02x04 - Elogium

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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02x04 - Elogium

Post by bunniefuu »


We... We're just...

Yes, I can see that.

- What was that all about?
- Indiscreet shipboard fraternisation.

Really? Sorry I missed it.

Deck 6.

- Thanks for your help.
- See you later.


Here's the cabbage you asked for.

Is something wrong?

- What's this?
- A spawn beetle.

They cross-pollinate
the Oblissian cabbage.

Have you ever seen
such fascinating striations?

Isn't it beautiful?

I doubt the captain would think so
if she found it in her salad.

There is something wrong. What is it?

No, nothing. I'm just very busy.

So, you're seeing Tom Paris later?

What? No, not that I know of.

He said, "See you later."
You said, "Right."

He's helping you
in the airponics bay now?

He was just helping me carry these.

- How thoughtful.
- This is ridiculous.

- You're imagining things.
- You're such an innocent!

I see the way he looks at you. I used to
look at women that way. I understand it.

Janeway to the senior staff.
Please report to the bridge.

Take care.

Thank you for bringing the cabbage.
I can handle this from here. Thank you.

We've detected
a strange energy configuration.

- Any idea what it is?
- Some sort of magnetic disturbance.

We're going to take a closer look.

You seem a little preoccupied.

I interrupted a couple
kissing in the turbolift.

I've been wondering if we should have
a policy regarding fraternisation.


The couple might be urged
to be more discreet,

but Starfleet is reluctant
to regulate people's personal lives.

Of course.
But we're in a unique situation.

The development
of intimate relationships

might cause us unusual problems.

I understand what you're saying, but...

We're a long way from home.

Everyone is lonely,
and all we have is each other.

I think eventually
people will begin to pair off.

Including you?

As captain, that's a luxury I don't have.

Besides, I intend for us to be home
before Mark gives me up for dead.

- We're in visual range.
- On screen.

Looks like
some type of energetic vapour.


- Space-dwelling life-forms.
- Full sensor scan.

They have discrete organic processes.

I'd like to study them at close range.

So would I, Commander.

But let's not get too close.
We'd disturb their behaviour.

Half impulse.
Take us into bio-scanner range.

Aye, Captain.

The swarm isn't particularly dense.
There are fewer than 2,000.

They're really moving.

They've accelerated
to 1,000 kilometres per second.

Are we frightening them?

Keep us within scanner range,
but avoid rapid acceleration.

Take a look at this.

See the way they propel themselves?

They seem to flagellate,
almost like protozoa.

Exactly. But they're
achieving incredible speeds.

Over 3,000 kilometres per second.

Ensign, scan the field
for repeating patterns.

Maybe they're capable
of communication.

Their internal anatomy is unusual -

they don't have a digestive system,
but they have a porous outer covering.

I guess they absorb nutrients
directly from space.

A space-dwelling life-form capable
of metabolising inorganic matter.

Particle density here isn't very high.
Maybe that's why they move so fast.

Feeding at 3,000 kilometres
per second.

Not exactly leisurely dining, is it?

Come in.

- For you, sweeting.
- Thank you.

- What's the occasion?
- No occasion.

- I just wanted to apologise.
- Apologise?

For the way I acted in the mess hall.

- I was jealous.
- I know.

I just wish you could trust me.

It has nothing to do with trusting you.
It's him I don't trust.

I've seen his kind before.
They're all over the quadrant.

They prey on naive,
sheltered young women like you.

- What are you looking for?
- A vase.


- What's this?
- Nothing, just a snack.

A Terran delicacy.
Ensign Wildman told me about it.

Mashed potatoes with butter.
It's delicious.

Would you like to try it?

Awful! How can you eat it?

I can't stop eating it. I've had six bowls.

And the reason it tastes so strange...
I've put a container of soil in it.

Dirt? You're eating dirt?

- Why?
- I don't know. But this morning...


You remember the spawn beetles?

You didn't.

Neelix to sickbay. Prepare
to receive an emergency patient.

I'm not sick. I feel fine.

I just can't stop eating.

We are going to get
to the bottom of this.

- No! I'm not going!
- We are going to sickbay.

I'll call security
unless you come with me.

Come on!

They're changing course again, and
accelerating. Should I follow them?

Maybe we're disturbing them. Let's
drop back a bit, give them more room.

Captain, we're accelerating.

Mr Paris?

I'm trying to slow down, Captain.

Our velocity doesn't correspond
to impulse reactor output.

They seem to be
pulling us toward them.

Sensors indicate an EM resonance field.

The creatures
are creating a magnetic wake.

- That is pulling the ship.
- We're getting closer.

Mr Paris, reverse thrusters.

- Helm controls aren't responding.
- Mr Tuvok, raise shields.

- Non-functional, Captain.
- They're pulling us in.

- Damage report.
- Life-support is functioning,

but a fluctuation in the EPS grids
is wreaking havoc with the engines.

Warp drive is still on-line.
One burst and we'd be out of here.

But that could harm the creatures.

Janeway to Torres. Can we get out of
this swarm without engaging warp?

- We might try a targ scoop.
- Can you enlighten us, Lieutenant?

Klingons put them on as*ault vehicles.

They emit a high-frequency tone
that disperses targ herds.

I can modify the main deflector
to create an inverted magnetic pulse.

Project it toward the swarm.

It might nudge the creatures
out of the way.

Good idea, Lieutenant. Proceed.

You're sure the beetles
weren't poisonous? Or the flowers?

There are no toxins in her system.

Doctor, why is she eating all these
strange things? What's wrong with her?

I am conducting an examination
to determine that.

But don't you have any ideas?

It may merely indicate
a nutrient deficiency.

Humanoids can crave foods rich in the
vitamins and minerals their bodies lack.

You can't mean my body lacks dirt?

- Body temperature is up 3.9 degrees.
- She's burning up!

And I'm detecting elevated levels
of electrophoretic activity.

Bring them down!

There's increased electrophoretic
activity in the ship's atmosphere,

created by the creatures
we're studying.

There's a connection
between Kes and those creatures?

You have to do something about it!

You are making it impossible for me
to treat my patient. You must leave.

- I won't. Kes needs me.
- Leave now or I will call security.

You can't talk to me that way.

This is my sickbay, and I will decide
what goes on here. Get out!

I'll be back. Don't worry about a thing.

May I speak with you? It's urgent.

What is it, Neelix?

I have been thrown out of sickbay.

I'm just wondering
if you feel it's appropriate

for a hologram to banish
a flesh-and-blood person

who should be beside
his extremely ill loved one.

Kes is extremely ill?

The hologram thinks her illness
may be linked with these creatures.

But he still won't let me offer comfort
to the woman I love.

Just how is Kes being affected
by the swarm?

That's what I wanted to know. But I got
no answers and was dismissed!

- Sickbay to bridge.
- Janeway here.

You'd better come down here.
There's a problem.

I'm on my way. Commander,
notify me of any change in our status.

I was conducting tests.
She was none too cooperative.

She screeched
and shoved me out of the way,

went into my office
and erected a force field.

I can't lower it.
She's keeping me out of my own office.


What's wrong? Please come out.

I was able to complete several tests
before she became delirious.

Her pulse and blood pressure
are dangerously high.

What's causing these symptoms?

I suspect the electrophoretic levels
being created by the swarm.

We should leave.

That's not an option at the moment,
but we're working on it.

There's one more thing. I discovered
a strange growth on her back.

It's unlike any other
tumorous substance I've seen.

And it was not there
the last time I examined her.

I'll try to talk to her.

Kes, please come out.
You can eat anything you want.


Why don't you let me try?

Kes, please listen to me.

We think you're being affected
by a swarm of life-forms.

We're trying to get away from them.

When we do,
you'll probably start feeling better.

Are you saying
that's not what's wrong with you?

Kes, please let me come in.

Tell me what it is. Maybe I can help.

It's going to be all right.

Now, tell me.
What is happening to you?

Did the Doctor tell you he found
something growing on my back?

Yes, a growth of some kind.

It's the mitral sac.
It's where my child would grow.

I'm going through the elogium,
the time of change...

when my body prepares for fertilisation.

Humans go through
the same kind of process.

- It's called puberty.
- But I'm too young. Much too young.

It usually happens
between the ages of four and five.

I'm not even two yet.

Listen to me. All your body's
metabolic activity has increased.

It's possible your reproductive
processes are being accelerated.

- I'm not ready.
- We're going to get you through this.

The Doctor will monitor you constantly.

You don't understand.
The elogium occurs only once.

If I am ever going to have a child,
it has to be now!

No change. We're still being
pulled along with the swarm.

Heading 121, mark 7. Speed now
6,000 kilometres per second.

All systems are functioning normally.

How is Torres coming
with the modifications?

They should be finished in half an hour.

Let me know as soon as she's ready.
Join me, Commander?

Kes is frightened.
She's had no time to prepare.

And the decision has to be made
in the next 40 or 50 hours.

She's going to discuss it
with Neelix, but...

There are so many unknowns.

There might be risks
in procreating this early.

There's no guarantee
they're genetically compatible,

or that Neelix has any interest
in becoming a father.

It seems your concerns
about fraternisation were prophetic.

I wasn't even thinking
about procreation.

But I suppose
it's the inevitable outcome.

It might be necessary
for the crew to have children.

It might take us a long time to get home.

If it does take 75 years,

we'll need a replacement crew
in about half that time.

Who'd have thought
we'd be considering this

when we were ordered
on a three-week mission?

But it's a problem we have to face now.

What would that mean for the children?

What kind of life
would we be giving them,

aboard a starship travelling through
a potentially hostile part of space?

Are we equipped to provide for them?
Child care, educational facilities.

We'd be building an entire community
on board this ship.

That's a massive commitment.

- Tell them they can't have children.
- I can't do that.

I've made it clear to Kes that it's her
choice whether to have a child or not.

There aren't any easy answers here.

For any of us.

Are you saying
that unless you conceive now,

you'll never be able to?

Yes. And I need you to help me decide.
I would want you to mate with me.

I'm... honoured.

But are you entirely certain
it would be safe?


You're so young.

Is it dangerous for you
to conceive a child at your age?

I don't know. I've never known anyone
as young as I am who had a baby.

If you never had a child,
would you be terribly unhappy?

Yes... I mean, I think so.

I don't know.

I always assumed I'd be a mother
some day. Just not so soon.

Didn't you think you'd be a father?

Well, to be honest,
I've never given it much thought.

Until now, my life has been so itinerant.

There's no way I could have provided
the stability a child would need.

But now it's different, isn't it?

Well, yes.

But raising a child on a starship?

That's hardly the ideal environment.

- You don't want a child, do you?
- That's not it.

I'm just trying to look at
all sides of the issue.

Bringing a child into the world...
It's a huge responsibility.

I know you'd want to be sure
we're both up to the task.

Somebody would have to keep
an eye on the little guy all the time

or he'd stick his finger
into an EM conduit

or play with the plasma injectors.

That's called being a parent.

You wouldn't be able to continue
your studies if you had a child.

Of course I would!
You're just making excuses.

You're just thinking about yourself, how
much trouble a child would be for you.

- Look!
- What's that?

The ipasaphor.

- It makes the mating bond possible.
- It does?

If we begin,
we must stay bonded for six days.

- Six days?
- In order to ensure conception.

After the ipasaphor appears, we only
have 50 hours to begin the process.

So I need to know your answer.

50 hours? That's... good.

That's good.

We can sleep on it.

I'll get back to you.

Sorry. I swear I heard you say,
"Lots of pepper sauce."

What is the lunch special today?

Actually, I didn't get around
to making a lunch special.

But we have some lovely
gabosti stew left over from last night.

Very well. It will do.

I've had quite a run on it, as a matter
of fact. It seems very popular.

If it is all you are serving,
that would stand to reason.

- With or without pepper sauce?
- Without.

Mr Tuvok, I was wondering.

You have children, don't you?

- I have four.
- Four!

My, that's certainly quite a family.

Tell me... what's it like being a father?

The question is so broad,
it is difficult to respond.

Well, I mean,
it's a lot of responsibility, isn't it?

Watching them, caring for them, keeping
them safe, giving them an education.

That is certainly true.

Sounds like it's a lot more trouble
than it's worth.

Mr Neelix, I am aware of your situation.

It appears you are in some doubt
as to the wisdom of becoming a parent.

It's just all happening so fast.
I don't know what to think.

If you have doubts about fatherhood,

it would not be wise
to enter into the process.

It is more overwhelming
than one expects.

I believe only the most committed
should become parents.

That's what I thought.

However, I must point out that,
as illogical as it seems,

being a father can have infinite rewards.

Far more than would seem possible.

My children occupy a significant portion
of my thoughts. Now more than ever.

I've heard it said that children
can bring a lot of joy into one's life.

I experience neither joy nor sorrow.
But I do believe it is possible.

Now that I think about it, it might be fun
to have a little guy around.

We could do a lot together.

I've got quite a bit
I could teach a boy, you know.

Survival methods,
piloting skills, romantic techniques.

If you say so.

But there is an equal chance
that you would have a daughter.

A daughter? I don't have anything
to teach a daughter.

Why would it be any different
from what you would teach a son?

It just would.
She'd learn more from her mother.

I have three sons and one daughter.

I can assure you she benefits as much
from my presence as my sons do.

It is unfortunate that I must be
so far removed from all of them now.

I understand.

We'll get there, Mr Vulcan. I'm sure of it.

Thank you.
You've given me a lot to think about.

We're ready to generate
the magnetic pulse.

Initiating the field.

It's working.

- Are the creatures all right?
- Yes, they seem to be fine.

Thrusters at 200 kph, Mr Paris.
Ease us out of here.

- What are they doing?
- Hard to know.

Maybe they think
we're making a hostile move.

- Report.
- I'm reading a massive energy drain.

Impulse engines are losing power.

Some life-forms are attached to the ship.

Many systems are failing.

- How soon will we clear the swarm?
- In a few seconds. We're almost out.

A substantial magnetic mass
is moving rapidly toward the port bow.

It's physiologically similar
to the smaller creatures, just bigger.

- Perhaps it is the parent.
- Or a different gender.

We need further observation.

Haven't we done enough observing?

These creatures
have att*cked the ship.

Maybe they were setting us up.

It's possible.
Mr Paris, let's keep moving.

If we can leave, maybe the ones
on our nacelles will drop off.

200 kph.

The larger creature is moving with us.

Now what?

The creature has emitted
a plasma stream.

- All stop. Damage report.
- No significant damage, Captain.

A plasma blast is a hostile move.
Shouldn't we respond?

If the creature threatens serious
damage, I'll consider it an enemy.

Until then, they will be treated as
indigenous life-forms behaving normally.

- We're the intruders here.
- Captain, look at this.

They're attaching themselves
to the large creature.

It's because its plasma stream has the
same signature as our warp nacelles.

The smaller creatures
are attracted to our emissions.

Just as some species
are attracted to pheromones.

You think it's a sexual attraction?

Colour change and provocative
movement can be mating rituals.

Then these guys think
we're one of them?

It's possible they've
mistaken us for a potential mate.


Order the diapers.
We're about to become parents.

- You mean you want to mate with me?
- More than anything.

But I didn't think
you wanted to be a father.

I just hadn't thought it through.

Now that I have, I want to do this.

And I'll be the best
possible father to our child.

- I know you will.
- So... what comes next?

Before we begin the mating process,

I have to go through
a ritual called the rolisisin.

What does that involve?

One of my parents has to massage
my feet until my tongue begins to swell.

Where do you plan to find a parent?

Captain Janeway's too busy
but the Doctor would do it.

Will that work,
since he's not a real person?

The Doctor is very real to me.

I don't know how I feel
about him massaging your feet.

It's a ritual. Someone has to do it.

OK, fine. And how long will that take?

About an hour.

Then I'll be back.

Fascinating. The stimulation
to the sympathetic nerves

sets off a hormonal reaction, activating
glandular activity in the tongue.

I've not seen this before.

Although in the Gree,
stimulating follicles on the proboscis

results in a swelling
of the auricular canal.

- Doctor?
- Yes?

- Am I doing the right thing?
- You'll have to tell me.

I know nothing of this ritual.

I mean am I doing the right thing
by conceiving?

If I were at home, my father would
be performing the rolisisin with me.

Parent and child move
into a new kind of relationship.

As the child has her own child,

the parent must acknowledge
her adulthood.

- I see.
- My father and I were very close.

He was such a wise man. I miss him.

Sometimes I hear his voice in my head,

as though he were here,
helping to guide me.

I'm sorry.
I must be feeling lonely for home.

It's probably a result of the elogium.

But I really would appreciate
your advice, your help.

I need someone's guidance.

I can discuss delivery methods
or paediatric situations.

I'm afraid I don't have much perspective
to offer about becoming a parent.

Neither do I.

As long as Neelix
was opposed to the idea,

I was certain
that I wanted to have a child.

But when he said that he wanted one,
I was very frightened.

Perhaps a statistical survey
will offer a context.

Among the Breen, pregnancy
at a young age is a common event.

The Breen is
one the most warlike of species.

And then there are the Scathos.

Any woman who conceives a child
before her fourth decade is ex*cuted.

Maybe I just felt I should have a child
because I could.

There is a powerful biological drive,
at times almost impossible to resist.

Species are driven by these urges
in order to survive.

But isn't that why we have minds?

To look beyond biological urges,
to consider their consequences.

If I'm to ask myself
to look at the consequences,

I have to ask myself some questions.

Am I really ready to have a child?

Am I prepared to give that child
the attention and devotion it deserves?

Am I capable of taking on
such a huge responsibility?

There's so much I haven't done.

There's so much
I want to study and learn.

I'm not sure I'm finished growing.
How can I help a child grow?

If the smaller creatures
are sexually attracted to our emissions,

the large one may think we're a rival.

That plasma burst
might have been aggressive.

You'd think it would want us to leave.

Could we generate a short burst
of impulse to get away from the swarm?

I could release power
into the driver coils.

- Do it.
- All right.

I've accessed the capacitance cells.

I can give you enough for a short burst
of impulse. We've got one shot.

You heard her, Mr Paris.
Make the best of it.

Initiating impulse burst... now.

The creature is approaching rapidly
on a collision course.

- Evasive manoeuvres.
- We can't.

- The creature is accelerating.
- Can't shake him.

All hands brace for impact.

Structural integrity down to 86%.

I share Lieutenant Torres' views.
Retaliation may become necessary.

It's not my intention
to harm the creature.

The feeling definitely isn't mutual.

Launch a class-4 probe

to distract the creature
long enough for us to get away.

Probe launched.

Another plasma burst.
Shields are down to 64%.

- The probe made him angry.
- He's aggressive.

He'll only respond
to an aggressive stance.

Treating the creature as it is treating us
might be appropriate.

- We ram him.
- Precisely.

It's probably the response he expects.

Any more of this
and the hull will start to buckle.

Use manoeuvring thrusters.
Set a course toward the creature.

- Give him a bump to get his attention.
- Engaging thrusters.

The creature is not retreating, Captain.

- He's hitting us back harder!
- Let's try this.

Detonate a field of photon charges.
That will let him know we mean business.

Captain, maybe
we're going about this backwards.

Yes, Commander?

Every aggressive move
results in a more aggressive move.

If we're not prepared to destroy him,
we need to rethink our actions.

If the creature
is responding to us as a sexual rival,

behaving in a submissive way
may appease him -

he's dominant
and we're no match for him.

How? We tried to move away slowly.
He wouldn't let us.

Maybe we need to mimic
the smaller creatures.

They rolled over and changed colour.

Venting plasma residue
might make us look blue.

Do we have enough power
to take Voyager into a roll?

- I think so.
- All right. Let's give this a try.

Mr Kim, start venting plasma residue.
Mr Paris, roll the ship.

Full power to inertial dampers.

He's not responding. It's not working.

Wait a minute. A small creature
is detaching from the starboard nacelle.

And another one. They're all letting go.

It appears we have lost our sex appeal.

Good piloting, Lieutenant.
Now let's see if we can move away.

I can give you enough thruster power
to sustain a speed of 100 kph.


Good work, Commander.

If I have any questions about
mating behaviour, I'll know where to go.

- Can I help?
- No. Thanks.

- Is something wrong?
- No, nothing.

You've been very quiet
ever since I decided not to conceive.

It was your choice. I respect that.

Neelix, I think you're disappointed.

I think,
once I decided to become a father...

I was looking forward to it.

- But I'll get over it.
- Maybe you won't have to get over it.

- Just wait a little longer.
- But I thought this was the only time.

The Doctor believes
the elogium was false,

brought on by the electrophoretic field
that those life-forms created.

So I might be able
to go through it again at the right age.

We might still be able
to have a daughter?

- Or a son.
- No. I've thought about it.

A daughter, definitely.
One who looks just like you.

Captain's log, stardate 48921.3.

I continue to wonder
about the issue of procreation.

It's wrong to interfere
with the private lives of the crew,

yet I remain concerned about
the environment for a child born here.

Come in.

Yes, Ensign. What can I do for you?

I'm sorry to disturb you, but I thought...

I thought I should inform you
of my physical condition.

Your physical condition?

We'd been trying for months.

I wasn't even sure until a few days ago.

My husband is still at Deep Space 9.
He doesn't even know.

We were only supposed to be out
three weeks.

Wildman, are you pregnant?

I know this isn't the best place
to have a baby, but...

it's all I have left... of my husband.

Well... Congratulations, Ensign.
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