03x10 - w*rlord

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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03x10 - w*rlord

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, oh...


Oh, Gallia nectar,
from a blossom

which only grows
near a certain lake on Paxau

and blooms once every six years.

Specialty of the house.

This is a real place?

The Paxau resort
was the place to go on Talax

for serious relaxation and
some, uh, personal pampering.

It was very exclusive.

You had to be rich
and privileged

or know someone
rich and privileged

who owed you a favor.

I'd say if anyone deserves
and needs a little pampering

it's this crew.

Don't you feel

as if all your cares
are just light-years away?

Yeah, it's nice.

I'm certainly open
to any suggestions

for perfecting the program.

Maybe it could use
a little more, uh...


Loosen it up.

Yeah, right.

Like this guy.

He's so... um...


Computer, give the waiter
a more casual look.

And have him serve
Rekarri starbursts all around.

Now what we need around
here are some more people.

Computer, add characters
from Kim Sport Program Theta-2.

What sport would
that be exactly?


They're a championship team.

Gold medal winners in 2216.

No wonder your game's improved.

You know, this would be even
better with more upbeat music.

Computer, access
the cultural database

and create musicians from...

Earth's Caribbean region.

Now this is relaxing.

More drinks for everyone!

And bring out
some spicy paraka wings.

You can't have a party
without food.

All senior officers
report to the Bridge.

Ah, great program, Neelix.

Save it for us, will you?

I certainly will.

Hey, how can you listen to this

without feeling
the urge to dance?

Sick Bay to Kes.

Please report here immediately.

I've been informed
we may have incoming casualties.

On my way, Doctor.

Captain, sensor readings

that radiation
inside the alien vessel

is rising to toxic levels.

The life signs of the passengers
are growing weaker.

Their warp core
is heavily damaged.

It's leaking drive plasma
and gamma radiation.

It could breach any time.

Can we beam the passengers out
through all that radiation?

Not from here.

We'd have to get
within 5,000 kilometers.

At that range, we'll be at risk
if their engine core explodes.

Lieutenant, take us into range.

Aye, Captain.

to within 5,000 kilometers.

I'm diverting more power
to the targeting scanners,

trying to get a pattern lock.

There's still
too much interference.

A little closer, Tom.

Captain, I'm reading
an energy buildup

in the reaction chamber.

Mr. Kim.

I've got a lock.

Initiating transport.

They're losing
antimatter containment.

Shields up. Move us away.

Aye, Captain.

All major systems are undamaged.

I've got them, Captain.

All three passengers
are in Sick Bay.

I'm impressed.

Start with
the dermal regenerator

on the worst
of the radiation burns

and scan for contamination
of the surrounding tissue.

It's all right.
It's all right.

We're taking care of you now.

You must lie still.

You have internal injuries.

My husband.
Is he all right?

I'll sedate you if necessary.

Doctor, his heart stopped.

He's not responding
to cardiac induction.

Give him 20 milligrams
of lectrazine.

No effect.

His biochemistry is incompatible
with our medications.

No synaptic activity.

The tissue damage
is too extensive.

There's nothing more
I can do for him.

Record the time.

No, you must save him!


I am so sorry.

He can't be gone.

He can't.

It was horrible.

They chased us
across half the sector.

We were finally able
to fight them off,

but not before
our own ship was damaged.

Do you know who was chasing you?

This particular trade route

has always been plagued
by mercenaries and thieves.

I'm sure they wanted
to take our ship

and hold us for ransom.

I'm a very prominent physician

and Nori is a cousin
of the Autarch.

We're grateful for your help,

We're complete strangers to you,
but we owe you our lives.

I regret that we weren't able
to save your husband as well.

I know your medical staff
did everything they could.

And Kes has been so kind
and compassionate

that I don't think I could be
making it through this time

without her.

I certainly hope
that bringing us home

won't take you too far
out of your way.

Not at all.

We'll reach Ilari
in less than two days.

When we arrive,

I am sure that the Autarch will
want to thank you personally.

I'll be very pleased
to meet him.


Hello, B'Elanna.

Good to see you, too.

I was hoping you'd be Kes.

She was supposed
to meet me here 20 minutes ago.

It's not like her to be late.

She must have gotten
held up with some work.

I wasn't sure
you'd enjoy the program

with the new modifications
Harry and Tom added.

Well, I've made
a few modifications of my own.

Thank you.

Great program, Neelix.

Computer, locate Kes.

Kes is in Transporter Room 1.

Don't you worry
about using a device

that takes apart your molecules

and sends them
flying through space?

There are all kinds of safety
procedures and backup systems

to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Neelix to Kes.

Kes here.

I hope you didn't forget
our lunch date in the holodeck?

I'm sorry.
I'll be right there.

I have to go.

I'll see you later.

Are you feeling all right,

It's just a slight headache.

Well, we should
get you to Sick Bay.

I'll be fine.


After lunch...

we could go out for a sail.

That sounds nice.

But can we do it
some other time?

I promised to show Nori and Adin

the airponics bay
this afternoon.

You certainly seem to have
hit it off with our guests.

You've been nearly inseparable
since they got here.

Nori really needs
a friend right now.

I want to be there for her.

So I hope you understand
that I'll be busy

with her and Adin
for the next few days.

We can keep them busy together.

I'll arrange
so many fun activities,

Nori won't have time to be sad.

We can start
with a lovely picnic...

This is typical of you, Neelix.

What? Wanting to help?

It bothers you that I'm making
friends of my own.

You always have
to involve yourself somehow.

Why, I...

I certainly don't mean
to intrude on your friendships.

You can spend time
with anyone you want.

As long as I still spend
most of it with you.

No. I...

I'd hope that you
would want to be with me

at least some of the time.

It's not a duty
or an obligation.

Well, sometimes
it feels that way.

If you feel this way,
why haven't you said so before?


I never realized a relationship
could be any different.

I've never been
with anyone but you.

It might be a good idea...

for both of us to spend
some time apart.

I'm sorry.

Captain's Log, Stardate 50348.1.

We've entered orbit around Ilari

and sent a message
to the Autarch

inviting him to visit the ship.

Instead, he'll be sending
an official representative.

The Autarch might have taken

a personal interest
in our welfare.

I'm sure he does.

Our message made it very clear

that you had both
completely recovered.

I'm so glad you could join us.

Beam our guest aboard.

I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway...

Commander, a phaser has been
fired in Transporter Room 1.

Bridge to Janeway.

Emergency in Transporter Room...

They've activated
a security alert.

Seal the door like I showed you.

There's a transport in progress.

Block it.

I'm locked out.

Commander, it's one
of the shuttlecraft.

Someone's beaming it into space.

They're right outside the door.

on the transporter pad now.

You're sure this is safe?

Maybe you'd rather stay here.

Commander, three people
just beamed to the shuttle...

the two Ilari... and Kes.

Lock on a tractor beam.

I'm trying, but the shields

around the shuttle
have been altered.

They're scattering the beam.

Target phasers
at their engine core

just enough
to knock out propulsion.

It's too late.

They've gone to warp.

Set a course to follow them.

I can't find
the shuttle's warp trail.

There's no sign of them
on long-range sensors.

Transporter Room to Bridge.

Ensign Martin and the Ilari
representative are dead.

The Captain is injured
and has been beamed to Sick Bay.


It looks like
the shuttle's plasma injectors

were remodulated to suppress
their warp signature.

I wouldn't think it was possible

to make those adjustments
so quickly.

It takes some incredibly
precise calibrations.

Someone on that shuttle
really knows what they're doing.

They didn't follow us.

Of course not.

They're still trying
to figure out what happened.

What's wrong?
Does your head hurt?

A little.
It's nothing.

Adin should take a look.

I said it's nothing!

You're worse than that Talaxian.

We're in position
over the encampment now.

Looks like Resh has assembled
the troops right on schedule.

400 men just waiting
for your orders.

Maybe we should give them some.

What is this?

Nori, I heard your ship
had been destroyed.

You didn't think I'd let
a little accident

stop me, do you?

That's Tieran?

The host body
you were expecting is dead.

Fortunately, a young nurse
was with me at the right time

and she's provided me

with a very suitable

Well, I'm very relieved
you survived.

Oh, I'm sure you are,
at least for your own ambitions.

I want you to advance my troops
to the northern ridge.

But we can't go ahead
with the attack now.

Are you questioning my orders?

This is insane.

We've spent years
planning this...

every move, every detail,

and now, suddenly

our leader's been reduced
to a little girl?

I've been exploring the mind
of this little girl

and I've discovered some rather
interesting abilities.

She had barely begun
to tap into them.

It's a good thing I came along,
so all that wasted potential

could be turned
to a greater purpose.

Now, should I continue
the demonstration

or do I have your Ioyalty?

You shall have it...


Captain's Log, Stardate 50351.4.

We're holding a meeting
with Demmas,

the Autarch's eldest son
and heir,

in an effort to understand
the recent hostile activity.

I'm sure they really wanted
to k*ll my father.

He's the one they invited
up to your ship.

Nori and Adin are known
to be political extremists.

How could Kes be involved?

I may be able to explain that.

You mentioned that she was

with the third patient
when he died?

That's right. Why?

I believe your crew member
has been inhabited

by the consciousness of a very
dangerous man named Tieran.

Who is that?

What does he want with Kes?

Oh, I know exactly
what he wants...

to overthrow
my family's government

and to reinstate himself
as the Autarch.

He has held title before?

Tieran ruled Ilari
over two centuries ago.

He was a w*r hero,
a brilliant military leader.

He brought security
and stability

during a difficult time
in our history.

But in peacetime...

he began to treat
his own subjects as enemies.

He became convinced everyone
was a potential traitor.

At some point, your people
must have rebelled.

They did,
led by one of my ancestors.

They laid siege to the
Imperial Hall for over a year,

and the city around it
was burned to the ground,

but Tieran was finally defeated.

And yet, you believe that he,

or at least his consciousness,
has survived.

During his reign, he became
obsessed with his own mortality.

He spent most of his time
and Ilari's resources

searching for ways
to overcome death.

Somehow, he's discovered a way
to transfer his own mind

into someone else's body
as he's done with Kes.

So he's been controlling her.

Yes. Completely.

But she...

he knew things about Kes's life.

He acted enough like Kes
to fool us all.

The real Kes must still
be in there somewhere.

Tieran may have access to her
memories and her feelings,

but the Kes you know...

is lost.

I'm very sorry.

I'm not prepared
to accept that yet.

Examine the body
of the man who died.

We need more information
about how the transfer works

if we want to get Kes back.

That's certainly
worth exploring, Captain,

but our priority must be
to stop Tieran

by force if necessary.

Voyager is a powerful ship.

You may be considering force,

but my only intention
is to rescue Kes

and remove Tieran's

That should serve
both our interests.

You don't understand
what's at stake here, Captain.

You must help me
to defend my people.

Bridge to the Captain.

Go ahead.

We've located
the missing shuttle.

On my way.

Let's hope we can put an end
to this right now.

They entered orbit

then dropped their shields
and cut their engines.

There's a residual trace
of transporter activity.

It looks like four people beamed
from the shuttle to the surface.

They're in the main chamber
of the Imperial Hall.

Lock onto those patterns
and beam them back to Voyager

I can't.
Some kind of interference

has gone up
around the whole structure.

He's after my family.

My father and brother
are down there.

Ah, the venerated Autarch.

I've been looking forward
to meeting you for a long time.


Where's his brother?

I don't know.
He should have been here.

Get him out of here!

Lock him up.

I think I've located
the brother.

According to security logs,

Demmas was transported
to Voyager over an hour ago.

He's going to be a problem,

but we'll have to deal
with him at another time.

Give me the talisman.

This was stolen from me
200 years ago,

and I've dedicated every moment
since to putting it back...

where it belongs.

Loyalty and service
to the new Autarch.

Loyalty and service.

I want you to pay a visit

to my supporters
in the Yaro province.

Give them all new titles,
whatever I promised.

And, of course,
I couldn't overlook

your faithful service.

I think the title First
Castellan suits you very well.

I feel like I've finally
come home again,

but it's hardly as I left it.

My portrait
should be hanging here.

As for the rest
of this nonsense,

it's nothing more
than a useless display of wealth

as if the first Autarch
needs to impress anyone.

I want it all cleared out
of here!

Everything should look as it did
during my reign.

I trust you'll take care
of all that.

And we'll need
some new servants, too.

What is it?
You don't look happy.

I'm happy that we've
accomplished our goal,

but... there have been
some unexpected changes

and I don't know how they'll
affect our future together.

I don't even know
if I'm still your wife.

Forgive me.

I haven't considered how
unsettling this must be for you.

Don't worry.

You know
how much I depend on you.

Your Ioyalty and encouragement

have helped make
this victory possible.

I'll share everything with you,
just as I always promised.


Now I'm afraid I have
business to attend to.

Leave him here.

Everyone else is dismissed.

Ameron, you and I haven't had
a chance to get acquainted.

I'm Tieran.


I like the way you say that.

You and I didn't get off
to a very good start, did we?

You m*rder*d my father
right in front of me.

I shouldn't have
let you watch that.

I'm sorry.

But his death was necessary
to make room for his successor.

Demmas is the rightful heir,
not you.

How many times have people said
the very same thing to you?

It must have been hard
to hear every day.

The constant reminder

that your brother
is destined to be ruler

just because he was lucky
enough to be born first.

I don't think that's fair,
do you?

It's the law.

Doesn't have to be.

It can change.

Demmas is off hiding
on some alien ship

and you're here... with me.

I'm sure it's an opportunity
you've always dreamed of...

to prove that you're
really the natural leader

and not just a weak copy
of your father.

Now you can have that chance,
if you're willing to take it.

You mean if I join you.

We have so much
to offer each other.

Your heritage would
help solidify my claim,

and in return, I could
give you power, real power

to control the lives
of millions of people

to reward your friends,

punish your enemies.

Everything you want
can be yours for the asking.


After what you've done?

That's all in the past.

You should be thinking
about the future.

Would you rather be a martyr
to your brother's cause...

or rule by my side?

Captain's Log, supplemental.

Demmas has decided to remain
on board Voyager

for the time being,
but continues to monitor

the worsening situation
on Ilari.

This coup attempt is turning
my people against each other.

They're splitting
into factions...

mine and Tieran's.

Whom does the law recognize
as Autarch?

Officially, I inherited my
father's title upon his death,

but this isn't a matter of law.

It's about Ioyalty.

Some people will follow
whoever has more power,

and right now, that's Tieran.

He's gaining support every day.

He's already recruited
some of my less reliable allies,

which... may include...

my brother...


Your brother?

I assumed he'd been k*lled.

So did I,

until I learned otherwise
from sources on Ilari.

Tieran spared his life,

no doubt in order
to win his Ioyalty.

Ameron's always been
easily swayed.

And you believe
he would betray you?

That's very possible.

And if he does,

there will be no way
to avoid a civil w*r.

I must strike now
before Tieran is fully prepared.

There are always
alternatives to w*r.

Before you send in your fleet,

I suggest we hear
from the Doctor

and consider the possibility

of removing Tieran
from Kes safely.

I've identified
the transfer mechanism.

This cortical implant
was automatically activated

at the moment of death.

It enhanced
Tieran's neural pattern

and sent it out
along the peripheral nerves.

The actual transfer
took place through these

bioelectric microfibers.

When they came in direct contact

with Kes, they transmitted
Tieran's pattern

up through her nervous system
and into her brain.

I assume Tieran would implant
a device like this

in his new body
as quickly as possible.

Perhaps we can use
that to our advantage.

My thoughts exactly.

This synaptic stimulator

will tap into the implant
in Kes's body

and remove
the alien neural pattern.

Then her own consciousness
can take over.

Yes, but how close
would you have to get

to use this device?

To be fully effective,
it would have to come

in direct contact with her skin.

If I could get
anywhere near her,

I'd use a thoron r*fle
to be absolutely sure.

Not if you want my help.

Kes is still a member
of this crew

under my protection.

I'm very sorry she got caught
in the middle of this, Captain,

but too many
other innocent lives

have already been lost,
including my father's.

Then let's work together
to prevent any more deaths.

Don't risk the lives
of your soldiers

until you've exhausted
every option.

What exactly do you suggest?

If Tieran is anticipating
an attack by your fleet,

he may not be guarding
as carefully

against an individual
infiltrating the Imperial Hall.

I believe I would be able
to get close enough to Kes

to use the Doctor's device.

Your knowledge of the hall
and its defenses

would be invaluable to us.

All right,
we'll try your strategy.

The new cortical implant
looks fine.

Let me just make sure
it's connecting properly

to the nerve pathways.

Do something about these
headaches while you're at it.

They make it difficult
to concentrate.

That's an entirely
different problem.

This body isn't accepting
your neural pattern very easily.

She wasn't a willing host
like the others.

She's been resisting me,
all right.

I can feel her in the back
of my mind somewhere

like a trapped animal
rattling her cage.

She has a lot of spirit.

It's invigorating.

Your neural pattern
may become unstable

if you stay in this host.

Now that we've got

the transfer mechanism in place,

I suggest you use it to move
into a more compatible body.

No. I like this one

particularly the unique mental
abilities that come with it.

Consider the risks.

Do you really think
a child like this

poses any threat to me?!

I've been fighting worse battles
since the day I was born.

When the doctors said I wouldn't
live past my first year,

I proved them wrong.

Even when my parents thought

I was too sickly
to be worth caring for,

I survived on the streets.

Even when my own ungrateful
subjects forced me into exile,

I refused to accept defeat!

I certainly won't surrender
to this little girl!

You will not suggest it again!

Demmas has acquired
two more ships.

There are reports
that his fleet is massing

behind the fifth moon.

We should make
a preemptive strike.

Not on the basis
of an unsubstantiated rumor.

Let him come to us.

We'll be ready.

I'm told
that the Viceroy of Denar

is ready to give you his support
in exchange for more territory.

When did corruption
become so commonplace?

My people are crying out
for moral leadership.

I should make an example
out of this viceroy.

What's wrong?

There's someone.


There's a familiar presence
in this room...

not any of you.

Someone from this
body's previous life.

Someone she knew well.

Seal the room.

We have an uninvited guest.

Everyone, stay where you are!

Who is it?

Someone very good

at concealing himself
and his thoughts.

A disciplined logical mind.

You made it this far
without being detected,

but you didn't realize

how much more perceptive
I've become.

Typical Vulcan arrogance.

It's touching, really,

your concern for the life
of your little student

risking yourself in a hopeless
effort to save her.

Get that off.

Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine,

and still perfectly
in control of this body.

But my compliments on your
clever medical technology.

An attack on the Autarch
is punishable by death.

She's so protective of me.

But I think Voyager's
tactical officer

might be more useful
to me alive.

You know that I won't provide
you with any information.

You'd be surprised
how often I've heard that.

Who helped you get
past my security?

Who betrayed me?

I had no assistance.

What will Janeway do
when you don't come back?

Send someone else?

Join Demmas in an as*ault?

I have no knowledge
of the Captain's plans.

She must have discussed
alternate strategies with you

before you came on this mission.

She did not.

I suppose
I could thr*aten you...

or t*rture you...

but I doubt that would
make any difference.

You are correct.

I have other options now.

With these new abilities,
it's a simple matter

to reach into someone's mind.

With some people,
it's effortless.

Others require
a little more work.

Do you really think
you can keep me away

from your innermost thoughts?

Your fears and insecurities?

Your feelings?

I sense some embarrassment
at being captured,

worry about how strong
I really am,

and, of course, there's anger.

That's the emotion that
really threatens your control.

So, you try even harder
to hide from me.

I feel those mental barriers
going up.

Do you notice that it doesn't
seem to be working?

As if someone were disrupting
your ability to concentrate?

It's a helpless feeling,
isn't it?

You will not break my control.

Not break you, free you...
from all that repression

All you have to do is let go

I can help you release
your own strength

and give you what you've
always secretly desired

I have never desired Kes.

In all those hours
you spent alone together,

all those intimate moments,
touching each other's minds,

you've never even wondered
what it might be like?


I'm here.

I'm fighting him.

I had no doubt you would be.

There are times
when he's weaker.

I can almost break through.

Tap into his strengths
and make them your own.

I'm losing hold.

I am with you.

Don't let go.


Captain's Log, Stardate 50361.7.

Lieutenant Tuvok hasn't reported
for our scheduled rendezvous

and we've been unable
to contact him.

We're now considering
other, more forceful, options.

Our team will beam down
to the surface

approximately two kilometers
from the palace.

Demmas and his advanced guard
will meet us there.

Captain, I request permission
to go with you

on the rescue team.

Now, I had basic combat training

on Talax... all right,
v-very basic...

but I've also been participating

in technical exercises
with this crew every month.

I have a lifetime of experience
thinking on my feet

and you know I'll do
everything in my power

to make this mission a success.

Consider yourself drafted.

The detection grid will make
a surprise attack difficult.

Well then, we'll have to find
a way to knock out the grid.

I've been scanning it
for weaknesses.

The system goes through

a maintenance cycle
every ten hours.

There are a few seconds
when it might be vulnerable

to a narrow-band EM pulse.

Bridge to the Captain.

You have an incoming
transmission from the planet.

Put it through.

Captain... you failed.

What do you mean?

I'm still in control.

Your little device was useless
and Tuvok is my prisoner.

I suggest you call off
your new rescue mission

before you lose
any more members of your crew.

You've made a bad guess, Tieran.

There will be no more rescues.

My "guess" is
that you've discovered

the convenient weakness
in the detection grid.

If you attempt
to take advantage of it,

I'll have twice as many soldiers
waiting for you.

If this was meant to be a trap,
why tell us about it?

I'm really not a monster.

I have no quarrel with Voyager

Your crew did save my life once

when my ship
was about to explode.

I haven't forgotten that.

This has been
a friendly warning, Captain,

but it's the last one.

Now, I strongly suggest

that you accept your losses
and be on your way.

You have 30 seconds
to leave orbit.

Send two of my warships
to intercept Voyager

You're not well.

If you can't do anything
about this pain,

then leave me alone.

You need to get some sleep.

No. She's there when I sleep.



Who else?

You can't stay awake
for the rest of your life.

The Voyager's leaving orbit.

Let them go.

Yes, sir, but...
with all due respect, why?

Demmas is on that ship.

Our warships are in position
to destroy it.

I told them they could go
and I keep my word.

I don't have to explain
myself to you. Get out!

Clear the room now.

You're losing, Tieran.

Why won't you admit it?

I will admit
that you've surprised me.

Who would have imagined
that such fierce determination

existed within that
deceptively frail body?

Don't continue
to underestimate me.

Release me...
or I'll force you out.

My dear, why should
we be enemies?

Why waste the energy in conflict

when we could achieve
so much more by cooperating?

You're contemptible, Tieran.

I won't be any part
of your plans.

You're already a part of them.

You and I have k*lled together,

And you will continue
to serve my will.

You really have no choice.

Wouldn't it be wiser
to join me?

To take advantage of all I have
to offer?

You may find that you
enjoy having power.

I assure you, it is the
finest aphrodisiac there is.

That may work with others,
but it won't with me.

So, you insist
on making this a battle?

How foolish.

It's a battle I intend to win.

Brave words.

You've been an annoyance to me,
nothing more.

I have been more to you
than that and you know it.

I'm fighting you with every bit

of strength I have
and it's wearing you down.

You're becoming
more unstable every day.

The headaches alone are almost
more than you can stand.

I've suffered pain all my life.

It's going to take more
than headaches to stop me.

I know all about your life.

I know about your suffering.

It doesn't justify
what you've become.

You're a monster, Tieran,

and I have
no compassion for you.

And I don't ask for any.

What I need from you
I already have...

your body and your mind.

You may have my body,
but you'll never have my mind.

I won't surrender it.

You may resist
and try to fight me,

but eventually
I will defeat you.

I haven't existed

for two centuries
to be brought down by a child.

You're already deteriorating

and it's only
going to get worse.

I'll find every little crack
in your defenses.

You'll feel yourself
crumbling from within,

your sanity slipping away.

I won't stop

until you're broken
and helpless.

There's nowhere you can go
to get away from me.

I'll be relentless
and merciless

just like you.

What are you doing?!

You were is such a deep sleep,

I had to use a stimulant
to bring you out of it.

Your neural stress readings
are extremely erratic.

This has gone too far.

You must transfer
out of this body

before it destroys you.

I told you not to say
that ever again.

As you can see, I'm in full
command of my faculties.

This momentary lapse will pass,
and I'll be stronger than ever.

Stronger than ever!

Stronger than ever.

Stronger than...

My friends, we have much
to celebrate tonight.

Our recent victory,

the consolidation of power
among those who are Ioyal to us,

and the fact that Ilari
is poised on the brink

of what will be
its greatest era of prosperity.

But there's another occasion
that's cause for celebration...

one that is perhaps
the most joyous of all.

I'd like to present
my husband-to-be.

Don't be upset.

It's only a political alliance.

Ameron will help bring
the support of Demmas' troops.

Oh, tell me you still love me.

You know I love you.


And Nori.

You have both been
essential to my success

and I want you
to be close friends.

I want us all to be
very... very close.

Nori, don't make me
doubt your Ioyalty.

I'm not listening to you!


Enemy ships are approaching...

at least 20.

It's Demmas' fleet...
and Voyager

I assume my ships are
moving to intercept them?

Yes, but we are outnumbered!

I've always fought
against the odds.

My fleet will defeat them.

All the same, I recommend
taking some precautions.

We should get you
to the reinforced shelter.

This is a celebration
to announce my marriage.

I won't allow Demmas

to make me run
like some frightened animal!

Join us.
Food and drink

for my First Castellan.

I told you to join us.

Drink! Eat!

I want all of you
to enjoy yourselves.

My charitable projects...
how are they progressing?

When do we break ground
for the new library?


I want the people to know

that I have
their welfare at heart.

we'll send out an edict.

Every citizen
must have a garden.

A garden?

I love plants.

Flowers... anything that grows.

Some of the times
I felt most content

were those spent watching
the seedlings grow

in the airponics...

They've made it
through our defenses.

They're sending down
ground forces.

That's impossible.
You're lying.

I'm sending additional troops
to their defensive positions.

full security measures.

That ought to hold them off,
but we have to go... now!

Anyone who tries
to leave this room

will be shot as a traitor!

Look for yourself!

This has to be a trick...
a ruse of some kind.

That's what they're doing.

They're creating a distraction

to draw my attention
away from their real plan.

Tieran, please!
They're coming!

They must have sent
an infiltrator.

We have an intruder!

I know you're here somewhere,

You don't realize how
perceptive... I've become.

I know you're here!


Mr. Paris.

No time for a tearful reunion.

We've got to get
you out of here.

Someday you're going
to have to show me

how to do that.

Don't give in.

Stay with me.


Still here.

Fight it!

You must fight it, Tieran.

Keep fighting!

Do you have the device ready?


They're getting away!

I'll cover you.

We've got to get out,

find a doctor
and get you stabilized

or transferred to a new host.

You will survive.


Stop! Please!

Stay there.

Just let me get to you
and this will all be over.



He's gone.

No, he isn't.

He's still here.

He moved on to someone else
before you used this.

He wanted you to think
he'd been destroyed...

but he's hiding in a new host.

I know you too well, Tieran.

No! You can't do this!

You died a long time ago.

Now it's time to let go.


It's over.

Your thoughts
are a turbulent ocean.

Visualize yourself
floating above them.

I can't.

I've been using all the
meditations you've taught me,

but they're not helping.

You must be patient

and allow yourself
sufficient time.

Don't attempt to deny
the emotional impact

of your experience.

How can I worry
about my own well-being

when... so many people
have suffered and died?

You were not responsible
for Tieran's actions.

I can't help wondering whether
I could have fought harder.

It was your absolute refusal
to surrender

which defeated him.

You cannot ask more of yourself
than that.

Everything seems
so different now.

My thoughts and perceptions...

even my relationships
with my closest friends...

you, the Doctor, Neelix.

How can I go back
to my normal life

as if nothing ever happened?

You cannot.

This experience
will force you to adapt.

You are no longer
the same person,

and the course of your life
will change as a result.

Where that new course leads...

is up to you.
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