01x07 - I, E.T.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Farscape". Aired: 19 March 1999 –; 21 March 2003.*
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American astronaut John Crichton finds himself thrown across the universe when an experimental mission goes bad.
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01x07 - I, E.T.

Post by bunniefuu »

Would you look at the
size of that thing?

Every sweep confirms

that is a dead ship.

And you're sure it isn't Crais'.


What is another Peacekeeper ship
doing in the uncharted territories?

Don't know. Something's wrong.

Yeah, no kidding. Like, shouldn't
we be doing warp 1,000 by now?

Think how big the winner of
this battle must be.

I'm with John. I say we leave
this tomb immediately.

And I say that there is information on
her data spools that could lead us home.

There may be weapons on board
we can use.

And I need to know who she is.

What? Who cares what
her name is?

It's the Zelbinion.

So, what is it with
the Zelbinion?

It is the most feared ship in
the Peacekeeper armada.

Yeah, well, clearly somebody
didn't get that message.

She's been missing in battle
for over 100 cycles.

Aeryn, confirming there is
breathable air beyond the connection hatch.

Pilot cautions you remain
starboard and high.

Most of the vacuum damage was
sustained in attack from below.

Is this a good idea?

You can stay behind if you
wish, but I have questions.


I can't believe you lived on a
ship like this, your whole life.

When you told me endless
tales of your home,

you spoke of forests and
rivers and valleys.

Well, I was thinking of walls,
not unlike these.

Well, I'm sure it looks
better with carpeting.

This ship is legendary,
even in my culture.

It was thought invincible.

Yeah, well, just ask
Leonardo Di Caprio.

Even the big ones go down.


Deep space desiccation.

I expected you to go
looting, Rygel.

Looting? I am Dominar of over
six hundred billion subjects.

I shouldn't stoop so low.

If I recall, you stooped for the last
three derelict ships we came upon,

or was it four?

Is something bothering you?

When I was ripped from my throne
over a hundred and thirty cycles ago,

this was the first vessel
I was tortured on.

It's no better in here.

Such a large ship and
nothing to salvage.

How disappointing that all the
scavengers have robbed us of our glory.

This navigation console has
been completely destroyed.

There are no galactic
star charts here.

This excursion is over.


What about this console?

The lights are still on.

Someone has regenerated

Recently? Or do you guys have like,
the best car batteries of all time?

Aeryn! I'm blocked.

- Mine!
- No!


Officer Sun.

The escaped prisoners.

How does she know us?


Because she is from Crais' ship.

My name is John Crichton,
an astronaut...

A radiation wave hit and I got
shot through a wormhole...

Now I'm lost in some distant
part of the universe

on a ship- a living ship

Full of strange alien

Help me, help me.

Listen, please.

Is there anybody out there
who can hear me?

...being hunted by an insane
military commander...

...doing everything I can...

I'm just looking for
a way home.

You will remain in review stance
until I dismiss, understood?




Gilina Renaez.

Speak up.

Tranco Support.
Maintenance Provost.

Chin up, eyes locked.

Why don't you give it a rest,
Miss Drill Sergeant?

Can't you see she's going to
pass out?

I'm not like her.

Not remotely.

She is a tech.

Not a soldier, right?

No weapons, so why not
lighten up?

More flies with honey.
That kind of thing.

You clearly do not understand.

She is from Crais' ship;
that means he is nearby.

She knows exactly who we are and would
consider it her duty to lie to us.

Point taken.

But if she drops, you're not
going to get your answers.

This is my world, John.

Don't interfere.

Still alive?
How is that possible?

She can't be from the
original crew.

I don't have those answers.

I suggest you go over and
ask them yourself.

To that ship?


Never again.


How long have we known
each other, Rygel?

Long enough for me to see your
blue backside meditating,

but not long enough for
you to touch me.

Confront your demons, Rygel.

Or they will chase you from
the shadows to the pyre.

Captain Crais didn't want to
delay his search for you.

So after coming upon the Zelbinion, he
ordered my unit over for a full tech survey.

What happened to the
rest of your unit?

Two solar days after arriving,
another ship came out of nowhere.

I'd never seen such
a w*apon before.

I barely had time to escape before
they incinerated our marauder transport.

It's the Sheyang.

There's evidence of their work
all over the ship.

Could they have done all this?

Hardly. The Sheyang are nothing
more than opportunistic foragers.

Can you tell me what
happened here?

How the Zelbinion died?

Long before we arrived,

other scavengers pried loose
the data spools.

There is no record.

Officer Sun, I think you
should know,

I consider you a traitor, therefore
worthy of the punishment it merits.

But as a Sebacean,

I believe you are as deserving as I to
know the truth about a cultural treasure.

I am not lying when I say

I do not know.

I will investigate the
radiant chamber.

I'll meet you at the
next junction.

We'll wait for you, D'argo.

I can't believe you're
not Sebacean.

Human. It's kind of like Sebacean, but
we haven't conquered other worlds yet,

so we just kick the crap
out of each other.

Thank you for stopping her
from k*lling me today.

Oh, yeah, well, I try to
save a life a day.

Usually it's my own.

Oh, man.

If you guys only used your
know-how to...

To what?

To fulfill your vision
of who we should be?

To do good.

We are Peacekeepers.

Other cultures hire us
to keep order,

to keep harmony.

As well as assassinations,
t*rture, kidnap.

Knock it off, weasel.

I've barely got used to sharing
my accommodation

with one of these abominations.

Dispel the thought of two!

Hello, Rygel.

Welcome home.

Everything I see
confirms her story.

There aren't even any wire collars
left in the weapons control room.

This vessel has been gutted
to worthlessness.

Oh, no!

He's from my unit.

I knew him.

- Sheyang victim.
- Burnt to death.

Officer Kranda.


What was he doing guarding
the likes of you?

This is grots' work.

Your whole unit was demoted
after your defection.

They can only be reinstated
upon your death.

Come on. Let's get outta here.

Excuse me, Zhaan.

Could you check scan vector
gappa and tell me what you see?

I'm... I'm not sure.

I think it's a ship trying just
to stay out of sensor range.


Sheyang ship?

Why are the Sheyangs back?!

What didn't you tell us?!

If this one doesn't cooperate,
k*ll her.

Is that why you're still alive?

'cause you cooperated
with the enemy?!

I am not the traitor.
You are.

Tell me!

Stop it!

That is enough!

She knew they were coming back.

She knew.

That's enough.

She's not a traitor.

Not by a long shot.

Crais never gave her a chance.

Not like the chance
we're giving you.

I hid, while the Sheyangs
filled their ship to capacity.

They said they were going to
come back for the D.S.

Is that "Defense Shield"?

It's not operational.

But it's the least damaged
part of the ship.

Let's go. Move.



Their plasma conductor
is targeted on us.

Let's signal our intent to leave
and then depart without incident.

Impossible with the Sheyang.

If they sense strength,
they flee.

Weakness, then they attack
without mercy.

Then we get the others aboard,

we decouple and then attempt
to Starburst.

They have the ability to destroy
us before we even get ten metras.

But we have no offensive capabilities,
nothing to signal strength.

I know.

No, this panel is useless.

But if we could breach the connections
from this side to the other,

we could make the defense
screen operational.

Do it.

Officer Sun, I know you're
not a tech, but...

Just tell me.

It all depends on the
power reserves.

I- it's going to take
eight arns, minimum.

Eight arns?

No, no, no, I know what
she's talking about.

It's a progressive power draw, so the fibre
pattern has to be maintained in sequence.

That takes time.



Eight arns.

The Sheyang could fire
at any moment.

This new ship makes no move
to defend itself.

When was the last time you saw a
Leviathan in the territories, Teurac?

Even you, at your age have
never claimed such a prize.

Yes. it is a fortunate time.

Ripe. Defenseless. Mine.


Prepare to attack!

The Sheyang have initiated
their weapons countdown.

They're going to need
some help.

It's too late.

If Moya becomes severely damaged, we
may need to retreat to the Zelbinion.

D'argo? Zhaan?

Moya and I are very
afraid of fire.

What I wouldn't give for
just one Kkore Cannon.

One Wetox m*ssile.

I spit on your grave,
you sons of cowards!

I rip out your throats!


transmit his image to
the Sheyang vessel.

But what would...

Do it!


A Luxan?!

We're fighting a Luxan!

Terminate plasma!

Terminate plasma attack!

Cut transmission.

I don't believe it.

They're powering down
their weapons.

Congratulations, D'argo.

You've just bought us
some time.


No lies.

Does this ship have any weapons
aboard that are still active?

Anything we can use
to fight back?

No. Everything has been
dismantled or destroyed.

What about this thing?

The defense screen?
What will this do?

What do you think?

No, the question is will it
stop a Sheyang attack?

Well, be that as it may, we
can't stall them for eight arns.


Four... I'll, um, uh...

I'll do half the work.


Is there some kind of union
thing I don't know about?

No. It's just this wiring
is very sophisticated.

Yep. And I love opera.


It's not my face they are
afraid of, D'argo.

You must continue the ruse.

I cannot lie to an
opponent in battle.

It's not lying.

Simply mislead them.

For a priest you certainly have
a very flexible morality.

Well, I apologize.

It must be done, and you
must do it.

I will assist you if we live.

Is something the matter?

This isn't going to work.

The main fusion panel
is charred.

Gilina, you told Aeryn that
you could do this.

I didn't want to be ex*cuted
for failing to try.

Look, I told you,
we are not K*llers.

You k*lled Captain
Crais' brother.

That was an accident.

Our ships collided. It could
have easily gone the other way.

Can I get you both some rations?

Some chilled frotein, perhaps.

We're out of five-line conduit,
Officer Sun.

Those are the wrong kind.

I've searched throughout
the ship.

Have you tried medical
rejuvenation on the seventh tier...

I know where it is.

That door's jammed.

We possess the salvage rights to
that vessel you are docked with.

And yet you will not produce the
authority manifest to confirm that.

Must we distrust each other?

Once my soldiers are back on board,
you may continue your "salvage."

End this charade, Teurac.

He has no soldiers.

He doesn't even have a crew.

My young protege does not think
you can back up your claims.

He thinks we can invade
and destroy you.

Curious. I was just thinking
the same thing about you.

Your quaint cockpit seems to
belie any military boasts.

Your crummy cockpit seems to
belie any military boasts.

Pray that you should
never know.

And Ka D'argo, make no mistake,

you are trying my patience.

Well done.

Barely. You must stop with
this incessant prompting.

You asked for my help, D'argo.

You foisted it upon me.

But now that moment is passed.

How much time do we have, Pilot?

If we are to believe the
Peacekeeper tech,

two more arns.

Three conversations without
substance I believe is enough.

The next one will spurn attack.

And it's always red wire or
blue wire. Red wire or blue wire.

And at the last possible second,

he cuts the wrong wire.

And the b*mb never goes off.

No, he cuts the wrong wire.
That's not the point.

15 seconds later, they're running out of the
building and everything blows all to hell.

And you call this

Yeah, well, you know, it
replaced cockfighting.


Oh, my eye.

Oh, let me see. Let me see.
Whoa, careful, careful.

Let me see.

Get it out...

Hold still... shh, shh, shh.

- Oh!
- Ow!

Oh, sorry.


Let me see.

It's okay.

Yeah? Yeah?

You know what else happens
in these movies is that...

the guy and the girl always
end up surviving...

and liking each other.

We have such fiction also.

It's a small universe.

Come now. We've just begun.

Oh, there you are. We've been
looking all over for you, Rygel.

You're making the DRDs nervous.

And we need your
negotiating talents.

I think I was meant to die
here the first time.

That's why the spirits have
brought me back to the Zelbinion.

I don't think so.

For one thing, the captain
of that ship is dead.

Not to me.

Then you must confront him.


Find his corpse.

It will set you free.

I have never known a
full Luxan warrior

to be on a ship without
defense and offense.

My intention is not to lead us
into a hidden threat.

What is your intention?


Ignite the plasma generators.

Aim for the Leviathan.

Destroy her.

What do you mean, they're
firing? What did you say to them?

Nothing! They will not respond
to my signal.

How close are we?

Close. Disconnect all the black
wires. The black ones.


How much time, Pilot?

Less than 50 microts.

Officer Sun...


Pass me up those connections.


Come on, come on, come on...


That's it.


Full charge, Evran.

No mistakes.


- Click, click.
- Okay. Okay.

Come on baby, baby, baby.

Got it?



One more, okay?



Got it!

The defense screens held.

Moya's unharmed.


Our w*apon had no effect.

Recharge immediately!

Hit them again!

Answer to me, Lomus.

I am greatly disappointed
in you.

Somehow, I expected the...

Dominar of Hyneria to be more...


I regret to dampen
spirits, D'argo,

but Pilot reports a problem.

My scans show the defense screen
is not fully complete.

There are gaps which
leave us vulnerable.

The D.S. is two identical systems
overlaid on top of one another.

We only had time to
hook up one.

W- w-wait a minute.

How crazy is this?

Now, there's two systems, right?


So why don't be install
one of them on Moya?

I have been sworn never to compromise
Peacekeeper technology with the enemy.

I will do it for you.

For all of you.

To displace an Overlord during
battle and then fail?

It's not my fault.

What about my father?
Your oath?

Oh, frax your father!

This is on you.


I will lead my unit and capture
that ship with no prisoners taken.

Those gaps in the protective barrier you
must fly through are small and shifting.

Do you leave me a choice?

Perhaps one day they will sing
songs of your early death.

So, you like deep space
physics, too?


Do you know cosmic theory?

Yeah. it's something that
intrigues me.

I got my doctorate in it.

Uh, doctorate?

What is that?

It's a couple of letters they
add to the end of your name.

Not much help out here, though.

Last textbook I read made
a case for why you and

all other forms of alien
life didn't exist.

Can you, um...

can you anchor this
while I pull?


Hold that.

Got it?

Yeah, go.

It seems human and
Sebacean men are...

much the same.

Yeah. I've not noticed any
differences in the women, either.

I've set up four of
the components...

in the Maintenance Bay.

Sorry for interrupting!

Hang on. Aeryn?


Aeryn, would you wait?

Look, what the heck's the
matter with you?

I'm sure you could see how
heavy these things are.

There's at least another
ten in there.

Do not come down this
corridor without one.

Would you stop?


Look, hey, what happened
back there was...

None of my business.

Yes, it was.

You and I are shipmates.

What I'm trying to say is...

haven't you just clicked
with a guy?

What? Clicked?

Yeah, you know?

Found a guy attractive.

Yes, but I didn't let it...

In the beginning, I found
you... interesting.


Yes, but only for a moment.

Good. That's, uh...

Good. I-I mean, it's good
to be on...

even terms.

I agree.

Yeah, um...

it's always a good idea
to clear the air.

Very clear air!


Is it really you, Durka?

You k*lled yourself, Durka.

You coward.

You once told me I would never
leave your ship alive.

You robbed me of so many cycles.

But no matter what you did to me,
I'll always remember one thing.

You lose!

I have full separation from
the main module.

Launch the others.

How many are there?

Uh, at least a dozen.

They're moving too fast
to track them all.

Pilot, can they get aboard
the Zelbinion?

Can they breach the
defense screen?

When I k*ll the bypass,

these two polaric discs will be
attracted to each other, strongly,

so you have to hold them apart.

Because if they touch each other,
this whole room will be vaporized.

All right, scoundrel foragers.

It's time to prove our glory.

Have any of them made
it through?

I can't tell yet.

I'll have to do a
debris analysis.


Aim for the gaps in
the defense screen.

I'll do it myself!

They're going to pull
incredibly hard.





Aeryn, where are you?

Maintenance Bay.
What's the problem?

We think one of the Sheyangs
got on board the Zelbinion.

How the hell did that happen?

Not important.

What is, is he may be heading
right toward you.

You've got to stop.

Not once I've started
the process.

Then finish the process.

I'm working as fast as I can.

I want you to get out of here.

I won't leave you.

On the ground, now!

Do it!

Gilina, I want you out of here.

If you die here, John...

I die, too.

He keeps blocking my route, forcing
me to take the long way around.

You may have to defend

Look, Aeryn, it's a long story but
I've kind of got my hands full here,

so you're going to
have to get here!

You'd better get here fast, because
Froggy's outside the door right now.

Aeryn's going to get here.

Come on, Aeryn. Come on.

They spit fire?

How come nobody tells
me this stuff?

How come nobody tells
me they spit fire?


Come on, Aeryn, come on.


Howdy, big guy.

Look, um, as you can see, it's
not likely we're going to hurt you,

so take anything you want, but
if these two paddles touch...

Listen, gas-whole!

You k*ll us, you k*ll yourself.

You had your chance to retreat.

Come a little closer then.

Let's just find out what
happens when these paddles touch.

Sorry about the mess.

Absolutely not.

Our situation is untenable
as it is.

I'm with D'argo on this, John.

Allowing Gilina to encourage
Crais' return is suicidal at best.

Look, the Sheyangs are sitting out there
waiting for another chance to slip through,

and Crais is going to
come back one day.

What then?

We have done well to
evade Crais as it is.

With a start, he would
soon catch us.

Not if she doesn't tell
him we were here.

I'm a trusting soul at best,
but not to a fault.

The tech will not reveal
our presence.

And how can you be so
sure about that?

You know what happened to me.

Being deemed irreversibly
contaminated by Crais.

Contamination by enemy

That could happen to you.

Punishment is death.

Or worse,


I hope you will only ever
imagine how horrible it is

to never return to the
life that you love.

You are smarter than
that, Gilina.

They have sent a distress call
to the Peacekeeper Carrier

that passed through
here earlier.

It is returning at
maximum speed.

Any word from Lomus?

His life signal is
no longer active.

What do you think we
should do, Evran?

I'm sorry you are leaving.

My officers are drawing up
plans to retaliate.

I doubt so.

You had nothing,

but you used it well.

Evran, there is no shame in
losing to a clever opponent.

And Ka D'argo...

I make it a point to someday
k*ll my clever opponents.

You were magnificent, D'argo.

With or without your

In spite of it.

Crais will ask you many

I will lie.

I wish I had been so smart.

You free this weekend?

I have to overhaul a Prowler
engine, but apart from that... yes.


I don't want you to go.

Are you asking me to stay?

No, I can't. I can't.
This is no way to live.

And I can't ask you to come back
with me, because Crais would k*ll you.

So what do we do?

You get any vacation time?

I'm never going to see
you again, am I?

Oh, yes. We'll find a way.

We'll organize a rendezvous
point for later.

Something, anything.


Crichton, there is no more time.

We must go.

In a minute, D'argo.

Life sucks.

It brought us together.


It sucks a little less.




A greeting I shall
never understand.

Well, it's kind of all-purpose.

Let's the other person decide
what they want to talk about.

What if they don't
want to talk?

Then they say "hey" back.


Well, now, the first person
that doesn't want to talk

can be trumped if the other
person realizes that they need to.


I hate being ambushed.

Well, you got him in the end.
That's all that counts.

I wasn't talking about
the Sheyangs.

You know, on my world they say that
loss is the hardest emotion to deal with.

In my world, showing pain
is a sign of weakness.

How can you not feel pain after
what you've been through?

Don't presume to understand
me, John.

Oh, that's not fair.

That's not fair, Aeryn.

You bash me all the time
for being soft.

Well the fact of the matter is that sometimes
it's an advantage and this is one of them.

I think I understand
you perfectly.

There's no way you can know
what I feel.

If I somehow, someday get a
chance to return to my world,

walk around my old neighborhood,
see my old house, Dad's truck,

best friend's bike on the lawn, and
then I get a chance to go inside.

I walk through the living room,
upstairs to my room.

I had a poster of
Clint Eastwood.

The Good, The Bad
and The Ugly'.

And then I think,

what if everyone were dead?

What if all my friends and
family were lying there...


Now, what would it be like
to go home then?

I stand corrected.
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