03x39 - Think About Your Future

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x39 - Think About Your Future

Post by bunniefuu »

"Think About Your Future"

Exciting news, Titans. I
am buying team jackets.

The team of the jackets.

No, Star, I'm talking
about crew jackets.

So everyone knows that
we work together.

Now, I'm thinking denim.

- Ooh, nice, with leather sleeves.
- Absolutely.

The denim and leather is a
fashion-forward combination.

You got to put our logo
on the back, really big!

If we all have the same jacket,

how will we know
which one is mine?

Because it's going to
have your name on it.

You can put names on jackets?

This all sounds awesome.

But puffy sleeves and embroidered
names don't come cheap.

Aren't you guys worried
about wasting money?

Why wouldn't we want
to waste money?

I don't know. So we
have some later?

But the later is not
until the later.

Currently it is the now.

I know, but aren't we
going to get old one day?

- Yeah, but later.
- And it's the "now" right now.

Oh, okay, that makes sense.
Here you go.

Uh, uh, uh, this denim
is so rugged, yo.

But the leather is classic.

Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow.

- We look like the fashion models.
- Look like?

Uh-huh. Mmm-hmm. Ah.

Woo-cha. Woo-cha.

Bam! Bam!

- You know this looks good.
- Ooh, fierce.


You guys, we should
get some pizza

- to celebrate how goodz we look!
- Oh, yeah! High-five.

Extra-large, extra-extra cheese

extra-extra-extra pepperoni.

And the large jugs of the soda.

- And a gallon of ranch dip.
- Uh, guys, wait.

Shouldn't we be eating
a little more healthy?

Why would we want to
eat healthy, mama?

I don't know, so we don't
have health problems later.

Later? You mean, when we
might need that money

- you didn't want us to waste?
- I care not for the "laters".

This jacket-pizza combo
makes me feel like a king!

Hey, we should get tattoos to
commemorate Jacket Pizza Day!

Oh, yes, let us be
marked with the inks.

I'ma get me a fresh
dragon on my back, yo!

Guys, wait. We shouldn't just
jump into a decision like that.

- Why not, mama?
- I don't know, because later...

Nobody cares about "later".

I'm just worried we're making bad
decisions that will affect us...

- later!
- We saids no one cares about "later".

All you need to worry about is what
tattoo you're going to get today.

Let's get it done!

I am invincible!


Oh, no, I've taken a spill
and I can't upright myself.

Just kidding. I can fly.

I can't see the beef in my sandwich.
Where is it?

Just kidding. I have glasses.

Oh, the jokes never
get old, Raven,

unlike us.

I'm glad one of us old
geezers is in good spirits.

Huh? What? Spirit?
You see a spirit?!


Is that you, Clara?! You're
coming back for me, baby?!

No, you knucklehead, it's me.
I need your help gettin' up.

Oh, why am I always having to
help you up off the couch,

up off the toilet...

My legs don't work
so good no more.

I got the gout.

This is why I said you should
have had some of those kids,

so they can help you off
the couch and the pooper,

and different spots and places.

Kids? Not for this
lifelong bachelor.

Watch out, ladies.

Looks like it is time
for the medications.

There are no medications.
We're out of money.

Dagnabit! If we hadn't spent
so much on these amazing

jackets, we'd still have a
little bit of money left over.

And if we would've
eaten healthy foods,

- we wouldn't need so much medicine.
- So many regrets.

But not the tattoos, right?

The accordion was a good choice.

And now I can even play it.

Well, if we can't pay for our
medications, we're goners.

Can't say I didn't warn you.

I told you "later" would
come, and this is "later".

I thought this was "now".

This is "now" but it's
"later" from then.

- When was then?
- Then was before. Now is "later".

- Because it was later than before?
- Exactly.

If only there was a way
to go back in time

and tell myself to
make better decisions.

There is! A time machine!

It's 3:00.

- No, a time machine!
- I said it's 3:00!

We'll use a time machine
to travel back in time

and warn our past selves about our
financial ruin and poor health.

Titans... Go!

Ah! Huh?

- Whoa, is that us?
- We appear to be the raisins.

Oh! So cute. Come here, old me.

They time-traveled
from the future.

You must be here because
the future is in danger.

What cataclysmic event must
I stop to save mankind?

There's no cataclysm,
you big dummy.

We're here to save
ourselves from... you!

That's cool.

No, it ain't. Your terrible diet has
caused us crazy health problems.

And the reckless money spending leaves
us unable to pay for the medications.

And I can't even get
off the toilet!

You have to make a better
future for ourselves.

But we don't know nothin' about
making futures, little old mama.

That's why we're
here, you numbskull.

To show you how to
make good decisions.

If you don't heed our advice, there
won't be a future for you or us.

To live a long, healthy life,

you should eat of the
fruits and the vegetables,

so your bodies do not
become these bodies.

I am a bag of flesh.

Understood. I will
fetch the maple syrup.

No syrup, you dingbat!

This apple here is
nature's candy.

Speaking of apples, did I ever tell
you the story about the applecart?

Well, this fella, he decides
he's gonna park his applecart

in front of my house.

If you wanna have a
root-toot-tooting future,

- you need to set up a 401k.
- 401k?

That sounds like a
yummy candy bar, yo.

Oh, yeah!

A thin wafer covered in that
good nougat and caramel,

and then wrapped in chocolate.

- 401k.
- No! A 401k is a retirement plan.

All young people should start
one as soon as possible.

Now, the best thing
about a retirement plan

is the compound interest.

Uh, I thought we were
talking about candy bars.

- What's a compound interest?
- Imagine a piece of paper.

If you fold it in half,
it is twice as thick.

Fold it again, four times...

Again, eight times...

Again, 16 times...

Again, 32 times...

Again, 64 times...

Now this guy's applecart
is right on my curb.

So, I come out and
I says to him...

I says, "Park your cart somewhere else.
"This ain't your property."

He says to me, "I got a
permit." "A permit," he says!

Fold that paper one last time,
and let go to the Moon.

You means we can climb
that paper to the Moon?

Uh, that's not what we're trying to say.
Let's start over.

Imagine you have a
piece of paper.

The guy refuses to move the applecart.
So, when he's not lookin',

I run up and I break his
ankles with a pipe.

That was a good pipe.
Good copper pipe.


Great apples. Mmm.

- Way better than pizza.
- Which we couldn't afford anyway,

since we're putting so much
money into our savings.

I think my interest just got compounded.
That is so good.

You should be proud.

Look how your healthy lifestyle
changes have affected us.

Welcome to the g*n show!

- I ain't breaking no bones.
- I don't have to help him off the toilet.

How long must we
eat of the apples?

For the rest of your
life, you little scamp.

- Nah, no way. I want pizza!
- And I want to buy junk.

Sorry, no more fun. That's the
price of a long and healthy life.

Guys, I was wrong. We're
young, and that means we

should be making the worst
decisions of our lives.


Not so fast, youngins!

If you won't take care of
yourselves, we'll take care of you.

We'll see about that.

Titans, go!

Hot diggity dog! I got
old man strength.

Thanks for taking such
good care of ourselves.

I know life like this is boring.

But if you make bad decisions
today, we won't be around later.

That's it.

The only way to stop us
is to make bad decisions.

I am going to ride
my motorcycle.

Wait, wait. That's a
very dangerous hobby.


It's working. Titans,
endanger your futures!

- We're gonna sit here all day.
- And watch TV, yo.

So unhealthy!

Hello, I would like to
order the expensive shoes

with the colors on the bottoms.
Goodbye, the moneys!

I will not be able to
afford the funeral.

And my cats will leave me!

I thought you liked
old people, dear.

Not as much as I
like fried chicken.

Ah! Cholesterol! Saturated fats!

Our triglycerides are
through the roof! Oh.

Great job, Titans. We've saved
ourselves from old age.

Let's go live our lives
to the shortest, yo!

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