03x24 - Shakaar

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Aired: January 3, 1993 – June 2, 1999.*
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A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor.
Post Reply

03x24 - Shakaar

Post by bunniefuu »

Got you this time, Chief.

Sorry, Commander.

Don't apologize.

That just makes it worse.

I guess I'm just
in the zone today.

"In the zone"?

The feeling
that I can't lose--

that I can put the dart
exactly where I want it.

You know the feeling.

Not today.

Dax to Sisko.

Go ahead.

Benjamin, there's
a priority message for you

from the Bajoran
Provisional Government.

On my Way-


Fortunately, duty calls.

You'll have to find
yourself another victim.


Commander, um,
is Chief O'Brien in here?

He's back there...
"in the zone."

Raka-ja ut shala morala

ema bo roo kana
uranak ralanon Bareil

propeh va nara
ehsuk shala-kan vunek...


I'm sorry.

I... I didn't
mean to interrupt.

Oh, that's all right.

It's called a duranja.

It's a lamp for the dead.

I was just...
praying for Bareil.

What can I do for you?

This may come
as somewhat of a shock

but I wanted you
to hear it from me.

The First Minister

of the provisional
government has died.

Kalem Apren... how?

Heart failure.
He died in his sleep.


Well, I just met him once

but he seemed like
he was a good man.

How soon will they appoint
someone to replace him?

They have already
appointed someone.

The new head of the
provisional government

is Kai Winn.

...so, as a result,
I've transferred Ensign Palmers

back to the night watch

and reassigned Crewman
Donark to the Defiant

as a member
of the security detachment.

Starfleet is sending
a series of upgrades

for our tactical computer
modules next week.

I've drawn up a plan
to phase in the upgrades

over the course of three days.


is something wrong?


Oh, it's this whole thing
with Kai Winn.

I was just trying
to get used to her

as spiritual leader of Bajor

and now she's running
the government, Odo?

Not an ideal situation.

Well, I'm beginning
to think you and I

are the only ones
who feel that way.

No one is opposing her
in next month's elections.

She is going to be
elected the First Minister

for the next six years,
and no one seems to care.

Well, you and I have
a different perspective

than most Bajorans.

There's a personal element
to our feelings about her.

I know that you still blame Winn
for Bareil's death.

That's part of it...

but this is
about the future of Bajor.

I can't shake the feeling

that giving Winn control
of the government is a mistake--

that she should be stopped.

Stopped from doing what?

I don't know.

Maybe... maybe I'm afraid...

that if she's given power,
she's never going to let it go.

Unfortunately, that suspicion

is not shared
by the people of Bajor.

They still admire her

as the woman who made peace
with Cardassia.

Bareil made peace
with Cardassia.

I know that, Major

but to the rest of Bajor,
Winn is the real hero.

In their eyes, it took courage
to conclude a treaty

with a race that she herself

had so bitterly condemned
and fought against.

I don't care
what her popular image is.

She is no hero.

The only thing that she cares
about is her own power.

Why can't people see that?

We spent so many years
fighting the Cardassians.

We spent so much time

hoping and praying
for a Bajor that was free.

Now that we won

how can people just hand over
their freedom

to someone like Winn?

It has been my observation

that one of the prices of giving
people freedom of choice

is that, sometimes,
they make the wrong choice.

...bo roo kana uranak
ralanon Bareil

propeh va nara ehsuk


Hello, child.


May I come in?


Please forgive this intrusion.

I know the hour is late.

Does Commander Sisko know
you're aboard the station?

I'm not here
to see the Emissary.

I'm here to see you.


Yes, child.

Have you suffered a recent loss

or are you still mourning
the death of Minister Kalem?

It's for Vedek Bareil...


It's been three months

since Bareil left us
to walk with the Prophets.

You must have cared
for him deeply.

I loved him.

As did I.

Is that why you never
mention Bareil's name

when you talk about your peace
treaty with Cardassia?

As I recall, he's the one
who negotiated it.

Bareil saw himself

as simply carrying out
the will of the Prophets.

To him, achieving peace
with Cardassia

was its own reward.

He never wanted fame or glory
for what he did.

As someone who loved him

I'm surprised
you didn't know that.

What is it you want, Eminence?

Are you familiar
with Rakantha Province?

It's a farming community.

And it used to be

one of the most productive
agricultural regions on Bajor.

But as you know,
the Cardassians poisoned

much of our farmlands
before they left.

And Rakantha has been mostly
barren wasteland ever since.

After years of research

the Agricultural
Ministry has finally

developed reclamators

which can detoxify the soil
and make it fertile again.

It's very interesting

but what does it
have to do with me?

Patience, child.

In six months, it will be
planting season in Rakantha.

By this time next year

we can be producing boton,
moreka, and salam grass--

all valuable commodities
for export.

If we can attract
interstellar commerce to Bajor

it will only enhance
our application

for membership
in the Federation.

I understand.


a group of farmers
who were allowed

to use the reclamators
in another province

are now refusing to return them

and this is why
I've come to you, Kira.

The farmers
who seized the equipment

are in Dahkur Province--
your home--

and they're led by a man
with whom you're acquainted.

His name is Shakaar.


And if I'm not mistaken

he was the leader
of your resistance cell

during the occupation.

That's right.

I want you to convince him

to return the equipment
he's stolen.

You want me to go up
against a man

who saved my life
countless times?

FOP you?

Not for me, child.

For Bajor.

I know we've had
our differences in the past

but I'm asking you
to put those feelings aside

and think of what is best
for our people.

We're on the verge of a new era.

The occupation is over.

We've achieved peace
with Cardassia.

Federation membership
is only a few years away.

This is an exciting
time to be a Bajoran

but our future depends
on each of us

acting for the common
good of all Bajor.

Shakaar has lost
sight of this.

By stealing the reclamators,
he's acting

in his own self-interest

at the expense
of the rest of our people.

No, I know Shakaar.

He's one of the most selfless
people I have ever met.

He must have a good reason
for what he's done.


Perhaps he is just misguided.

That's why I've come to you,

You know him.

You can talk to him.

I don't want this
to become a scandal.

I want this settled
peacefully, quietly.

Surely, we can both agree
that that's a worthy goal.

I'll talk to him

but I can't guarantee
that he'll listen to me.

Vedek Bareil used to tell me

that you could be
quite persuasive

when you put your mind to it,

I hope he wasn't mistaken.

Walk with the Prophets.

You cut your hair.

You let yours grow.

I liked you the old way.

I was thinking the same thing...

about you.

It's good to see you, Nerys.

It's good to see you, too.

Come on in.

So, Major Kira Nerys,
Deep Space 9's First Officer...

you've made quite a name
for yourself.

Not really.

You've accomplished
a great deal.

You should be proud.

Furel and Lupaza
are so proud of you,

they actually stand
a little taller

every time your name comes up.

Furel and Lupaza?
You still see them?

Of course.

They both have farms less
than ten kilometers from here.

Those two are farmers?!

Now, you, yes.

That's all you
ever talked about.

But Lupaza?

How did that happen?

You can ask her yourself.

They'll be here
in a couple of hours.

I can hardly wait to see
the look on their faces

when they walk through that door
and see you standing there.


before they get here,
we should talk.

I'm here on business.

I know why you're here, Nerys.

I need time to think about it,
all right?

All right.

I think I'll stick
to tongo from now on.

Sorry, Lieutenant.

Thank you.

Thank you all
for your gaming business.

The house will start taking bets

on the next challenger
at 10 to 1.

That's 10 to 1
without even knowing...


...who the next challenger
will be.

Quark, I have to go.

Uh... no problem.

Ladies and gentlemen

Chief of Operations
Miles Edward O'Brien

has to leave to resume
his duties on board the station.

Now, everyone, make way.

I trust we'll be seeing
you again tomorrow, Chief

for your 47th straight victory?

I don't know.

I was actually thinking
of getting some time

in the holosuites tomorrow.

The holosuites?

You weren't thinking

of going kayaking
by any chance?

As a matter of fact, I was.

Uh... didn't I tell you?

I misplaced
the kayaking program.


Haven't seen it in days.


All right.

you're on a streak,
an epic streak.

If you go kayaking tomorrow

and something happens
and you damage

that golden shoulder,
this streak will be over.

And you'll never know

just how far
it might have taken you.

Could you really
live with that?

Uh... you're offering 10 to 1

to anyone betting
against me tomorrow?

That's right.

I'd make it 15, if I were you.


You never would've found
your way out of there

if I hadn't left
that marker on that rock.

I have a fine
sense of direction.

I knew exactly where I was
that night, exactly.

I found your tracks
the next day.

You'd been walking in circles.

I was throwing
the Cardassians off my trail.

Again, please.

Furel-- if you
don't mind my asking--

why haven't you...?

Had my arm replaced?

Well, I thought about it.

I even saw a Federation
doctor about it.

She said, "No problem, Furel.

"You can have a new arm
in less than a week.

"It'll have full range of motion

and... it'll feel
just like your own."

So, why didn't you do it?

Well... before I went

into that
interrogation center...

I asked the Prophets
to give me the strength

to get the rest of you
out of there.

And, well, in exchange, I...

I said I'd give up my life.

Well, as it turned out

I was able to rescue you,

and Lupaza,
and it only cost me an arm.

I felt the...
the Prophets were generous.

replacing the arm seems...


I think you're just afraid
that with two arms

you'd actually have to do
some real work, for a change.

I have done more work
in three months on my farm

than you have done
in three years!

I have seen better weeds
than the crops you grow.

You know good and well
that my soil's more toxic

than any other farm tract
within 100 kilometers.

- Ha!
- It's true!

Once I get a chance to use
one of the reclamators

things will change,
I can promise you that.

You may not get
that chance, Lupaza.

Nerys was sent here by the Kai,
with orders to convince us

to return the reclamators
to the government.

And you said no.

I said I'd have
to think about it.

There's not much to think about,
Shakaar, you know that.

Tell the Kai,
or the First Minister

or whatever she wants
to be called these days

that the answer is no.

We need the reclamators,
and that's the end of it.

Now, who wants tuwaly pie?

You know, this business
with the reclamators

isn't going to just
go away, Shakaar.

Maybe not.

Definitely not.

I think you should reconsider.

I know what you're
trying to do here

and I know
how difficult it's been.

We have to think about
what's best for Bajor.

If you think giving
the reclamators back

to the government
is the best thing for Bajor

then you've been out

on that space station
for too long.

We waited three years
to get the reclamators.

We finally got them
two months ago

and we were told they were ours
for at least a year.

The provisional government

actually did something right,
for a change.

Then Minister Kalem died.

And the next thing we know,
we get an order

to return
the reclamators immediately

to the Rakantha Farming Project.

The Rakantha Project
is important.

If they can get it underway

Bajor could start exporting
goods again.

It could start to change the way

the rest of the galaxy
looks at us.

They'll stop seeing us
as poor refugees

and start seeing us as equals.

I don't give a damn

how the rest of
the galaxy looks at us.

We're trying to feed
our own people here

and you're talking
about exports.

There must be a way to reach
some kind of compromise here.


I don't know,
but if you and the Kai

would sit down and talk together

maybe you can reach
some kind of agreement--

some way of sharing
the equipment more fairly.

If I could arrange a meeting
between the two of you

would you at least agree
to sit down

and talk with her about it?

I don't know
if it'll accomplish anything.

It might not,
but it's a place to start.

All right...

for you.

It's good to have you home,

You should come back more often.

I might do that.

Well, good.

Because we've all missed you.

Especially me.

Am I to assume, my child,
that you've met with Shakaar?

We talked.

And have you convinced him
to return the soil reclamators?

He's not ready
to return them yet.

I see.

When can we expect their return?

When the topsoil
in Dahkur Province

has been restored and
readied for planting--

another six months.

In six months,
the planting season

in Rakantha will be over.

I realize that.

And I know how important
the Rakantha Project is

which is why
I've arranged a meeting

between the two of you.

A meeting?

Yes, to work out a compromise.

If you just hear him out

and look at the work
they've been able

to accomplish in Dahkur
in just two months

you'll see how important
this is to them.

I'm sure there's a way
to resolve this situation

so that both Rakantha
and Dahkur can benefit.

Did you explain to Shakaar
that you were there

on the direct authority
of the First Minister?

Yes, but it wouldn't have
mattered if I was there

on behalf of the
Prophets, themselves.

He wasn't about to just
give up the equipment.

A pity.

Shakaar sounds like
a prideful and arrogant man.

It also seems there's
no reasoning with him.

Shakaar is not
an unreasonable man.

He is desperate.
They all are.

You should see
what they're up against--

the condition of the soil,
the harsh weather.

I'm sure if you talk to him

you'll be able to work out
a compromise.

It would seem
that I have little choice.

So, I can tell him
that you'll discuss it with him?

You can tell him that

and then you can return
to Deep Space 9.

But I can still serve
as intermediary

between you and Shakaar.

That won't be necessary.

You've done enough already.

And please, give my best regards
to Commander Sisko.

That will be all, my child.

I'll be interested to hear
what she has to say

but, uh, she's not getting
those reclamators back

till we're finished with them.

Shakaar, you have
to be flexible.

I'm not sure this is
a fight you can win.

That's what the Cardassians
used to say.

Come in.

Are you Shakaar?


You're under arrest.

Wait a minute.
On whose authority?

Our orders came directly

from the Office
of the First Minister.

She lied to me.

She's good at it, Nerys.

Don't feel bad.

If you'll come with us.

Yeah, all right.

I just want to make
one thing clear.

Glad to see that living
on a space station

hasn't slowed you down.

We have to get out of here.

This can still be
explained away.

It was a tense situation.

You acted on instinct.

They'll understand that

but they won't understand
you coming with me.

This isn't your fight, Nerys.

Go home.

I am home, Shakaar.

And I have been lied to
by Kai Winn for the last time.

She wants a fight,
I'll give her one.

The civil police have issued

a province-wide alert
for you and Kira.

They've also requested
that the surrounding towns

send more troops and equipment

to help in the search
for the fugitives.

Now there's a familiar word.

Haven't been called
that in a while.

I kind of missed it.

The authorities
have seized your farm

and they've brought in
a scanning machine

to hunt for the reclamators.

Let them scan.

There's nothing there to find.

They've also detained

some of the other members
of our resistance cell

for "questioning."


Mobara, Klin and Ornak

were taken away
before I could reach them.

The others are heading for
the Kola Mountain stronghold.

I said we'd meet them there
and go over our plan.

Well, what is our plan?

For now, the plan
is to keep moving.

We'll let the civil police
run themselves ragged

chasing us through
the mountains.

Just like old times.

That's the general idea.

The Cardassians spent ten years

searching for us
in these mountains.

The civil police will probably
give up in ten days.

I'm not so sure about that.

Some of them were
in the resistance, too.

They might not give up
so easily.

Maybe, but I really don't think
they want to hunt down

a group of fellow Bajorans
who are just trying

to defend their homes.


We head for Kola Mountain,
pick up anybody who's there

then move further
into the hill country.

Well, let's go.


A most auspicious shot.

You got him, Chief.

One in the bull and you win.

I think he knows that, Julian.

Don't worry, Coach,
I won't let you down.

I see no reason for delay.

Throw the dart.

I will throw the dart

when I'm ready
to throw the dart.

Did I miss anything?


Is that my synthale?

Extra stout--
just the way you like it.

Excuse me.

Here you go.

What is it?

It's his shoulder.

Popped out of its socket.

Get me the tricorder.

What did I do?

I just handed him a drink.

It's all right, just-just
pop it back in, Julian.

I'll-I'll be all right.

Oh, no, I'm afraid

it's not that simple
this time, Chief.

You've got a rotator cuff tear
and severe degenerative damage.

We'd better get him
to the Infirmary.

If he leaves the line,
he forfeits the game.


This man needs surgery.


That's right, Chief.

I may have to replace
the entire humeral socket.

It's not
a complicated procedure.

We can postpone the rest

of this competition
until tomorrow

at which time,
he will be good as new.

I don't make the rules.

I merely follow them.

Wait, wait, wait... look...

I'm in the zone!

I just need...

Oh, I just need surgery.

I believe the house
is paying 15 to 1.

All I did was hand him a drink.

Emissary, I'm so happy
you came to consult with me.

Frankly, I'm surprised
you wanted my advice.

The advice of the Emissary
is always welcome

but what I need is your help.

What kind of help?

It's been two weeks

since I was forced
to send the militia

into Dahkur Province.


And they've yet to catch sight
of Shakaar

or any of his followers

let alone take them
into custody.

I guess now you know

how the Cardassians
must have felt.

The point is, I can't let
this go on much longer.

It embarrasses me to say this

but Shakaar's defiance
seems to be catching on

in some of the other provinces.

And I've had to take certain...

unfortunate actions
to maintain order.

You mean declaring martial law

and suspending local government
in the hill provinces?

I wasn't aware
that you kept such close watch

on the Bajoran
political situation.

From what I understand

Shakaar is gaining support
all over Bajor.

Is that what Major Kira's
been telling you?

I haven't spoken with Major Kira
in quite some time.

Emissary, I don't want
this issue to divide my people.

Then I advise withdrawing
your troops from Dahkur.

I'm more than willing
to do that.

On one condition.

And what might that be?

I'd like you to provide
a Federation security force

to take their place.

You want me
to bring in Shakaar for you.

Such an act would do much
to solidify the relations

between the Federation
and Bajor.

I wasn't aware that our
relationship needed solidifying.

this would be an opportunity

for the Federation
to show, once again

its friendship for Bajor.

I'm sorry,
but Federation law prevents me

from interfering
in Bajoran internal affairs.


you're refusing my request
for aid?

I suppose I am.

If Bajor cannot depend
on the Federation

we'll withdraw our application
for membership.

That would be an unfortunate
overreaction on your part.

If I may say so,
your entire response

to this crisis
has been an overreaction.

By using the militia
against your own people

you're risking civil w*r

over a couple of...
soil reclamators.

I'm afraid you can't see
what's really going on here.

This isn't
about soil reclamators.

This is about the future
of our society.

When someone like Shakaar
can defy the law

and escape punishment

we risk descending
into anarchy and chaos.

This is a test...

a test by the Prophets.

They want to see if I'm worthy
of the role they've given me

as First Minister and Kai.

I will not fail them.

I will stop Shakaar
by any means necessary.

Move, move, move!

They're closing.

75 meters.

Come on, Kira.

I've almost got it.

They're on the ridge.

Kira, if you can't do it,
tell me now.

I got it.

New reading.
700 meters, that way.

Yes, sir.

Let's go.

How long do we have?

I've projected
the false life signs

about 700 meters
past that ravine.

It'll take them about an hour
to cover that distance

another 15 to realize
what's happened.

Either I am getting older

or these mountains
are getting higher.

The next time I start
getting nostalgic

for the old days, sh**t me.

If you insist.

They're good.

Half of them are
from Dahkur Province.

They know this terrain
almost as well as we do.

I think you're right.

We need to leave Dahkur.

They'll box us in
if we stay much longer.

We could take Serpent's Ridge
to Retosha Pass

and head for Lonar Province.

Serpent's Ridge
is pretty rugged territory.

I don't think
we have much choice.

Yes, we do.

We can turn and fight.

He's right, Shakaar.

It's just like in the old days.

Every once in a while, the
Cardassians would get too close

and we'd turn around
and give them a bloody nose.

Sometimes it was our nose
that got bloodied.

We were willing
to take the chance.

Now, I'll follow whatever orders
you give...

but I am tired of running.


I'm not sure we can
keep up this pace.

All right.

We head for Tanis Canyon.

Kira's on point.

Column of twos behind her.

Lupaza, you take up the rear.

There is no way out
of Tanis Canyon.

And that's why
we're going to lead

those militia troops in there.

'Cause we're going
to be waiting for them.

Let's move!

I don't think
they've picked us up

on their tricorders.

They won't either, not with
that dampening field in place.

I think I recognize that man.

Which one?

The Colonel.

That's Lenaris Holem.


from the Ornathia
resistance cell.

I met him at a reception
in the capital about a year ago.

He's good.

No wonder we haven't lost them.

We'll have to get him
with the first volley.

You take the Lieutenant
on the right.

I'll take Lenaris.

I can't.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

I can't either.


Set a perimeter,
and watch the hills.

Yes, sir.

B Team, left flank.

Nobody fires
until I give the order.

Aye, sir.

Firing positions, hold!

That's far enough.


Kira Nerys.

We've met.

I've wanted to thank you
for a long time.

I had a brother at Gallitep
when you liberated the camp.

A lot of people did.

I just wish
we'd gotten there sooner.

Well, I take it
from your calm demeanor

that I've walked into an ambush.

I should have stayed up
on the ridgeline

never come down into the valley.

It's an easy mistake to make.

You thought we were
another two kilometers ahead

so you tried to make up time.

I might have done
the same thing.

I think I should tell you
I've been in worse situations.

The Pullock V raid.

You know about that?

The first off-world raid
against the Cardassians.

Of course.

It was a bold move.

If you know about Pullock V

then you should also know I
won't give up without a fight.

If you're here
to ask me to surrender

you're wasting your time.

That's not why I'm here.

I want to take my people
and walk out of here.

I want to take them home.


Stop, stop!

No one sh**t!
No one sh**t!

Cease fire!
Cease fire!

Hold your fire!

Sir, I saw someone.

I thought they were
going to open fire.


Take this man's w*apon
and get him off the perimeter.

Now, I believe
you were saying something

about wanting
to walk out of here?

That's right.

You know that's impossible.

Well, we better find a way
to make it possible

because the next time
someone starts sh**ting

we won't be able to stop it.

And I'm not talking about today.

I'm talking about tomorrow
and the next day and the next.

I am talking about
the beginning of a civil w*r.

I didn't fight the Cardassians

for 25 years just so I could
start sh**ting other Bajorans.

Neither did I.

So... what do we do about it?

What is it?

Colonel Lenaris
is here to see you.

Send him in.

I see you've brought me
a pair of gifts.

How thoughtful of you.

They're not my prisoners.

What do you mean,
they're not your prisoners?

What's going on?

I'm here to enter the election

as a candidate for the Office
of First Minister.

You have an interesting
sense of humor.

It's no joke.

Shakaar is going
to enter the election

and you are going to lose.

I've consulted
with the other army commands

and he has their full support.

So, this is a coup?

It's a free election.

If you want to run, go ahead.

But if you do,
this entire incident

is going to be made public.

And when the people
know the real facts--

when they know that you
risked a civil w*r

over a couple of pieces
of farm equipment--

they're never going
to trust you again.

You'll still be Kai--
the spiritual leader of Bajor--

but your days in this office
are numbered.

So, if I were you...

I'd start packing.

How does it feel?

Good, so far.

Let's see...

Well, try it again, Chief.


I can feel it.

I'm out of the zone.

You know...

I've played sports all my life

and I've never been in the zone
like that before.

Probably never will again.

But it felt good
while it lasted.

Well, look on the bright side.

Now you have a new shoulder

you might finally finish
that kayaking program.

Hey... you may be right.


I need a holosuite.


welcome to "the zone."

Let me tell you

about a little thing
I can do...

Have any other candidates
entered the election?

Oh, one or two,
but Shakaar's popularity

is growing so fast

I don't think anyone
can catch him at this point.

What about the Kai?

She's trying to make
the best of it.

She even put out a statement
of support for Shakaar.

Oh! You know...

I used to enjoy
sleeping on the ground.

It's good
to have you back, Major.

It's good to be back, sir.

I'll see you in Ops.
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