05x40 - Royal Jelly

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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05x40 - Royal Jelly

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Go! ♪

♪ T-E-E-N ♪

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

♪ Teen Titans,
let's go ♪

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

Why are you all
looking at me?

Oh, you knows why.

We are waiting for you
to make some honey.

Why do you think
I can make honey?

Your name
is the Bumblebee, correct?


So makes us
some honey, mama.

Would you knuckleheads
stop bothering her?

She's not gonna just make
honey right in front of you.

It's private.

I am not an actual bee.

I just have
bee-related powers.

Including the power
to make honey, right?

training session, now!

Titans, go!

Please do not
the interrupt.

We are attempting
to convince friend Bumblebee

to make us the honey.

- We want honey!
- We want honey!

Titans, I am your leader.

That means you have
to do what I say.

No, we don't.

We aren't automatons that
blindly follow orders, Robin.

For the last time,
Titans, go!

Ain't you heard Raven?

We ain't automotions.
Now, get's...


You all have no respect
for that boy.

Yes, that is the correct.

Maybe I can help him
be a better team leader.

Trust me, helping Robin
is never a good idea.

Good thing I am not
as cynical as you guys.

Your funeral.

Just one thing
before you go.

- We want honey!
- We want honey!

- We want honey! -We want honey!
- Ugh.

- We want honey!
- We want honey!

- This is sad.
- Yes, it is.

Are you here
to ignore my orders, too?

I am here to help you
with your leadership problem.

They're never going
to listen to me.

Of course, they will.

You just need to start
acting like a bee.

Ugh, bees are nothing but tiny,
vicious insectoid monsters.

No offense.

I think I see
why no one helps you.

Tell me about your dumb bees.

The first thing you should know

is that bees
are model citizens.

A perfect society

where everyone does
exactly what they need to do,

all the time,
without question.

So orderly.

How do they communicate
without yelling at each other?

Like this.

They're just dancing.

That's how bees talk.

I'll translate for you.

Hey, I got some,
like, really good nectar.

Cool. Barf that
into my mouth.

I'll go barf this
into the honeycomb now.

I wish we didn't have to,

you know, barf so much.

Whoa! All that
through dance.

That's not all.
Bees also communicate

by using pheromones.

This is the alarm smell.

Smells like bananas.

To you, but to a bee
this smell says...

"Get out of here, man!
We are all gonna die!"


What about
these bums?

Don't worry.
The Queen Bee's got this.

Impressive. How did she
get to be a queen?

It starts with this.

Royal Jelly

This is all a Queen Bee eats
from the first day she's born.

This jelly actually changes
a normal bee larva

so she grows
into a queen.

I see.
So I just need to eat

royal jelly until
I turn into a queen bee

and then the Titans
will listen to me.


Royal jelly is for bees only.

Beside, being a queen
is more than just eating jelly.

First and foremost,
you have to

bee positive.

Bee confident.

Bee a leader.

Use a lot of puns.

It's just a bee thing.

Are you ready to learn?

Then be a bee, boy.

Dance like a bee.

To begin your training,

I want you to command
these bees

in the only language
they understand.

That's right.
Let your body do the talking.


Boom cat! Come on.

They want to hear
what your hips have to say.

Boom cat! Say it, hips.
Say it, hips.

What are the hips saying?
What are the hips saying? What?

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

I don't think they like
what your hips are saying.

Express yourself
with your pheromones.

Next, we are gonna use
your pheromones.

I think I am covered
in that department.


All I smell
is body spray.

That's for the ladies.

Just use your pheromones
on those bees.

Hey, bees.


You got to smell
harder than that

if you want them to listen.

Bigger smells.
Bigger smells.

Come on, you can
smell worse than that.

If these bees
won't listen to you,

the Titans won't either.

Can't I just eat
some royal jelly?


Forget it.
You don't have what it takes

to be a queen bee.

Wow, that really stings.

Was that a bee pun?

You better bee-lieve it.

Whoo, I think you're ready.

All right, guys. Listen up.

Your days
of slacking are over.

'Cause there's a new queen bee
in the house.


Why are you dancing?

To tell you about
our emergency training session.

Then why do you not
say the that?

Read my hips.

Because the lips,
they lie.

Come on, guys.
This is our leader here.

Bumblebee, you're not
helping him, are you?

Just a little bit.

Big mistake, fool. Not gonna work.

I tried to tell her
earlier in the story.

Oh, give them some
of those good pheromones.

What is that smell?

That smell is telling you
to wash the dishes.

Onlys if you wash them
armpits first.

It's hopeless.

I'll never be a queen bee.

Stupid bee dance.

Didn't even work.

Smelly old pheromones.

Ah, look at her,
the Queen Bee.

So regal, so respected,

sipping on her royal jelly.

Why not me?


Why not me?


- Ow! - Ow!
- Ow!

- Ow!
- Ow!

This is the best honey
I've ever had. Ow!

What is going on in here?

Just hangsin' out and eating
some of that good honey.


It is quite the delicious.

How did you all
get so much honey?

Robin made it for us.

Yeah, he is right over there.

He's got honey for days.


Call me "Your Majesty."

You ate the royal jelly,
didn't you?

Oh, indeed, I did.

The only way to get them
to listen to me

was to become the queen bee.

No one disobeys
the queen.

Give me back
that royal jelly.

Royal jelly is for bees only.

How dare you defy the Queen!

Titans, attack!

- Yeah, why don't you do it?
- No thanks. I am good.

We are the too busy
slurping of the honey.

Oh, we shall see about that.


- All hail the Queen. - All hail the Queen.
- All hail the Queen. - All hail the Queen.

Ooh, that's more like it.

My children, attack!

There is only one thing
that can defeat a queen bee.

Another queen.

This means w*r!

Bring it on,
Your Highness.

Long live the Queen!

- I knew it.
- Aw, yeah.

She is the bee.

Well, Titans.

I learned something
valuable today.

You can't treat people
like they're bees.

I learned to never
help you with anything,

because you...
are a crazy person.

And wes learned that you
really was a bee all along.

Now we can have
all the honey we want.

Yes, my loyal subjects.

Your queen provides.

Ah, so good.
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