03x21 - The Die Is Cast

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Aired: January 3, 1993 – June 2, 1999.*
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A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor.
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03x21 - The Die Is Cast

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on Deep Space Nine...

Bashir to Infirmary.

Medical emergency
on the Promenade.

I find it odd

that a conduit running
behind Garak's shop

should just happen to overload.

Why would the Romulans want
to destroy the Flaxian's ship?

One possibility

is that the Romulans hired
the Flaxian to k*ll Garak

and then k*lled the Flaxian
when he failed in his mission.

Do you know why the Romulans
might hire someone to k*ll you?

I have no idea.

You are investigating

a very insignificant piece
of a much larger puzzle.

What do you mean?

There's been a great deal

of unusual Romulan activity
these past weeks.

Now you dragged me
into this investigation

and you are now going
to cooperate with me!

"Dragged you in"?

I don't know
what you're talking...

You blew up your
own shop, Garak!

It's a Romulan w*r-bird.

In Cardassian space?

You're going to attack
the Dominion, aren't you?

You're going to stage
a first strike against them

before they can come
into the Alpha Quadrant.

I'm asking you to serve
Cardassia again, by my side.

Garak, this is the man
who put you into exile.

This is the man
who just two days ago

tried to have you k*lled.

Yes, he is...

but it doesn't matter.

I am back.

And now, the conclusion.

I mean, if you ask me

modern theater has
been on the decline

since the late 23rd century.

I mean, just look at the plays
to have come out of Earth

in the last 50 years,
and compare them

to the works of Willemheld
or Barton or Chow-yun.

Yes, yes!

Modern playwrights
have become obsessed

with writing
human interpretations

of alien theatrical works,
while ignoring completely

our own unique
cultural heritage.

In the hopes of...


Are you listening to me?


I thought so.


Oh, I-I heard
every word you said.

And what do you think?

About what?

Any of it?


don't know.

Look, what do you
want me to say?

Say you agree,
or say you disagree.

Say you hate theater.

Just say something.

Look, Julian, you said
you wanted to have lunch.

Well, we're having lunch.

Yes! But I was hoping
for a little more conversation

with my plomeek soup.

Ah, my mother taught me

if you try to combine
talking and eating

you'll end up doing neither
very well.

Well, I suppose Garak taught me
to think of lunch

as a sort of arena
for philosophical debate.

I take it there's still no word
about Garak and Odo?

The Starship Portland
and a Cardassian cruiser

are still searching the Algira
sector for the runabout.

Well, that's not
entirely bad news.

If the runabout
had been destroyed

they would have found
debris by now

or something to...

Kira to O'Brien.

Go ahead, Major.

Report to Ops, Chief.

There's something here
we'd like you to take a look at.

On my Way-

About ten minutes ago

our sensors picked up
high concentrations

of tetryon particles
moving toward the station.

I've never seen
readings like these.

What do you think?

Subspace energy fluctuations?

Quantum fractures
in the electrodynamic field?

EM spikes across the spectrum?

You've got me.

Whatever it is,
it's getting closer.

And larger.

The tetryon concentrations
have increased ten percent

in the last 30 seconds.

There's an energy surge,
bearing 210 mark 315.

A ship is de-cloaking.

It's a Romulan w*r-bird.

Open a channel...

Another w*r-bird
is de-cloaking at 010...

No, it's a Cardassian ship.

A Cardassian ship
with a cloaking device?

Definitely Cardassian,

Benjamin, there's an entire
fleet de-cloaking out there.

Red Alert!

All hands to battle stations.

Shields up!

Stand by weapons.

Try to hail them, Lieutenant.

Their weapons are charged

but they haven't
locked on to us yet.

Lead ship's headed
for the wormhole, Commander.

No response to our hails.

The fleet's following
the lead ship.

They're headed
for the Gamma Quadrant.

open a priority channel

to Starfleet Command now.

You should have seen the look
on Legate Porania's face

when I told him I was going
into retirement three years ago.

He was literally speechless--

a rare event.

I remember wanting to invent
charges of treason against him

just so I wouldn't have
to hear his voice again.

And you would have, too,
if I hadn't held you back.

You had quite a vicious
streak in those days.

Oh, I learned...
from the best.

No, no, you had a gift.

I never met anyone else

who relished
a good interrogation

as much as you did.

Do you remember getting
that confession

out of Dr. Parmak?

I never even touched him.

That was the beauty of it.

You just sat there for, what?

Three hours?


And after four hours
of watching you stare at him

he confessed.

I was good, wasn't I?

You were brilliant.

Afterwards, he just kept saying

"His eyes... his eyes."

I've missed you, Elim.

Things just haven't been
the same since you left.

I've missed you, too, Enabran.

We're both getting sentimental
in our old age.


Next thing you know

we'll be crying
over our lost youth.

So, whatever happened
to Dr. Parmak?

He spent three years
in a labor camp

then returned
to Cardassia Prime.

I think he's practicing
medicine again.

When we get back,
you should look him up.

Oh, there are a number of people

I intend to look up
when we get back.

For instance

do you remember
a Gul named Dukat?


Oh, yes, the business
with the arms merchants.


I take it you'd like
to have him eliminated.

The thought had crossed my mind.

When this mission is completed

you'll be in a position
to eliminate anyone you want.

I'll make up a list
and give it to Mila.

Perhaps you'd better
give it to me personally.

Mila may not be
around much longer.

She knows a great deal about me,
too much for her own good.

Well, still, it would be
a shame to have her k*lled.

She's proven that she can be
trusted on numerous occasions

and you'd be hard put
to find a better housekeeper.

Is this a request I hear?

Not at all.

Just an observation.

No reason to pretend, Garak.

You're fond of Mila.

You don't want her hurt, right?

If you're looking for an excuse

to spare the life
of your own housekeeper

you don't need me
to provide you with one.

You can do it out
of the kindness of your heart.

Mila always believed

you were innocent
of betraying Cardassia...

and me.

I was.

Of course.

No wonder the Romulans
can't conquer the galaxy.

No one can stomach
their cuisine.

Ah, Colonel Lovok.

Allow me to introduce
my associate, Elim Garak.

And what is his role to be
in this operation?

He will do whatever
I require of him.

Elim is a cherished colleague
of long standing.

He will not enter the Bridge

or any other secured space
aboard this ship, unescorted.

If you do so,
you will be k*lled.

Direct, isn't he?

I'm afraid the Colonel believes
in wasting little time

on pleasantries
or idle conversation.

The fleet is re-cloaked
and is about to set course

for the Founders' homeworld
at warp six.

Warp six?

That's a bit slow, isn't it?

Something wrong
with your engines?

If we travel any faster

our warp signatures may be
detected by the Jem'Hadar

even through
the cloaking devices.

Very clever.

The changeling is
in quarters on C deck.

There are force fields
in place to prevent his escape.

Good. Which brings us
to your first assignment, Garak.

I want you to explain to Odo

that it would be in
everyone's best interest--

especially his--
if he were to provide us

with all the information
he has on his people.

Now, that might prove difficult.

He can be quite stubborn.

Then you'll have to find a way
of convincing him.

Well, Odo, I trust
the accommodations

meet with your approval.

Well, you have

to admit it's certainly better
than a prison cell.

There are force fields
around the bulkheads

and a guard outside the door.

Feels like a prison cell to me.

I see your point.

And believe me, if it were
my decision, things would...

I don't believe you, Garak,
and I doubt I'll believe

much of what you have to say
from now on.

So save us both some trouble
and leave me alone.

Why, Constable, you seem
positively disappointed in me.

Well, I suppose
it's understandable.

After all, I did pledge
my undying devotion

and eternal allegiance
to both you and the Federation.

And you and I have been
through so much together--

shared many experiences--
and I know you considered me

a close friend.

No wonder you feel betrayed.

You're wasting your time, Garak.

I don't care
about the rationalizations

you come up with
to justify your actions.

To justify?

I don't need to justify
anything to you.

Living on Deep Space 9
has made you a little rusty.

Your lies are becoming
more transparent.

You should be careful.

You don't want Tain to know

that you're feeling guilty
about what you've done.

You are imaginative,

I'll grant you that,
but I would suggest

that you put those creative
powers to better use.

We would like you to share

your unique insights
on the Founders.

Would you?

We would be grateful--
most grateful--

for any information
you could provide.

And if I refuse?

Oh, really, Odo.

You really must stop reading

those human crime novels
Chief O'Brien gives you.

It's poisoning your thinking.

I'm not here to thr*aten you.

I just want to talk.

I don't feel like talking.

Surely, you can see that we
share a common enemy--

the Founders.

By cooperating

you'll be helping us
provide security

for the entire Alpha Quadrant.

The only common enemy
you and I share

is Enabran Tain.

The difference between you and I

is that you don't know it.

I suggest that you think over
what I've said, Constable.

Funny, I was about to make
the same suggestion.

Since the Jem'Hadar

are genetically addicted
to a drug

that only the Founders

can provide,
we expect the Jem'Hadar

to weaken and die

once their supplies
of the drug run out.

A matter of days,
by our estimates.

However, that will give them
enough time to stage

some kind of counterattack
against the Alpha Quadrant.

So I suggest you place
the Cardassian fleet on alert.

I take this action
not in defiance

of the Cardassian state,
but in defense of it.

You in the Central Command

have neglected
the security of our people

and allowed peace with Bajor
and the Federation

to blind you to the real threat,
the Dominion.

I intend to remove that threat.

Let history be my judge.

That message was intercepted

by a Federation outpost
earlier today.

A similar message was sent
to the Romulan Senate.

Now both governments are denying

any prior knowledge
of Tain's plans

and calling this
a rogue operation.

Are they going to do
anything to stop Tain?

Both the Romulans
and the Cardassians

claim to be studying ways
to stop Tain.

But we believe
that they'll just sit back

and wait to see
if he succeeds or not.

But, sir, that could
plunge Romulus

and Cardassia into w*r
with the Dominion.

Only if he fails, Lieutenant.

His plan looks like it's got
a fair chance of success.

He's commanding
a fleet of 20 ships

manned by combat veterans.

They know the location
of the Founders' homeworld

and they've modified
their cloaks

so the Jem'Hadar
can't detect their approach.

It sounds like you're hoping
Tain will succeed.

I never hope for w*r, Major.

But if it comes,
I'd rather see the Dominion

on the losing side.

However, we have to plan
for the worst.

Ben, I want you to evacuate DS9
of all non-essential personnel

and put the Defiant
on standby alert.

Even if Tain succeeds

the Jem'Hadar are going to come
screaming out of the Wormhole

looking for revenge,
and they may not be

too particular
who their targets are.

Admiral, we believe
Security Chief Odo

is aboard one
of the Romulan ships.

Odo's message said the runabout

had been caught
in a tractor beam.

That suggests he was captured

and taken aboard
one of their ships.

I'd like permission to take

the Defiant
into the Gamma Quadrant

and try to determine
if he's still alive.

I'm sorry about your officer,
but there's nothing we can do.

I want the Defiant
guarding Bajor.

That's your top priority.

Toddman out.

Commander Eddington,
am I correct in assuming

Starfleet is planning to send

substantial reinforcements
to this sector?

Yes, sir.

A task force of nine starships
is due to arrive tomorrow.

Nine starships.

I want the Defiant
prepared to leave

for the Gamma Quadrant
in two hours.

Sir, Admiral Toddman's orders
were quite clear on...

I am not going to just
abandon one of my officers.

Toddman's concerned
about the defense of Bajor

and so am I.

If we detect
a Jem'Hadar strike force

heading for the Alpha Quadrant

we'll use the communications
relay to warn DS9.

And we'll do everything we can

to stop them
before they reach the wormhole.

I consider this
a volunteer mission

but don't volunteer yet.

There's a good chance
you won't be coming back

from this mission.

And even if you do

you'll probably be facing
a general court-martial.

If you do decide to go

be aboard the Defiant
at 1530 hours.


All stations report.

Tactical ready.

Warp and impulse engines
on line.

Cloaking device standing by.

Helm ready.

Security detachment is aboard

and phaser r*fles have been
issued to every fire team.

Release docking clamps.

Commander, there's
an incoming priority message

from Starfleet Command.

It's Admiral Toddman.

He's repeating his order
not to enter the Gamma Quadrant.

That's what you think it says.

How can you be sure

when a transmission is as
badly garbled as that one?

You're right.

There's an awful lot
of subspace interference

on this channel.

Must be an ion storm
or something.

Must be.

Aft thrusters, back one-quarter.

Port and starboard
at station keeping.

The cloaking device is operating
within normal parameters.

Set course
for the Founders' homeworld.

Warp eight.

We know that the Founders'
planet lies

at approximately
these coordinates

within the Omarion Nebula.

As you can see, there are
no Jem'Hadar bases nearby.

This means that
even if the Founders

did send out a distress call

it would take
at least seven hours

for any help to arrive.

Our plan is to wait

until we've entered orbit
of the Founders' planet

then de-cloak and begin
massive bombardment.

Computer analysis indicates

that the planet's crust
will be destroyed

within one hour,
and the mantle within five.

Well, that should more than
take care of the Founders.

Yes, it should.

Unless they have some
planetary defenses

we don't know about.

There is one person here

who might answer
that question-- Mr. Odo.

Anything he knows

about the Founders
and their planet

was undoubtedly included
in his report to Starfleet.

The Constable is
remarkably thorough

in these matters.

There was a time

when you were eager to begin
an interrogation, Elim.

In fact, I remember having
to restrain your enthusiasm

on several occasions.

Well, then you should
also remember

the pride I took in my work.

I don't think that
interrogating someone

who can alter their form at will

is likely to provide either
amusement or information.

I wouldn't worry about Mr. Odo's
shape-shifting, if I were you.

The Obsidian Order
has developed a device

which should prove quite
effective in neutralizing him.

I was not informed
about this device.

It's only a prototype.

We've never had
a chance to test it...

until now.

Perhaps the Tal Shiar
should take over

the interrogation
of the changeling.


It's all right, Garak.

It's my fault.

I should have known
you'd develop feelings

for these people
you've been living with

for the past few years.

But I just never expected
that you would become friends

with someone who worked
for the Bajorans.

This has nothing to do with
my friends or my feelings.

I simply don't believe he has
the information you want.

Colonel Lovok will find out.


I brought Odo here.

He's my prisoner
and my responsibility.

You don't have to do this.

Yes, I do.

And I think we both know

that you won't trust me
until I do.

All right.

I look forward
to hearing your results.

Commander, I'm reading
some kind of power fluctuation

in the cloaking device.

What kind of fluctuation?

I don't know.

I can't locate the source
of the problem

but it is getting worse.

We're de-cloaking.

All stop.

Full scan, Lieutenant.

Are there any other ships
in the area?

No, nothing in sensor range.

Commander, if the Jem'Hadar show
up while we're de-cloaked...

We'll have to fight
our way out of here.

Everything looks fine.

The power converters
are on line.

The projection matrix
looks normal.

The cloaking device
should be working.

Maybe there's some kind
of spatial anomaly nearby

that's interfering
with the cloak's power systems.

This isn't the result
of a spatial anomaly, Major.

The tetryon compositor
on the cloaking device

has been sabotaged.

How do you know that?

Because I sabotaged it.


I was under orders
from Admiral Toddman to stop you

from pursuing
the Romulan/Cardassian fleet.

You've turned us into sitting
ducks for the Jem'Hadar!

But we can still
defend ourselves.

I didn't damage any
of the ship's w*apon systems

or the engines.

But, without the cloak,
we'll have to return to DS9.

I'm sorry, Commander.

I didn't want to do this.

Odo's my friend, too

but I report directly
to Admiral Toddman

and he gave me
an explicit order.

I couldn't disobey it.

I don't suppose you could.


now that we know
that the problem

is in the tetryon compositor,
how long until you can fix it?

About ten hours.

You've got two.

On your way.

I'm afraid I'm going
to have to confine you

to quarters, Mr. Eddington.

Sir, if we run
into the Jem'Hadar

you're still going to need
a Chief Security Officer.

What makes you think
we'll trust you again?

Because I give you my word.

I make it a policy
to never question the word

of anyone who wears
that uniform.

Don't make me
change that policy.

Man your station, Commander.

But... I'd stay out
of the Chief's way

if I were you.

I realize it must be
nearly time for you

to return to your liquid state

so I thought I'd bring you
something to relax in.

How kind.

But before you go for a swim

I have a few questions
I'd like to ask you.

I have nothing to say.

Well, I had hoped
a few hours alone

might jog your memory,
but I can see

I'm going to have to take
some steps I'd hoped to avoid.

Oh, no, you're going to
t*rture me, aren't you?

How I've been dreading this.

Please, have mercy, Garak.

You do have a certain
flair for sarcasm.

It's one of the things
I like about you.

You can go now.

I'd bring those guards
back, if I were you.

I'm not in a very good mood.

Yes, under normal circumstances

you would pose
quite a threat to me.

You could turn yourself
into, uh, a Vicarian razorback

or stretch out your arms

and strangle me
from across the room.

But not this time.

Oh, and why is that?

Because this device is emitting
a quantum stasis field

designed to prevent
any changeling

from altering
his bio-molecular structure.


It must be
very disconcerting for you

to be locked into a humanoid
form, especially now.

I'm sure you were
looking forward

to returning
to your liquid state.

Tell me...

what will happen if you can't
revert to a liquid?

I don't know.

An honest answer.

But it's probably safe to say
that it won't be pleasant.

Garak, this is pointless.

There's nothing I can tell you
about the Founders

that you don't already know.

I wish I could believe that.

Then why don't you?

Because you and I are so alike.

We both value our privacy,
our secrets.

That's why I know there's
something about the Founders

you haven't told anyone.

Something you didn't even share

with Starfleet
and Commander Sisko, hmm?

But you are going to tell me,

There's nothing to tell!

Well, perhaps something
will come to you.

I can wait.

The question is...

can you?


leave the Chief alone.

What makes you think
I'm going to see O'Brien?

All right,
it's been three hours.

I just wanted to see
if he needed some help.

If he needed help,
he would ask for it.

For now, the best thing
we can do

is to stay out of his way.

What's the matter, Garak?

You don't look very happy.

Aren't you enjoying yourself?

There is no pleasure
in this for me, Constable.

I assure you.
I am simply doing my job.

Your job?


This job you've been
waiting for...

all... all these years of exile.

And here you are,
interrogating a prisoner again.

It must fill you with pride.

Odo, just tell me what I need
to know, and this will end.

But... but... but you don't
want it to end, do you, Garak?

Isn't this what you've
been dreaming of?

Back at work...

serving Cardassia.

That's right.

And you have information
that I need

information that it's my duty
to extract from you.

It's not personal.

Odo, talk to me!

Tell me something!


Lie if you have to,
but say it now, please.

Home! I want to go home!

And you will, I promise.

As soon as this is all over

I promise I'll take you back
to Deep Space 9.

No! Not the station.

Home with my people.

The Founders?


You want to return
to the Founders?


I thought you turned
your back on them.

I did, but they're
still my people.

I tried to deny it.

I tried to forget.

But I can't.

They're my people

and I want to be with them
in the Great Link.

I knew there was
something secret

you were holding back.

And now you've found it.

I hope it's useful.

Repairs are complete, sir.

The cloaking device
is on line.

A souvenir of your handiwork.

Engage cloak.

The cloak is operating normally.

Resume course
to the Founders' planet.

Maximum warp.

Did you get anything
out of him at all?


He never broke.

Well, that's unfortunate.

I see no further use
for Mr. Odo.

Terminate him.

On the other hand, he is a
member of the Bajoran Militia

and an officer on Deep Space 9.

We may not wish to provoke
the Federation by k*lling him.

I agree with Garak.

Do you?

Yes. There's no way
to be certain

that all of the Founders will be
on the planet when we attack.

We should be prepared
to encounter

other changelings in the future.

And we could use
more information

on their capabilities.

I want to take Odo back
to Romulus for further study.

All right, in the interest
of cooperation.

Bridge to Colonel Lovok.

This is Lovok.

We have entered
the Omarion Nebula

and dropped out of warp.

We should be in orbit
of the planet in 15 minutes.


Well, it seems the moment
is nearly at hand.


Can I do something for you,

Why were you trying
to protect the changeling?

I wasn't trying to protect him.

And as I recall, you thought

it was a good idea
to keep him alive as well.

My interest in the changeling
is based on what I believe to be

the strategic interests
of the Romulan Empire.

But you... you seem to have
a personal interest in him.

Well, tell me,
what else am I feeling?

I've never been psychoanalyzed
by a Romulan before.

This is
a fascinating experience.

You are a practiced liar,
Mr. Garak

but I am a practiced observer.

And I can assure you,
I am going to be

observing you very closely.

We are within disruptor range.

Scan the planet for life-signs.

Sensors show multiple
life-forms on the surface.

They appear to be
in a liquid state.

The Founders.

Signal the fleet
to charge weapons

and lock on to their targets.

We will open fire
the moment we drop our cloaks.

All ships report ready,
all weapons charged.

So much for the Dominion.

Open fire.

The first barrage is complete.


30 percent
of the planetary crust

destroyed on opening volley.

No change in life-form readings.


That's impossible.

Some of them had to be k*lled.

Our sensor readings
have been confirmed

by three other w*r-birds.

There's no change in the number
of life-signs on the surface.

They're using
an automated transponder

to send back
false sensor readings.

The planet's deserted!

Colonel, signal the fleet...

Colonel, there are ships
coming out of the nebula.

What type of ships?

Jem'Hadar fighters.

How many?

I asked you a question!

One hundred fifty.

Tactical display on screen.

It's a trap.

They've been waiting
for us all along.

The Cardassian Cruiser Koranak
has been destroyed.

Romulan Warbirds Makar
and Belak have lost main power.

Bring us about to 318 mark 215.

Concentrate fire

on ships attacking
on the port quarter.

The Jem'Hadar will destroy
every ship if we stay!

Our only hope is to return
to the Alpha Quadrant!

There's no way
out of here, Garak.

The Jem'Hadar have cut us off.

We need to consolidate the fleet
and make our stand here.

How could this be?
What could have happened?

I'm afraid the fault, dear Tain,
is not in our stars

but in ourselves.


Something I learned
from Dr. Bashir.

Main power's out.

Switching to emergency backups.

Bridge to Engineering.
We need power to the weapons.

Bridge to Engineering,

I'll be in Engineering.

Tain, take command
of the Bridge.

Four more Jem'Hadar vessels
closing on our position.

I take it the attack
on the Founders

is not proceeding
according to plan.

No, it's not, but I suggest
we make our way to the runabout.

For once, Garak,
I agree with you.

You'll need this in order to
gain access to your runabout.

Why are you doing this?

Because no changeling
has ever harmed another.

You are one of the Founders?

Of course.

This whole plan

was the Founders' idea
in the first place.

You wanted the Tal Shiar
and the Obsidian Order

to combine forces
and come into the Gamma Quadrant

so you could wipe them out.

Not exactly--
Tain originated the plan

and when we learned of it

we did everything
we could to carry it forward.

The Tal Shiar
and the Obsidian Order

are both ruthless,
efficient organizations.

A definite threat to us.

But not after today.

After today,
the only real threat to us

from the Alpha Quadrant

are the Klingons
and the Federation.

And I doubt that either of them

will be a threat
for much longer.

It is not too late for you, Odo.

Come with me.

You can still become one

with the Great Link,
if you wish.

Thank you.

But my answer is still no.

Come on!

I don't think we have much time.

The runabout is that way.

Two decks down, section 25.

Wait for me there.

Where are you going?

To the Bridge, to get Tain.


I know it's difficult

for you to understand,

but I still owe him
a personal debt

and I have to try to repay it.

Wait for us as long as you can.

Tain! We have to go!

There must have been
an informant.

That's the only explanation.

Yes, there was an informant.
You're right.

Colonel Lovok is a changeling.


Yes, but that's something
we can discuss at another time.

Right now, we have to...

It appears I have
underestimated the Founders.

I should have seen it coming.

There was a time
when nothing got past me.

You remember, don't you, Elim?

Yes, I do!

But now we have to go!

Go where?

Back to Mila
and my quiet retirement?

I don't think so.

I must be getting old.

I let my pride
override my instinct.

Wouldn't have played it
that way in the old days.

In the old days, I would have
kept Lovok at arm's length.

He was too cagey, too smart.

I can't just leave you here!

I always did have
a soft spot for you, Garak.

Another of my flaws.


These Founders, Elim,
they're very good.

Next time,
we should be more careful.

You can be very persuasive
on occasion, Constable.

But in the future

I hope you'll consider
using gentler language.

I'll keep that in mind.

A Jem'Hadar ship
is following us.

Raise shields
and charge the weapons.

Aft shields down to 50 percent.

More speed would be advisable.

The warp drive is off-line.

Shields down to 30 percent!

Another Jem'Hadar ship is
approaching to starboard.

Hang on!

Shields down to 15 percent.

Main power is failing.
We're losing speed.

The shields are gone.

Odo, I hope
that you will accept

my sincere apologies
for all this.

A little late, isn't it?


I may not agree
with what you did

but I can certainly understand
your desire to return home.

Thank you.


Three more coming in
off the port bow.

Fire on the lead ship, then
bring us back to the runabout.

Two life-signs on
the runabout, Commander.

Drop shields.

Bridge to Transporter Room.

Beam them aboard, Chief.

Aye, sir.

Four more Jem'Hadar ships
closing to starboard.

O'Brien to Bridge.
I've got them.

Raise shields.

Welcome back.

Thank you.

Oh, that looks painful.

It is,
but it did save my life.

Shields at 80 percent.

Attack pattern Omega four.

Full impulse power.

Hold your fire until we're
within 500 meters.

We might get pretty singed
at that range.

Not as singed
as they're going to get.


50,000 meters and closing.

2,000 meters.

Five hundred.


The third Jem'Hadar ship
is still pursuing.

Aft torpedoes, fire!

Direct hit
on their port nacelle.

They're losing speed.

We're out
of their weapons range.

Any other signs of pursuit?


The other fighters
are still concentrating

on the remaining Romulan
and Cardassian ships.

Let's not wait around for them
to change their minds.

Set course for the wormhole,
Lieutenant, warp eight.

It's good to see you again,

Likewise, Major.

Course laid in.


There is still no indication

that any Romulan
or Cardassian vessel

survived the attack.

Sounds like Wolf 359
all over again.

I had the same thought.

You may be interested to know
I've decided not to file charges

against anyone
aboard the Defiant.

Thank you, sir.

But if you pull a stunt
like that again

I'll court-martial you
or I'll promote you.

Either way, you'll be
in a lot of trouble.

I'll keep that in mind, sir.

I just read the report
that you wrote

and I wanted to thank you.

Me? For what?

For not mentioning my desire
to return to my people.

I consider
the entire conversation

as something...
best forgotten.

As do I.

Quark has expressed an interest
in renting this space

if you're not going
to be using it.


He mentioned something

about an Argelian
massage facility.

Unfortunately, I don't think
Commander Sisko would approve

of such an interesting facility
on the Promenade.

I tend to agree.

But I do think he would
approve of a tailor's shop.

Do you know
what the sad part is, Odo?

I'm a very good tailor.


I was thinking that you and I

should have breakfast
together sometime.

Why, Constable--

I thought you didn't eat.

I don't.
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