04x14 - Sons of Mogh

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Aired: January 3, 1993 – June 2, 1999.*
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A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor.
Post Reply

04x14 - Sons of Mogh

Post by bunniefuu »

E- cha.



I see your point.

The mek'leth
definitely has its advantages

but I still think the bat'leth,
with its longer reach

is usually the deciding factor.

That is a classic argument.

However, I find using
a large and intimidating w*apon

like the bat'leth
often leads to overconfidence.

So you think
that I was overconfident.

You were overconfident.

You thought by distracting me
with your outfit

you would gain an advantage.

My outfit.


I thought that...

I mean, I only assumed that...

You thought
that I wore this for you.

Talk about overconfidence.


E- cha.


But in my own defense

you do try your own tactics
of distraction

with all that shouting
and growling you do.

I'm only vocalizing my...

Odo to Worf.

Worf here.

Please report to Airlock 5,

an intoxicated Klingon here

who's demanding to see you.

I'm on my way.

Computer, exit.

Stay back!

You miserable koruts!


None of us koruts
is going to hurt you.



I knew you'd come.

He is my brother.

The sons of Mogh reunited
for one last time.

Where have you been?

I have tried
to contact you for months.

Well, I'm here now...

but not for long.

Soon there will be
only one son of Mogh.

I came for Mauk-to'Vor.


Yes, Brother.

I want you to k*ll me.


Something for my head!


You are not in the holding cell.

You're in my quarters.

For your head.



just like the rest
of these quarters.

No one would ever suspect
a warrior lives here.

It serves me.

Always defending the Federation.

Tell me, Worf, does Starfleet
ever make mistakes

even in their furniture?

Kurn, where have you been?

It has been four months
since your last message.

I've been overseeing the end
of a once-proud House.

Perhaps you've heard of it.

It was called
the House of Mogh.

I know what has happened.

I regret that by opposing Gowron

I have brought disgrace
to our family.

You regret?

What's next, Worf?

Do you want to apologize to me?

Express your sympathy?

How many human weaknesses
will you display?

I do not apologize
for what I have done.

I could not join Gowron

in his w*r with Cardassia
or the Federation.

It would've been dishonorable.

Oh, so in avoiding dishonor
for yourself

you've brought it down
on the rest of your family.

What a noble act.

How selfless.

I will not debate this
with you, Kurn.

What is done is done.

For you, it's done-

you and your comfortable
Federation life

your glorious Starfleet career-

but not for me.

Our family had a seat
on the High Council.

We were feared by our enemies

respected by our friends.

It was even said
that if Gowron died

the leadership of the Council

might be passed to someone
from the House of Mogh.

Then you chose to side
with the Federation

against the Empire.

Gowron took our ships,
our land

our seat on the Council,

Kurn, I know
this has been difficult for you.

What do you know?

Did you watch as Gowron's men
seized our land

and stripped our family
of its name?

Did you have to endure
the humiliation

of being ejected
from the High Council

in front of the Emperor himself?


You chose to stay here

safe, comfortable, secure.

You have everything you want

and I have nothing,
not even my honor

but you can
give that back to me.

By k*lling you?

I'm already dead to our people

and so are you,
but you don't care.

I have never asked you
for anything

but you took away my honor

and only you can give it back.

So now I am asking you
for Mauk-to'Vor.

Is an honorable death
too much to ask from my brother?

Operations Log,
Stardate 49556.2.

Major Kira and I
are returning to the station

after completing
our inspection tour

of the Bajoran colonies
along the Cardassian border.

This is the Federation
Runabout Yukon

requesting permission
to enter Bajoran space.

This is Bajoran control.

Please transmit
your identification code

and flight plan.




Yes? What?

Sorry, Major.

It's just we're almost home.

Oh, thanks.

Almost home?

How long have I been asleep?

Seven hours.

I don't get seven hours
sleep at the station.

Must be the company.

Bajoran Control to Yukon.

You are cleared
to enter the system

and proceed to Deep Space 9.

Thank you.

Oh, I am so hungry

I could even eat Quark's food.

Let's not get crazy.

If you really want some good-

What was that?

Some kind
of high-energy discharge.

It was pretty close.

Only 5,000 kilometers
from here.

Just outside Bajoran space.

Elevated tachyon readings,
subspace shock waves.

Looks like
a cloaked ship exploded.

There's no debris.

No residual warp fields.

Well, something exploded.

Let's take a closer look.

Bring us to 500 meters
from those coordinates.

Approaching the coordinates.

I'm not seeing any signs of...

Wait a minute.

I'm picking up
another tachyon surge.

A ship's de-cloaking
directly ahead of us.

Federation vessel.

This is the
Imperial Klingon Ship Korinar.

We are engaged in military
exercises in this area.

You will alter course

and return to Bajoran space

This is Major Kira Nerys.

We're investigating an expl*si*n

which happened
at these coordinates-

You have been given a warning

to interstellar agreements.

You will not receive another.

They've locked
their disruptors onto us, Major.

Take us home, Chief.

But keep scanning
the coordinates

of that expl*si*n.

There's a lot more
going on out here

than just military exercises.

Quark, have you seen Worf?

He was supposed to meet me

in the holosuite
five minutes ago.

As if you're never late.

Worf is never late.

In fact, he grumbles at me

if I'm two minutes
behind schedule.

Well, I haven't seen him
since this morning

and if he can't
at least be civil

I don't care to see
him in my bar again.

It's just his way.

It's nothing personal, Quark.

No. This was more
than his standard rudeness.

He came in here, ordered
some Klingon incense

and nearly threw me across
the bar, when I tried

to give him
some replicated incense.

What kind of Klingon incense?

Something called adanji.

What would he want
with adanji?

Why? Is there something
special about adanji?

That does it.

I'm going to stop talking
to the customers.

You have been wronged
in this life.

There is nothing left here
for you.

No honor...

no future.


I wish to reclaim my honor
in the next life.

I am ready to cross
the River of Blood

and enter Sto-Vo-Kor.


Odo, yesterday you called
Worf to the airlock

to see some Klingon.

That's right.

Who was it?

His name is Kurn.

It turns out
he's Worf's brother.

Worf's brother.

Oh, my god.

Dax to Worf.

Computer, locate Commander Worf.

Commander Worf
is in his quarters.

Is he alone?

Captain Kurn is with him.

Come on.

May this blade speed you
on your journey.

Good-bye, my brother.

Good... bye.

Dax to Ops.

Emergency transport.
Two to the Infirmary.

This is not your concern!
It is a private matter!

I doubt Captain Sisko
would agree.

You'd better hope
he lives, Commander.

If not, you'll be charged
with m*rder.

Kurn's going to make it.

Julian said he'll be up
on his feet by tomorrow morning.


Mr. Worf, I want you to tell me

why I shouldn't put you on
the next transport out of here.

You are well within your right
to do so.

I'm not talking about my rights.

Answer my question.

Captain, I do not
have an answer.

Sir, I realize my actions

were in violation
of Starfleet regulations-


We're not talking about some
obscure technicality, Mr. Worf.

You tried to commit
premeditated m*rder.

Benjamin, it wasn't m*rder.

Worf and Kurn were performing
a Mauk-to'Vor ritual.

It's part of Klingon belief
that when-

At the moment,
I don't give a damn

about Klingon beliefs,
rituals, or custom!

Now, I have given you both
a lot of leeway

when it comes to following
Klingon traditions

but in case you haven't noticed,
this is not a Klingon station

and those are not Klingon
uniforms you're wearing.

There is a limit
to how far I'll go

to accommodate cultural
diversity among my officers

and you've just reached it!

When your brother is released
from the Infirmary

you better find another way
to settle your family problems.

Is that clear?!

Captain, it may not
be possible-

Uh, it's clear.

There are definitely
other possibilities for Kurn.

This will never happen again.

You're damned right it won't!

Now, both of you- get out!

What do you make of it, Chief?

From these
magnetic flux readings

the energy discharge we detected
could have been caused

by the destruction
of a cloaked target drone.

Which would support the story

about conducting
military maneuvers.

On the other hand

this type of expl*si*n
could also have been caused

by an accidental
warp nacelle inversion.

Or a blown plasma conduit
or a dozen other things.

The bottom line is

there's no way to be certain
from these readings.

The larger question is:
What are these Klingons up to?

Whatever it is, they're doing it
awfully close to Bajoran space.

And they're very touchy
about it.

One thing I've had enough of is
tiptoeing around the Klingons.

Take the Defiant
and run a sensor sweep

of those coordinates.

And if I run into the Klingons?

Tell them that the ship
is conducting military exercises

to interstellar agreements.


Should I take Worf?

I don't want Worf anywhere near
other Klingons right now.

Keep him informed
of what's going on

but under no circumstances
is he to accompany you.

Is that clear?

Yes, sir.


Don't say it, Chief.

I've already got
one officer defending Worf.

I don't need two.

He's stabilized.

I can revive him any time.

Wake him.

I'll be just outside
if you need me.


am... alive?


Commander Dax realized
what we were doing

and she had you beamed
to the Infirmary.

I was looking forward
to being in Sto-Vo-Kor.

I was hoping
to see Father there.

He still awaits you

but it is not yet time
for you to join him.

And I suppose you will decide
when that time has come.

It is not for me
to make that choice.

Why not?

You chose not to complete
the Mauk-to'Vor ritual.

It was not my decision.

It was Dax and Odo
that prevented...

Did you fight them?

Did you thr*aten
to k*ll them both

if they interfered?

And are you standing here now
with the mevak dagger

ready to slit my throat

and bring me the death
I deserve?


For a moment, in your quarters

during the ritual...

you were Klingon.

But your Federation life
has claimed you again

and now
it is claiming me as well.

I have no life.

I have no death.

Whatever is to become of me

is up to you.


What can I do for you,

I wanted to apologize.

I interfered in a family matter

and if I caused
you and your brother

any further dishonor, I'm sorry.

You were following
your conscience.

That is an honorable motive.

Not from a Klingon
point of view.

You are not Klingon.

Is there anything
I can do to help?




There is the question
of what to do next.


Do you have any ideas?


Well, in the short term,
there's no reason

why your brother can't stay here
on the station.

If Kurn is to remain
on the station

he will need tasks to perform.

A job.

What about security?

It worked for one Klingon
officer I know.

Yes, but I doubt Kurn
would be interested

in joining Starfleet.

Well, there is another
security force on the station.

Well, your brother's had
an interesting career

with the Klingon Defense Forces,
Mr. Worf.

I have just one question:

Does he know how to use
the stun setting

on a disruptor?

Nonlethal skills
are not valued in the Empire.

They are among my deputies.

And if your brother is going
to be a member of my detachment

he's going to have to make some
adjustments in his thinking.

He will.

You're certain of that?

I would not be asking you
to consider him if I were not.

I can appreciate how difficult
it must be for you

to be asking for a favor,
especially from me.

Very well.

Have Kurn report here
tomorrow morning.

I am indebted to you.

Yes, you are.

And Mr. Worf?

You'll find I'm a man
who collects on his debts.

This container
is not on your manifest.

It must be a clerical error.

I apologize.

Open it.

This is a message
from Starfleet Command

requesting an update
on our defense systems.

I'd say your brother's
doing well, Commander.

He's been on the job six hours

he's only k*lled
four Boslics so far.


Kira's right.

You do need a sense of humor.

He's quite good, actually.

A little stern, but he never
steps over the line.

I'm finding him to be
a pleasant surprise.

I am...
gratified to hear that.

I'm sure you are.

Well, thanks
for the report, Commander.

I'll give it
my immediate attention.



I hate this uniform.

I understand.

The transition will probably
be difficult for some time.

No, that's not what I mean.

I have accepted the transition.

I am a Bajoran security officer.

The uniform is
simply uncomfortable.

I see.

But I will get used to it.

You need not concern
yourself with me, Brother.

I won't disgrace you.

I never doubted it.

Carry on.

The same thing, Major.

High concentrations
of tachyons

subspace distortions,
and magneton traces.

Some cloaked ships
definitely passed

through this area
in the last 24 hours.

They're getting close
to violating Bajoran space

but they're never
crossing the line.

I've never known Klingons
to be this fastidious

when it comes
to respecting borders.

Especially when they're cloaked.

Something's wrong here.

That's a Vor'cha-class cruiser.

Stand by shields and phasers.

They've been damaged.

There's a massive hull breach
in their port quarter.

Main power's failing.


It's hard to tell through
all this radiation.

Open a channel.

Channel open.

This is Major Kira Nerys
on the USS Defiant

to unidentified Klingon vessel.

Do you require assistance?

This is IKS Drovana
to USS Defiant.

We do not require assistance
at this time.

Do not approach us.

Understood, Drovana.

Defiant out.

They're losing emergency power.

Why aren't the other
Klingon ships helping them?

Maybe they don't want to give
away their positions.

Maybe they're busy

doing something
that can't be interrupted.

Something that blew a hole
the size of a house

in a Vor'cha-class cruiser.

Incoming transmission.

Drovana to Defiant.

We need access
to your medical facilities.

Our medical facilities
are extremely limited.

If you wish, we can tow you
to Deep Space 9.

Stand by.

Defiant, your offer
is accepted.

Odo to Worf.

Worf here.

We need you in the Infirmary,

Your brother's
been seriously injured.

On my way.

What happened?

Kurn found a container
of contraband

in the lower hold
of the Boslic ship.

When he confronted their Captain

the man pulled out
a disruptor p*stol

and then Kurn
let himself get shot.

Let himself?

Kurn is a trained
Klingon warrior.

He could have disarmed
the Boslic

without breaking a sweat,
but he just stood there

let the man pull out
his w*apon, aim and fire.

The only thing that saved him
was the man was so frightened

his hand was shaking.

He'll be all right... again.


A man with a death wish is
a danger not only to himself

but to the rest of his team.

Kurn's days
as a security officer are over.

Would you like to see him?


Thank you, Doctor.

How do you feel?

Like a man who is
tired of waking up

and seeing
a human doctor's face.

I thought we had agreed
that you would try to make...


I don't want to talk anymore.

It's not Klingon.

You're the elder brother.

You tell me what to do
and I'll do it.

My life is in your hands.

Well, so far,
there's nothing unusual

about any of their casualties.

I've treated 15 cases
of severe radiation burns

seven thoracic perforation
traumas caused by shrapnel

and 23
decompression-related injuries.

All just what you'd expect

following an expl*si*n
on a starship.

Do you have any idea
what caused the expl*si*n?

Well, the radiation burns

were the result
of exposure to gamma rays.

My guess is they were hit
by a photon torpedo.

A torpedo?

From the fracture
pattern of the damage

I'd say something exploded
about ten kilometers

off their port quarter.

But torpedoes leave ion trails,
and the Defiant

didn't pick up any
in the vicinity.

And the Drovana was cloaked.

Even Klingon torpedoes
can't track vessels

operating under cloak.


They hit a mine.

That's why there
weren't any ion trails.

And cloaked mines
can't be detected

by any known sensor array.

But there have been
at least a dozen ships

moving in and out of that system
since the expl*si*n.

Why haven't they
struck any mines?

Well, the type of mine
currently used by the Klingons

remains dormant
until it is armed

by a coded subspace signal.

So, the mine that damaged
the Drovana

must have malfunctioned
or been set off prematurely.

If we're right, there could be
thousands of mines

out there right now, and we'd
have no way of knowing it.

Mining a star system
is an act of w*r.

I didn't think the Klingons
were ready for that.

At the moment,
we can't even prove

these mines exist,
but if w*r comes

the Klingons would be able
to cut off Deep Space 9

and the entire Bajoran system.

How do we find these mines?

Unless we know their coordinates

there's no way to find them
until we run into one.

Then we better get
those coordinates.

The place to get them

is docked
at Upper Pylon 3 right now.

The only question is how.

I have an idea.

You want me to turn
against my own people?

Will my dishonor never end?

It is their actions
that are dishonorable.

Secretly mining star systems
is not the act of warriors.

They behave like...
like Romulan cowards.

Is that how you
rationalize this-

by calling your people cowards
so you can be a hero?

Kurn, let me ask you this.

Do you agree
with what has happened

between the Empire
and the Federation?

It is not my place
to criticize-

Answer the question!

No. I opposed the decision
to break the treaty

but I was overruled in Council.

Why did you oppose the decision?

Because Gowron
underestimates the Federation.

He thinks they're soft, weak,
but he is wrong.

Sooner or later,
there will be w*r.

A w*r the Empire may lose.


You know that mining this system
is just the beginning.

If we do nothing,
it will only encourage Gowron

to continue thinking
of the Federation as weak.

Eventually, he will
attack, and that will be

the end of the Empire.

That is why you must join me
on this mission.

Not for my honor,
and not for the Federation

but to prevent the Empire
from being destroyed

in a w*r they cannot win.

Our people have turned
their backs on us

but we have not turned
our backs on them.

Let it be the sons of Mogh,
side by side, saving our people.

Do this with me.

There. Very ugly.

Well, uglier, that is.


I got it.

Well, this will temporarily
alter your DNA signature

to match one of our friends
over there.

Should be good enough
to pass a cursory test.

How long will it last?

About four hours.

That should be sufficient.



Yes, Doctor?

Please take a seat.

The deployment plan
for the mines

should be
in the defense system database.

I have found
the main file directory.

No, no. Ignore it.

It's a security procedure

the High Council instituted
three months ago.

False directories, files

entire databases
of disinformation

designed for spies to steal.

Here's the real database.

Can you access
the deployment plan?

My security codes
have been changed

but not all of them.


You two...
what are you doing?

We're running a diagnostic
of the computer core.

There have been
power fluctuations

in the navigational
control system.

I've not been informed
of any computer problems.

Perhaps you have not been
tending to your duties.

I do not know you.

What is your name?

I am Commander Sorval

son of M'tokra.

How long have you been
aboard, Commander?

I will not be questioned
by a Lieutenant

who should be cleaning
my quarters.

Leave us, or I shall
have you stripped of rank

and sent home in a transport.

My words were
ill-chosen, Commander.

Perhaps I can help you
with your investigation.

That will not be necessary.
All we require...

You did not have to do that.

He was backing down.

He was going to k*ll you.

We must hurry.

The disruptor blast will
alert the security sensors.

He was a warrior

doing his duty,
defending the Empire

and I k*lled him.

My dishonor is complete.

Since we now have the detonation
codes for each mine

we can set them off individually
or all at once.

Thank you, Commander.

We'll take care of it.

Congratulations, Mr. Worf.

You did an excellent job.

That goes for your brother, too.

Thank you, sir.

You don't seem very pleased.

I am still troubled by the death
of that Klingon officer.

Your report said
it was self-defense.

That is not the point.

I should have seen
what he was going to do.

What do you mean?

From the way you described it,
he was standing so close to you

you couldn't have seen
the knife in his hand.

He decided to k*ll me

while I was looking him
right in the eyes

and I never saw it.

But Kurn did,
and he was three meters away.

Worf, I don't think
you can tell

someone's going to k*ll you
by looking at them.

A Klingon can.

It is an instinct.

The ability
to look someone in the eyes

and see the decision to k*ll.

An instinct I no longer have.

Kurn was right.

I have lived with humans so long

I no longer think
like a Klingon.

For a long time, I have tried

to walk the line between
the Empire and the Federation.

I told myself
I could live in either world

that it was my choice.

But the truth is,
I cannot go back to the Empire.

Do you want to go back?

I had always hoped

that one day the House of Mogh
would reclaim its rightful place

and that I would return.

But now I know
that even if I did

I have no place there.

This is all I have.

Is that enough?

It will have to be.

But my brother
does not even have this.

For him, there is no future
without the Empire-

no life.

It sounds like you're thinking

of carrying out
the Mauk-to'Vor ritual again.


I was able to do it once

by telling myself it was
an honorable Klingon ritual

but now I cannot help
but think of it as humans do...

as m*rder.

What if there was a way
for you to k*ll your brother...

without k*lling him?

We're ready, Major.

Open a channel.

This is the USS Defiant

to all Klingon vessels
near the Bajoran system.

We are preparing
to destroy your minefield.

I suggest you leave immediately.

This is your only warning.


Nothing. If they're out there,
they're keeping quiet.

Well, they're out there
all right

and I think we'll
be seeing them fairly soon.

Prepare to detonate the mine
in grid 21 alpha.

Ready, sir.

Send out the code.

Still nothing, Major.

Well, we can't say
we didn't warn them.

Detonate all the mines
in grids 22 alpha

through 47 gamma.

Aye, sir.

Just like flushing quail.

They're setting course...

327 mark 215.

Back to the Klingon Empire.

Let's see how many other birds
we can flush out of here.

Why is it that su1c1de

is considered
a dishonorable death, Worf?

Shouldn't a warrior
have the right

to decide
when his time has come?

If you die by your own hand

you will not travel
across the River of Blood

and enter Sto-Vo-Kor.

Even if I got cast down
into the Underworld

at least I'd be
with other Klingons

even though they are
the dishonored dead.

Put down the disruptor.

Do you know
what my one regret is, Worf?

That we weren't raised together.

In the Empire, on Earth-
it wouldn't have mattered

but the sons of Mogh should
have never been separated.

On that...

we both agree.

But that is the past

and a warrior
should look to the future.

And in the future

you should not be burdened
by my dishonor.

You are not a burden.

I have never understood you,

But I do know this.

In your own way...

you are an honorable man.

And you will be
an honorable man again...

but not as my brother.

How long will
the procedure take?

Well, wiping his memory
will be relatively simple-

say, an hour-

but changing his genetic coding

combined with surgically
altering his features

will take at least
another five hours.

What will he remember?

He'll know he's a Klingon
and how to speak the language

and virtually everything
he needs to know

in order to survive-
except who he is.

And that's the first question
he'll ask.

"Who am I?"

Do you have an answer?

There is a man named Noggra

a friend of our father's.

He will be arriving
in a few hours.

He has agreed to provide Kurn
with a new identity

and a new family.

He will supply Kurn
with all the answers he needs.

Are you absolutely
certain about this, Worf?

Once I've erased
his memory engrams

it'll be almost impossible
to restore them.

He won't remember you

or anything about his real life.

It is the only way.

You may begin.

Prep him for surgery.


Can you hear me?



Where am I?

On a Federation space station.

Our shuttle was damaged.

You were hit
by a plasma discharge.

I don't remember being...

on a shuttle.

In fact, I don't
remember anything.

The plasma discharge
damaged your hippocampus.

You're suffering
from a severe form of amnesia.

I'm afraid you may never regain
all of your memory.

Who am I?

Your name is Rodek.

You are my son.

You're part
of the House of Noggra

a small but proud family.

So don't worry.

I will teach you all
that you have forgotten

when we get home.

I understand, Father.

Who are you?

I am Worf.

Are you part of my family?

I have no family.
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