01x21 - Symbiosis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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01x21 - Symbiosis

Post by bunniefuu »

All hands, this is the Captain.

The sun in the Delos system
is undergoing large-scale

magnetic field changes,
producing violent, gigantic flares.

We shall study this star
at close range.

Even though
we'll have full deflectors,

the closeness of this event and
its severity will create problems.

Intense magnetic fields

have a disruptive effect
on electrical systems.

We can expect
communication interruptions

and temporary loss of other systems.

As a precaution, we're going to
yellow alert. Stay sharp, everyone.

Attention all decks. Yellow alert.

Engineering, this is Lt Cmdr Data.

Bring all systems on line
and direct power to the shields.

- All sections secure.
- Lt La Forge?

- Course is set.
- Half impulse?

- Aye, sir, one half impulse.
- On main viewer.

Mask out the photosphere.

Magnify. Quadrant 07.

Magnification, factor 12.

I've never seen anything
like this before.

The v*olence of those eruptions
is awesome.

I'm reading an unusual number of
sunspots and eruptive prominences.

The magnetic field
is extremely... irregular.

Captain, deflectors are being
hit by huge bursts of X-rays.


My console seems to be overloading.

The X-ray burst
is disrupting systems.

I'm adjusting deflectors
to compensate.

Engineering, increase power
to forward shields.

Forward deflectors on line, sir.

Status report.

All systems operational, sir.

Captain, the level of tension
on the ship is mounting.


If we are to investigate,
we must get closer.

- Move us in closer.
- Aye, sir.

This is the Captain. We will be
pushing the shields to the limit,

but we are getting a splendid view
of this phenomenon.

Captain, I've intercepted what
appears to be a distress signal.

Let me hear it.

This is T'Jon.

I'm on the Ornaran freighter. We
have a serious problem we can't fix.

We need help.

The transmission
is coming from a freighter

in orbit around the fourth planet
in the system.

However, the receiving station
is on the third planet.

- Open hailing frequencies.
- Hailing frequencies open.

Unidentified freighter,
this is the USS Enterprise.

May we be of assistance?

Whoever you are, yes.
I'm having trouble navigating.

We can't maintain a steady course.
Please help us.

- Can't you enhance the frequency?
- Too much interference.

Set course to intercept
with the freighter. Warp two.

Maintain yellow alert.

I can't control the helm
any longer. I'm losing orbit.

We're heading into the atmosphere.
Please do something!

We're going to burn up!
We haven't much time...

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds...

...to seek out new life
and new civilizations...

...to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

It is a freighter, very old.

Captain, our sensors are being
affected by the sun flares.

Take us as close as possible
to the freighter's orbit.

- Moving in.
- There are six life forms aboard.

The freighter's orbit is decaying.

How long before it loses integrity?

A matter of minutes.

Unidentified freighter,
this is the USS Enterprise.

This is the Ornaran freighter

Put this on the main viewer.

The visual transmission
is still breaking up.

Sanction, this is the Enterprise.

- What is your situation?
- Not so good.

What is the problem?

This is the Enterprise.
With all this interference,

it is difficult to copy
your transmission.

If you all talk at once,
it is impossible.

Now, please say again,
what is your situation?

I am T'Jon,
Captain of the Sanction.

At last. How can we help?

We've lost... I don't know...

I am not able maintain this orbit,

nor can I use the main thrusters.

It's all, you know, dead,
I guess.

It's all... shut down?

Well, that is a little vague.
What is the computer analysis?

Our computer's
not working very well.

Data, can you tap into their
computer and clarify this?

I will attempt it, sir.

Captain, the tractor beam
is available if you want it.

We could pull them out of orbit
before they enter the atmosphere.

we're going to pull you out of orbit.

Hey, that's great.

Captain, the freighter's orbit
continues to deteriorate.

The solar flares are interfering
with the tractor beam.

We're unable to attach the tractor
beam because of the solar activity.

I understand. Thanks for trying.

I have determined what is
malfunctioning on the freighter.

- We have analyzed your problem.
- Great.

Your ship
uses an electromagnetic coil

to constrict the exhaust flow.

- This coil is misaligned.
- Really?

- Do you have tools to realign it?
- I don't think so.

We can provide them
with a temporary substitute.

Our ship's stores contain a coil.

- Can we beam one over?
- Yes.

Captain, we're beaming over
a replacement coil.

That's great. And that'll fix us up?

Yes, once it's installed.


And how do we do that?

What is the matter with these people?

How can he be Captain
and not understand?

Captain, how long have you been
in command?

Seven years.
This is my 26th voyage to Brekka.

You don't know
how to align a control coil?

It's never come up.

- Can anyone else over there do it?
- Hold on. I'll ask.


- Nobody knows anything about it.
- I'd better go over with a team.

I strongly recommend against anyone
from this ship beaming over.

The solar interference is too great.

It has entered the atmosphere.
Disintegration is imminent.

- We're running out of options.
- Let's get them off.

T'Jon, stand by to beam over.

If you think that's best...

Unless you have any other options,
yes, I think that's best.

Whatever you say.

I can't maintain a positive lock.

Unusual EM burst, sir.
Readings off scale.

Sanction, we're having difficulty
getting a fix.

Have them go
to their transporter room.

Perhaps I can link two transporters
and use the increased power.

Worth a try.

Go to your transporter room.
Contact me from there.

Right, Enterprise.
It's right next door.

But what makes you think
our transporter will do the job?

I'm going to interconnect them.

- I didn't know you could do that.
- Hurry!

- We're on our way.
- They won't make it.

Capt T'Jon doesn't sound
like he cares.

- How much time left?
- One minute, 28 seconds.

- Capt T'Jon?
- We're in the transporter room.

Activate your transporter.
Set coordinates 9703, mark 268.

Did you say 286 or 886?

- Mark 268!
- Got it.

Sir, the hull temperature of the
freighter is passing 3,000 degrees.

What's the hold-up?

We're establishing the link
right now.

We're ready.

All six of you,
get on the transporter platform.

On my signal, energize.

I've got their signal.
Interlock complete.

Energize on my mark.
Four, three, two, one. Energize!

Did you get them off?

They stayed in the freighter,
but they beamed over their cargo.

Cargo? Are those people crazy?
What could be so important?

Sir, the freighter
is disintegrating.

Their lives are in danger and they
beam over cargo?! I don't understand.

The freighter's hull temperature
is approaching critical.


We've got to beam
those people over now.

- Beam the cargo to a hold.
- Aye, sir.

Sanction, get to your transporter...
No, forget that.

Lock on to any life form.
Get them here.

Trying, sir.

- The freighter is going down.
- You're out of time.

- Six life forms but no solid lock.
- We have no choice. Energize.

- Where are the other two?
- The lock didn't hold.

- Re-establish.
- It's too late.

Number One?

Two are lost, sir.

But we saved four.

I'm Cmdr William Riker
of the USS Enterprise.

I'm sorry we were unable
to rescue the other two.

We did everything we could.

If you had come instead of sending
your cargo, you'd have made it.

- The cargo! Where is it?
- You did save it?

It's in one of our cargo holds.

It seems more important to you
than your comrades.

The cargo... May we see it?

Follow me.

Thank you.
We thought we had lost it.

Careful with your choice of words,
T'Jon. It's ours, not yours.

We paid a fair price.

You offered a price.
We have not received it.

You accepted our goods in trade!

Then, where are they?

- Tell me.
- That's not our problem.

The barrel is not your property.

It's simple.
The goods were never delivered.

They were destroyed.

Hence the deal was incomplete.
Hence the felicium remains ours.

We need it!

Commander, I request you transport
my associate and myself to Brekka

- with our merchandise.
- Yes.

Get them out of here.
But the barrel stays.

There's no reasoning with you.

you expect too much from them.

You always have and
you've always been disappointed.

You didn't pay for it,
therefore it's not yours!

Damn you, Sobi!

Stop this! Now!

Security to cargo bay 11.

Behave yourselves... gentlemen.

Escort our visitors
to the observation lounge.

- A natural electrical charge?
- Formidable.

Yes, and a difficult
w*apon to confiscate.

I have never seen humanoids with
that power. I wonder how it evolved.

The strong magnetic field
of their sun?

Could be. I wonder
how much power they produce.

- Or if they need to recharge.
- How do I defend against them?

- They're a thr*at?
- I don't know.

- But I'd better be ready.
- Precisely, Lieutenant.

We have to resolve this.
There isn't much time.

What can you offer?

Everything we had
was on the Sanction.

Then it's going be difficult
to accommodate you.

Solar flares increasing. Shields
are shaky but they're holding.


- How are our quarrelsome guests?
- They're waiting for you, sir.

Data, what information can
you give us about the inhabitants?

The only recorded contact with
the Delos system was 200 years ago.

A scout ship reported
two inhabited planets,

one on the verge
of acquiring space travel.

Odd, that in two centuries
neither advanced much further.

Sir, I find it strange that none
of our visitors feels much remorse

about the two passengers
who perished.

Yet that cargo is a source
of great anxiety to them.

Yes. Let's pay a call, get
some answers. Number One, Mr. Data.

- La Forge, you have the bridge.
- Aye, sir.

Captain, may I present Sobi
and Langor from the planet Brekka?

- And T'Jon and Romas from Ornara.
- Sorry we couldn't save your ship.

Tell me.
You could have repaired it?


We have only two left.
Neither works properly.

They are critical to our survival.
Will you fix them?

Mr. Data?

Our computer has downloaded
the specifications

for the magnetic coils
the freighters depend on.

Assuming the malfunction is similar,
replacements can be fabricated.

- Instruct Engineering to proceed.
- Aye, sir.

Now, as for our cargo...

- Our cargo, Captain.
- Wrong, Sobi!

My First Officer has said
that ownership is in dispute,

but this must be settled

by whatever legal machinery
exists between your societies.

You don't understand.
This is a matter of life and death.

Why is that? What is this cargo?



Our planet is in desperate need.
People have a lethal plague.

The cargo is
the only hope of life for our people.

Is that so?


You must think us heartless,
but look at our side of it.

The plant which yields felicium
grows only in remote areas of Brekka.

It must be painstakingly
cultivated, harvested, purified.

A complex and expensive process.

That single shipment
represents an enormous investment.

We can't just give it away.

We paid for it.
We ask for only what is ours.

That is your viewpoint.
Ours, of course, differs.

You will hold to that position?

I am constrained to abide
by the terms of our agreement.

- You condemn us to death!
- Romas!

You disgust me! lf you could see
the suffering the plague has caused!

Well... you are going to...

...when you see what it does to us.

Romas, are you and T'Jon
carrying this plague?


Every Ornaran does.

Then you may
have brought it aboard.

Was there a medical scan?

Unverified. The solar flares
could have caused a malfunction.

Med alert. Dr Crusher
to the observation lounge at once.

You find us well, I trust?

As far as I can tell.

Your physiology is different
than I've ever encountered,

but I detect no dangerous virus
or bacteria.

I assure you,
we're in perfect health.

- We are not. We need our medicine.
- Our medicine!

- We paid for it. It's ours now.
- Enough!

Of course. You are right, Doctor.

- Could we leave now?
- I see no reason why not.

Escort them to their quarters.

- Doctor...
- Captain, could I speak with you?

In private.

Not right now! Captain...

- What've you learned?
- The Brekkians appear uninfected.

The Ornarans show all the symptoms,
but I can't find a cause.

Perhaps it was filtered out
by the transporter.

There's no record of it,
but the flare activity

might have caused
a malfunction in the biofilters.

Are they going to die?

I need to check,
but my instinct says no.

- Do you think we're in any danger?
- Again, I need more time.

There are some missing pieces
to this puzzle.

What's missing is some compassion.

Are we losing
our professional detachment?


But I'm developing a very active
dislike for these Brekkians.


Captain, you must give us back
our cargo.

I can't do that.

Why? It belongs to us.

- The Brekkians claim it's theirs.
- They lie.

Maybe so,
but it is not my decision.

We need some now. I don't care
if it's your decision. Get us some.

This is happening
to thousands more on Ornara.

Please understand
the size of the problem.

You don't need it. The Brekkians
don't need it! Our people do!

If you don't give it to us,
you will m*rder not only us

but an entire civilization!

I... I'm sorry.
I do not mean to insult you.

I'm feeling very shaky.

We cannot hold out much longer.

They believe it will help. That in
itself might control their symptoms.

I'll talk with the Brekkians.

Thank you, Captain.
We appreciate anything you can do.

May I say how impressed we are with
your ship and all its facilities?

- Thank you.
- And its crew.

Everyone is so efficient
and professional.

I've come to seek your agreement
to an Ornaran request.

- We cannot agree...
- Wait.

Let the Captain speak.
We want to be reasonable.

The two Ornarans are ill,
and insisting they need the felicium.

That is not surprising.

Would you give them enough
for their own immediate needs?

Captain, we Brekkians
are in business.

We are not in the habit of giving
away that which hasn't been paid for.

You'd see them die
rather than share it?

We want to be fair.

We agree to permitting them
two doses for immediate use.

No charge.

I'll let my Medical Officer
handle it.

You won't mind if we're
present while you open the cargo?

What does that device do?

This measures
the individual portions.

What's the dosage?

0.01 milliliters.

Very potent substance.

We've improved our distillation
process over the years.

Years ago,
the same amount of felicium

would have
filled five rooms this size.

Now, with our improved processes,

this barrel contains
over four billion doses.

I estimate four billion,
375 million...

Thank you, Mr. Data.

- How long is the dosage effective?
- It varies.

But never more than 72 hours.

- And then the symptoms return.
- Yes.

There is no cure for the plague.

But felicium inhibits the sickness
with total efficiency.

Allowing the Ornarans
to lead normal lives.

An unusual disease.

Virulent, extremely persistent,
yet I can't isolate it.

The plague has baffled doctors
on both planets for 200 years.

We've therefore
concentrated on treatment,

finding new ways to improve
the potency and purity of felicium.

No doubt you applied technology
from other industries

to the refinement of this product.

- We have no other industry.
- None at all?

We don't need any. The Ornarans
provide us with everything we need

in exchange for this.


Your society is dedicated to
the production of a single product.

For which you have no use but which
the Ornarans cannot live without.

One of life's little ironies.

But one we'd be fools
not to take advantage of. It's...

...mutually beneficial.

The Ornarans provide us
with the necessities of life

and we provide them
with the necessities of living.

It is a fair exchange.

- Interesting relationship.
- I'll take that to sickbay.

- Can I help?
- No.

Hurry up!

- You're feeling better?
- Yes, thank you.

I'm fine now.


I may not know felicium's effect
on Ornaran physiology

but I know how to interpret
physical reaction.

Are the Ornarans recovering?

T'Jon and Romas are feeling fine.
In fact, too fine.

Felicium's a narcotic.

Then T'Jon and Romas
and everyone on their world...

Is a drug addict.

It's a fascinating tale
we've come across.

You've piqued my interest.
Please continue.

- Data, what have we got?
- Several thousand years ago,

the two planets took different paths.

Ornara became technologically
sophisticated, Brekka did not.

200 years ago, Ornara was stricken
by a devastating plague.

Their advanced technology
could provide no solution.

Somehow, and there is limited
information on this point,

a cure was found in a plant
indigenous only to Brekka,

which rejected all attempts
at cultivation on Ornara.

A trading situation developed
which still exists.

- A nice deal for the Brekkians.
- And the Ornarans.

- Without the medicine, they'd die.
- No, they wouldn't.

Despite what the Ornarans say,
it is not a medicine.

It was a medicine, but it cured
the plague 200 years ago.

The plague is irrelevant now.
It doesn't exist.

Why are they so desperate
for felicium?

It's an addiction.

The physiological and psychological
need is very real.

Thank you.

- What are you going to do?
- There's nothing I can do.

You don't think drug addiction
and exploitation

is sufficient cause to do something?

This situation has existed
for a long time.

These two societies are intertwined
in a symbiotic relationship.

With one society profiting
at the expense of the other.

That's how you see it.

I can synthesize
a non-addictive substitute

which will ease
their withdrawal symptoms.

No, I can't do that either.

You can't let them
have the felicium!

Why? Because it offends
against our sensibilities?

It is not our mission to impose
Federation or Earth values on others.

In this case, Captain,
I disagree, 100 percent!

Captain, I'm receiving
a call from Ornara.

I think I can put it
on the viewscreen.

Do it.

I'm Margan.

Are my people on board your ship?

Some of them, yes.

May I speak to them?

Yes. Lt Yar, have the Ornarans
brought in. No, wait.

I don't want them
to have access to the bridge.

We will contact you
in a few minutes.

I will continue this in the guest
quarters. Commander, Doctor.

Data, I can understand how this
could happen to the Ornarans.

What I can't understand

is why anyone would voluntarily
become dependent on a chemical.

Addiction to dr*gs is
a recurrent theme in many cultures.

Wesley, no one wants to
become dependent. That happens later.

But it does happen,
so why do people start?

On my home planet, there was
so much poverty and v*olence,

for some, their escape
was through dr*gs.

How can a chemical substance
provide an escape?

It doesn't,
but it makes you think it does.

You have to understand,
dr*gs can make you feel good.

You feel on top of the world.
You're sure of yourself, in control.

- But it's artificial.
- It doesn't feel artificial

until the drug wears off.

Then you pay the price.

Before you know it, you're taking
the drug, not to feel good,

but to keep from feeling bad.

And that's the trap?

All you care about
is getting your next dosage.

Nothing else matters.

- I guess I just don't understand.
- I hope you never do.

Lt Yar, we're ready
in the guest quarters.

T'Jon... do you have it?

Yes, it is here, but...

You've got to get it to us.
T'Jon, please...

We're dying down here. It's worse
than it's ever been before.

I'm doing everything I can.
You see, what happened was...

Stop! I can't listen any more.

T'Jon, there are so many
people here... So much suffering.

We need the medicine. You've got
to get it to us. I can't go on.

Help, T'Jon.


I'm sorry.

You will take us to our planet
with our medicine or he dies!

I have no choice!

We were sent
to bring felicium back.

The suffering on my planet
is too great. People are dying.

It doesn't matter whether we're
entitled to it. We must have it.

- Let him go.
- You will take us there now.

Or give us a shuttle.
But we must have the medicine.

If you refuse,
this person will die.

I will not be coerced.

I will do it.

I will k*ll him.

No, you won't. You're not a k*ller.

Help us, please!

I'm not sure that I can.

My insides are still shaking,
but I'm alright.

Capt Picard,
could I see you a moment?

I'll stay here.

Come with me, Doctor.
This could be interesting.

We have thought about this
a great deal.

We both feel deeply about
what is happening on Ornara.

And although it will cause
hardship to us and to our people,

we have decided
to give the felicium to them.

They can pay
whenever they are able.

We don't want to be responsible
for their suffering.

There goes the other shoe.

- They know.
- What do they know?

That Ornarans
no longer have the plague,

that felicium
is no longer a medicine.

So, of course they are willing
to give this shipment.

They don't want the Ornarans
to lose their addiction.

They don't want
to lose their only customers.

How would they have known all that
unless they once had the plague, too?

They were infected. They used
the felicium to cure themselves,

but their ancestors realized
that it was a narcotic.

They broke the cycle of addiction
and never told the Ornarans.

They let them believe that without
the felicium they would die.

I think it's worse than that.

I guess this refining process
of which you are so proud...

...is only to increase the potency of
the felicium and tighten your grip!

- What are you going to do?
- Will you tell them?

No. I'm bound by the rules of
the United Federation of Planets,

which order me not to interfere
with other worlds, other cultures.

If I were to tell them,
I'd violate the Prime Directive.

But you are talking to us about it.

This is information you already know.
And so nothing has changed.

If you can't interfere,
you are going to allow the Ornarans

to have the felicium?

- Yes, I am.
- No! Don't do it.

Jean-Luc, this is not
a symbiotic relationship.

This is exploitation,
pure and simple!

The Brekkians
have caused this suffering

only to make
their pitiful lives easier!

And all of it based on a lie!

No, deny them this shipment.
It is the least we can do.

From the moment they agreed to give
the felicium, my hands were tied.

You are absolutely right, Captain.
It's not your business.

Are these the spare parts
for our freighters?

They look complicated.

Are they already...?

- Aligned?
- Right.

You'd have to ask the Captain.

Capt Picard, we've arrived at
Ornara and assumed standard orbit.

Acknowledged. Thank you.

Captain, please,
my planet is suffering.

We beg you to give us our medicine.

The matter is decided.

You're beaming down
to your world, with the felicium.


- I knew it. I knew you'd help us.
- We thank you.

Don't thank me. Sobi and Langor
decided to let you have it.

We'll discuss
the payment terms later.

There's no reason to deprive you
of your needed medicine.

That's terrific.

I'm sure we can
come to a fair deal for payment.

May we beam down with you
and discuss it?

- Of course.
- You are quite welcome on Ornara.

We appreciate your hospitality.

Captain, we appreciate
your gift of the coils.

Once our freighters are fixed,
everything will be back to normal.



The coils stay here.

What about our freighters?

You want to repair them,
you'll have to do it yourselves.

We can't.

If you don't help us,
our ships will soon be inoperable.

Quite possibly.

If you withhold the coils,

you'll be disrupting
the stability of both our planets.

And interfering with an agreement
that has lasted for generations.

What of your Prime Directive?

In this case, the Prime Directive
prohibits me from helping.

That's absurd!

You did not think so
when it favored you.

- Do you want our world to suffer?
- No, I don't want that.

Without the freighters, there will
be no more shipments of felicium.

We will die.

You must trust yourselves.
There are... other options.

Ensign, prepare to beam our guests
and their cargo down to Ornara.

Captain, I hope you realize
what you've done to us.

Of that you can be sure.

Good luck.

Main bridge.

When the felicium runs out,

the people of Ornara will suffer
horrible withdrawal pains.

No doubt, but they will pass.

That seems so cruel. We could
have made their burden easier.

Could we have?

Perhaps in the short term.

But to what end?


Beverly, the Prime Directive
is not just a set of rules.

It is a philosophy.
And a very correct one.

History has proved again and again

that whenever mankind interferes
with a less developed civilization,

no matter how well intentioned
that may be,

the results
are invariably disastrous.

It's hard to be philosophical
when faced with suffering.

Believe me,
there was only one decision.

- I just hope it was the right one.
- And we may never know.


- La Forge, take us out of orbit.
- Destination, sir?

I don't care. Get some distance
between us and this system.

Aye, sir.

Course 970, mark 318.
Speed, warp three.

Where will that take us?

The Opraline system.

An interesting choice. Why?

Curiosity. We've never been there.

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