01x10 - They've Got a Secret

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Farscape". Aired: 19 March 1999 –; 21 March 2003.*
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American astronaut John Crichton finds himself thrown across the universe when an experimental mission goes bad.
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01x10 - They've Got a Secret

Post by bunniefuu »

What's the matter with you? I'm
the one that just got shocked.

Yeah, well if you noticed we're
in contact down here.

Man, I got that one
through my ears.

Can you hold still?

Yeah, you know, I could get you
something to stand on.

Listen, I'm almost finished.

So what is it?

Some kind of Peacekeeper
comms enhancer.

Incomplete installation, though.

Moya must have been called into service as
a prisoner transport before it was finished.

Sweeping Moya's systems
is droid work.

It is vital work.

Any Peacekeeper technology that remains
on Moya may still pose a threat to us.

It must be identified
and removed.

How many more Peacekeeper
devices do you expect to find, anyway?

There's no way of knowing.

That's why we must continue
these sweeps.

And the DRDs all have their regular
maintenance duties to perform.

Despite this, I have assigned
two to assist you.

Two?! Out of hundreds.

How generous of you.

How much longer do you expect
this to take?

That is not a legitimate

Considering, as I have
just stated,

I have no data on how many Peacekeeper
devices may still be concealed.

It will take as long
as it takes.

Look, out here in the Uncharted

aren't we a little out of range
for the Peacekeeper radar?

It's possible that Crais might get close
enough to us to reactivate devices like these.

You may have noticed, he seems determined
to follow us, no matter where we go.

Pilot, I've found some
Peacekeeper control panel.

Can you confirm?

Yes, these are Peacekeeper

Tell me what I should
do with it.

Be very careful... which wire...

One is a direct link to
the propulsion unit.

Pilot, I can't understand you.

What should I do?



Pilot, what tier is he on?

I have no indications.

DRDs are searching, but so far,
no sign of him.

D'Argo, can you answer us?

Pilot, where was he last time
you talked to him?

Tier 21.


I have a Peacekeeper
device down here.

What should... do?

I have a Peacekeeper device
down here.

D'Argo, some kind of
Peacekeeper what?

D'Argo, where are you?

What the hell was that?

I've got D'Argo back and
I've got him on scan.

I'm reading some kind of

Pilot, what tier is D'Argo on?

He's not on any tier.

What do you mean?

My name is John Crichton,
an astronaut...

...a radiation wave hit and I
got shot through a wormhole...

Now I'm lost in some distant
part of the universe on a ship,

a living ship, full of strange
alien life-forms...

Help me...

Listen, please.

Is there anybody out there
who can hear me?

...being hunted by an insane
military commander...

...doing everything I can...

I'm just looking for
a way home.

Got him.

Pilot, bringing him in now.

He's frozen stiff and he
isn't breathing.

He was in space for half an hour
and there's no way that he's still...

We must get his respiration
started again.

John, what are you doing? Stop!

Hasn't he suffered enough?

That won't help!

Turn him.

Turn him. Quick.

His pulses are faint.

Deep space interna-thermia.

Maybe he was out there too long.

How long can Luxans survive
in vacuum?

About a quarter of an arn.


Unless they're revived
soon after.


is there something going on
with Moya?

Come on, big guy.

Come on, give me one of those
nasty, smelly breaths.

Give him a chance, John.


Pilot, where am I?



How do you feel, D'Argo?

I'll be all right.

Didn't think I could be that
clumsy, did you?



D'Argo, what happened?

What happened with the

You mentioned "Peacekeeper."

Did you find a Peacekeeper

I, uh...

I don't remember.

I... I...

He's unconscious again
but he will survive.

Pilot, what is going on
with Moya?

Something is wrong?

Yes, something is wrong.

What about that dip that Moya
took after the expl*si*n?

Have you identified that yet?

Working on it.

You feeling okay?

I'm... working on it.

Getting some odd readings from
some of Moya's systems.

What are these?

Looks like debris.

It's from the, uh, expl*si*n.

Pilot, what was D'Argo's last
known location?

Right before the expl*si*n?

Uh, tier 21. Aft section.

You okay here?


Lead me that way.

I'm coming with you.

Pilot, how're we doing?
Are we close?


I... believe so.

No further data.

I've been trying to send some DRDs to
assist you but they're not responding.

Aren't responding?!

I'm working to sort it all out.


will get back to you.

Whatever's affecting Moya
is bugging Pilot, too.

The expl*si*n.

They have a symbiotic
fusion, right?


Pilot's tendrils run all
through the ship.

Maybe D'Argo set off something
that struck them both.

Man, I am never going to get used to
walking around inside a living ship.

You have nothing similar
in your culture?

Well, "Jonah and the Whale", but
no, no contemporary parallels.

Except maybe the horse
and rider.

Rider? Is the horse a beast
of burden?

They aren't as large or sophisticated
as Moya here but kind of similar.

Loyal and intelligent.

That you capture and make
work for you?

Yeah, but we love them, too.

You love what you enslave.

We don't enslave them.

All right, we... all right...
fine. We enslave them.

What is that smell?


Yeah, the air. It's stale.

Pilot, we got a couple of your little
DRD buddies with us down here after all.

I don't read any Drds
in that section.

Well, they're down here.

Look out.

Pilot, the scanner seems to be
working less efficiently than usual.


John, what...?

Aeryn and I were just ambushed
by a couple of DRDs.


Yeah, Aeryn, I'm working on it.

Any suggestions?

Oh, no, don't touch it.
It's like super glue.

Hang on a minute.

What's this?

There's something else
here, look.

Yeah. Looks like that stuff
that was on D'Argo.

I took all that I could from
his hair and clothes.

The scan shows that he may have
aspirated and ingested some, as well.

Hey, Zhaan.

Could that be part of what's
wrong with D'Argo?

It shouldn't be. The particles
are bio-mechanoid, just like Moya.

But I think you're right.

They're fragments from Moya's
biopolymer structure.

From the expl*si*n.

Crichton, have you gotten
a solvent yet?

Yeah, but look at them.
They're identical.

Since when is debris from an
expl*si*n that uniform?


Zhaan said this solvent should
do the trick, but it's very strong

so I've got to get it only on
the DRD gunk, not on your hand.


And then we have to rinse it
immediately afterwards

Right, right. Right, let's just
hurry up, shall we?

Excuse me for being careful, but this
stuff could eat through your skin down to...

Okay, so let's avoid that.

My thought exactly. So pipe down
and hold still.

You know I'm going to track down that stinking
little droid and rip off both its antennae.

Happy place, Aeryn.
Go to your happy place.

Look, there's obviously
something wrong with the DRDS.

We've just got to figure out what it is
before they do some serious damage to the ship.

If they haven't already.


Try it again.


Good, good. It's working.

Oh, wonderful. At this rate I'll have
two whole fingers free by tomorrow.

It's good. You're being
funny again.

You know, you're lucky it only
got your hand and your shoe.

If you'd gotten this stuff
on another body part

it'd be you and Pilot permanent
fixtures on this ship.

Oh, let me guess, is that
you being funny?

This is ridiculous.

Well, it's going to work.


Trust me.

Hey, easy. You're going to
rip your hand off.


Told you it'd work.

A bio-mechanoid virus?

Yeah, left behind by
the Peacekeepers.

As what, another passive w*apon
like the paddac beacon?

Exactly. D'Argo must've found
something, did something, to release it.

Still sting?

Solvent's off, I think.


Feels fine.


if it is a virus which has
infected Moya's systems,

that may be what's got
ahold of Pilot.

D'Argo's still freaking
all over the ship.

That may not be because of
the time he spent outside.

It might be because
of the virus.

But you're saying that this
virus is bio-mechanoid.

That means it shouldn't be able
to affect Pilot or D'Argo.

Well, something is.

And if it is a virus in Moya's system,
it may be in the atmosphere generators,

which means we could be
breathing it in right now.

The air is stale in here
and the room is cold.

Not exactly what you need,
recovering from interna-thermia.

but I'll see if I can't do
something about it for you.

Lo'laan, you must stop
worrying about me.

You work way too hard.

You are so beautiful.

I can only dream it is because I
make you as happy as you make me.

I'm glad that I make you
happy, sweet D'Argo,

but I also want to
make you well.

I'm never more alive and healthy
than when I'm with you.

When you look at me,
what do you see?

Hmm, I see...

my future.

No matter what the others say,
I see you and me together.


Tell me.

Let me help you. Who is Lo'laan?

I don't know. Maybe that's why
the air smells so stale.


Because of the virus.
It's all over the ship.

That's a hasty conclusion. Let's wait
and see what Zhaan's analysis shows.

Look, Moya's a living
being, right?

And there are viruses galore
out here in the galaxy.

I mean, what are our chances that we're going
to catch the Carubian plague or something?

Well, it all depends on each
creature's immune systems,

whether they're capable of
fighting off invaders,

or creating an inhospitable
breeding ground.

Right. But, okay,
Sebaceans for example.

Do you have inoculations?

I mean, how do you guys deal with all
the stuff floating around out here?

Well, we're born and
bred on ships.

We are in a totally
controlled environment

until we're sent off on our
first Peacekeeper assignment.

Oh. So you guys just zip around the
galaxy hoping you don't pick up some STD...

space transmitted disease?

No. We're issued a standard number
of inoculations, as you call them,

against all known destructive
bacterial and viral matter.

Do we have any of that on board?

And if some new, malicious
organism is discovered,

our scientists engineer an
anti-substrate, a growth blocker,

to stop it from affecting
our system.

So basically, you... you have
no disease.

Basically, yes.

What about Moya?

If anything att*cks one of her
systems, she starts fighting back.

Aeryn, you were born to this.

I mean, this science, you've
had it your whole life.

You have no idea how advanced
this all is to me.

I think I do.

No, I don't think so.

Disease and death are rampant
on my world.

Bacteria and viruses destroy crops,
animals, people, at... at incalculable rates.

Well, each ecosystem has
its own logic,

so maybe yours is a simpler way of
keeping populations under control.

No. No, no, no, this is
a better way.

The suffering which you've managed to
avoid with your science is immeasurable.

Creatures still die out here.

And we find new ways to suffer
and to make others suffer.

Well, I never said earth had
a monopoly on that.

But you say that you want to go
back to this place, Earth.

A place that you tell me has so
much disease and suffering.

Well, you guys don't
have chocolate.

- Aeryn.
- What?

Oh, that's spoiled.

The refrigeration unit
mustn't be working.



That definitely ain't working.



We got another systems
malfunction to report.

Not... a... malfunction.

I'm seeing...

seeing signs of... inten...


Inten... intentional...


Moya's struggling to compensate,
to take control for Pilot.

I can't revive him.

Aeryn, is he dead?

No, but his vitals are
extremely low.

We'll do what we can for him as
soon as we get the ship stable.

I'm getting a lot of peaks
and valleys, here.

Every system Pilot monitored
is out of control.

Moya's showing major
chemical surges.

It's the virus.

How'd you do that?

I think this control is ballast.

And this,

is illumination.


thanks, you've done it.

I don't know how.

When Aeryn was injected
with Pilot's DNA

it must've made some kind
of permanent change.

But that was all flushed
out of her.

Was it?

Aeryn, whatever you're doing,
just keep doing it.

Moya's still working to assume
more control of systems.

She is trying.

But environmentals are still

Atmospherics are at a minimum.

What we're breathing now
is all that we've got.


Oh, that's... oh.

Hmm... hmm...

Mm... hmm...

Oh, that's... beaut...

Oh, that, oh...


Oh! Uh, uh...

I was just trying to, um...

I know exactly what you're
doing, Jothee.


Come here, boy.



Oh, no, D'Argo this... this
isn't what it looks like.

I'm not...

Oh, oh!

You're crushing me.


What did I say about going
through other people's things?

What is the matter with you?



How dare you handle me this way?


You are so big.

Oh! My size is never a
matter for discussion.

Hey, uh...

I think I know why you're upset.

You're old enough now to realize
that, well...

we're outsiders here.

You look different to the others and
they're treating you like a stranger.

"Strange" is right.

Well, I know exactly
how you feel.

You know, when your mother's
family first saw me...

What about my mother?

They despised me.

So that's why we had
to get away.

Not far enough.

Well, we came to a place where
no one could tell us

what we thought and
felt was wrong.

Well, I'm telling you.

You're wrong.

Wrong, wrong, wrong...

Oh, I love you, son.

"Son"? You think I'm you're s...

My, son.

No matter what happens,

I will always love you.

Pilot's tendrils run all
through this ship.

He could've picked up the virus
anywhere, on any tier.

You okay?

Mm, the air is getting staler.

Yeah, but are you going
to be okay?

For a while, thanks.

Hey, Zhaan.


Can this ship function
without Pilot?

Theoretically, yes. Moya is an
independent living being.

Pilot and the DRDs are merely
servicers in aid of her operation.

What about the environmentals?

The lights, the air?

Those things are not here to
help keep Moya functioning.

They're here for us.

And Pilot controlled those.

Is there any way for us to
communicate with Moya?

Without Pilot?

I know of none.

I've found something.

Aeryn, what you got?

From what I can read of Pilot's
personal monitoring system

his blood is being

Now, it may not be the only
reason he's unconscious

but it's all I can figure
out for now.

The virus must be starving him.
Get him some nutrients.

I'm on it.

Except it's not a virus.

This test just confirmed that the particles
are not a distinct organism, like a virus.

They're actually made up of
Moya's genetic material.

They are a part of Moya.

They... they must be fragments
from the expl*si*n.

No, they can't be fragments.

They're all perfectly
uniform in size.

But, John, they are a
part of Moya.

Just before the accident,
D'Argo said he saw some...

Peacekeeper something.


Whatever it is, that must
be the answer.

Well, Pilot, I hope this works.

Oh, no.

Where's D'Argo?

Rygel's watching him.


Rygel? You are not sleeping?!

No, I'm not sleeping.

D'Argo tucked me in and
went for a walk.

He thinks I'm someone
called Jothee.

D'Argo is not with you?

No. Are you not listening?

He went for a walk, and he's
looking for Lo'laan.


That's what he called
you earlier.


How you doing?

I feel...



Look, I, uh, I know a
little while ago

you were floating in deep space
in your street clothes,

and I know you're going through
some stuff because of it,

but we're in deep guano
here, bro.

We need your help.

You need me, Macton?


D'Argo, I'm not Macton.

Is this like that name you
called Zhaan?

Was it...


Who's Lo'laan?

You may despise your sister
for marrying me, Macton,

but don't mock her by feigning
to forget her name.


W- wait a minute, these
people are real?

You were married?


Yeah, D'Argo it's me.

And you're here. On Moya.

Look, we've got trouble.

Big trouble.

We need to know what
happened down there.

What caused the expl*si*n.
We need to know what you saw.


I was...

I was in some kind of shaft.

There was a shield.

A Peacekeeper shield.

It was holding something back.

Holding back wha...?

Macton, you dare to deny
your own sister's name?

You dare to dishonor her even
though she is dead?!

Crichton, are you sure this
is such a good idea?

I really can't be certain of
what I'm reading, what I'm doing.

We don't have a choice, Aeryn.

D'Argo said he found
some kind of...

Peacekeeper shield in a shaft
we have to locate.

Can't D'Argo tell us?


No, Aeryn, his memory's
all over the map.


Aeryn, we got to be getting
close to the source.

I'm down to emergency lighting
in this section.

Uh-oh. Eyes.


Yeah, like a cave scene in a
Yosemite Sam cartoon.

DRDs, they're blocking
the passageway.

I got to find another route.

There should be parallel passageways
that vector off on that tier.

I think.

You think?

Look, do you want to come up here and try
and handle these thousands of controls?

No, no, no, no, I'm vectoring.

I'm... vectoring.

Aeryn? I need a fix on my
current location.

Holy mother of...


Aeryn, shut down the DRDs.

Don't be ridiculous, Crichton.

Just do it!

So, where are Rygel and D'Argo?

D'Argo took his son
on an excursion.

What are we going to do about
these? They're vital servicers.

We need them operational.

Well, they're not exactly
operational as it is, Aeryn.

You missed that Hitchcock picture
playing back there a little while ago,

but a flock of these little guys
just tried to k*ll me.

And they're not sh**ting
glue anymore.

Could this be related to what
we've been calling "the virus"?

- No, you're right.
- It's not a virus.

These guys aren't bio-mechanoid.

They're entirely mechanical.

Wires, gears, servos.

No, a virus wouldn't have
any effect at all.

No, they only do what someone
tells them to do.

But Pilot is unconscious.

Pilot isn't the only one
who controls them.


You're saying that...

that Moya ordered the DRDs
to try to k*ll you?

The DRDs, the shutdown
of the environmentals.

Do you think that Moya is
causing all of this?

Moya has an independent
intellect, right?

Well, maybe the expl*si*n that D'Argo
was involved in short-circuited that,

or maybe she consciously
cut off Pilot's resources,

in order to prevent him from
keeping us alive.

Our beloved ship may be
trying to k*ll us.

It would be so much more efficient to
bring up this data on the view screen.

We can't access Moya's intellect without
letting her know what we're doing.

I can't believe Moya
doesn't know.

Well, do you know what a few
bacteria are doing inside of you?

No, you don't know unless
you get a symptom.

My body carries no bacteria.

Aeryn, is this all of them?

I'm sure there's a lot more.

What, exactly are you
expecting to do?

I'm, uh, trying to find a direct
access to Moya's higher functions.

We may have to shut her down.

But that'd be like...

like when Moya was still wearing
the Peacekeeper control collar.

What if we can't get
it up again?

It may be the only way
to save her.

And us.

I think the most direct access point
is going to be in Pilot's chamber.


You and I, we may have
one other chance.

Rygel, where are you?

Getting a piggyback ride!

Well, see if you can get a ride
back up to command.

You must hold still.

We're up in the mountains,
and the air is very thin.

So, it's mountains now.

Do you know I sincerely believe
you require physical restraints?

You're going to make things very
difficult for your old man if you...

Hello, D'Argo.


The more I know you,
the more I love you.

And the less I understand.

How could you give up everything
to love someone like me?

Yes, sweet D'Argo.
I do so love you, too.

I am never going to let
you from my life.



I need your help.


We are in great danger.

We're in no danger.

Not here.

They're not looking for us
anymore. We're safe.

You, me and Jothee.

We are not safe. Our ship...

Our ship is gone.

I destroyed it soon
after we landed.

There's no way they can
trace us here.

Where is here, sweet D'Argo?



What are you doing?


With her?

You keep your hands off
my sister.

Your sister?

You have nothing to say
on this, Macton.

I have everything to say on it.

I reject you and I reject
your marriage.

No! You think yourself worthy of
her, when you cower from her memory.

Her memory burns in
my very soul.


you're dead.


You have to remember.

I don't want to.

You must. You must remember



- Remember!
- You k*lled her!

To keep her from me,

you k*lled Lo'laan.

Her own brother k*lled her?

I never had the chance.

You were so young.

I never had the chance to tell
you why your mother and I

went away from the world
that we knew.


please understand.

I had to send you away.

I was charged with your
mother's m*rder.

Before they could arrest me, I got
you to another planet safely away.

To a place where I prayed that Macton
and others like him would never find you.

I had no other choice.

But I can't be sure that you have
remained safe until I see you again.

I can't...


When Macton arrested me, he still
had her dried blood on his hands.


I thought you were arrested
by a Peacekeeper.

It was quite a coup for him.

Macton was a Peacekeeper?

If... if he was a Peacekeeper,
then Lo'laan was...

Your family.

I remember it all.

D'Argo, the expl*si*n
here on Moya.

Do you remember where?

I'm inside the access point to
Moya's higher functions.

I'm almost through the
shutdown procedure.

We understand, Aeryn.

If you can isolate the
source of the problem

then we may not have to shut
down Moya's higher functions.

But be careful, John.

You may be going right in to where
the particles are most concentrated.

I can't do it.
I can't get through.

There's no way to shut down
Moya's higher functions.

But I do have access.

I can cut the connections.

Cut them?


This isn't my decision alone.

If I do this, we all have
to be a part of it.

Cut em.

It's somewhere around here.

It can't be. Aeryn and I
checked this...

No. This way.

The DRDs have sealed it up.

All right, D'Argo, I'm in.

Where's the Peacekeeper panel?

What do you see?


Well, then, you're close
either way.

Thanks a lot.

I've reached a ridge.

Just keep going.

It's not much further.

You better be right, 'cause I
think I'm running low on oxygen.

I'm through the
protective casing.

I'm going in.

I think I've found it.

I'm at the Peacekeeper shield.

It's definitely holding
back the particles.

John, can you see the source?

Hang on.

There's something further down.

You can't go much further, John.

John, you're almost at
the end of the cable.

I've found the other opening.

There's something through here,

some sort of cavern.

Okay, I'm cutting now.

John, Aeryn is through.

She's beginning to sever
Moya's higher functions.

Oh, my God.

Crichton, what do you see?


John, can you hear me?

Crichton, what do you see?

I'm not sure.

Zhaan, how much do you know
about, uh...

Leviathan physiology?

Not a great deal. Why?

Do you know how they reproduce?


Yeah, I think, uh...

I think Moya's pregnant.

That's why the particles
are bio-mechanoid.

Yeah, it's a catalyst.

A catalyst for pregnancy.

Then Moya hasn't been trying
to k*ll us after all.

No. She's...

protecting her baby.

...cutting... almost...

Aeryn, what was that?

I said I'm almost done.

The higher functions are
almost severed.

- No. Aeryn, stop!
- No. Aeryn, do you hear me!

Aeryn! Listen, you got
to stop cutting.

- Stop!
- If you hear us...

Damn it, Aeryn! Listen to me!

You got to stop cutting!


All right, stopped.


We'll explain later.
Just put down the saw.


I wish there some way that I
could communicate with you,

and let you know that what
you're doing to nourish your baby

is k*lling Pilot,

and us.

The DRDs.

The baby needs the DRDs.

We're k*lling the baby.


You got to turn back on
the DRDs.


- What is going on down there?
- Aeryn, turn back on the DRDs now!


I don't know if you can hear me
through this DRD.

Hell, I don't even know if you can
understand me without Pilot translating.

But we would never hurt
you or your baby.

We're happy that you're
having a child.

But do we have to die

so that your baby can live?

Fresh air.

Crichton, the atmosphere's
back on.

We can breathe again.

Oh, man...

I bet that thing's going
to grow.

Pilot, we're all very glad to
see you up and back on your feet.

At least up, anyway.

I'm feeling much better,
thank you.

Here's what I don't understand.

How can Moya do this without
your permission?

I'm here to serve her.

She may do whatever she feels is
necessary to ensure her survival.

And now, I suppose, that extends
to her offspring as well.

To nourish the fetus during the very
tenuous period right after conception

Moya needed to reroute
a few resources.

Ha! A few resources?

She nearly suffocated ours
and starved you.

That is all behind us.

The fetus is alive and well.

Pilot, there must be other changes
to come as the fetus develops.

What can we be expecting?

Yeah. Is there some kind of "What To Expect
When You're Expecting A Baby Leviathan" book?

Dr. Spock? Mr. Spock?

I'm afraid Pilots are not privy
to any special knowledge

regarding the gestation cycle
of Leviathans.

Speaking frankly, I don't know
what we can be expecting.

Well, whatever it is,
we have to remember

the Peacekeepers put up a shield
to keep it from happening.

How are you feeling?

I never had the chance
to say thank you.

Thank me?

Outside the ship, you came
after me in the Prowler.

In all the excitement,
I'd forgotten all about it.

You're welcome.

Your wife's brother,
the one who...

the Peacekeeper.

Is his name Macton?

Macton Towl.

I don't know him.

May I see her?

She's quite beautiful.

Does it surprise you that such a
Sebacean woman would love me?

D'Argo, it's ingrained in Peacekeepers from
birth that we must keep the bloodlines pure.

That such unions are evil.

Do you therefore think that
my son is evil?


Because in his eyes,

I see you.

D'Argo, no matter what
happens to us,

I will never tell anyone
about your son.
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