07x13 - Grace

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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07x13 - Grace

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Stargate SG-1":

This is Prometheus,
otherwise known as the X-303.

Sir, there's an energy build-up
in the naquadria cells.

The jump must've triggered a surge
that overloaded the control systems.

Stand by to jettison the reactor module.

Even if we plotted a course for Earth
using maximum sublight thrust,

it'd take years.


If we can gate home from there, we can
get what we need to repair the ship.

So this thing is different
from a nebula. How?

That's why it's so exciting, sir.
We don't know exactly.

And this formation just happens to be
near our next cool-down coordinates?

It'll only be a little bit out of our way,
Colonel. All I ask is two hours, tops.

If only to see the expression
on your face first-hand.

- "Kid" and "candy store" come to mind.
- I'll try to retain my composure.

Just keep in mind that our mission
is to get this bird home in one piece.

Colonel Ronson, report to the bridge.

Must be time. After you, Major.

Sir, the hyperdrive engines
are at maximum safe temperature.

- Shut 'em down, Major Gant.
- Yes, sir. Dropping out of hyperspace.

Major Carter, what's our progress?

Well, sir, we covered 49 light years
in the last leg.

Considering the hyperdrive was lifted
from an Alkesh, that's pretty good.

It was originally designed
for a ship one-tenth this size.

Only five more of these pit stops
and we're home.

Colonel, a bogey just appeared on
our sensors. Dead ahead, 3,000 clicks.

- Can't you identify it?
- Negative, sir.

It's closing in on us very quickly.

Sound general quarters.

- Bogey's now at 2,000 clicks.
- Raise shields. Arm weapons.

Bogey is now at 900 clicks.
It's not slowing down, sir.

How long till we can
jump to hyperspace again?

The hyperdrive needs two hours to cool
down before attempting another jump.

If we try one before that, it could overload.

Colonel, I'm getting some unusual
readings from the alien vessel.

They're scanning us, sir.

Major Gant, set up a wide-frequency
broadcast. I wanna talk to them.

Go ahead, sir.

This is Colonel William Ronson,
commander of the Prometheus.

Please respond.

If you can hear me,
I offer you peaceful greetings.

Bogey is now at 400 clicks and
continuing to gain on our position, sir.

Sir, thermographic sensors are showing
a build-up of energy within the ship.

- Energy build-up is continuing, sir.
- Colonel, we have to get out of here.

Major Gant, initiate
evasive manoeuvre Delta now.

Yes, sir. Executing Delta.

- Major Gant, report.
- Shields are down 69%.

Their weapons are draining our shields.

- 53%.
- Reroute auxiliary power to shields.

Weapons Officer, prepare
to return fire on my command.

Aft m*ssile bays
one through six ready, sir.

Fire one through four now.

Sir, missiles destroyed
before reaching the target.

Alien vessel is still gaining on us, sir.
Shield strength is at 32%.

Fire all missiles at will.

Wait. Suggest diverting auxiliary power
back to the sublight engines.


The gas cloud. If we can get inside it, it
might make it harder for them to track us.

Shields are below 15%.

Even with engines at full strength,
we'll never make it.

We might be able to make a small
hyperspace jump into the cloud.

Give me a few minutes
to override the safeguards.

You have two.

Come on. One jump.

- w*apon systems no longer operational.
- Shields are below 10%.

Receiving ship-wide
damage reports, Colonel.

This is Major Carter calling the bridge.

Bridge, please respond.

This is the bridge calling all decks.

Please respond.

This is Major Samantha Carter of
the US Air Force vessel Prometheus.

As the sole remaining crew member, I feel
compelled to keep a log of these events.

After being att*cked
by a hostile alien ship,

I sustained an injury
and lost consciousness.

When I awoke,
I found the ship devoid of all crew.

An initial systems review indicated
the hyperdrive to be operational.

But the sublight engines remain offline,
possibly due to damage from the attack.

I am hopeful further investigation
will provide more answers.

However, my first priority
is to find out what happened to the crew.

Having searched the ship
and found no one,

only one possibility remains
to explain their disappearance.

Since all the ship's escape pods
have been jettisoned,

I must assume an evacuation order
was given after my losing consciousness.

In the chaos that must have ensued,
I was left behind.

The sublight engines remain offline.

I guess something about the gas cloud
is prohibiting restart procedures.

Thus far, I have been unable
to find a way around this problem.

Without sublight engine power
to manoeuvre the ship,

I'm left with only one other option.

Damn it.

Major Carter.

- Teal'c?
- Hear me.

You must remain conscious at all costs.

- I just need to rest for a while.
- You cannot.

Listen to me.

You are injured.
If you sleep, you will die.

Do you understand?

I know...

If you sleep, you will die.

* Twinkle, twinkle, little star

* How I wonder what you are

* Up above the world so high

- Is someone there?
- * Like a diamond in the sky

* Twinkle, twinkle, little star


* How I wonder what you are


I have sent out a distress signal
detailing Prometheus's situation

and our last known position in space.

I know it may be hundreds of years
before it is heard.

That said, Stargate Command
was aware of our route

and will undoubtedly do
everything they can to mount a rescue.

And if any of the crew survived,

I can only hope they will
eventually send help as well.

Therefore I feel my best course of action
is to settle in for the long haul.

By my calculations, I have enough
food and water to last several months.

With further rationing,
it might be possible to double that.

Play with me.

I've been trying to understand why
the ship is unable to jump hyperspace.

During my last attempt,

the hyperspace window seemed
too unstable for the ship to enter it.

Thus far, sensors have been unable
to identify the content of the cloud itself.

It's more likely made up of a denser group
of gases than that of a typical nebula.

It's preventing the hyperdrive emitter
from transferring power at an even rate.

Until that changes, the Prometheus
will remain trapped here indefinitely.

Yep! I'd say you're stuck all right.

You've been running the same
diagnostic program for four hours.

What makes you think the results
are suddenly gonna change?

Sam! Hello?

Were you this annoying
when you were ascended?

Depends who you ask. I thought I had a
certain je ne sais quoi. Timing was so-so.

No offence, but I really
don't have time for this.

This is ridiculous. You aren't even real.

Well, I'm not so much me
as I am... you, really.

I mean, part of your subconscious mind.

So am I real?

That's up to you, I guess. The Socratic
implications are quite fascinating.

- Daniel...
- You just need some help, that's all.

Can't you just try to go along with this?

You're me, talking to me.

Yeah, basically.

All right. You have a point.
I could use some help.

Thank you.

OK, what do you... I want?


- I think you're going about this all wrong.
- This is helping?

You've waited weeks
to study this gas cloud.

Isn't that the real reason
you volunteered for this job?

Now you're here, finally here,

and you're wasting your time
running hyperdrive simulations.

In case you hadn't noticed, I've got
a small problem, Daniel. I'm stranded.

Inside the thing you've looked at
through a telescope for years.

It's a chance to study something rare
and exciting up close. Seize the moment!

Seize the moment?

It's something new
that we've never encountered before...

You're ignoring it.

Does that sound like you?

Daniel, I can't even think straight,
let alone stay awake.

Sam... you have to check this out.

Trust me. It's important.

Oh, my God...


- You hear about Sam?
- Yeah.

Doesn't sound good.

18 hours past due for contact.
Yeah, I'd say something went wrong.

I made a list of planets with Stargates
in range of the Prometheus route.

General Hammond has agreed to send
SG teams to all of them, including us.


If something went wrong, they might
be able to make it to a planet with a gate.

At which time, they would gate home,
wouldn't they?

When the hyperdrive failed
on the maiden voyage,

you were nearly stranded on P7X-009.
They didn't know where the gate was.

Sounds like a long shot.

Unfortunately the Tok'ra
are unable to send a ship now.

They promise to retrace the route as soon
as they can, but visiting these planets is...


Is what?

Is something.


Ship's log update.
I have discovered

that sections of the hull are being
corroded by the gases in this cloud.

Although I have boosted
power to our shields,

it has had little effect
on protecting the ship.

I've sealed off those sections
affected by the corrosion,

but it's only a stopgap measure.

All I know for certain is, if I can't
find a way to stop it from spreading,

the ship's hull will
eventually be breached.

"When the blazing sun is gone,

when he nothing shines upon..."

Who are you? What do you want?

"Then you show your little light,

twinkle, twinkle, all the night."

Come on. This way.



Teal'c, did you see...

- Of course you didn't.
- I'm here to warn you.

- I know. I have to stay awake.
- That's not all.

Everything may not be as it seems.

The fact that I'm talking to someone
who isn't really here kinda speaks to that.

On the contrary.
I think it's you that's not here.


I believe you and the other crew members
are being held aboard the alien vessel.

- How do you know?
- It is possible they are probing your mind.

If so, any information obtained
may be used to attack Earth.

Hold on...

Even if you're right
and I'm not really here,

what am I supposed to do about it?


Teal'c, give me something here.

Very well.

As you attempt to repair
the ship's engines,

you may inadvertently be divulging vital
information on Prometheus technology.

I do believe it would be
prudent to do nothing.

I can't do that, Teal'c.

Be careful, Samantha.

Wait! Where are you going?

You're wrong, Teal'c.
I'm not on an alien ship.

I'm right here.

This is real.

Ow! This is real.

The effects of my head injury
are getting worse.

I'm not sure how much longer I can last.

My only hope of survival is to somehow
free the Prometheus from this gas cloud

without using either
the sublight or hyperdrive engines.

I think I've come up with a way.
It has its risks.

By venting several levels
of pressurised atmosphere,

I am hoping to generate enough
propulsion to move the ship.

Come on.



Are you here?


Have I told you my latest theory?
It's really cool.

Lose something?

- Did you see a...
- Little girl?

- Yeah.
- No.

- You know, you don't look so good.
- Yeah.

Anyway, about my theory.

What if this cloud isn't so much
a collection of corrosive gases

as it is a sentient being?

I'm saying the cloud is alive, Sam.

- The cloud is alive?
- Yeah. It's a sentient being,

like... feelings, memories.
A space-borne alien entity, if you will.

- That's crazy.
- Why else would it be corroding the ship?

Because the gases are corrosive.

Or maybe we somehow offended it
when we flew inside of it.

The point is, if we talk to it...

maybe it'll let us go.

You want me to talk to the cloud?

Would it k*ll you to try?

- How would I do that?
- You said there's a little girl on the ship.

Maybe that little girl is the physical
personification of the cloud.

Just go with me on this. Maybe that's
its way of trying to communicate with us.


This isn't helping.

Talk to her, Sam.

* Like a diamond in the sky

* Twinkle, twinkle, little star

* How I wonder what you are

- My mother used to sing that to me.
- How obscure.

- I'm so tired.
- You can't sleep. Not yet.

- Why?
- Because we need to talk.

Eat. You need to keep your strength up.

- Do you have a name?
- I'm Grace.

- Who are you?
- You know.

No, I don't know.

I'm your father.


I know it sounds corny,
but you get to an age...

You get to an age where you think about
everything you did wrong as a parent.

- Don't take this the wrong way...
- I know. I don't look so good.

I wanted so many things for you, Sam,

and look what it's brought you instead.

Sure. But the massive headache
really takes the edge off it all.

Are you happy, Sam?


Just answer the question.

Well, at the moment things are a little
rough, but in general, sure, I'm happy.

No, you're not.
You're content. You're satisfied.

You're in control.

- And that's the problem.
- OK. I'm really not following here.

I'm saying you're missing
something vital from your life.

The sad part is you have
no idea what I mean.

Dad, I am happy.

I've seen and done things
most people couldn't even dream of.

- I have an incredible life.
- And yet you're alone.

Well, lately the dating scene's
been a little stale, but...

then again I am marooned on a spaceship.

No. Always.

For as long as she was alive,

your mother showed me a world
beyond just ambition and career.

She gave my life meaning and balance.

It was my honour to love her
for the short time she was with me.

And if I were young again
and I met her for the first time,

even knowing her fate,

I would do it all over again.

That is love.

Sam, I know you've denied yourself
the experience

because you think it must inevitably
end in pain and loneliness.

It's time to let go of the things that
prevent you from finding happiness.

You deserve to love someone...

and be loved in return.

Report, Colonel.

This one was a bust too. These folks
were more in the dark than the first bunch.

They were indeed a primitive society.

Whatever. They hadn't seen any sign
of the ship. We're oh-for-seven on this, sir.

You heard from the Tok'ra?

They've made an initial trace
of the Prometheus's route.

There's no sign of it at any of
the designated cool-down coordinates.

- Assuming they stayed on course.
- They're expanding the search,

conducting long-range scans of systems
adjacent to the route home.

Hopefully, we'll hear
something from them soon.

I don't wanna hear it.

Good. Cos I'm not in the mood.

All right. What?

When Colonel Maybourne and you
were stranded offworld,

Major Carter felt
a similar sense of frustration.

She despaired at the thought
of never seeing you again.

- Not you?
- Indeed.

You are like a brother to me, O'Neill.

You're like, what, 140?

A younger brother perhaps.
But that is not my point.

Look, T, I know what you're trying to do.

And I appreciate it.

Wanna try?

It's fun.

I remember when I was a little girl, I used
to wonder how a bubble could exist.

There's this thing called surface tension.
When molecules bind together...


Here, just try.

See? Fun.


All right, Carter. On your feet. Let's go.

I was wondering
when you were gonna show up.

- You just gonna sit there?
- Too tired, sir.


I'm a figment of your imagination.
You're gonna call me "sir"?

Old habit. Sorry.

- Are you gonna save yourself or what?
- I've tried.

- Just giving up, then?
- I don't know what else to do right now.

You'll think of something.

You came to give me a pep talk?

That's what friends are for.

- Friends.
- Hey!

This is you talking here.
Might as well be honest.

What if I quit the air force?

Would that change anything
or is it just an excuse?

- I'd never ask you to give up your career.
- Cos you don't feel anything for me?

- Carter...
- I'd let you go right now if I knew.

- That easy?
- I didn't say it would be easy.

Then what's stopping you,
if you really wanna know?

I'm trying.

Maybe it's not me that's the problem here.

Let's face it, I'm not that complex.

- Me?
- Sam...

I'm a safe bet.

As long as I'm thinking about you, setting
my sights on what I think is unattainable,

there's no chance
of being hurt by someone else.

Jacob was right.

You deserve more.

I will always be there for you,
no matter what.

Believe me.

So what now?

Go save your ass.

One last thing.

Never mind.

- What do you want?
- What do you mean?

Whoever you are, I know why everyone
else has shown up. Why are you here?

What do you want from me?

I don't want anything, but you do.

"Then the traveller in the dark
thanks you for your tiny spark."

"How could he see where to go
if you did not twinkle so?"

- What you looking at?
- It's complicated.

Try me.

I'm gonna try to save myself
with a bubble.


The hyperdrive won't fully engage,
but maybe it doesn't have to.

If I can dial down the power flow, I should
cause a partial shift into hyperspace,

taking the ship out of
the cloud's space-time.

Hopefully, enough to cancel
its effects on the sublight engines.

- Neat.
- Yeah.

Sam, what are you doing?

She's attempting to rescue
her fellow crew members.

That's crazy. Get back to Earth
and then bring in the cavalry.

- There's no time.
- I agree.

- The alien vessel is too formidable.
- Will you guys shut up? Just let her work.

This is Major Samantha Carter
of the US Air Force vessel Prometheus.

Can you hear me?

I'm thinking you've been stuck in here
as long as I have.

The only difference is,
I've found a way out.

Here's the deal. Return my crew -
everyone, intact - and let us go,

and I'll help you get outta here.
Do we have a deal?

What the hell just happened?

It's a long story, sir. Just bear with me.

I'm activating a hyperspace bubble
to include the alien vessel.

- We're gonna bring it out of the cloud.
- Major?

I'll explain everything soon enough, sir.

Now what?

We see if they keep
their end of the bargain.

Well done, Major.

Sir, I'd like to relieve myself of duty now.


Get her to the infirmary.



Excuse me?

Sorry, sir.

Yes, well...

A massive concussion
will tend to disorient one.

How long was I out there?

It's all relative,
that time-space continuum thing.

- Sir.
- Four days.

I could have sworn it was weeks.

Teal'c and Daniel say hi.

They're planning a bit of a shindig
for when you're up and around.

There's talk of cake.

- A cake?
- My idea.

Can't wait.

Need anything? Magazine? Yo-yo?

I'm fine.

Yes, you are.

Thank you, sir.

For what?


Think nothing of it. I've got plenty of that.

* Twinkle, twinkle, little star

* How I wonder what you are
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