04x05 - Eosphoros

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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04x05 - Eosphoros

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

You have no idea who you're messing with.

I'm an important public figure.

Is this what they teach you in Sunday school?

Kidnapping helpless women?

You hypocrites!

I wish there was a God, so he could smack you across the face!

Okay, the other one.

Please, please don't hurt me.

Please, please.

Listen up, fat girl.

We're going to make a tape, okay?

When you feel a tap on your shoulder, repeat after me, "Uncle Wayne, it's April.

This is a ransom message.

" "Uncle Wayne, it's April.

This is a ransom message.

" We are one nation under God.

We shouldn't have to re-write the Pledge of Allegiance just to appease a godless minority.

If your mother had been able to be here today, Reverend, she'd point out the Pledge was already rewritten in 1954 to add the words "under God.

" Well, the fact that she didn't show up today speaks more loudly than anything she would have said.

Thank you, Reverend Douglas Callaway.

We'll be back after the break with calls from our listeners.

Reverend, you have a call from your brother.

He says it's very important.

Good news, Granny.

Your son agreed, no questions asked.

I'm on my way into the city for the pick-up.

Be ready when I get back.

Thank you, Detective.

They said not to call the police!

I can't believe you called them.

I can't believe you didn't.

Faster, Garth.

He's in a hurry.

Where's the girl?

You know, she got away, you know?

She had to use the bathroom, so I untied her.

That's when she made a run for it.

Where's Mo?

He went on a beer run.

You find him and you bring him back to the place.

The room was rented two days ago and pre-paid for two weeks.

Might've been this guy, the clerk's not sure.

How many perps are we talking about?

The granddaughter, April, thinks that there were three males.

She was tied to the bed, blindfolded the whole time.

Latent isn't coming up with any prints.

No fingerprints and they leave this guy.

No ID.

Nothing in his pockets.

Well, it looks like they were gonna k*ll the granddaughter, too.

The plastic on the floor to catch the fluid from leaking into the room downstairs.

You know, with no maid service, it'd take a few days for the decomp to attract attention.

It's recently fired.

Two rounds missing.


He fired one of those rounds.

I hope that's not contagious.


So he probably shot Mrs.

Callaway, used a pillow to muffle the sound One of his accomplices took his g*n and shot him.

Easier to split 500 grand two ways than three.

I had to use the bathroom, so one of them untied me He was alone, so I shoved him and I ran out the door.

You took a big risk, running, April.

Those guys kept hitting me.

I shouldn't have left my grandma.

That wasn't your fault.

Now, the morning that you were kidnapped, you were at her house?

I live with her and my Uncle Wayne, since my mom died.

time to leave the house?


We usually left around and we'd go to the Atheists' Federation.

All three of you worked there?

It's sort of like a family business.

But Grandma and me were supposed to be on the Martha Maxwell radio show at noon, with my dad, he's Reverend Callaway.

The three men who kidnapped you, did you hear their names?


Could you tell which one was in charge?

The one who made me make the tape.

Did you notice anything special about him?

Maybe he had an accent, unusual smell?

A smell.

His hands smelled like when they fix a roof.


You mean that smell?


He's the one that would hit me.

We'll talk later.

Excuse me.

Tar's an ingredient that's used in a cream to treat eczema.

So the one who was shot, that was the man in charge.

Until the ransom got paid.


We got a hit on his prints.

His name's Larry Hastings.

I've never heard of him.

Neither have I.

The kidnappers knew the name of your organization's bank and what your financial resources were.

It's all in our annual report.

But this wasn't about money.

This was about silencing our movement.

My mother was the Atheists' Federation.

Without her, it doesn't exist.

Fanatics were behind this.

You suggesting we look at the Reverend's organization?

I have a ministry, not an organization.

Anyway, my mother may have been the region's most notorious atheist The most prominent.

She received dozens of death threats.

She used to receive hundreds.

Her days as a lightning rod were over.

When can I see my niece?

The officer will take you to her.

Reverend, if you want to see your daughter She'll be fine with my brother.

Reminds me why my parents never talked religion at the dinner table.

What else do we have on Larry Hastings?

He got out of Elmira two years ago.

He did four years for armed robbery.

What about the ransom?

It was wired from the Federation's bank yesterday to a Terrence Winter, care of a coin dealer in Midtown.

Now, someone matching Hastings' description came in flashing a passport with Winter's name.

Fake passport, probably.

The store paid him in gold coins.

1,400 Krugerrands.

Larry Hastings has a car registered to an address in Jackson Heights.

Somebody burned a passport.

Could be the fake one Larry used at the coin shop.

Maybe his buddies got rid of it, so we couldn't trace it back to the guy who forged their passports.

Buttons from jeans, shoelace eyelets.

Looks like they dissolved their clothes in here with lye.

The same clothes that they wore during the kidnapping.

Smart buddies, getting rid of evidence that could tie them to the kidnapping or to Larry.

We've got 16 eyelets, six buttons.

One pair of shoes, one pair of pants.

Maybe only one smart buddy.

If Larry used his car to pick up the coins, drive back to the motel, what are these doing here?

The mud inside the wells isn't dry.

This car's been driven off-road in the last 12 hours.

All this stuff, flares, tool kit, all should be in the trunk.

Somebody moved it, to make room.

Driver got mud on his shoes.


It's still gummy.

Maybe same vintage as the mud.

Plenty of room for a buddy.

Well, two buddies left the motel in Larry's car last night.

Only one buddy made it back here.

Definitely easier to split 500 grand one way.

Hey, could you have someone check the last entry on the GPS in the car?


I don't know any Larry Hastings.

Your fingerprint was found on a ketchup packet in his car.

Any idea how it got there?

Maybe we ate at the same food joint.

Maybe my mitts got on it when I was getting condiments.

If it's okay to ask, what did this Larry guy do?

It's okay to ask.

He and his accomplices kidnapped two women and k*lled one of them.

There's nothing flashy like that on my sheet, just a credit card beef.

Well, we're not accusing you of anything.

I guess I ought to call my lawyer.

He's in White Plains.

That's where I got into trouble.

You guys are so wrong about this.

I've been at work all week.

Were you working yesterday?

No, yesterday was my day off.

I did errands.



Your work, you're a masseur.

That your table?

I'm a massage therapist.

State certified.

At the VA Hospital on 23rd.

I'm on the straight and narrow.

Last night, you go out?

No, I was home.

So this receipt for 2:19 a.


Last night, it just flew in the window?

I had heartburn, I went out for antacid.

It's the good stuff you can only get at a drugstore.

Doesn't it say on the receipt?


It doesn't say where it's from.

Well, here's the stuff right here.

I got it at one of them 24 - hour places they have around here.

Hey, I'll move that.

The downloads from the GPS in Hastings' car.

The last request was for directions from West 242nd at Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx back to Hastings' place.

The request was made at 1:38 a.


If it was Mitch here, that's cutting it close.

Van Cortlandt Park, it's still muddy this time of year.

Drag marks led right to the body.

Strangulation from behind.

Ligature marks are well-defined, except for where they join at the back.

They're blurred.

It looks like there's more than one set of marks.

See where the ropes crisscross?

Right hand was on top.

Maybe he didn't have enough strength with that hand, so he switched to the left.

Maybe the right hand was weak or injured I didn't notice anything wrong with Mitch's hand.

Neither did I.

Can I get a picture of this, please?

Between this hand switch and the timeline, things are looking pretty good for Mitch.

It's a shame someone went through all the trouble of making him look bad.

The lab found carpet fibers from the motel in his socks and shoes.

Down from three musketeers to one.

Not that I'm complaining, but I'd rather hang Eleanor Callaway's m*rder on a living suspect.

Mitch Godel isn't it.

Nothing turned up at his apartment or the crime scenes to connect him.

Print on the pack of ketchup's a fluke?

Except that Mitch is almost a perfect suspect, he has a prior His personality, it doesn't inspire confidence.

If he got picked for a frame-up by our third musketeer, there's got to be a connection between them.

Nice fit.

A hand splint.

That's why he switched hands.

The lab found DNA on this?

From skin cells.

Oh, we'll need a call to the Feds.

Mitch works at the VA.

The third guy, he's got an injured hand.

I don't know.

He could be a vet.

The military keeps blood and DNA records on every recruit.

Oh, yeah.

Carpal tunnel syndrome.

He wore a hand splint.

Mo Del-something.

Moses Delgado.

The VA said he came here for treatment last month.

Not from me.

Mo sat at my table in here a couple times.

Nice guy.


You think so?

Because he, you know, tried to frame you for kidnapping.

No way.



Well, you're practically made-to-order there, Mitch, you know, being an ex-con.

Now, see, I never told Mo I was in the joint.

Well, you didn't have to.

Clock face without hands, it's a classic prison tat.

I can't believe he'd do that to me.

So what did you two find to talk about?


He didn't like the majors.

He was big on some Triple-A team, the Red Devils.

I never heard of them.


The Diablos Rojos, they're Mexican League.

They're Triple-A.

The accounts office had a current address for Delgado.

That's Mo.

Claude's been letting him sleep on the couch.

And this would be Claude?

Oh, boy.

Yeah, that's Claude.

He owed 900 bucks in rent.

When was the last time you saw Mo?

About a week ago.

The landlord's gonna want to seize this stuff for payment.

Yeah, well, we got first dibs.


Looks like someone got some new suitcases and a hard-shell golf travel bag.

Mo probably caught a plane.

Gold coins weigh about 90 pounds.

Split between three bags, it's easy to hide.

Gold doesn't set off metal detectors.

Mo's just another gringo tourist carving divots out of a Mexican golf course.

My mother didn't believe in heaven or hell or any sort of afterlife.

She did, however, believe in life.

In accordance with her wishes, we scatter her ashes over her garden.

Oh, Heavenly Father, welcome your wayward daughter Douglas, shut him up.

Forgive her, her sins.

Open her eyes so that she may accept your glory.

Daddy, please.

You called them?

This is what you want?

To turn her funeral into a spectacle?

Shame on you, Douglas.

Shame on you!

The Feds are passing Moses' mug on to Interpol and the Mexicans.

I'm not holding my breath.

With a five-day lead and an alias, we better pray he makes a mistake.

I don't know how Eleanor Callaway would feel about relying on divine intervention to catch her k*ller.

I wonder what kind of help the kidnappers got.

I mean, there's no record they did any research into the finances of the Atheists' Federation.

Look, the Federation had three accounts, two at a Manhattan Bank, and a new one at the New Amsterdam Bank.

But the kidnappers knew most of the money, the Manhattan Bank.

Not many ways they could've found out.

Someone either at the bank or the Federation.

Maybe we can narrow it down.

The exact time that April and Eleanor were on the radio, it wasn't publicized.

But the kidnappers, they had to know what time they left the house.

Or else they just staked out the house that morning.

One side of the street was no parking, and the other side was blocked off for construction.

They couldn't stay there long without running the risk of being noticed or ticketed.

I've been meaning to call Victim Services, but things have been so busy.

Ma'am, we're sorry to just pop in on you, but we need to ask you about the radio show last Tuesday.

Now, you were supposed to go on at 12:00.

When was that decided?

That morning.

They called Grandma.

Sounds last-minute.

It was.

Grandma said that Dad was late, you know?

He was stuck crossing the George Washington Bridge.

The Reverend, your grandmother was gonna debate him on the show?

We were all gonna be on together.

But my dad, he kept changing the time.

You know, first it was 10:00, then it was 11:00, and then finally it was noon That was just a motorcycle.

You're worried about the kidnappers.

You know, that's normal.

But two of them have died, and the third looks like he left the country.

If you want, we can post a car outside.

No, it's okay, you know.

I'm gonna be fine.

April, how did your dad get along with your grandmother?

Not good, you know, they were pretty mean to each other.

The Reverend, he was on the George Washington Tuesday, but he lives in the city, doesn't he?

Did he have business in New Jersey?

He was coming back from visiting a prison.

You know, he has ministries in a whole bunch of places.

That's probably my Uncle Wayne, so just A prison ministry.

Sounds like a good way to meet quality people like Larry Hastings.

Well, kidnapping his own mother and daughter.

Looks like prison converted the Reverend.

Until last year, I did group meetings at Elmira Prison, but unless Mr.

Hastings attended regularly or did individual prayer with me, there's no way I'd remember him.

Maybe one of your assistants does.

Well, feel free to ask.

In fact, whatever you're looking for, just please ask.

Well, I have a question.

The morning that your mother was kidnapped, you visited a prison in New Jersey.

You get caught in traffic on the George Washington?

No, I took the tunnel.

Well, is there another reason why you couldn't make it to the radio station by 10:00?

It wasn't that I couldn't make it.

I called ahead, they said it had been changed to 12:00.

They said that was because they got a message you were stuck in traffic.

Well, they didn't get that from me.

Why does it matter?

Well, I'm thinking that, since you don't know Larry Hastings, maybe he hooked up with someone else in your ministry, you know, a real zealot?

We don't have anyone like that.

Oh, come on, Reverend, maybe someone overheard you venting about your mother.

What is it that you said?

I have it in here.

"The most dangerous place in the world "is between Eleanor Callaway and a camera.

" Yes, I said that.

And it was true.

When did your mother start the Atheists' Federation?

How old were you?


She wanted to stop prayer in the New York public schools.

And she used you as a prop in her public appearances.

Well, me and Wayne, like trained puppies.

And then you got born again.

She disowned you.

What did she call it?

I have it.

A "post-birth abortion.

" Eleanor used vulgarity to generate publicity.

It worked.

She raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations.

You had to cut back on your ministry.

We heard you've gone from 15 prisons to 7.

It must have ticked him off.

Did that tick you off?

You know, you had to see these heathens filling up your mother's collection plate?

Do you think I k*lled my mother for her money?

We're pretty sure k*lling her was something you didn't plan on.

I didn't plan on any of it.

I would never harm my mother, let alone my own daughter.

What are these?

Notes for the radio show.


You have questions for your mother, and some for your brother.

Your brother wasn't scheduled to be on the radio show.

April was.

April never made media appearances, ever.

It was always Eleanor and Wayne.

Except this time.

It was April's idea.

She said my mother and I never gave her any real responsibility.

So we figured, one radio appearance, what could it hurt?

Did you tell anybody April was taking your place?

No, in case she changed her mind.

She has no self-confidence.

Did your brother know?

How would he?

None of us talk to him.

Why all these questions?

We think somebody with inside knowledge was involved.




I love my niece, but she couldn't pull off a surprise party, let alone a kidnapping.

I'm a better suspect than she is.

Well, we thought of you.

Just because we're atheists doesn't mean we don't know right from wrong.


And we also know harassment when we see it.

I don't know how much longer I can live like this.

You know, any minute he could just Hold on.

Your uncle's on Line 3.

Just tell him I can't talk to him right now, okay?

What are these?

One's a polite kiss-off from one of our biggest contributors.

And the other's my resignation.

I'm sorry, April, but with Eleanor gone I got another job starting Monday.

Are you still there?

I really need to see you.


You've managed to unite atheists and Christians in common cause against police harassment.

We do what we can.

What you seem to be doing is playing musical suspects, Reverend Callaway, his brother Wayne, now his daughter April.

Like it or not, this is standard police work.

While your detectives work their way down the Callaway family tree, the third kidnapper, Mr.

Delgado, remains at large.

You don't need to remind us.

Tell the counselor what you have on April Callaway.

After eliminating her father and her uncle, she's the only one left with knowledge of the Federation's finances.

And she insisted on accompanying Eleanor to the radio show, but her story about why it was delayed, it doesn't hold up.

It looks like she tried to throw suspicion on the Reverend.

And then there's her behavior.

On the one hand, she shows signs of post-traumatic stress.

On the other, she won't get help for it.

We know she never contacted Victim Services.

That hardly means she conspired in her own kidnapping.

Look, if she's a victim, let's see if she behaves like one.

You don't have to do this if you don't want to, April.

We really do need to run through the details of her escape.

It's okay.

I want to help.

So, now, you told us that there was only one man in here with you and your grandmother.

Now, was that the same man that had the smell of tar on his hands?

No, it wasn't.

Or maybe he had a brace on his right hand?

Maybe you felt it when he grabbed you?

Now, you were on the bed when you asked to use the bathroom.

How were you positioned?

I was sort of sitting up.

I had a rope around my hands and at my waist.

And I had a blindfold on.

It would be better if you got on the bed and showed us.

I was sitting like this.

You're a real trouper, April.

I mean, a lot of former hostages, they couldn't do this.


Oh, yes.

They start hyperventilating just stepping into a place where they've been kept.

Well, you know, I am starting to feel a little bit panicky.

Like I can't breathe.

We brought a therapist with us from Victim Services, in case this happened.

She's waiting downstairs in a car.

I don't want her.

Well, you know, she could help you work out your fear.

It's okay.

I don't need a therapist.

I I was I was tied up like this.

April, you can open your eyes now.

Look, we noticed that you've been jumpy.

Is there something that you wanna talk about?


We hope you're talking to somebody.

Like who?

You know, a friend, a boyfriend.

I don't have boyfriends.

I want to go home now.


Something wrong with your legs?

It's just my knees.

I have rheumatoid arthritis, you know, because of my weight.

What are you taking for it?

It's, like, hydroxy-something.

Well, because, you know, physical therapy helps.

I know, but I haven't been in, like, two weeks.

A little panicky, my foot.

I've seen kidnap victims throw up just talking about their ordeal.

It's not what happened that keeps her up at night, it's what might happen.

Like going to prison.

No wonder she doesn't want to see a therapist.

She doesn't seem to mind physical therapy, neither does Moses Delgado.

A lot of people getting body work.

Or giving it.

Yeah, the insurance company's correct.

We treated April Callaway for arthritis.

She had three sessions in February.

She told us she was treated as recently as two weeks ago.

Not by us.

The insurance did authorize 20 visits, though.

What about Moses Delgado?

You ever have him as a patient?



Callaway's treatments, did they include massage?


A Mitch Godel ever work here?

Yes, until a year and a half ago.

He resigned.

He resigned.

Well, that's a funny way to put it.

She could've said "quit.

" I guess people here are asked to resign.

Is that what happened with Mitch?


We heard he was stealing patients from the clinic and giving them private massages.


Callaway's three sessions, who was her masseur?

I don't know why she stopped coming after three sessions.

One thing I'll say, she was not comfortable being touched.

Even by you?

Hard to believe.

I'll pretend that was a compliment.

Some people just don't like massage.

They feel too vulnerable.

Oh, it was her vulnerability, I guess.

That's what stopped her from coming here?

Maybe there was some bad touching?

Not by me.

Look, you can't tell the clinic this.

April's last session, this guy who used to work here, Mitch Godel, he asked if he could take it.

He stole her from the clinic, and kicked you back a finder's fee?


Mitch was popular with the ladies.

He could make them feel good about their bodies, no matter what.

So, what, you told Mitch about April's vulnerability?


I never told him anything about her, but he seemed to know everything anyway.

Even that she lived with her grandmother.

Look, I got another session.

Sounds like Mitch was making book on April even before he met her.

Well, maybe he had a source close to home.

Eleanor's autopsy, she had two compressed vertebrae, probably from a car accident.

The injuries were at least a year old.


You get massage for that.

Eleanor was treated at the clinic two years ago.

They think she was one of the patients Mitch cherry-picked.

And from her, he heard all about her lovelorn granddaughter.

Enough to know that April was neglected and needy.

He seduced her, talked her into this kidnapping scheme Leaving out the part about k*lling her and Eleanor, and everybody else.

Delgado's probably lying in a ditch somewhere.

Then April's escape created a substantial problem for him.

She could turn on him.

The question is, why didn't he k*ll her right then?

Probably because he had too many other things to do first.

He had to k*ll the three musketeers, and make it look like Delgado got away with the gold.

Once she escaped, she must've run right into his arms.

He used her to create an alibi for himself.

The drug store receipt.

Well, that alone isn't enough to clear Mitch if April ever implicated him.

The pack of ketchup.

You know, he planted it to make himself a suspect.

Nice guys that we are, we cleared him.

We thought Delgado framed him.

And now it's a part of police record.

That and the fact that Mr.

Delgado is unaccounted for is enough to create a reasonable doubt.

Mitch hid in plain sight.

If he's as clever as you think, he probably hid the ransom money well.

He did time for credit card fraud, maybe he used one of his old tricks to move the money around.

Mitch just manufactured credit cards with legit numbers and used them to buy lots of stamps.

How'd he get caught?

Airport security.

He had a card-making machine and Thanks for scaring me straight!

" Let me take a wild guess.


He knew when he was beat.

This is solid metal, not plastic.

He got a deal on it from a buddy in Scarsdale who made trophies.

Hide in plain sight.

Well, April and Mitch haven't been together for almost two weeks.

Must seem like an eternity to April.

I've already helped you all that I could.

We're concerned this guy Delgado could pop up back in the city.

I don't even know anything about him.

Witnesses often don't know what they know.

Sometimes when we're looking for someone, we bring people together who knew him and get them talking.

I don't want to talk to anybody.

Well, it wouldn't take very long.

This other person who knows Delgado works at the VA Hospital.

Maybe we can catch him before he goes to work.

He's a friend of Delgado's?

An acquaintance.

His name's Godel, Mitch Godel.

Hey, you know, if you don't want to talk to any strangers, we understand.

Detective Eames.

I'm just off to work.

You mind if we come in?

I guess not.



I'm Mitch Godel.

This is April Callaway.

She's the young woman who was kidnapped.


I heard.

I'm sorry.

Mitch, we no longer think Mo left the country.

And that's a problem for Ms.


We thought if we brought the two of you together, you could talk about Mo, and maybe some detail might come up that can help us.

Excuse me, but do you two know each other?

I think I might have worked on you one time.

Hips and knees, right?


Small world.

You work at the VA?

Sometimes I freelance at clinics.

How did you end up at his clinic?

My grandmother went there for her neck from her car accident.

You treated her grandmother, too?

I might have done a couple of sessions.

So, I don't know what I can tell you about Mo.

Well, we pulled up a list of his relatives, most of them are in Florida.

Do you mind if I get a glass of water?

Help yourself.

Maybe one of the names came up in conversation.

You look like you're thirsty.


Next to the fridge.

He never mentioned any of these people.

So, April, how did you know where he kept the glasses?

Been here before?

Okay, I wasn't going to say anything, but I gave April a couple of sessions here, you know, off-the-books.

Mitch, you should have Said something?

I know, but you guys already suspected me of having something to do with that kidnapping, so Yeah, you know, I'm thinking, Mitch.

Are you sure you didn't say anything to Mo about working on April?

You know, it could have given him the idea about the kidnapping.

Yeah, I might've told him that I had a client who was a part of a famous atheist family.

Well, Mo probably figured "famous" meant "loaded.

" But he knew too much about the Federation's finances.

No, it must have been inside help.


I'm getting out of shape.

These things, they feel like they weigh more than 10 pounds.

You know, April, a lot of people thought that your Uncle Wayne was going to do the show with Eleanor.

But, last minute, you insisted on replacing him.

It turns out your dad never called the station to say he was stuck in traffic.

But that's not what Grandma told me.

You know, the inside source, April, it's you.

Mo, he got his hooks in you.


He told you that your family didn't respect you, they took you for granted.

No, no.

Mo said you could have your own life, with him and half a million bucks.

Mitch, please, tell them.

Tell them what?

Oh, I get it.

Now you're trying to set me up here.

Now, I know you're hurt, but she got the wrong idea from the beginning.

Sometimes that happens, on account of all the touching involved.

She had this whole fantasy about us.

You two were romantically involved?

No, come on.

What, are you kidding?

I tried to be a gentleman.

I let her down easy.

But she kept calling.

And now she's implicating me.

This is how she pays me back.

But you know I didn't have nothing to do with it.

Is that what this is all about, April?


You know, pay back your dad for abandoning you, pay back your grandmother for driving him away, pay back Mitch for rejecting you?

I wasn't out to hurt anyone.

I told Mitch what I was going to do, but he wanted no part of it.

But then everything started to go wrong, and I got scared.

So, I escaped.

I didn't know what to do, so I called Mitch.

He did not have to help me, but he did.

And he went to the motel room to save Grandma, but he got there too late.

And everybody was dead, and Mo had run off with the money.

You really must have magic fingers, if she's willing to take the rap for you.

All he's done is protect me from Mo.

He's been kind to me.

There you go.

April, come on, if you think this guy harbors any feelings for you other than contempt, you're wrong.

When the two of you met, it wasn't fate.

He targeted you.

He learned all about you from Eleanor.

He knew the foundation had money.

He paid off that other masseur to take your session, so he could manipulate you.

He did not.

He encouraged me to stand up for myself.

Grandma and Uncle Wayne were taking advantage of me, hiding things from me.

And Mitch told you that?

Now, how would he know?

When he was massaging Grandma last year, she was always on her cell phone, like he wasn't even there.

Mitch heard her transfer $100,000 into an account at the New Amsterdam Bank.

You know, if it wasn't for Mitch, I never would have known.

So, he told you that he overheard this last year?


April, that account was opened just two months ago.

I don't understand.

Well, we're starting to.

Mitch knew about the account because he was still talking to Eleanor.

Weren't you, Mitch?

You guys are imagining things.

That $100,000, that was supposed to be the ransom money.

Reverend Callaway, he was supposed to take the fall.

Now, your grandmother lied to you about your father being late.

It was Eleanor.

It was Eleanor's idea, the kidnapping.

You know, a grab for publicity.

To, you know, become a lightning rod again.

What do you mean?

Grandma wasn't like that.

Well, what was it your father said?

That the most dangerous place in the world was between Eleanor Callaway and a camera.

Eleanor remembered Mitch, the upstanding citizen he was.

She offered him $100,000 to stage her kidnapping.

And Mitch smelled more money.

See, he used you to double-cross Eleanor.

I don't believe that.

Mitch I would never do nothing to hurt you.

It was Mo, he was going to k*ll you.

It was all that money, made him nuts.

It made him nuts?


What happened?

He got gold fever?

Is that what happened?


I've seen it happen to people.

Yeah, to people?

You mean you, Mitch?

You see, April?

You see now?

It's gold.

Mitch had it all along.

Mo is dead.

Mitch k*lled everyone.

And the first chance he got, he was gonna k*ll you, too.

I thought you loved me.

Come on.

You ever look at yourself?

You Hey, hey, hey, hey.

It's all right, Mitch, don't worry.

We'll protect you.

And, by the way, you're under arrest.

He said that nobody would get hurt.

You promised me!

I promised her.

You believe this chick?

I understand April being fooled by him, but Eleanor?

Well, she didn't believe in heaven and hell, so how would she know the devil was massaging her neck?
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