03x03 - The Gift

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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03x03 - The Gift

Post by bunniefuu »

[Man Narrating] In New
York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders are pursued
by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Not this again.

What do you think you're gonna
find? Motel receipts? Love letters?

Lyz, why are you doing this?

[Sighs] Why are you, Henry?

I think she's
having me followed.

I don't know what's
wrong with her.

Yesterday she left me nine
messages, telling me to be careful.

I gave the cook the night off. I thought
we could all have dinner at Mr. Chow's.

Uh, sorry, Mom. I have to work.

I can't make it either.
I have to fly to Miami.

I won't be back
till after midnight.

I can do an early
lunch, around 1 1:00.

[Son] I can swing
that. I'm busy.

Never mind. I just wanted
us all to have dinner.

If I were less trusting, I'd think
she's the one having the affair.

I told you I'm gonna prove
how wrong you are, and I will.

Stay out of it, Clayton. Please?

You and Dad are not
splitting up over this bull.

Big hands, great ass, ponytail...
Oh, what was his name?

Lyz, you remember that
Welsh masseur at Bliss? No.

It's gonna be a boy. What?

Oh, you mean Livvy...
My sister-in-law.

We just found out Monday
she's pregnant again.

But how did you know?

[Sighs] Did she
go off her Xanax?

Clayton, it's Mom again. Would
you please, please, give me a call.

I just want to make
sure you're okay.

I'll try you at work
again. [Cell Phone Beeps]

[Phone Ringing]


Oh, I thought... No,
he still hasn't called.

I just have this terrible...

Yes, it would
help. Are you sure?

Thank you.

Yes, I'm... I'm sitting down.

Oh, man, I can't believe
how much that girl drank.

[Scoffs] It looks like she
helped this guy park his car.

Hey, wait. What's
that? A little TV?

It's a video monitor.
Somebody left it on.

It's a live transmission
from a camera.

It's got to be close.

Trunk's open.


We called you as soon as
we found his press credentials.

Clayton Webster: He's a
cameraman for Newstime.

His cell phone was in the
car. He's got messages.

We're getting his password
from the phone company. Thanks.

Wallet's loaded.
Plastic's all accounted for.

Maybe one day we'll get lucky
and robbery will be the motive.

Now, the light
doesn't work, but, uh,

the bulb... It looks new.

Webster? Yeah.

His throat's been cut. There's
hardly any blood in the trunk.

There's no blood on the ground.
He was k*lled somewhere else.

Yeah, they put his body in
the trunk, and his camera...

They didn't realize the
camera was still running...

And then drove the car here.

The tape's missing.

Maybe he was working and
pointed his camera at the wrong news.

Of all places to ditch a car, Long
Island City would not be my first choice.

[Bells Tolling]

Morning mass.

St. Peter's.

Webster had a short
walk to the pearly gates.

Assuming that's
where he was headed.

[Man] We were doing a
story on a doorman strike,

another on gypsy cabs.

Nothing more dangerous than that.
Maybe he was working on a story of his own.

Uh, no. He was my cameraman.
If we could look at his computer...

It's not his computer.
It's the company's.

There could be names of sources,
all kinds of protected information.

"If your pictures aren't good
enough, you aren't close enough."

The w*r photographer,
Robert Capa. Webster's motto?

Yeah, I guess. Is
this Webster here?

Look. He was in the w*r on Iraq.

Was he embedded?

I don't think the kid
actually saw any action.

Eh, just, you know... I can see he has
some messages here from his mom last night.

Yeah, last night. Every night.
The kid lived with his parents.

Do you mind if we
keep these messages?

I'm sure his mom wasn't,
uh, one of his sources.

And if you find anything on
that computer, you let us know.

- Christine Roberts?
- Uh, she's not here, and I have to go out.

I'm a reporter for the... You were
going so fast, we almost lost you.

Oh, look, a download off Webster's
computer from the property tax rolls.

Must be for the story he
wasn't doing on his own.

We'll take over from
here, Jerry. Mmm.

- Can we come in?
- The police. What choice do I have?

I'm Detective Goren. This
is Detective Eames. Uh...

And you are? Octavia Ruiz. I
rent this place from Christine.

I moved in three weeks ago. Do
you want to see my green card?

It's not necessary. You are in
the art business. I am a lawyer.

I am representing the estate
of a great collector in Santiago.

I found a buyer in New York.

The Webster Gallery. These
are going to the Webster Gallery?

He is my buyer.
Mr. Henry Webster.

Does he have a brother
or a son named Clayton?

[Sighs] A son, yes. A
funny name like that.

What's funny is Clayton looked up
who was paying the tax on this condo.

Why would he do that?

Maybe he thought
his father was paying.

Oh, I see, because Henry
and I are having an affair?

[Chuckles] Now
that is ridiculous.

Uh, i-is there a reason why
you haven't sent these to him yet?

I mean, the shipping label still
has a date from a month ago.

I'm waiting for Henry to pay me.

- How much does he owe you?
- Two million dollars.

Well, there you go right there.
Maybe that's why his son is suspicious.

[Bells Tolling] Oh, St. Peter's.

Right across from where Clayton
was found this morning, dead.

I-I'll bet you're gonna
say it was a coincidence.

No. I-I... No?

I mean, yes. Yes?

I don't understand. There is
nothing between Henry and me.


Two million bucks
worth of art is nothing?

I was in Miami most of the
day. I got back just after 1:30.

Clayton was
supposed to be working.

I'm... I'm sure the people in his
office would know. They don't.

Do you know where we
found your son, Mr. Webster?

In Long Island City, in an
alley off Steinway Street.

Do you know someone
from that neighborhood?

A young woman, Octavia Ruiz?

Uh, yes. Yes,
her. I... I know...

That has nothing to do with Clayton.
Well, we're trying to sort that out.

So far we've come up with two million
dollars that you've given to Ms. Ruiz.

That's coming from
your wife, right?

I'm paying for a collection
of prints. As for the

source of the money,
that's none of your business.

We checked your wife's pedigree.

It's amazing what one copper
mine can do for a family.

Yes. All right. Lyz is
advancing me the money.

It's a good investment. It'll
put the gallery on the map.

Yeah, but she's
having second thoughts,

because she thinks that there's something
going on between you and Ms. Ruiz.

My wife is very insecure.

What does it have
to do with my son?

Well, she tried to get in touch with
your son last night. She left messages.

That's just Lyz worrying. She
didn't like him working nights.

Maybe she had reason to worry.

Maybe she asked him to confirm
her suspicions, to follow Ms. Ruiz.

In the first place, there
is nothing to confirm.

In the second place, my son would
never humor my wife's paranoid fugues!

This time he did.

He checked the tax records on Ms.
Ruiz's condo to see who the owner was.

Maybe he thought it was you.

My son was not
k*lled because of this.

I don't believe it.

I almost told Henry everything.

I... I... I can't. I know.

It's a terrible burden. I don't... I
don't know how you live with it.

You have to believe
that there is a purpose,

that it's a blessing.

And... And know that
Clayton will be all right.

He... He died near the three
churches. Three churches.

It's a sign. Surrounded
by angels and saints.

He's at peace. And he
wants you to know that.

The airline confirmed the dad
was on the flight back from Miami.

Ms. Ruiz, on the other hand,
was at a gallery opening downtown.

A neighbor saw her come
home alone around 1 1:00.

Ruiz had anything
to do with this m*rder,

you think she'd make sure the
body didn't end up on her doorstep.

Yeah, that's not the only
thing that doesn't add up.

Uh, the lab found
traces of animal blood...

in the wound on the kid's
neck, probably from the knife.

And then there's
the bulb in the trunk.

The repair record on the car...

shows it was replaced
six months ago.

They last longer than that.

Well, unless it
stays on all night.

It's the pass code for the voice
mail on Clayton's cell phone.


[Recording] First message.

[Lyz] Where are you,
sweetheart? I wish you'd call me.

[Recording] Next message.

Clayton, it's Mom again. Would
you please, please, give me a call.

I just want to make
sure you're okay.

[Recording] End of messages.

That was at 1 1:35.

Just about the same time as the
last message she left at his work.

This lady's sick with worry,
and she just stopped calling?

I went to bed.
That's why I stopped.

Please be careful.

We will.

Is there a particular reason
why you were calling him?

We were very close.
We talked often.

Uh, about your husband.

Your husband told us you
suspect him of having an affair.

Did you ask your son to check
up on a woman, Octavia Ruiz,

maybe watch her apartment,

catch your husband there?

No. I would never ask him to
go up there. It's too dangerous.

Um, up there?

The Bronx. I found a woman's
address in my husband's wallet.

Mrs. Webster, she
moved three weeks ago,

to Long Island City, near
where we found your son.

I'm sorry. I'm very upset.

You'll have to come back.

You have a night-light.

You had this a long time,
since Clayton was little?

Yes. He was afraid of the dark,

and he just got
used to having it on.

Yes. You didn't want
him lying alone in the dark.

She's the one...

who opened the trunk
to leave the light on.

She found the body.

Even though she didn't know
Ruiz lived down the street.

Yeah. She couldn't know that.

But somehow she knew
where to look for her son.

Her only outgoing calls were to
her son's cell phone and to his work.

She got a call from a no-name,
pay-as-you-go cell phone...

A 20-minute call, maybe to
tell her where her son was.

A mother finds her son dead, she
calls 9 1 1, she tells her husband.

She doesn't just go home and
wait for all hell to break loose.

Yeah, well, she somehow
feels responsible.

Because of her
suspicions, her worries.

Yeah. I'm starting to think...

that this death was
staged for her benefit.

To make her believe that it had
something to do with an alleged affair.

You find the perps, you
can always ask them.

Well, luckily, they
left a calling card.

The lab identified the
animal blood on the knife...

being mixed chicken,
sheep and goat blood.

And this.

This is where the car was
abandoned. On the northeast corner...

of a square being framed by St. Peter's
Church, St. Anthony's and St. Francis.

Now these are three saints
that correspond with orisha...

Spirits worshipped by
people who practice Santeria.

Some Santeria followers,
they believe that this square...

has mystical properties.

The K*llers might've thought
placing the body there...

would protect them.

You think Santeria,
you think South America.

We think cutthroat art business.

You're on the verge of an important
deal. Somebody wants to stop it.

And since Ms. Ruiz wouldn't
torpedo her own deal...

That leaves someone
connected to you or your wife.

Someone that knows
about your wife's insecurities.

[Scoffs] Well, that could
be any of my friends.

She's got these moods where
she thinks that money is...

the only reason that
anybody cares about her.

That's why this was so important, why I
needed this t-t-to work, to be a success.

'Cause once you're
financially independent,

she would know that
you love her for herself.

But it's only driven
us further apart.

Well, maybe that's the
point... To drive you apart.

Well, now you got me thinking
that I should've had her followed.

Why? Did she have you followed?


When I borrowed Clayton's
car one night two weeks ago,

I thought Lyz was
having me followed.

I noticed them right
after I picked up the car.

Two Hispanic men in a gray car.

Um, I let them pull
up next to me at a light.

When they saw me
looking at them, they...

They were surprised.

And they took off.

Where'd you pick
up your son's car?

At the parking
garage at his work.

[Man] They parked over there.

You remember their license?

Uh... No, I... I don't remember.

Did they smoke?

Yeah. The tall one did.

Back here?

Yeah, the short one wouldn't
let him, uh, smoke in the car.


This print here...

Yeah. It repeats itself.

It's always parallel
to the column.

And it always has more
compression on the instep.

He was leaning
against the column.

So, the guy stood
on his left foot,

crossed his right
foot over his left,

held a cigarette
in his left hand...

and leaned towards the column.

Held onto the column
with his right hand...

right about here.

Maybe the orishas will be good
to us and give us a set of prints.

The threat is gone.

You're safe, Eduardo.

But remember the
promise you made.

Their protection is
not guaranteed for life.

You have to keep earning it.

I know.

If your men fail, if
they talk, Eduardo,

the orishas will be very angry.

They're bringing in one of the
guys from the garage, Nestor Reyes.

The other one, Omar
Sanchez, is still missing.

What's that? Looks
like a little crutch.

It's for St. Lazarus.

The followers of Santeria,
they wear it for protection...

against disease or death.

What're you gonna do with it?

I don't know this guy.

[Eames] What about your cousin
Omar? I don't got a cousin Omar.

Little Omar? The one we found in
your jacket, under "known associates."

He told us he knows you.

[Scoffs] You don't
got Little Omar.

He told us why you parked the
car next to the three churches.

To be protected, right, Nestor?

Somebody's telling you stories.
That's Santeria stuff... that's crap.

Little Omar doesn't think so.

You should've seen him
when we showed him...

what the guy you
k*lled had in his pocket.

There's no way you could
k*ll him and get away with it.

Not with St. Lazarus
watching over him.

Oh, man. Oh, man.

We're dead men!

Not if you confess.

This k*lling wasn't
your idea, was it?

The person who
gave you the order...

That guy is gonna
have to answer to orisha.

Not you.

Okay. I tell you.

It's Eduardo Mendez.
Omar visited him up in Rikers.

He told Omar what to do and to leave
the body next to the three churches.

Far as I can tell, Mr. Carver,
the only card you're holding...

is the uncorroborated hearsay
testimony of an admitted k*ller.

[Carver] I wouldn't wait for us to
corroborate it before making a deal.

Mr. Mendez is already facing
drug and m*rder charges.

I never talked to a Nestor.

And Omar... nobody seems
to worry about Omar anymore.

Because you had him k*lled.

Things take care of themselves.

Yeah, well, the orisha doesn't seem
to be taking care of you anymore.

I mean, otherwise we wouldn't be
here putting another m*rder on you.

You k*lled someone
under their protection.

Nestor and Omar
didn't take the time...

to look through Clayton Webster's
pockets before they cut his throat.

You're in prison.

You're... You're looking
down at a life sentence.

But you're not afraid.

And you feel safe from
the laws of this world...

and the next.

There's someone watching
over you, isn't there?


You sure there's no connection
with Clayton Webster?


Then Mendez just picked
Webster's name out of a hat?

Or someone picked him for him.

Someone that could convince him
that Clayton Webster was a threat to him.

And who would that be?

Someone who could
guarantee his safety,

who has the authority in this
other world that he believes in.

His priest.

His Santeria priest.

I signed the visitors
sheet at the prison...

with the understanding that Mr. Mendez's
religious beliefs wouldn't be scrutinized.

Actually, it's you we're
scrutinizing, Mr. Bello.

So far, we've found out you
did time in Texas for fraud...

in association with
revival meetings.

That was when you were under
your legal name, Julian Bellonte.

So you went from Bible
thumping to Santeria.

I came to Santeria a long
time ago, through an aunt.

But I had to find my own
path before I could embrace it.

Oh, so you're on
a spiritual quest.

I'm more interested
in your quest.

It has to do with the guidance
you give Eduardo Mendez.

It's advice of a
religious nature.

Morning sickness.
Still getting used to it.

Santeria has commandments,
huh? Don't k*ll. Don't steal.

I guess Eduardo
was a recent convert.

Now that he has more time on his hands,
he's paying more attention to his soul.

These colors are for
Elegba, St. Anthony.

Do you know a Clayton
Webster, the news cameraman?

I try to stay away
from newspeople.

Well, don't worry. Eduardo
had him k*lled last week.

And this is an Ogun, St. Peter.

Eduardo doesn't discuss
his business with me.

Clayton Webster's
throat was cut.

Knife left traces
of animal blood.

His body was found under
the shadow of three churches.

The m*rder had ritualistic
touches, Santeria touches.

I'm sorry. I can't help you.

W-W-We're sorry that
we've stressed you out.

You know, your neck... It was a
fender bender last year. That's all.

Someone rear-ended me.

Well, i-it's funny you
didn't see him comin'.

Julian Bello has a hack license.

He got his accident
driving for a limo company.

They house their cars
in Long Island City.

That would explain
why he's familiar with the

neighborhood. Might explain
a lot if he drove the Websters.

I'm not finding them
on Bello's receipts.

Even if he was their chauffeur,

you see them getting mixed
up with Bello's hoodoo?

Oh, we're just observing
phenomena, not explaining it.

Here we go. Bello made a
drop-off at the Websters' last year.

Passenger's an Ilene Maxwell.

Well, looks like Bello was Ms.
Maxwell's regular driver until...

Looks like four months ago.

He never talked to me
about animal sacrifices.

My God, I don't even wear fur.

Did Lyz Webster ever meet him?

No. Lyz has her own adviser.

Very reliable person. Very
in tune with people like us.

She's a psychic.
She advises you too?

I don't use Sylvia anymore.
I have an astrologer now.

When did you meet Sylvia?

My son was in the hospital
last year, having his tonsils out.

And the clotting factor in his blood
makes even minor surgery life-threatening.

You must have been
very worried. Yes.

I was across the street from
the hospital having lunch,

and a woman came up
to me, introduced herself...

and said my son
was going to be fine.

That was Sylvia,
and she was right.

And this was when
Julian was driving you...

to the hospital and back. Yes.

And you were probably on the phone
talking about your son's condition, and...

Yes, I imagine I was.

Oh, you're not
suggesting that...

I have a strong feeling
about this, Susan.

It's very... [Panting]

Sylvia? Are you there?

Susan, Sylvia will have to call
you back. No, no. It's not your fault.

She'll call you in a few
minutes. Okay. Bye-bye.

What did you see? Two
people, a... a couple.

The sky was red. I
smelled sulfur. Okay.

Sulfur... Red sky...

That's lava. A volcano. [Groans]

You saw us in the South Seas.

W-We have to leave now, Julian.

Lyz can't handle it. I have to take it
away from her, and then we have to leave.

Hey, she'll grow into it.

Remember how long it took you?

Now she got what
you promised her.

And as soon as she
fulfills her promise to you,

then we can leave.

My relationship with Sylvia
doesn't concern anyone but me.

Didn't she convince you your
husband was having an affair?

Is that what Henry told you? Ms. Webster,
this woman is feeding off your fears.

It's how she makes a living.

- You don't understand.
- Sylvia has an accomplice
with ties to a drug g*ng.

- He had your son k*lled.
- Julian? I don't believe that.

Didn't Sylvia call you the
night that Clayton died?

No. We know you got a call.

We know you found the body.

We know you left the trunk open,

so he wouldn't lay
in the dark all night.

Now didn't she call
you and tell you...

that she had a vision of
where you could find his body?

Nobody told me.

It was you? It was your vision.

I've been given a
very powerful gift.

I don't talk about it with
skeptics and nonbelievers.

Now please leave.

I can't believe this. Why not?

A premonition about
her family came true.

Her son was k*lled. Her husband's
alleged mistress was implicated.

All thanks to Julian.

He convinced Eduardo that
Clayton was a threat to him.

He told him to leave the body near
the three churches for protection.

But his main agenda was to convince
Lyz Webster she really was psychic.

That she would even
believe in psychic powers,

let alone pay someone to
turn her into a clairvoyant...

People look for an edge
in an uncertain world.

Even people like
Lyz Webster. Hmm.

And people like Sylvia Campbell
and Julian Bello are waiting for them.

They're pros. Their first appearance
as a duet was 14 years ago.

They were arrested for fraud in connection
with a church they ran in San Francisco.

"The Church of the Open Mind."

Julian served six months.
Sylvia got probation.

They were arrested on another fraud
charge. He got jail. She got probation.

In New Orleans, they
opened a voodoo store...

where they promised to cast demons
out of a Mrs. Thelma Busfield for 20 grand.

Julian got a year, and
again Sylvia got probation.

He takes a plea, so
she can take a walk.

Mr. Bello seems to be the one to
do the heavy lifting in the relationship.

I would love to see the
two of them in action.

[Sylvia] She was his mother.

He was her son. Of
course she found him.

We thought you
might have helped her.

The police department uses
psychics all the time to find people.

Oh, I... I don't do work like
that. I-I-It's too disturbing.

Well, if you had a
vision of her son's death,

you wouldn't tell Lyz?

Lyz knew there was
a shadow on Clayton,

but she didn't know what it was.

Well, did you make her
aware of this shadow,

or did she sense it herself?

Well, maybe it's the
same shadow that's

been following you
since Texas. [Door Opens]

Speak of the devil. The
doorman told me you were here.

They're asking about
Lyz Webster and her son.

Yeah. And we were
about to tell Sylvia...

about the connection to one of your
Santeria clients, Eduardo Mendez.

It so happens, he
ordered the hit on Clayton.

Julian, what are they saying?

It's the one I visit in prison.

They're harassing
everyone who... [Gasping]

[Gasping Continues]

What is it?

- Sylvia, I'm here.
- Is she okay?

She's fine. What is it?

[Gasps] I saw water...

Rushing water. A life sign.

- What else?
- I smelled fresh earth.

It's new life.

Do you feel new
life in this room?

Oh, are you having a baby?

Yes. How about that?

You'll have a brave child.

Her clairvoyance...
It's not just sights.

She can also smell things.

Yes. And the next time you
want to drop in, call ahead.

I'll have a lawyer waiting.

Come on. Let's go.

That's a neat trick.

He knew I was
pregnant from the store.

If she had said "crab cakes," he
would've said "crawling babies."

Well, maybe it is a trick.

Maybe the trick's on her.

This can't be the Sylvia I know.

Ms. Webster, I think that Sylvia
believes that she's clairvoyant,

just as she believes that she can
heal with crystals and potions and faith.

And she's sincere
in her beliefs.

And that she absolutely believes
that she can share this gift with you.

She said she'd... she'd help
me develop my natural powers,

like Julian had helped her.

She expected you
to pay for this gift?

Julian did.

There was a consideration
every month... $20,000.

And a larger sum later.

When you had proof
you were clairvoyant. Yes.


But it went longer
than you anticipated...

because you had doubts.

And because Clayton...

was pressing you
to stop seeing Sylvia.

He thought I was
being exploited.

You told Sylvia and Julian?

Yes. Julian said I
should be more patient.

And then you'd have the proof.

The night that...
That Clayton died,

I know it... It wasn't
Sylvia who called you.

But it was Julian.

He said Sylvia had told him to
lead me in a guided meditation...

to try and find Clayton.

He interpreted what you saw...

until you were convinced.

No, no, no. If... If it's all pretend, how
did Sylvia know about the three churches?

When did she know? The next day.

She had to have
seen it in a vision.

Or Julian told her.


Oh, God.

Oh, God. Clayton...
it's all my fault.

They caught you when
you were vulnerable.

Now they're vulnerable.

Help us catch them.

I'm so glad you called me. I... I
was sending good thoughts to you.

I see things
clearly now, Sylvia.

Like photographs.
Just like you said.

I, uh, I made a promise to you.

And a promise is a promise.

It's too much,
Lyz. I... I can't.

No, no. I... I want
you to have it.

Are you all right?

This morning, when I wrote your
name on the check, I saw something...

You and Julian in a
room with gray stones.

There was a... a sheet of water,

a mirror and a man
with a broken neck.

He was asking a question
about three churches.

And the answer was
wrong. It was a lie.

The floor fell away.

I saw you and Julian falling,

both of you falling
through space.

Please, Sylvia,
be careful. Please.

Oh, no, no. Thank you.

Thank you.

All here. Next
stop, airport. Huh?

Next stop, downtown.

I bet you know
this one by heart:

"Julian Bellonte and Sylvia Campbell,
you're under arrest for fraud." Julian.

You'll sit here.

And if you need
something to drink,

you just ask the officer.

[Door Opens, Closes]

Let's put you, uh...
Let's see, right here.

Everybody comfy?

In case you're
wondering, when you

exchanged Lyz's check
for the cashier check,

the bank notified Mr. Webster
because of the amount,

and he called us.

And here we all are.

That's a big number. Why'd
she give you this money?

It was a token of appreciation
for Sylvia's guidance and advice.

We talked to Lyz after we
brought you in this afternoon.

You know, I... I-It's...

It's extraordinary. Y-You... Uh,
what? What you... What you gave her...

I just don't know
what... What to call it.

Second sight? Third
eye? Sixth sense?

- The gift.
- Gift.

And Lyz said it didn't
come to her overnight.

For months, she
couldn't predict a sunrise.

And then all of a
sudden it fell into place.

She had a premonition of her son's
death that was bang on the money!

She even had a vision
of where the body was.

But there's something
she can't figure out.

She only saw one church.

Then the next day, you told
her there were three churches.

How'd you know about
the three churches?

It's okay.

How'd you know about
the three churches?

- Sylvia, I asked you a question.
- She doesn't have to answer.

I have to tell the truth.

Julian told me. That night
after he talked with Lyz,

he told me there
were three churches.

Julian told you.

So, how'd you know
about the three churches?

- Lyz told m...
- No, you have to tell the truth.

Sylvia. Julian, you
have to tell them.

Lyz had a vision. She
saw us in a room...

w-with gray walls made of stone.

Sh-She saw a mirror and a
man with a broken neck. Him.

And... And she said
that one of us lied,

and then she saw us
falling through space.

Julian, w-we have
to tell them the truth.

Whoa. R-R-R...
She really saw that?

I gave her the gift.

And-And you have the gift too.

Well, uh,

th-that means that Lyz's vision
must be the real thing, huh, Julian?

Julian, sweetheart, you just
have to tell them the truth.

Come on, Sylvia.

Let's get you out
of this gray room,

give you a chance
to catch your breath.

J-Julian, tell
them, or we're lost.

Lyz saw it.

[Goren] Lyz saw it.

So, if you lie to
us, that means...

you don't believe
that Lyz has the gift.

And you don't believe that
Sylvia has the gift either.

You know, I-I'll bet that...

That you can't let on for
one second with Sylvia...

that you don't
have faith in her gift,

that you don't believe it.

Because she'd be lost.

Because in her
heart and i-in her soul,

she believes in her
own clairvoyance.

And why shouldn't she?

Because when
she's in these trances,

she sees these things...
She actually sees them.

And when she smells them,
she actually smells them.

Isn't that right, Julian?

Partial epileptic seizures...

caused by a dysfunction...

in the anteromedial and posterior
temporal lobes of the brain...

and characterized by visual
and olfactory hallucinations.

Sights... and smells.

Julian, how long have you known?

Eight years.

They weren't that
frequent at first.

She thought it was
a psychic trance.

You thought you'd
put her in the act,

puff her up until
she believed...

that she could bestow
this gift onto other people.

She was convinced that
it was a gift from God.

It gave her life purpose.

It made her happy.

[Door Opening]

Julian, this is Mr. Carver
from the D.A. 's office.

What are we
going to tell Sylvia?

Are we gonna tell her
that you told the truth...

and that you have
faith in her gift?

Or are we gonna
tell her that you lied,

because you know that...

her gift is nothing but a
haphazard firing of a...

defective brain synapse?

If I testify...

If I testify against Eduardo
Mendez, and I cop to this m*rder,

what are you gonna do for her?

Last time I got out of jail, it
took me six months to find her.

She was sleeping
under an overpass...

on a pee-soaked mattress.

She can't hold a job.

She can't hack the dr*gs.

She needs someone
to take care of her.

If you cooperate fully,

we'll see about getting
her into a group home...

near where you'll
be incarcerated.

No. But...

No, w-w-we'll make
sure she gets in.


I'll tell you...

I'll tell you everything you
want to know. [Door Opening]

[Door Closes]

You love her.

We don't do very well
without each other.

He told us the truth. He told
us everything we need to know.

Oh, thank God. So we can go now.

I can't. I'm sorry.

But, Julian, Lyz said
we're not supposed to fall.

It's all right, baby. There'll be
someone there to catch you this time.




[Sighs] True love.

Probably his only
redeeming quality.

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