04x43 - Thanksgetting

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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04x43 - Thanksgetting

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ T-E-E-N ♪

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

Ah, what a wonderful,
traditional Thanksgiving meal.

The cranberry log.

Yeah, cranberry.

The yams with
marshmallows on top.

The weird green bean dish

that has almonds in it
for some reason.

I have a condition.

And most importantly,
this big beautiful bird.

Man, oh, well.

What's with you guys?

Come on. It's Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is the worst, bro.

Thanksgiving, worst?


Literally, every other holiday
is better than Thanksgiving.

It is true.

Upon the Halloween one
don Johnson's the fun costumes.

Upon the Easter, one searches
for the multi-colored ovoids.

And on the Christmas,
you ain't be giving no thanks,

you be getting them presents.

Thanksgiving is just
the same food at the same table

with the same people
getting into the same arguments

about politics.

And you should be
thankful for that.

Those are all time-honored
Thanksgiving traditions.

So we gots to do
all that nonsense

just 'cause it's traditions?

Yes, that's how traditions work!

Are not the people
that you spend the holiday with

more important
than the traditions?

Nope. Now let's celebrate.

I have a lot to be thankful for,

so I'll go first.

I am thankful for

my tight butt

and toned abs.


Who would like to go next?

Ahem. I's got something
to be thankful for, bro.

That's wonderful, Beast Boy.
Please, go ahead.

From the bottoms of my heart,

I am thankful for poop.

You can't be thankful for poop!

But I am!

I'm thankful for all
the good poop in the world.

♪ All that awesome poop in France ♪

♪ Makes me wanna sing and dance ♪

♪ All that poop in Italy
makes me feel all wiggly ♪

♪ Russia, Egypt, Bangladesh ♪

♪ All their poop is super fresh ♪

♪ Guatemala, Liechtenstein ♪

♪ I'm about to lose my mind ♪

Argh! Sit down!

Raven, what is something
you're thankful for?

And it better not be poop.

I'm thankful for having
a friend like you, Robin.

Why thank you, Raven.

I, I... Wait, was that sarcasm?


Starfire, be thankful,

and it can't be sarcastic

or about poop!

I am thankful that the Christmas
is only one month away.


Moving on.

Look at this big
beautiful turkey.

I am just so thankful right now.

- So...
- Bored.


This glistening bird
doesn't excite your senses?


Eating of the turkey bird
gives me the sleepies.

Because turkeys
are loaded with...

Which is basically turkey juice
that makes you fall asleep.

So disgusting and so boring.

Or we could spice things up

and make this bad boy
into a turkducken.

It has to be turkey!
That's the tradition.

Oh, it's turkey, all right.

A turkducken is a turkey...

...stuffed with a duck...

...stuffed with a chicken.

Three birds in one, dude.

Three birds!

That is not a turkey,
it's an abomination!

But are not the three birds
superior to the singular bird?

No, it's an affront
to the holiday!

Now everybody eat.

Argh. I'm full.

No, you're not.

It's tradition to eat
until you can't eat any more,

and then go back for seconds.

Ah, but the stomachs
are at the capacity.

Ah, did-a-did-a-da,
I don't wanna hear it.

It's Thanksgiving!

Eat until you regret everything
you've put into your body.

Are you sure
that's a good idea, bro?


Cyborg, why don't you share
a political opinion?

Fine. I think the government
should do everything it can

to make sure its people
are well cared for.

You are
out of your mind, Cyborg!

Out of your mind!

You'd sell us all out

to them fat cats
up in Washington!

The obese cats
are not to be shamed,

and I will fisticuff
anyone who disagrees.

Power trip!

Thanksgiving is exhausting.

Maybe it's time
for a new holiday!

With the new traditions.

On traditional traditions.

A holiday where we can be
as ungrateful as we want.

The opposite of Thanksgiving!

Whoa, Titans, you can't change
Thanksgiving traditions.

Watch us. Come on, guys,

we got some Thanksgetting to do.

Pink cactuses, blinking lights,

cat balloons!

Where are the earth tones?

There's no autumnal theme!

Thanksgiving don't need
no autumnal theme.

That's right. It's whatever
you want it to be, baby.

Now what...
What are you wearing?

Oh, that'll just be our
Thanksgetting costumes, fool.

Holidays are more fun
with costumes.

Now let us create the new
holiday traditions.

I'll go first.

I ain't thankful for paper cuts.



I am not thankful for bees.

That's right, I said it.

You heard me.

I'm not thankful for sunburns.

See ya.

Argh, this is wrong. All wrong!

You've doomed us!

And I am not the thankful
for Robin's stinky attitude!


You know we can't survive
without the sun, right?

Phew, doggie,
look at this spread.

I showed you
the carving of the pizza.

Imma gonna go
with the marshmallow cereal,

but Imma eat only
all the marshmallows.

These dishes are inappropriate!

Can we have some cranberries
from a can?


Oh, Cranberry.

This is the best part
of Thanksgetting day.

The getting!

Now let's open these babies up.


An electric comb!


Whoa, electric kicks!

Huh, the electric
scratching post.


Ho-ho, kale chips.

That's actually
really thoughtful.

Who should I thank?

You ain't thanking no one, fool!

That's the reason
for the season.

Thanksgetting is
the greatest holiday ever.

What's happening?

I think we're about
to pay the price

for breaking tradition.

It's the Thanksgiving turkey.

What's that fool doing here?

I'm here for vengeance.

You disrespected my traditions.

You barely said thanks.

And you made up your own


Please, Thanksgiving Turkey,
forgive my friends.

They didn't understand
the importance

of the traditions.

Because they're boring, yo.

Of course they're boring,

but you follow them anyway.

Now prepare to feel

the wrath
of Thanksgiving justice!

Gross! What is that?

I don't know, but I'm feeling...


It is the tryptophan.

And now...

Time to stuff these birds.

- Wait.
- You can't save them now.

I realize that.

But before you stuff them,

I just need to say
one last thing.

I think the president
is doing a great job.

You are out of your mind.

Hey, Turkey, stuff this!

I'm an abomination.

You are turkduck done.

Enjoy your watery gravy.

Whoa, that's pretty dark.

Ha, well, I hope we all learned
some valuable lessons today.

We sure did, friend Robin.

Every time we don't listen to
you, you have to save the day

with your big strong muscles.

That's right, Star.

And what about you, Cyborg?

I learned
how important traditional meals

are to the holidays.


And I'm not thankful
for poop anymore.

I'm glad we're finally
on the same page.

Sorry for doubting you, Robin.

From now on, I'm just gonna
keep my big mouth shut.

Ah, it warms my heart

to have such wonderful
obedient friends

to share
this magical holiday with.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.
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