01x11 - Bloodlines

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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01x11 - Bloodlines

Post by bunniefuu »

Now ! Stop.


First lock engaged.


You know we're supposed
to be at that
physical assessment thing.

Oh, yeah. I'll, uh--
I'll go. I'll go.

I'll just-- just, um,
let me finish this reel.

You know, you seem a tad
obsessed with this stuff.

This was transferred from film
of experiments done on the gate
in 1945.

You don't find that
the least bit intriguing ?

Oh, yeah.
Nothing piques my interest
more than repeated failure.

Look at them.
They're turning the gate
manually. It's incredible.

How many hours of this stuff
have you looked at ?

There's no conclusion
to the file.
There's no summary, no notes.

No... Reason to explain
why they gave up.

Well, whole boxes of material
could be missing.

No. The pentagon said
this was everything.

Oh, please. The pentagon's
lost entire countries.

Come on !

Doctors have two days of tests
planned for us.

Wonderful tests.

Uh, jack ?

That's impossible.

Obviously not.

This doesn't
make any sense.

Why wouldn't someone
have told us this ?

Why would they stop
their research if they'd
managed to turn it on ?

Holy cow.

Hello, martha.

Mrs. Langford, there's
a young man waiting for you
in the kitchen.

You let a strange young man
into the house ?

I'm sorry.
He said he knows you.

My god.

Hello. Uh, I'm sorry.
I hope you don't mind.

How long
have you been back ?

Oh. My god,
why are you back ?

Colonel o'neill said
you stayed on abydos.

I see you got the amulet.

Yes, of course.
I never take it off.

Why avoid my question ?
What's this all about ?

Colonel o'neill, dr. Jackson
was supposed to be briefing
sg-4 this morning.

He's not here.
He's not answering our pages.

Any idea where he is ?

I haven't seen him
in a while, sir.

I couldn't tell you.
Why not ?

They wouldn't let me.
Everything is classified.
You know--

When did you become
an upstanding member
of the military ?

I'm not... Exactly.
That's why I'm here.

Make you some tea.
Then you can go back
to your stargate command.

Thousands of stargates,
planetary shifts.

- Didn't anyone think
I might be interested ?
- That's why I came.

Now, six months later.
You coulda told me sooner.

Yes. Just like you could have
told me there were experiments
done on the gate in 1945.

My father headed up
a research team that worked
on the gate during the w*r.

Actually, they didn't know
what it was then.

But president roosevelt
was like that, curious.

They suspected
that the gate was a w*apon,
or could be used as one.

Nothing ever came of it.
How do you know ?

The pentagon has recently been
declassifying old materials.

They ran across a number
of file boxes that dealt with
the old experiments.

- They sent them to us.
- Really ?

- You weren't involved
in the research ?
- [ Scoffs ]

Military had very little use
for a 21-year-old girl
at that time.

Neither did my father.

I only know what little
I overheard him and ernest
talking about.

I'm sorry, who's ernest ?

We get as far as entering
the fifth symbol, and then
the whole room starts to shake.

Today, one of the generators
exploded from the feedback.

Are you going
to talk to my father ?
Oh, he knows. He was there.

I meant about us.


Yes, I will.

Maybe it's supposed
to do that.

What ?
The ring.

- Maybe it's supposed to shake.
- I don't think so.

Are you using alternating
or direct current to charge it ?

Alternating, I think.
Why ?

Try using direct.
It might prevent the charge from
bouncing back to the generator.

And you should
talk to my father.

I will. I promise.

So you didn't know
the government kept the files
from the original experiments ?

I had my father's notes.

He told me
that was everything they had.

Do you know
how many administrations
I had to petition...

To get this program
started up again ?

Forty years had passed.
The information was
classified and buried.

I never asked for any files
because I thought I had them.

General west never offered
because he probably
didn't know they existed.


You don't know that they
turned the gate on in 1945.

What ?

There must be
over 100 million
possible combinations.

If it's a combination lock
used to turn it on,
why 39 symbols ?

Why not six ?
What are you saying ?

They're not combinations.
They're destinations,
and we just found one.

"Doorway to heaven" can mean
any number of different things.

It could simply mean
that anyone who passes
through there will die,

For example.

Catherine, we have a maid
for a reason.

I wanted to do it.

No, I never knew
they turned it on.

My father never told me.

It wasn't in his notes either.

Then there's something more
you should see.

Here, watch this.

Oh, god.

There was an accident today.

An expl*si*n in the lab.

Ernest ?

I'm so sorry.

So the man who went
through the gate is ernest ?


My father
must have lied to me.

He said ernest died
in an accident, an expl*si*n.

Why would he do that ?

- He probably thought
he was protecting me.
- From what ?

From knowing the man
I was supposed to marry...

Chose to risk his life
and go through the stargate...

Without even talking to me
about it.

He chose his idea,
his work over me.

Well, I'm sure he believed
he would come back.

He was so young,

So full of passion.

Like you.

You reminded me of him
when I first saw you.

That's why I knew you'd solve
the mysteries of the gate.

Catherine !

I wasn't supposed
to show you this.

Actually, I wasn't supposed
to show you any of this,
but now--

Computer enhancements
from the film footage.

I was able to isolate
the chevrons that were locked in
before ernest went through.

Not abydos ?

No, another planet
with similar coordinates.

And we can go there.

[ Man ]
have you completely
lost your mind ?

Who authorized you to reveal
classified information
to a civilian ?

Sir, if you will
just let me explain.

This is a serious breach
of protocol.

These rules exist
for a reason, doctor.
Do you think you're above them ?

- No. No, i--
- catherine !

Hello, jack.

It's good to see you again.

I trust the general is
making you feel right at home.

-So far he actually sounds
worse than general west.
- He's a teddy bear.

Colonel, did you authorize
dr. Jackson to reveal classified
information to this civilian ?

Absolutely not, sir.

In fact, I advised himnot
to say anything to her,

Despite the fact
that she used to run
the entire program...

And is responsible
for most of our current
knowledge about the gate.

- I'm aware of who she is.
- Catherine, this is teal'c.

Teal'c, this is catherine.

Daniel has told me
all about you.
Such a pleasure.

Colonel, are you aware
of the request...

Dr. Jackson
has most currently tabled ?

You gotta go that
one step further, don't ya ?

The man who went
through the gate in 1945
was catherine's fiance.

Now, I have the address
of the planet he went to,
and we can go there.

And I'm coming with you.

General, we know where
ernest littlefield went.

He could still be alive.
A man who had the vision to see
the gate for what it was...

A half a century
before anyone else.

He sounds like
a bona fide american hero, sir.

Sir, there may be another reason
to go to this planet.


- Captain carter.
- Yes, sir.

It seems the planet in question
is close to abydos,

So it uses many of the same
points in space as locators,

Which explains why the team
in '45 could coincidentally
dial in ...

Without compensating
for planetary shift.

But, sir, the planet in question
is not on the cartouche
we found on abydos.

What's the significance
of that ?

The goa'ulds haven't charted it.
They may not have been there.

If the goa'ulds haven't been
to this planet,
there is obviously a gate there.

Then we would have
unquestionable proof that they
didn't build the stargates.

The goa'uld are scavengers.

Since they have not
traveled to this planet,

We may find technologies
we can use against them.

- You speak ?
- When it is appropriate.

Thank you. Thank all of you
for your very thorough analysis
of the situation,

But I was already convinced by
dr. Jackson's initial argument.

Ernest littlefield
could still be alive,
and we should try to find him.

[ Electronic whirring,
beeping ]

It's a piece of cake.

Ready ?

You okay ?
Ha ! That was
some piece of cake.

It's hot in here.
Oh, yeah.

Did anybody see a way in or out
of this place ?

There appears to be
only two doorways.

Oh, my.

Aw, for cryin' out loud.

Dr. Littlefield ?

Ernest ?

Hello. I'm daniel jackson.
We just came through
the stargate.

Yes, uh, that thing.
The star... Gate.

We're real.

[ Crying ]

It's about time.

[ Sniffling,
crying continues ]
whoa !

Oh, boy.

Daniel, do something.

Dr. Littlefield ?

You don't recognize me.

C-catherine ?

Hmm !

Fifty years.
That's all he has to say.

I'll-i'll go see
if I can find him.

[ Sighs ]

Still here ?


Do you have anything to wear ?

Clothes ?
Oh, uh--

Uh, going home.

Yes, we're taking you home.

So much time.

Did no one try again ?

That's a long story.

Are there other people here ?

No one else lives here ?

How 'bout nearby ?

Are you saying that you've been
completely alone here
for 50 years ?


I don't know
what I expected.

I mean, I can't believe
he's right here.

Light years away, but still
so close all this time, alive !

I think he's probably
having a little trouble
dealing with it too.

I felt like a schoolgirl.
My heart was beating faster than
when I came through the gate.

Oh, you think
you're old and wise.

I-i don't think the heart
ever grows old.
[ Sighs ]

I can't even fathom
what he's been through.

Such a long time.

I don't even know that man.

Why don't you go
and talk to him ?

Last day.
It's a calendar,
isn't it ?

Have you been able to figure out
who built this place
or who used to live here ?

- Heliopolis.
- Heliopolis ?

Repository, philosophy,

I assume you mean
the ancient egyptian city.

People would come from
everywhere to gather there,
scholars, community leaders.

It was also the central place
of worship for ra.

Are there ancient
egyptian hieroglyphs here,

Symbols that indicate ra ?

This could be very important.

"Four distinct languages.
Writing is unlike anything
on earth.

Catherine says
they're probably alien."
"Catherine says ?"

She found me long ago.

"We walked for miles today,
and still found no signs
of civilization.

"Catherine seems concerned,
but I am not.

"As long as she is here with me,
I will never feel alone.

"It seems impossible,
but every day
we're here together,

I love her more."

My father lied to me.


I'll leave you two.

So real.


You're going
to have to believe.

This isn't
easy for me either.

Y-you-you look different.

I'm old, ernest.
So are you.

We-we had
a wonderful life together.

I couldn't imagine you,

In my mind, we didn't
have a wonderful life.
I thought you were dead.

Forgave me.
You forgave me long ago.

No, I didn't.


Doesn't seem to be
anybody else around.

I'll tell you, this place
used to be pretty sweet,

But it's seen better days,
if you know what I mean.

I think professor littlefield
has been alone
since he got here.


[ Thunderclap ]

A storm approaches.
A pretty big one at that.

- It comes every year.
- Every year ?

Now, look, kids, we're right
on the edge of a cliff here.

I don't think this place
could withstand another big hit.

We should take our leave.
[ Daniel ]
no, we can't.

Not yet. We've only begun
to explore this place,

Figure out what it is,
what it used to be.

[ O'neill ]
we launched a survey balloon.

Now, let's take the professor
and catherine home.

We'll leave the probe here,
let it monitor the situation...

Till the storm blows over,
and then we'll come back,
all right ?

I tried for years
to make it work.

You never tried entering
different glyphs in this thing ?

We call this
the dial-home device.

Basically, you enter
the correct address and--

why don't we just show him ?

My god.
What the hell ?

I thought the probe
was supposed to detect
stuff like this.

We got visual confirmation
of its presence,

But the damage
was obviously concealed.

It's not working.
[ Ernest ] it was like that
when I got here.

That's why
you never came back.

Does this mean
we're not going home ?

[ Beeping ]

Since we're going
to be here a while,

I'd like you
to see something.
[ Daniel ] what ?

Come on.
It's the safest room there is.

You know ?
Especially in a storm.

Give me a hand.
[ Groans ]


Keep at it.
We'll be back.

[ Whirring ]

What is this place ?

"I believe this room is
some sort of meeting place...

"Where four alien races
denoted by the symbols...

"And distinctive writing
on the walls would gather...

"Possibly to share knowledge
or discuss relations,

"Like a united nations
of the stars.

Catherine agrees."

You're right.
I would have.

All roads seem to lead here,
which means this is likely
the power source.

I believe you are correct.

It could take years
to figure out how to put
these crystals back properly.

I think we might
be able to figure out some way
to rig the power source...

Directly to the gate,
then dial in manually.

This looks familiar.

Touch it.

Whoa !

- It's beautiful.
-Daniel, does this
mean anything ?

Well, if this was
a mecca of sorts--
an alien united nations--

This has to mean something.

- I know this.
- Of course.
High school chemistry.

One proton, one electron.

[ Catherine ]

Silver, iron.

Barium, xenon.

Oh, my god.
So many electrons.
How can you tell ?

I've been here
a very long time.
Remember ?

Excuse me.

Are you saying that
all of these are atomic things ?

These images are
the graphical representations
of the basic elements:

Electrons revolving
around a proton.

The number of electrons
indicating the element.
Hundred and forty-six.

There are currently
only 111 elements
on the periodic table.

Only 90 when I last looked.

This is incredible.

I mean, we've only been able
to speculate on...

The actual appearance
and structure of an atom.

The fact that
four completely alien races...

Chose to represent it visually
in an almost identical way.

The basic elements
are what make up the universe.

They are
the basic building block--

Of course !

How do you ensure
universal communication ?

You reduce
the method of communication
to the most basic elements...

Common to everyone
and everything
that exists in the universe.

Jack, this is
a true universal language.

Turn the page.
Turn the page.
What ?

[ Whirring, beeping ]

Are you saying that this--
this is like a book ?

I tried to read it.
I tried to understand, but--

[ Daniel ] a hundred
and forty-six elements,
letters or word symbols.

If they're letters,
if they're pictographic,
this could take a lifetime.

Oh. Sorry.

Daniel, before
your head explodes,

May I remind you that
we've got more important things
to deal with.

Don't you know
what this could mean ?
Actually no.

This could be the key
to understanding our existence,

everything's existence.

A collaboration of the knowledge
of these four alien species.

None of which will mean squat
if we don't get out of here.

How's it goin' ?

We're trying to connect
the power source...

From the dial-home device
directly into the gate.

I'm about to run a test.
Where's daniel ?

Oh, ernest was showing him
a new toy.

Really ? What ?
Some fancy light show...

That may be
the key to our existence,
or something like that.

[ Thunder rolling ]

Uh, you want to pick up the pace
on this a little bit ?

[ Hissing ]

[ Whirring ]

[ Hissing ]
you did it !

[ Whirring stops ]

[ Creaking ]
get back !

You all right ?

This is how you knew
what this place was.
You recognize it too.

Othala, the norse rune
thought to represent
the collection of...

Numinous power and knowledge
from past generations.

And the gathering of clans
to share a common interest.

You know, there's more than
just a coincidence here.

But that means
that humans were here...

Centuries, maybe eons ago.

Not humans, aliens.

This is thor's race.
Thor was an alien ?

Oh, yeah, that's, uh--
that's another... Long story.

But a good one.

All right,
basic survival training.
We know what we have.

What do we need ?

We have the stargate.
We need the dial-home device.

Thank you, teal'c.

The element
the gate is made up of
absorbs energy directly.

Internal functions will
convert and store that energy
in capacitor-like reservoirs.

The inside wheel will
only unlock and spin freely once
there's enough reserve power.

So what we need is energy.


I don't see
any electrical outlets.
Do you ?

This is useless.
It's not allowing
for any relative perspective.

How did you incorporate
the three-dimensional nature
of the information ?

Look down.

Of course.

You measured the element's
distance from a central point,

Degrees from zero
around in a circle,
and height above the floor.

What's up, guys ?

Step away
from the pedestal, daniel.

What ?

Why ?

The dial-home device
just fell through the floor
into the ocean.

So what are we going to do ?

That thing may have
a power source in it that we can
use to get the gate working.

Uh, no.

You don't understand.
This book may contain
knowledge of the universe.

This is meaning-of-life stuff.
I have to get more of it
down on paper before we leave.

There has to be something
more you can use.

- What about using energy
from teal'c's staff ?
- It isn't powerful enough.

Daniel, there's not much time.
We have to get inside
that thing.

This whole place
could join the d.h.d.
At the bottom of the ocean.

So, please.

Great. sh**t it.

[ Hisses ]

Now what ?

[ Thunderclap ]

I'm obviously no scientist,
but, uh,

Couldn't we use
that ben franklin thing ?

The element the gate is made up
of is a superconductor.

It'll absorb energy
in many forms:
heat, nuclear, solar, static.

If we could channel
a lightning strike
into the gate,

It might provide us
with enough power to dial in
and make it through.

How do we attract lightning
to strike the gate ?

Not directly.
We'll have to rig something up
on the roof...

And hope that the sudden
and enormous charge doesn't
destroy the gate's mechanisms.

We got it, teal'c.

Daniel won't come up.
He's obsessed with that thing.

So much like you
used to be.

- Hmm.
The torment of tantalus.
- What ?

Tantalus was a king
in greek mythology...

Banished to hades,
forced to stand in water that
receded when he tried to drink.

unending temptation.

He was reaching
for something that was...

Out of reach.

- That sounds familiar.
- Hmm.

Some might say
that's what makes a man great.

If we all accepted what
was within our grasp--

Sometimes what we have
is of more value.

It takes a great man
to recognize that.
I didn't.

I was a fool.
you've suffered enough.

No sense wasting time
in the past.
Right ?

Ah, look,
for the peak of the roof.

It will attract
the lightning.

[ Groans ]
you get daniel.

Take this to the roof.

You have to come now.
Not yet.

Come and get me when
they've got the gate running.
There isn't enough time.

I have to finish this.
This is not worth it.

This is.
Nothing is.

Our history as a people
would be very different
if everyone felt that way.

No prize is worth attaining
if you can never share it.
There would be no point.

Believe me,

I know.

Let's go !
Teal'c, start dialing in.

We may only have seconds
once the gate is open.

What you did
was courageous.

What I did was stupid.

Come on, boys.
We gotta go now !
I'm staying.

What ?
Look, I will be fine
down here.

Go on. Go on.
Daniel, we can come back.

No. What if the castle crumbles
around the gate ?
This could all be lost.

- I could unbury the gate again.
- What if the gate falls
into the ocean ?

- I'm willing to take that risk.
- I'm not ! Let's go.

Jack !


Let's go.

- It's a piece of cake.
- Not from what I remember.


Go, teal'c.

Go !

[ Man #1 ]
stargate team receiving squad,
stand ready.

[ Man #2 ]
yes, sir.

Wormhole is destabilizing.
Still no travelers.

Come on, guys.

Stand by, people.

[ Man, indistinct ]

Close one.
You think ?

You don't know
how close.

[ Man ]
chevron six encoded.

Chevron seven...

Will not engage.

- Well, I think it's safe
to say the place is gone.
- You still have my book.

- Captain carter's working
on a computer model right now.
-[ Man ] go to reactor seven.

And here's the bright side:
you're alive.

Thanks to you.

Look at it this way:

If you ever run into those
aliens who made up the language,
you can ask them what it means.

You better let us know
this time.

I will.
I promise.

Catherine, hug me.

[ Laughs ]
oh, jack.
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