03x08 - Sound Bodies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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03x08 - Sound Bodies

Post by bunniefuu »

[Man Narrating] In New
York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders are pursued
by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

They want it to end, Laura.
It's not about the money.

Honey, we have to let go.

Well, maybe you
can, but I can't.

It's the heart of this community.
It's part of this community.

You people don't seem to
understand that. "You people"?

Well, I hope you're there tomorrow
to tell "us people" that to our faces.

How dare they!

Rob, look at this.

Oh, for cryin' out loud.

The church exercised their
last option five years ago.

Nobody thought it
would come to this.

Hello, Mike. Where's Laura?

Uh, she's still in the car.

I'll go get her.

Oh, Laura.

Sometimes I just can't
stop. I know, I know.

Everything all right, Ms.
Hendrix? Yes, Connie. Thanks.

Come on. I'll buy you
a sugar-free cookie.


[Man] Like most of you,
Ginny and I don't want

to join some big
congregation off the island.

That's not why we moved
here to raise our kids.


[Rob] The Owners' Association
wants to preserve the

character of this community,
too, but it takes money.

The city won't pay
for improvements.

The only thing you want to
improve is your checkbook.

How big a kickback you gettin'?

Henry, that is a low blow.

Well, at least he's not hiding.

I want to know the
coward who sent this.

Dr. Ricci!

Dr. Ricci, there's something wrong
with Laura. She's in the bathroom.

I think she's done something
to herself. [Banging On Door]

Get her started
on norepinephrine.

Four megs, five
percent. Yes, Doctor.

Mr. Koehler, we're treating
your wife for poisoning,

but we don't yet know
what she ingested.

Now, you told the nurse you
think she attempted su1c1de.

Yeah, she's had
a hard time lately.

We have a suspected poisoning.
Male, 73. B.P.'s crashed.

[Doctor] Ipecac and
lavage. Let's get some blood.

I'm sorry. Do you have any idea
what your wife might have taken?

No. Doctor, there's an ambulance
en route with another poisoning.

The patient's unresponsive.
Call St. Lucia's.

Tell them we might
need to transfer...

Somebody help me!
My wife's in the car.

She can't breathe. She's having
convulsions. Please help her!

Since last night, there
have been two more cases.

That brings it to three dead, two in
a coma and four in critical condition.

All from arsenic? Right. The first victim,
Laura Koehler, she's one of the deceased.

Her husband thought it was a
su1c1de. Then the others rolled in.

The common denominator's
a meeting yesterday afternoon.

They served food and drink? Yes.
The reverend's wife was in charge of that.

One of the injured
got this in the mail.

You caught yourself a live one.

"How much is Satan paying you?"

So much for reasoned debate.

I bought the cookies
from the island bakery.

I made the coffee and the iced
tea myself in the kitchenette.

[Bishop] Didn't anyone help you?
Some young girls from the parish.

Uh, the meeting, what
was the controversy?

The church is losing its lease.

The Channel Island trustees want
to sell the land to a condo developer.

Well, the island isn't
big enough. I mean,

there'd be no place for
the church to move to.

That's right.

One of the victims
got this letter.

I assume that she was
for selling the property.

Yes. Her husband,
Rob, is a trustee.

I don't agree with them,
but they're good people.

Uh, what about the other victims
on this list? Where did they stand?

George Tooley,
he was for the sale.

Old Henry Leavitt,
he was against.

Laura Koehler, I
think she was against.

For, for.


So much for narrowing the field.

The lab found arsenic in 12
coffee cups retrieved from the trash.

All the tainted coffee
had artificial sweetener,

as did the stomach
contents of the victims.

Someone could have steam-opened the packets
of sweetener and then resealed them.

[Deakins] What about leftover
packets? Any of them tampered with?

No, but the poisoner might've picked
them up at the end of the meeting.

The victims were on
both sides of the issue.

The only thing they had in
common was artificial sweetener.

The k*ller was targeting people on
diets? Maybe not all of them were targets.

There's one victim whose life
depended on avoiding sugar.

Laura Koehler.
She was a diabetic.

The one whose husband was
pushing the su1c1de scenario.

[Bishop] When
you found your wife

unconscious, you didn't
suspect her diabetes?

No, because she
was always so careful.

And su1c1de was more
likely? Had she tried before?

No, but things had gotten
very difficult for her lately.

We lost our son Brian
in a drowning accident.


That's right. I remember seeing
his photo in the newspaper.

It was four months ago.

Your son and two other boys, they
were taking a boat to Hart Island.

There's... There's a lawsuit,
isn't there, against the State?

You and the other parents
are suing over the 9 1 1 system?

Brian tried to call 9 1 1 on his cell
phone when the boat started sinking.

But those people,
they never sent help.

Are you suing anyone else?

McCarter's Marina.

That's where they
got the boat from.

That rotted-out rowboat.

Can we see the
documentation on the lawsuit?

Help yourself.

You said that things had
gotten difficult for your wife.

We got an offer to settle.
There was a lot of pressure.

From the other parents? Yes.

Brian could have been
saved. They all could have.

- Is this your wife's handwriting?
- Yes.

Most of the notes are hers.

She was the driving
force, wasn't she?

She's the one that
didn't want to settle.

Laura wanted them punished.

Anyone who had anything
to do with Brian's death,

she wanted them punished.

Like it's anybody's fault.
Those kids were stupid.

I mean, stealing a rowboat from
the repair yard. What did they expect?

And the boat was behind that
fence? Uh-huh. It was takin' on water.

Saturday afternoon, you or any of the other
guys go to St. Brendan's for the meeting?

Saturday afternoon we
spent scraping that sloop.

You know, this photo was
taken the day after the drowning.

See these drag marks?

They say the boys pushed
the rowboat into the water from,

well, I'd say right about here.

Yeah, but that boat wasn't here.
It was in the yard behind the fence.

Well, maybe it's a different boat. No, it's
the same boat. The harbor cops found it.

That's Hart Island, huh?
That's where they were heading.

On account of the cemetery. Kids think it's
fun to drink and carry on with the dead,

the little heathen bastards.

This, uh, leaky rowboat...

It would've started taking on
water as soon as they set off.

There would've been three
inches of water on the bottom...

before they even reached
the end of that dock.

I don't see why
they kept on going.

I can't tell you how sorry
we are, Mike. Thank you.

You come over for
dinner this weekend.

Well, you see how you feel.

Listen, Mike, about the settlement...
We'd all feel better if it's unanimous.

We know how Laura felt... No, it's
all right, it's all right, it's all right.

Just tell the lawyers
I'll sign off. It's fine.

Mrs. Koehler was...
so nice to me, sir.

I know she liked you.

I passed the photos of the
marina employees around.

No one saw them
at St. Brendan's.

Well, they'd have been there if
St. Brendan's had happy hour.

I ran their sheets. Mostly
drunk and disorderlies, bar fights.

Want me to stick a dart in him?

No. He's listening to the tape of the
9 1 1 call the kids made from the boat.

I-I need to see the boat.

We were storing it in
case there was a trial,

but I got word yesterday
that the parties settled.

Someone worried
the boat'll float away?

Can't be too sure.

Last place we had it,
someone tried to break in.

[Woman] 9 1 1. What is your emergency?
[Boy] Our boat's filling up with water!

You gotta send help!
What is your location?

I don't know. Off
Channel Island, 200 yards.

It just started, and it started leaking
in the front. It's leaking like crazy!

Sir, I need a location.
Channel Island!

The front of the boat is filling
up! Help us! We're sinking!

- We're gonna drown! Help!
- [Clicks Off]

Those kids, two minutes in that
freezing water, they were done for.

The wood along the
seams has been rotted out.

This boat should've sank like a
stone as soon as it hit the water.

And there's a
kind of... residue...

stuck in the crags.

Um, uh, cake frosting...

and something else.

It's white glue.

Someone patched the seams
with a mixture of frosting and glue.

Wouldn't frosting dissolve
on contact with water?

That's why they used
the glue. It... It hardens.

It would protect the patches just long
enough for the boat to get far from shore.

Too far to swim back.

Someone wanted it to sink.

They moved the boat from the
repair yard, they patched it up,

put it where the
kids would find it,

knowing that it would never
be able to cross the sound.

Those kids were m*rder*d.

Sabotage? Somebody
k*lled our boys?

Yes. This person might have been
worried the sabotage would be discovered...

if your lawsuit went to trial.

We believe that's why
Laura was k*lled. Oh, God.

She didn't want to settle. She wanted
it to go to trial. That's what you told us.

They were headed to the
cemetery. Do you know if

they had any interest in
Satanism or witchcraft?

No! These were just average kids. [Goren]
Maybe we could ask their girlfriends.

Brian wasn't seeing anyone in
particular. And John wasn't either.

He said these days it wasn't cool
to go steady with any one person.

[Deakins] All right. Thank
you all for coming in.

The officer will
show you downstairs.

[Deakins] I'd hate to think we
put 'em through that for nothing.

Any luck tracing the
arsenic? The lab can't match

it to any commercial
arsenic currently available.

I'm looking at Brian Koehler's
autopsy. He had gonorrhea.

So did his other two friends.

Now, what are the odds
of three 17-year-olds...

having the same sexually
transmitted disease?

The gonorrhea of all three
boys had the same D. N.A.

Could they have gotten it
from each other? It's doubtful.

Autopsies showed no
rectal or oral infection.

Well, they got it
from the same girl.

Unless toilet seats and
doorknobs are making a comeback.

Three boys with the same
girl. What if it was r*pe?

They might have been m*rder*d
in revenge. We need to find this girl.

She probably didn't file
a r*pe complaint against

any of the boys. We
would've heard about it.

The church meeting. There were a couple of
girls helping with the coffee and cookies.

I've known Tina and
Carolyn since they were in

the children's choir.
I'm sure they're not...

I'm wondering what
kind of kid would give up

their Saturday afternoon
for a church function.

You don't pay them, do
you? No. They volunteered.

Do they belong to a church group?
Tina did until a few months ago.

She was an altar girl. She
helped with our youth outreach.

She had a child's
devotion to God.

And that... that changed?

She got the teenage blues, I guess.
She just stopped coming to church.

And that was around the
time that the boys drowned?

No, a few weeks before.

But now she seems her
old self again. Very happy.

Whatever was bothering
her worked itself out.

I didn't see anybody
mess with the food.

But I wasn't watching
the whole time.

[Bishop] Okay, Tina.
That about covers it.

Mrs. Hale said that you had drifted
away from the church for a while.

I did the same thing
when I was her age.

You know, I just
couldn't see what all that

stuff had to do with my
life anymore, you know.

Is that what
happened to you, Tina?

I just needed some space.

Did something make
you realize that?

Nothing in particular.

[Bishop] Was it
those boys drowning?

Did you think that
God didn't care?

He let your friends die.

[Tina] I didn't hang
with those guys.

Why not?

They're delta heads.

You know, like
totally asleep up there.

There are three levels of
sleep: alpha, theta and delta.

That's like... deep sleep.

Where'd you learn that?

I don't know.


So what made you
stop going to church?

Did something
happen to you, Tina?

Something Brian and
the other boys did?

No. I needed some space.

All right, that's enough.
Tina, you're excused.

Where did you get this idea
that my daughter was r*ped?

She would've come to us.

Has she seen a doctor
in the last five months?

She's been to the gynecologist.

[Mr. Walker] What is it
you want with my daughter?

I see.

You're getting out of our
house. We're hiring a lawyer.

There is another way to
connect her to the boys.

By law, doctors,
including Tina's,

have to report every case of
gonorrhea to the Department of Health.

Yes, no doubt. It worked
exactly like you said.

Like you knew. ♪♪ [Stereo: Rap]

Okay. I'll tell them.

He wants us to meet him. Now?

- But it's late. My dad's still up.
- Oh, unclench, Claudia.

Claudia, he's waiting.

We've interviewed 35 kids
from Channel Island so far.

Most of them have had
multiple sexual partners.

The contacts just keep going
into wider and wider circles.

We made a chart.

Each circle is a kid. Each
line is a sexual contact.

Kids told us they've participated
in every type of sexual activity.

Group sex, you name it. Everything
except male-to-male contact.

The three dead boys were
involved? Yes, very much so.

- And Tina Walker?
- She wasn't infected,
but she was named as a participant.

One of these circles is her.

You're looking at every
parent's nightmare.

And maybe a breeding
ground for three murders.

This is some little community.

You're not in trouble, Liv.
They just want to ask you...

about the other kids who
participated in the sex parties.

Liv, there were three boys
involved with the sex parties.

Way more than three. It
was like a mad sex thing.

We want to know
specifically about these three.

They ever force
girls to participate?

Nobody was forced. You do
it because your friends do it.

You want to be tight. You
don't want to be by yourself.

Afterwards, how did they...
treat you? Were they nice or...

They were mean.

Like you weren't anything
important. But what are you gonna do?

Tina Walker and Carolyn James,
did they have sex with them?

They used to be really into it.

They stopped before
the boys drowned?

Uh-huh. I think they
just got sick of it.

Have you talked to Tina
or Carolyn since? No.

They're tight. We call them
T.L.C., like "Three Lame Chicks."

- Who's number three?
- Claudia Goodman.

Yeah, I used to go to
those parties, but I stopped.

I really don't like talking about
it. Your friends, Tina and Carolyn,

did they help you
decide to stop?

No. I just got
control of myself.

Is that doggie
vitamins? Supplements.

This one's for their joints,
so they don't get arthritis.

[Dogs Barking]

You said that you got
yourself under control.

I was wondering
how you did that.

Well, uh, you relax
and concentrate...

and make a picture in your
mind of what you want to happen.

That sounds so simple.

And when you were relaxed,
did you count backwards from 100,

or did you imagine
going down an escalator?

An escalator, yeah.

[Electricity Crackling]

You have electric bug zappers.

You know, this technique,

where'd you learn it?

Did you read it in a book or...

Uh, no, I just figured it out
myself. There's nothing up there.

I just like old barns.

Oh, my God. What a little
cutie pie. Can I hold him?

You like working
with animals? Yes.

They don't use you
like some people do.

We heard that the boys treated the
girls like trash, especially Brian Koehler.

You girls must've hated him.

I don't hate anybody.

If I hated someone, I'd be hating
something in them that's a part of me.

Wow. That's a great insight.

You know, a neighbor of
mine named Syd comes

up with great stuff
like that all the time.

Old Mr. Syd Arthur.
You ever hear of him?


I'm joking with you
a little bit, Claudia.

Siddhartha, it's a book.


He really is cute. [Whining]

We need to take this to
the lab. It's antique flypaper.

The lab matched the arsenic in the coffee
cups with the arsenic on the flypaper.

I thought they stopped using
arsenic in flypaper. In the late '70s.

The barn was older than
that. So was the flypaper.

So these girls, what, boiled
the flypaper to get the arsenic?

They might've had some help.

Claudia, what she said about
hate, came straight out of this book.


I haven't thought about
that book in 30 years.

What Tina said about the
different stages of sleep,

it's from this book
about self-hypnosis.

They said they didn't
get it from a book.

Well, somebody else probably did and
passed it off as their original thought.

They didn't tell us because...

they didn't want us to know
about their clever friend.

Maybe this friend was clever
enough to extract arsenic from flypaper.

And make a boat sink in the
middle of Long Island Sound.

It's a small island. Find him.

[Bishop] Are you
Conroy? Conroy Smith?

Connie. You're the
detectives, right?

That's right; we're
the detectives.

Yeah, I saw you talking
to my aunt last week.

The reverend's my uncle.

You live here year round?
My mom travels all the time.

She has important work to do.

Um, you got these
books from the library?

The library told you
what books I read?

One of those post 9/1 1
erosions of civil liberties.

Yeah, we've got your
whole reading list here:

Hermann Hesse, Carlos
Castaneda, Kahlil Gibran.

Just take from
them what I can use.

I'm sure you do.

This stuff is worlds away from
what your classmates are into.

Sex parties. Those
people are pathetic.

You didn't participate?

There's no wrong in love, but...

there was no love
at those parties.

Just bodies using...
and being used.

Excuse me. Hey, you're
forgetting your dinner.

What've you got in here?

Weakfish, stripers.

Hey, you know, I guess since
you don't party with those other kids,

you spend a lot of
time by yourself, huh?

It's cool. I'm
content with myself.

You must have some friends.
Tina Walker? Claudia Goodman?

I mean, it's thanks to
them, we found you.

They told us things right out of these
books, except they never read them.

You, on the other hand,
you have read them.

In fact, in the last four years,

you're the only person
on the island who's

checked both of these
out from the library.

Probably the only
person in the city.

You're busting my ass
because I read books?

Books are why my mother
sent me to live with my uncle,

so I could grow up in
a house full of ideas,

rather than toys and television.

She was looking
after her special boy.

She tell you that?
That you're special?

My mother told me to expect
great things from myself.

Hey, I... I caught a
four-pound striper.

Great. Everything okay?


Your nephew's
an interesting kid.

He's well-read.

He's always trying to
broaden his horizons.

He told us his mother does important work,
and that's why he lives here with you.

My sister was 17
when she had him.

When he was 10, she left him here for
a long weekend. She never came back.

Last I heard, she was in Nevada.

Well, he's following in
your footsteps, not hers.

Uh, powdered dental
stone? It's Connie's.

He was using it to make casts
of tire prints for one of his classes.

Uh, I have work to do.

Sure. Um, we'll find
our way back. Thanks.

You want to go to class?

[Bishop] Crime
detection classes?

Does someone think these kids
need more exposure to crime?

Oh, please. If I can
shove a little science

along with the gore into
their heads, why not?

Are you studying methods,
cases? Anything involving arsenics?

Yes. Florence Maybrick.

Oh, her husband was
rumored to be Jack the Ripper.

She poisoned him
with arsenic she got...

by using flypaper...
boiling flypaper.

- That's the one.
- What has Connie been studying lately?

We had a class
yesterday afternoon.

When I came in, he was already on
the computer, checking our database.

What specifically? Let me see.

He looked up cases of
death from anaphylactic shock.

Allergic reactions.

He's learning.

This is not a sad moment.

There's no better moment than
when you're setting something free.


Think about that place
where we're going.

You'll get there before we do.

This is nice. One woman
with a rare allergy nearly died...

when her ex-husband smeared
shampoo on her door handle.

I can't believe this is what
kids are studying in school.

Well, at least they're learning
about the history of allergies.

Richard III and strawberries.

And here's a real kiss of death.

A woman with a shellfish
allergy went into shock...

when her boyfriend kissed
her after eating shrimp.


I read that some arthritis
medication... is made from shellfish.

Here. Chondroitin sulfate.

Made from shellfish.

Available in pills and
liquid form for pets.

Must be the same stuff Claudia
was putting in the dog food.

Well, Claudia probably told
him that we were talking to her.

Next thing, he's researching
anaphylactic shock.

We should call her
parents, see if she's allergic.

We'll do it on the way there.

[Siren Blares]

She's up here! [Dog Barking]

I got a pulse.

Chondroitin sulfate.

It's a su1c1de note.

She's taking the blame
for the arsenic poisonings.

Little bastard.

Nobody put me up to anything.

I got the poison from the flypaper
and put it in the sweeteners.

What did you do with
the poison packets that

didn't get used? Took
'em back after the meeting.

And you could tell which ones
were poisoned, which ones weren't?

Yes, okay?

These people are
such hypocrites.

Like being all holy, and they don't
care if their kids are having orgies.

This is a whole different
side of you, Claudia.

I thought you told us
you didn't hate anyone.

I can show you any side I want.

None of it's real anyway.

It's just what's inside me.

And what's in her head is
Connie Smith's regurgitated

philosophies. He conned
her into taking the fall...

She wrote the note
confessing to the murders

and then backed it up
with a su1c1de attempt.

That's an almost insurmountable
obstacle to convicting anyone else.

Is a search warrant
asking for too much?

For Mr. Smith? What's your
probable cause? Hermann Hesse?

All right, what about the
other girls, Tina and Carolyn?

Their friend admitted to poisoning
the coffee that they served.

I can get you those warrants.

Is my daughter in trouble?
I'm asking as a mother.

Yes, I think she is.

[Phone Ringing]

[Bishop] I found a fake
I. D. over at Carolyn's.

They changed their birth
dates to make them 18.

They're running away.

The cops stop them with I.D.'s like
this, they won't make them as runaways.

So leave Claudia to take
the blame and hit the road?

Doesn't sound
like much of a plan.

Well, Connie's probably got
the rest of the plan in his head.

I doubt they'd go
anywhere without him.

Connie ever mention
any travel plans to you?

No, but we'll be moving soon.

We lose our lease
at the end of the year.

You have any idea
where you'll go? [Sighs]

Well, there's no room for
me at the parish in the Bronx,

and Connie will be
18 in a few months.

It's very uncertain.

Well, maybe he'll stay
around here. I mean,

after all, this is where
his girlfriends are.

Girlfriends? I had no idea.

[Bishop] You're surprised?
Well, Connie's shy.

I mean, he likes girls, and they like
him. They say he's a good listener.

But some of them told Mrs. Hale that
he never so much as tried to kiss them.

Are these your bookmarks?

That might be
Connie. He does that.

Prophet of Blood.

The Four Revelations.
The Book of Mormon.

He's only reading
books about Mormonism.

- Is he thinking of converting?
- I don't think so.

West to Utah: The
Great Pilgrimage.

Utah? He's taking
the girls to Utah?

It's the home of hundreds
of fundamentalist sects.

Breakaway groups, prophets.

I mean, Connie and the
girls would hardly be noticed.

It's like the Manson family
blending into the '60s California.

Can we use the phony
I.D.'s and the sex parties...

to have the girls declared
persons in need of supervision?

Would holding
them keep him here?

Well, he needs his admirers.

What's his hold on them?
Sex? He offers the opposite.

No sex, no pressure.

They feel safe with him.

The question is...

Is how far will they go
to make him feel safe?

[Door Opens] It's about
time. Where's that shrink?

He won't be here
for another hour.

Hey, don't worry about it. We
can put the time to good use.

I have a couple of questions for
your daughters about Connie Smith.

Who's he? Is he another one of
those boys you think might have...

Their relationship had
nothing to do with sex.

Isn't that right? It was on
a higher level. Right, girls?

Hey, I gotta tell ya.
Connie's in big trouble.

Claudia, she took the rap
for the church poisonings,

but he still has to
account for the drownings.

You don't think our girls
had anything to do with that?

We think it was just Connie.
He was jealous of those boys.

But we'd like to know what
he said to your daughters.

He didn't say anything. He
didn't do it. You know what?

He's lucky, because if it weren't for
Claudia, he'd be facing the death penalty.

She saved his life.

You just take a good
look at this girl, and

you can see the depths
of her devotion to him.

He has to know that
she's his one true friend.

Probably the only
friend he has left.

Connie didn't make
those guys drown. I did.

- Tina, shut up.
- Hey, that's okay. We don't believe her.

It's true. I told them to meet
me on Hart Island for a party.

I messed with that boat. I put stuff in
the cracks, so it wouldn't sink right away.

That's not gonna fly.

I can prove it.
Not another word!

I will not let you throw your
life away for some little freak!

He's not a freak! He knows
things! More things than you do!

He's special. He showed us how
we can be happy and control our life,

and he never asked
us for anything.

I can prove I did it.

You go to my dad's tool shed.

You'll see.

I want to see this alleged statement
against my client. All in good time.

I'm warning you, Mr. Carver.
I won't put up with any tricks.

How'd the booking go? He
was a perfect young gentleman.

That's what everyone says.

Mr. Smith, we're here to
discuss a plea agreement...

on three counts of
m*rder by drowning.

I didn't k*ll anyone. Hold on.
I want to see that statement.

What statement? One
of the girls gave you up.

There's nothing to give
up. I didn't do anything.

What you didn't do
yourself, you told them to do.

[Scoffs] I never told
anyone to do anything.

Which one do you think
gave you up... Tina or Carolyn?

Neither of them would
say anything against me.

Why? You're not allowed to speak
against the prophet? [Chuckles]

I'm nobody's prophet.
No, see, they think you are.

They think you're teaching them
to, well, control their world, you know.

But the joke is on them, right?

I can't teach anyone anything.

No, you just
listen. Is that right?

All these kids, you
know, taking dr*gs,

uh, drinking, having
the sex parties,

while you just wait with
your little fishing rod,

and you hook whatever damaged
goods comes out of the pit.

Their parents made them what
they are. I didn't do anything.

And when those girls wanted to hurt
those mean boys who debased them,

then you did something.

No. You exploited their anger.

And after you helped them
k*ll, you exploited their fear.

Mr. Carver, if I don't see that
statement, we're not continuing.

You walk out that door, any chance
of a plea bargain goes with you.

Come on. Just tell me which
one, Connie. Tina or Carolyn?

Look, I don't k*ll for myself.

And for sure I wouldn't k*ll for
them. There's nothing in it for me.

There's admiration,

because special people like
admirers, and... and you're special.

Well, aren't you,
Connie? I'm not...

I'm not that special.

Well, I think you
made yourself special.

I think that's the lie you told yourself
to explain why your mother ditched you.

No. That's not reality.

My mother has important work.

Like cleaning motel
rooms in Laughlin?

Well, here's her number,
if you want to call her.

Oh, look, look!

Bing! Reality!

People leave you. Your
mother, soon your uncle.

[Scoffs] I don't let
that stuff bother me.

Oh. I've got myself.

The rest of the world can
just fade away. I don't care.

'Cause you're all alone,
like a star in the heavens,

overcome by an icy despair,
but more firmly yourself than ever.

Isn't that what you're
tryin' to tell me?

You see, unlike the girls, you know, I've
read the book, so don't try and con me.

The reason you only have yourself
is 'cause you have no choice.

And you don't trust anyone.

And this is why.

There's nothing on that piece
of paper. I know who I can trust.

Come on! You were bringing
the two girls to Utah, right?

- 'Cause if one of 'em betrays you,
then you still have the other one.
- Those things don't happen to me.

No? Well, they happen
to every prophet.

And if you learned anything from reading
these books, you should've learned that.

- No one betrays me.
- Come on. Tina or Carolyn?

- No one betrays me.
- Think again!

- We got the smoking g*n.
- The smoking... caulking g*n.

The one used to
patch up the boat.

The one that still has traces
of cake frosting and glue on it.

You ready to answer that question now?
It can't be. I told her to clean it off.

Come on! Answer!
Tina or Carolyn?

- What'd you do to her?
- Answer!

It's... It's... Tina.

Tina! All right?

It's Tina!

She was mine! What
did you do to her?

Well, it's like the book says:

That every sin
carries grace within it.

Ouch. You took her from
me. You took her from me.

I should take this thing and
beat your brains in with it...

'cause that's what you
deserve, what you all deserve!

There's more just like her,
ready to crawl out of that pit...

and come at you with knives...

'cause that's what you deserve.

That's what you deserve.
That's what you deserve!

Get off me! Get off!

[Man] The defendant is remanded to the
custody of the Department of Correction,

pending completion
of a sentencing report.

Next case. People v. Christina
Walker and Carolyn James.

m*rder in the second
degree, six counts.

- Connie! Connie! You'll be okay!
- [Judge] You be quiet, young ladies!

We told them what happened.
We told them we did it.

Me and Carolyn,
we k*lled those pigs.

We love you, Connie.

[Judge] Bailiff, will you take these
people out and bring in the next case?

We're the only reality. The
reality's inside us, right, Connie?

He didn't look too happy.
Reality caught up with him.

Reality catches
up with everybody.

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