01x11 - The Defiant One

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Stargate Atlantis". Aired: July 16, 2004 – January 9, 2009.*
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Within the ruins of the legendary city of Atlantis is buried a secret base left by the Ancients, originators of the Stargate.
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01x11 - The Defiant One

Post by bunniefuu »

- Ease up on the controls a little.
- I'm fine.

You're gonna snap the damn things off.

- I'm just seeing what this baby can do.
- "This baby"?

It's appropriate space-pilot parlance.

- Try to fly the baby in a straight line.
- I'm flying in a straight line.

- Not so much.
- Well, in space, all motion is relative.

You OK, Dr Gall?

I get motion sickness.

These have inertial dampeners.
You don't feel a thing.

I know we're moving.
That's enough for me.

Why'd you choose this guy
for the mission?

Brendan discovered
the Lagrangian Point satellite.

Elizabeth felt he should see it.

- Don't let go!
- Snapping doesn't help!

This is why parents
don't teach their kids how to drive.

I'm both insulted and touched by that.

Oh, my God!

- McKay.
- Yes, of course, please.

Holding station at 1,000 metres.

Half a mile away
and it's filling the windshield.

This might be the single largest
weapons platform ever constructed.

The last line of defence before Atlantis.

Any chance it's still operational?
That would be very good.

- Any energy readings?
- Negative.

- So it's dead?
- It warrants closer scrutiny, but... yeah.

Knocked out
during the Ancients' last stand?

Or its power source is depleted.
We should still take a closer look.

Wait. I'm getting something
on the ultra-low frequency range.

Where's it coming from?

The planet.

It's a distress call.

A Wraith distress call.

Wraith? In this solar system?

I know. It's right in our backyard.

We figure the Ancients shot the ship down
in the final battle for Atlantis.

And it's still putting out a signal?

A very weak signal.
If any part of that ship is intact,

the wealth of knowledge
we could acquire is invaluable.

- What are you saying?
- We have to go and take a look.

You have to?
It took you almost 15 hours to get there.

All the more reason to look.
We're already here.

The planet's atmosphere
is extremely ionised.

Radio communication could be difficult.

And it would take at least 15 hours
to send out any sort of rescue.

- We'll be fine.
- Major?.

- I agree with McKay.
- Of course you do.

How could you resist exploring
a crashed alien spaceship?

- Exactly.
- Our interest is purely professional.

The intel we can gather from
their weapons system, codes, shields...

All right.
Proceed with extreme caution, please.

- Check in with me in three hours.
- Three hours?

Will do. Jumper One out.

- "Communication could be difficult."
- She said yes, didn't she?

- And no thanks to you.
- All right, knock it off, guys.

I've spent the last 15 hours
listening to you two.

Are we ready?

All right, let's remember where we parked.

- Why didn't we land next to the ship?
- A precaution.

The Wraith ship
crashed thousands of years ago.

- Automated defences.
- I never thought of that.

Brendan, we weren't all built for fieldwork.

Seriously, we're almost there, right?

What's that?

Some kind of a bug?

Space bug.

It's giving off
a pretty strong life-signs reading.

- I'm allergic to bee stings.
- It smells the food.

Maybe he's just smelling the girlish fear.

Well, let's leave it be...
and it'll leave us be.


- Have you seen one like this before?
- It's too small to be a hive ship.

It's been here a long time.
Maybe they discontinued that model.

Maybe, but whatever it is,
it took a hell of a hit.

Score one for the Ancient satellite.

There are skeletons down there.
I guess everyone didn't die in the crash.

- Any life signs?
- I think we can rule that out.

- Just a precaution.
- Fine.

- Us and the bugs. Nothing from the ship.
- Good. Let's go take a look.

Picking up faint power readings.

Something had to be powering
the distress beacon.

Come on, Abrams.

Maybe one of us should stay outside.

Look, I know how you feel,

but how many opportunities like this
are we gonna get?

- Looks like he just lay down and died.
- It's remarkably preserved.

Or it wasn't that long ago.
All right, Beckett'll want samples.

It is, uh...? Yeah.


- What the...?
- OK. This is different.

- Wraith cannibalism?
- Looks like it.

- They feed off each other?
- Probably as a last resort.

They tried to survive as long as possible.

- OK, that is incredibly disturbing.
- No kidding.

- You know, I wonder if there's...
- Guys!

They're bodies, human bodies.

They have chambers like this
on hive ships.

- I've never seen one so large before.
- I don't understand.

The Wraith cocoon humans, keep them in
suspended animation, so later they can...

I think we just figured out
what this ship is for.

A supply ship on its way to feed the Wraith
who were laying siege to Atlantis.

- That's terrifying.
- Gall, Abrams, check it out, but be careful.

- What? Wait.
- Where are you going?

To the bridge.
Maybe we can get some intel.

- You're leaving us?
- They're all dead.

- That's the problem!
- Just get a rough head count.

- We'll stay in radio contact.
- That could be difficult.

- This part of the ship seems shielded.
- Weir only gave us a few hours.

You wanted fieldwork. This is fieldwork.

Lieutenant, put a team on stand-by
for a rescue mission.

- Is the major all right?
- Everything's fine.

I'd just like to have a team ready.

- So, just in case?
- Yeah. Just in case.

Yes, ma'am.

I'm not picking up anything
in the EM spectrum.

I may need to rig up a secondary power
source to interface with their computer.

- I'm just thinking out loud.
- What?

How long could the Wraith
feed on all those humans?

They're capable of hibernating
for hundreds of years,

but 10,000 years ago was roughly
the dawn of human civilisation.

- So there's no chance that...?
- No. Are you kidding? Well... maybe.

- McKay.
- No.

No living thing could survive that long
under those conditions. It's ridiculous.


It would require an incredible
power source to sustain the humans

in suspended animation
almost the entire time.

- So it's possible?
- Oh, my God. It is possible.

We gotta get outta here.

Gall, Abrams, this is Sheppard.

Are you trying to scare me to death?

I'm probably being overcautious,
but we should...

We need to what?

Say again. Your radio's breaking up.

Fall back to our point of ingress.
We're headed back to the jumper.

I think we're getting outta here.

- What?
- I just saw something behind you.

We can't go that way.
Major, I saw something.

All right, stay put.
We're coming back to you.

Understood. There's nothing out here.

- You're freaking out on me.
- I saw something.

- Put that thing away.
- I know what I saw!

Oh, my God.

This way.

- He's dead.
- Where's Gall?

I don't know.

- Gall, this is Sheppard. Come in.
- It must have taken him.

You're right. They're on the move.

- What are you doing?
- Taking his weapons and his a*mo.

- I already have a g*n.
- Now you have two.

- You're not going after the Wraith?
- After Gall.

Then I plan on getting the hell outta here.

I swear there were no life signs.

They don't show up as life signs
when they're hibernating.

OK. Let's go.


- They're not even overdue.
- It doesn't matter.

Call it intuition, paranoia, or just a drill.
Either way, I want you to go now.

- If they are in trouble...
- Then every moment counts. Exactly.

- Who's your pilot?
- Markham.

- Good. He could use some practice.
- I have ordnance to fight a small w*r.

- Let's hope you don't have to.
- Yes, ma'am.

Let's move out.

- What's that?
- I don't know.

But I don't have the ordnance
I should have. I'll take any edge I can get.

What world are you from?

You're gonna k*ll me anyway.

You have come here by ship.

Where is it?

You're gonna k*ll me anyway.

But not all at once.



Stay behind me.
sh**t only when I tell you to sh**t.

- I'm sorry.
- Sh!

He's left the ship.

- It k*lled Abrams.
- We know.

It was so fast. It fed off me.

- You're gonna be all right.
- It was taking my life. I could feel it.

Listen to me. You're still here.

Can you move?

- Nothing below my shoulders.
- I'm sure the paralysis is just temporary.

I told him where we left the jumper.
He took my remote.

- He won't be able to fly it.
- Do we know that?

I'm sure the Wraith were the reason
the technology only works with the gene.

- He'll have our weapons, food and water.
- Who cares?

What if he can use our subspace radio
to signal his friends?

- He might do that.
- Not if I get there first.

- He's got a head start.
- I'm fast.

- Elizabeth will send a jumper...
- Stay with him.

No. Please don't leave us.

- We should stick together.
- He k*lled Abrams.

Just because we both made an error...

I don't have time to argue about this!

Now, set your radio to channel two,
but don't use it till you hear from me.

Major! Major!

It's fine. Just...


- Anything?
- No.

Hopefully there's just the one.

- You're not gonna let me die out here?
- Don't be ridiculous.

You know, 'cause people would talk.

- And why would they do that?
- It's obvious.

You're afraid I'll outshine you.
My mind. My youth.

- How much did he take?
- You look fine.

That's what they do, isn't it?
They take years off your life.

I look old, don't I?

You look older, yes.

- Show me.
- There's no point in doing this.

Rodney, show me.

Oh, my God!

I don't know how it works, Brendan.
Maybe you haven't really aged.

It's possible that in time you could
get better. You're still alive.

Can you move yet?

- I think I'm getting some feeling back.
- Well, there's something.

What? I'm just trying to help here.

You're the one who had to find
the stupid satellite.

- Agh! Don't make me laugh.
- You shouldn't laugh. It's not so good.

They still haven't checked in.

- Good thing we left when we did.
- Be careful, Lieutenant.

Yes, ma'am.

Gall said radio was a problem
on the surface.

Hopefully the jumper's
subspace communications are just down.

We'll do whatever we need to do.

You're on the other side of
the solar system. It's gonna be your call.

Yes, ma'am, it is.


- Still here.
- Son of a bitch beat me to it. He's fast.

- Then get back here.
- Negative.

- There's no point being there.
- He's on my ship.

Are you Captain Kirk?
What good'll it do him?

Maybe he can hot-wire the damn thing.
I don't wanna take a chance.

Any idea how long the days are
on this planet?

No. Why?

I've got a feeling the nights
are pretty damn cold, sub-zero cold.

We're six hours overdue.
Assuming they waited an hour...

It's gonna be dark
before a jumper can get here.

If we play the waiting game, the guy who's
been around for 10,000 years will win.

Anyone or anything capable of surviving
that long is a serious adversary.

Not if I get him out in the open.
He won't know about our weapons.

If all goes well,
I'll fly back and pick you up.

And if all doesn't go well?
Things haven't gone well thus far.

You know, these guys do die
if you have enough firepower.

- Well, eventually, yes, but...
- Try and stay positive.

How's Gall feeling?

- He can move his toes.
- See? Things are looking up.

This is Major John Sheppard.
That's my ship you're messing with.

I'd like it back.

- This ship is Lantian.
- Yes, it is.

They were on the verge of defeat.

You weren't around
for the end of the w*r. You lost.

- Impossible.
- It's true.

You're the last of your kind.

Their city was under siege.
Atlantis was all that remained.

Victory was inevitable.

Well, you can see for yourself
my ship is Lantian.

I'm living proof we're still around
but the Wraith are all gone.

No one's left but you.

What you say cannot be true.

Come down to your own ship
and see for yourself. I'll be waiting for you.

You cannot hope to defeat me!

There. What'd I tell you, huh?

Rodney, I don't feel so good.

Water. Probably need some water.

- McKay.
- Major, what's happening?

I thought you should know...
round one was a draw.

- I don't like the sound of that.
- I took some fire.

- Are you injured?
- That's what I mean by "I took some fire".

But I don't think it's too bad,

but my P-90's out of commission.

He found a nine mil,
figured out how to use it.

- The Wraith will heal itself.
- No kidding.

I put at least 20 sh*ts into him.

I've seen Wraith go down and stay down
with far less. This guy's different.

The Wraith's ability to heal itself
may be proportional

to how recently the Wraith has fed,
and he's... fed pretty recently.

There's gotta be more to it than that.

- Can Gall move his fingers yet?
- Barely.

- Stick a g*n in his hand.
- Major?

Just in case I don't make it back.
Sheppard out.

That's comforting, huh? Right. Water.

Oh, crap!

- What the hell was that?
- I almost blew myself up.

- What?
- Stay off the radio. I'm busy.

Right. He's busy.

- You wanna go and help him, don't you?
- Me go up against a Wraith?

You do. I can tell. You've changed.

- You wanna get out there.
- Shut up.

Don't get me wrong. I'm impressed.
You want in the fight.

- The Rodney McKay I knew would never...
- We're staying here.

All right.

Take this, but don't sh**t at anything
until I tell you to.


D'you want some of this?

OK, OK. That's enough.

- You're right. I should go out there.
- I said you wanted to.

- Because I should.
- No, you shouldn't.

But don't let me stop you. If you think
you can help the major by going...

- I can't leave you here.
- Yes, you can.

What difference does it make?
We know I'm not gonna make it.

Stop being so dramatic.
You're getting stronger by the minute.

- I've never felt so weak.
- Then stop talking.

I'm dying, Rodney. I can feel it.

- Stop it!
- I'm getting worse.

He left me with enough life
so you'd have to watch me die.

All you need is a good meal,
a pot of tea and to stop talking and...


I'm sorry.

- You said to stop talking.
- I'm sorry, I thought you'd...


Nice work.

Not now, guys.

We may be able
to make radio contact now, sir.

Major, this is Lieutenant Ford. Come in.

Major, we should be there inside an hour.
Please respond.

- Perhaps we are still too far away.
- Or they can't get a signal.

See if you can make this thing go faster.

Do you think I'm a fool, Major Sheppard?

There's nowhere for you to go
on this world.

When I feed upon you,
I will savour the taste of your defiance.

Hey, you. Over here.

On the ground, the radio.

The days on this planet are long,
but the nights are cold.

Sooner or later I will have you.

I can't hear you threatening
to suck the life out of me

till you hit the button on the radio.

- You hear that?
- No.

I thought I heard something.
Maybe there's another one hibernating.


It's been too long.
The major could be in trouble,

and if he's in trouble, we're in trouble.

- Then go.
- Do you think you can move?

Not a chance. I'm not going anywhere.

OK. That's OK.

Go. Rodney, just go.

Save the day.

I wanna call him on the radio,
but I might give away his position.

What chance would we have
if Sheppard can't take him out?

I was hoping you'd be strong...

Oh, no.

You have got to be kidding me.

I have fed upon countless thousands
of humans and Lantians,

even upon my own crew,

and I will feed upon you
before this day is done.

- Major, this is Lieutenant Ford.
- Lieutenant, I like your timing.

- Get your ass down here.
- We're still two zero minutes away.

Your timing sucks.
Get here as soon as you can.

You need me to get off this planet.
I'm the only one who can fly that ship.

I will use your dead hands
to operate its controls.

- Major!
- McKay!

- What do I do now?
- Keep firing everything you got!

OK, now what?


- We're picking up their life signs.
- Head straight for 'em.

Sir, we're picking you up
on the HUD.

No more b*ll*ts!

Ford, lock on to the biggest
life-sign signals you can see and fire.

- Negative, sir. You're too close!
- That's an order. Do it!

Fire on that target.

McKay, run!


Still here!

Sir, this is Ford. The target has gone.

Well, it's about damn time.

We got here as soon as we could.

That's not what I meant. Thanks.

You're welcome, sir.
We'll be there in a few minutes.

We can wait.

- Thanks.
- Yeah. You too.

- You OK?
- Other than this and a few cracked ribs.

What about Gall?


You'll have to put the ship back together,
provided you can disarm the shield.

Fine. As long as we get to go home.

- You can drive.
- Oh, thank you.
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