01x19 - The Siege: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Stargate Atlantis". Aired: July 16, 2004 – January 9, 2009.*
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Within the ruins of the legendary city of Atlantis is buried a secret base left by the Ancients, originators of the Stargate.
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01x19 - The Siege: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Stargate Atlantis...

The hive ships will be in range
of the satellite in 49 hours.

That's the only thing standing
between the Wraith and Atlantis.

You think it can take out a hive ship?

It should take out all three
when fully charged.

This is bad, very bad!
I'm not sure I can fix this.

They do not want to destroy
Atlantis. They want to get to Earth.

Which is why we have
a self-destruct in place.

Having trouble docking with the satellite.

There isn't time. Get to a safe distance.

Come get me once the satellite
has taken care of the Wraith ships.

We have a k*ll.

There's no time! Get the hell out of here!

This is McKay. We have lost the satellite.

- Did you take out any more ships?
- Negative. Two are intact.

You can't do any more out there,
Rodney. Return to Atlantis.

- Welcome back, Rodney.
- Where are we?

Our scanners show the hive ships are
moving, though their pace has slowed.

You gave them something to think about.

If they get here in two hours or two days,

it doesn't change the fact
that we're out of options.

We can't hope to fight them, so unless
either of you have any more ideas...

The last group is assembled
and ready for evac.

All right, then. Let's get this done.


Self-destruct is armed.

Prepare to load the virus
into the Ancient mainframe.

- Rodney, dial the Alpha site.
- Dialling.

We got an incoming wormhole.

- Receiving an IDC.
- Who is it?

- Stargate Command.
- Are you sure?


Lower the shields.

- Dr Weir.
- Yes.

- Colonel Everett, US Marine Corps.
- You should know...

General O'Neill sends his compliments
on a job well done. You are relieved.

- We're about to evacuate.
- Without a fight?

- Yes, sir.
- On my order.

That evacuation order's rescinded.

I assume you've armed
the self-destruct device.

- Yes, but as Dr Weir was...
- I need you to disarm it immediately.

I don't think
you fully grasp our situation.

Three hive ships are bearing down,
and you've nothing to defend yourself.

- That about sum it up?
- You got our message.

- We got your message.
- It's two hive ships. We destroyed one.

Good for you.
That should make my job easier.

- What exactly is your job, sir?
- Is that not obvious?

We are going to defend Atlantis
at all costs.

- Colonel...
- Signed by General O'Neill.

We appreciate the thought,
but if you had read the report,

you'd know there's not much we can do.

I read your report
cover to cover, Major.

You must've found a ZPM
to dial in from Earth.

discovered it in Egypt.

It's been under our noses
the whole time.

Wait, how did you bring the ZPM here?

It is being transported up
to the Daedalus, our new battle cruiser.

I didn't know it was finished.

With a ZPM boosting her engine,
she should be here inside four days.

That is how long
we have to hold this base.

Dial Pegasus Alpha site.
Recall all military personnel.

As well, any civilians who'd like to help
in damage control are welcome.

When you've done that, please join me
to discuss our tactical position.

Colonel Everett! Fine, you're in charge,
but I should be at that briefing.

Any other aspect, I'll include you.
We're talking about our tactical position.

- I understand that...
- Good.

Somebody wanna please
turn off that self-destructor?

This schematic is based
on your information. Is it accurate?

- Yes, sir.
- Deploy Alpha 2.

Sergeant, Alpha 2.

- Deploy what exactly?
- We brought along some rail g*ns.

They were originally slated
for Prometheus on the next re-fit.

They will deliver an impact velocity
of Mach 5 at 250 miles.

A standard magazine will hold
10,000 rounds.

- Self-destruct has been aborted.
- Thank you.

Did you contact the Alpha site?

I asked him to wait
until I had a talk with you.

- Is that a fact?
- Yes, sir.

Major, dial the Alpha site.

Colonel, you've been here five minutes.

I have been responsible for people's lives
on this base for several months.

I won't put them in jeopardy
until I know how you'll defend this city.

I don't need to explain myself to you,
and I don't need your cooperation.

But you could probably use mine... sir.

So please answer Dr Weir's question.

- Is that a threat, Major?
- No, sir.

You need a clear chain of command,
but if you cut Dr Weir out of the loop,

you'll alienate the people
whose trust she's earned,

which is everyone on the base,
including me.

Is that a fact?

Have a seat.

I should be in that meeting.
I am the expert on defence capabilities.

When the military steps in,
scientists take a back seat.

Till they need us. They don't think
they need us, till they need us!

Then they need us.

Take a look at this.

Six naqahdah-enhanced
nuclear warheads.

They emit almost zero EM
and are invisible to radar.

Once deployed,
they will detonate by proximity fuse.

- Space mines?
- Right.

We use jumpers in stealth mode
between the armada and Atlantis.

- We hoped you could help us with that.
- Yes, but keep some in reserve.

- Negative. We only get one shot.
- Consider the possibility...

Four of my men are pilots
with the gene inoculation.

Familiarise them with the jumpers
and they'll become our fighter screen.

- Along with me.
- I've another job for you.

This base is equipped
with a chair weapons-platform

like the one we found in Antarctica.

- Yes, but we've no way of powering it.
- We do now.

We brought a Mark Il
naqahdah generator.

We can increase power output by 600%.

It should be able to power the chair
for as long as we need it.

- It's beginning to sound like a plan.
- I'm glad you approve.

This is a long shot, but we have
to hold out until the Daedalus gets here.

Then we can use the ZPM
to power the city shield.

Any questions?

All right, then.

Now that Dr Weir's
been informed of our plans,

I would greatly appreciate it
if you'd execute my order

and contact the Alpha site.

Yes, sir.

And Major!

This is the last time
I give you an order twice.


You must be Teyla.

And you are Colonel Everett.

Major Sheppard spoke highly of you
in his report.

Of course, a more recent report
has me a little concerned.

That I may fall under the influence
of the Wraith?

He assures me that won't happen,
but I need you to stay out of the way.

Do you not need every able body
to help defend Atlantis?

I think we can handle it.

- He's not even trying.
- We've tried a dozen times.

- Never with this power.
- Major Sheppard's your man.

Of course, but he's training pilots,
so we're stuck with you.

Listen carefully, do what I tell you
and no one'll get hurt.

There must be someone else.

Concentrate on powering up the chair.
Nothing else, nothing but!

- Don't think...
- Don't tell me, or I'll think about it!

Please power it up.




- And... Oh, no.
- What? Did I do something wrong?

So, see? Nothing to worry about.

Get him out of the chair.

Elizabeth. I've hooked up the generator
and the chair platform is operational.

- That's good news.
- Not so much.

- What's wrong?
- We're down to a few dozen drones.

You just found this out?

There was no way of determining that
until the chair was initialised.

The chair in Antarctica controlled
thousands of them.

I know. They were probably used
against the first Wraith attack.

Even a few dozen
will help us keep them at bay.

What is it?

- Incoming. They appeared all of a sudden.
- What's going on?

We just detected objects
approaching the planet.

- How many?
- Hundred plus.

How come they weren't detected
by the long-range sensors?

Because they're rocks. Asteroids.

The Wraith must've harvested them
and accelerated them at us.

The mainframe's just seen a threat.

- Can they do much damage?
- Yeah. But that's not why they're doing it.

- They're headed to the mines.
- Can they be deactivated?


Well... that's that.

Your mines make one hell of a bang.
I'm sure the Wraith's ears are ringing.

Status of the hive ships?

No way of knowing.
Detonation overloaded the sensors.

- How long till they're back up?
- There's a lot of residual radiation.

- It'll keep us blind for hours.
- They're still out there.

We just lost our primary line of defence.

You wanted to see me, Colonel?

I was told I could learn
a lot about Atlantis history in this room.

We don't use it
because of the power required.

I'd like to see how the Ancients
lost the first time,

try to avoid their mistakes.

Yes, sir. We could do that.

This is the status of the Pegasus Galaxy

before the Ancients
encountered the Wraith.

The blue stars represent systems
inhabited or protected by the Ancients.

Then... this is how it looked,

after they fought for almost 100 years.

- Until Atlantis was all that was left.
- Yes, sir.

That's when the siege began.

For several years,
the Atlanteans held off their attackers,

relying on the city shield and superior
weaponry, including the satellite system.

No matter how many Wraith ships
they destroyed, more kept coming.

They could win almost every battle
but they saw no way to win the w*r.

So... they submerged the city and left.

That's it. That's the story.
But the picture is pretty clear.

- You think this is a no-win situation?
- No, sir.

What I mean is, even if we beat them
this time, they'll come back.

Major, I think i should tell you,
Colonel Sumner was a friend of mine.

We served together a lot of years.

I cannot figure how you could go
as far as you did and not save him.

- That close...
- By the time I reached him...

Worse, you admit to firing
the shot that k*lled him.

Because I believe
that's what he wanted me to do.

- You knew him that well, did you?
- You weren't there, sir.

I wish for his sake I was.

There isn't a night where that moment
doesn't play in my head. When it does...

Control room.

- This is Colonel Everett reporting.
- We've detected a wave of darts inbound.

I'm on my way. Back to the chair.
We'll finish this later.

- What's happening?
- Multiple signals, closing fast.

The nukes damaged the sensors.
We couldn't see them.

- Gunners in position?
- Yes.

- Damage-control portals?
- In position.

All right. Darken the city.

Remember, short and steady bursts!


Here they come!

- OK, fire it up.
- It'll take a minute.

- We don't have a minute.
- It operates in barely controlled overload.

- Just get the damn thing working.
- I'm trying.

- Colonel, it's Radner.
- Go ahead.

Looks like some of them
are starting to make kamikaze runs.

- What happened?
- We lost primary systems.

Go, go!

One of our g*n positions is dark.
Ferrell, why aren't you firing?

- Ferrell, report!
- This is Ford, near Ferrell's position.

I'm on it.

You got power. Go!

The long-range scanners and the sensors
are down, but we're working on it.

- I want the status of those hive ships.
- They're coming!

Tomorrow, the day after, the day
after that... Eventually they'll get here.

The chair is out of drones.
How do we handle the next wave?

- I'm open to suggestions.
- Really?

- We target the hive ships.
- With what?

Fly the puddle jumper
down their throats.

- Volunteering for a su1c1de mission?
- Not if we remote-control the jumpers.

- Can you do it?
- I knew this would happen.

You show up with your g*ns,
but when it comes to saving the city,

you turn to the scientists
and ask the impossible.

When was the last time you slept?

- I have an idea.
- The chair.

Of course. How do we tie
in the jumper systems?

- Without overloading the generators?
- Using the drones as propulsion.

- While maximising the dampening.
- Possibly, possibly...

- Is that a yes?
- No, it's a "possibly".

How much damage
can a puddle jumper do?

I got an idea about that, too. I think
I know where we can get another nuke.

I don't know how sympathetic
the Genii will be.

- The Genii?
- Now's their chance to test their w*apon.

Let me past!

I need to talk to Dr Weir!

Teyla? What's the matter?

The Wraith. They are in Atlantis.

The Wraith piloting the kamikaze
ships beam in before they hit.

- They're trying to take the city intact.
- How many crashed?

Between 20 and 30.
Internal sensors are still down.

Well, we have this.

We can't differentiate
between Wraith and human,

but the blips that show up out of bounds
will be the likely targets.

- Let me see that.
- No good. You need the gene.

I got the gene therapy, too.

We wish to help.

This is a large city. You need
as many people searching as possible.

She is the one who sensed
the Wraith presence in the first place.


- ...get some weapons for these people.
- Yes, sir.

There are other people
that possess the gene.

Dr Kusanagi would relish
the opportunity to help.

I am exhausted and starving,
so sit down.

It's out of drones. You couldn't do
any damage if you wanted to.

Thank you. We're in business.

Head down to the jumper bay.
Radio me when you get there.

- You OK?
- Yeah.

How about next time
you can be the bait?

Yeah, maybe. Next time.

Right, this way.

- We received a response from the Genii.
- Let's hear it.

This is Prenim of the Genii.

We welcome the opportunity to open
a dialogue between our two people.

Send your representative.
One person, unarmed.

- Is that all?
- Yes, ma'am.

Colonel Everett, the Genii have
asked us to send a representative.

- I'm set to go.
- I can't imagine anyone more qualified.

- Pull this off, I'll buy you a drink.
- You got a deal.

Dial the gate.

Dr Weir.

I am Prenim of the Genii.

I'm rather surprised, no, astonished,

that you would have the audacity
to come here.

You heard our message.
The Wraith are at our doorstep.

And we are understandably delighted
at the prospect of your demise.

That may be so.

But still, we have something
that you want.

- C4.
- More than that.

We have an opportunity
for you to test your w*apon

at no risk to yourselves,
and a chance to strike at the Wraith.

- You have no idea how close they are.
- The Wraith have come, Doctor.

Six days ago.

Fortunately, we detected their approach
and shut down our reactors in time.

Hundreds of lives
were lost on the surface.

But thousands were saved because our
underground complex went undetected.

So, you see, the threat to the Genii
has come and gone.

So far as the Wraith are concerned,
this planet is no longer of interest.

We have the design that
Dr McKay provided for us,

and our prototype bombs
are nearly complete.

So why would you ask me
to come here?

So that we may trade the C4
for your life.

Damn it.

This is Everett. The Wraith just
took out one of our generators.

- What's the nearest generator station?
- Number 3. Teyla's closer.

- Teyla?
- Already on our way!

Meet you there.

- I have already offered you the C4.
- You want our weapons in exchange.

- That's not a bargain for the Genii.
- What would you do with the C4?

Incorporate it into your weapons
and test them?

Of course.

I am offering you the chance to test your
w*apon design on a Wraith hive ship,

at no risk to your own people,
and still have enough to build more.

- If you're too proud or stupid...
- Careful.

I am way past careful! You know
what the deal is and it's a good one.

So, take it or leave it.

- Yeah, that's it.
- OK. Let's give it a test.

Standing by.

Carson, clear your mind
and think about the puddle jumper.

Think about bringing it online.

Come on, come on, come on.
Any time now.

Carson, I know you can do this.
Just activate the puddle jumper.


Yes, yes! Rodney, it works.

Thank God.

Give me a radio.

Thank you.

This is Weir. I've got the prototypes.

Prototypes. Right.

Well, that should be the last of them.

- Colonel.
- Well done, Doctor.

I have to admit it, I'm impressed.

Well, maybe there's hope for me yet.

- I'm in your chair.
- Thought it was your chair.

Well, I... I don't sit much.
I was just going over the...

- We have a problem.
- We have a lot of problems.

The Genii nuclear devices are
incomplete. It'll take time to finish.

- How much time?
- About a day.

- We don't have a day, Doctor.
- Like I said, we have a problem.

- You want to see me?
- I need to keep awake.

- I gave you something.
- We're building bombs.

- Staying awake is a prerequisite.
- Snappy. I'll get you another stimulant.

- Carry on.
- Thank you.

- I'm sorry you lost some of your people.
- Many have died, Colonel.

This is Jumper Four.
We have a visual on the hive ships.

This is Everett. The Wraith hive ships
are approaching the planet.

Defence team, to your positions.


- Defence team moving.
- Let's prepare.

Thank you.

This is Weir.

I know how tired you all are

and how much we've asked of you
these past few days.

Hopefully, the Daedalus will arrive soon.
Until then, our fate is in our own hands.

If during this battle our mission fails,
I will give the order to evacuate.

We all hope it won't come to that.

But if it does, don't hesitate.

That is all.

- Time's up.
- What a coincidence. We're done.

So... chair room?


Colonel, we're heading to the bay
to load up the jumpers.


Remember... I owe you that drink.

Slow, slow, slow. Right here.

Sheppard, are you ready?

- Rodney...
- The generator's not powering up.

They're sending in another wave.
Major, we need to go.

- McKay.
- Power levels are dropping.

Rodney, nothing is happening.

- Why are there no jumpers in the air?
- We must've exhausted the energy.

- So long, Rodney.
- There's gotta be a way to...


Heads up, people. They're in the base.

- Colonel, we have a problem.
- What is it?

We may need
to give the order to evacuate.

Elizabeth, wait!

- You can't!
- I have to, and you know it.



What's the status on that damn jumper?

It's on its way.

- Sheppard is taking the jumper.
- I'm aware of that.

Start prepping Jumper Two.

Teyla, I'm hearing g*nf*re.
What's your status?

Teyla, do you hear me?


Hopefully, if I take this one out,
the other one will back off.

Go, go, go!

- We can't stay here.
- They're beaming in all over the place.

We're not going anywhere.

Not yet.

You know, if this works,
somebody might have to do it again.


Come on, keep up!

Over there!

You let Sheppard fly that jumper?

Help me arm the self-destruct
in case this fails.

They haven't detected my approach.

w*apon is armed and ready.

I'm going in.
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