01x10 - The Eye

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Stargate Atlantis". Aired: July 16, 2004 – January 9, 2009.*
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Within the ruins of the legendary city of Atlantis is buried a secret base left by the Ancients, originators of the Stargate.
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01x10 - The Eye

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Stargate Atlantis...

It can't be a storm.
It stretches across the whole horizon.

- It covers 20% of the planet.
- If you want them to live, gate them off.

In the next hour there'll be
under ten people on Atlantis.

We cannot pass up this opportunity.

What is the one thing keeping us
from having a shield? Electricity.

Atlantis is designed to withstand lightning
strikes. There are rods everywhere.

If we disabled the grounding stations,
the energy could be used

to charge up the shield generators.

We're waiting in the jumper.

A small Genii strike force has gated in.

- Why are you doing this?
- You possess supplies we need.

The C4 expl*sive.
All of your medical supplies.

As of right now,
we are in control of Atlantis.

Say goodbye to Dr. Weir.

And now the conclusion.


Kolya, don't do this!

How does this help get what you want?

Sheppard put you in this position, not me.

- You can't do this. You need her.
- She's right.

There are codes required that only
she knows. You can't do it without her.

You can't do this without me, either.
We're a package deal.

You take us out of the equation
and you don't have an end-game.

That's a chess term.

My point is, we're the only ones
who can fix the grounding station,

the only ones
who can solve any problem!

You k*ll either one of us
and you don't get what you want!

- It's important...
- Rodney...

Rodney, he gets it.

- I appreciate...
- You're an asset we need for this mission.

- You stood in front of a g*n for me.
- Don't thank me yet.

2½ hours till the storm hits,
and unless our luck changes,

this city is gonna be obliterated.

Major Sheppard, how's this for credibility?
Weir is dead.

- I'm going to k*ll you.
- Maybe.

Stay out of my way or McKay will join her.

This is amazing.

There you are.

We're here. Take two men.
Head there, four levels down.

- That's Sheppard.
- Yes, sir.

Let's go. You're with me.

He's heading out of the hallways.

- Holy!
- Right, that's it!

- What are you doing, man?
- Adding weight to the puddle jumper.

- Don't screw with the controls.
- Can't be too careful.

You can be way too careful. There's
no chance we're gonna blow away.

- Let it go.
- That should be enough.

How much longer until the storm passes?

I guess we're barely halfway through,
but there's no way to tell.

I know. I hope they're OK, too.

What's this, then?

- We're through it?
- We can't be.

That's not possible.

He's moving.

Are you sure
we're on the right level?

- Where did he go?
- Sh! He can probably hear you.

Will you look at this?!

How bad is this?!
That is just never gonna be useful again!

I should be able to bypass
the switching station entirely.

- Good. How long?
- It's not half as bad as it looks.

- I'd say 15, 20 minutes, tops.
- Good.

- Dr. Weir, I need you to...
- Right, of course.

Keep that there.

- We're in the eye.
- Right. Has to be.

- The eye?
- Dead centre of the storm.

The storm swirls around
a 20 to 40 kilometre-wide area.

Then this calm will not last?

No. In fact, in about ten minutes,
it's gonna get very ugly again.

- We have to help the major.
- We can take off, but landing's hard.

- What if it's reached Atlantis?
- Has it?

- It will any time now.
- Stop wasting time. Let's go.

We still have to fly through the storm.
It's insanity.

This is a spaceship.
We can fly up and over.

Straight up and down? I'm a bloody
medical doctor, not a magician!

- You can do it.
- If we can help, we must.

Oh, crap.

20 feet away.

- Five feet.
- There's so much smoke. Which way?

- You're right on top of him.
- Yeah? I think I would see him if I was.

Stand by.

Do you see him?

Did you get him?


- Commander.
- Yes, Sora.

Laden has been leading three of our men
on a reconnaissance mission.

Major Sheppard has k*lled
three more of our strike team.

Tell everyone to move back
to the control room.

Why did you tell him you could
have this fixed in 20 minutes?

Oh, I don't know.
Maybe so he wouldn't k*ll us!

I understand that, but once the shield
is operational, we won't be very useful.

Why did you let me tell him
I could fix it in 20%

- You have to stall him.
- I told him how long it'll take.

Find another problem with it.

Tell them that the power loop interface
isn't jiving with your walkabout.

- Isn't jiving?
- Rodney, you get my point.

By the sounds of it,
if we can buy Sheppard enough time,

he can take care
of the rest of them on his own.

Radio Chief Cowen.
Tell him to send reinforcements.

A full company.

If you're hoping Major Sheppard can
diminish our numbers, you are mistaken.

OK. What would McKay do?

- You're coming in a little steep, Doc.
- Thank you. I'm very aware of that.

I told you not to play with the controls.

I'm sure I got 'em back right.
Why don't you try to contact the major?

First you gotta get us in there.

What are you up to?

What's he done now?

I should have seen this coming.

Commander. Major Sheppard
has cut power to the control room.


Atlantis is being powered
by five small generators,

each responsible for a separate area.

Major Sheppard has disabled the
generator that powers Stargate operations.

We still have most primary operations.

We have definitely lost
all secondary systems.

Can you still track Sheppard?


- Then we have no idea where he is now?
- No, sir.

- Is the control room secure?
- Yes, Commander.

I suggest we send men
to guard the generators.

No! He's trying to divide us
into manageable numbers.

Just hold Stargate operations
until the reinforcements arrive.


If he asks what's taking so long,
you do the talking.

- You'll be fine.
- No, I won't. I'm a terrible bluffer.

I've lost small fortunes at poker.
My eye twitches, I laugh. It's not pretty.

What's our progress?

We've hit a small snag.

We're running a diagnosis
to make sure we can interface our codes.

It's a small snag.
It's like half an hour at the most.

Sheppard has just disabled
another generator.

Yes, Laden, I'm aware of that. He's cut
the power to grounding station three.

Can it still be repaired?

Without power, no.

Can the plan be completed without it?

The other three grounding stations
have been disabled.

No, no, it's just not good enough.

Look, by uncoupling
the grounding stations,

when lightning strikes the city,
the electricity'll have nowhere to go.

If we can channel the electricity properly

to the conduits
that mine the city corridors,

we should be able
to power the shield temporarily.

If any grounding stations are left active,

a sizeable amount of electricity
will find its way to ground, and no shield.

The storm has not slowed its pace.

We have little time.
We should re-evaluate our goals, perhaps.

We have more than enough time
to complete our objectives.

Then I must strongly advise that
we send men to repair the generators

and to guard the active ones.

Agreed. Teams of two,
but you watch over the control room.

As soon as the reinforcements arrive,
have them take Sheppard with force.


Perhaps we could be under shelter.
I'm liable to catch a cold like that.

I take it that's a no?

Remain here and be still.
I will return for you.

- Where are we going?
- Armoury.

Are you sure...

You know you're always saying
you don't have to take orders?

- Now you do.
- So long as it's temporary.

- Shall we contact the major?
- The Genii may be monitoring us.

We do not want to alert them
of our presence.

Life-signs detector.

These dots don't tell us who's who.
How do we know which one's the major?

He'll be the dot
getting rid of the other dots.

- How many should we expect?
- A full company. 60 or more.

I don't know how we were expected
to do it with any less.

It was supposed to be a raid
to retrieve what was rightfully ours.

With me. Come on.

Reinforcements are arriving now,

Have them secure Stargate operations
and report back to me.

Yes, Commander.

Secure the area. Anyone...

Shut it off, Laden!

- Stop him!
- Up there!

This is Sora. Stop sending reinforcements.
The shield has been raised.

- Sheppard has raised the gate shield.
- Shut it down.

- Turn it off.
- I don't know how. Laden is unconscious.

- Tell her.
- I don't know what he's done.

- Tell her!
- He must have added a command code.

- What is it?
- I don't know!

- Only Sheppard would know it.
- Trust me, I would help you if I could.

You have command codes.

It's no use.

It's over.

The gate has shut down.
There are no more men coming.

How many men made it?

Five. Five of sixty.

You still need me, if you want this city.

You still need both of us.

He's entered some sort of security code
to lock down the gate.

Give me some time.
Should be able to crack it.

Do it.

Commander, Laden thinks
he can have the gate fixed.

Did Athor's son make it through the gate?

I'm sorry?

His name is Idos. Did he make it?

No, sir.

Over 60 men k*lled!

Defending his home and his people,
Commander, as we would.

When can more reinforcements be sent?

- It will take time, perhaps an hour.
- Unacceptable.

Yes, Commander, it is unacceptable.

By then, we will be
in the full force of the storm.

Probably sooner.

Major Sheppard,
I have a proposition for you.

- Do you recognise that voice?
- No.

Kolya, I'm having a hard time keeping up.
What's the score?

My men have informed me that not only
have you disabled crucial generators,

but you've stolen key components which
make it impossible for them to be restored.

Yeah, I did that.

There are two flaws in your plan.

I'm always open to constructive criticism.

One: the assumption I would believe

you'd rather destroy the city,
than let it fall to us, is childish.

- Doesn't sound like me.
- Second...

If and when I determine
Atlantis unsalvageable,

Drs Weir and McKay become obsolete.

Weir's alive?

Dr. McKay was able to make a strong case
for keeping her alive.

Let me talk to her.

Sheppard, we're both here.

- It's good to hear your voice.
- That's good to hear.

We have less than one hour
before the storm hits full force.

If the power is not returned to grounding
station three in ten minutes, Dr. Weir dies.

- Again, you mean?
- Her death will buy you ten minutes,

after which, should the power still be out,
Dr. McKay dies.

We will then leave with what we can
and the city will be destroyed.

That's not enough time.

If you don't mind destroying Atlantis,
stay where you are for 20 minutes.

Starting now.

Don't load up so much it'll slow you down.
Two extra magazines each.

- All right.
- What d'you need that for?

- Anything moving's gonna get shot.
- What if it's the major?

He'll get hit with a stunner
instead of a P-90.

- What if he sees us first?
- He'll hear you first.

- Are you telling me to shut up again?
- Again.


Let's go.

Which generator powers
grounding station three?

- You're asking me?
- Whichever one it is, we gotta be there.

- There's one here.
- Is that a guess?

- Aye, but it makes sense.
- It's the closest.

I'll take point. Teyla, on our six.
You, don't open your mouth.

- Only sh**t at what I tell you to.
- Don't be so pushy.

That's an order.


Look, your boss wanted me
to turn this thing back on.

- I think we should do what he says.
- Be quiet.

- Sora, we have him.
- Keep him alive. I'm on my way.

- Is it the wrong one?
- Yeah, I'd say so.

Don't you blame me for this.
I'm not an engineer.

I only have a basic understanding
of how Rodney configures the power, so...

You just can't stop talking.
No matter what I say...

You're such a nice lad,
until you're in charge, you cheeky bugger!

Wait. What if this is the right station
and the major has not made it back yet?

She's right.

No. No, this one's working.

- How much time?
- Two minutes.

There's five generators. It's not this one
or the one powering the control tower.

That leaves three. One-in-three chance
of guessing the right one.

We may walk into the ambush
we're trying to save him from.

Are any of the generators
near a transport station?

- Aye, there's two.
- Let's go.

- OK, now, if I remember correctly...
- Remember correctly.

- I think they're here and here.
- Which one is next to a generator?

- Give me a moment.
- Pick one!

- I'm the one you're gonna blame.
- We have to go now.


I don't mean to be bad, but Kolya'll k*ll my
people if I don't get this turned back on.

Turn around.

- You turn around.
- What?

If I have to turn around,
you should turn around.

- What took you so long?
- The storm...

Hold that thought.

It seems Major Sheppard
wants you to live.

Let's get back to work.

- You OK, sir?
- Been better, been worse.

- Shoulder's sore.
- Want me to take a look?

- Take a rain check, Doc.
- We should leave. More Genii will come.

I couldn't agree more.

- If this doesn't work...
- It will.

- I'm just saying, if it doesn't work...
- It will.

- I'm sure it will, but if it doesn't...
- Rodney.


- Fantastic.
- Oh, thank God.

McKay figures he can harness
the storm's lightning.

- This lightning?
- SG teams have done it before.

- There's a big difference...
- I didn't say you could talk.

Now... I need to run the sub-routine

that will convince the buffer
to the shield generator

to attenuate the raw electricity
into useful power.

I can only do that from the control room,
using Dr. Weir's codes.


Only primary systems are operating.
Sheppard has to repair the generators.

The shield's considered a primary system.
We're good to go, but we have to go now.

I mean now, I mean everybody,
all your men.

What does that have to do with my men?

Now the grounding station's deactivated,

electricity will flow through the conduits
that line every corridor in the city.

- What kind of plan is that?
- A McKay kind of plan. It's all we got.

- It leaves us only one place to go.
- Where the Genii will also be.

The control room and Stargate operations
are shielded.

The rest of the city...
once lightning starts to hit...

Anybody left in the hallway
is as good as dead.

- Why haven't you responded?
- She's here.

- Who?
- Teyla and two others joined Sheppard.

Why wasn't this reported sooner?
Fall back to the control room immediately.

She's just out of my reach. If I'm patient...

- I gave you an order.
- She left my father for dead.

The storm is upon us.
The city's not safe.

- I don't care.
- Fall back. Your father will be avenged.

- By me.
- Sora...

- Will the hunters in the jumper be safe?
- Jumper bay's part of Stargate operations.

- That's where we should be headed.
- Weir and McKay will be expendable.

- We gotta take the control room first.
- Would he k*ll them for being of no use?

No, he'd k*ll them to punish me.
Here's the deal.

Ford and I go to the control room.
You head to the jumper bay.

- I intend to fight alongside you.
- I intend you to fight with us.

Lower the ship into the gate room.
Open the weapons pods.

Should be enough distraction
for us to go in.

We take the control room, get the shield
up, city saved, Weir and McKay saved...

take the rest of the day off.

- Sounds like a plan, sir.
- Stay on channel two. Let's move out.

You're not gonna need that thing.
sh**t to k*ll.

The winds are getting stronger
and the wave heights are growing.

- We need to keep stalling.
- What for?

- Major Sheppard is still out there.
- Now, McKay.

It's done. Dr. Weir,
I need to enter your codes.

Yes, of course.




- 03245.
- And the second sequence?

I'll be glad when following orders is over...

Drop it!

I'll k*ll him.

I would hate to k*ll you so quickly.

I've known you almost all your life.
Why are you doing this?

- You left him to die.
- He k*lled an innocent.

- He alerted the Wraith to our presence.
- And you escaped.

If I am to die by your hand, Sora,

I die knowing there was nothing
I could have done to have saved Tyrus.

We're in position.

- This isn't right.
- What?

They should have made it
to the jumper bay first.

They should have been waiting for us.

Teyla, what's your position?


This was my father's.
It was handed down from his father.

If you want to fight this way,
Sora, I will win.

You will have avenged no one.

We'll see.

- Engage the shield.
- Almost finished.

A massive wave is approaching.

- Without the shield...
- McKay.

We're getting hits on the northern pier.
Routing power to the corridor now.



- OK, this is a problem.
- What?

I told you this was a long shot.

We have serious flooding
on the north and west piers.

The city conduits just can't handle
this kind of raw power.

- Is any power getting to the shield?
- Nowhere near enough.

- You said this would work.
- I'm an extremely arrogant man.

I tend to think all of my plans will work.

- Idiot!
- This was a long shot at best.

Why else would we evacuate the city?

It was always our intention
to dial out in case this didn't work.

Within minutes, Atlantis will fail.

You can leave and survive,
or you can go down with the city.

You choose.


We're not getting enough power
to the shield.

Are you gonna sacrifice
the lives of all of your men

on the off chance that this city
won't be completely destroyed?

Open the Stargate.
Start evacuating the remaining men.

- You're making the right decision.
- You're coming with us.


- As payment for what you've done.
- What we've done?

Change of plan.

- You get McKay.
- This is a bad idea!

You saw what happened with my last plan.
This is not...

You're not going anywhere.

I will sh**t you if you don't let her go.

And risk hurting Dr. Weir?

I'm not aiming at her.

Find Teyla and Beckett. Make sure
that's all of 'em. Sorry. I had to...

- You OK?
- No.

You will be. Come on.

- What are you doing?
- I thought I'd activate the shield.

- Teyla and Beckett are still out there.
- There's a tsunami heading for the city.

- In two and a half minutes they're dead.
- Then give 'em two minutes.

This is not what your father
would have wanted.

- Our people were destined to be allies.
- Fall back to the control room.

This must end now!

Then end it!

There's no more time.
We either lose them or we lose the city.

- Rodney, go!
- Going!

- What's happening?
- It just needs to build up enough power.

Wait for it.


- Rodney.
- Just in time to see how this ends.


- Nice work, Rodney.
- Did you ever doubt me?

Yes, several times.

I see you've made a new friend, Teyla.

- What do you wanna do with her?
- I don't know yet.

We'll keep her locked up
for the time being.

Maybe releasing her to the Genii
would help ease tension.

You're extremely optimistic,
you know that?

- You think so?
- Everyone getting back OK?

- Looks like it.
- How fares our city?

We're pumping out
the lower levels of the east pier.

There is structural damage.
Nothing serious.

Beckett suffered from a minor concussion.
I had to do this myself.

Still, on the bright side,
I've had my first decent meal in 24 hours,

so, all things considered,
I would say we are just fine.

- These things happen every 20 years?
- That's what they tell us.

How far in advance can we book days off?
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