01x13 - Thundersense

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Thundermans". Aired: October 14, 2013 - May 25, 2018.*
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Series revolves around the Thundermans, a family with superpowers who try to live normal lives in the fictional town of Hiddenville.
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01x13 - Thundersense

Post by bunniefuu »

- Dinner is ready.

Nora, would you get
Phoebe and Max?

- Sure.

Phoebe! Max!


- Not what I meant.

- Sorry!

- Oh, spaghetti and meatballs.

- Hey, Barb--

- Yes, Hank.
I made you a giant meatball.

- [laughs]

see, this is why I love you.

And you're pretty and smart
and all that stuff.

- Out of my way!
I'm older.

- By seconds.

- Best seconds of my life.

- Got your meatball, Da--

ALL: Whoa.

- You weren't even looking.

How did you know that meatball
was about to hit you?

- I-I don't know.

I-I just suddenly sensed
a meaty danger.

- And a tingling sensation?

- Yeah.
- You know what this means?

- Phoebe's a witch!

- Let's see if she melts.

- Whoa.
Your sister is not a witch.

- Let's take a vote.
Who thinks Phoebe's a witch?

- Actually, Phoebe's developing
her thundersense,

the ability to sense danger
right before it happens.

- It's the first step
to becoming a great superhero.

- And she's already making
the world safer for meatballs.

- Hey, since Max and Phoebe
are twins,

that means Max has it too.

- Hey.

- Nope.
No thundersense.

- Like I care.

I have things
that Phoebe doesn't have.

- Like bad grades
and dumb faces?

- Now, Max, there's no reason
to feel bad or...

To make that face.

You'll get your thundersense

- Yeah.

The important thing
to remember right now is,

I'm better than you.

- Now, Phoebe, that's not true.

I didn't get my thundersense
till I was .

- When did you get yours, Dad?

- Oh, doesn't matter.


- I'm fine, Mom.

I told you.
I don't care.

- Maybe since Max was born
seconds after Phoebe,

he has it now.


- Still no thundersense.

- Are you all right?

You're safe now.

[upbeat music]

- ♪ What you see ♪

♪ Is not what you get ♪

♪ Living our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in,
bet you'd never guess ♪

♪ 'Cause we're living our lives
just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture-perfect family
is what we try to be ♪

♪ Look closer,
you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't make-believe,
it's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Living a double life ♪

- Oh, hey, Cherry.

- Hey, pheebs.

You--something's different
about you.

- Maybe it's the spring
in my step

that says I'm capable
of doing great things.

- No, I think it's that
your shirt's inside out.

- Guess you didn't sense that,
did you?

- Thundersense detects danger,
not inside out shirts

or brothers who forgot
to brush their teeth.

- Nyah.
- Nyah.

- Nyah.
- Meh.

- [grunting]

- You need some help with that?

- Where I come from,

I am lifting three goats
at one time!



[mystical whooshing]

[cart rattling]

- [gasps]

[cart rattling and thumping]


- Phoebe saved her!

- She is hero!

- It's almost like you knew
it was gonna happen.

- Yeah.

[laughs nervously]

- Let's hear it for Phoebe!

[cheers and applause]

- What'd I miss?

- Is that sandwich
making you feel better

about not having
your thundersense, sweetie?

- It would if I had
my fancy mustard.



[thumping and clanking]

Do you really have
to play golf right now?

- Hey, it's the only tee time
I could get.

So what's with all
the pity gifts

from dimples up there?

- My mom feels bad
I don't have my thundersense,

so I'm gonna keep working her
until I get this:

A , terabyte supercomputer
with satellite connectivity.

And after
Phoebe's big save today,

Mom will do anything
to make me feel better.

- Sweetie,
I'm sending you brownies!

- Thanks, Mom.

- Bravo, kid.

Way to make your complete lack
of ability work for you.


- No, no, no, no, no.

This means I have
my thundersense.

I don't want my thundersense.

- Tough break, kid.

Looks like you're gifted.

- Coming down, honey.

I brought you some milk to go
with your brownies.

Is there anything else you want?

Like a hug?

- Actually, there is something
I wanted to tell you.

I'd like a , terabyte

with satellite connectivity.

- Two hugs?

- I don't have my thundersense.

- But, Max, uh--

- [crying]
I don't have my thundersense!

- Oh!

Okay, I'll get you
a computer, okay?

- [crying]

- Hey, Phoebe!
Come on.

Time for our weekly
superhero training!

- Be down in a sec!

- Hey Dad,
maybe I can just skip this week.

I'm dead weight
without the thundersense,

and my thunderwear is starting
to ride up in the back.

- Training might be
what you need

to jump-start your thundersense.

And as for the wedgie,

you learn to live with it.

[horse whinny]

- Training mode activated.

[heroic music]

♪ ♪

- Now you stand
on this platform blindfolded

and try to sense Billy and Nora
firing tennis balls at you.

- Don't worry.
We'll be gentle.

Crank it up, Billy.

- How's it going in here?

- We're just getting started.

Now focus, Max.

Really try and Rev up
that thundersense.

Billy, Nora, fire when ready.

- Ah.

Golly, I wish I knew
when these balls were coming--


So I could avoid them.



- Aww, my poor
brave little hero.

I'm just gonna put this new

and very expensive supercomputer
down in your lair.

- Very what?

- Nothing!

- I got to see
what's keeping Phoebe.

[horse whinny]

Be right back!

- Let him have it.

[mechanical boinging]

- Hey, don't aim at my head.

- You just caught the ball
without seeing.

- No, I didn't.

- But you're holding the ball.

- No, I'm not.

- Now you're just gonna slide
away to avoid more questions.

- Yes, I am.

- Come on, Nora.

Let's go see what he's up to.

[mechanical whir]


- Oops.
My hand must've slipped.

- Oh, I don't know, Cherry.

I wouldn't say "hero."

But you can keep saying it.


- [clears throat]

- Yes, "Fanatics for Phoebe"

sounds like
a great fan club name.

Maybe we could--

- Bye, Cherry.

All right.

Now let's just talk
about some basics.

- Well, actually, Dad,

I think I'm done
with this training thing now.

I got my thundersense.

I'm finally worthy
of this super suit.

- Don't get too cocky.

The thundersense can be tricky.

Sometimes it's hard to tell
what the actual danger is

if you're not focused.

- Uh-huh, focused, got it.

- Hashtag Phoebe, over here.

- Dad, relax.

I've got this.

I saved someone today.

Do you have any idea
what that feels like?

- Hi, I'm thunder man.
Nice to meet you.

- I'm just saying,
I'm ready for anything.

- Oh, really?

- See?


- See?

- [scoffs]


You think
I have my thundersense.

That is the most outrageous,
absurd thing I have ever--

You can't prove anything.

- I guess we were wrong, Billy.

Let's go upstairs now.

Stairs, stairs, stairs, stairs,

stairs, stairs, stairs, stairs,

[mystical whooshing]

- What are you lunatics doing?

- Proving you have
the thundersense.

- Are you all right, baby?

Did they splash you?

- You've been playing mom
to get stuff.

- All right, you got me.

I have a good thing going here.

Don't tell Mom.

- Oh, we won't,

so long as you have her
get something we want.

- And what's that?

- A tangerine.

- I said, "a trampoline."

- Oh, that's much better!

- Be aggressive!

Be aggressive!

B-e a-g-g-r-e-s-s...

- Come on, pheebs,
tell the story again.

ALL: Yeah, yeah.

- Come on, guys,
it wasn't that exciting.

Hit it, Cherry.

[heroic music]

There I was,
walking through the halls,

when out of nowhere,

pounds of self-serve
TeX-mex destruction

came barreling down.

- It's true.
I was there.

And that's when Phoebe ran--

- Tyler.

My story.

I instinctively knew
what I had to do.

So I reached out and--

[mystical whooshing]

Excuse me a sec.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Time to save the day.

Pff, well, that's obvious.

Don't worry.
I'll save you!

- Ow!

[all scream]

[all moaning]

- Oh, no!
The head cheerleader!

- Oh!

- Oh, no!
The star quarterback!

- Oh, no!
My award-winning roses!

- You took out
our star quarterback

and the cheerleaders.

- [crying]

- Why do you hate this school?

- How is the possible?

I sensed someone was in danger.

- [shrieks]

[all gasp]

- And that someone was Cherry.

Cherry, are you okay?

- Oh.

How could you do this?

Sorry, but everybody's mad
at you.

You broke the whole school!

We're still besties.

Get out of my sight!

Call me later.

- Everyone at school hates me.

- Not everyone.
Just the ones in the hospital.

- I'm so sorry about that.

How's your head?

- I'm fine.

It's just a little bump.

My hair covers it perfectly.


- Ugh!


I thought I saw a spider
on my bump--lump--floor.

[knocking on door]

- Phoebe,
can I talk to you?

- I'm sorry, Cherry.
Got to go.

- Me too.
I got to get back to my walnuts.


- [sighs]

what do you want, Dad?

- You got to come out
of your room sometime

and talk about this.

- What's there to talk about?

I turned a pyramid
of cheerleaders

into a heap
of broken arms and dreams.

- Like I said,
the thundersense is tricky.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

- Yeah, well,
what if instead of cheerleaders,

it was a pyramid of buses
filled with orphans?

- Why are orphans
stacking buses into a pyramid?

- No, no, no, the orphans
aren't doing the stacking.

They're in the buses.

- Well, who's stacking
the buses?

- Just forget it!

I don't want to be
a superhero anymore.

I don't have what it takes.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's silly.

I'm coming in.

- Sorry, it's locked.

[lock clicks]

- Hey, hey, hey.

Looks like somebody's got
their tele-k on.


You've just lost
your confidence.

You got to get right back
on that super horse.

- There's not gonna be
any super horses for me, Dad.

I'm done saving people.



- Your super suit?

- I'll never wear it again.

Well, except for the belt.

That'll go great
with my orange top.

- Check it out.

Mom gave me a huge bowl
of ice cream for breakfast.

And it's all yours.

- Ice cream?

I can get ice cream
whenever I want.

Look at me.
I'm adorable.

- Well, I'll take it.

- Leave it, Billy.

We didn't come this far
for rocky road.

Now get us that trampoline,

or your supercomputer gets it.

- Hey, uh, Mom.

There is something else
you could do

that'd help me cheer me up.

- What's that?

- Get a trampoline.

- A trampoline?

Oh, honey, I'm sorry,
but I kind of spent

your college savings
on the supercomputer.

[lasers zapping]

- Uh, please, Mom.

I don't have the thundersense.

- I know.

But how's a trampoline gonna--

- Ah, no one understands me!

- Oh, oh, oh, oh,

okay, okay,

I'll--I'll get you
the trampoline.

- Thank you.
Thank you.


Love you so much.
[laughs nervously]

- Aw.

- Okay.

I've got the perfect plan

to restore Phoebe's confidence.

- Stuffing her in a sack?

So weird.

I had the same plan!

- No.

We're gonna make her feel
like a hero again with this!


- Cool!
We got a dog!

- No, it's a stuffed Badger.

We're gonna put it
on Billy's arm

and pretend it's attacking him.

Phoebe freezes it,
thinks she saved his life.


Confidence restored.

- Isn't there a way
of restoring Phoebe's confidence

without using road k*ll?

- [growls]

- It'll work.
You'll see.

Now we just need to get Phoebe
down from her room.

- Oh, I got it.


There's a Channing Tatum
movie marathon on!

Sweet cheese!

- Go!

- My arm!

[all shrieking]

- Oh, no!

Billy's being att*cked
by an angry Badger!

Phoebe, do something!

- Uh, uh, I'll save you, Billy!


What's the number
for animal control?

- Phoebe, a bloodthirsty varmint

is chewing on your brother!

- [screaming]

- Use your freeze breath!

[ice crackling]


All right, Phoebe!
- You did it!

- Let's hear it
for our little hero!

- And what about me?

You think that kind
of acting just happens?

- Acting?

- Uh, don't listen to Billy.

He's clearly confused
with the rabies.

[ice crackling]

- This thing is stuffed!

- Stuffed with Billy arm.

- Hank, it's--it's over.

- Over because Phoebe
saved the day!

- No, Hank.

- You guys staged a pity save?

- We just thought you needed
a confidence boost

to help get your groove back.

- [sighs]
well, now I feel worse,

thanks to your dead Badger lies.

Oh, well,

at least I have a Channing Tatum
movie marathon to watch.

- Actually, Phoebe--

- My whole life is a lie!

- Oh.

- We did not think this through.

- All right,
here's your trampoline.

Now where is my supercomputer?

- Billy threw it in the lake.

- What?

- Lighten up.

It's right behind you.

- Meanies.

- Step aside, Nora.

I need to get my bounce on.



This is the best thing ever!

- Come on, get off, Billy.

It's my turn.

- No way!

This is too much fun!


I'm stuck!

- Uh-oh.


Billy's stuck on the roof.

- Help!

- [sighs]


Bravo, Billy.

I almost believed
you were really in trouble.

You're such a good actor.

- Thanks for the compliment,

but I really am in trouble.

- Isn't your thundersense
going off?

- Like that's reliable.

I know you're hiding
somewhere, Dad.

You can save him yourself.

Oh, and in case
you couldn't see me,

I did air quotes
around "Save him."

- I'm gonna go find Dad.

You hold on!

- You think?

[mystical whooshing]

- Ugh, stupid thundersense.

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

I can't hear you.

- Ah!
Somebody help me!

[mystical whooshing]


- I got you.

I am so sorry
I didn't believe you.

- It's okay.

I was the boy who cried,
"Angry Badger."

- Oh, thank goodness, Billy.
You're okay.

- Thanks to Phoebe.

I fell, and she saved me,

for real this time.

- Whoa, that's my girl.

- Now, Max,
what was Billy even doing

on your trampoline
in the first place?

- Well, this isn't my tram--

But hey, everybody,
let's hear it again for Phoebe.


- Max, I bought that trampoline
to make you feel better

because you don't have
your thundersense.

[metal creaks]

- [laughs nervously]

good news, family.

I, uh, got my thundersense.

Just now.

What a great day for all of us.

- Take it from the actor
in the family:

no one's buying this.

- I can't believe
you played me this whole time.

You can say good-bye
to your supercomputer.

- But, Mom, Billy and Nora
made me get the trampoline.

- Don't believe him, Mom.

Look at me!
I'm adorable!

- Nice work, Phoebe.

- Nailed it!
I told you I was the best.

I'm so ready to drop out
of school and go full supe.

- [laughs]

that's not funny.

- It's kind of funny.

Look, Dad, I'm so sorry
I got carried away.

I know I still have
a lot to learn.

- And you will.

- Well, guess I need
my super suit back.

You still have it, right?

- Yeah, about that.

I don't have laundry sense.

- Hank, why is this giant
meatball in the fridge?

It fell on the floor.

- It's healing.

Refrigerator's like
a hospital for food.

- Throw it away.

[touching acoustic guitar music]

- I can't quit you.

- You're not gonna take a bite
out of that, are you?

- No!

That would be gross!

[school bell rings]

- Pheebs, hold up!

- Cherry, your hideous bump
is gone!

I mean, hey, look at you.

- I know, right?

No more freak accidents
for this gal.

[both laugh]

[air whistling]

- Do you hear a whistle?

[mystical whooshing]

[whistling grows louder]

- Cherry, duck!

- Where?
I love ducks.



- Cherry, are you okay?

- Forget about me.

How's the duck?
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