01x16 - Learning Curve

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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01x16 - Learning Curve

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, children.

I'm your new governess,
Mrs. Davenport.

Too formal.

Henry, Beatrice,
I'm so glad to meet you.

I've heard so much about you,

and I'm sure we're going to be
very good friends.

Too familiar.

I'm Mrs. Davenport.

Your father has asked me here
to be your new governess.

Something he did
without mentioning it to us.

Good morning, children.

It's good to see you.

You must be Henry,

and this... is Beatrice.

Henry Burleigh,
Viscount Timmins.

My sister,
the Lady Beatrice Flora.

You will address us
as "milord" and "milady."

Of course, milord.

Please, sit down.

Let's get to know one another,
shall we?

I am Mrs. Davenport.

I hope to be a friend to you
as well as a governess.

In ullam
rem ne properemus.

I beg your pardon?

In ullam rem ne properemus.

Is your Latin a bit rusty?

I... suppose it is.

Then I don't see how

you'll be doing
my lessons with me.

Milord, I assure you
that I am more than qualified

to instruct you.

I may have to brush up
on my Latin,

but when it comes to mathematics
and the sciences,

I'm sure you'll find
my lessons challenging.

And Beatrice...

...what do you like to study?


Not even painting
or needlework?

I just made my first sampler.

I finished it yesterday.

Did you? Oh, I'd love
to see it sometime.

I don't have it anymore.

I gave it to Mother.


My sister is confused.

She gave the sampler to Mother
before she died.

No, I didn't.

I gave it to her last night.


I talked to her.

Beatrice is upset,
Mrs. Davenport.

She hasn't yet accepted
our mother's death.


I know it was a terrible thing
to lose your mother.

She's not dead!

I saw her last night!

What have you done to my sister?

Computer, restore characters
in program Janeway Lambda-1.

Unable to comply.

There has been
a disruption of power

to energy grid Beta 4.

Janeway to Bridge. Report.

We're experiencing

power fluctuations on Deck 6,

Mr. Tuvok is investigating.

Keep me informed.

Janeway out.

Tuvok to Lieutenant Torres.

Has any equipment repair
been authorized on Deck 6?

Negative. What's going on?

Stand by.

Be careful!

Sorry. You might have broken
the connection.

Crewman Dalby,
what are you doing here?

Oh, one of the bio-neural
gel packs was malfunctioning.

I had to replace it.

Did you inform
Lieutenant Torres?

Well, not yet.

I was just going to take this
to Engineering for analysis.

On this ship, we have a protocol
for such procedures.

I was in the area,

I saw a malfunctioning gel pack,
and I fixed it.

What's the problem?

Your repair interrupted
a number of ship's functions.

That is the problem.

I guess I'm used to doing things
a little differently.

On our ship, when something
went wrong you fixed it.

I would remind you, Mr. Dalby,

that you are no longer
on a Maquis ship.

I'm well aware of that,

and every minute of every day
I regret it.

I was just trying to do my job--
trying to help out.

If that goes against
Starfleet's almighty rules,

then put me in the brig.

Otherwise, leave me alone.

Captain's Log, Stardate 48846.5.

the loss of a gel pack

would be a minor inconvenience,

but here in the Delta Quadrant,
it's a reminder

of the precarious nature
of our journey.

I don't understand.

The gel packs have an extremely
reliable track record.

It's almost impossible
to damage them.

Why did this one malfunction?


Lieutenant Torres is running

a materials analysis
on the gel pack.

ln the meantime,
the unit has been replaced.

How many do we have left
in reserve?


Those gel packs

run half the critical systems
on this ship.

Once they run out, that's it.

We can't replicate new ones.

It might be possible
to switch over some systems

to conventional
isolinear circuits.

Good idea.
Start looking into it.

There is one other matter
I wish to discuss.

I am concerned
about crewman Dalby.

He attempted to make
unauthorized repairs

on the damaged gel pack.

When I confronted him,
he lost control.

How so?

He became extremely angry,

to the point of insubordination.


I've heard complaints
about him from others.

This is not the first incident

involving Mr. Dalby.

Last week, he was found
tampering with ship's systems

to increase a friend's
replicator rations,

and he has missed three
of his last ten duty shifts.

Commander, you know Mr. Dalby
better than I do.

Any idea
what might be bothering him?

Dalby's always been
pretty aggressive.

My guess is
the man's frustrated.

He's not used to dealing

with Starfleet
protocol and procedure.

A starship cannot run
without protocols.

Mr. Dalby's attitude

is disrupting
this vessel's operations.

What do you suggest--

dragging him in front
of a disciplinary board?

Perhaps that would be
the best approach.

I doubt that's going to help.

Dalby's not the only Maquis
who's having problems adjusting.

And besides, it's not only
a matter of attitude.

It's also
a matter of experience.

It's not fair
to expect Starfleet behavior

from people
who never went to the Academy.

What do you propose?

We need to bring some
of these people up to speed.

lnstruct them in how to run
a Starfleet vessel.

Show them why we do things
the way we do.

Give them an opportunity to feel
like they're part of the team.

A crash course
in Starfleet operations.

Field training.


So, what do you think,
Mr. Tuvok?

Are you up to training
a group of raw cadets?


You taught at the Academy
for 16 years.

You'd be perfect for the job.

Commander Chakotay
would be a more logical choice

to be their instructor.

He is a Maquis, as well as
their former Captain.

That's my point.

He doesn't have
to earn their respect.

We do.

Very well, Captain.

I will prepare a curriculum.

Commander, pick out
the Maquis crew members

you feel would benefit most
from the training.

Have them report

to Lieutenant Tuvok
at the next duty shift.


Don't worry, Tuvok.

I'll tell them
to take it easy on you.

...telling me that I'm
not supposed to be there...

Good morning.

We have assembled here

because Captain Janeway feels
you would all benefit

from additional
Starfleet training.


I think we need
some clarification.

Just why have we been singled
out for this... honor?

The answer to that question

would seem to be self-evident,

lnterrupting a senior officer
is not acceptable behavior.

The purpose of this training

is to familiarize you
with Starfleet protocols

so that mistakes like that
will be minimized.

Still, the fact remains...

That is, uh,

if I may have permission
to speak, Lieutenant?

Thank you.

As I was saying,
the fact remains

that you must have
noticed certain problems

with each member
of this select group,

or we wouldn't be here.

I frankly can't imagine
what I might have done

that warrants my inclusion.

-Crewman Chell...
-ln fact...

your report indicates
that you are talkative,

disruptive and unreliable.

You promise to do tasks
which then go undone.

That is a complete

Just yesterday, I overhauled
a servicing system...

Crewman, from this point on,

you will speak
only if you are spoken to.

But, Lieutenant,
I'm just trying...

40 laps around the cargo bay.

Start running now.

-50 laps.

As I was saying, this class
will adhere to standards

for Starfleet cadets.

There will be physical training

and academic studies
as well as tactical situations

which will be simulated
on the holodeck.

Crewman, have you
been listening to me?

Excuse me, I did not
hear that answer.


Speak up, crewman.

I said yes.

From now on,
you will look at me

when I am talking to you.

Leave him alone.

What was that?

I said leave him alone.

Can't you see he's just a kid?

He shouldn't even be here.

We think he should.

You'll probably have me

running 200 laps for this,
but I don't care.

The problem we're having,

is that this whole thing
is insulting.

We didn't ask
to come aboard this ship,

but we understand
the situation we're in,

and we've done
the best job we can,

and now you're telling us
that's not good enough.

That is correct.

Well, maybe that's too bad.

Maybe we've done
the best that we can,

and that's as good
as you're going to get.

How about it?

Does anybody really
want to be here?

I don't have anything
to learn from him.

Well, I don't think
he's going to phaser us,

and frankly, I'd rather
be in the brig than in here,

so let's go.

Crewman, you are demonstrating
rank insubordination.

I order all of you
to stay where you are.


Come on.

We're leaving.

I don't know.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea
to leave like that.

I mean, they're not just going
to let us get away with it.

What are they going to do,
put us off the ship?

Keep us in the brig
for 70 years?

Every person on this ship
is needed.

Nothing's going to happen.

It's not like we're
guilty of mutiny.

We'll just keep doing our jobs,
same as ever.

We're just not going to jump
through any Starfleet hoops.

You want to give me
your version of what happened?

we're going to live up

to our responsibilities
on this ship.

We're just not going to be
treated like teenage cadets.

I see.

It was ridiculous.

Tuvok had Chell running laps
around the cargo bay.

And he was picking on Gerron.

I don't like it.


Look, Commander,
you know as well as I do

that we're used to playing
with a different rule book.

There's the Starfleet way,

and there's the Maquis way.

And you want to do things
the Maquis way?

That's right.

That's always worked for us.

That's the Maquis
way, too, isn't it?

And if you want to keep
doing it the Maquis way,

that's fine with me.

We can do that tomorrow,
the next day,

every day until you report
to Lieutenant Tuvok.

You understand me?


How does a Starfleet crewman
answer a question?

Yes... sir.

Does anybody else
have a problem?

These are your study
assignments for next week.

Please note that examinations
will be conducted randomly

with no advance notice.

I will now inspect
your uniforms.

Crewman Henley, your head band
is certainly festive...

Thank you.

However, it is in
violation of regulations.

Please check the protocol files
for recommended guidelines.

What is this?

It's a, uh... Kazleti design.

I studied the technique
when I visited their planet.

It took me weeks to learn.

I know it doesn't
look complicated, but...

This ornament is in violation
of the dress code.

It was hidden.
You could hardly see it.

You will remove it now.

I know-- I'll have
to take off the earring.


ln addition,
your boots are scuffed.

From now on, you will
arrive in polished boots.

Yes, sir.

Do you have a problem,
Mr. Dalby?

No, sir.

Very well.

You will all report to me
on Deck 1 1 at 1900 hours.


What are we going to be doing?

You will find that out
at 1900 hours.


I'm going through
with this field training...

as ordered,

but I can't say
it's very productive.

Frankly, it feels
like punishment.

ln other words,
you're afraid you won't make it,

that you'll fail this training.

Excuse me?

That's not what I said
or what I'm thinking.


You think I can't make it

this ridiculous exercise?

That's absurd.

Fine, then make it through.

It's another power failure.

It's the gel packs again.

Deck 4, Section 9-C.

Bridge to Engineering.

It's another malfunction
in the bio-neural circuitry.

We're putting
a repair crew on it now.

Torres out.

Dalby, replace
the failed gel pack

and check out
the adjoining circuits.

Make sure we don't have

some kind of cascade
feedback causing this.

We can't just keep
replacing these things.

Ensign, you're in charge
till I get back.

I'll be in Sick Bay
if you need me.

What is it?

It's your new patient.

It's one of the bio-neural
gel packs.

Ah, yes...

I'm aware of these devices,
but I've never seen one.

It's malfunctioning,

but I can't find anything wrong
with it mechanically.

I thought that you could look
at the biological component.


lnitiate the scan.

Scanning beam is active.



The patient is sick.

Can you be more specific?

To discuss
the patient's condition

in front of the patient

would be a serious breach
of professional etiquette.

It's been suggested
that I cultivate

a greater sensitivity
to my patients' needs.

Don't worry, my little friend.


Very well.

The biological component
of the circuit device

has an infection--
a very contagious one.

Is the crew in any danger?

I don't detect any sign
of infection in you, Lieutenant.

I suspect the contagion
is not harmful to humanoids.

If it were, we probably would
have seen evidence of illness

in the crew by now.

But in order to protect
the ship's circuitry,

you'll have to isolate
and quarantine

all the affected gel packs

until a treatment regimen
can be initiated.

I'll have to take the
forward grids off-line.

We'll lose replicators,

but I can reroute
primary systems.

How long do you need?

I don't know.

Unless we find the source
of the infection,

we won't be able to stop it
from spreading.

Okay, I'll tell the Captain.

We'll be taking
a ten-kilometer run.

I've cleared Deck 13
of personnel for the evening.

Make sure your packs are secure
to avoid chafing.

Couldn't I just carry Henley?

She weighs about the same.

We will get to Deck 13

by using the Jefferies tubes.

Well, at least
it's only two decks down.

Not that way, crewman.

We are getting to Deck 13
by way of the mess hall.

That's on Deck 2.

We'd have to crawl through
over 50 Jefferies tubes

to get there.

Correct. I'm glad to see

your knowledge of the ship's
internal structure is improving.

Crewman Gerron-- lead the way.

Thank you.

You can stay there
as long as you like,

as far as I'm concerned.

This pack feels like
it's filled with latinum bricks.

Crewman Gerron,
what is the problem up there?

Keep going.

Maybe he'll slip
and plunge to his death.

Be my guest.

All right,
the ten kilometers begin now.

My legs feel like lead pipes.

Don't think about it.

Keep your mind
on something else.

How about the pain
in my shoulders?

That was a run of approximately
10.1 kilometers.

That wasn't a run,
it was a death march.

You may be
experiencing difficulty

because I increased the gravity
on this deck by ten percent.


You never know what conditions
you might encounter.

You must be prepared
for anything.

Crewman Gerron and Chell,
you have not completed your run.

By my account, we have
lapped you three times.

You will finish
the ten kilometers now.

We will repeat this exercise
tomorrow evening,

and I will expect each one of
you to better your performance.

Have you found any traces
of the bacteria?

I've checked the transporter
logs for the past month.

There's no indication

that the bio-filter
picked up anything suspicious.

We stopped at that planet,

brought on some food stores
for Neelix.

Some of it looked
pretty strange.


Varmeliate fiber,

whole green putillos
and schplict.


Grakel milk.

I've looked at the logs.
Everything checked out.

Okay, let's go over
the environmental systems.

Maybe we're dealing
with something airborne.

He's been at it
since before I got here.


what are you doing?

Mr. Tuvok ordered me

to degauss
the entire transporter room.

But you're using
a micro resonator.

I know.

Why don't you use
the magneton scanner?

You'd be done in five minutes.

Tuvok told him to use
the micro resonator.

But he'll be at it for hours.

Mr. Tuvok estimated 26.3 hours.

Sounds like a Tuvok estimate.


good luck.

Oh, you missed a spot.

Security Log, supplemental.

I have recreated the Bridge
of Voyager on the holodeck

and scheduled
a w*r game simulation.

I am hopeful
that an exercise in teamwork

will help to instill
a sense of participation

among my trainees.

On the Bridge we depend
on the smooth functioning

of every crewman
at every station.

You are the Captain's
eyes, ears and hands.

You must function
as one perfectly tuned unit.

Mr. Dalby, I understand
you have command experience.

Yes, sir.

You have the Bridge.

The program will present you
with a series of random events

which you and your crew
must deal with

in whatever manner you see fit.

I understand.

The program will be initiated
when you set a course.

All set?

-Aye, sir.

Mr. Chell, ahead warp six,
heading 159 mark 7.

Aye, sir.

Mr. Gerron,
what's the nearest star system?

I'm showing a red giant system

3.7 light-years
from our current position.

There are eight planets,

none of them M-Class.

Sir, we're picking up
an automated distress call.


Unknown. There's a lot
of subspace interference.

Gerron, can you get a fix?

Sensors indicate a Ferengi ship,
heavily damaged by weapons fire.

Eight life-form readings,
very faint.

Hail them.

They're not responding.

I must point out, sir,

that the Ferengi have been known
to deceive other ships

by pretending to be damaged.

We could be falling into a trap.

We have a duty to offer
humanitarian aid if we can.

Chell, change course
to intercept.

Course laid in, sir.


Sir, a Romulan warbird
de-cloaking off the port bow.

Red Alert.

Hail them--
let them know

we're on a rescue mission.

They're powering up weapons.

No response to the hail.

Evasive maneuvers, Mr. Chell.

lnitiating evasive sequence,
beta 9-3.

We've been hit
on the lateral phaser array.

Shields at 81 percent.

Arm all forward phasers.

Sir, there's a second Romulan
ship de-cloaking dead ahead.

It's launching torpedoes.

Damage to Decks 1 1 through 15,
reports of casualties.

Arm all photon banks.

Mr. Chell,
continue use of evasive action.

Henley, fire at will.

Aye, sir.

Shields are buckling.

Hull breach on Deck 9.

Keep firing, Henley.

Let's do as much damage
as we can.

Computer, reset program.

Your first command together
was less than successful.

You are all dead.

It was a no-win situation.

What were we supposed to do?

Can anyone answer that question?

I thought we went by the book.

I certainly did everything
I could possibly do.

My evasive action sequences
cannot be faulted.

At least we went out
with our phasers firing.

Mr. Gerron,
do you have something to add?

What does it matter?

It matters because if you do not
learn from your mistakes,

you will be doomed
to repeat them.

I was in command.

Put the blame on me.

The crew was just
following my orders.

And have you reached
a conclusion as to your error?

I thought I did
everything I could.

We were just outgunned.

I see.

Did the possibility of retreat
not occur to you?


I can't believe you'd say that.

The strongest tactical move
is always the one

in which you will reap
the highest gain

at the lowest cost.

Going out with phasers firing
may seem heroic,

but in the long run,
it is merely foolish.

Retreat is often
the best possible option.

Well, Mr. Tuvok, once more,
you've proven your point.

We're just not
Starfleet material.

Are we dismissed...



Computer, exit.

I feel that my services
as morale officer are required.

I assure you, you are wrong.

Oh, really? Huh.

Well, one-- no cup of tea.

Two-- no padd.

Three-- you're sitting
on the opposite side

from usual.

All of that tells me

you've got something
on your mind.

And what tells me
that it's making you miserable

is that cloud of doom

that's rising from you
like a ground fog.

I cannot imagine that there are
visible emanations

which allow you
to interpret my mood.

You are making wild assumptions.

Uh-huh. Maquis trainees
getting you down?

I do not believe

they are responding
well to my instruction.

What seems to be the problem?

That is what I've been
trying to determine,

and I'm afraid I am at a loss.

I have taught literally
thousands of cadets,

and I have never encountered
these difficulties.

My methods are sound
and time-honored.

I insist on strict adherence
to rules and protocols

and never waver
from that approach.

I have always been successful

in honing each cadet
into a Starfleet officer.

Come with me.

I want to show you something.

These are Keela flowers.

They're beautiful
and remarkably strong.

The stem is flexible.

It's impossible to break.

But occasionally,
on the same plant,

there's a bloom whose stem
is not so flexible.

Ah, here's one, see?

And when the stem is brittle...

it breaks.

You're saying
that the Maquis crew

is rigid and inflexible,

that they will never
adjust to Starfleet rules.

No, Mr. Vulcan.

I'm saying that you are
rigid and inflexible.

But maybe if you learn
to bend a little,

you might have better
luck with your class.

Those Maquis
aren't Starfleet cadets.

You can't treat them
the same way.

Get to know them, eh?

Try to find out
what they're like inside.

You might discover
a better teaching method.

I am not sure
if I have the ability

to find out
what they're like inside.

Mr. Neelix, what is that?

Ooh! Brill cheese.

I made it from that schplict
we brought on board last week.

Uh, Ensign Ashmore asked

for something called
macaroni and cheese.


You must cultivate
bacteria to make cheese.

Of course.

Captain's Log, Stardate 48859.3.

Lieutenant Tuvok has reported

what may be
a possible explanation

for the infection
in the bio-neural gel packs.

I have asked Lieutenant Torres
and her team

to investigate Neelix's kitchen.

Get me a schematic
of the airflow patterns

for the whole ship.

Aye, sir.

The cheese is full
of volatile bacterial spores.

It has to stay isolated in this
portable containment field.

What is this?

That's just a Laurelian pudding.

It has to simmer for four hours.

The spores must have traveled
through that intake

and then into
the ventilation system.

Where they were disseminated
throughout the ship,

subsequently infecting
the bio-neural circuitry.

I feel awful about this.

I assure you, I had no idea.

More gel packs must be down.

If this is getting
to the environmental systems,

we may be in more trouble
than we thought.

Neelix, this wasn't your fault.

The important thing is
that we found the source.

Get the cheese to Sick Bay.

The Doctor should look at it
as soon as possible.

Yes, Lieutenant.

You may break, Mr. Dalby.


Do you play pool often?

Not really.

I did when I was younger.

Do you have a family?

What is this all about?


This little exercise.

Are we testing my social skills?

Does Starfleet have rules
about them, too?

I had thought we could
get to know each other.

Perhaps then our relationship
would function more smoothly.

Get to know each other?


here's the brief history
of Kenneth Dalby.

We lived
on the Bajoran frontier.

It was a hard life.

I coped by getting
into a lot of trouble.

I was angry
at everybody and everything

until a woman came along
who taught me about love,

and for a while,
I wasn't angry anymore.

Three Cardassians r*ped her
and smashed her skull.

I joined the Maquis

and tried to slaughter
as many of them as I could find.

How about you?

Any family?

I do, but there is nothing
to report about them

that would compare
with your story.

I have observed
that you seem to be somewhat

protective of Mr. Gerron.

Have you formed
a friendship with him?


He won't let me get close.

First time I saw him,

I thought I was looking
at myself at that age.

I thought maybe
I could be a friend.

Maybe he wouldn't turn out
the way I did.

But I didn't have much luck.

Then we got stuck out here.

Being so far away from home
is hard on somebody that young.

So I'd appreciate it

if you'd try not to make him
any more miserable

than he is already.

Commander Chakotay specifically
recommended Mr. Gerron

for this program.

He felt that if the young man
were able to learn new skills,

to set goals and accomplish
them, it might go a long way

toward making him feel better
about himself.

That's why he's in this group?

It is our intention
that the experience

be positive for everyone.

If you say so.

But understand this, Lieutenant.

I don't want to get to know you,

and I don't want
to be your friend.

This is the most pernicious
infective agent I've ever seen.

It's systematically
att*cked every cell

in the gel pack's
biological matrix.

I've exposed it to every
anti-bacterial agent

we have available.

It hasn't responded.

Sick Bay to Bridge.

Captain, what seems
to be happening?

We're losing more
bio-neural circuitry, Doctor.

All systems are being affected.

Please, tell me you have some
good news about a treatment.

I'm afraid not.
Frankly, I'm at a loss.

But we'll keep trying.

Please do. Janeway out.

What I find curious is that
these bacteria didn't show up

in any of our diagnostic scans
of the ship.

But if the bacteria
didn't spread from the cheese

into the ship's systems,

how did the gel packs
get infected?

Haven't I read that viruses
can live inside bacteria?

Of course... a virus.

The bacteria could be hosts
to the infectious virus.

There are thousands
of viruses so small

they would have
escaped detection.

So maybe we should try
the anti-viral agents

on the gel packs.

It's certainly worth a try.

I think the inertial dampeners
are malfunctioning.

Along with a lot
of other things.

Class dismissed.

Return to your duty stations.


We're stuck in here.

Captain, the bio-neural network
is failing sequentially.

We're losing systems faster

than we can compensate
with backups.

What about changing over
to isolinear circuitry?

Torres is working on it,

but it's a long way
from being ready.

It couldn't even maintain
life support at this point.

Propulsion is down.

Every system
on the main grid is down--

communication, transporters,

and life support.

Bridge to Engineering.

Torres here, Captain.

Transfer whatever power
you can to life support,

and keep working
on the isolinear circuitry.


The manual override
isn't working, sir.

Can't get the main
cargo door open either.

Tuvok to Bridge.

This is Lieutenant Tuvok.

Is anyone receiving
this message?

It appears our duty stations
will have to do without us

for the time being.

Captain, life support
is failing.

Deck 15 has lost all power,

and Deck 7 has lost
its gravitational grid.

Sick Bay to Bridge.

I believe we may have something.

Go ahead, Doctor.

The gel packs are incapable
of responding

to an infection in the same way
that humanoid organisms do.

With a fever.


We've experimented
with heating the samples

of bio-neural circuitry
we have here,

and the results are promising.

Of course,
we don't have the ability

to produce
the amount of heat needed

to wipe out
a shipwide infection.

Janeway to Torres.

Torres here.

If we wanted to superheat
the gel pack system--

to raise its temperature,
so to speak--

how could we do it?

I suppose we could infuse
the gel pack circuits

with a high-energy plasma burst
from a symmetric warp field.

But we'd have to generate
that heat

by inverting the warp field
toward the ship.

Right. We could produce
the required energy by getting

the warp engines
to 80 percent of maximum

while we're standing still.

Then we could initiate
the plasma burst.

Can we get to 80 percent

with all the control failures
we have?

If we reroute the emergency
power to the warp engines,

it might be enough,
but it's a risky move.

I'm aware of that,
but I think we have to try it.

Divert all power,
including life support,

to the warp engines.

Aye, Captain.

Mr. Paris,

deactivate the nacelle
control system

and prepare to engage
the warp engines.

Nacelle controls deactivated.

Ready to go.

Do it.

What's that noise?

Ah. This conduit's getting
very hot.

So am I.

It's getting
awfully warm in here.

Something's wrong, very wrong.

I don't like this at all.

I would surmise that the Captain
is making some effort

to deal
with the systems' failures.

The fact that we do not know
what that effort entails

may lead us
to imagine the worst.

We must not let fear
get the best of us.

Mr. Gerron, it is possible
the console in the control room

is still functioning.

Please see if you can open
the doors from there.

Yes, sir.

ln the meantime,
we can attempt to access

one of the Jefferies tubes
through the forward bulkhead.

I don't know about the bacteria,
but I'm about ready to pass out.

Engines are only at 7 4 percent
of maximum.

That's not enough
for a plasma burst.

Mr. Paris,
increase antimatter flow.

It's having an effect, Captain.
Temperature is at 340 kelvins.

Can we get the engines
a little hotter?

Mr. Paris, get us to 80 percent
of maximum-- somehow.

I'll try.

Okay, we're at 360 kelvins.

Engines are
at 79 percent of maximum.

I think we can risk it.

Bridge to Torres.

lnitiate the plasma burst.

Aye, Captain, but be prepared--

it might blow out
some of the conduits.

Acknowledged. Go ahead.

The plasma gas will become toxic
within minutes.

We must leave immediately.

What about Gerron?

We can't leave him!

Get in the Jefferies tube.

I cannot risk losing any more
of you to save one man.

What is that,
some kind of Starfleet rule?

It is always tactically correct

to sacrifice the few
for the many.

I don't give a Circassian fig
what's tactically correct.

I'm going back for him.

This is one time when retreat
is not an option!

Get in the Jefferies tube now.

Mr. Dalby, I will break your arm
if you do not follow my order.

I won't forget this.

You're letting him die.

Keep moving.

Janeway to Sick Bay.

Bacterial levels
are dropping, Captain.

If they continue,
we should be able

to purge the system
within a few minutes.

Keep me informed.

We need life support
back on line

as soon as possible.

I'll get back to you right away,

Sick Bay to Bridge.

Repeat, Sick Bay to Bridge.

Can anyone hear me?

Come in, Doctor.

All of the infectious bacteria
have been destroyed.

The danger of further infection
has passed.

Mr. Kim... start getting
our systems back on line.

Aye, Captain.

Come on, come on!

I think he's all right.

I thought Starfleet rules
said that was

an unacceptable risk,
going back to save him.

It was.

However, I recently realized
that there are times

when it is desirable
to bend the rules.

Lieutenant, if you can learn
to bend the rules,

I guess we can learn
to follow them.

Come on.

Let's get you two to Sick Bay.
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