02x23 - High Priestess, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x23 - High Priestess, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure...


Here he is!

That sly bastard Avdol
was still alive!


Mr. Joestar and Jotaro
were the ones

who tended to the wounds
on my head back in India.

I also had Avdol
do some shopping for me.

From here on out,
we're riding to Egypt in this!

You've got to be kidding!
How'd you afford this?


The Red Sea.

It's what divers
across the globe have called

the most beautiful sea
in the world.

Flanked on the east and west
by desert,

it was once believed to be
surrounded by crimson sands.

Today, it's general
lack of pollution

and inflowing river water
make its waters pristine.

Avdol, do you know
how to steer this thing?

It's no problem whatsoever.

And Avdol's not the only one!

Don't even think about it.

You're not putting us
through another crash.

You sure seem to be
in a foul mood!

So this is a submarine...

I have to say, I'm a bit surprised.

It's a lot more spacious
than I expected.

Isn't it? Rich folks use them when
they want to get away for a while

and explore the sea floor
for pleasure.

As you see, it even has windows.

-Oh! Nice!
-Whoa there!

You know, I've always sort of
liked this kind of thing.

Though, I wish I could've
ridden in one with a cute girl...

Once again,
you haven't changed, Polnareff.

Can you try just this once
to take things seriously?

What's that?

This is sonar.

It uses reflected sound waves

to detect underwater objects,
like radar.


All clear.

I'm not picking up anything
in our vicinity.

With this machine, we can detect
anyone trying to attack us,

from any direction.

But if someone did
attack us in here,

we'd have nowhere to run.

Don't forget, we are meters
below sea level.

It is amazing...

But I guess it is
a cruiser for the wealthy.

It has a refrigerator,
coffee maker...

It's even equipped with
the latest in satellite phones.

Hey, Kakyoin, get me a drink
while you're up, will ya?

I'm dying of thirst here.

-I'll take one, too.
-All right.

Is cola okay?

Old man.

Why are you just standing there?

Men, I need you to give me
a moment of quiet.

I just remembered I need to
make a phone call.

A phone call? To where?

Who would you need to call
from all the way down here?

Someone important, I assure you.

You might even call it
a delicate matter.

Again, I need you all to be quiet.

Oh, heaven's me...
Which one should I pick?

The sparkly design
is much more to my liking,

but is it appropriate for
the charity event tomorrow?

Perhaps a refreshing white
would be better...

Oh, what do you think, Rosas?

Both of the gowns
look lovely on you, Madam.



Oh, Joseph, darling, it's you!

Where have you been?
And where are you calling from?

It's a bit...

hard to hear you.

Right, sorry... I'm at a hotel.

I hate to say it, but...

I have to attend some
unexpected business that's come up.

Oh, goodness. It must be difficult

traveling to another country
right after going to Japan...

It's been nearly a month,
hasn't it?

Yes. I'm sorry.

By the way, Suzie...

Have you spoken to Holly?

Yes, I just spoke to her
on the phone yesterday.

She mentioned catching a cold

that's developed into
a bout of pneumonia.

She tried convincing me
it's not serious,

but I think I might visit her.

No, don't. There's no need for that.

I'm positive she'll
recover quickly.

-You're such a worrywart...
-This is what he meant by "delicate"?

Indeed. Madam Joestar

is still as effervescent as ever.

So he checks in now and again

to ensure she doesn't visit
Miss Holly in Japan.

That way she's protected from the truth.

Are you saying that she...?

I am.

She hasn't been told anything.

We needn't worry her unnecessarily.

There's nothing to worry about.

Well, if you say so....

All right, I understand!

I'll hold off on going to Japan!

By the way, Joseph,
I have something I need to ask you.

I'm having difficulty
deciding between

the white dress and the purple one...

Is that so?
Suzie, I need to speak to Rosas.


Have you considered wearing
your blue dress?

I think it's in
the back of the closet.

That's right.
I'll go and have a look.

Hello, Master Joseph. It's me.

Where's Suzie?

She's left the room, sir.

She won't overhear
our conversation now.

I see...

Actually, I'm calling
from the submarine

we spoke of a while back.

Then I take it you were successful
in reuniting with Master Avdol?


Now then, tell me about
how Holly's doing.

Have you gotten hold of the doctors
from the Speedwagon Foundation?

Well, actually...

On the phone, Miss Holly says
she has nothing more than a cold.

She is quite insistent...

But her condition worsens
by the day.

Master Joseph!

Don't you think the time has come
to tell Madam Joestar the truth?


There's no need
to get her riled up.

We are going to put
an end to all this very soon.

I want Holly to go back

to her normal life.

Don't inform my wife of what's
going on under any circumstances.

I'll call again soon.

If that is what you wish.

I pray for your safe return.

Oh, Rosas, did you hang up already?
I wasn't finished talking to him!

Oh, Madam...

It's no matter.
Why don't we have some tea?

You will join me for a cup,
won't you, Rosas?


Don't trouble yourself.
Allow me to serve the tea to you.


I'm sorry you have to do that,
Mr. Joestar.

But you can rest easy,
'cause we're right here behind you.

We'll be in Egypt
before you know it!

We must defeat Dio
as soon as we can,

and save Miss Holly from his curse.

I have returned from the brink,
for this very reason!

Thanks, you guys, really.

Driving this is
actually pretty easy!

Guess that's how you were
making it look so simple, Avdol.

For Pete's sake!

Hey, don't get so carried away!

The sea is riddled
with potential hazards!

Yeah, yeah.

All right!
Let's speed this tub up a b--


I had nothing to do with that!

I'm so tired.
Tell me we're almost there...

One, two, three, four, five...

Oh, exactly five cups in here.


Hurry up and make the coffee, man!
I want some now!

Make it yourself!

Good news! I've just spotted
the coast of Africa!

We'll be there soon!

Near this coral reef,

lies a natural undersea channel.

The exit is
two hundred meters inland.

We can surface there.

We've finally made it to Egypt.

It took long enough.

So this is Egypt...

Yes, we have arrived.

-What's so funny?

I'm just feeling sort of happy,
that's all.

It's been a while
since the five of us

were all gathered
together like this.

Hey, Kakyoin.

Why'd you grab six cups
for five people?

That's peculiar.
I guess I didn't notice.

I could have sworn it was five...


-Old man!
-Mr. Joestar!


It's a Stand!

I don't know how,
but it managed to sneak on board!

-Now it's gone!
-No, it didn't!

It transformed!

It disguised itself
as one of the gauges!

Just like with the coffee cup!

Come again?

The coral reef!

And we were a few meters
from reaching Egypt!

Luckily, it looks like Mr. Joestar
was only knocked unconscious.

The problem is his hand.

The phone?

Who'd be calling us now?

Ignore it, Polnareff!

We have to stay focused!

It's the High Priestess.

Our enemy is using a deadly Stand
called The High Priestess.

So you know it well?


The name of this particular
Stand user is Rose.

She has the ability to control
her Stand from far away,

so she's most likely on land.

What's its power?

It can turn into almost
any inanimate object,

as long as it comes from a mineral.

Plastics, metal, glass, or vinyl.

There's no way to recognize it,
until it decides to attack.

But how'd it sneak aboard
in the first place?

I get it now,
so that's how it did it.

How simple...
It cut a hole and moseyed on in?

The ballast tanks are damaged!

We're sinking even faster!

Not to mention we're losing oxygen!

We can't go on like this!

Shut up! Whoever's calling
has horrible timing!


Hey! Anything we touch
could be the--

Hi again, Joseph, it's me!

We weren't finished with
our conversation,

so I made Rosas give me the number.

Why aren't you speaking?

Come to think of it, what's with
all the ruckus over there?

Is that a... siren I'm hearing?

And that running water...
Is your bathtub overflowing?

Sorry, but the old man
can't come to the phone.

I know that voice... Is that you...

Jotaro? Where's Joseph?

You should be in Japan.

Why are you with your grandfather?

Jotaro, answer me!

There's nothin' to worry about,
Grandma Suzie.

He'll be fine.
I'm right here with him.


We'll call back
once things calm down.


Brace yourselves!
We're about to hit the bottom!

Oh my God!

I knew this would happen!

Every vehicle we use
gets destroyed!

I'm never riding in
a submarine again.


How strange...

I was getting through a moment ago.

It's as though
the line's suddenly gone dead.


And why was Jotaro...

Hey, the oxygen's
getting thin in here.


Did you catch
which one of the gauges

the Stand merged with?

It looked like
it turned into this one.

That's not it! Jotaro!

It's already moved!

It's right behind Kakyoin!

Hierophant Green!


Everyone, head for the door!

It's traveling across
the machines' surface!

You say that, but...

If we stay in this room,

there's a very good chance
we won't survive!

Kakyoin, are you all right?


Everyone, get to the next room!

We'll seal the room off,
and trap it inside!

There's no way!

It already moved to the door
and transformed into the wheel...

I have to let go
before it's too late!

Its claws were
able to slice through

Mr. Joestar's prosthetic hand...


Yes! We got it!

That was close...

Apparently, our little friend here
isn't as fast as Star Platinum.

So, what should we do with it?

Jotaro, what are you waiting for!

Show no mercy!

Hurry up and
rip its little head off!

Aye-aye, sir.

That bastard...

It turned into a freakin' razor!


It's strong!

I can't believe
it outsmarted Jotaro!

What an enemy...

What the hell is going on?

Whatever's happening here,
I'm pretty sure we're in a pinch.

Shut up, old man!

The beast will attack us
if we touch it.

Meaning we must use
our Stands instead!

Magician's Red!

Silver Chariot!

It's a tough one!

Chariot's rapier
can't pierce its armor!

Pick up the pace!

We have to attack
before it gets away!

Everyone, stand back!

There's still some
oxygen over here.

It's going to run out soon!

-Are you all right?

Forget it, Jotaro!
It'll only transform again.

We're taking on water fast,
so we need to trap that thing!

We'll figure out
how to fight it then!

Know that it'll be Jotaro Kujo

who'll hammer you
into a bloody pulp.

What did you say?

Jotaro, why in the hell would you
answer a call from Suzie?

Damn it... You really
shouldn't have done that!


We'll talk about it
when we get out of this mess.

Leave everything to me!

Do you have a plan?

You bet... And it's a brilliant one.

Joseph Joestar has gotten through
situations like this

more than once in his life!

I can't begin to understand why
Jotaro is with Joseph?

Has Joseph said anything?

No, Ma'am...

Though... My heart jumped with joy
to hear that boy's voice.

I heard he's been
quite the handful,

but deep down he's a sweet child
who cares very much for his family.

I'm sure he's helping Joseph
as much as he can.

Yes, Madam.

Master Jotaro and Master Joseph
are most likely

in the midst of battling
a common enemy as we speak.

They're fighting
to save Miss Holly,

someone very dear to them,

from a curse of unbridled evil.

What do we do now?

I have a feeling
that devil of a Stand

isn't really the one trapped here.

Sooner or later, that monster'll
cut its way out of that room

and catch up to us!

Being sealed off with
all this machinery

makes us sitting ducks in here!

The submarine is done for!

We need to abandon ship and escape!

We'll have to find
some other way to Egypt!

We're meters below sea level!

It doesn't sound that bad,

but how are we supposed to
get out of here?

We're really gonna scuba dive?

I've never done anything like this...

Hurry everyone!
Suit up on the double!

Good grief.

I just realized I won't be able to
suit up in time

with this busted hand.

Help me out, Jotaro.

Do it yourself.

First of all,
make sure not to panic.

The ocean floor is so beautiful...

If it's OK, you'll do this...

If we're in trouble, do this.

I think I'd like to see
your face sometime.
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