07x15 - Please Note We Are No Longer Accepting Letters of Recommendation from Henry Kissinger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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07x15 - Please Note We Are No Longer Accepting Letters of Recommendation from Henry Kissinger

Post by bunniefuu »

It's getting late, buddy.
Ready for some pizza?

Yeah. Yeah. All right.

Night, guys.
And Henry's grandma.

It's Mrs. Reynolds.


Good night, Skip.
Safe home.

Oh. What's that
in Leo's hand?

Oh, it's... hungry hippo.

He's fine.

Good night.

Good night.

[Echoing voices]

It's 6:35.
My flight's at...

(Woman) Good morning.

See? Under control.
Hi, Teya.

Hi. Sorry.

Mommy loves you.
Oh, I'll miss you.


I'll walk you out.

We've gotta stop
meeting like this.

Paloma, watch
your screen today.

You noddin' off there,
big guy?

It's too late to nap.

[Phone chirps]

What'd I tell you, Paloma?

I'll see you in September.

Are you kidding me?
A strong buy?

What's your cut,
you son of a bitch?

You lose your shorts,

You Kevyn?
You're late.

Oh, you fall asleep
there on me, buddy?



It's you.

(Detective Peary) Skip Lowe.
Big time financial analyst.

Shot in the chest.
We called his I.C.E. Number.

His wife's in Dallas
on business.

She can't get a flight
back till morning.

A stroller?
Where's his kid?

Leo, two years old.

The officer who found Lowe

said the boy was asleep
when she got here.

He's with the nanny.

Okay, thank you.

[Police radio chatter]

(Eames) No signs of a struggle.

No scuff marks.


Clean clothes
in the gym bag.

He's got a nice watch here.
Wedding ring.

And a wallet.

Powder burns.

No soot, though.

Uh... close range.
.22 caliber.

So he's with his son

in a park tunnel at night,

and he lets the sh**t
get within a couple of feet?

Well, it was either
a random act

or he knew his assailant
and didn't feel threatened.

A wall street guy

out with his kid
in the park

on a weeknight.

Isn't that why
they have nannies?

Leo fell back to sleep,
thank god.

I don't know
what to tell him.

His mom's on a business trip?

She travel a lot?

She's vice president
of hotel company.

She and Mr. Lowe
work very hard

to give everything
to Leo.

This pillow here...
It's so Leo can reach?

He has music lessons
twice a week.


And he's how old?

Two. He mostly
just bangs.

Look at this.


That's a difficult

Can he say anything yet?

He's still learning

But he has Chinese class
every Thursday.

So he had class today.

(Teya) Yes.

(Eames) How did Skip and
Leo end up in the park?

I'm not sure.

Mr. Lowe always
picks Leo up after class.

I guess they decided
to go to the playground.

You guess.
You weren't with them.

No, he called.
He said he was running late.

That something
came up at work.

I had to get back
to my own kids,

so I had to leave Leo
with a mom in the class.


Skip didn't get to class
till after 5:30.

Here you go, Hank.

Grits like you love,
extra butter.

But his boy and mine
were having such a good time,

I didn't mind.

Did he say why
he was late?

No. He went
to the gym, I think.

He had wet hair.

(Goren) Did you know
Skip Lowe well?

Not so much.

He seemed sweet
with his kid.

But, you know, you don't
get a lot of straight dads

doing pickups.

What about Leo's mom,

I never met her.

You know,
most of the moms work.

It's just me
and the nannies.

(Goren) So after class,
did Skip say anything

about where he was going next?

We all went to the park
together, you know,

let the kids run around,
get tired before you go home.

But it gets dark
so early these days,

we all left around 6:00.

Marla, it's not appropriate

to talk about this
in front of Henry.

Oh, I don't think
Hank understands.

I'm Eleanor Reynolds,
Henry's grandmother.

Really? You live here?

May I ask you to speak
to my daughter-in-law outside?

Henry's having breakfast.
We can just talk in the...

Wait, wait.
What are you feeding him?


This is not
the trailer park.

Don't mind
my mother-in-law.

She's upset.

She was with us
at the playground yesterday.

And did you notice
if Skip was worried or agitated?

He and his wife
kept trading messages.

She travels so much.

With a toddler at home,
it must be hard.

Where are you going?

He hasn't finished
his breakfast.

For eggs and soldiers.

I'll get my coat.

Oh, we won't be long.

We'll get some
real breakfast now, honey.

[Cell phone rings]

It's her house.
She lives upstairs.

Skip's wife Kelly.

Her flight from Dallas
just landed.

I travel a lot for my job.

But, uh, Skip and I,
we were... we were blissful.

And we'd found our balance.

You're lucky,
having a toddler,

both of you working

It's stressful.

Skip was very driven.


He managed to find
ways to relax.

Like going to the gym.

Yeah. He took an early
spinning class almost every day.

So he never went
to the gym after work.

Well, he must have yesterday.

Is that why you kept
missing each other?

I usually call him.
At closing bell.

And, uh...


Yesterday the office said

that he'd already
left for the day.

(Eames) Lowe told his nanny

he was tied up
at the office,

but he wasn't there
to take his wife's call.

Closing bell's at 4:00.

Lowe got to his Chinese class
after 5:30.

So Lowe has a wife
away on business,

a one-hour hole
in his afternoon,

clean gym clothes,
wet hair.

An affair?
Skip Lowe?

No. I don't think so.

His number was too low.

His number?

The number he had to hit
before he retired?

11. And not for
Jamal Crawford.

If you're cheating,
you think divorce,

increase your number.

Skip hasn't budged from
11 million since he got here.

His browser history's
been cleared.

Yeah, we all do that.

Porn. Not that anything
actually disappears.

Well, good.
Restore it.

Don't tell his wife.



Last hit 3:30 yesterday.

His private account,

BigSkipper's not
his company address, is it?

You can... go now.

Skipper's responding
to a post on Craigslist

from kevnine.

(Goren) "Discreet married man,
wide nine, seeking same."

(Eames) He arranged a pre-scope
at the celestial gym

at 4:15.

There's Skip's missing hour.

Mm. Let's email kevnine.

See if he's interested
in meeting

another discreet,
married man.

I'll make sure
you're his type.

You're, uh, Bigfoot.

The guy that found my keys.

You're Kevyn.


I'd like to give you
a reward.

My wallet's downstairs.
You wanna take a walk with me?


Okay, look,
I am happily married.

I love my wife,
and I love my children.

And sometimes,
once in a while,

I hook up with other men

that love their wives
and love their children.

Other men like Skip?


After he left you,

he was shot.

What the hell happened?

You tell me.
Did he leave too soon?

No! It was a perfect

He was in a hurry,
and so was I.

Well, maybe it was Skip
who wanted more.

He thr*aten
to tell your wife?

No. I'm very cautious
about who I do this with.


We emailed you,
and 45 minutes later

you were offering
my partner a reward.

Before I make a move,
I s-suggest we go unsafe,

tell them I'm not
really married

and try to lure them in.

If they agree to any of that,
I'm out of there.

(Goren) Okay, thank you.

I don't make Kevyn
as a k*ller.

He's married, getting
what he wants on the side.

It works for him.

That was Kevyn's boss.

He confirms that Kevyn
got back from the gym at 5:15.

He stayed until 10:00.

Did his wife know about
his double life?

There's no evidence
of that.

She was out of town,

but from her perspective,
the marriage was good.

There must be
something we're missing.

this is Skip's dark side.

The rest of his life,
it seems clean.

Father shot while
walking his two-year-old home.

Hate to think
this was a random act.


[Baby crying]

[Dog barking]

[Baby crying]

(Eames) Paloma Renzi,
corporate exec.

Mother of Lily, two.

Out for a morning
dog walk.

The teenaged girl
on horseback

came across the body.

Said Lily was still
in the stroller, unharmed.

She was shot at close range.

Once in the back.
That's another .22.

Another single shot.
Another tunnel.

A woman pushing 50 pounds
of stroller on gravel.

A slow-moving target.

And the gravel is...
Is noisy.

She would have heard
someone behind her.

She saw her k*ller.


And then she would
have turned.

And then...

Then she...

Turned... her back.

She didn't
perceive a threat.

Why not?

Lily's uncle is flying in
from California to take her.

He has a lot of kids
and dogs.

Lily will be all right.

Paloma wasn't married.

Was she involved
with anyone?

No... she told me
she had a fiance

who passed away
years ago.

Guess she never found
anyone else.

She found Lily.

Paloma works.

But the rest of her life
is about her daughter.

She moved here so she could
walk Lily to preschool

just down the block.

Now, on Saturday,

she always goes for a walk
with Lily, with the dog?

Every weekend.

No matter what the weather,

she'd bundle Lily up,
take her to the park.

She felt bad we didn't
have outdoor space,

that Lily was cooped up
in the apartment.

I guess Lily will have
a backyard now.

Ballistics confirms
the same g*n

k*lled both Paloma
and Lowe.

Did they know each other?
Was there a connection?

They both worked
on Wall Street.

Lowe as a telecom analyst
at Herron Green

and Paloma
as a VP at Qual-XT.

the telecom company.

Did Lowe analyze their stock?

Let's see.

Here we go.

Herron Green issued
a new report two days ago.

Skip went from a hold
to a strong buy.

He flipped his rating.
Was he alone in that?


Yep, four other top firms
rated Qual-XT

a hold, an underweight,
a sell, and a hold.

Stock analysts usually
line up in lockstep.

Find out why Lowe
was so positive about Qual-XT.

Paloma was dear to us.

Qual-XT has offered
a reward to catch her k*ller.

How well did you know her,
Mr. Wright?

She was my number two
for ten years.

Any idea
if she and Skip Lowe

ever crossed paths?

Lowe, the analyst
who was shot?

I'm sure she took
his calls.

We want those guys
on our side.

Well, she got him there.

Couple days ago,
Lowe upgraded your company

from a hold
to a strong buy.

Sometimes the critics
get it right.

We're rolling out

some innovative products
next quarter.

Well, your stock
went up sharply

the day that Lowe's
report was published.

Good rating will do that.
What are you getting at?

Look, we read the other
analysts' reports.

We know Lowe
was your only fan.

We're wondering if someone

thought Skip and Paloma
were in collusion.

Despite what you might
read on the blogs,

that's not the way
things work anymore.

We pride ourselves
on our transparency.

Paloma would never do anything

to compromise our reputation.

The... the blogs.
Someone's flaming you?

It's a volatile market.

People lose money.
They hunt for a scapegoat.

Any idea who?

Yeah, that's my blog.

I lost more in one day

than you'll earn
in a thousand years.

Sounds like you had
a good reason to be upset.

[Laughs] Upset?

I'm out $50 million.

If you ask me,
Skip got his.

Meaning you think
he profited from the report

or you think he deserved
to be m*rder*d?


There's no way
he writes that report

without getting
something out of it.

He's too good
an analyst.

Where were you
the night Skip was m*rder*d?


This is as far from
my office as I get.

You can ask my staff.
They all hate me.

I never go home,
so, uh, no one else can.



(Eames) John Eckhardt's
alibi checks.

He was hooked to his terminal
like a junkie.

It's moot... Lowe and
Paloma weren't k*lled

for their wall street

A third victim
showed up.

In the park?

No, at a hospital
in far Rockaway.

Denise Myler was shot
in the chest ten days ago.

She died yesterday.

When the M.E.
pulled the b*llet out,

it was a match for the b*ll*ts
that k*lled Lowe and Paloma.

She was shot in her car
in the laundromat parking lot.

Her two-year-old daughter
was strapped in the car seat.

Makes her
our first victim.

We could be looking
at a hunter.

Three sh**t
in two weeks?

What the hell are we
dealing with here?

Son of Sam k*lling parents
in front of their kids?

(Eames) Denise Myler.

Lived in far Rockaway.

Worked as a cook
in a soup kitchen

on the Upper East Side.

Soup kitchen.
Long way from wall street.

Precinct have any suspects?

Denise had just taken out
an O.O.P. against her husband.

They assumed
domestic v*olence,

picked up Tim Myler.

Where's Myler now?

He didn't make bail.

He's been in Rikers
for a week and a half.

Well, so he couldn't have
k*lled Lowe or Paloma.

They were all shot
with the same g*n.

He probably didn't
k*ll his wife either.

The wrong guy.

That's what I been
saying all along.

I don't own a g*n.
This is a mistake.

I didn't k*ll Denise.

The thing is,
your police report says

that you don't have
an alibi.

Man, the cops never
checked my alibi.

I drive a limo.

I was circling the block,
waiting for some golden boy.

I don't think
my partner believes you.

The doorman at the Raleigh
can vouch for me.

Why'd your wife
take out an O.O.P.?

She overreacted, man.
I wasn't stalking her.

So you just happened
to be parked

in front of her apartment
24 hours a day?

Denise and I,
we have a daughter together.

I was trying
to protect Tiffany.

Strange men in the house
around my little girl.

All right,
so Denise had boyfriends.

She was just
trying to hurt me.

The mechanic,
the bartender, the delivery guy.

But that preacher,
he was the worst of the bunch.

He runs some homeless
shelter uptown.

Preacher... you mean the guy
from the church soup kitchen?

Yeah, they worked together.

Claimed that they were

[Scoffs] I didn't buy that.

She had to take a job
all the way out in the city?

I'm not stupid.
I know what was going on.

I drove Denise home
a few times.

She was terrified
of her ex.

You looked out for her?

Well, we were really
lucky to have Denise.

She was a real cook,
you know,

not just a can opener.

How'd you find her?

She attended
our sister congregation

out in far Rockaway.

And last July,
we placed a notice

on the community
bulletin boards,

and she just responded
right away.

And how long after that
did you...

You know, start
to drive her home?

I'm sorry, what...
What are you getting at?

Well, her ex-husband
thought there might be

something going on
between the two of you.

Right. He's crazy.

I'm just...
I'm trying to figure out

why she would take a job
such a long way from home.

Far Rockaway is quite
a commute for a single mother.

I mean, what would
the attraction be?

Look, Denise was only
interested in one thing.

She took this job because
of her daughter, Tiffany.

I don't follow.

Our church is affiliated
with a preschool,

Carnegie hill day.

And I pulled
a lot of strings

to get her daughter
a scholarship slot.

That's not in this building,
is it?

Because of the homeless.

It's a few blocks north
of here on 88th street.

Denise's little girl...

Who's watching her now?

Her grandparents.

When Denise was shot,

her family pulled her daughter
out of the school.

Okay. Thank you.

So Paloma lived
on 88th street.

She moved there so she could
walk her daughter to preschool.

Skip Lowe...
I wonder what preschool

his boy Leo goes to.

We applied to over
12 preschools.

But even at $30,000
a year tuition,

Carnegie Hill Day
was still our first choice.

And you didn't
get accepted.

We got

There were over 300 couples
at the open house,

and the school said
after legacies and siblings,

there'd only be five spots
left for three-year-olds.

That's why Leo is taking
so many classes, isn't it?

The competition is insane.

I mean, they don't
just screen the kids.

They screen
the families too.

Your husband...
He was a stock analyst.

And you're the VP
of a company.

I'd think that you'd
have the right pedigree.

So did we.

Skip even managed to get
a letter of recommendation

from a board member.

And that only bumped us
to the top of the wait list.

The irony is...

We just got this yesterday.

"We are pleased
to offer Leo Lowe

"a place in our
threes class

for the school year

A week ago, getting in
would have meant everything.

But with Skip gone,

Leo and I are gonna move
closer to my parents.

To Greenwich.

Of course we were upset
about Denise Myler's death.

Her daughter is on
the scholarship here,

but very bright.

And Paloma Renzi?

That was a tragedy.

You're the director
of the school.

You had to realize that
parents were being targeted.

You... you didn't
call the police.

Targeted? We were told
that Denise was shot

by her estranged husband

and Paloma was k*lled
by a sn*per in the park.

And what about Skip Lowe?

I don't follow.
He's not one of our parents.

Leo, his son,
was on the waiting list

until Skip was k*lled.

Janine, can you
come in here, please?

Our admissions

I had no idea Skip Lowe
was on that list.

Yes, I knew.

I was the one who wait-listed
the Lowe family to begin with.

After the sh**ting,

you didn't tell
your director.

I didn't want
to alarm you.

This is a very
exclusive school.

I assumed it had to be
a terrible coincidence.

We're gonna need to see
a class list

and your waiting list.

That's confidential.

get the list.

If there is anything else
that we can do...

There is... you'll need
to put a freeze

on next year's admissions.

Right now, it looks like
your wait list is a hit list.

These are the three-year-olds
admitted or wait-listed

to Carnegie hill day
for fall 2008.

When Denise Myler
was k*lled,

her daughter
Tiffany Myler's spot

opened up.

Leo Lowe.

He was on the top
of the wait list.

And then Leo's dad Skip
was k*lled.

Now, Leo's mother decided
to take them back to Connecticut

to the parents.

Then Paloma Renzi was shot,

so her orphaned daughter Lily
will be raised by an uncle

in California.

Battered wife,
single mom.

The dad leading
a double life.

The k*ller, he's...

He's looking for weak spots
on the list.

I follow your logic.

I just find it hard to believe
someone would do all of this

just to get their kid
into preschool.

Well, not just
any preschool.

Carnegie hill day

is the gateway
to the Ivy league.

These parents...

Their whole sense
of self-worth rides on this.

Okay, I get it.

My grandkids
won't be getting in.

What do we know about
the families on the wait list?

They're all
in the blue book.

Active in charity,
pillars of business.

Citizens above suspicion.

Start suspecting.

Can I help you,

Oh, Mrs. Reynolds,
we're looking for your son

and daughter-in-law.

Brian's at work,
and Marla's at the salon

getting her roots dyed.

Will you excuse me?

You just back
from the playground?

Yes. And I'm eager
to get Henry inside.

Why don't you come back
after 6:00?

Huh. My keys...

They should be right here.

Can I help you,
Mrs. Reynolds?

You can help me by not
blocking the light.


Oh, dear god.

Well, I certainly didn't
put a g*n in the changing pad.

I never diaper Henry
in public.

Then why bring
the diaper pad with you?

You know who you
should be talking to?

The nannies
in that park.

All they do is sit
on the benches

and complain.

I'll bet
one of them did it.

Why would they do that,
Mrs. Reynolds?

They know I watch them.

If I see a nanny
mistreat a child,

I tell the parents.

My son is here.
May I go now?

(Eames) Not yet.

Any chance you were
in the park last Saturday

around 8:00 A.M.?

When Paloma Renzi
was k*lled?

Oh, you know her.

She was always
in the playground

with that filthy dog.

You ever talk to Skip Lowe
about that?

You were with him in the park
last Thursday.

Only briefly.
I went home in haste.

It was past
Henry's dinnertime.

Your daughter-in-law
will confirm?

You'd take her word
over mine?

By 7:00, it's bath,

books, and bed
for Henry.

Every night.

You seem...

Ver-very involved
with Henry.

Even though
Marla stays at home.

If I left it to her,
Henry would eat potato chips

and watch Jerry springer
all day.

Carnegie hill day.
That was your idea?


Marla wanted
a chain preschool.

That's glorified daycare.

What's she doing here?

Well, where's Henry?

You're perspiring,
Mrs. Reynolds.

It is warm in here.
Can I get you a glass of water?

No. No water.

I need to get home
to take my medication.

Is that blood pressure

Yes. It's urgent.

Yeah. We... I...

We're not gonna be
much longer.

I'm an architect.
I've never even held a g*n.

And I was out of town
on Thursday.

What about Saturday morning?

Brian was home with me.

Did your mother-in-law
take Henry out?

I'm not sure.

Eleanor takes quite
an interest in Henry, huh?

It's almost like
a second mom, really.

She's always there.

And she was there, uh,
Thursday night in the park.

You two were together
the entire time?

That's right.

Oh, Mr. Reynolds,
your mother seems anxious.

Maybe you should talk to her.

Hey, Marla,
why don't you call

and check on Henry?

Before you check that,

can I just ask you
one question?

So Eleanor and you
walked Henry home?

Henry wanted salmon
for dinner,

but I forgot to buy it.

So I told Eleanor a white lie
and ran to the store.

And the salmon, that was
your mother-in-law's idea?

I've just noticed
that she's particular.

She just wants
what's best for Henry.

Like Carnegie hill day.

She told you
about that?

Did she tell you
she's mad at me?

About him not getting in?
Yeah, it came up.

It's all my fault.

She told me they didn't
want spirited boys,

so I let Henry run around
before his interview.

And by the time we got there,
he was dirty,

and his nose was running.

Well, he is a kid.

You don't understand.

She wrote our essay,

the letters of recommendations
for people to sign.

She had it all
figured out.

For years.

She decided Henry had to go
there before he was even born.


[Laughs loudly]

Listen to me
just running on.

Brian told me
to check on Henry.


[Cell phone beeps]

(Eames) Ballistics are a
match for all three murders.

The g*n's unregistered.

Last legal sale
recorded eight years ago.

Where does an upper
east side doyenne

get an illegal handgun?

Well, she was quick
to accuse the nannies.

Maybe she bought it
from one of them.

And she has no alibi
for any of the three sh**t.

No, she admits
to being in the park

when Skip and Paloma
were k*lled.

And the day Denise Myler
was shot,

she claims to be
home alone.

Except we checked
with her garage.

Her Mercedes
was out that day

five hours.

Okay. Motive.

She knew about
Skip and Paloma,

but how would she know
that Denise Myler

was a parent
at that school?

Eleanor was on a mission.

She had two years
to do reconnaissance.

Yes, I'm friends
with Eleanor.

But we met long before
her grandson applied.

How did you two meet?

She attended
a fund-raiser I organized

for the Carnegie
spay neuter clinic.

We hit it off right away.

She's a real dog person.

It must have been
awkward for your friendship

when Henry was rejected.

We don't use that term.

And Eleanor understands
the complex algorithm of money,

social standing,
fitting in.


She ever ask you where
Henry was on the wait list?

She wouldn't abuse
our relationship.

That's confidential.

I tried to reassure her.

I explained she was competing
with letters of recommendation

from Henry Kissinger
and Max Wright.

Then how did
Tiffany Myler get in?

A girl from
a troubled home?

Well, I explained
our commitment

to economic diversity.

Eleanor understood

Yes, I sought out Janine.

Is it a crime to worry
about my grandson's future?

It is if you sh**t
the parents

you think
are standing in the way.

You have your nerve,
young lady.

(Whitehall) Detectives,

I've known Mrs. Reynolds
for over 30 years.

This is preposterous.

Well, this isn't.

It's a ballistics report.

The g*n we found
in your client's diaper bag

was used
to k*ll all three victims.

Anyone could have
put that g*n there.

I told them
about the nannies.

Have you spoken
to them yet?

Um, the night
that Skip Lowe was k*lled,

we know that you weren't
with Marla the entire time.

Who told you that?


That woman
is pure white trash.

(Whitehall) Eleanor.

How did she
and Brian meet?

She was a cocktail waitress.

She tricked him
into marrying her.

(Eames) She got pregnant.

And now I have
his beautiful grandson

who deserves every
advantage in the world.

And because of her,
he can't have them.

How much longer
is this going to take?

Can I get you
a glass of water?

No. No.

I need to go home.

We can take a break.

Let's just
get this done with.

It's the blood pressure

That means that you
probably take diuretics.

Could my partner show you
to the ladies' room?

I need to go home.



(Goren) Eleanor Reynolds couldn't
have driven to far Rockaway.

It's three hours
round trip.

She couldn't be away from
her own bathroom that long.

The public restroom
phobia defense.

Maybe. It means
someone framed her.

Not her son.
He's a mama's boy.

Marla lives
in Eleanor's house,

under her thumb,
under her rules.

Maybe she found
a way out.

k*lling three people,
then framing your mother-in-law?

The perfect crime.

Marla calls,
asks me to come home,

take care of Henry.

I get here, and she's left
Henry alone in his crib.

And she left this note.

She's at Carnegie hill day.

She thinks
they've accepted Henry.

[Children's chatter
in background]

Close the door.
You'll wake them.

Never wake
a sleeping baby.

Don't come any closer.

I won't.
I'll be right here.

You don't need that g*n.

You don't need it.

Henry's a good boy.

He'll be happy here.

I'm sure he will.

And successful.

Friends he makes here

will stay with him
for the rest of his life.

That's the Carnegie hill day

I brought his cubby box.

[Child whimpers]

Okay, just wa... look.
You'll wake them.

We don't wanna wake the kids,

You said it yourself.

Maybe we should go talk
in the other room.

(Eames) It's okay, Marla.

I can watch the kids.

Okay, but you go first.


Go on.
All right.

And, honey, I've always
been a pretty good shot.

Detective, I think
you know Janine.

And that's miss Chestnut.

She's gonna be Henry's
teacher next year.

Eames, Janine
and miss Chestnut are in here.

Very good.

[Whispering] Come on,
it's time to wake up.

So this is gonna be his...

His classroom, huh?

Oh, yeah. It's gonna
be nice and bright in here.

[Whispering] Shh, shh, shh.
Quick, quick, quick.

He's got his cubby box.

There's... that's
a good place for one.

It's good
that it's near the door.

It'll be easier for...

Get over there with them!

Okay. So...

Get over there.

I'm gonna take care of you.

Family photo.

Is that so he can remember
you during the day?

He's so beautiful.

Your parents
must be proud.

They speak to him
on the phone,

but they don't really
know him.

They don't visit?

for Henry's christening.

But they didn't
like it here.

It's too loud,
too crowded.

They're from Kentucky.

You're a long way from home.

Why did you come here?

To be a dancer.


I had fancy dreams.

I ended up waiting tables
like everyone else.

It's a hard place
to live.

Everyone's so busy.

Nobody has time
to make a new friend.


But you met Brian.


I thought he was gonna
be my prince charming.

But he's busy too.

And his friends,
they're all so smart.

I never finished college.
I can't keep up.

You can't keep up...
But you're smart too.

I don't think people realize...
Get back!

How smart you are. Come on!
Get back!

Okay. Okay.

All right.

Do you mean that?

I do, yeah.
I think it's...

Tough for you.

I know it must be
difficult for you

to find people
to hang out with.

Who do you talk to?

I used to have friends
at the women's residence,

but Eleanor didn't like them.

Now I talk to Henry
and the nannies.

Th-the nannies.

Mr. Lowe's nanny,
Paloma's nanny.

I sit on the bench
next to them, listen in.

Yeah. I think
that they like you.

You know?

They saw the way
that Eleanor treated you.

She was so upset
when Henry got wait-listed.

All you do
is try and please her.

She would be proud
of you now because...

Henry got in.

It's my fault
he didn't get in.

Eleanor's right.

I can't give Henry
what he needs.

He's better off
without me.

No, no, no, she's wrong!

Look, you know what
he needs,

you know what he likes.

I've seen you with him.

His eyes, they light up
when you're around.

How can Eleanor love Henry
and not love me?

I made him.

Look, it's been tough
for you, okay?

All you've wanted to do
is be a good mom.

No, don't do that.
You're irreplaceable!

You're his mother.
He needs you.

He needs you, Marla.
You have to give me the g*n.

You gotta give me the g*n.


I'm irreplaceable.



Marla Reynolds,
you are under arrest

for the m*rder
of Paloma Renzi, Skip Lowe,

and Denise Myler.

[Marla whispering]
What's happening?

What's happening?

I thought
you were my friend!

They had kids too.
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