03x10 - Fascination

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Aired: January 3, 1993 – June 2, 1999.*
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A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor.
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03x10 - Fascination

Post by bunniefuu »

I didn't expect
to find you here.

I thought you'd be
down on the Promenade

helping Mardah put up
the decorations

for the Bajoran
Gratitude Festival.

That was the plan

but it turns out I don't have
much to be grateful for.

Isn't that the earring you...?

Bought for Mardah, yeah.
You want it?

Maybe you can give it
to Major Kira

for her next birthday
or something.

All right.

Tell me about it.

Mardah's gone, Dad.

She got accepted
to the Science Academy

on Regulus III.

That's a good school.

It's 300 light-years away.

Jake, you're 16.

Take my word for it,
you'll survive.

Sooner or later,
you'll find someone else.

Who knows?

Maybe you'll find someone

at the Gratitude Festival.

Yeah, sure.

Jake, the whole point
of the festival

is to put
all your troubles behind you

and make a new start.

I could use one.

Okay, I'll go.


That's the spirit.

But I'm not going
to have any fun.


Nervous, Chief?

What are you talking about?

That's your fifth cup
of coffee in 20 minutes.

I didn't realize you
were keeping track.

Oh, nervous and irascible.

If you hadn't seen your wife

and child for two months,
you'd be irascible, too.

Oh, believe me,
I'm looking forward

to Keiko and Molly's
visit as much as you are.

I doubt that.

How many games of racquetball

have we played
in the last two months?

I don't know.
15, maybe 20.

No, try 70.

I've been keeping track
of that, too.

You know what all those games
have proved to me?

That I'm a poor substitute
for your wife.

I could have told you
that 60 games ago.

Thing is, they're only going
to be here for two days.

That's barely enough
time to say hello.

And they're back to Bajor again
for another four months.

Four months?

Why, that's another
150 games of racquetball.

I don't think my elbow
can take that kind of abuse.

Maybe you can try
and convince her to stay.

No, no, I can't do that.

I mean, I'm the one
who suggested she go

on this agrobiology expedition
in the first place.

No, we'll just have to make the
best of the little time we have.

Which means we can't waste
a second of the next two days.

Ah, peldor joi, Odo.

Peldor joi to you, too, Major.


it's, uh...

it's hard to believe

the Promenade is
this empty at midday.

Oh, calm before the storm.

In a few hours, this
place will be packed

with Bajorans
celebrating the festival.

Actually, I was thinking
of joining you this year.


I don't see why not.

None of my Bajoran deputies

work during
the Gratitude Festival.

Why should I?

Besides, if I'm going
to live here with you humanoids

I may as well immerse myself
in your rituals.

Well, then, we'll see
each other later.

I'd like that.

If you're not too busy

being the Presider
at the festival.

For you, I will
make the time, Odo.

Just look for me.
I'll be with Bareil.


I thought he'd be celebrating
the festival on Bajor.

So did I.
I'm glad I was wrong.

He's arriving
on the next shuttle.

Well... you'd better go.

It'll be here soon.

You're right.

I'll see you at the festival.





Ah... Bareil.

Good luck.

You, too.


I am so glad to see you.

I missed you.

I missed you, too.



Oh, Keiko.

I'm so glad to see you.

I have had the worst trip.

Oh, really?
I'm sorry to hear that.

Now that you're here

everything's going
to be great.

Hello, sweetie.

You ready to have
a great time with your dad?


Why not?

I don't feel so good.


Aw... tell Daddy what's wrong.



Oh... you poor dear.

I should never have given you
all that candy.

I usually make it a point
to drop by Quark's

three or four times a day
at random intervals.

Just to let him know
I'm thinking about him

but seeing today is a holiday,
he'll be busier than usual.

I suggest you station
a man there full time.

I think that about covers it.

If you need me,
I'll be on the Promenade.

But don't call
unless it's an emergency.

The Constable will be occupied.

Madam Ambassador.

Oh, do we have to be so formal?

Didn't they teach you
any manners

in Starfleet Academy?

Be a dear, run along.

The Constable and I have
a lot of catching up to do.

Uh, come back in five minutes.

Make that half an hour.


what brings you to the station?

Well, officially I'm here

as the Betazoid representative
to the Gratitude Festival

but the truth is,
I came to see you

you poor, sweet, tortured man.

Excuse me?

Oh, well, I know the torment
you must be going through.

Well, to spend
your whole life searching

for your people,
only to discover

that they're the leaders
of that awful Dominion.

You heard about that.


don't worry.

I'm here to help you.

What kind of help
do you mean?

Oh, a sympathetic ear...

a shoulder to cry on...

a lap to melt in.


Well, that's
very considerate of you

but unnecessary.

My people are who they are.

I am who I am.

I've learned to accept that.

Oh, you brave soul.

Oh, why don't we go
someplace quiet

and you can tell me
all about it?

Actually, I was planning
to attend the opening

of the Gratitude Festival
this afternoon.


well, even better.

First, a little fun
and relaxation

and then we can delve
into the depths of your pain.

I'll freshen up and meet you
in front of the Bajoran Temple

for the Presider's
opening address.

I promise you, Odo,
you'll never be alone again.

Level 23, Section 8.


We need to see each other
more often.

Hmm, I wish we both
weren't so busy.

I never expected
Kai Winn to make me

one of her principal advisors.

I think she asks your advice

just so that she can
do the exact opposite

of what you recommend.

I know you don't like Winn

but the office has changed her.

The Prophets chose well.

So, why don't we leave

spiritual matters
in their capable hands

and uh, concentrate
on enjoying ourselves?

I have to go.

The festival doesn't start
for an hour.

But I have to set up the Renewal
Scrolls along the Promenade

but it won't take long.

Jadzia's promised to help me.

Hmm. Jadzia, of course.

I've never understood

how the two of you
could be such good friends.

She's so...


And you're so...


I didn't mean it like that.

It's just that she gets to spend

so much more time with you
than I do.

Jadzia and I have been doing
this for the past two years.

It's becoming a tradition.

I was hoping we could start
a few traditions of our own.

We will...

later tonight.

Is she asleep?

It looks like the medicine

Doctor Bashir prescribed
is working.

Ooh, that's a relief.

Rough trip?

Oh, it was a disaster.

I thought it would never end.


I'm glad you're home.

Me, too.

We should get ready
for the festival.

The baby-sitter will
be here any minute.

Oh, the festival.

On the other hand

we could spend
the rest of the day

locked away in our quarters.

Miles, what I really
want to do is sleep.

Well... then maybe you should.

Miles, I didn't say
I was going to.

I just meant I could use some.

That's okay.

If you need to sleep, go ahead.

I'll understand.

No, you won't.

You'll be disappointed

and you'll start brooding

and stomping around
like an Andorian bull.

Look, go or stay

sleep or don't.

It's all the same to me.

Just tell me what you want
to do, and we'll do it.

Miles, I've been making
decisions all day long.

You decide.


We'll go to the festival

but we don't have to go
right away.

I mean, you can take time
to relax and then change

into something nice.



Like your red dress.

My red dress?


Is there something wrong
with your red dress?

No. It's, it's...

just a little tight, that's all.

Oh. That's Why I like it.

All right.

If it'll make you happy,
I'll wear the red dress.

Look, forget
the red dress, okay?

Just wear whatever you want.


let's just try
to enjoy the next two days.

I'll change into something nice

and we'll go
to the festival, okay?


I can hardly wait.

Tesra Peldor impatri bren.

Bentel vetan ullon sten.

And now I have the honor

of placing the first
Renewal Scroll into the fire.

As the scrolls burn

may our troubles
turn to ashes with them.

And now, for the next 26 hours

I expect you all
to enjoy yourselves.

I know I will.

May the Prophets walk with us.


Jake, are you all right?

Uh, just felt funny
there for a second.

You're sure you're all right?

Yeah, Dad.

Never felt better.


What are you looking for?


Oh, nothing.


just looking.


Peldor joi.

Oh, Jake, how thoughtful.

Thank you.

Uh, I know you're busy

but can I talk to you
for a second?


In private.
It's kind of personal.

Oh, um...

I'll be right back.

Now, Jake,
what can I do for you?


I need some advice.

You see, there's
this older woman

and I think we're
perfect for each other.

Ah... and she doesn't.

I don't know what she thinks.

Well, Jake, my advice to you
is to tell Mardah how you feel.

That way you'll know...

Mardah and I broke up.

You broke up?

Well, then, who?



I love you, Nerys.

Want to go out with me?

Morn, it's hard to believe

a handsome, fun-loving
guy like you

could have so many problems.

My advice to you is to burn this

as quickly as possible
and don't look back.

Sage advice.

Vedek Bareil.

It's good to see you.

Oh, you have such
a wise, generous spirit.

I only wish I had
a friend like you.

I think of you as a friend.

You mean that?

Of course.

Oh, I'm glad

because I was hoping
that you and I

could get to know each other
a little better.

A lot better.

Excuse me.

I love Bajoran music.

It's so intelligent,
so vital...

It reminds me of you.

Oh, dance with me, Odo.

I'm sorry.
I don't dance.


I saw you moving to the music.

That wasn't dancing.

That was... swaying.


then sway with me, Odo.

Sway with me.

I just remembered.

I'm needed in Security.


I'll come with you.

Ah, hello, Lieutenant.

Having a good time?


That's right.

Genuine latinum-plated
Renewal Scroll inscription pens

blessed by Vedek Redab himself
shortly before he passed away.

Each pen is engraved
with the words

"Deep Space 9's Third Annual
Gratitude Festival"

today's date and a lovely
portrait of the station

by Ermat Zimm.

So, get them while you can!

They're sure to become
collectors' items.



what do you say we take a walk

around the Promenade
for a while?

I'd rather stay here.

I-I never thought I'd say this,
but I kind of miss Quark's.

The noise, the excitement...

our table.

You know...

I haven't sat here
since you've been gone.

Oh, that's so sweet.

So, how's the survey been going?

Uh... the terrain's
rougher than we expected

and the ecosystem's
a lot more diverse

than it looked from
the orbital scans.

All in all, it's been
pretty grueling.


Don't get me wrong.

I'm having a wonderful time.

That's good.

There is one problem
I have to talk to you about.

It looks like the project's
taking longer than we hoped.

What do you mean, "longer"?

You have to understand, Miles

every valley has an entirely
different ecosystem.

There's a lot of work
to be done.

But how much longer
is it going to take?

I'm... I'm not sure.

Try a guess.

Uh, you know,
an extra couple of days?

A week? Two?

More like two or three months.

You're telling me

you're going to be on Bajor
for another seven months.

It's either that or ask them
to find another botanist.

Maybe that's something
worth considering.

Are you asking me to resign?


but seven more months?

I don't like this
any more than you do.

You just said you were
having a great time.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I suppose you'd be happier
if I were miserable?

I didn't say that.

Sebarr was right.

I never should've mentioned it.

Who's Sebarr?

He's one of the zoologists
I'm working with.

He warned me
not to talk to you about this

until after
the Gratitude Festival.

And who's he to be
giving you advice?

He's a friend.

A friend?

I thought you were
down there working.

We are working.

Yeah, with time out

for intimate little chats
about our relationship?

What else did you
tell him about us?

Miles, you're behaving
like a child.

What do you want me to say?

I want you to say

that you're not going back...

that you're going
to stay here with me.

Miles, right now

I don't even want to sit
at the same table with you.


Well, go on.


Go back to Bajor and your plants
and Sebarr.

See if I care!


Slow down.

Hi, Dad.

I've been looking
all over for you.

In case you've forgotten,
we're hosting

a Gratitude Dinner
tonight in the Wardroom.

I could use your help
in getting ready.

I'm kind of busy right now, Dad.

I-I have to find someone.

Oh, Major Kira?

How'd you know?

I just spoke to her.

Really? Where is she?

Ah, just hold on!

But I have to talk to her.

You know, you were
right about me

meeting someone at the festival.

I did not mean Major Kira.

You like her, don't you?

Well, of course I like her.

Well, so do I.

Jake, what you're feeling now
is just a crush.

Look, Jake...

right now...

you are confused,
vulnerable, hurt.

You miss Mardah.

Mardah was a mistake.

She was too young,
too immature for me.

Major Kira is a woman.

Major Kira is in love
with Vedek Bareil.

It won't last.
He's always on Bajor.

She needs someone who can be
with her all the time, like me.

Jake, I don't want
to see you hurt again.

I appreciate that.

But this is
between Nerys and me.

Don't worry.

Everything's going to be fine.


I really can't accept this.

But I want you to have it.
It's my gift to you.

Well, that's
very thoughtful of you

but I have nothing
to give you in return.

Being with you
is the only present I need.

Now, come on.

Let's go write
our Renewal Scrolls.

Peldor joi, Chief.

You look terrible.

It's just a little headache,
that's all.

Have a free pen.

What for?

To write down your problems
on a Renewal Scroll.

There isn't a scroll long enough
for all my problems.

Really? I thought
you could sum them up

with one word...


Tell me I'm wrong.

If you ask me,
it's your own fault.

You never should have let her
go to Bajor in the first place.

What was I supposed to do?

Force her to stay here with me?

That would have been
a good start.

You hu-mans, you never learn.

You let your women
go out in public,

hold jobs, wear clothing

and you wonder why your
marriages fall apart.

That's your solution,
Quark, huh?

Treat women like property?

Criticize it all you want,
but on the Ferengi homeworld

husbands and wives never argue.

There's no divorce,
no broken homes

nothing but peaceful
conjugal bliss.

If Ferengi marriages
are so wonderful

why are you still single?

I haven't met
the right woman yet.

Well, I have.

She just walked out that door.

And out of your life.

Not if I can help it.


I was wondering
where you disappeared to.

Come on, you can
do better than that.

Someone might see us.

We are the only people here.

Everyone else is
on the Promenade.

We have two hours
before we're supposed

to join Commander Sisko
for dinner.

That gives us some time
to be alone together.

I... I can't. Um...

Why not?

I have to find Jadzia.

ls there something wrong?

No, not at all.

Do you know where she is?

She's probably
on the Promenade.

She wasn't there
the last time I looked.

Why is it so important
for you to see Jadzia?

I'll explain everything later.


Thank you, Nerys.

For what?

For being such a good friend.



what are you doing here?

I thought you might
need some help

getting ready for the party.

Thanks, but that
won't be necessary.

Wouldn't you rather
be celebrating

on the Promenade?

No, thanks.

I don't want to run
into Vedek Bareil.

Oh, is there
a problem between you?

He can't keep his hands off me.

That doesn't sound
like Vedek Bareil.

I couldn't believe it myself,
but he wouldn't leave me alone.

He's probably still out
there looking for me.

Have you told Kira?

I don't know how.

It's going to break her heart.

Someone has to tell her.

Do you want me to do it?

Would you?


if you think that's the
best way to handle it.

I'd really appreciate it,

I mean, this whole thing
is ridiculous.

How could I be
interested in Bareil?

We both know...

it's always been you.



What are you doing?

Making myself comfortable.

Have I ever told you
that you smell wonderful?


Ah, you know, old man,
I have to admit

you had me going there
for a minute.

Benjamin, stop acting so coy.

There's no one around.

I have an idea.

You cancel the party,
and then, that way

we can spend the evening
alone together.

What do you say?

Oh... uh...

Sisko to Bashir.

Go ahead, Commander.

Meet me in the Infirmary

Aye, sir.

Her vital signs are normal.

Her brain activity is normal.

No sign of infection
or intoxication of any kind.

She's the picture of health.

Told you.

Then why did you put your head
on my chest?

Oh, Julian,
you should have seen his face.

Admit it, you were
this far away from total panic.

I think we've both been
victims of a practical joke.

At least someone around here
has a sense of humor.

Um, see you at the party,

I've never been
so embarrassed in all my life--

making me go through
all those tests.

It's your fault, Dax.

You took this one too far.

Oh, if I didn't
love you so much

I'd be angry with you.

See you at the party.

You look like you could use
a little cheering up.

Jake, do me a favor.


Leave me alone.


Hi, sweetie.


Feeling better?

Lots better.

Ah, that's what
I wanted to hear.

Where's Mommy?

In her room, sad.

Oh. Well, listen, why don't you
go and play with Piggy

in your room for a while

and we'll see if Daddy
can cheer Mommy up, huh?

Keiko, it's me.

Can I come in?

Not now, Miles.

You're right.

I'm an idiot... sometimes.

If I don't get my own way

I can be selfish
and childish and pigheaded.

I said some things to you
that were pretty stupid.

I wish I could take them back.

But even if it's too late
for that, I...

There's one thing
I want you to know, Keiko...

I... I love you.

I always have,
and I always will.

I want you to know I've left
a letter of resignation

on Commander Sisko's desk.

I'm ready to move down to Bajor
with you tomorrow

if you'll have me.

And after that, if you want
to move back to Earth

that's okay, too.

I'll do whatever it takes.

I just don't want to lose you.

Honey, did you hear
what I said?



And I need time to think.

Why don't you go
to Commander Sisko's party?

We can talk when you get back.

If that's what you want.



Aren't you headed
in the wrong direction?

Commander Sisko's party?

Oh, I'm not going.

Why ever not?

Because Bareil will be there.

I thought the two of you
were very happy together.

So did I, but it turns out
he'd rather be with Dax than me.

And to make matters worse,
I have Jake Sisko chasing me

around the station
professing his undying love.

Well, that's strange.

A little while ago, Jadzia
had Commander Sisko convinced

that she was
in love with him.

He even had me examine her
to make sure she was all right.

Apparently, it was only a joke.

Well, are you sure?

People are acting
very strangely today.

Maybe I should
take another look

at Jadzia's test results.

Excuse me.

Constable, would you
tell Commander Sisko

that I'll be a little late?

Oh, I should be getting
to the Infirmary.

I'll join you.

Maybe you should
examine Bareil and Jake

while you're at it.

That wouldn't be a bad idea.

Oh, this won't take long.

Oh, what is it, Odo?

I may not be able
to read your emotions

but I can read your expression.

Something's wrong.

I'm fine.

I wish you'd tell me
what's bothering you.

Maybe it would help you.

As soon as something
bothers me

I'll let you know,
I promise.

Why do I find stubborn
men so attractive?

Would you please
stop following me?

Oh, gladly, if you'll
just stop running away.

I-I-I have something
very important

to talk to you about.

Discuss it with Major Kira.

I'm not interested.

But, Dad, you promised
that Nerys would be here!

She will, and stop
calling her Nerys.

Peldor joi.

Oh, Commander, I didn't realize

that you and Lieutenant Dax
were that close.

We're not.

Sisko to Bashir.

Computer, locate Dr. Bashir.

Dr. Bashir is in the Infirmary.

Constable, go get Dr. Bashir,
and bring him here immediately.

I'll be right back.

I'll go with you.

Yes, of course you will.

I wonder
what Commander Sisko wanted.

Oh, it can wait.

This is very embarrassing.

Yes, we have to stop.



Commander Sisko needs to see you
in the Wardroom.

Oh, tell him...

Oh, tell him
I'll be there shortly.

Now, Doctor!

You'd better go.


Peldor joi.

Please, Commander, step aside.

I need to speak to Jadzia.

I don't think
she wants to speak with you.

You tell him, Benjamin.

I... I only want
to give her this.

A Bajoran betrothal bracelet?

It's been in my family
for generations.

Can I see that?


Nerys! Am I glad to see you.


I need your help!

And I need yours, too.

You've got to get me
away from Kira.

I can't, ah, keep
my hands off of her.

What's worse,
I can't keep my hands off him.

I can't explain it either.

Oh... oh.

She doesn't love me.



You're better off.

In the end, they only
break your heart.

sometimes it's worth it.

What do you think?

You look beautiful.

Did you really mean it

about turning in
your resignation?


Well, you'd better get it back
before Commander Sisko sees it.

It was very nice
of you to offer.

I love you so much.




Commander, here's that
I'danian spice pudding

you ordered.

I want to give this to you
as a token of my affection.

Oh, no, you don't!

Bareil, listen to me...

I'll fight for her

if I have to!

Oh, I'm sorry, Benjamin.

He was just starting
to annoy me.


you throw one hell of a party.

Pudding, anyone?

I've got I'danian spice pudding.

Are you all right?

Pudding, anyone?


Pudding, anyone?

No, no, thank you.



I'll take one.

Help yourself.

Why did she hit me?

Oh, forget about him.

What about me?

I need you, Keiko.

My ears tingle
at the sight of you.

Marry me.

She's taken, Quark!

Easy, Chief.

He doesn't know
what he's doing.

What are you looking at me for?

Zanthi fever?

Oh, that's ridiculous.

That, that's impossible.

That only affects
older Betazoids.

Well, that may be, but
according to my tests

you show all the symptoms.

Zanthi fever is a virus

which affects
the empathic abilities of...

um... mature Betazoids.

It causes them to project
their emotions onto others.

Then Mrs. Troi's
amorous feelings

for... someone on the station

were being passed along
to the people around her?

Well, not everyone.

Only those within
close proximity to her

when she had an attack,
and even then

there would have
had to have been

some preexisting
latent attraction.

You're saying Dax...?

Only on a subconscious level.

Best not think about it
too much, if you ask me.

I am terribly sorry, Commander.

I hope I haven't caused
too much trouble.

I'm sure no permanent harm
was done-- right, Doctor?

Oh, a simple wide-spectrum
antiviral agent

should cure Mrs. Troi.

And as for everyone else

well, they'll be back to normal
in a day or two.

Excuse me.

I promised Nerys
that I'd meet her

in her quarters this evening.

I think you ought
to postpone that visit

for a day or two.

Commander's Log, supplemental.

I'm happy to report
that Dr. Bashir's diagnosis

has been proven correct.

My son
and all the others affected

by Mrs. Troi's condition
have made full recoveries.

This is one Gratitude Festival

they'll be talking
about for a long time.

I know I'll never forget it.

I hope everything
works out for you, Odo...

with Major Kira.

I... don't know what you mean.

Oh, don't worry.

Your secret's safe with me.

After all, I know what it's like

to be attracted to someone
who doesn't necessarily

feel the same way.

If you get tired
of waiting for her...

...you know where to find me.

I'll keep that in mind.

So, you're sure Dr. Bashir said
your test results were negative?

That's right.

My headache was just a headache.

I never was affected
by Mrs. Troi.

Well, I guess that means
you don't have

a latent attraction
to me, after all.

Nothing latent about it

or weren't you paying
attention last night?

I was paying attention.

You still have the touch,

So do you.

You take good care
of Mommy, honey, okay?

I Will.

We'll see you in a few months.

I'll be here.

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