05x01 - The Scoop

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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05x01 - The Scoop

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ T-E-E-N

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S

♪ Teen Titans, let's go

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

Hello, the friend.

Who wants the joke?

Oh, yes. I do want
the joke very much.

What did the waffle-maker
say at the baseball game?

What did the waffle say at the
baseball game?

Batter up!


Yo, Star.

Why is you always hanging out
with just, like, things?

I simply pursue
the relationships with
those I find interesting.

Star, you can't be fiends
with inanimate objects.

My friends are of
my own choosing.

And I am the fiercely loyal
to my friends,

whether they be a person
or the maker of the waffles.

Okay, being friends
with things is weird and
you should stop doing it.



Come on. We're way
more fun than a waffle-maker.

This calls for
a group activity.

Let's go beat up
the H.I.V.E.

-Yeah, all right.


I'll miss you.

I'll miss you too.


What are you up to
this time, H.I.V.E.?

Something evil,
that's for sure.

They won't get away
with it this time.
Let's get a closer look.



Those sickos are having
an ice cream social.

Them bad guys
don't deserves
an ice cream

after being such
bad guys all the time.


I say we remind them
of their place in society.

We must crush
the villain scum criminals

into the dirt where
they are belonging!

That's the spirit, Star.


GIZMO: This is
private property!



We were just
eating ice cream.

-Quiet, criminal.
-Maybe next time
you'll think twice

before acting like
a normal member of society.


Hey, how about
you and me blow
this popsicle stand

and find somewhere else
a little more interesting?


-Oh, scoop.
-Yo, Star. What you got there?

The nothing.

Wait, you're not trying
to befriend another
inanimate object, are you?

Oh, no, no.

This is the evidence item

that can be used to
incriminate the H.I.V.E.

That can put those creeps
in jail for years.

Better bag it and tag it.

No! No, no, no, no.

The thank you. The thank you.
I will do the carrying.
Thank you very much.

Are you sure you're not...

Thank you very much!

Oh, scoop.

The others have told me
I should not be
friends with the things.

But I am truly smitten
by your charms.

Ah, forget about them.
They are the g*ons.

Come on,
let's go have the fun.

Yes. Let us go have
the most wonderful
of the times together.



Oh, the scoop. We have had
the most splendid of days.

Hey, Starfire, can I be
your the BFF?

We will always be
the best of friends.

I love you, the Starfire.

And I love you,
the scoop. (SMOOCHES)

Good night.


The scoop!


Hey, any of you guys remember
how the Charles in Charge
theme goes?


No, no. That wasn't it.


That's not it, either.
I think it was like...


Which one of you
stole my scoop?



Scoop is a very dear friend.

And I will do whatever
is necessary to retrieve it.

We didn't take the scoop,
Star. We promise.

I believe you.
But my friend here
is not so easily convinced.

All right, you bags of dirt.

Tell me where the scoop is.

I told you being friends
with things is weird.

Hey, no more lip
from you, the missy,

unless you got
something tell me
about our missing friend.

-Come on, Star.
We don't know anything.

Star? Star?

You are going the
talking with me, bub.

Star... (YELPS)

You've got something
to hide, don't you?

-Where is the scoop?

-(PANICKED) I don't know.
-Where is the...

(SOBBING) I don't know.

We are going nowhere
till I get the answers.

How about you, big boy?

You've got something
you want to tell me?

I don't know, man.
Check the tapes.

The security tapes.

Ooh, the tapes.



The Gizmo.


GIZMO: You got the Giz.

Listen to me, the Gizmo.

If you let my scoop go,
that will be the ending of it.

But if you don't,

I have a certain
set of the skills.

The skills that make
a nightmare for
the villains like you.

So, what is it
going to be,
the Gizmo?

-Good luck.


Gizmo, you made
a big mistake
taking my scoop.

It will be your last...

-The trickery.


I can't believe
you came after
this dumb scoop.

The scoop is my friend.

You can't be friends
with a thing.

That's stupid.


How could Star choose
an inanimate object over us?

I knows, It's ridiculous.

That's like us choosing
this couch over her.

This big ol' fluffy,
comfy couch that
I love so much.

Or this TV.

My beautiful widescreen
window into the world
of entertainment

that I cannot live without.

Or this book that
I just can't out down.

Or this mirror that
reflects my handsome face.



We all get more
satisfaction from our
things than people.

Just like Star.

We just don't
admit it out loud

because we're afraid people
will think we are awful.

It's trues.
I love so many things
more than you fools.


Crime alert.
It's the H.I.V.E.,
and they've got our friend.

Titans, go!

Give me back the scoop.

You should worry
about yourself.

You broke into our house.
Multiple times.

Because you are the villains.

We were just having
an ice cream social.

-You won't get away with this.

Too bad your ice cream scoop
friend can't save you.

Oh, yeah? We'll see
about that, you g*ons.



Ha, hiya!



My scoop!

It's over, H.I.V.E.


Stop breaking
into our house.

You're a little late
to the parry, fellas.

I mopped the floor with 'em.

You all came here to
save me and the scoop?

But you said that
things were unworthy
of the friendship.

We thought so.

But we were wrong.

-You mean...
-Yeah, mama.

Being friends
with things is cool.

Yeah. I wouldn't be able
to live without my TV.

-Or my book.
-Or my mirror.

You truly understand me.

It is good to have
the great friends.

Almost as much as it is
to have great things.

Yeah, let's hear it
with the things.

ALL: Things!
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