03x51 - Riding the Dragon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x51 - Riding the Dragon

Post by bunniefuu »

"Riding the Dragon"

The dragon!

- What's the plan, bro?
- There can only be one plan.

I wanna ride that dragon!

Oh, sick! Ride that dragon, yo!

Oh! I am riding this dragon!

- I too wish to ride the dragon!
- Then come ride the dragon, girl!

- Now I am riding the dragon.
- Now she's riding the dragon.

You two! Come up here
and ride this dragon!

♪ We're gonna ride that
dragon that dragon ♪

♪ We're gonna ride that
dragon that dragon ♪

♪ We're gonna ride that
dragon that dragon ♪

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What
is going on here?

We're playing this awesome
game called Dragon's Fire.

It's really cool. We
pretend to ride a dragon.

You should ride the
dragon with us!

Oh, I'd love to.

Except you're playing
it completely wrong!

This game has a strict set of
rules that must be followed.

We don't care about rules, bro.

We just want to get lost in the
magic of a fantasy world, yo.

But if you follow the rules,
you'll experience a magical,

fantastical adventure that will
leave you frothing with joy!

I wish to do the joy froth!

- Let's get magical, bro!
- All right!

The first step on your
magical adventure

- is to fill these out.
- What is this, homework?

Homework? Boring!

This is a worksheet to calculate
your character's skills

- using basic mathematics.
- Man, come on,

you know our brains
can't do math magics.

Then just draw a picture
of your character

- and I'll do the rest.
- That we can do.

Check it. I'm a hyena!

I'm a horrible monster
hiding under a cloak.

I am the warrior princess!

I'm a tinman, baby!
Clankity clank!

- And your character, Robin?
- Oh, me? No big deal.

Just a half elf battle
mage called Nightslasher.

Savior of the nine
kingdoms of men,

Nightslasher wields not only
the magical staff of Gamesh,

but the secret flute of Katang.

You got a stick and a flute?

Thank you. Now, I've crafted
a magical adventure for us

that involves some
pretty exciting stuff.

- Riding dragons?
- No.

- Necromancers?
- Nope.

- The fairies?
- Even better,

we will embark upon a quest
to retrieve... a key.

- A magical key?
- A regular key!

- That opens a magic door?
- A regular door!

That sounds boring.

I knew you'd be excited!
Let's get started.

Our party travels upon the southern
road towards Th'lach'mo'or

through the ancient
forest of Threllegh'vehn!

- Thrella what?
- Threllegh'vehn!

Trailing vahagaha?

The forest! Your party
is in the forest.

Forest, huh? I wanna
climb some trees!

- Okay, roll the dice.
- No, bro, I said I want to climb trees.

In this game, these dice
determine your every action!

If you want to climb a tree,
you have to roll the dice.

Ugh. Fine.

A one! Yeah! I'm number one!
That's good, right?

Ooh. No. That is
the worst number.

Hyena falls from the tree,

hits his head on a branch
and gets a concussion.

- Oh, come on!
- I wish to search for the fairies!

Ooh. The warrior princess
attempts to search for fairies

but hits her head on a branch
and gets a concussion.


- Yeah, this is boring.
- It's magical!

Then why do you keep k*lling the
magic with all this boring stuff?

I told you, the game has
a strict set of rules!

- Forget that.
- I'm gonna find a dragon.

There he is!

No! There is not! I told
you to play by the rules!

You're ruining everything!

What is the happening?

- Whoa!
- I look so cool!

- Oh, my! We have the epicness!
- Wow!

Wow! We're super fresh!

Hmm. I'd imagined I'd be a
little taller than this.

I think we're in that forest
of Chillavagahanahaja.




- Threfelha.
- Troopadoopadoo.

Just call it the forest!

And obviously, we're
now stuck in here

because you didn't follow
the rules of the game.

So, when you said the
game was magical,

- you meant, like, for real?
- Of course.

It's all about wizards and dragons.
What did you expect?

This is actually pretty cool.

We could see a dragon for real.

We could ride the
dragon for the reals!

Absolutely not. That's
the kind of imaginative

excitement that got
us into this mess!

The only way out is to finish the
original adventure and find the key.

We'll start where all
great adventures start.

What kind of great
adventure starts

- at a greasy motel?
- It's a charming inn!

Good morrow, m'lords
and gentlefolk.

Oh, look. A grizzled old
innkeeper like that

is sure to point us in the
direction of adventure.

- Ew.
- Hark, innkeep,

have you any work for a
band of brave adventurers?

I've got a problem.

Vicious creatures
in the basement.

Claws. Red eyes. Fangs
like you've never seen.



So? Call an exterminator.

Now, let us find the
real adventure.

Hey! Remember, to get home we
have to finish this adventure.


But we want to see
something magical, bro.

Oh-ho, you'll see something
magical all right.

Steady yourselves.

I've got this. Rats are my bros.

Ahhh! They're not bros!

I told you we'd see
something magical.

Look at the size of those rats!
To arms, friends!

Prepare to taste the
Tinman's warhammer.

- I can't attack 'em.
- Of course you can't.

You have to roll the
dice to attack.


Another one? This
dice is broken.

Now, the rats get to roll.

A 10. Not bad.

Give me that.

Nice. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!


- Did Raven not cast her spell?
- Yes. And it worked.

Didn't you see how the rats
were distracted for a moment?

I cast a distraction spell?

You're only level one. So,
well, that's your best spell.

Now your rules are taking
the magic out of magic!

Ow! Make them stop!

Give me that!

Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

That was against the
rules of the game!

- And yet it worked.
- I can't believe this.

People making up rules,
messing up everything.

Ooh! Look! There appears to be

a secret passage from
where the rats came.

Exciting! You guys feeling it?
The adventure?

♪ A necromancer we're
under his spell ♪

♪ Crossing a bridge where
the goblins dwell ♪

♪ Skeleton dudes that
will make you scream ♪

♪ Nothing in here's
quite what it seems ♪

♪ Down in the dungeon ♪

♪ Gotta find the
key find the key ♪

♪ Down in the dungeon ♪

♪ Gotta find the
key find the key ♪

Ready yourselves.

Who knows what awaits
us beyond this door.

Perhaps it is the fairy party!

Oh, sick! All dancing with
mermaids and jellyfish massages...

Stop imagining things!

Mermaids and fairies are not
going to help us find the key!

Now, stand ready.

A dragon!

If this dragon wakes up,
it will eat our heads.

Now, follow me.

They key to getting us out
of here is within our sight.

We're almost clear.

- What are you doing?
- We wanna ride the dragon!

Just for one tiny minute.

- Absolutely not!
- Bro, that is a straight-up dragon

that we could be
riding right now.

Yeah. You said this world
was full of magic,

but we ain't done nothing but
roll dices and fight rats!

That's the game!

And we could be doing that
from the comfort of our couch.

But no, you had to use
your dumb imaginations

and look where that got us!


You blame them for
being trapped here?

Um, yes. They broke the rules.

- Young elf, it was you who caused this.
- What?

You were brought here for
ruining this magical game.

Oh, in the face.

Imagination is true magic.
It has no rules.

It's so simple, I can't
believe you didn't know that.

I wanna ride that dragon!

Come ride the dragon
with us, bro!

Yes, young elf,
come and ride me!

Well, I guess I could
give it a try.

I'm riding the dragon!
And it's fun!

♪ We're gonna ride the dragon ♪

♪ The dragon ♪

♪ We're gonna ride the dragon ♪

♪ The dragon ♪

♪♪ We're gonna ride the dragon ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The dragon we're gonna
ride the dragon ♪

Delightful. Delightful.

This is true magic and fantasy.


And now, you fry.

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