01x06 - The Courage of Tomorrow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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01x06 - The Courage of Tomorrow

Post by bunniefuu »

The Courage of Tomorrow I may channel any Ripple through water with ease.

Feel my Aqua Ripple! Turquoise Blue Overdrive! Jo

-! Jojo! He got him! No, he still lives! Bruford breached to the top with the same haste as my Aqua ripple during the very moment it struck him! My Ripple only rasped him due to the sprint of his swim! I must strike the knight with my knuckles and channel the Sunlight Yellow Overdrive! Milord bestowed a breath unto Bruford the Black, and thus, may battle this boy's bounty with bliss! The bravery of this boy be akin to Bruford's own! Ne'ertheless, such bravery shall be broken on this bedrock! The b*ttlefield be balanced, and only our bravery shall battle! Boy, shall ye best the bravery of Bruford the Black?! Wryyyyyyyy! Though a doll to Dio's desires, Bruford the Black remains a heraldic hero! He is a weathered warrior wrought with the ways of w*r! Your blood shall become the blood of the Black! Another Dance of Death, is it?! I accept! Let us dance the Ripple reel! Sora kobore ochita futatsu no hoshi ga Once, two sh**ting stars descended from Heaven and flew straight into an ocean of emotion.

Hikari to yami no minamo suikomareteyuku From their impact, a ripple of strife exploded! hikiauyouni takanaru hamon hokori no michi wo yukumono ni taiyou no michibiki wo One lead the path of pride under guidance from the Sun, yabou no hate wo mezasu mono ni while the other strove for unbound ambition ikenie wo no matter the cost.

furueru hodo kokoro moetsukiru hodo atsuku The star of the Sun, unwavering, burning with vigor, radiates a courageous flame sono te kara hanate kodou karada minagiru yuuki de engulfing its entire being! mayoi naki kakugo ni gassai wo Both stars ready to collide sono chi no sadame jojo For it's in the blood of all JoJos! Episode Courage of Tomorrow Overdrive of Ruin! Jojo! C

-Curses! Jojo cannot channel a Ripple without use of his arms or legs! If his arms and legs remain bound by Bruford, Jojo cannot channel a Ripple to break those braids! A

-As much as I'd love to help him, Tarkus blocks our way! H

-His hair cuts through my clothes and into my skin! The more I struggle to break these braids, the more blood it sucks! Now boy, I shall deliver unto thee death! I shall behead thee and bathe in thine blood! Very well! I shall channel my Metal Ripple, Solid Silver Overdrive! W

-Well played! Mr.

Joestar parried the blade, and followed through by channeling a Ripple through his arm! My heart, resolute! My body, ablaze! My radiant Ripple releases! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive! There's the sound! The sound of an inferno that follows a channeled Ripple! B

-Bruford was a cut above any zombie I've ever faced! I knew of his heroism in history, but he had to die once more Bruford had become a vengeful vampire who threatened humanity.

It had to be done! I am Bruford the Black! I mayn't be maimed by such strikes! Yer a bitter bugger, Bruford! Yer a zombie, up a creek without a bloody arm, and you still want to jostle with Mr.

Joestar?! What the

-?! Are you mad, Mr.

Joestar?! He'll behead you if you don't do something! Move your arse! He stopped?! What's the meaning of this?! Sir Bruford "mayn't be maimed by such strikes," aye? Then you felt pain to liken my strikes to "maiming.

" Fl

-Flowers They bloom where Bruford stands! The Ripple has begun rending Bruford's body asunder, and has regained the sensation of pain.

A sensation zombies would never feel.

While the Ripple corrodes the remains of Bruford's body, it restored Bruford's humanity and his chivalry as a knight.

For this, I held my hand against my fellow man.

That is why you ceased your slash.

Look at his face! No longer is the bugger's face contorted in rage! He's got the face of a wee babe, leering at his mum! Thou seated diligent to awaiteth mine blade Mine blade, thou knoweth mayn't cometh unto thine neck? Retain thou, faith in mine humanity? "Pain" be a sensation of mine humanity.

Were mine humanity retain "pain," then retain "joy" as well.

Lost, was mine humanity.

Though now, I feel naught but comfort.

Foregone, has mine rage toward humanity.

'Twas mine fortune to jostle with so marvelous a man of faith.

Mine dear queen awaiteth Mine friend of faith in three centuries, name thineself.

I am Jonathan Joestar.

Jonathan Granteth thee, the words mine dear queen etched upon mine blade.


(Fortune) Thou shalt taketh this word for thine crusade.


(Courage) Sir Bruford! This feels alike a Shakespearean tragedy.

To restore his humanity, I had to deal a merciful blow! Though he died bearing a considerable grudge against humanity, how could a man so heroic and chivalrous become so wrought with vengeance?! The fault lies with the stone mask! And the deranged disciple of the stone mask, Dio! Jojo! Behind you! Tarkus?! H

-How could you?! Why desecrate the memory, the armor of your fallen knight so?! Bruford be naught but a blackguard! He retained my respect as a fellow knight, but Bruford was naught but a dancer! However, I pride mineself as an Elite Executioner! With naught but brawn and brute, I may lay waste to any and all! Sing for me a symphony of screams! Nice catch, Jojo! This cliff collapses! Leaves! Jojo! Sir! Overdrive of Salvation! Grab ahold, Speedwagon! Poco! Humans possess minute capabilities in biomagnetism, meaning that humans are capable of producing magnetic fields.

With the Ripple, biomagnetism in humans may be greatly manipulated, and channeled through many leaves to create one giant manifestation! We're flying! Up yers! How did you two do this?! Are you even human? Or, are you seraphs of some sort? I want to know too, Boyo! After everything we've been through today, I still know nothing about Barone Zeppeli! Where the bloody Hell did you learn all this magic?! When I was in British India, I met a most peculiar physician in a port city.

I found him too youthful to be a physician, and yet, he insisted that he was one.

And indeed, he was.

His patient's leg had undergone severe necrosis, which would warrant amputation in the West, but this man's glowing fingers healed his patient's leg.

That power stemmed from the Art of Mystics! I felt that the Art of Mystics was the only means to defeat the stone mask, and so I paddled up the Gyalmo River which ran through Tibet in search of his master, his Lama.

The Lama's name was Tong Pheti.

Wayfarer from the West, your future is now known to my eyes.

You wish to learn the Art of Mystics, aye? Know now, that if you pursue the Art of Mystics, you shall be doomed to destruction! Then so be it.

I must have these arts to combat the evil to come.

I mustn't share the omen of Lama Tong Pheti, not with Jojo, not with anyone! B

-Barone? D

-Does the Ripple make this sound to keep us gliding? N

-No, it isn't! It's Tarkus! H

-He's leapt after us! How could he risk leaping into a chasm to k*ll us?! He mayn't break through fortified Ripple energy! Play with the sun, and you shall be singed! What's that?! I

-It's the Fortress of Knighthood! Ready yourselves for a leap! Otherwise, it'll be a crash landing! Tarkus crashed straight through the masonry! Though immortal, his body must've been bashed to bits! Dio gained regenerative properties only through the mask, whereas his zombie servants did not, and are debilitated! Ma

-Mamma mia! He lives only for the thrill of battle! His should've been crippled from that crash! He's climbing up here! Though our main prerogative is the death of Dio, I tire of this game we play! We must terminate Tarkus tonight! Jojo! Take the bambino inside and hide him! This is quite a daunting door I heard something else, too.


-Watch your step.

Knights used to duel to the death in these ruins.

I heard it's full of booby traps.


Joestar, I heard chains! Mister! Jojo! Wh

-What is this?! Tarkus?! How long it has been? The Chamber of Ouroboros's tug of w*r.

I shall partake of my pastime for once in three centuries.

This was one of the Fortress of Knighthood's trials, the Chamber of Ouroboros's chain

-collar tug of w*r.

I fell 48 knights in this contest.

Indeed, mine most capable of contests be this tug of w*r.


-Barone Zeppeli, break your barrage! It can't be broken! H

-His fist is bloodied and busted! Th

-The Art of Mystics had no doctrines on destroying dense material! I may break bricks with the Ripple, but not so dense a door! Ergo, Jojo faces a similar predicament as I! He cannot cleave the chain with the Ripple! Thine collar be locked with a key, rests within mine collar! The door to your fellows shan't open whilst we duel, and the key to my collar rests within yours.

One of us need only sever the head of the other to be free! Metal Overdrive! T

-The chains are enclosed within the ceiling, and will disperse Ripple energy to the ceiling, not the chain! He's fractured my arm, and I cannot treat it without Ripple respiration because my neck is being crushed as he pulls this chain! I cannot breathe! Jojo! Blast it! I

-I've piddled my pantaloons! I

-I've had enough! I can't stay with them They're the ones who brought this trouble to our town! Barone Zeppeli, behold the bar! This door can only be opened from within! I'm certain Jojo can hold his own, but he's been battered from his battle with Bruford.

We must find a way inside! Together, we may defeat Tarkus! But Barone, I see no other way to enter! It's a tight squeeze.

They wouldn't be able to go through there.

But maybe I could fit Damn this door! Signore, this door shan't be budged! We must scale down, towards the mangled masonry! B

-But that would take too long! We've dabbled with the damn door long enough! Am I nothing more than a third wheel?! I serve no purpose! I am a tired third wheel! Gander at me, Poco.

Gander at my face, you squab! Poco's a pansy

-boy! Let's light the pansy a wee f*g.

Now, be good and breathe it all in! He's gonna spit up, he will! O

-Over there! B

-Boys, let's blow! P

-Peggy Fancied yourself a good bludgeoning, did we? My bairn of a brother, I think you should try throwing a punch or two.


-I'll punch them back tomorrow! And which "tomorrow" will this be? T



What are you scared of most? Might it be the hurt of my hand? You don't like the hurt, do you? The hurt's much better for you than growing into a limping lady of a man! Do you want to be a lady?! I

-I don't Come closer, my wee bairn.

I'll wash the dirt out of those clothes.

Poco?! A window?! G

-Get down from there! Don't do it, Poco! Stop him! If that little bambino breaks into that room, Tarkus will blast him to oblivion! Child, descend to me! Climb out! R

-Remember the words of that blond beast If Mr.

Jojo dies, he'll attack our township! He'll hurt Peggy! Don't worry, Peggy! Poco will protect you! Peggy! "Tomorrow" is today! Poco, run away! Ye dare deter our duel?! Poco!!! I'm not scared of the pain anymore Open sesame.

Yer a pretty perky kid, Poco The tyke's gonna live, Mr.

Joestar! Barone Zeppeli, burn that bastard 'til he bleeds! Barone?! You shall be doomed to destruction! At last At last, the Lama's omen has come to pass! If I am to be destroyed, then so be it.

Barone Zeppeli! What do you mean, "destroyed?!" I'll be the round about The words will make you out 'n' out I'll spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley The muses dance and sing They make the children really ring I'll spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley..

In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you Ten true summers we'll be there and Laughing too Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be There with you Next Time This can't be happening! I shall terminate you, Tarkus! Be smote by mine sole! Jojo! See our crusade through to the very end! Episode Sorrowful Successor
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