05x08 - Monster Squad!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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05x08 - Monster Squad!

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ T E E N T I T A N S ♪

♪ Teen Titans let's go ♪


♪ Teen Titans, go! ♪

The going!
The almost going!

The gone!
It is the gone!

I love Halloween!

It is officially
All Hallow's Eve.

It's time once and for all
to prove that

we're the scariest
trick-or-treaters in Jump City!

Yeah, but we just can't have another
repeat of last Halloween, though.

We were so lame.

Aren't you scary.

It was terrible.

Them costumes gots to be
scary this year, for reals.

Oh, they're not just scary.
They're monstrous.

If them trickers and treaters
are wearing pants,

we's gonna scare them off, yo!

We will be saying the boo, boo, boo!

And they will be crying
the boo-hoo-hoo!

- Seriously?
- We're straight up Halloween frauds.

Again. Again!

But in
the Hallowedween's past,

everyone was the scared
of our costumes.

They were just being nice, Star.

It's part of Halloween to pretend to
be scared of lame garbage like this.

If that is the so, I believe
we should wear the costumes.

Even if they are the embarrassing.

Nah-uh. I don't wants
no pretend scares this year.

I wants them real scares!

You want real scares, huh?
I can help you.

But it means we're not wearing
costumes at all this year.

Naked butt style.

- I likes it!
- Me, too!

Then it's settled. We're
trick-or-treating naked this year.

That is scary, but no.

Tonight, I'm gonna cast a
spell to make us real monsters.

For real.

You mean, there's a chance we
won't be Halloween failures?

What's you waiting for, mama?

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Oh, I feel the conflicted about
disregarding the Halloween tradition.

Forget tradition! We're gonna
get some real scares this year!

First, heed this warning.

To turn us into monsters,

I'll be tampering with
forces I don't fully control.

Well, that warning is way too
vague to concern me.

Yeah, totes. Too vagues.

All that matters tonight
is that we are scary.

I do wish to say
the boo, boo, boo.

Very well.

Magic us up, mama!
Come on!

Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

So this guy, Victor Frankenstein,

makes this big old monster man
out of a bunch of dead dudes.

But he never gave the monster a name.

That is messed up.

He could've named him something
like, I don't know, how about "Karl"?

So I be walking on
through a spooky forest,

when I sees this weird, old dog.

I was like, "What up, dog?"
And the dog nips me!

No bigs, but I didn't know that,
that dog had them moon rabies.

Oh, no! I gots them moon rabies!

And it's a full moon!

I am a werewolf, baby!

Vampires are the strongest,
most famous, most suave,

and good-looking of all monsters.

You better watch out for...

Dracula! Blah.

This is the
scary story of the mummy.

Being the busy mummy
was very time-consuming.

She had to work all of the day

and care for the baby all of the night.

Because of the time constraints,

her meals were of the fast foods

which gave her
the irritable bowel syndrome!

And so she wrapped herself
in the toilet tissues

so she would always have
some on hand

in case of the bathroom emergency.

I am...

The Mummy!

Okay, this is running long.
So I'm just gonna get to it.

I'm The Invisible Woman.

That ain't even scary!

We can't even see ya.

Scary enough for you?

We some scary monsters now!

But I is definitely the scariest.

Are you kidding?
Look at these fangs!

I am the most frightening.

Listen to my boos!

Boo! Boo!

Mummy, me think it more like

That is what I said. Boo!

Boo! Swing batta,
batta, batta. Hey, batta!

Isn't this so much better
than those cheap costumes?

I still feel this is not
the right way to do

the weens on the Hallow Eve.

Let's see if you still
feel that way

when we are the scariest
trick-or-treaters in Jump City.

Titan Monsters, go!

♪ Scary, scary
Oh, so scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Very, very scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Super-duper scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
We're real, real scary ♪

♪ Drop the Robin
Oh, they call me Dracula ♪

♪ Big old bat Dracula
Big bad Dracula ♪

♪ Neck bitin' ignitin'
The club lightning ♪

♪ Garlic, daylight, stakes
Frightening ♪

♪ Slap you in the face
Where's it coming from? ♪

♪ Don't know Boom,
there's another one ♪

♪ I'm invisible
Invisible to your eyes ♪

♪ Slap, slap, slap,
slap, slap, surprise! ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Oh, so scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Very, very scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Super-duper scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Real, real scary ♪

♪ I'm a werewolf
Doin' what them werewolves do ♪

♪ One bite from a fang
And I werewolf you ♪

♪ Full moon howlin'
Yeah, I do that too ♪

♪ You best watch your step
Yo, that's werewolf poo ♪

Yeah, I pooped right there
What do you expect?

I am a dog

♪ Scary, scary
Super-duper scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Real, real scary ♪

♪ Toilet paper wrap
Mummy busy ♪

♪ Stomach upset
Pop, pop fizzy ♪

♪ Got an upset tum, tum
Squeaky bum, bum ♪

♪ Gr-r-rat!
Slurpee cup, pum, pum ♪

♪ Bolt up in the neck
Body all a wreck ♪

♪ Frankenstein's monster
Got you all in check ♪

Kidding, actually I'm a really
nice guy, my name is Karl.

Nice to meet you.

♪ Scary, scary
Oh, so scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Very, very scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Super-duper scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Real, real scary ♪

For once, we are the scariest
game in town.

All thanks to Raven.
Blah, blah, blah.

And the best part is, this spooky
night is just getting started.

Oh, no. I warned you
this could happen.

It's the ghost apocalypse!

You not say nothing
about no ghost apocalypse.

Well, I implied it.

Why you gots to be all vague
with your warnings, mama?

I was trying to be spooky.

Titans, if we can't stop
these ghosts,

they'll scare everyone out of
Jump City forever! Blah.

We should've hallowed the
weens properly and worn

- the plastic costumes.
- Are you kidding?

The whole point of tonight was
to prove we're the scariest.

And this is our chance.
Monsters versus ghosts.

You heard her.
Titan Monsters, scare!

- I'm going to suck your blood!
- Boo!

- I don't have a face!
- I gots them moon rabies!

It is not working. Blah!

We tried to be scary
but we's just scaredy cats.

We don't deserve to be monsters.

Maybe we were wrong.
We wanted to scare everyone so bad

we ended up unleashing
the ghost apocalypse.

We should've gone trick-or-treating
in our cheap costumes.

Even if people wasn't really
scared of 'em, they still

- pretended to be.
- That is the it!

Friend Titans!
I have the plan!

♪ Scary, scary
Oh, so scary ♪

♪ Scary, scary
Very, very scary ♪

Hey, ghosts.

Trick or treat!

Let's get 'em, Titans.

I'm a werewolf, fool!

Too precious!


- Me Karl!
- How adorable!

I'm a mummy!

- And I'm the invisible woman!
- Oh, so cute!

I'm going to suck your blood!
Blah, blah, blah!

Aww, the little blah!

Oh, you all look just so cute
in your little costumes,

I could just eat you all up!

Titans! Scare!

Oh, that's way too scary!

You're just so scary
in all your little costumes!

I gotta say.
I've gained a whole new respect

- for awful plastic Halloween costumes.
- I'm happy our traditional costumes

were able to avert the
apocalypse of ghosts.

Titans, there's still time
for us to get out there

and do some good,
old-fashioned trick-or-treating.

Let's get some of that
good candy, y'all.

♪ Scary, scary
Real, real scary ♪
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