01x12 - Restaurant Crashers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Thundermans". Aired: October 14, 2013 - May 25, 2018.*
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Series revolves around the Thundermans, a family with superpowers who try to live normal lives in the fictional town of Hiddenville.
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01x12 - Restaurant Crashers

Post by bunniefuu »

- [laughs]

Barb is gonna love it.

- Hey Dad, did you--

- Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You're the last person
I wanted to see this.

- You got me a new car?

I love it!

[car polish squeaks]

And it's freshly waxed.

- Listen, honey,
here's the thing--

- I know, I know,
I'm not old enough to drive.

You just love me so much
you couldn't wait.

Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you!

- Oh, uh, Phoebe.

The car is for your mom.

- Then why did you say

I was the last person
you wanted to see it?

- Because I'm surprising her
with it for our anniversary,

and, well, you know.

- Uh, no, I don't know.

- You're not great
at keeping secrets.

- What?

Me, not great
at keeping secrets?

- Mom, do you know what Dad's
getting you for your birthday?

- He's keeping it a secret.

- Well, I can tell you
one thing.

It's definitely not a watch.

That was five years ago
in Metroburg.

I can totally handle
secrets now.

- Hey, how's your
homework coming?

- Dad's taking you
to a steakhouse

for your anniversary dinner.

- And that was minutes ago.

- But I've learned
my lesson since then.

I haven't even mentioned
the bowling ball Mom got you--

may have a point.

- I'm begging you.

This is the big one.

Please don't spoil the surprise.

- I won't.
I promise.

She's gonna love it.

- Well, the minivan was
on its last legs,

and we needed a car anyway.

Figured I might as well k*ll
two birds with one stone.

- You might want to leave
the bird-k*lling part out.

Not very romantic.

- Well, this is.

- You wrote Mom a poem?

Oh, I can't wait to tell her.

- [groans]

Not tell her.
Not tell her.

No telly.

- Hey, guys.
- I'll never tell.

Stop asking.

I've already said too much.

[upbeat music]

- ♪ What you see ♪

♪ Is not what you get ♪

♪ Living our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in,
bet you'd never guess ♪

♪ 'cause we're living our lives
just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture-perfect family
is what we try to be ♪

♪ Look closer,
you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't make-believe,
it's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Living a double life ♪

- This cartoon doesn't even
make any sense.

- Does anyone over two
even find this funny?

- [laughs]

- Mom, I'm so sorry I ruined
your surprise dinner.

But I can assure you
that there are

no more surprises
in store tonight.

Just the dinner.
Nothing else.

Zip, zilch, nada.

- Okay, well, let's go now.

[TV beeping]

- [electronic voice]
Alert, alert, Blobbin calling.

- Hey, Thundermans.

How are my favorite cousins?

- Kids, this is
your cousin Blobbin

we were telling you about,

the all-american blob's
old sidekick

before he passed away.

- Oh, right, the lucky sucker
who got everything.

- [laughs]

Oh, kids.

I don't know where they
hear these things.

- From you, Dad.
You say it all the time.

- [laughs]

- Cousin Blobbin, are you
sitting on a pile of cash?

- Uh, yeah.

What else am I supposed to do

with all this money
uncle blob left me?


Hold on,
I got to stoke the fire a bit.



- Uh, hi, I'm Max,
and you owe me a lifetime

of Christmas and birthday gifts.

- Double it.

We're twins.

- [scoffs]

- Blobbin,
we'd love to catch up--

Oh, but we have
dinner reservations.

- That's why I'm calling.

Happy Anniversary!

- Aw, you remembered.

How sweet of you.

- We're family.
We look after each other.

if you ever need anything,

I mean anything, give me a call.

And you know what I'll say?

[together] This sounds like
a job for a blob!

- Yeah, little guy
knows his superheroes.

- Well, thanks for calling,

- You got it.

I love you, Hank.

- Okay, thanks again.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You can't leave a guy hanging
with an I love you.

You got to say it back.

- [laughs]
You're a funny man.

Oh, hate to go, but we've got
those reservations.

See ya.
- Yeah, it's just once.

You got to say it.

- All right, kids,
we'll be back by :.

- Okay, drive carefully.

We only have one car.
Definitely not two.

- Okay, let's go.

You have a serious problem.

- Phoebe knows something.

- Don't worry.

I know how to make her talk.

Tell us what you know,
or the unicorn gets it.

- This is your unicorn.

- Don't hurt Larry.

- Come on, Phoebe,
let the cat out of the bag.

- Never.
- I'm sorry, can we stop this?

There's a cat in a bag

We should let it out.

- All right, Phoebe,
you've left us no choice.

This is your math homework
with all the answers wrong.

Don't think I won't hit send.

- Gosh, Max,
I'm really worried...

for Pho-bee Tinderman.

You spelled my name wrong.

- Then you'll flunk
spelling too.

In three, two, one--

- Dad bought Mom a new car!

- New car?

- Sweet!

- Guys, I'm worried
about this cat.

- Stupid minivan
always breaking down.

- Oh, I'm so over that car...

and these heels.

- Well,
tonight's gonna be perfect

as long as I'm with you--

where'd you go.

- [chuckles]

- Don't worry,
things are about to get better.

I reserved our favorite table.

- Oh, you got us the romantic
chuck wagon for two?

- Giddyup, little doggy.


- Hi
- oh, hi.

- Can I help you?

- Hi, Thunderman.

We have a reservation.

- Sure.

Oh, sorry.

You're an hour late.

We had to give your table away.

- Aw.

- It's okay, Barb.

There's no hurry.

It's a special night,

and we deserve
our special table.

- It's a -minute wait.

We'll take anything
that holds food.

- Yeah.

- Okay, guys,
it's been long enough.

Everybody out.

- Cool it, pheebs.

We're just soaking up
the new car smell.

[both inhale deeply]

- Oh, yeah, that's new.

- Seriously, I promised Dad
I wouldn't tell anyone.

- And how's that going?

- Dad was right.
I have a serious problem.

Billy's getting a skateboard
for his birthday.

- Yay!

- Please, get out of the car.

- Guys, listen to Phoebe.
Get out.

- Thank you.

- They got to help me
turn this bad boy

into a rocket car.

- This is not gonna be
a rocket car.

- Nora, pass the mustard.

- Chili dogs in the new car?

Why are you eating chili dogs
in the new car?

- 'Cause I didn't want
a cheeseburger.

- Get out of there right now
before you spill anything.

- I think she's talking to you.

- What do you want from me?

I'm eight.

- I'm older.

Get out.

What did I just tell you?

- Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah?

- Happy Anniversary, honey.
- Happy Anniversary.

[water splashes]

Do you want to wait
for another table?

- Doesn't matter where I sit.

As long as I'm across from you

looking into
your beautiful eyes.

Or one eye.

Just one eye is good.

- [sighs]
All right.

Got all the chili out.

What are you doing?

- Just cleaning up the cheese.

- There wasn't any cheese
on those chili dogs.

- No, but there was
on the nachos I spilled.

All good.

- Max, we have to be careful.

This is a really nice car.

- Phoebe?

- Well, I mean,
I wouldn't buy it.

I'd get a pink convertible.
- Uh, Phoebe.

- You know, one of those
with the eyelashes

on the headlights
that everyone likes.

- First, nobody likes those.
Second of all, turn around!

- What, no, we got to stop it.

[both sigh]

Wow, that was close.

- It must be our lucky day.


[both scream]

[both laugh]

- It's funny because
we didn't do it.

- How did it happen?

- We were sitting here
minding our own business

when all of the sudden,
Dad's arch nemesis,

gutter ball, came in there and--

- Max did it.

He hit the gear thingy,
and the car started to roll.

- Why have a story if we're
not going to stick to it?

- It doesn't matter.

Dad's gonna flip.

- She's right.

Billy, initiate defcon orange.

- On it.

- I'm sorry.
What's defcon orange?

- We hide out in Argentina
until the heat dies down.

- No one's running away.

Okay, I need your help
to fix this.

Otherwise, Dad'll know
I blew his secret.

- You're probably gonna end up
telling him anyway.

You have a problem.

- We're in, okay?

But we can do it alone.
We need some help.

- Hold on a minute.

We do know someone
who has the kind of money

that can fix this quickly.

- And who will drop everything
to help the family.

- This sounds like a job
for a blob!

Oh, so it's cute
when Billy does it.

[doorbell rings]

- Have no fear, Blobbin's here!

- No uniform?

How do we know it's you?

- Hiyah!
Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Blob attack!
Pow, pow!


- Yeah, it's him.

- Whoa, look at you guys.

Bring it in.
Bring it in.

It's been so long.

- You just saw us this morning.

- No, since I've had a hug.

- Thank you so much
for coming over and helping us.

- You the blob.

- Hey, it's nothing.

I hear the Thunderman kids
need my help,

and I am the--

and I am there.

We're family.

You guys are like my sibs.

Oh, that's slang for siblings.

[clicks tongue]

- Well, why don't you come see

what our idiot brother did?

That's slang for idiot brother.

[clicks tongue]

So can you fix it quick?

- I don't know.

It's going to cost
a lot of money.

Good thing I'm stinking rich!




- Thank you so much.

This car was Dad's
anniversary surprise for Mom.

If he saw it like this,
he'd lose it.

- He?

As in Hank?

No, not gonna happen.
- What, why?

- 'Cause I'm mad at your dad.

Earlier today I told him
I loved him,

but he didn't say it back.

He didn't say "I love you" back.

- Man, you're sensitive.

- Which is weird because your
superpower is nothing hurts you.

- That's on the outside.

On the inside, I'm a gooey mess.


- There, there.

Let it out.

- [sobs and blows nose]

- Let it all out.

- Look, look, I'm sorry my dad
hurt your feelings,

but I know he loves you.

- Maybe, but it would be nice
to hear from him.

- Don't worry.

You will, Blobbin.

So you'll fix the car?

- Uh-huh.

I'll just call in
my very well-paid people,

and they'll take care
of everything...

BOTH: Yes!

- Right after your dad says,

"I love you, Blobbin."


- What do we do?
What do we do?

- Relax, Phoebe.

We just get Dad
to say the words,

"I love you, Blobbin."

- And how do we do that?

- Same way I got him
to tell the principal

I was sick last week.

- Please excuse Max
from school today.

He is sick with a cold.

- You didn't have
a cold last week.

- No, but I did record
Dad saying the word "cold,"

also "sick," "school,"
and all those other words.

Then I just pieced them together
in this app.

It's actually pretty easy.
Check it out.

- My name is Phoebe.
I'm a doodie head.

- I don't know
how I feel about this.

- Oh, I think you do.

- Wow, Max.

You are a genius.

- Thank you, Phoebe.

- [sighs]

- There they are.
We need to get closer.

- Okay, now all we have to do
is record Dad saying,

"I love you, Blobbin."

It is their anniversary.

It shouldn't be too hard
to get the "I love you" part.

[water splashes]

- I'm gonna rip that door
right off its hinges.

- Uh, well, I got "I"
and "hinges."

- Wait, Max.

Dad wrote Mom a love poem.

- Eww.

- It's romantic.

And it's what's gonna save us.


See, check it out.

Here it says, "I love you."

But now it says,
"I love you, Blobbin."

Wow, Phoebe, you're a genius.

- Well, hurry up, genius.

He's looking for it.

- Barb,
I have something for you.

I could have sworn
it was in my pocket.

- Oh, I--I must've dropped it.

It got really wrinkled.

- You ready to record?

- For our anniversary,
I wrote you a poem.

- Hank.

- "From your hair to your eyes
to your heart that's true,

these are all the reasons
that I love you--"

- "Blobbin."
Why didn't he say "Blobbin"?

- [groans]

There were two more verses.

I--I'm so sorry, Barb.

You know I love you.

- Blobbin.
Call her Blobbin.

- It's not gonna happen.
He just said I love you.

What do we do now?

- You know, Max,
I'm always saying

we don't dress up
as a cow nearly enough.

- You never say that.
- Well, I'm saying it now.

- I can't believe your dad

turned a supervillain
into a bunny.

Can I pet him?

- Absolutely not.

- I'm very rich.

- Start behind the ears.

- Coochy, coochy coo.

Coochy, coochy, coo.

- All right, all right,
that's enough.

We're not dating.

- So, Blobbin,
you're tough on the outside,

but just how tough are you?

- Well, why don't you
give it a shot?

Come on, superpunch me.


It's like a soothing massage
for my tummy.

- My turn, Billy.

I'm bringing the heat.


It tickles.


BOTH: Awesome!

- No.


[all laugh]

- Moo!

Okay, we have the "I love you."

Now we just need to get Dad
to say, "Blobbin."

- Why do you get to be the head,
and I have to be the butt?

- Because it was my idea

to write Blobbin
on the dessert menu,

and, well, you're a butt.

Oh, I totally wasn't
talking to you.

You seem lovely.

- I'm sorry tonight went so bad,

but I have a surprise
in store for you later.

- Is it a cow?

- Hey there, cowpokes.

How about dessert?

- Thank you.

- Oh, since there's only
one thing on the menu,

I guess we'll have that.

- Have what?

- This.

- Cows can't read.

- Yeah, but you're
not a real cow.

- Just say it.

- Oh, the butt talks too.

- All right, fine.

Uh, we'll have the vanilla
ice cream blob in hot fudge.

- Got it.

- Thank you.

- Hey, I think that cow
took my biscuit.

- [sighs]


- Ready.

- Hello?

- Hey, Phoebe, what's up?

- Well, my dad's here,

and he has something
to say to you.

- [hushes]

- I'm so sorry.

You know I love you, Blobbin.

- Aww.

I love you too, Cousin Hank.

So how's dinner going?

- Please excuse Max
from school today.

He is sick with a cold.

- I'm sorry to hear that.

But what about Phoebe,
is she all right?

- My name is Phoebe.

I'm a doodie head.

- No.

No, you're just going through
your awkward years.

- Okay, Blobbin,
well, we have to go,

but you'll call your people
and fix the car?

- Blobsolutely.

Anything for my pal Hank,
who loves me.

- Time for Dad's
new bowling ball.

BOTH: Three, two, one,

Happy Anniversary!

- Let me know when you do it.

- Who said you guys
could use my cannon?

- No time, Max.

Blobbin, did your guys
fix the car?

- What car?


Come on, let's check it out.


Kids, tonight we learned
a very important lesson.

A little love...

goes a long, long way.

- It's gray.

The car is gray.

- Technically,
it's twilight fog.

- Blobbin,
the car used to be red.


- Oh.

- Would you excuse me
for a minute?


Okay, where were we?

- Hey, Barb, come on out
to the garage for a minute.

- That's Dad.
- That's bad.

Blobbin, clear out.

- Oh, kids, I was wondering
where you were.

- We just thought we'd hang out
in the garage a bit.

You know,
for no particular reason.

- Okay, before Phoebe
says anything else...

Happy Anniversary!

- [screams]

A car?

Oh, honey, thank you!

We needed a new car.

- It's gray.

- Twilight fog.

- I love it.

I'm just so glad it's not red.

- Red? I think I know you
a little better than that, Barb.

- Oh, let me get some of that
new car smell.

- All right, Phoebe,
how did the car get gray?

- Sorry, that's a secret.

Guess I'm over my problem, huh?

- Well, it's too bad because

whoever turned this car gray
is who I love the most.

- That's me!

That's me!

- Blobbin?

I love you!

- [laughs gleefully]
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