05x16 - How's This For a Special? Spaaaace - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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05x16 - How's This For a Special? Spaaaace - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ T E E N T I T A N S ♪

♪ Teen Titans let's go ♪


♪ Teen Titans, go! ♪

Dude, relax.

This space adventure
is going to get us k*lled.

Well, yours was gonna
bore us to death anyway.

Let us explode them with
the booms and the kabooms.

Boom! Boom!

Oh, yeah.

Space adventure!

Let's do it again, yo.

Absolutely not!
Now get your onesies back on!


Remember, Titans,
our priority is Darkseid.

So what, we just have
to sit here bored?

These space adventures
are never boring.

This ship has a multitude
of gentle, intellectual,

sci-fi activities to
tantalize the mind. Follow me.

We can meet our evil doubles
in the Reflection Universe.

We are the evil versions of you.

- You can tell by our facial hair.
- Facial hair be so evil, yo.

The mwah, ha, ha, ha, ha.

The sci-fi concept
of parallel universes

and opposite versions of ourselves.

Tell me that doesn't
get you all... fired up.


Look at these adorable
alien creatures.

Who wants to listen
to their soothing purr?

Oh, yes.
That's some good purring.


We can study the habits
of space babes.

They look exactly like humans
but they're green.

- The pass.
- Pass.

I'm actually...
kinda down with that.

Me too.
I is also green as it were.

- The pass!
- Pass.

I suppose no one
wants to become immersed

in a virtual reality
hologram chamber,

limited only by your imagination.

- Ooh, that actually sounds cool.
- Really?

You think something on this
space adventure sounds cool?

Oh, yeah, boy, we's love
some virtual realities.

Great. Then prepare to
enter a world of wonder.

Computer, recreate
19th century London.

- Come on, man.
- What?

You can create
anything imaginable,

and you pick
19th century London?

The London?!

I's so mad right now.

This is an opportunity to adopt
carefully cultivated personas

in order to solve the m*rder
of Lady Hathaway.

I'm Lord Bismarck Wellington,

a moderately successful
textile manufacturer.

How about we do something
interesting instead?

Yo, yo, yo, yo,
Computer, listen up.

I wants you to make a fart monster.

Now we're talking. Ooh, what
if we gave him two butts?

Yeah, Computer,
you heard my man,

give me a fart monster
with two booties.

Computer, do not create

a fart monster with two booties.

- Aw.
- Now, please.

Everyone, get into character.

Over there is our main suspect.

If we can't stop him, he will
get away with his...

Raven, what are you doing?

Don't worry about it.

What is that?

Lady Hathaway is
counting on us to avenge her.

I thinks that fart monster's
got that covered, bruh.

The hologram chamber

is not to be used
for low-brow entertainment.

Computer, fire axe, please.


Since you refuse to enjoy the slow,

thoughtful pace of this adventure,
we are just going to sit quietly

until we arrive
at the Space Council meeting.

Dramatic music.

Warp speed, Cyborg.

It's all been
building up to this, Titans.

The Space Council meeting.

Are you ready to clash
with Darkseid?

There's not gonna
be any clash, dude.

There will be a clash, all right.

A clash of ideas,
and opposing viewpoints.

That's not a clash.
That's talking.

And we's just wants to sh**t some
lasers into some bad guys' faces!

I'll be using a far more dangerous
w*apon than lasers, words.

The boo, I say.

Boo, boo.

The Galactic Zoning Board

will now discuss the motion
to allow Darkseid

to move planet Apokolips
into our solar system.

Distinguished members
of the Council,

I'm here to warn you against a con,

the greatest con
this galaxy has ever seen.

Darkseid has a reputation
for destroying countless worlds,

and feeding on psychic despair.

But the real issue is the
obstruction of your scenic views.

And if he gets away with this,

your property values will...

There is nothing more
important to this Council

than our property values.
How do you respond, Darkseid?

A rousing speech, Robin.
But I have something you don't.

Visual aids!

- No. No!
- Lights, please.

Here you will see your vistas,

which are very beautiful, by the way,
will be obstructed only twice,

that's right, just twice
a year by Apokolips orbit.

Now, I recognize
that this may be a nuisance

to some homeowners,
which is why

I plan to compensate
each of them with gift baskets.

Do these gift baskets contain pastries?

A gift basket with no pastries
is no gift basket at all, is it?

- Motion approved.
- No! Can't you see it's a con?

It's a con.
A con!

And now that I've overcome
this procedural hurdle,

there's nothing stopping me
from destroying this galaxy!

I knews we should've shot him
in the face with a laser.

Cyborg, teleport us.

But things are finally getting good.

Teleport us!

Are you feeling bad a whole
galaxy is about to be destroyed

'cause you had to have one of
your boring space adventures?

I really thought I could save the day
through subtle intellectual discourse.

Nope, explosions is always
the answer in space.

The boom.
The boom, boom, kabooms.

I know that now.
Unfortunately, it's too late.

No, it's not.
We can still stop Darkseid.

It's just going to take
a different kind of...

Space adventure!

Good luck.
The galaxy is depending on you.

You're, you're not coming?

You know what happens to me
on those types of adventures.

But your anxiety and cowardice
will make the rest of us look cooler,

and provide some of that
good comedy relief.

It's not a real space adventure
without a wets blanket.

Then I'm in.

According to my analysis,
if we can disable the shield,

we should be able to destroy
Apokolips with a single proton m*ssile.

Oh, but to disable the shield,
we have to beam on to the planet.

That sounds very dangerous.

- Oh! Oh, my! Oh, my!
- That is the spirits.

Oh, dear.

The odds of getting past those
guards are 3,983,444 to one.

- So we's probably gonna die?
- Almost certainly.

That sounds super exciting.
Let's do it.

All right.

All right.

Great job shuffling around in a panic.

Oh, I, I can't,
I can't even...

Come on, we've gotta
shut down those shields.

- Darkseid be coming this way.
- I have an idea.

But it is to take
something we learned

while being boring and thoughtful.

Find those rebels and destroy them.

It's the Titans, Lord Darkseid.

- Nah... it can't be them.
- I'm pretty sure it's them.

Well, the resemblance is undeniable

but that kind of musical skill
can only be achieved

by an uninteresting
lifetime of practice.

Keep searching.

- Oh, it worked.
- Now let's power down them shields, yo.

- Fire the proton m*ssile.
- The boom!

Look at it, look at it.

Oh, wow.
What an exciting space adventure.

We couldn't have done
it if we didn't have

that encounter with
that boring space probe.

I guess there is a place for
both types of space adventures.

Cyborg, set a course for Earth.

Shortcut through the asteroid field!
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