04x46 - The Self Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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04x46 - The Self Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ T-E-E-N

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S

♪ Teen Titans, let's go

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪



We seem to be stable again.

Not for much longer
if we can't
find Michael and Aaron.

Them fools
is in the wind, yo.

We ain't never gonna find 'em.

I think this calls
for a last meal.

This place sure is filled
with a bunch of sad sacks.


Now, look at these fools!

They be eating sourdough loaf
and them big sandwiches.

How much bread
do you need?


It's them!

You're Aaron Horvath!

Oh, good.
The Titans are here.

And you're Michael Jelly-neck.


Yellow neck.




You's the guys
who make us?

This can't be them!

They are putting me
under the whelm.

These are the guys
that control our destiny?

You think we control you?

You control us!

AARON: Our whole lives
revolve around you guys.

We've been making
one episode a week

for 199 weeks.

That is
a very aggressive schedule.

What could be better
than making us?

Spending time with my kids.


They are the cute.

Come on.
How hard can it be?

All you do is write fart jokes!

Those fart jokes
come from character.

But if you don't
write a new script,

the Teen Titans
will no longer exist!

That's not true.

The Teen Titans
will live forever.

You know, as reruns.

There's also the comics.

So, that's it.

That's all you have to say?

Can we get more bread?

Okay, cool.
Thanks for nothing.

Who knew the guys
who controlled us
were such jerks?

Too bad we don't control them.

That's it.
We need to control them!

But we are
just the make-believe.

And they are the real.

Haven't you learned
anything today?

Make-believe becomes real
if you believe in it enough!

All we have to do
is write an episode

about Michael and Aaron
writing the 200th episode.

And then
we'll continue to exist!

That plan makes the pain
in my head.

That's real meta.

I once met a dog.

No, Beast boy. Meta means...

Ugh, never mind.

Guess what?

You two are
about to become stars
of your own animated episode!

-That's fine.
-Oh, sure.

I'm not really
interested in anything.

-You know, I don't care.
-That's fine.






This is for real
Jelly-neck's office?

It's got that
dungeon-chic vibe.

If we're going
to make an episode,

we're going to have to do it
just like they do it.

And this is where they come up
with all the stories
for our show.

How can they write
so many episodes

about food in a place
that makes you
lose your appetite?


Wait a minute.

If this is Michael's office,
where does Aaron sit?


The filth...

Forget the mess!


We have to come up
with a story about them
writing the 200th episode!

I have the idea.

It all begins on the dark
and the stormy night.


STARFIRE: Lightning the booms!

Michael and Aaron
sit at the desk, and then...


They write the story.


Uh, I don't know, Star.

That doesn't sound like
it's gonna have enough farts.

Beastie's right.

If we're gonna tell
a good story, we're gonna
need more flatulence.

True. That's how Michael
and Aaron do it on our show.


How about Michael and Aaron
eat too many vegetables

and every time they think
of an idea, they fart.

I like where this is going!

Oh, yes! The creative juices
are the flowing, now!

Warner Ranch, day!
Enter Michael and Aaron,

their bellies filled with gas.

From eating too many vegetables.

Okay, Michael and Aaron,
sorry about the issue
with the drive-on passes.

Anyway, we've
got a great script,
let's take it from the top.

And don't forget
to have fun with it.



AARON: I sure enjoyed
our veggie lunch.

MICHAEL: I sure hope this helps
lower my cholesterol.

Oh, no! My tum-tum.

Okay. That was, uh, great.

Now, just a couple of notes.

First, your voice
sounds terrible.

Can you make them sound
less grating and more pleasant?

Uh... That's how we talk.


How unfortunate. Okay.

Then, can you
at least be louder?

You know, like how you
make us scream all the time?

Like that. Okay.
From the top.

I sure enjoyed our veggie lunch!


I hope this helps
lower my cholesterol!

MICHAEL: Oh, no, my tum-tum!

The louder.




Louder, fools!


My throat is bleeding.


It hurts.


That's great, guys.

We just want to adjust
to these character designs
a little bit.

Yeah. We wants to make them look
as dumb as you made Robin look.

So, we're gonna need
to make their heads
a lot bigger.

We said, big!


The bigger. The bigger!


Now, make them look dumb.

You know, like...

I'm Michael and I'm Aaron

and I think I'm so funny,
but I'm not.



Yo, guys.
I took a look at your script.

This is gonna
be impossible to animate.

Don't worry about it, Pete.
The crew will take care of it.

Your script isn't producible.
It's a mess!

Pfft. We'll just figure it out
as we make it.

Yeah, it's a cartoon,

not a science rocket.










Here's your episode.
Imma be real with y'all.

There's some problems.

Is being too good a problem?



I think make-believe
is about to become a reality.



Veggie lunch. Lunch, lunch...

My cholesterol.


I so enjoyed our veggie lunch.

I hope it helps
lower my cholesterol!


Oh, no! My tum-tum!


-My tum-tum.
-Veggie lunch.

Oh, no, my cholesterol.


Comedy gold!


Oh, no. Why are we
still doing the fading?

Because this is bad, Star.

Make-believe only becomes real
if you put your heart
and soul into it.

So, you're saying
we just can't hack it out?

Okay. New plan.

Redo the whole thing
with heart and soul.

Nah, man.
You had your shot.

Listen, Pete. We're not asking.







So, how did the episode go?

Not so good, I bet.

Yo, it stank, man.

Can't believe you've made
a 199 good to mediocre ones.

It was a lot of work
for one terrible one.

We're exhausted.
Plus, now we have to hear
from haters on the internet.

This show ruined my childhood.

Maybe now you can understand
where we're coming from.

You can't give up on us!

We're as much a part of you
as you are of us!

What are you gonna do instead?
Get real jobs?

We'd love to help you,
but if we did this one,

then we'd have to do another one
and then another one,

it would never stop.

-It's, a...
-ALL: Very aggressive schedule.

The only scenario
I can imagine us
doing the 200th episode

is if we could put ourselves
and our families in it.

But, that seems
so self-indulgent.

Yeah, something like that
would push the boundaries
of good taste.


So, this is how we go out.

In the end,
we're left with a question.

What is reality?

Are we the real?

Are Michael and Aaron real?

Or are we just tiny points
in one of them good fractals?

The real question is not
whether or not we're real.

It's, "Does any
of this matter?"



-Hey, are those...

-I think it's...
-The farts?

Farts can only mean one thing!

Michael and Aaron must've
realized we are forever


They're working
on the show again!


♪ Work work work

♪ Work on an episode
Work on an episode

♪ Work on an episode
Work on an episode

♪ Work on an episode
Every day

♪ Piling on your plate
Like a work buffet

♪ You're not done yet?
What's the delay?

♪ Would you like
some overtime work? Okay!

♪ I'm gonna need this
By the end of today

♪ Miss a delivery date
No way

♪ Get that money for you

♪ Invest in rental property

♪ Work on an episode
Work on an episode

♪ Work on an episode
Work on an episode

♪ Work work work


♪ Watcha doing now?
Working on an episode

♪ What about later?
Working on an episode

♪ How about now?
Working on an episode

♪ What about lunch?

♪ Imma grab a burger
Then work on an episode

♪ Work on an episode
Work on an episode

♪ Work on an episode

♪ Work it out
Work it out

♪ We work it out
We work it out

♪ We worked out our quadriceps

♪ Walked up
Like a million steps

♪ Did like a thousand reps

♪ For the 200th episode

♪ But some people
Don't let it go

♪ Some people just say
I don't know

♪ They didn't
But we did

♪ And they made their money
Like pyramid

♪ We worked as hard
For all the kids

♪ Who love the show
Teen Titans Go

♪ And you know we're
Gonna pump out 200 more

♪ If you had no clue
Well now you know

♪ Work on an episode
Work on an episode

♪ Work on an episode
Work on an episode

♪ Work work


Get back to work.


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