07x21 - Lost City: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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07x21 - Lost City: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


(phone rings)


- What?
- Jack.

I've translated the writing on the
colonnade SG-2 discovered on P3X-439.

I'll be there in half an hour.

It talks about
a library of knowledge, Jack.

I think the monument contains
a repository of the Ancients.


That thing that grabbed your head,
made you talk crazy.

Sounds like we should stay away, then.

We should be able to find
another way to access the information.

Sam's used Tok'ra crystals to find a way
to transfer all kinds of different energy.

(Daniel continues talking)

...we should go there as soon as possible.

- Yeah?
- So?

- I'll be there in half an hour.
- OK. Bye.

No, no, no, wait. Don't hang up.
I need a seven-letter word.

- I told Sam I wouldn't help you.
- This'll be one thing she doesn't know.

"Up, down, charmed, blank."


Yeah. Well, thanks anyway.

No, the word you're looking for...

(woman) I know, I know.
I couldn't get her off the phone.

I should be done by noon.

Whatever it is,
I'm sure it won't take long to say no.

I'll be at Georgetown
at two for my Poli-Sci class,

and I'm speaking at the
Women in Washington dinner at seven.

I'll call you back. This guy's gonna steal
my cab. I called for a taxi ten minutes ago.

(speaks in Russian)

(speaks in Russian)

As do I.

I cannot be late.
I'm going to the White House.

I have to be there in 15 minutes.
I'm meeting with the president.

- Of the United States. Really, I am.
- Hey. One of you gonna get in or what?

Wait! Can I offer you a cab fare,
wherever you need to go?

- Can you call this man another taxi?
- Excuse me, Dr Weir.

- Please get in, ma'am.
- Uh...

(speaks in Russian)

Mr Vice President.

Dr Weir.

It wasn't necessary
for you to pick me up, sir.

I was on my way from the athletic club.

Besides, there are very few people who
could properly brief you for this interview.

Uh, interview?
I agreed to have just a meeting...

How would you respond if I told you
the Air Force is currently conducting

top-secret operations with an alien
transportation device called the Stargate?

It was discovered in the early 1900s at
Giza, not too far from the Great Pyramids.

Is this a joke?

- What is it?
- A note from the president.

And you might wanna read this, too.

Oh, my God.

- How long have you been waiting?
- You said half an hour.

General Hammond's waiting.

Excuse me.

The fate of the world is in the balance
and you've been finishing this?

I believe it was double or nothing.

OK. 23 across. "The atomic weight
of boron." The answer is ten.

- Yes.
- You wrote the word "fat".

Your point?

Should be out of here.

Harper. Reynolds.

- (Harper) Sir.
- Jack.

SG-3 spotted a Goa'uld reconnaissance
drone where they found the colonnade.

Since that means
the Goa'uld were aware of it,

SGs 3 and 5 will be providing backup.

If General Hammond
approves the mission.

- What mission?
- Good morning, SG-1.

- Nice of you to join us.
- Good morning, sir.

I've read Dr Jackson's report
on his translation.

After the last time
you encountered something like this,

I'm surprised you're so willing
to take on this mission.

So am I, sir.



Why wouldn't we want to gain access
to the greatest repository of knowledge?

Find the Lost City of the Ancients,

and use their technology to save the
entire galaxy from the evil of the Goa'uld?

Well, there's that.

From the mission file I've read,
this thing whips up from the wall,

grabs your head and
rearranges your brain.

- Sort of.
- Sort of?

It downloads the entire library of
Ancient knowledge into a person's mind.

That massive amount of data
then unspools into your brain,

eventually taking over
your consciousness.

- But it wasn't meant for primitives like us.
- Easy, fella.

The report said
you almost died last time, sir.

The Asgard removed the information from
O'Neill's mind before he was lost to us.

So, why don't we just sh**t Thor a call?
Get him standing by as backup.

We tried, sir. He's not responding.

None of our alien allies have been reliable
of late. Should something happen again...

No one should interface with the device.

We're suggesting
it be brought home for study.

The engineering team that studied
the last one of these devices you found

determined nothing
after months of research.

We believe that device's power source
was depleted when O'Neill activated it.

Recent intel suggests Anubis has become

a serious threat to dominate the rest
of the Goa'uld in a very short time.

We have to consider
Earth is at risk now more than ever.

If the knowledge
contained within this device

can lead us to technologies we can use
to defend ourselves, we must pursue it.

- Why didn't you just say that?
- Sorry.

You have a go. And be careful, people.

The file you read in the car
is just the beginning.

You might want to familiarise yourself
with more of this before you take the job.

Take the job? I just found out
that science fiction isn't fiction.

I mean, I've known there were secrets,
big secrets, but this is...

I don't know what's scarier - the fact that
this is all true or that you're telling me.

I can't imagine what kind of job you're
offering me, but I don't care any more.

I realise you haven't met the president yet.

Just try and say no.

(Davis over PA) Chevron seven locked.

SG teams 1, 3 and 5, good luck.
God speed.

Thank you, sir. Let's move out.

Reynolds. Set up a defence perimeter as
you see fit. Hold the gate till we get back.

- You got it.
- Sir.

SG-1, move out.

(O'Neill) You know,
we've searched this place, up and down.

(Daniel) I know.

We could have Goa'uld
on our collective asses any minute now.

(Daniel) I know.

According to the text
in this column, it's inside.

Inside, you say?

Well, let me tell you, my friend,

there is no "inside".

There's just a whole lotta outside.

I know.

(Carter) I'm getting some
strange readings from here.

If I'm right...

Look out.

- (O'Neill) Reynolds, come in.
- Go ahead.

- Yeah, we got something here. Stand by.
- All clear for the moment.

Now we just have to figure out
how to get this thing out of the wall.

- Damn.
- Careful.

All right, one more time.
Why are we doing this? Why?

- You hear something, Harper?
- We got multiple bogeys, coming in fast.

Dial the gate. Send constant radio signal.
We have to keep that door open.

(Reynolds) SG-1, we have incoming.

- (O'Neill) Let's go.
- We can't just leave.


We must not allow this device
to fall into the hands of Anubis.


- Jack!
- He's right. If we destroy it,

we lose our only chance to find
the location of the Lost City.


Ah, crap.

All right, then what?

No, no, no, no, no.

Jack, somebody has to do it.
The answer is in there.

If we don't find the Lost City,
we're as good as dead.

And who does the translating
when you go Ancient?

In fact, you're the one person
who can't do it.


(Carter) Sir!


SG-1, where the hell are you guys?
We can't hold out for long.

Colonel Reynolds,
we are headed back to the gate.

Hold positions. Greaves, you're with me.

Take cover!

Jack. Jack, you OK?

- What's going on?
- Come on. Let's get him up.

- (Reynolds) Coming through the gate.
- (Harper) We're behind you. Go!

- What happened?
- Didn't quite go according to plan.

- We have to get him to the infirmary.
- I did it again.

Dr Weir.

Sorry to have kept you so late.

That's all right.
I've been doing a little reading.

Mr President, I mean,
this is truly so outrageous,

I feel compelled on behalf
of everyone who has no idea that...

Megan. Could you get
a car ready for Dr Weir?

Five minutes. Thanks.

Sit down.

- Would you like something?
- No, thank you.

Your reaction was very similar
to mine when I found out.

I'm sorry. Five minutes, sir?

The negotiation
you mediated in North Africa?

Yes? What does that have to do with this?

Just that the Stargate probably
makes that seem like child's play.

Well, frankly, sir, I have absolutely
no idea what you want from me.

You brokered a dozen of the most
sensitive treaties in modern times,

speak God knows how many languages.

Just five.


I suppose your aversion
to the military will be an issue.

What are we talking about, exactly?

You running the Stargate programme.


- How in the hell did this happen?
- It wasn't an accident.

- He did it deliberately.
- To access the Ancients' knowledge.

He, uh... We figured
we'd never get another shot at it.

We know that the Ancient knowledge
will essentially overwrite his brain.

We're hoping he'll become aware
of the information we're looking for.

And then?

Then it will overwhelm
his nervous system, and he will...

What? Meet my maker? Pay the piper?

Breach the pearly gates?
Start pushing up daisies here and there?

You should be in the infirmary.

Why? We all know
exactly what's gonna happen.

In a few days,
I start speaking some strange language.

Few days after that, I start
doing things beyond my control.

And a few days after that, it's
"Good night, my someone, good night."

With your permission, I'd like to take
the weekend, get a few things together.

Last time, it took a couple of days
before we noticed a change in behaviour.

I'll be back Monday, ready to work.

- Permission granted.
- Thank you, sir.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my favourite
television show starts in half an hour.

We've already done an initial review,

and we've decided
to suspend current operations

until a new government division
can be established.

The Stargate is a dangerous thing,

but given what we know is going on
out there, it's something we can't ignore.

No, obviously not.

I don't want this
to sound terribly self-centred...

- Why you?
- Why me?

- What do you think?
- Well,

I'm betting other world leaders
are pressuring you for control.

- See? I knew you were a quick study.
- And I can advise you there.

But I am not qualified
to negotiate with aliens.

No one is, Doctor - not you, not me.

But someone has to do it.

The fact is, we can't keep
this thing a secret forever.

And you wanna put a friendly face
on this thing when it goes public,

someone less threatening
than a US general.

People will panic.

It's going to take
anything and everything we have

to keep our civilisation
from turning upside down.

But, make no mistake, you're not just
a figurehead for the sake of publicity.

I chose you for a damn good reason.

- I take it my five minutes are up.
- Actually, it was seven.

Don't worry, this is just the beginning.

What if I say no, sir?

Never going to happen.


Come on in here. Thank you.
Good seeing you again.

So, things aren't
quite as simple as they seemed.

It never seemed simple, sir.

Be careful who you trust, Doctor.

Does that include you, sir?

He may be the president, but I am
the one person you want on your side.

And the one person
you don't wanna cross.

(knock at door)

Hi, sir.


- Did I wake you?
- Sorta.

- I couldn't sleep last night.
- Should've called.

I didn't want to bother you. I...


I was just looking at the sky.

Trying to figure out
how many stars we'd actually been to.

Actually, only a few of the stars visible
from Earth have Stargates on them, so...

I knew that. Hammond send you by
to check up on me?


It's funny, really. I, uh...

I was out driving, you know, in my car,

and I, um... I drove here.

- Funny.
- Yeah.

There's coffee around here. I think.

Maybe not. How about a beer?

Sure. Why not?

- Want a glass? I can wash one.
- No, I'm fine. Thank you, sir.

Sir, do you ever talk to her?

Can we not talk about that?


- How you feeling?
- Can we not talk about that, either?


What do you wanna talk about?

You wanna be alone.
This was a bad... I should go.

Finish your beer.

And then you have to wait
at least an hour before you drive.



- I should have done it.
- What? Stick your head in that thing?

Are you nuts?

Carter, you're one of this country's natural
resources, if not national treasures.

It couldn't have gone down any other way.

I just... hope it's worth it.

Even if we do find the Lost City,

even if we get there and find
what we need to defend the planet...

That would be worth it.

(knock at door)


In here.

Sorry. Are we interrupting anything?

- (both) No.
- What are you doing here?

Uh... It's a funny story, actually.

- We were driving by and saw Sam's car...
- Funny.

Teal'c said... He didn't say anything, he
looked at me and did that eyebrow thing.

And I said to him
"Hey, why don't we stop by..."

Is that doughnuts?

- Indeed.
- Excellent.

(Anubis) Rise.

My lord, I believe the humans of the
Tauri destroyed the device you sought.

- You failed to stop them.
- They anticipated our arrival, my lord.

(O'Neill) You are so wrong.

It's the perfect analogy.

Burns as Goa'uld.

They are merely animated characters.

You are so shallow.

Please! Teal'c is one of
the deepest people I know.

He's so deep. Go on,
tell him how deep you are.

You'll be lucky if you understand this.

- My depth is immaterial to this.
- Oh, you see?

No more beer for you.

I'm sorry, sir, but I have to agree.
I don't see the connection.

All right, that does it. You know, the entire
VHS collection was going to one of you.

It's going to Siler. He gets it.

(knock at door)

Thank God. Pizza.

- Well, you're not the usual delivery boy.
- Is this a good time?

It's always a good time
for you, sir. Come on in.

Let me get you a chair.


At ease, Major, please.

There you go, sir.

I'm glad to find you all here.

You wouldn't happen
to have another one of those?

I would. I hope you like Guinness, sir.

I find it a refreshing substitute for...


I've been relieved of command.


The president has effectively shut down
the SGC for a three-month review process.

- Three months?
- During which time,

a newly-formed government department
will take the place of Stargate Command.

But, sir, the colonel -
we don't have much time.

How could this happen?


Does anyone know anyone
who voted for those two shrubs?

I've known Hayes for a long time.
He's a good man.

Despite his taste
in running mates, maybe.

Robert Kinsey brought in
a lot of campaign financing,

and, for all we know, he may have used
his knowledge of the Stargate as leverage

to get himself a place on the ticket.

- It doesn't matter now.
- We're gonna lie down for this?

We've been in this situation before.

No. This time it's different.

Who's replacing you, sir?

- Her name is Dr Elizabeth Weir.
- A civilian?

I've heard of her.
She's an expert in international politics.

She mediated high-level UN negotiations. I
referenced her in our treaty for the Tok'ra.

I've been ordered to Washington to
discuss reassignment. I leave tomorrow.

Uh, General, we do have a little
unfinished business here.

As far as I know, you're to report
to work as scheduled on Monday.

- Something must be done.
- I have my orders.

Besides, I have a feeling I may be able to
do more from Washington than I can here.

In the meantime?

You'll just have to plead your case
to the new administration.

I have every confidence in you people.

Amazing, isn't it?

I don't really care.



There's gonna be a lot of changes. Not
everyone's gonna be happy about them.

Yes. I'm about to step into one myself.

OK. Bye.

Sorry. I walk around with this. I look
like a crazy person, talking to myself.

- Elizabeth Weir.
- Daniel Jackson.

I can't get used to being underground.
I keep looking for a window.

I see you found the one
with the best view.

When we first tried
to get the Stargate to work,

I would come here
and just stare at it for hours.

Is that a gentle reminder that you've
been a part of this since the beginning?

- Subtle, huh?
- Hm.

- So, a little light reading?
- Uh...

I've been awake all weekend.

The reality of this is...
it's an adrenaline rush.

Hey, at least I know
you have a beating heart.

I don't expect a warm welcome
from the military.

You're replacing a great man,
uniform notwithstanding.


But I'm hoping you, of all people,
won't jump to conclusions.

- Like, why someone like you is here.
- Someone like me?

You started out as a political activist,
lobbying against spending on the military.

And how I end up working
for those I was criticising? I know.

But I've decided that the best way
to stop the proliferation of weapons

is to try and end the need for them.

So I'm gonna be the voice of reason
to whoever will listen.

And you think that's why the president
chose you to take over the SGC?

I don't know why I've been given this job.
I really don't.

But I'm gonna do it to the best
of my ability as long as I'm here.

- I'll examine the mandate.
- Don't underestimate the threat.

I'm not. This country's history of Manifest
Destiny cannot continue out to the galaxy.

Especially when this is all
behind the back of the planet.

I'm not saying everything here is right.

We have no right to play God,
but neither do the Goa'uld.

I know none of this may seem real to you
on paper, but, trust me, they're pure evil.

Now, if they had the chance, they would
either destroy us or enslave us all.

You can read as many
mission reports as you want,

but before you decide
what should be done here,

why don't you go through that gate
and see what's going on for yourself?

- In good time.
- We may not have good time.

O'Neill doesn't.

I want you to know, O'Neill's current
condition is of serious concern to me.

You realise Jack did what he did because
it was our only way to find the Lost City?

(PA) Unscheduled incoming traveller.

All the offworld teams are back already.

We're receiving Master Bra'tac's
personal identification code.

- I know what a IDC is.
- He's an ally, and if we don't open the...

I understand that. Thank you.
Go ahead, please.


This is Dr Elizabeth Weir.
She's the new leader of this facility.


Has Hammond of Texas fallen in battle?

No, sir, he's fine.

We've had some recent changes
in our political leaders.

I see.

Bra'tac, what's wrong?

I am afraid I am not
the bearer of good news.

We have had word
from Jaffa loyal to our cause.

Anubis is gathering
the full force of his fleet.

He will be here within three days.

Bob, could we stop complaining and
start figuring out what we're going to do?

- Mr President? General Hammond.
- Show him in.

We can't ignore a threat of this magnitude.
Hear the man out.

Well, whatever he is.
And get back to me.

General George Hammond.

Mr President.

It was lieutenant
last time we spoke, wasn't it?

For both of us.
That was a lot of hair ago, sir.

Sit down.

When I took this job, I thought I had
the weight of the world on my shoulders.

But then I found out
what you do for a living.

Yes, sir.

This had nothing to do with your record.

If the American people knew
what your contribution was...

Thank you, sir. That's kind of you to say.
One day, maybe they will.

- Dr Weir, she's as smart as they come.
- I hope so.

Poor thing, she has no idea
what she's gotten herself into.

But I had no choice, George.
I had to do something.

I want you to know that I'm aware
of your history with the vice president.

- Yes, sir.
- Hell, we both know why I picked Kinsey.

More than the money. He delivered
Florida all by himself. If I knew then...

Of course.

So, let's talk about your reassignment.

I was thinking more of retirement, sir.

I don't think so, George. Not just yet.
I wanna keep you around Washington.

We're gonna need you and your expertise.

Three days from now is a Thursday.
Thursday's not good for us.

Why now?

Anubis believes we know
the location of the Lost City.

- We don't.
- Not yet.

- But he doesn't know that we don't know.
- (Kinsey) Well.

Some people just
don't know when to leave.

Colonel O'Neill. Major Carter. Teal'c.

These are strange circumstances
to be meeting...

And you are...?

I am Dr Elizabeth Weir, Colonel.

You can just call her your one hope of
ever stepping through the Stargate again.

Bit of a mouthful.

I know I'm playing catch-up,
but I understand time is short.

Actually, it's all relative, ma'am.

Carter could explain it better,
if we had more time.

Shall we have a seat, then?

- This is a situation of grave importance.
- She's quick.

Which is why I've taken it upon myself
to come and hear Mr Bra'tac personally.

Master Bra'tac. Master.

I beg your pardon.

So you believe the Goa'uld Anubis
is planning to attack?

You may be certain of it.

I'll say this - the timing is impeccable.

The moment we suspend Stargate
operations, you pull this out of your hat.

Mr Vice President, if you're suggesting
that we'd make something like this up...

- That's exactly what I'm suggesting.
- Well, that is exactly what we do.

We sit around on our fat asses and create
scenarios that put the planet at risk.

- That's what we do.
- I think you'd do about anything.

(Elizabeth) Gentlemen.

Let's assume that Master Bra'tac
is in earnest and that the threat is real.

Do you know what the threat is? Anubis
is half-Goa'uld, half-ascended Ancient,

with the knowledge and technology
to wipe us all from the face of the Earth.

- What about negotiating?
- For crying out loud, that's derentis.

- What?
- You just said "derentis".

- Did not.
- Did too.

- "Derentis", what is that?
- Latin?

- It's not.
- I think what he is trying to say is that,

based on our past experiences,
negotiating would be insane. Crazy.

- I got that.
- However,

we believe there may be alien technology
within our reach that could defeat Anubis.

Now you're pulling a ray g*n
out of your hat?

Weapons capable of defending this planet.

I can't believe we're listening to this.

Mr Vice President, on his last...

I am aware of the events that have,
once again, compromised

Colonel O'Neill's invaluable judgement.

And the fact that
on his last official mission,

he has incurred the wrath of humanity's
worst enemy on behalf of us all...

Wait a minute. I thought you didn't
buy into the whole invasion thing.

The fact is, until we know
the location of the Lost City...

I know where it is.

You know where it is now?

I will. It's in there somewhere.

Look, let me make this simple.

I come up with the Lost City,
we go find it. Yes or no?


Who are you, really?

And why are you here?

I will consider it.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

I must return to Chulak.

I, too, will go.

In the hope of procuring ships
and warriors to defend this world.

Good luck.

- What the hell was that?
- I'm sorry?

You don't know O'Neill like I do.

This is my call. Colonel O'Neill...

- Is the one who got us into this mess.
- I don't see...

I want him gone. I want them all gone.
You haven't figured that out yet?

- Oh, I've figured out quite a bit.
- Well, hallelujah for that.

This is my office. This is my chair.

Until I'm told otherwise,
I'm gonna make decisions as I see fit.

- Not as they fit into your agenda.
- You have no idea what my agenda is.

Whatever your agenda is.

You don't know anything. If you think
you do, you're not as smart as I thought.

So, T... if I don't see you again.

- I will see you soon, O'Neill.
- You know something I don't?

In fact, it is you that
knows something that I do not.

Hope you're right.

I wish you all well.

- Does this mean anything to you?
- No.

- Could you at least look at it?
- Daniel, I don't speak Ancient. Yet.

And when I do, eventually,
you know I'll never understand it.

You have to try.

Last time, things just popped into my fron.

- Fron is "head".
- I have no idea what you're talking about.

Maybe if you stopped working on
this stupid crossword.

I'd like to at least finish that while I can.

- I thought...
- 13 across, you wrote "taonas".

Yeah, so? What's it mean?

I don't know, you tell me.
Eight down, you wrote "praclarush".

What's eight down?

"Label". There's empty spaces. I think the
answer is supposed to be "identification".

13 across is "sphere".

Jack, this is it.

See, I assume we still speak
the same language. Mostly.

Sphere, planet. Label, name.

- Following still you not.
- Praclarush Taonas.

You wrote the name of the planet where
we'll find the Lost City in the crossword.

- Bit of a jump.
- Why else would you do that?

The clue for seven down is "celestial
body". And he wrote "Uma Thurman".


It has to mean something.

It does.


I'm hungry.

Praclarush Taonas.

According to this, it means "lost in fire".
This has to be the planet of the Lost City.

Knowing the name of the planet doesn't
help, unless we have a gate address.

Jack, what are you doing?

- At.
- What?


- This?
- That.

- That is at?
- You can stop that.

- Don't ask what it means, I don't know.
- I think I do.

- What's this?
- Sh!

- Well?
- You just told us to be quiet.

No. When I look at this, I think "Sh".

- That's it.
- What?

"Praclarush Taonas". Six syllables.

What if each symbol on
the Stargate has a sound?

- Like an alphabet?
- Praclarush Taonas isn't just the name.

It's also the gate address.

At is the Earth's symbol.
Our point of origin.

Praclarush Taonas At.

- So this would lead us to the Lost City.
- It has to.

Wait a minute.

We dialled this address two years ago,
but couldn't establish a wormhole.

- The gate must be buried.
- Lost in fire.

What we need could still be there.

I could use the address to calculate the
planet's location, but we'll need a ship.


But with Anubis on his way,
Prometheus is our last line of defence.

Maybe Teal'c has something by now.

Where's Colonel O'Neill?


- Colonel.
- Don't ask.

The last time, he just did things
without knowing why.

It's a good sign.
It means we're on the right track.

- Sir?
- I don't know, Carter.

Grab a naqahdah generator, will ya?

I am Ronan.

I knew your father.

It is an honour.

- I have a ship at my disposal.
- So we have heard.

Forgive me, but, as brave as you are,

you cannot hope to stop
the fleet of Anubis with just one ship.

I have seen the extent of his forces.

We only wish to use your ship to help us
find something much more powerful.

Something that we believe
will defeat Anubis once and for all.

If that is true, then I will join you.

That is my only condition.

- I am a fine pilot.
- So we have heard.

Have you got everything you need?
I think there's still the sink in the kitchen.

Was that a joke?

Perhaps. A bad one.

Yes, very bad.

But I sense hope for you.

Well, I hope for all of us that you find
what you're looking for, Colonel.

Thank you.


I would have done it, you know.

- I know.
- There has to be a way to reverse it.

Once we have what we need.

We'll find a way.

We're coaxing everything out of
the engines, but we're still two days away.

- How you feeling, sir?
- A bit cruvis.

A little fron ache.

We need to go faster.

A short time ago,

our radar detected three Goa'uld
vessels emerging from hyperspace.

Looks like you were wrong, Bob.

Three Goa'uld ships is hardly
the full force of Anubis's fleet.

It sounds to me like Anubis wants to know

if SG-1 was successful in
procuring Ancient defence technology.

- They weren't.
- Not yet, but Anubis doesn't know.

He's most likely holding back his invasion
fleet till he finds out what we've got.

Sir, Prometheus and our fleet of 302s
can give them a run for their money.

- If that's all he throws at us, I agree.
- Then let's do it.

However, Mr President,
I agree with your assessment.

Anubis wants to goad us into a precipitous
action which will show our hand.

I believe launching the Prometheus now
will only serve to demonstrate

we lack the very advanced weaponry
Anubis is afraid of.

Remain at DEFCON 3 for the time being,

but contact the governments of Russia,
Great Britain, France, China and Canada.

Let 'em know what we think we're in for.

In the meantime,
I better prepare a hell of a speech.

Thank you.

Gimme your zat.

There you go.


you should know that General Hammond
authorised me to take command...

- Do it now.
- I don't think that's necessary.

I trust you.

I'll make it easy for you.

I resign. You're in charge.


At your house, before Daniel and Teal'c
showed up, what I was gonna say was...

I know.

My lord. The advance Ha'tak reports
that they have received no challenge.

Order them to begin the attack.

If the Tauri have weapons
of the Ancients, we shall see.

This doesn't look good. The surface is
almost completely covered by lava flows.

How could there have been a civilisation?

A star becomes a red giant
near the end of its life.

A million years ago, this planet
may have looked like Earth.

- So we're a million years late?
- Probably more.

That's very late.


I have scanned the entire surface.

What do you want me to say?
I don't even know why we're here.

But you did pack the hazmat suits for us.

You knew the condition of the planet
and that we would have to go there.

- Then you know more than I do.
- No, sir. I don't.

Sit down and take a look.

That's an order.



- Sir?
- What?

You looked at the screen
and said "Taonas".

- If you say so.
- You say so.

There's a small anomaly
on the surface here. Like a bubble.

Is it a cavern?

It looks like a perfectly-formed
half-sphere of molten rock.

Perhaps a force field for
the city was covered over.

Too small to have a city in there.
We aren't getting energy readings from it.

Perhaps the shield has since failed.

We should still check it out.

We've managed to contact
the captain of the Spruance,

a destroyer in the Nimitz battle group.

(captain) Some beam came outta the sky.

There wasn't any warning, but
the entire carrierjust went up in a fireball.

- Captain, can you see the enemy?
- Holy!

Another cruiserjust blew up.
Where the hell's the fire coming from?

(connection crackles and dies)

The engagement began
less than five minutes ago.

And that was only one Goa'uld ship.

Here, the crust may be thin enough
for the rings to penetrate.

Stand by.

- Can you still hear us?
- (Teal'c) Indeed. Loudly and clearly.

We will move a safe distance,
and return on your signal.

(Carter) The radiation level's high.

(Teal'c) I believe Ronan was correct.
A shield once protected this structure.

(Carter) It's possible the rings
compromise the dome's integrity.

(Daniel) Too bad.
Otherwise, it's very pleasant.

(Daniel) Architecture definitely indicates
this was built by the Ancients.

(Teal'c) This facility
does not appear operational.

(Carter) I don't know about you guys,
but I'm hoping this isn't the Lost City.

Sir, be careful.

Jack, you sure you know
what you're doing?

The atmosphere is safe.

(Carter) It's a map of the galaxy.

Looks like every planet the Ancients
ever colonised is indicated here.

This is where we are - Praclarush.

That's our solar system.

- Earth.
- That does not appear to be Earth.

It doesn't take into consideration
the 30 million years of continental drift.

Sir, why are you showing us this?


Terre Atlantus.

"Terre" is Earth. Atlantis.

The Lost City of Atlantis?

Are you saying
the Lost City of the Ancients is here?


Subo glaciuse.

"Under the ice." The city we've been
looking for is under the ice of Antarctica.

It's been on Earth the whole time?

We were there.

We came all this way just to find out
that we have to go all the way back.


(Carter) A power source.

Bra'tac, we're on our way.

We know the location of the Lost City.
It's on Earth.

Understood, Major Carter.

Pilot the vessel.
I will see to the transport rings.


I am betrayed.

You are the betrayer
of your one true god, Anubis.

You should have struck
for my heart, Ronan.

You will die more slowly this way.

You are mistaken.
I no longer carry a symbiote.

(Daniel) I don't think
the dome's gonna hold.

You are weak, old man.

(Carter) Bra'tac,
what's happening up there?

You may be younger, but not the wiser.

Bra'tac, the dome is collapsing.


(Bra'tac) Secure the ship.

Ronan was an agent of Anubis.

Save your strength, old friend.

You know that I am stubborn, Teal'c,
but this battle I fear I cannot win.

The pain is fading.


Once more, I am in your debt.

But how?

O'Neill possesses
the healing power of the Ancients.

I guess your condition's
a little more advanced than last time.

Teal'c, set a course for Earth.

Our F/A-22s and ABLs are all in the air, but
so far there's been nothing to intercept.

Since the battle group was destroyed,
the Goa'uld haven't fired.

Why not a city or two?
Just to prove his point.


Hold your fire! It's a hologram.

I am Anubis.

- You've got to be kidding.
- You are the leader of this world.

Henry Hayes.
President of the United States of America.

One nation among many.

No more. Bow before your god.

I don't think so.

However, I am willing
to discuss your surrender.

If you possessed weapons matching
mine, you would have used them.

Don't let the suit fool ya, fella.
We're gonna fight.

You bring destruction upon yourselves.

Never going to happen.

Too much?


Sir, 30-plus ships just appeared in orbit,
taking station around the planet.

He didn't buy it.

It's time to go to the Alpha site.
You can stay in contact...

Bob, go ahead.

- Mr President...
- No, no. Go ahead. I'm staying.

You're all welcome to join him.

I think you know
we're staying here with you, sir.

- George, you deserve the right to go.
- No, sir. I think I'll stay as well.


If you'll accept it,
I've got another job for you.

Are you preparing
a w*apon for battle, O'Neill?

Sensors have detected an armada
of Goa'uld ships in orbit around Earth.

Can you understand anything
that I'm saying, O'Neill?


I wish for you to know that...

Mr President, in the last two hours,
the enemy has focused on

systematically taking out power grids
and broadcast terminals around the globe.

They seem to wanna
disable our communications.

So much for my speech.

We're doing our best
to get the word out to the public.

Saying what?

For the moment
we're sticking with a meteor shower.

That'll only hold up as long as those ships
stay out of range. Go to DEFCON 1.

John, launch Prometheus.

I thought you were a lot of things.
A coward wasn't one of them.

I'm a pragmatist, Doctor.

Someone has to ensure the survival of the
human race and the American way of live.

By the way, if you survive, you're through.

- What's going on?
- We've lost power.

- Get it back!
- Manual Iris control. Close it, now.

What do you think you're doing?
Open that Iris and dial the Alpha site.

Unauthorised offworld activation.


- That was a nuke. Or worse.
- Anubis has dialled in.

- You're not going anywhere.
- Get me out of here. You hear me?

- Just received a message from SG-1.
- It's not coming through the gate.

- I don't give a damn!
- Well, I do!

Dr Weir.

Mr President, Prometheus can't win
against an entire Goa'uld fleet,

but it could buy SG-1
time to complete their mission.

Mr President, that is downright insane.
I am relieving Dr Weir, taking command...

- Sir, from what I've looked at...
- Will you shut the hell up?

- I'm sorry, sir.
- Not you, Doctor.

Excuse me?

- Consider your resignation accepted.
- You can't do that.

Oh, please.
I got enough on you to have you shot.

This is the biggest mistake
you will ever make.

But I think I'll stick with my original
thought, which is, shut the hell up.

I promise, you will only live to regret this.

- (door slams)
- Go ahead, Dr Weir.

I believe, sir, sending Prometheus
to cover SG-1 is our best hope.

We have our orders.
Let's get this bird in the air.

Set inertial compensators and shields
at maximum. Initiate launch sequence.

Jack's modifying the transmitter.
We'll use it to bore a hole through the ice.

- We must first defeat the forces of Anubis.
- How we gonna do that?

You must exit hyperspace
close to the Earth's atmosphere.

- To be on the other side of the armada.
- There won't be much time to decelerate.

Of that I am aware, old friend.

- Teal'c, you're gonna pull up, right?
- I am attempting to do so.

Where now?

It has to be near the coordinates
where we found the second Stargate.

My lord.

A scout ship has exited hyperspace and
is heading for the planet's southern pole.

Sir, how long is this gonna take?

- Anubis cannot have missed our arrival.
- You are correct.

Al-kesh and gliders approach. Many.

They will be in firing range in 30 seconds.

More ships approaching
from the opposite direction.

- Sir, we're about to get our a...
- They are not Goa'uld.

Defend that scout ship at all cost.


(Hammond) SG-1, this is Hammond.
Do you read?

Yes, sir. It's good to see you.

Let's go.

Colonel, how are we
gonna get down there?

The rings.

The Ancients built the Stargates,
there must be a set of rings.

The transmission beam
just couldn't penetrate a mile of ice.

- We're taking damage to the outer hull.
- F302s have expended their ordnance.

We can't take them aboard.
They'll have to divert to McMurdo.

- We need to recharge the shields.
- Hold your position.


Good luck.

- We are in range, my lord.
- Fire.

- Shields are failing.
- Scout ship clear.

Set a course for Anubis's mothership.
Move us out of here.

Main engines on line. Emergency thrust.

Tauri vessel is abandoning its position.

(Carter) This looks vaguely familiar.



(ringing sound)

You are too late.
The power of the Ancients is mine.


It's a hologram.

- The human attack vessel approaches.
- Destroy it.

Sir, whatever you're gonna do...

Shields are down.
Weapons are expended.

- The next hit's gonna take us out.
- Hold your course.

Brace for a collision. If we go, they go.

- Weapons fire coming from the surface.
- Break off course. Get us clear.

Our shields are of no use.


- What the hell was that?
- That was SG-1.

(man) Thousands of bright yellow... I don't
know, they're coming from the surface.

They're cutting the enemy fleet to shreds.
My God, it's beautiful.



His pulse is erratic.

Don't you dare leave us now. We won.


Sir, I have the president for you.

Patch him through.

Mr President, I'm confirming the enemy's
been defeated. The threat is eliminated.

Congratulations, George.

I don't know how we're ever
going to be able to thank you.

Please, Jack.


That thing.

Now what?

Aveo... amacuse.


We can't just leave him like this. There
has to be a way to reverse the process.

- I don't think this is it, Sam.
- What do you mean?

The dome's too small. It's like Taonas.

It's obviously not a city.
It's an outpost of some kind.

- This isn't Atlantis?
- I don't think so.

If this is not the Lost City...
then where is it?
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