go up to block a shot

and get called
for a foul in the paint.

- Like in a game when you
go up to block a shot

and get called
for a foul in the paint.

- Know what I'm saying?

- Know what I'm saying?

Do I know what I'm saying?

- I think I know
what you're saying.

- It's working.
What's next.

- I just want to say
one more thing.

- I just want to say
one more thing.

- Oh, no.
Please go away.

- Please go away.

- What?

- Wait, no, no.
Don't go away, Cole.

- You forgot about our dance.

- Uh, but there's no music.

- Let danger
be our music.

Hold me!
- Ah!

- Is there
something in the bushes?

- I don't see anything.

- What is going on?

- Um, where I come from,

we throw pine cones
for good luck.

- Okay, okay, I'm back.

Just go for it.
Short and sweet.

- Got it.

Cole, I'm sorry about tonight.

I hope we're cool and we can
try this again sometime.

- You're losing him.

- That was really nice.

Of course we're cool.

- And that's
how you talk to a boy.

- And I promise,
when I get back,

we'll have a real date.

- I can't wait.

- Me either.

Thanks for the pine cones.

Good night, Max.

- [chortles]

Night, Cole.

- [squeals]

Thanks for coming tonight.

- We're even.

Now give me
a five-minute head start

and defrost that.

- Max, we're not
supposed to be apart.


He went that way.

- All right, thanks
to my advanced puzzle skills

and this super-strength glue,

I have once again
fixed the remote.

Now let's see
where this comet is.

- Oh, good.

You guys are right in time
to see the comet pass.

- There it is.

- Three, two, one!

[all cheering]

- Finally.
- Finally.

- Okay, now, now, kids,
be careful.

There still might be some
after effects from the comet.

- Ow!

- Was that an after effect.

- Yeah, let's go with that.

- Okay, kids,
time for bed.

Um, you want to change out
of that diaper thing?

- No, not really.

- Well, I'm gonna stay
as far away from you as I can.

- If I can hear you,
it's not far enough.

- Then what are you
still doing here?

- I was gonna watch a movie.

- No, I'm gonna watch a movie.

What the...

- Is this glue?

- No!
- No!
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