04x40 - Costume Contest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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04x40 - Costume Contest

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ T-E-E-N ♪

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

I'm a bat, bat, biggity-bat.

Oh! In your face.

Sorry, Momma.

I just loves me
some Halloweenie.

We all love Halloween.

Oh, yeah!
The best party of the year.

The candy.

The spooky decorations.

The costumes.

And, speaking of costumes,

we need to prepare for this
year's Halloween costume contest.

All right! Oh, yes!

To win, we are going
to need to go all out.

I have come up with
several options.


These are strong.

- Ooh.
- Real strong.

Hang on a second.

Titans Tower, Robin speaking.


Let me guess,

you guys are gonna be
scaredy-cats for Halloween.

What do you want, Gizmo?

Eh, we figured since we are
going to win the costume contest,

again this year.

We wanted to start
rubbing it in your faces early.


You'll rub our faces in nothing!

Oh, your faces will be
rubbed in it all right.

We've got our best costume ever this year.

There's no way
you're going to beat us.

Later, losers.

I hate those guys.

They're the worst.

They do come up with
sick costumes, though.

Remembers that one years when
they dressed up like a hamburger.

And the time they dressed up like
those cool skateboarding turtle-dudes.

Or, when they dressed as
the many-legged insect.

We'll never beat them.

Not with these boring costumes.

We might as well
rub our own faces in it.

Stop that! The only faces that
will be rubbed in it tonight

are the H.I.V.E.'s.

But this endeavor is
the use of the less.

No, we just need to
up our costume game.

Do something even better
than we planned, so,

let's just stay calm and try to
come up with some great ideas.


Oh, I knows. What if we be some ghosts?

That's the best you can come up with?

Are you even trying?

Whoa, it's not his fault.

The only people clever enough to come up with a
costume to beat the H.I.V.E. are the H.I.V.E.

That's it, we are going to
beat the H.I.V.E.,

by being the H.I.V.E.

Oh! You wish for us,

to don not the costumes
of our own villainous rivals?

Good guys dressing up like
bad guys?

Bro, you some kind of
spacial genius.

That trophy is as good as ours.

Titans, sew!

Uh, we're never going to win
wearing this trash.

Ugh, I didn't know
sewing was so hard!

I must now take back all of the terrible,
terrible things I have said about the Betsy Ross.

Well, you know what this means.

Time to start rubbing
our own faces in it.

Stop it, stop!
Forget the face-rubbing Titans.

I say we break into
the H.I.V.E. Tower

and borrow
their actual costumes.

- You mean steal.
- Of course, I mean steal.

That's why I said "borrow,"
like that.


Titans, steal!

Uh, never seen the H.I.V.E.'s
tower with the lights off.

Uh, its giving me the willies.

Regardless of willies, screaming me-mes,
jitters, shakes, and or shivers...

We need to get those costumes.
Follow me.

Oh, it is the indoor cloud.

What? Ah!

Clouds are supposed
to be outside.

What is this?
Strange weather is freaking me out.

Hold up. Hold up.

It's just a fog machine, yo.

Right. Phew!

Let's keep moving.

It's probably just the wind.

I'm really not liking
this indoor weather.


Hold up. Hold up.

It's just sheet on a rope and a
recording of some spooky voice.

I'm gonna eat your face.

Oh, uh, Of course.

Let's keep moving.

Not this time. Spooky
Halloween decoration.

Wow, you gotta
give to the H.I.V.E.,

they really do Halloween right.

Fog machine, spooky ghost,

and the sweet,
animatronic prisoners arm.

These decorations is legit.

It is not the wonder they
always win the costume contest.

They won't this year.

Everyone, grab a costume.

Hey, I can't wear this.

It's too small.

I'm concerned that
it may be too large.

Fine. Titans, suit up.

Hey, check me out.

I'm Mammoth. I don't really
talk on the show

I'm Gizmo, yo.

I sees you, Billy Numerous.

Who, me?

Or me, me, me?

Or me?

Ah, so many mamas.

Whoo, I am the Jinx.

The bad luck. The broken mirror.
The black cat.

The walking
under the the ladder.

Uh, something is wrong
with this costume.

You are a tiny dude, aren't you?

I'm a man of every tight!

Uh, things I go through
to win a trophy...

What's going on here?

We're winning the
costume contest, that's what.

Hmm, hero's dressing up
like villains.

Not bad.

But it's not enough to beat us.

Check it.

Oh, wow.

Now, that's just sick!

It's the ultimate costume.

I did not know that such heights

were the attainable with the
costume of hallowed-ween.

I've never seen
anything like it.

Titans in the face of a costume
so brilliant and undeniable.

There's only one thing to do.

Concede to us.

Destroy the H.I.V.E.'s costume!

That's not fair.

Oh, that's not fair.

Titans, cheat!

Oh, no.
Your costume's all ruined.

Looks like the Teen Titans
are sure to win this year.

See ya.

Oh, wait till I get my hands
on them.

Hold on!

I have an idea.


Attention! Attention, everyone.

Peep this.

Welcome to the third annual
costume contest.

Woot, woot! We have got
some sick competition this year.

Let's see what our judges think.

The third place award goes to,

The Brain.

The second place award goes to,

Batman and Commissioner Gordon.

And, now, the moment
you have been waiting for.

This is it, this is it.

This year first place blue ribbon for
coming correct on best costume goes to...

Not so fast, Titans!

And boom goes the dynamite,

My mind is blown.

Seems we have some
new contestants.

These villains stole our suits.

Only after you stole ours first.

And ruined our
original costumes!

Dang, Titans, straight up gank move.
Say it ain't so.

Every body knows
that don't count,

on account of us
being the good guys,

and those fools
being the bad guys.

Hold up heroes,
y'all needs to stay woke.

To wrongs do not make
a riggity-right.

Birdarang is right.

Maybe we took our passion
to win a little too far.

There's only one way
to make this right.

H.I.V.E., go!

Titans, go!

Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

Time out, yo.

The judges have
made their decision.

So, without further ado,

this prize goes to...

The H.I.V.E.,

and The Titans.


We won!

And we won too?

That's riggity-right.

Now, lets turn this party out.
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