04x21 - For the Cause

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Aired: January 3, 1993 – June 2, 1999.*
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A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor.
Post Reply

04x21 - For the Cause

Post by bunniefuu »

Kasidy Yates,
where are you going?

Down to my ship.

I have a meeting
with my engineer.

Go back to sleep.

You're the Captain.

He'll wait.

Oh, is that how
you treat your staff?

Make them wait around
while you're sleeping?

That's right.

In fact, there are days
when I never get out of bed.

You're not making this easy.

That's the general idea.

You are evil.

I am a Starfleet officer--
the paragon of virtue.

You're more like
a parody of virtue...

but we'll have to continue
this debate another time.

I can't wait.

See you later.

This briefing
will contain information

considered extremely sensitive
by Starfleet Command.

Please, do not share it
with anyone

who doesn't have
a level 7 security rating.

It seems that during their
recent invasion of Cardassia

the Klingons inflicted
far more damage

than we've been led to believe.

Two weeks ago

the civilian government
on Cardassia Prime

secretly contacted
the Federation Council

and made an urgent request
for industrial replicators

and that request
has been granted.

How many replicators
are we talking about?

12-- all Class IV.

The Federation only gave Bajor
two CFI replicators.

With all due respect,
Bajor is just one planet.

The Klingons have destroyed
the industrial base

of literally dozens
of Cardassian worlds.

With 12 CFI replicators,
they can at least start building

new power plants and factories.

Why all the secrecy?

Starfleet lntelligence

believes the Maquis
may try to stop the shipment

or even seize the replicators
for themselves.

It makes sense.

The Cardassian military
has been so busy

fending off the Klingons

they've basically given
a free hand to the Maquis

in the Demilitarized Zone.

The last thing

the Maquis are going to want
is to see a shipment

of replicators
on its way to Cardassia.

Intelligence also reports

that the Demilitarized Zone

Cardassia and the Federation
has become a hotbed

of increasing t*rror1st
activity in the past month.

We suspect
the Maquis have built

several new bases
in the Badlands

and the Cardassians in the DMZ
are getting worried.

They should be.

Without the Cardassian military
to stop them

the Maquis have
a perfect opportunity

to drive the Cardassians
out of the DMZ permanently.

I take it this shipment is going
to pass through Deep Space 9?

Yes, sir.
In three days.

All right.

Let's tighten security
on the station.

Step up random checks of
incoming and outgoing cargo

for weapons or expl*sives,
more deputies on the Promenade.

You know the drill.


Mr. Worf, tomorrow, I want you

to take the Defiant
and patrol the Badlands.

Show the flag.

Let the Maquis know
we're ready for any trouble.

Aye, sir.

Mr. Eddington,
I want daily briefings on this

until the replicators
are in Cardassian hands.

Aye, sir.


The, uh, Commander and I

would like to have
a word with you.

Something wrong?


it's come to our attention

that there may be
a Maquis smuggler

here on the station.


It's just a theory
at this point

and frankly,
our suspicions are based

on purely
circumstantial evidence.

Who is it?

Again, we're still not certain.

I understand that.



Kasidy Yates.


Working for the Maquis?

That's impossible.

I certainly hope so.

Smuggling with intent to supply
a t*rror1st organization

is a serious offense.

Where is your evidence?

Five months ago, Captain Yates
was hired by the Bajorans

to carry cargo
to their outlying colonies.

One of her regular runs
is from Bajor

to a colony on Dreon Vll.

It's a 12-hour run
for most ships

but she always takes 18.

The six-hour difference
is just enough time to allow her

to make a side trip
into the Badlands

rendezvous with a Maquis ship

and then continue on
to the Dreon system.

That's your evidence?

That she was slow
in one of her deliveries?

There's more.

Starfleet lntelligence

has infiltrated
one of the Maquis cells

and obtained a partial list
of their contacts

in the Bajoran sector.

They all had cover names

of course,
but one of their contacts

started living
aboard Deep Space 9

in the last six months.

And Captain Yates has been
living aboard the station

for just under six months.

That's damned slim evidence
to base an accusation.

We haven't made
any accusations.

I said we have suspicions.

That's right, you did say that.

Captain, I realize this is
an awkward situation for you

but if I could step up
my surveillance

of Captain Yates...

Odo, she's a Federation citizen.

You can't just
invade her privacy

based on your suspicions.

You'll have to show me
some real evidence

before I'll authorize
what you're proposing.

If she's really a Maquis

then she's no longer
a Federation citizen.

The answer is no.

Understood, sir.


There are times
we have to search vessels

docked at the station.

If you can find a reason...

We'll let you know.

Yeah, Nerys!

There you go.

Did you see the way

she gave him
the tiniest head fake

and then boom--
checked him into the wall?

Yes, it was quite effective.

Stop watching her.

Oh, I thought the whole point
was to watch.

The point is

to watch the game,
not the spectators--

especially not that spectator.

Well, what does she expect?

She's the only Cardassian woman
on the station.

She must know she's bound
to attract some attention.

Some, yes.
Yours, no.

Oh, come on!

That was a foul.


Perhaps I should say hello
after the game.

That's Gul Dukat's daughter.

And I can't think
of anyone in the galaxy

who hates you more
than he does.

Besides, Ziyal is
a friend of Kira's

and I wouldn't play around
with her if I were you.

I simply thought it would be
polite to say hello

but clearly,
you don't think I'm capable

of conducting any kind
of pleasant discourse

without some kind
of nefarious ulterior motive.

That's not what I meant.

I just think you should leave
well enough alone.

Why stir up...?


Well played!

Brava, Major!

What happened?

A brilliant move
on the part of the Major.

You should have been
paying attention.

Come in.

Did you know
you could smell that

all the way down the corridor?

It's an experiment.

Bajoran ratamba stew
over spinach linguine.

Don't your neighbors
ever complain?

Sometimes, but usually
it's only an excuse

to get a taste of my cooking.

Oh, how sneaky of them.

Yes, they are
a duplicitous bunch.


All right, you two.
Break it up.

I've got a problem.

Do either of you know

what a Kavarian tiger-bat
smells like?

It's for a story I'm working on.

The computer database
has plenty of pictures

but no olfactory information.

You're a writer.

Make something up.

I'm going for a real
"you are there" feeling.

The details have to be right.

Kas, haven't you been
to Kavaria?

Not me. Sorry.

Don't you make
a regular cargo run

to a neighboring system?

No. Kavaria's out
towards the Badlands.

I try to stay away from there.

You should ask Quark.

I bet he knows someone
who's been out that way.

I thought you made deliveries
to Dreon Vll.

That's near the Badlands,
isn't it?

I guess it depends
on how you define "near."

On my ship, Dreon's a long way
from the Badlands.

What route do you take
to the Dreon system?

I imagine you go around
the Rolor Nebula.

If you're really this interested
in my flight plans

why don't you look them up?

You are the Commander
of the station, after all.

Forget I brought it up.

Okay, everyone grab a plate
and prepare to be dazzled.

You first.


You're not going
to hurt me, are you?

Normally, I would simply make

a strategic withdrawal
at the first sign of trouble

but there doesn't seem
to be a way out of here.

You could always call Security.

Oh, true, but it would take them
a few minutes to arrive

and by then,
it might be too late.

I don't think I'll hurt you.

I'm gratified to hear that.

In fact, I think
it's safe to say

you have nothing
to fear from me.

And you, my dear, have
nothing to fear from me.

This is ridiculous.

We have perishable goods in the
hold and we cannot allow...

What is going on here?

Captain, we need

to make a class-2
inspection of your cargo

before we can allow you
to leave the station.

For what?

Temecklian virus.

There've been some reports
of an outbreak on Bajor

so we're scanning
all ships and cargo

before they leave the system.

None of my cargo
came from Bajor.

I'm afraid the rules are
very strict, no exceptions.

How long will this take?

Six hours.

Six hours?

We'll miss the rendezvous.

We'll see about that.


I'm sorry to bother you, Ben.

Normally, I wouldn't
do this, but--

What is it?

It's this health inspection.

They're telling me it's going

to take six hours,
but I need to make a rendezvous

with a Tholian freighter
in nine hours

and you know how they are

about punctuality.

If it weren't
for the health concern, maybe

but in this case...

Ben, please.

I promise to flood
the entire cargo hold

with baryon radiation
as a precaution

but I need to go now,
or I'll lose

the entire consignment.

Stand by.

Is there any way we can make
a shorter inspection?

Not if they're going to search
for contraband

while they make it look
like a health inspection.

They need time to look
for camouflage fields

false cargo manifests,
computer records.

We probably shouldn't bother
at this point.

If Kasidy's in a hurry

she'll be standing over
their shoulders the whole time.

They won't be able
to make much of a search.

Captain, I strongly recommend
that we at least try.

You are clear to leave
the station-- just remember

to irradiate that cargo.

Thanks, Ben.
I owe you one.

See you tomorrow.

Do you have something
to say, Commander?

No, sir.


Now get down to the Defiant

and tell Worf he has
a change of orders.

I want you to follow the Xhosa.

Aye, sir.

What are our orders

if we observe Captain Yates
meeting a Maquis ship?

Right now, your orders
are to observe

then report directly to me.

Is that clear?


The Xhosa's altering course,

Now on heading 158 mark 325.

The Badlands.

Stay with her, Chief.

Aye, sir.

Say what you will
about the Maquis

they're not stupid.

Using the Badlands
as their base of operations

was a pretty smart move.

Not to mention a gutsy one.

They are t*rrorists--
Iittle more than criminals.

And criminals
always make mistakes.

They're just fighting
for something they believe in.

They should be hunted down
and destroyed.

What for?

Defending their homes?

Look at what's happened
to those people--

one day,
they're eking out a living

in some godforsaken colonies
on the Cardassian border.

The next day,
the Federation makes a treaty

handing those colonies over
to the Cardassians.

What would you do?

I would not become a t*rror1st.

It would be dishonorable.

I wouldn't say that
around Major Kira if I were you.

How about you, Commander?

How do you feel
about the Maquis?

I don't have any feelings
about them one way or the other.

Oh, but you must have
an opinion.

I do my job, Chief.

Starfleet says to find the
Maquis, I'll find the Maquis.

They tell me to help them,
I'll help them.

My opinion is irrelevant.

What matters to me is doing
my job like a Starfleet Officer.

Anything else...
is an indulgence.

I think I've got something.

An impulse signature
off the starboard bow.

Bring us within visual range.

Aye, sir.

That's a Maquis raider.

And the Xhosa's beaming
over her cargo.


This is your shop.


It's very nice.

Thank you.

You do good work.

How kind.

Is there something
I can do for you?

I got this holosuite program
from Quark.

It's a reproduction
of a Cardassian sauna.

Like the ones
they have back home.


I was wondering if you...

might be interested
in trying it out with me.


I mean, we're the only
Cardassians on the station

and, well, the temperature's
too hot for almost anyone else.

I see.

When were you thinking of?

Maybe the day after tomorrow.

Say 2100?

I'd be delighted.


I'll see you there.

I look forward to it.


Raktajino, extra sweet.

Makapa bread, no crust.

What happened
to juice and oatmeal?

Kasidy introduced me to this.

It's great.

When's she due back?


Oh, don't worry.

It's supposed to do that.

The foam tastes like a...
a weird peppermint

and the bread...

I don't know
what it tastes like.

You want some?

I think I'll pass.

Dad, is something wrong?

I'm a little tired.

Didn't get much
sleep last night.

I guess you're not used
to sleeping alone anymore.

What I mean is

you miss her companionship...

you miss talking

and sharing insights
about command and duty...

All right, that's enough.

I was just kidding.

I know.

I've just got a lot on my mind.

Something happen
between you and Kasidy?

Not exactly.

If you want to talk...


This is important.

You and l.

Things change...

but... not this.

Forget it.

I'm just having a bad day.

After the cargo was beamed
aboard the Maquis raider

the Xhosa took this route
out of the Badlands

and resumed its course
to Dreon Vll.

Do you know what cargo was
transferred to the Maquis ship?

From the residual
transporter signature

it was approximately
80 percent organic.

I'd say food
or possibly medical supplies.

Well, at least we're not dealing
with weapons.

It sounds
like she's only providing...

Where is the Xhosa now?

Captain Yates is on her
way back to the station.

She should arrive at 1900 hours.

Thank you.

Dismissed, old man.

Come in.

Miss me?

Were you gone?

Admit it-- without me,
you cried yourself to sleep.

So, did you make your rendezvous
with the Tholian freighter?

Right on time, and thank you

for bending
the inspection rules for me.

We'd never have made it
without you.

Just don't make a habit of it.

I promise.

Where did you meet
the Tholians anyway?

In the Dreon system?

Yeah. Why?

It just seemed odd
that they would travel that far

just for some medical supplies.

They really needed them.

They've got some kind
of viral infection

on one of their colonies.

In fact, I can't stay long--

I'm supposed
to make a run tonight.

But I promise you can inspect
the cargo ahead of time.

That'll make Odo very happy.

Hey, you're back.

Looks like it to me.

Are you guys doing
anything right now?

I just got a new holosuite
program that Nog sent me.

It's a baseball game
between the 1961 Yankees

and the 1978 Red Sox.

I'll buy the hot dogs.

I'll have to pass.

I have to get back to Ops.

Anyway, the Yankees
will bury them.

You two have fun.

But I'm only here
for a few hours.

Duty calls.

I'll see when you get back.


She's going
on another run tonight.

She seemed prepared
for a cargo inspection this time

so I doubt
you'll find anything.


Mr. Eddington and I
have discussed this at length

and we both feel
that if the Xhosa

makes another rendezvous
with a Maquis raider

we should seize both vessels
and arrest everyone aboard.

For all we know, the Xhosa may
not make another run for months.

We shouldn't let this
opportunity pass us by.


Yes, sir.

And that does bring up another
point I'd like to discuss...

in private, if I may.

Sir, the CFI replicators

are due to arrive here
tomorrow afternoon.

I'd feel better if I were
here to supervise

the security detail.

Lieutenant Reese can handle it.

Yes, sir, he can, but...

Just say it, Commander.

Sir, if the Maquis
put up a fight

the Xhosa might get caught
in the cross fire.

If that happens,
I can't guarantee

the safety of Kasidy Yates.

And to be blunt

I don't want
that responsibility.

I can't say I blame you.

The security of the CFI
replicators is your priority.

I'll take command
of the Defiant.

Thank you, Captain.

The inspection team just left.

Any problems?



I'll be right there.

How was the game?


Seven-three, Yankees.

Did you come all the way
down here for the score?


I was just thinking--

why don't we drop everything
and go to Risa?

Just the two of us.


We won't even pack a bag.

We'll walk straight out of here,
get in a runabout and go.

What about your station?

I have a great crew.

They can handle things
around here for a few days.

Neither of us is doing
anything so important

that it can't wait
for a few days.

I'm not sure
the Tholians would agree.

Let your First Officer
handle it.

Or better yet, tell the Tholians

they won't be getting
this shipment at all.

I don't think I can do that,

I... I-l have a commitment
to fulfill.

But if you want
to take a runabout

and wait for me on Risa,
I'll meet you there.

Forget about it.

It was just a crazy idea.

Have a good trip.


It was a tempting idea, Ben.

I wish I could
take you up on it.

So do l.

They're reducing speed.

Match their velocity, Chief.

These are the same coordinates

they used
for the last rendezvous.

Any sign of another ship?

Not yet, but our sensors

are extremely limited
in the plasma fields.

They're turning again.

Looks like a holding
pattern to me, sir.

Either the Maquis are late
or the Xhosa's early.

Either way, we wait with them.

Can't you do something
about these lapels?

Such as?

I don't know.
I'm not a tailor.

Just... make them look good.

Oh, make them look good.

And all this time

I thought you wanted me to
try to make them look bad.

I wish you'd said that before.

It's much simpler

when the customer
explains what he wants.

Rudeness will get you nowhere.

I don't need another waiter.

Now, I want more room
in the shoulders and these cuffs

are completely unacceptable.

Garak, can I talk
to you for a minute?

Of course, Major.

Excuse me.


Now, what can I do
for you, Major--

Listen closely.

I don't know what kind
of sick game it is

you're playing with Ziyal

but it better stop and it
better stop right now.

I can assure you, Major, l--

I don't want to hear
any of your lies.

Now, that girl is here
under my protection

and I swear, if you do
anything to hurt her

I will make you regret it.

Is that clear?

As Tabalian glass.


You told her.

The pants are
about a meter too long.

So, are you canceling
your date with Ziyal?

It's not a date.

And how do you know about that?

You're a man, she's a woman,
it's a date.

And they are my holosuites,
after all.

I was going to cancel.

I'd had visions of Ziyal
presenting my head

to her father
as a birthday gift.

That's a little paranoid,
wouldn't you say?

Paranoid is what
they call people

who imagine threats
against their life.

I have threats against my life.

But after my little "chat"
with Major Kira

I feel much better.

You do?

Isn't it obvious?

If Ziyal planned to k*ll me

Kira would not be trying
to warn me away.

On the contrary

the good Major
would also welcome

my untimely demise
and do nothing to interfere.

Unless that's part of the plan.

What do you mean?

Oh, you know, Kira acts like
she doesn't want you to go

so you'll feel everything's okay

and then you go anyway.

No, it's too complicated.

Of course.

Now they're too short.


The pants.


This is wrong.

t*rrorists don't work this way.

If your contact doesn't show up
for a rendezvous, you leave.

You don't stay in the Badlands
going in circles for five hours.


But it is also possible

that her cargo
is so valuable to the Maquis

that she will wait

as long as it takes
to make her delivery.

I think she's already
made her delivery.

And you were the cargo.

Think about it--
if anyone

but Kasidy Yates
was on the Xhosa

would you be commanding
this mission yourself?

You're saying someone
wanted me here? Why?

I'm not sure.

But one thing's certain,
we're not going

to find the answers sitting here
staring at the viewscreen.

You're right.

The answers are over there.

Let's go.

Mr. Worf, you have the Bridge.

Still nothing.

This is getting ridiculous.

All right, let's send
a coded message...

Tachyon surge.

A ship's de-cloaking.

Oh, my God.


What are you doing here?
We've been...

Don't say it!

I know that you're a smuggler.

I know that you've been
working with the Maquis

and right now, I don't care.

But I need to know
what your orders were.

Were you told to draw me
out here so the Maquis

could attack the station?
Ben, l--

Jake's back there.

And whatever your
feelings are for me

I can't believe you
would put him in danger.

I was supposed to meet a Maquis
ship at these coordinates.

I don't know anything
about an attack on the station.

And I doubt the Maquis
would try.

I didn't know
you were following me

but, after our last talk

I suspected
that you might be out there.

If that's true, why didn't you
abort the mission?

I was told that these
medical supplies

were urgently needed.

And that I had to be here
no matter what.

I tried to tell them
that I'd made

too many runs
in the last few days--

that I was just asking
to get caught

but they wouldn't listen.

They knew you were
going to be caught.

That's why they didn't
send a Maquis ship

out here to meet you.

Everything's been
building to this.

They needed to draw me
away from the station.


If they aren't planning
an attack

what other reason
could there be?

What could be happening...?

Happening on the station.

I've received new orders
from Starfleet Command.

The CFI replicators
in Cargo Bay 17

are to be transferred
aboard a Vulcan freighter

which should arrive
at any moment.

This operation is to be
carried out in complete secrecy.

No one aboard the station
is to know about it.

Does that include the Bajoran
security detachment, sir?


Also, as of this moment

we're observing
communications silence.

No com traffic in or out
of the station

for the next nine hours.

Aye, sir.


You wanted to see me?

Yes, Major.

I'm afraid I need
to take command

of the station
for the next few hours.

We've cleared
the plasma field, Captain.

Get us back to the station,

Maximum warp.

Aye, sir.

Any response from our hails,

No, sir.

Deep Space 9 seems to be

a communications blackout.

Keep trying.

You realize
we'll probably never see

the Xhosa
or Captain Yates again.

It's a possibility.

I'd say it's more than that.

If I'd been allowed

to leave a security detail

Our priority is

to get back to the station,

Captain Yates is
my responsibility

and I'll thank you
to leave it at that.

As you wish.

The replicators
have been secured

in the ship's hold, sir.

Very good.

We'll be departing
in five minutes

and I'm leaving you in command
until Captain Sisko returns.

Me, sir?

You have a problem
with that, Lieutenant?

No, sir.

It's just that's it's unusual

for a junior officer
to be left--

If you're not up to the job,
I'll find someone else who is.

The safety of this station
may depend on you

and I need to know
if you can handle it.

You can count on me, Commander.


Now go to Ops and take command.

Yes, sir.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

The Defiant has returned
to the station

but it seems
that Commander Eddington

is still one step ahead of us.

All Federation starships
near the Badlands

have been alerted to look
for the Vulcan freighter.

I doubt they'll find it.

Eddington anticipated
every contingency.

I'm sure he had
his escape route well planned.

What do we tell the Cardassians?

The truth.

He fooled me,
and he got away with it.

He fooled all of us.

Everything that happens
on this station

is my responsibility,

Incoming message
for you, Captain.

It's from Commander Eddington.

Put it through, in my office.


Mr. Eddington,
I have just one question.


Will knowing
my personal motivation

change anything at this point?

No, I don't suppose it will.

Then let's table that for now.

The only reason
I've contacted you

is to ask you
to leave us alone.

Our quarrel is
with the Cardassians

not the Federation.

Leave us alone,
and I can promise you

you'll never hear
from the Maquis again.

Unless you see another shipment
you want to hijack.

You keep sending replicators
to Cardassia, and you're going

to have a lot more
to worry about than hijackings.

I don't respond well to threats.

I thought you
would know that by now

but I'm beginning to see
that you don't know me at all.

I know you.

I was like you once,
but then I opened my eyes.

Open your eyes, Captain.

Why is the Federation
so obsessed with the Maquis?

We've never harmed you, and yet
we're constantly arrested

and charged with terrorism.

Starships chase us
through the Badlands

and our supporters are harassed
and ridiculed. Why?

Because we've left
the Federation

and that's the one thing
you can't accept.

Nobody leaves paradise.

Everyone should want
to be in the Federation.

Hell, you even want
the Cardassians to join.

You're only sending them

because one day they can take
their rightful place

on the Federation Council.

You know, in some ways,
you're even worse than the Borg.

At least they tell you about
their plans for assimilation.

You're more insidious.

You assimilate people,
and they don't even know it.

You know what, Mr. Eddington?

I don't give a damn
what you think

of the Federation,
the Maquis, or anything else.

All I know is that you betrayed
your oath, your duty and me.

And if it takes me
the rest of my life

I will see you standing
before a court-martial

that'll break you
and send you to a penal colony

where you will spend the rest
of your days growing old

and wondering whether
a ship full of replicators

was really worth it.



Doesn't it feel good?

The station can be
so chilly sometimes.


It's quite pleasant.

Aren't you going to lie down?

Uh, not just yet.

I have a question
I'd like answered first.

Why am I here?

Excuse me?

Why am I here?

Am I to believe
that you've invited

the sworn enemy of your father

simply to enjoy the heat?

You really think
I asked you here to k*ll you.

Well, it did occur to me.

Kira and my father both told me
that you used to be an agent

of the Obsidian Order.


That you had
my grandfather tortured

and k*lled, and that you
could easily k*ll me

without a second thought.

Although I seldom credit
the Major or your father

with being entirely trustworthy

in this case,
they're both telling the truth.

You know what else is true?

I don't care.

I'm half-Bajoran, and that means
I'm an outcast back home.

I can't go back
and neither can you.

So, we can either
share some time together

or we can ignore each other.

I spent five years in a
prisoner of w*r camp by myself.

I don't need your company

but if you'd like to stay
and share the heat with me

maybe tell me something
about home that I don't know

then I would welcome
your company

and I get the feeling
you would welcome mine.

Either way, it's up to you.

Well... it seems I won't
be needing this anymore.


what shall we talk about first?

Just you?

I dropped my crew off
at a Maquis base.

I had to come back,
but I didn't see any reason

to drag them here
just to face a prison sentence.

You didn't have
to come back either.

Yes. I did.

And I think we both know

that's why you left us
alone out there--

to see if I would.

I'm not going to stand here
and apologize for what I did.

You had your duty.

I had mine.

I still have my duty.

I know.

And I know
I'll probably go to prison.

But I came back because of us.

Because despite
all that's happened

I still love you, Ben.

I don't want to throw that away.

Do you?


Lieutenant Reese.

I'll be back.

I'll be here.
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