02x40 - D'Arby the Player, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x40 - D'Arby the Player, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

What the?
Something's coming this way!

I don't know who you are,
but you're no ordinary human!


And I'm gonna end you!

A playing card?

Welcome. Master Joestar,
we've been expecting you.

I am the butler of this house.

My name is D'Arby.


Yes. My name is D'Arby Younger.

The D'Arby whom you defeated,

is my older brother.

You're D'Arby the gambler's
younger brother?

So you're here
to avenge your brother?

No, certainly not.
I would do nothing of the sort.

Did my brother not share
with you his motto?

"The deceived, not the deceiver,
holds the blame."

It is an adage
I hold dear, as well.

My brother lost.
He is the wrongdoer.

I hold no grudge against you.

My brother is my brother.
And I am me.

We are two different people.

My brother and I
are ten years apart.

I did look up to him
to a certain extent,

but we are of different generations.

My brother tried to win
by deception.

He is old-fashioned.

He could win against only
the outmoded and the inexperienced.

Master Dio realized that as well,

which is why he kept me by his side
and made me his butler.

Is something wrong?

If you wish to fight me,

then I invite you
to enter our manor.

Stay on guard, everyone!

We don't have time for games.
Take us to Dio!

Jotaro! Be careful!
Something's coming out of his body!

D'Arby Younger. His Stand, Atum.
Atum of the Egyptian pantheon.

Hey, he brought out his Stand!

We haven't seen this in a while.

So another Stand
that actually shows itself.

So who's first?

Who shall be my first opponent?

Forget that!

Jotaro, take him down!

I'll bet you
Star Platinum will first attack

with his left arm.

His first attack will be a punch
thrown with his left arm.

-How much do you bet?
-This is bullshit!

It won't make
a difference either way.

One punch is all it takes!

Do it!

Hit him, Jotaro!

What? He dodged it?

Such amazing speed!

That's impossible.

Ah, too bad.
It seems I lost the bet.

Like my brother,
I enjoy a good bet.

But, alas,
luck is never on my side.

To apologize, I shall take you
to a wonderful world.

What the? A pit?

Blast it! It was all a trap!


Jotaro's falling into the abyss!

Pull him out!

I suppose I have no choice.
Join us.

Mister Joestar! Kakyoin!

Wait! It's too dangerous
to go in after them!

Avdol, can you hear me?

If you don't hear from us
in ten minutes,

torch that mansion!

Understand, Avdol?

Mister Joestar!


Is this an illusion?
Are we underground or above ground?

This water feels so real.

What is this?

Just what is he trying to do?

Old man, Kakyoin,
see if you can figure this out.

His Stand knew without a doubt
I would throw a right punch.

Have any idea why?

If we don't figure it out,
we'll lose this one.

Care to wet your whistle?

The drinks are real.

And I assure you
they are not poisoned.

Are we inside the mansion?


Where in the mansion are we?

I cannot tell you that.

-Are we in the basement?

Is a Stand doing this?
The illusion?


Is it your Stand?


-Is it Dio's?

Whose is it?

I'd rather not say.

The Speedwagon Foundation
has reported

that there are two to three more
Stand users.

Is that true?

I'd rather not say.

You're not being very helpful.

I could lie,

but unlike my brother,
I prefer not to resort to trickery.

So what you're saying is

if we don't defeat you,
we can't proceed?


Absolutely correct, my good sir.

That gentlemanly demeanor
is beginning to get on my nerves.

Remember, it's three against one.

We're short on time,

so you'll have to deal with
all three of us at once.

Come now, take a load off.

I have something to show you.

This is my collection.


Like my brother,
I'm a humble collector.

Every collector yearns to share
his treasured trinkets

for that ephemeral moment
of praise, does he not?

Is he a...

Dolls? But why?

No, Kakyoin.

He's D'Arby's brother.

Those aren't ordinary dolls.


Talk to me. Please, talk to me.

Talk to me!

I'm so lonely!

Help me!

Oh my God!

They're alive!
These dolls are alive!

You bastard! You took their souls!

My hobby is making dolls.


most doll makers cannot imbue
their handiwork with human souls.

I suppose I may be
giving too much away,

but that is my Stand's ability.

My brother's collection
is rather boring.

All he has are simple coins
made of souls.

With my collection,
you can play dress up

and have actual conversations.

-Meet Sonia.

She can wax poetic
about her many passionate love stories.

She has such exquisite skin,
doesn't she?

Anyone would be proud to own her.

Dr. Elliott is a serial k*ller.
He's k*lled eight people.

He'll tell you all about
the patients he's exterminated.

I made the glasses
and stethoscope myself.

Oh, and how could I forget!
I must show you this!

This is Tatsuhiko,
a video game expert from Japan!

He was a formidable opponent
with an IQ of .

It wasn't easy beating him
and stealing his soul, though.

You're just as sick
as your brother.

No, you're even more sadistic.

I'm losing all patience!

Beneath that polite façade
is a deranged sociopath.

You make me sick.

By the way,
I'm sure you learned this

when you fought my brother,

but the human soul
is a mysterious thing indeed.

The moment a person admits defeat,

the soul loses
almost all its vitality.

At that very moment,
I can rip out a person's soul!

That is our Stands'
fundamental mechanism.

I've heard enough!
No more Mr. Nice Guy!

We'll knock the living daylights
out of you,

and get the hell on our way!

But you must listen!

Jotaro! You already know
you're under my control.

Remember, Jotaro,
when you tried to attack me,

and I knew exactly which arm
you would use.

Shocking, wasn't it?

You still haven't figured it out!

You were shaken,
and while only slightly,

I was able to touch your soul.

What do you think I did
when I touched your soul?


What is that?

I embedded Atum's hand
inside your soul.

I could crush your right arm
and make Master Dio very happy.

But if I did that,

I wouldn't be able to defend myself
against Kakyoin and Joseph,

and I would perish.

I certainly don't want that.

So I have a suggestion, gentlemen.

Let's play a game
and bet our souls.


If you beat me,
I will let go of your arm.

Good grief.
Already under your control, huh?

You're going to regret this, D'Arby.

I would love to hear you
utter the words,

"I'll bet my soul on this game."

And I have another humble request

Kakyoin, you shall be
my first opponent.

Hey, what do you mean?

You should fight me first.

Mr. Joestar and you are family,
but Kakyoin is not.

I'd prefer Kakyoin not back out
and attack me with his Stand

after I've taken both your souls.

Damn, arrogant prick.

assh*le thinks he's won already.

Fine. I'll be your opponent.


It's fine. I'm not worried.

I've probably played more
video games than anyone here.

I challenge you to F-Mega.

I'll bet my soul!



You don't have to go first.

Yes, I do.

The hand in your arm could hinder
your game-playing ability.


how do I know
you'll release Jotaro if you lose?

The TV, console,
and game cartridges are all good.

It's an ordinary video game setup.

I am not like my brother.
I do not cheat.

Now, let's begin.


Go ahead, and select your vehicle.


So, I see you picked # .

I will be # .
My birthday is January th.

We can begin whenever you please.

Cut the courtesy and start!

Race start in...


He's button mashing the accelerator
at such an incredible speed

He's trying for a turbo start!


-Damn! I don't have time...

...to do the same!

He'll take the lead!



He blocked me!

As long as I'm in front
he can't beat me.

It's impossible for him to pass.

And unfortunately for you,

I never make mistakes
during a race.

It's over, Kakyoin!


Kakyoin, you've played
this game before, haven't you.

I'd rather not say.

All right!
This is your chance, Kakyoin!

Hurry up! Get your machine
back on course and start!

That technique...

You don't get these skills
simply by playing video games.

I never guessed
he'd make such a bold move.

They're tied! They're side by side!

No. Kakyoin is on the outside.

He's at a disadvantage
on the turns.

kilometers per hour, , .

Three seconds till the first turn!

I can't turn at this speed!

I'm entering the turn
at full speed!

Two! One!

They're synchronized!

They turned at the same speed
at the same time!

They're neck and neck!

I like you, Kakyoin!

Your soul is on the line,
but you're unflinching!

You've conquered your fear!

You will make a worthy addition
to my collection.

Noriaki Kakyoin thought to himself...

Conquered my fears?

Thank you.
I haven't always been this way.

Six months ago,
when I met your master, Dio,

he planted a flesh bud in my brain,

and I was terrified.

I still remember.

I remember the horror
of facing that monster.

My legs wouldn't move.
Every hair on my body stood on end.

I was frozen.

I realized I was helpless.

The mere sight of him was turning
my own body against itself.

My stomach was in knots.

I could taste bile
in the back of my throat.

I nearly threw up.

Dio gazed down at me,

and said tenderly,
as if calming a child...


There's nothing to fear.

Let's be friends.

I curse myself! I heard his words.

And I was relieved.

Totally and utterly relieved.

"I can still live!", I thought.

But it was humiliating.
I'll never forgive him!

It was humiliating beyond words.

I'll never forgive myself.

I curse myself
for submitting to him.

Jotaro saved me.

That's why I decided
to embark on this journey.

I will never again
allow myself to become

the pathetic, cowardly Kakyoin
I was on that fateful day!

And that, D'Arby, is why I can fight
with my very soul on the line!

Three, two, one!

They're neck and neck again!

The third corner!

That is why I, Noriaki Kakyoin,

will never be controlled
by my fears.

That, I promise you!

All right! The fifth corner!
In sync again!

They're both turning
at the same speed!

Kakyoin! Damn you!

The sixth corner is coming up!

The speed tunnel
comes right after the sixth turn.

If you enter the tunnel,

you can double
your max speed to km.

I've got to make it to the tunnel!

The tunnel is wide enough
for only one car.

If they try to enter the tunnel
side by side,

one of them is going to crash!

Sixth turn!
They're still neck and neck!

The tunnel! I see the tunnel.

Kakyoin, push'm aside!

Haven't you realized, Kakyoin?

Do you really think
you can push me aside?

Look at your power meter!

Kakyoin has less power!

You used up your power

when you spun around
and blocked me

back at the beginning of the race!

Two seconds until
we reach the tunnel.

You're going to crash!
Let him have the lead!

Go in the tunnel behind D'Arby!

I can't do that!

If he makes it to the tunnel first,
there's no way I can win.

One second!


He went on two wheels!

You're riding the tunnel walls.

Yes, Kakyoin! You can do it!

Push'm aside!

Quiet! You're ruining
my concentration!

He's slamming into Kakyoin!

I don't care if I lose some power.

I need to get around that turn
faster than Kakyoin,

even if it's only a hundredth
of a second sooner.

I need to get out of the tunnel
before him, even if it means

I'm just one one-thousandth
of a millimeter ahead!

Hey, what's wrong?
I can't see the cars!

From here on, we have to get through
the tunnel in darkness.


Absolute darkness,
where the radar is completely useless!

And there are eight turns,
a landmine, and a cannon attack.

It remains dark
until you're out of the tunnel.

One mistake
and you'll slam into the wall.

But I know exactly
where the turns are.

And I'm sure D'Arby does too.

That's the cars turning.

What's happening? Where are they?

Who's ahead?




Cannon attack!

For a second there,
the blast lit up the cars!

Kakyoin is slightly behind.

The exit!
They're about to exit the tunnel!

D'Arby is ahead!

He's one car length ahead!

I win!

I will never let down my guard.

You have less power than I!

I've grasped his soul!

Don't be ridiculous, Jotaro!

I know the rules of baseball.

It is impossible to back out now!

You should offer encouragement
at times like this.

This is pathetic.
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