01x01 - Rising

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Stargate Atlantis". Aired: July 16, 2004 – January 9, 2009.*
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Within the ruins of the legendary city of Atlantis is buried a secret base left by the Ancients, originators of the Stargate.
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01x01 - Rising

Post by bunniefuu »

Several Million years ago

Antartica: Present day

Dr. Weir


You see? Nothing.

Carson, get back here.

I could sit in that chair all bloody day
long and nothing?ll happen.

- It?s a waste of time.
-Excuse me, Dr. Weir.

He?s not even trying.

He?s the one who discovered the gene
this technology responds to.

Yeah, well,
he said he wish he never had it.


I know, can you believe that?

We could always test you a third time, Rodney.

That?s very funny.

We have only found a handful of people

who are genetically compatible with
the Ancient technology,

and despite your heroic effortsto interface
ours with theirs?

?we need every one of them to sit in this chair
including Dr. Beckett.

What am I supposed to do?
He?s afraid of the thing.

This chair controls the most powerful
weapons known to humankind,

I?m afraid of the thing?

But every time someone sits in it

we learn something new about
the Ancients who built this outpost.

Dr. Beckett should be proud
he?s genetically advanced?

Not more advanced.
It is a random characteristic.

This really bothers you,
this whole gene thing.

Oh, clearly I am overcome with envy.

Ah, just the people I need to see.

Come with me.

We?ve gotten closer, and closer,
to finding the location of the lost city

but it turns out we?ve been looking
in the wrong place all along.

Now, we thought we had a stargate address.

Six symbols representing coordinates in space

that determine the location of the planet
the Ancients went to after they left Antarctica.

Now, recently, we determined a seventh symbol.

The point of origin, Earth.

That?s not it.

Then your address must be incorrect.

Not incorrect, incomplete.

What are you saying, Dr. Jackson?

It?s an 8 symbol address.

What we?re looking for may be further
away than we ever imagined,

but its not out of reach.


Atlantis. I think we can go there.

Apache, Black Hawk, Cobra, Osprey.

That?s a lot of training for the Antarctic.

It was the one continent I never set foot on.

It?s one of my least favorite continents.

I kinda like it here.

You like it here?

Yes sir.
Be there in about 10 minutes sir.

Look, we?ve been through this.
I?m not your man.

Keep moving.

I?m a doctor. A medical doctor.

There?s nothing to be afraid of ?

You don?t understand, I break things like this ?

This device has survived for millions of years intact
-it will survive you-

Now sit down, close your eyes and concentrate.

Again, nothing.

This time just try to imagine an
image of where we are in the solar system.

I think I feel something.

It could be lunch related.

Shut up, and concentrate -

What did I do?!

Get us back down there!

All inbound aircraft, we have a rouge drone
that can seek a target on it?s own.

Land immediately and shut down your engines,
this is not a drill! I repeat?

It?s too late. Hang on.

Break right.

I said right.

I?m getting to that, Sir.

I told you I was the wrong person ?

It doesn?t matter now, just do something.

Like what?

Carson, concentrate on shutting that
w*apon down before it hurts someone.

I can?t see it.

Pull up, pull up!

What about now?

Now?s good.

Shut it down.

Sir, what the hell was that?

Wait for it ?

Get out!

I think I did it.

That was different.

For me, not so much.

Major Sheppard is reporting the drone
appears to have been incapacitated.

General O?Neill?s helicopter is unharmed
and on it?s way again ?

Seven minutes out.

Thank god.

Holy Crap.



Warm welcome.

Wasn?t me. How?d you manage to, uh ??

Keep my ass from getting blown out of the sky?

The exceptional flying of Major John Sheppard.
He likes it here.

Exceptional ? You like it here?

What say we cut to the part
where you start talking real fast?

Ah, Weir?s in here.

Hey! Don?t touch anything.

Yes sir.

I figure the Ancients packed up their entire city and left
somewhere between five and ten million years ago.

In their? flying city?



Flying city?

Well, uh, keep in mind this is the race
that built the stargates

?They did everything big.

So, why?d they leave?

Why?d they leave?
Um? Who knows?

We know the Ancients on Earth were
suffering from a plague.

Maybe some of them were trying to start over-
seeding life in a new galaxy.

Maybe that?s what Ancients do?
The point is we know where they went.


Yes, it?s the name of a dwarf galaxy in a local group.

After all the time is there any hope
of actually meeting them?

Who knows?
But isn?t that reason enough to go?

Well I?ve been choosing members
for this expedition for months, Dr.

I?m not the one who needs convincing.

Oh I?m convinced.
Have fun.

Uh, it?s a little more complicated than that.

We need the Zed-P-M to power the gate.


The Z.P.M. He?s, uh, he?s Canadian.

I?m sorry.

Oh, the Zero Point Module, General.

The ancien power source you recovered
from Praclarush Taonas,

and that?s now powering the outposts? defenses.

I have since determined that it generates
it?s enormous power

from vacuum energy derived from
a self-contained region of subspace time.

That was a waste of a perfectly good explanation.

The answer?s no.

?They?re lucky, I don?t know where it came from.
I just had to concentrate and

the drone shut itself down.

So you were the one.


You?re the one who fired that thing at me.

Look, we?re doing research, working with
technology that?s light years beyond us,

and we make mistakes.
I?m incredibly, incredibly sorry.

Well next time just be a little more careful, okay?

That?s what I said-

What the hell was that thing anyway?

You mean the drone? The w*apon
the Ancients built to defend this outpost.

The who?

You do have security clearance to be here?

Yeah, yeah, General O?Neill just gave it to me.

Then you don?t even know about the stargate.

The what?

Jack, you know that gating to another galaxy
requires an enormous amount of power.

Yes, I do. Find another way.

There?s no other way.

You think there are more of these Zed-things in Atlantis?

Yes, and who knows what else we could find.

This isn?t just some other civilization we?re
talking about, these are the gate builders.

The potential wealth of knowledge and technology,

it outweighs anything we?ve come across
since we stepped through the stargate.

Well, with the amount of power you?ll need
to make this trek, odds are it?ll be one way.

Yes we know

But the benefit to humanity is
far greater than the risk, General.

And it is a risk that every one of
my expedition members is willing to take.

They think the gene was used as a sort
of genetic key if you will, so that only

their kind could operate certain
dangerous or powerful technologies.

So some people have the same
genes as these Ancients.

The specific gene is very rare, but on
the whole they look very much like we do.

In fact, they were first.
We?re the second evolution of this form.

The Ancients having explored
this galaxy for millions of years before

Major, please don?t-

Come on, what are the odds of me having
the same gene as these guys?

Quite slim, actually.

Dr. Weir!
Don?t move!

Who is this?

I said don?t touch anything.

I just sat down.

Major, think about where we are in the solar system.

Did I do that?

We could be on our way to discovering
an entirely new Ancient civilization.

Best case scenario, we meet actual
Ancients who are willing to help us.

But if we don?t, General we need him.

Sorry, Doc. I need Daniel here.

I?m talking about Major Sheppard.

Oh, don?t you have a dozen or so people already
who can use the Ancient technology?

Yeah, with concentration and training
they can make it work.

But John Sheppard, he does it naturally.

You know, I?ve checked into his record-

I know about the whole supposed
black mark in Afghanistan,

he was trying to save
the lives of three servicemen.

Disobeying a direct order in the process.

I have read your own file, General. Please.


Okay, it?s your expedition.
You want him, you ask him.

That?s the thing, I have.


This isn?t a long trip so
I?ll be as succinct as possible.

Well, that?s pretty succinct.

Thank you.

I told Dr. Weir, you know,
that I?d think about it.

And? So? Well? What?

With all due respect, Sir,
we were just att*cked by an alien m*ssile.

Then I found out I have some mutant gene.

Then there?s this stargate thing and
these expeditions to other galaxies.

You know, this isn?t about you Sheppard.
It?s a lot bigger than that.

Right now, at this very second, whether I decide
to go on this mission or not seems to be about me

Let me ask you something.

Why?d you become a pilot?

I think people that don?t wanna fly are crazy.

And I think people who don?t wanna go thru
the stargate are equally as whacked.

Now if you can?t give me a ?yes? by the time
we reach McMurdoch, I don?t even want you.

Simon, if you?re watching this,

it means that the President has been kind
enough to grant you security clearance.

I?m not going on a diplomatic mission
to another country.

I?m going to another planet, in another galaxy,
by means of a device called a stargate.

Millions of years ago there was a race
of beings we call the Ancients?

?They created a network of these stargate
throughout our galaxy,

in order to travel freely among their worlds?

?We don?t know why, but the left for another galaxy
somewhere between 5 and 10 million years ago?

?taking their entire city along with them.
That city was called Atlantis.

I have been assembling an expedition team?

?in order to try to find Atlantis, and hopefully
the Ancients that left Earth all those years ago?

I wanna do this, Simon, with all my heart.

You know me well enough to know
I could never turn down an opportunity like this,

but I wanted the chance to tell you?

"the cell of the customer you're trying to reach
is curently outside the covered area"


I mean I narrowed it down to about
3 things, but after a week, I...

I don't under... Does anyone else here speak
the language these guy's are speaking?

I just need a couple of minutes to finish my work,
and you're not helping by standing there.

You?ve got 5 minutes to get it going
or I?m leaving it.

Everything in here has been double checked and
triple checked and cleared for takeoff, leave it alone.

Look, Colonel, I don?t answer to you.

He said the same to me, Sir.

That?s what your sidearm is for.

You see, each chevron address is
what tells our gate

to look for a point in space outside our galaxy,
so we won?t know until it locks.

We there yet?

We?re just waiting on Dr. McKay.

It should work now.

Okay Sgt., give it a try.

The Zed-P-M should light up when
it senses a conductive connection to the gate.

Can I have everyone?s attention please?

All right, here we go.

We are about to try to make a connection.

We have been unable to predict exactly
how much power this is going to take

and we may only get the one chance at this.

So if we are able to achieve a stable wormhole,
we?re not gonna risk shutting the gate down.

We?ll send in the MALP robot probe,
check for viability, and go

Everything in one shot.

Now every one of you volunteered for this mission,
and you represent over a dozen countries.

You are the world?s best and brightest,

and in light of the adventure we are
about to embark on,

You are also the bravest.

I hope we all return one day having discovered
a whole new realm for humanity to explore,

but as all of know,
we may never be able to return home.

I?d like to offer you all one last chance
to withdrawal your participation.

Begin the dialing sequence.

Let me make myself clear, Major.
You are not here by my choice.

I?m sure you?ll warm up to me once
you get to know me, Sir.

As long as you remember who?s giving the orders.

That would be Dr. Weir, right?

Chevron three encoded.

Chevron four encoded.


Thank you.

Chevron five encoded.

Chevron six encoded.

This is it.

Seriously, Dr., Calm down.
You?re embarrassing me.

I?ve never been so excited in my entire life.

Chevron eight is locked.

Send the MALP.

We have MALP telemetry.

What is it we?re looking at?

Switching to zero locks.

The radar indicates a large room?

It?s structurally in tact?

The climactic sensors say there?s oxygen,

no measurable toxins;

we have viable life support.

Looks like we?re not getting out of this.

Dr. Weir, you have a go.

Thank you, Sir.

Let?s go people,
we don?t know how much power we?ve got.

Security teams 1 and 2, you?re up first.

All other personnel will follow on our signal.

Once on the other side, keep moving,

clear the debarkation area. On my lead?

Hold on, Colonel.

We go through together.

Fair enough.

- Jack, it?s not too late for me to-
- No.

- I could just grab my-
- No.

All clear, it looks good.

Expedition Team, move out.

What does it feel like?

Hurts like hell, sir.

Teams one and two secure the immediate area.

Everyone else find an open space

and park it until instructed otherwise.

Who?s doing that?

Security teams, any alien contact?

Negative, Sir.
Team four negative, Colonel

The lights are coming on by themselves.

That?s everyone.

General O?Neill,

Atlantis Base offers greetings from the Pegasus Galaxy.

You may cut power to the gate.

They look like ships. Spaceships!

I love it.

Dr. Weir, you have to see this.

I have a lot of things to see.
Just be careful.

- I didn?t touch anything.
- Relax, Major.

It?s like the entire complex is sensing
our presence and coming to life.

This has got to be the control room.

This is obviously their version of a DHD

Oh, obviously.

This area could be power control systems,
possibly a computer interface.

- Hey, hey. Why don?t you find out.
- Right.

Dr. Weir, Colonel Sumner.
Can you come down and meet me please?

We?re three levels down, come in.

Right away.

We?ve only been able to secure a fraction
of the place, it?s huge.

So it might really be the lost city of Atlantis?

I?d say that?s a good bet.

Oh my god.

We?re underwater.

I?d say we?re under several hundred
feet of ocean.

If we can?t dial out,
this could be a problem.

- Colonel, Dr. Weir.
- We?re underwater.

Yes, I was just, uh, coming to tell you.

Fortunately there?s some sort of force
shield holding back the water-

Oh that is impressive, isn?t it?

Uh Dr. Beckett has found something
you should, uh, see.

?In the hope of spreading new life in a galaxy

where there appeared to be none.

Soon, the new life grew and prospered, here?

- It?s a hologram, the recording loops;
- Here, as before, we built a system of Stargates,

- this is my second time through.
- so that fledgling civilizations

- What have we missed? - Not much.
- could travel between the stars,

exchanging knowledge and friendship.

In time, a thousand worlds bore
the fruit of life in this form.

Then one day our people step foot on a dark
world where a terrible enemy slept.

Never before had we encountered beings
with powers that rivaled our own.

In our overconfidence we weren?t
prepared, and outnumbered.

The enemy fed upon the defenseless
human worlds like a great scourge,

until finally only Atlantis remained.

This city?s great shield was powerful enough
to withstand their terrible weapons,

but here we were besieged for many years.

In an effort to save the last of our kind

we submerged our great city into the ocean.

The Atlantis stargate was the one and only
link back to Earth from this galaxy,

and those who remained used it to return
to that world that was once home.

There, the last survivors of Atlantis lived
out the remainder of their lives.

This city was left to slumber

in the hope that our kind would one day return.

Huh. So the story of Atlantis is true.

A great city that sank in the ocean.

It just didn?t happen on earth.

Well the ancient Greeks must have heard
it from one of the surviving Ancients.

I don?t like the fact that they
got their asses kicked.

Let?s see it again from the beginning.

Stop! Turn it off.

Power levels throughout the city
are dropping like a stone.

What does that mean?

That if we don?t stop everything we?re
doing right now, we are dead.

Please tell me this is not my fault.

- No.
- Thank you.

From what we?ve been able to ascertain the city
is powered by three Zero Point Modules.

Two are entirely depleted and
the third is reaching maximum entropy.

When it does, it?ll die too
and nothing can reverse that.

Just tell me the bottom line.

The force field holding back the ocean

has collapsed to its minimum sustainable levels.

See here, and here,

where the shield has already failed
and the city is flooded.

It could have happened years ago, this section is
probably more protected because of the stargate.

What if it fails completely?

It?s a matter of when, not if.

Colonel Sumner,
you need to order your security team

to stop searching the city immediately.

All security teams fall back to the gate room.

It?s not gonna be good enough.

All right, well how much time do we have?

It?s hard to say. Hours, maybe days
if we minimize power expenditure.

What about our own power generators?

We?re working on that, but with our most

advanced naquada power generators,
the equations are coming up far short.

So we need to find more ZPMs.

Well how do we do that
if we can?t search the city?

If there were more here,
we?d be able to detect them.

Can we use the stargate?

There?s nowhere near enough power
to open a wormhole back to earth.

Maybe somewhere in this galaxy.

That?s relatively easy.

Fortunately, some Ancient technology still
uses good ?ole fashion push buttons,

so we?ve been able to access
the stargate control system

and a library of known gate addresses
in the database.

That?s not all, look at this.

Just like the Iris on the earth gate.

Using power, using power, using power.

At least we don?t have to deal
with any uninvited guests.

Colonel, assemble a team.

We need safe harbor, or better still,
another power source.

Lt. Ford, gather security teams one
and two; everyone gear up.

Major, I?d like you to go along.

Yes ma?am.

All right, pick an address; start dialing.

Chevron one encoded.



Ready MALP 4 for off-world recon.

The MALP reads full viability

and no immediate signs of activity
around the stargate,

but its pitch black.

For now, we?re going to use the tried and true system
of identification for inbound gate travelers.

Let?s move out.

Please, don't hurt us!

Please, they?re just playing.

Everything okay here, Sheppard?

Yes, Sir, just a couple of kids.


I don?t know what that means.

It?s his name.

Oh, Halling.
It?s nice to meet you.

Are you here to trade?

Trade, yes. We?re? traders.

Now how many times have I told you
not to play in the forest after dark?

I?m just glad you?re safe.

Teyla will wish to meet with you.

Parker, Smitty, you?re on gate duty.

Dial Atlantis base and let the good doctor know

we?ve made contact with the indigenous people.

Sir, if you don?t mind my asking,

I?ve noticed you?ve got
a problem with Major Sheppard.

My problem, Lieutenant, is with his record.

I don?t like anybody who doesn?t
follow the proper chain of command.

Yes, Sir.

What was that mask you had on?

Helps you see in the dark, check it out.


Let me see.

Whoa. Can I have it.

No. What?s the mask you got on?

This? The Wraith.

The Wraith. What?s that?

You don?t know?

What world do you come from?

Can we go there?

Afraid not, I come from a galaxy far,
far away.

It?s Halling, I bring men from away.


These men wish to trade.

It?s, uh, nice to meet you.

I am Teyla Emmagan, daughter of Tegan.

Colonel Marshall Sumner,

Major Sheppard,

Lieutenant Ford.

We have very few specific needs.

- We do not trade with strangers.
- Is that a fact?

Well then, we?ll just uh,

we?ll have to get to know each other.

Me, um, I like, uh, Farris Wheels,

college football, anything that
goes more than 200 miles per hour.

Sir, that?s not gonna mean anything to them.

Feel free to speak up,
I?m just trying to break the ice.

These people can?t help us,
I?d rather not waste the time.

Each morning, before dawn,

our people drink a stout tea to brace
us for the coming day.

Will you join us?

I love a good cup of tea.

Now there?s another thing you know about me.

We?re practically friends already.

We didn?t even know
it was there until the sun came up.

Looks more promising than
anything else these folks have to offer.

Plenty of shelter, nice little valley?
location, location, location.

The city of the Ancestors is not safe.

- We can handle ourselves.
- The Wraith will come.

Who are these Wraith?

We have never met anyone who did not know.

Well you have now.

If the Wraith have never touched
your world you should go back there.

Oh we?d like to, but we can?t.

See, here?s the thing, Ma?am,

we?ve got ourselves into a bit of a bind.

We may need a safe place to stay for a while.

Our people have long believed that

the Wraith will come
if we venture into the old city.

But, it is a belief
we have not tested in some time.


Look, I don?t care what they say,
that city?s worth a look.

Not to mention the possibility there could be ZPMs

there that they don?t know or care about.

What if the Wraith are the enemy
the Ancient hologram lady is talking about?

All the more reason for us to have a defensible
position should we need to abandon Atlantis.

Stay here and find out what you can.

Ford, you head back to the gate
and report in to Weir.

Tell her we?ll have answers for her in a few hours.

Yes, Sir.

Well, guess it?s just you and me ? and him.

Your leader looks through me as if I were not there.

Do I?

- No. You truly cannot return to your world?
- No

Then there is something you should see.

How much further is this place?

Not far.

Tell me some good news, Rodney.
I can?t do that.

The shield has held back the ocean for centuries.

And probably would have kept going for
years more, but our arrival changed that.

Now it?s nothing more but a thin
shell between the buildings and the water.

- We stopped exploring-
- The damage is already done.

Another section of the city on the far side
was flooded an hour or so ago.

Even occupying this room is draining power.

We need to evacuate the moment
Colonel Sumner reports back it?s safe.

You?re saying we have to abandon the city.

The sooner we leave,
the longer that shield holds.

I used to play here as a child.

I believe this is where the survivors
hid from the Wraith during the last Great Attack.

Let me get it.

We mastered fire long ago.

Guess so.

What?s this?

I lost this years ago. How did you-

It was just lying right over there.

It was reflecting off the light.

Someone?s been busy, huh?

The drawings in the caves are extensive.

Many must date back thousands of years, or more.

Does this represent the destruction of your city?

This drawing far predates that.

So, what?
Someone knew it was gonna happen?

I believe it happens again, and again.

The Wraith allow our kind to grow in numbers.

And when that number reaches a certain point

they return to cull their human herd.

Sometimes a few hundred years
will pass before they awaken again.

We?ve visited many, many worlds.

I know of none untouched by the Wraith.

The last great Holocaust was five generations ago.

Still they return, in smaller numbers,
to remind us of their power.

That?s a hell of a way to live.

We move our hunting camps around.

We try to teach our children
not to live in fear, but it is hard.

Some of us can sense the Wraith coming.

That gives us warning.

We should go, it will be dark soon.

Man, days are short here.

Major Sheppard, this is Colonel Sumner. Come in.

Colonel Sheppard, this is Lt. Ford. Major Sheppard?s
out of radio range at the moment.

Where the hell is he?

I think Teyla wanted him to see something.

Defensive positions!
Colonel, we have gate activity here.

Colonel, three bandits headed your way.

Take cover!

- What is it?
- The Wraith.

Just live it!

Fire at that target!


Colonel they?re on the ground,
they?re all around us!


They are not really there.

Do not trust your eyes. The Wraith
can make you see things that are not there.

We must hurry.

Colonel, this is Sheppard.

What you see on the ground is just an illusion.

Concentrate and fire on the ships.

Fire at the ships!
Fire at the ships!

- Bates, snap out of it.
- They?re everywhere, Sir.

Take that thing down.

Teyla. Teyla!

Sir, the Colonel. They?ve taken him.

The gate?s coming on again.
Two enemy ships approaching.

Let ?em go, there are friendlies on board.

Look at the dialing device;
burn those symbols into your mind.

Son of a?

Help! Help me!

I can?t find my father.

Here it comes.

What am I looking for?

There? another part of the force field just failed.

I don?t think we have much time.

How are we doing?

Look, if we can just buy ourselves another day,
maybe we can-

The city is sacrificing parts of itself in order to maintain

these main areas, but catastrophic failure is inevitable.

Not in my wildest dreams did I hope
to find the lost city of the Ancients

so completely untouched, so pristine?

and we have no choice but to walk away from this?

- In order to save it.
- To save it for whom?

We don?t have enough power to send a message.

As far as earth is concerned, we?re just
going to be missing; presumed lost.

We?ll be back. We?ll find
a power source somewhere in Pegasus.

We have yet to hear from Colonel Sumner,
we have no idea what?s out there.

We can?t wait. It is time to go, now.

Attention all personnel, this is Weir.

Stand by for immediate evacuation.

Dial the gate.

We?ve got an incoming wormhole.

- I?m reading Lt. Ford?s identification code.
- Let him in.

Step in folks, move away from the puddle.

Major Sheppard!

Major Sheppard, who are all these people?

Survivors from the settlement;
we were att*cked.

Sumner and some of our men were taken.
What?s going on?

We are in no position to help anyone right now.

What the hell?s going on here?

We were about to abandon the city.

Major Sheppard the shield is about to fail and
the ocean is about to come crashing in on us.

Do you have a better place for us to go?

Jinto, you have any other address
where we can gate to?

Yes, many.

He?s just a boy.

- I am Jinto.
- She?s pleased to meet you.

The shield is collapsing!

I?m dialing an address.

- No wait!
- She?s right.

We?re moving!

We?re on the surface.

I was hoping for another day.

It looks like we just got a whole lot more than that.

Let?s not waste it.

People listen up.
No one gets to sit down

until they carry two pieces of equipment
off this deck. Now let?s go.

The last Zero Point Module is depleted,

but limited power has returned now that our
generators aren?t trying to hold back an ocean.

Life Support systems are working,
but the planet?s atmosphere is breathable,

not withstanding the inevitable allergens.

So now could our naquada generators supply
enough power to the shield for defensive purposes?

- Not even close.
- On the surface without a shield; we?re target practice.

I?m acutely aware of that Major,
but thank you for reinforcing it.

When can you tell me where the Wraith
took Colonel Sumner and the others?

Even with the six symbols Lt. Ford provided,

- there are still hundreds of permutations-
- 720.

Yes. I knew that of course?
I?m just? surprised you do.

Take away the coordinates you can?t get a lock on,

and that?s you?re one.
And when you find it, send a MALP.

Major, a word.

Let me guess,
you?re not gonna let me rescue my people.

Major, you don?t even know if they?re alive.

You don?t leave people in the hands of the enemy.

And the fact that we are having this conversation in private

lets me know that you know damn well that it?s wrong,

and it will totally undermine your leadership.

So as ranking military officer I-

All right, just shut up
and listen to me for a moment, all right?

Come on, what do we know about the Wraith.

One of the few things that we do know is that

they are the enemy that defeated the Ancients.

When we first began to use the stargate we found

on earth we got ourselves into serious trouble. Why?

- I don?t need to answer your question-
- Because the people in charge

didn?t consider the ramifications before they reacted.

They took our people.
How am I supposed to react?

And we?re defenseless,
you said so yourself.

How do you know going off
on some half-assed rescue mission

isn?t going to bring them
all right back here to our doorstep?

Maybe it will, but it?s the right thing to do.
Why? Because it is.

- John-
- If we?re not gonna do this, and I mean right now,

let?s just turn tail and pack up.
Because they?re coming-

You don?t know that.

Our people are in the hands of the enemy, Doctor.

Do you know what that means?

It?s just a matter of time before the Wraith
figure out that this is the base of our operations.

I just need more information.

I mean who knows?
Maybe we could negotiate a peaceful-

Peaceful? Are you kidding

We weren?t there for more than
a few hours before they showed up.

Is it possible they came because of you?

And that one of these people you brought
back here with you tipped them off?

- It?s possible.
- See that is exactly the kind of snap decision I am referring to.

They?re not all bad people.

And you know, if we?re
gonna stick around here we need friends.

Okay, I see your point.

Now you see mine.

I will not authorize a rescue mission unless

I am sure there is at least a remote chance of success.

I?m not sending more good people,
including you, to their deaths.


Are you all right?

Where are we?

Any idea what to expect?


Your friend was the one who said the Wraith

would come if we went down into the ruins.

Perhaps you should have heeded his warning.

How do I know he?s not the one who told them?

Someone comes.

I?m Colonel Marshall Sumner-

No. Please.

- Take me in his place.
- No, take me.

We?re the ones you?re after, right?

I?m their leader.

They have no need to explain themselves.

Yeah, I got that.

We?re receiving visual telemetry.

We can?t see anything.

No atmospheric readings at all.

Wait, what was that?

Rotate the camera.

Well? there goes that MALP.

It?s in space.

It?s in high orbit around a planet
on the far side of the galaxy.

You?re sure this is the right address?

It?s the only one we could get a lock on.

Very well.
Shut it down.

I?m sorry.

Come with me, Major.

Think you can fly it?

What do you say we find out?

Dr. Beckett,
what was it you wanted me to see?

These cells have none of the normal
human inhibiting proteins whatsoever.

That gives them an incredible ability to regenerate.

What about the movement Major Sheppard saw?

As far as independent behavior,

I say that anything he saw was caused by a

residual command language
in the severed nerve endings.

All right, anything else?

The being this arm belonged to,

if I was a betting man,

I?d say it was old. Very, very old.

How old?

As long as the cells are properly nourished,

I don?t see a life form like this ever
dying of natural aging the way we do.

And they?d be bloody hard to k*ll.

Well I don?t like the sound of that.

I don?t blame ya.

- What is that noise?
- I... I don?t?

he was right here. Major!

You said you wanted tactical advantage.

All right, so you can fly that thing.

so you can fly that thing.

It doesn?t mean you can pull off a rescue.

Doctor, this is why you brought me here.


I have no idea.
This technology is so far beyond us.

We don?t have a clue what we?re dealing
with. For all I know we could?

Yeah, I?m ready.

All right boys, get ready to go.

Gate Ship One, ready to go.

Gate Ship One?
A little puddle jumper like this?

It?s a ship, it goes through the gate.

- Gate Ship One.
- Oh no, no, no. That?s all wrong.

- Dr. McKay thought it was cool.
- Oh, okay. Well it?s official.

You don?t get to name anything? ever.

Flight, this is Puddle Jumper;
we?re go to launch.

All right, this is Flight.
I thought we were going with Gate Ship?

Negative, Flight.

Stand by.

It?s a ship that goes through the gate. I?

Fine. Puddle Jumper you are clear for launch.

Dial it up, Lieutenant.

Be safe.

Wow. This is cool.

Looks like you got the hang of it.

I?ll tell you what Lieutenant

a lot of fighter pilots would k*ll to fly this thing.

It?s like it reads your mind.

Did you do that?

I was just wondering where we go from here.

I?ll take that as a ?yes?.

So how do we find them once we land?

Well I?ve been thinking about that too.

Now I?m thinking about a nice turkey sandwich.

Worth a try.

Lock and load.

All right, teams of two.

Learn what you can;
lay down the defenses as you see fit.

I wanna be able to light this place up if we have to.

- Two clicks and you?re clear to talk.
- Yes sir.

Do not engage the enemy.

You?re with me.

You must feel hunger by now.

I thought getting in was gonna be the hard part.

That?s the first one we?ve seen.

The moving dot should be him.

Over there.

Yeah, that?s you.

So, we got ourselves a Life Signs Detector.

You can name it later.

- Major.
- Shh.

- Are you all right?
- How did you find us?

- Is my son alive?
- He?s well and waiting for you.

- Where?s Colonel Sumner?
- He was taken by the Wraith.

We don?t know where.

- How about when?
- Not long.

I knew something had to go wrong.

This is Stackhouse, go ahead Sir.

How ?bout a diversion a little bit?

- We?re gonna need to make some noise out there.
- Yes, Sir.

Rig up the C4 to blow a hole

and get these people out of here
on my signal, all right?

I can find the Colonel with this,
there aren?t that many Wraith around.

I should be able to do this.

If I?m not back in 20 minutes,
blow the cells and get out.

You?re the only one who
can fly these people out of here.

Yeah I?m gonna fly us all out of here,
including the Colonel.

I?m saying I should be the one to go, Sir.

Twenty minutes, I?ll find him.

What do you call yourself?

Colonel Marshall Sumner,
United States Marine Corps.

So little fear.

Is it valor or ignorance?

We traveled through the stargate
as peaceful explorers.

You must eat,

yet you resist your hunger. Why?

Why have you taken my people prisoner?

You trespassed upon our feeding ground

Feeding ground?

All living things must eat.

In this I am sure we are similar.

You feel hunger even now,

I can sense it.

Yet, you resist. Why?

Why do you care?

Hunger? is distasteful.

Looks to me like the food didn?t agree with him.

There we are quite dissimilar,
Colonel Sumner.

We don?t require

our food to agree with us.

What do you call your world?

What do you call your world?
What do you call your world?


It is not among our stars.


Tell me of earth.

How many more are there of your kind.

Thousands? Millions? More?

Our feeding ground has not been
so rich in ten thousand years.

Your will is strong.

This one begged for his life.

Is that the kind of treatment I
can expect for myself and my people?

As I have said, all living things must eat.

Then we?re done talking.

I think not. Kneel.

I have not tasted such strength in so long.

Go to hell.

Earth first.

How many years must I take from you

before you tell us what I wish to know?

Or shall I take them all?

Where is this new feeding ground?

I won?t-

Bring him.

How?s the hand feeling?

Much better.

I?m sorry to hear that.

How did this come to you?

I don?t remember.

Light it up.


That has to k*ll you.

How?d you find me?

Tread marks, standard issue. Sir, let?s go.

You don?t know what you have done.

We are merely the caretakers for those that sleep.

When I die the others will waken.

All of them.

What?s she talking about?

How many are left?

Sir, we need to leave.

Bates, we?re on the go.

- So are we. Colonel Sumner?
- Negative.

Dr. Weir!

We?re getting reports in from all over the city.

Some? uh? pretty interesting stuff.

We?ve only been able to provide
power to certain sections,

but even then,
the things that are coming up are just-

I should never have let them go.

For what it?s worth,

you made the right decision.

Give them time.

Major, the Jumper is secure for the moment,

- but we have a big problem.
- Lieutenant, take our six.

I?m gonna take them back to the Jumper.

Be right behind you.

There?s nothing there.

I was sure I saw something.

Only what the Wraith wish you to see.

Firing your w*apon will reveal our position.
Come on.

Get in!

Thank you, Sir.

Let?s try not to make a habit of this.

We have incoming!

Okay, now what am I thinking?

Everybody okay back there?

We are well enough.

Hope that was the hard part.


I don?t think we?ve gotten to the hard part yet.

What can we do?

We?re safe as long as they can?t see us.

They don't have to.
There?s only one way for us to go.

The minute we activate the stargate
they could start sh**ting blind

and blow us away on our approach.

Then how can we get through?

We have to draw them away
from the gate and double back.

Be prepared to dial the gate on my mark.

You see anything like a weapons console over there?

Try and go invisible again.

I tried, it must be damaged.
Dial the gate.

Gate activation!

Raise the shield.

Be ready to punch in your code on the next pass.

What?s the range on these things?

Do we have an identification code?

Nothing yet.

Enter your code.
Hang on.

I?m reading Lt. Ford?s IDC.

Let him in.

Give them a few more seconds.

We?re going too fast.

I know.

Reactivate the shield!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to Atlantis.

Please remain seated until the Puddle Jumper
has come to a full complete stop.

- I guess this is home now.
- Guess so.

I?m thinking of a little place with an ocean view.

Out of the way.

Major, Lieutenant,
I thought the occasion merited opening this.

Compliments of General O?Neill.


You did good, John.

I don?t know about that.

Hey, there was no way you
could have saved Colonel Sumner.

I have to live with it.

I?m beginning to think you were right,
I have made things much worse.

I haven?t made us many more friends out there.

No? Look around you.

I agree, Major Sheppard.

You have earned both
my friendship and that of my people.

With our help you will make many more friends.

How come I never make friends like that?

You need to get out more.

We?re in another galaxy.
How much more out can you get?

Is there lemon in this?

One more thing Major.

It?s something I?d like you to sleep on.

- I have a few thoughts for it myself, but-
- Thoughts for what?

Who the members of your team might be?

My team?

Well you are the ranking military officer now,

or do you need to be reminded of that?

We need to get back out there;
do what we came to do.

You do realize I could get us into all sorts of
? trouble. Ya ready?
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