04x08 - Silver Lining

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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04x08 - Silver Lining

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

What wonderfully idiosyncratic taste your father has.

He only shopped when he was drunk, and he only bought what made him laugh.

I really have to leave.

Is the silver in the butler's pantry?


Excuse us.

Colonial silver.


These are the stars of our collection.

Zodiac spoons.

I've only seen pictures.

They've been in our family for years.

I'm going to need to do some research on this hallmark.


I need the appraisals by tomorrow morning.

My father's very ill.

I'll do the research tonight at home.

It'll be ready in time.

The hallmark's 19th-century Austrian.

You want to take this down?

The letter "A" stands for Vienna.

Where's the rest?

There's more?

There are plates, dessert spoons, demitasses.

Oh, my God, where did you see them?

An old client of mine from Smith Barney.

In fact, I'm playing golf with him tomorrow, which is why I can't stay.

Don't move.

We need to talk over dinner tonight.

I'm sorry to disturb you.

It turns out I need that appraisal tonight.


Todman, I can see you're busy.

I'll email you a picture of that argyle from the London exhibit.

We had one coffee date and I never heard from him again.

I swear, meeting men in New York is like trying to make friends with ants.

Oh, God.


I thought I recognized an old boyfriend on Singular Singles.


Happens to me all the time, on America's Most Wanted.

The new appraisals are all there.

The insurers can adjust their values.

This one hasn't been signed and it's missing the appraiser's license number.

We can't give out that information, sorry.

Just give him this message.

I told you to be back at 10:00.

Give me that thing.

Here you go, Ma.

Watch out.

I am so sorry.

Excuse me.


Matt, there was a cop at the corner.

Go get him.

Time of death, maybe a couple of hours ago.

No I.


, no purse.

She still has her watch and earrings.

Lucky for you, the Chief of D has designated this the monthly hot zone, so we all get to pile on.

Gin tonic.

We're passing her photo around to local bars and restaurants.

Looks like you got it all handled.

Those marks, I mean From a chokehold.

Except for the one on the Adam's apple.

It looks like it came from the side.

I figure the perp was sitting next to her.

Someone she trusted.

He hit her, then stepped behind her to choke her out.

There were gray wool fibers caught in her earring, maybe from the perp when he choked her.

Well We'll get out of your hair.

Anything at all in her pockets?

Just these.

A jeweler's loupe, polishing cloth, and this.

She could be in the jewelry business.

Looks like silver polish.

These numbers next to these dates, Could be auction numbers.

I have no idea what she was doing in that park.

When I left, she was still here working.

Do you have a number for her family?

We're gonna need to call them.

Becks has a sister in Boston.

Do you know if she had a boyfriend?


I kept saying to her, "Don't give up.

" She took your advice.

She logged on to the Singular Singles website yesterday afternoon.

She only logged on to the opening screen.

She never actually cruised the site.

What did she look at just before?

Interpol Database.

These look familiar?

I wish.

They're gorgeous.

Zodiac pattern.

Austrian hallmark.

Maybe this is what she got upset about.


This is all her work from the auction house.

There's only one book on Austrian silver, but I can't find the hallmark that was on the plates.

These appraisals are on her own letterhead.

She was moonlighting.

These look like they're part of the stolen set.

Dessert spoons, same hallmark.


This must be her notes on the appraisal.

But no appraisal.

Well, these are dated from two days ago, for a Victor Burke, in the Douglas Manor section of Queens.

The side of the tracks I never got invited to.

I only met her the one time, when she appraised my father's collection.

We'd like to talk to your father about his collection.

No, I'm sorry.

He's too ill.

Well These spoons, do you know where he got them?

He's had those for years.

Excuse me?

Styrofoam peanut.

It's a packing material.

Are you unpacking or packing?


Upon his death, we're sending my father's collection to a museum in Kansas.

The appraisals, you would have made copies for the shipping company.

Can we see the one Ms.

Todman did?

When you said you've had the spoons for years, you mean before 2001?


No, see, those spoons, along with 44 other pieces of silverware, were stolen from a home in Chicago in 2001.


Todman, did she happen to mention that they were stolen?


She said she had to go home to research the hallmark, that's all.

This is a mistake.

It's gotta be.

Well, maybe your dad knows.

No, I told you.



My father is too ill.



By the way, last night I was here at my father's bedside.

And he could verify that, right?

If he weren't too ill to talk to us?

You have another peanut on your pants.

Victor Burke's prints turned up in Ms.

Todman's apartment.

Only on her desk.

Maybe he stopped by to pick up his appraisal.

But the signature on the appraisal is not hers, and neither is the license number.

Maybe she wouldn't sign it because she found out the goods were stolen.

Burke needs the appraisal for the insurance.

Maybe he doesn't plan on letting Daddy's silver get to Kansas, so he forged her signature.

Find out if Burke owns a gray wool sweater.

This is interesting.

The information on the hallmark is very detailed, but her books didn't have any information on it and there was no record that she looked it up on her computer, so there has to be another source.



Some guys have all the luck.

Victor's dad passed away early this morning.

They think I m*rder*d my father.

You don't have a choice.

You have to comply.


Burke's remains are upstairs.

The maid will show you.

Next up, we have a warrant for those Zodiac spoons.


You can't take those!

Give them the spoons, Victor.

We can clear it up later.

They're in here.

I can't believe you people.

Why so upset?

The spoons are going to a museum anyway.

Unless you had other plans for them.

That's very funny.

I can't find my keys.

I don't think you're gonna need them.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


Easy, easy.

I can't believe that.


That's a million dollars' worth of silver!

Victor, don't say anything.

We'll take care of it.

Oh, my God!

Is he for real?


He might've planned to steal them, but somebody else beat him to the punch.

Curtain was hiding it.

Cut through, reached in, undid the latch.

It would've taken two trips to get all the silver.

Each time he would've had to pass the maid's room without waking her up.

Cool head.

He got sloppy here.

Tripped on the mat, stepped in cooking grease.

I figure a size 12.

The deepest impression's on the ball of the foot.

That's about five inches from the tip of the shoe.

He's wearing oversized shoes to throw us off.

Sloppy like a fox.

I'm heartbroken.

I have no idea what happened to the silver.

You were planning to have it stolen.

That's why you were in a rush to get the new appraisal, to collect the insurance.

That's not true.

You were in such a rush, Victor, that you forged the signature, faked the license number.

Here's the real thing, and here's your client's botch job.

Okay, I went to her place.

She said there was a problem with the spoons.

She said they were part of a larger set.

I didn't care.

I just wanted the appraisal.

The next day I found out she hadn't signed it.

I called her.

She said that the spoons were stolen goods.

You know, my father was near death.

I had to do something.

And your scheme to collect insurance money?

I was just gonna take it.

No one even knew my father had this silver collection.

That's why I hired a private appraiser.

The information on the hallmark, Becks say where she got it?

Maybe another expert?

An expert?

Well, there was a man at her apartment who mentioned something about an argyle.

An argyle.

Gravy boat, right?

Now, the way you said "expert," maybe you think He was more than that?

Maybe you think they were intimate or She was freshly showered, and he seemed anxious to leave.

Sounds about right.

Can't be a lot of guys in the city conversant in argyle gravy boats.


I don't think that he's from this city.

I have Just The police report.


From the Chicago burglary of the Zodiac silver set.

Now, they connected it to 46 other cases.

The only thing that was stolen, silverware.

Now, in one house, the burglar left a footprint, size 12.

In three cases, our Chicago burglar took the hinges off the silver cabinet, took only the best pieces Including the Zodiac spoons.

No wonder Beck's boyfriend was familiar with the hallmark.

He's the one who stole them three years ago.

So, she figures out Victor's spoons are stolen.

She tells her boyfriend.

He gets nervous.

Takes her for a nice romantic stroll in the park.

I think he lives nearby.

You know, probably wouldn't rent an apartment.

Guy like this, you know, you need to be mobile.

Residential hotels.

I'm terrible at faces.

Really don't look at people.

That piece of blue note paper, what is that?

That's a message for one of our guests.

It's the Harrises.

How long has it been there?

Couple of days, I think.

And the Harrises haven't picked it up?

Are they still here?

They haven't checked out.

Can we see the message?

A note in invisible ink.

Becks was looking for him.

She didn't know his room number.

Clerk wouldn't tell her.

So she left this, so she could watch which slot he put it in.

Smart girl.

We'd like to drop in on the Harrises.

They cleared out.

That's just great.

They have an outstanding balance of $1,160.

When did you last see them?

Two weeks ago, when I worked the evening shift.

They go out together?


He'd go out around 8:00, and then she'd get picked up a little later by a car service every night.

All right, thanks.

This guy's sweet, living with a call girl while stringing Becks along.

He was cultivating Becks.

She had detailed appraisals of dozens of private silver collections.

Information available nowhere else.

He's just getting warmed up.

I'm sorry I brought it up.

I'll figure something out.

I just don't want you yelling at me.

It just caught me off-guard.

Look, this is gonna be a good thing for us.

A reason to be normal.



I gotta go.

And this is over.

No more smoking, okay?

No, I know.

Be careful, okay?

It's impressive, seeing them all up there.

He's beaten every kind of alarm system, every kind of lock.

He's gotten by dogs, guards.

In each case, the owner was home.

They were either sleeping or watching television.

Those just came in.

Two burglaries last night in Forest Hills.

Well, both of them are silver collections.

Both Becks-appraised.

That's what those blue pins are?


The red ones are houses that he hit in Chicago three years ago.

Maybe we can do everyone a public service and take this guy out.

Well, going by his MO in Chicago, he hits two or three houses in one night, and then changes neighborhoods.

Two nights later, doubles back to the first neighborhood.

He's due back in Burke's neighborhood.

Big area to cover.

He likes houses that stand alone.

You know, a lot of hedges and tree covers, one block from each other.

Stays away from corner houses, empty houses.

Well He likes to be in the house with the owner.

It's probably I don't know, a power thing.

He specializes in 19th and early 20th century silver, which narrows it down to three two-block areas.

Take plenty of coffee.

It's my turn at bat?

It's just after 5:00.

We'll give it another half hour.

Don't you ever sleep?

There's a lot to do.

These are case studies on psychopathy of burglars.

This hump's not gonna show.

You don't mind, my guys would like to go home, see their kids off to school.

We all got stiff necks and nothing to show for it.

The guy never showed up.


Maybe you can explain this, then.

Came in 10 minutes ago.

an all-night poker game, found his home burgled and his family silver gone.

Isn't that four blocks from your stakeout?

We just got reports he hit two more houses one block over.

Owners are out of town.

The housekeepers discovered the burglaries when they showed up for work this morning.

He took this thing apart.

And stacked all the pieces in a neat little pile.

This, was it here before the burglary?

put it away before he left.

He took the silver but left the cash.

He's making fun of us.

Well, I would, too, if I was this good.

The houses that we staked out, each one had over half a million dollars in silver.

But the ones that he hit had less than a hundred thousand worth.

Maybe he made us at the stakeout.

Yeah, maybe, but the ones that he hit were empty houses.

He might be playing it safe, even if it means a smaller paycheck.

He's changed his MO.

Well, he's not the only one with surprises.

His girlfriend challenged a bunch of charges on their hotel bill.

She signed it, "Mrs.



" She used hotel shorthand for different expenses.

Taxable, non-taxable.

She knows hotel bookkeeping.

Her night job.

Hotels use night auditors.

And a nice hotel might even send a car service for her.

She only worked here about three months, until last week.

She was getting sick all the time.

She sat here?

Yes, sir.

We need the résumé she gave you.

I'll get it.

Did you know Sheila had a boyfriend?

She mention that?


She didn't talk much, which I prefer.

She moved the desk from here?

She wanted it moved away from the outlets.

She said the smell of electricity made her sick.

The smell of electricity.

I thought I could smell moonbeams.

When you were pregnant.

Well, that's why he was playing it safe.

'Cause he wanted to be there for the baby.

I think I'm gonna cry.

You drew this last night?

Now I know why you never come to bed.

I've got a lot going on.


What's wrong with it?

I just thought we could have a place of our own.

We got enough money.

I don't want to talk about money.

Eat your salad.

My salad smells like fish.

Everything smells like fish to you.

Where you going?

I'm gonna tell them to send up a bottle of champagne to the room, and then we can watch movies all night.

You know we gotta pay for all that.

It's our honeymoon.

They'll comp us, believe me.

You see the burglary report this morning?

It's four nights in a row our Silver Surfer's been out of action.

His girlfriend quit her job last week.

They might've left the jurisdiction.

What are these yellow pins?

We're tracing the girlfriend's work history using her social security number.

She's worked in the same cities at the same time he was knocking off houses in the suburbs.

See, they go back six years, off and on.

That explains why there's a few yellow pins off on their own.

What are these?

Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania?

Well, that's interesting.

Every March for the last five years she takes a job at a Home Emporium there.

She stays a month or two, and then, you know, she moves on.

I don't see any red pins nearby.

Where was our boy?



Maybe they had a fight and she ran home to mother.

Pennsylvania's nice this time of year.

Bring me back a smoked ham.

Good afternoon.

Is Sheila home, Sheila Bradley?

I don't know who that is.

She used to work at the Home Emporium over in Bloomsburg.

She listed this as her home address.

Somebody's mistaken.

Well, last week, she used her employee discount to have some building supplies delivered here.

I don't know anything about that.

We have a warrant for her arrest.

We need to come in and take a look around.

You got a warrant.

I don't think I can stop you.

She was asleep in front of the TV.

Ma'am, whoever was just back here working?

That would be my son, Wesley.

I guess he could be anywhere by now.

All right.



I just had some lardass standing on my leg.

You're under arrest, Mr.


For what?

You skipped out on a thousand dollar hotel bill back in New York.

You didn't pay our hotel bill?

You never give me any money.

Damn it, Sheila.

It's not as bad as it looks, Ma.

It's no big deal.

How many times you think she's heard that?

I like that you're organized.

I guess we're alike that way, Wesley.

If this is just about the hotel bill You know it's not about a hotel bill, man.

Detective, this is junk.

It's a plate leftover from a flea market I worked in Goshen last month.

You know, when a man finds his His calling, he doesn't give it up to sell junk.

My calling?

Master thief.

Wesley John Kenderson.

You burglarized your neighbor's home when you were 18.

Did six months.

Yeah, I gotta tell you, you don't look very happy about being there.

It embarrassed my mother.

But all that's in the past.

Well, not too far in the past.

A year ago, you did 60 days in Ohio for possession of stolen property.

I told the judge I found those goods at a flea market.


A 19th-century Asprey tea set worth $30,000?

I got lucky.

You got lucky 46 times in Chicago.

Thirty-seven times in Philadelphia.

Richmond, Baltimore.

Now New York.

Always with the same signature.

Oversized footprint, size 12.

Debris stacked neatly.

I guess it's the evidence of your unsparing dedication to your craft.

Listen, Wesley, you know, if you cooperate with us, the D.


Will get the other jurisdictions to roll all these burglaries up into one package.

You know, when I got pinched eight years ago, a cop told me he'd let me go if I cut him in.

I told him that I'd rather do the time.

Well, I mean, if we don't get the story from you, we'll get it from your girlfriend.

Oh, Sheila's my wife now.

Well, hell, congratulations.

Was that her idea, you know, so her baby would have your name?

Well, you know women.

She wanted a normal life for the baby.

Geez, what's her dream of a normal life?

Being cooped up in a motel room with a kid, waiting for you to come home?

Sharing you with other women?

She know about the other women?

About Becks?

I met her at an auction.

She offered to help me find a job.

Yeah, but she didn't, because she wanted a boyfriend.

Is that why you disappeared?

It was just easier.

Or she figured out that you were a thief who stole the Zodiac spoons in Chicago.

Is that what she's saying?

She's just hurt.

No, geez, I don't know how to break this to you, Wesley, but You k*lled her.

You broke her windpipe.

You choked her out.

I didn't k*ll her.

She came to your hotel.

You walked her across the street to the park.

She never knew where I lived.

I was very careful.

Not careful enough.

She dropped this at the front desk.

It was a dodge to get your room number.

You might feel confident that your new bride will alibi you on this, but I think when we charge her as being an accomplice, she'll think twice about raising her baby in prison.

If it's all the same to you, I'd like to wait in my holding cell for my arraignment.

We've been together six years.

Except for the five months you spent apart last year.

He was in Ohio.

We were going through a rough patch, but we talked every day on the phone.

Even if he was living with another woman?

He was not!

Well, he got arrested with her.

Didn't he tell you?

She looks like a pro.

He likes to pay for it when he's on his own.

I guess Wesley can afford it, sitting on all that money?

What money?

Over the years, he's stolen about 40 million in silver.

Figure he gets 10 cents on the dollar from his fence, and the way he lives, I'll bet he's sitting on three million.

I told you, he buys and sells silverware at flea markets.

I know what he makes.

I do his income tax.

Wesley's going down.

You have to cut him loose or he's taking you down with him.

Have you ever been in love?

You don't just cut someone loose.

Be in love all you want, Sheila, but think of your baby.

Wes is totally into being a father and a good provider.

Wesley's only into one thing.

He's like my partner, who wants to be left alone to do what he's good at, catching bad guys.

It's the same with Wesley.

Stealing silver's all he thinks about, all he's gonna think about.

A year from now, you and that kid will be only a memory.

You don't know him!

He's always thinking of me.

He loves me.

A few weeks ago, he found time to think about Rebekah Todman.

He was just trying to get a job out of her.

Didn't you worry he'd take off with her?

She was rich, she was smart, she could help him.

You don't understand about Wes.

You give him a choice between meatloaf and a prime rib dinner, and he's gonna choose the meatloaf.

I've seen him do it in Vegas, even when the prime rib was, like, five dollars.

I hope you really don't think of yourself as meatloaf.

You've worked hard all your life, you've supported yourself.

You see this?

A part-time job in Carlsbad, Swansboro, North Carolina.

You had two jobs in Carson City.

These towns, they're all near marine corps bases.


My dad was an E-8, 11 B.

Master Sergeant, Heavy Operations.

Moved around a lot.

Is that why you were attracted to Wesley, because of that rootless lifestyle?

My dad took good care of me, same as Wes.

Taught you how to take care of yourself.

That's the main thing.

My dad's a cop.

He taught me a few moves.

Same as your dad?

I've said all I want to say.

A couple of self-defense moves is all it would have taken for her to k*ll Becks.

Unless he was conning us, it doesn't appear that Mr.

Kenderson even knew Ms.

Todman was dead.

Well, some things are starting to make sense to him.


That he's married to a m*rder*r?

Don't stake our case on a career criminal's sense of decency.

A criminal's career that doesn't include a single act of v*olence.

That we know of.

Your search turn up anything at all to link her to the m*rder, maybe a gray wool sweater?

No such luck.

Much as I'd like him to finger her for the m*rder, I'd like her to finger him for some of these burglaries.

We've got her thinking about his money.

We don't have forever for them to pull the trigger on each other.

I can maybe push their arraignment another 48 hours.

He does come home to visit his mother at least once a year.

Can't just be for the peach cobbler.

You won't find any money hidden here.

Wes doesn't like money.

Doesn't like what it does to people.

He has friends who got rich?

He went to a preparatory school on a scholarship.

He never fit in with the children of privilege.

That's what he called them.

Wesley at his graduation.

That's around the time that he started getting in trouble, isn't it?

He came home with a terrible chip on his shoulder.

I don't see a picture of Mr.


Do you think Wesley would make a good father?

He can do anything he applies himself to.

Well, you're right about Wesley, Mrs.


You know, him applying himself.

The framing is tight.

He's making a bedroom and baby room?

Is that Sheila's idea?

No, it was Wes.

He said he wanted his child to have a normal life, with a house and a yard.

A normal life.

His idea?

Somebody's been sneaking cigarettes.

There's a jelly jar here full of cigarettes and a lighter.

Sheila, right?

You'd think she'd want to take care of herself.

He's very organized.

He ask you to save these cans?

He won't let me throw them away.

That path, is that from him walking into the woods?

I guess so.

He loves nature.

What's back there?

A levee and an old tractor shed.

I think we're done here.

This is a thermal image of the tractor shed in the woods behind the Kenderson home.

Wesley turned it into his personal bank.

Each dot is a coffee can buried in the dirt floor.

That's a lot of coffee.

We still have to prove that the money actually belongs to him.

Well, the only sure way to catch him is while he's making a withdrawal.

Could be a long wait.

Maybe not.

We met some very friendly people at the Pennsylvania Department of Public Works.

They came by this morning.

The man from Public Works said they found cracks in the levee.

They'll be moving their equipment in, starting tomorrow.


They mention anything about the shed?

Just that they'll be parking their trucks in there.

They said repairs should take about a year.

The stars are out tonight.

Since when do you look at the stars?

It's good to have you both back.

I hope all those troubles are behind us now.

If anything happens to us, I want my mom to take the baby.

Like you taking off to Ohio and shacking up with some whore?

Why you gotta bring that up?

There's nothing I can do about the past, is there?

It just made me mad.

Hey Nothing's gonna happen.

Everything's gonna be just like you wanted.

Only about 146 to go.

You know, these are the straightest rows.

In all things, you are very, very meticulous.

So, each dot is, what, $10,000, $20,000?

Looks closer to $20,000 to me.

Well, all together, that's quite a nest egg.

I don't think there's a law against a man burying his savings.

Well, I don't know if the IRS would agree with that.

You here for a bribe, Detective?

I'd think I'd rather do my five years for tax evasion.

Five years can be a long time for a child at the mercy of the wrong kind of person.

Sheila's not what you think she is.


She's got a good heart.

Where is he?

Is he in here?

There he is.

There's his shovel, and here's his money.

Now you believe me?

It's true!

You were gonna dig up all your money and take off on me again, weren't you?

No, I wasn't.

You bastard!



Easy, easy.

I wasn't taking off on you.

I'm looking right at you!

I can see that you're lying!

I'm not lying.

They were gonna park trucks here.

I had to move the money.

Don't waste your breath, Wesley.

You're not going to convince her, you're not going to convince us, 'cause at the end of the day, you don't like playing house.

You love stealing too much.

That's not true.

Come on, you love breaking into the houses of the children of privilege, you know, stealing their family silver, their legacies, getting back at those prep-school kids.

That's what my mom thinks.

I'm through with that life.

You know, you had so much money for so long.

Why haven't you given up before this?

Because now he has me and the baby, everything he ever wanted.


All he wanted?

No, he told us having a normal life, that was your idea.

No, I just want him.

The baby, the picket fence, he wanted all that.

Funny, he didn't own up to that.

You can't fight your nature.

You really were gonna run off and leave me here with your baby.

No, I wasn't.

He's leaving, he's gotta sort something out with the IRS.

It'll only take about five years.

Five years, Sheila.

You think you can handle it alone, with a kid?


You could live with Wesley's mom, huh?

Maybe get a job full-time at the Home Emporium.

Look, his mother hates me!

Forget it.

I'm not having this baby.

I swear to God, if you do anything to that kid She's already doing something to it.

We found her stash of smokes in the backyard.

Geez, Sheila, don't you care for that kid at all?

So what?

It's over.

I can do whatever I want.

Do you know where she can't do whatever she wants?

The New York State Prison.

They don't allow smoking there anymore.

They even have maternity wards.

What are you talking about?

You know now what she did to Becks.

I didn't do anything.

I never even met her.

She was alone at the hotel, Becks showed up.

Becks made a scene.

Sheila, the mother of your child, she calmed her down, then she took her for a walk in the park, and then she k*lled her with her bare hands.


Wes, don't listen to them, honey.

Because Becks was gonna spoil everything for her.

Now imagine what she would do to your child if she got mad enough, a child that she already resents.

Wes, that would never happen.

Wes, Wes, don't.


Sheila was in the room that night.

I know because I called her.

Why are you telling them lies?

What was she wearing that night, you remember?

Something gray.

A sweater, wool sweater.

Get off me.

I wasn't alone.

You were with me.

You know I didn't do it.

We were sitting around, we were talking about how wonderful it was going to be when the baby was born, how wonderful it would be to have a family.

Wes, we were together.

Just tell them that, Wes, that we were together.

You tell them, Wes.

Come on.

How about it, Wesley?

Come on, why don't you tell us?

Come on.

Tell us how we know you weren't with her in the room?

Because I was doing a job in Saddle Rock.

A Johan Rohde silver service set for 12.

I did that job, and I did all the others.

What are you doing?

You k*lled that woman for no reason.

Because she was gonna go to the cops!

She was gonna turn you in!

Well, you should've let her.

You're under arrest, Sheila.

Why can't you do one thing for me?

I have done everything for you.

It's your turn, Wesley.

I need a favor before you bring me in.

Don't worry.

We'll be here when you get out.

This is the last time we'll meet like this, Detective.

Hope so.

Hope is for suckers, Detective.
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