07x20 - Neighborhood Watch

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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07x20 - Neighborhood Watch

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer)
In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued

by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

Hey, Brenda,
you seen this?

Look at this,
check this out.


Come on.

[Engine grinding]

[Engine grinding]

(Logan) Decapitated, huh?

I don't suppose his head's
lying around somewhere.

That'd be a real grounder,
wouldn't it?

How about witnesses?

Pretty deserted at night.


[Groaning] Oh, man.

Boy, they did
a pretty raggedy job

separating the head
from the torso.

There's not
too much rigor.

They could've k*lled him
and dumped the body last night.


Ah, hello.
Multiple s*ab wounds.

He must've pissed
somebody off.

Well, his fingertips
are burned

and melted.

No head, no prints,
no I.D., dumped here.

This is a mob job.

Well, I appreciate
the tip, thanks.

I have my doubts
about that.

Looks pretty amateurish
for a mob hit.

Well, some of the subcontractors
they use are sloppy...

The Albanians,
the Ukes.

Cut off the hands
and the head?

What? They don't have DNA
in Eastern Europe?

You want to throw it back,
tell Ross it's not major case?

[Sighs] Nah.

My interest is piqued.


It's my new word
for the week.

Caucasian male,

15 s*ab wounds,
4 or 5 fatals,

survival-type knife.

How'd they cut
his head off?

With something serrated,

a fine-toothed hacksaw

[Scoffs] Seem like they
knew what they were doing?

No. False starts,
hesitation marks.

They made
a mess of it.


Ditto the burns
on the fingers.

Welding tool,

How long
before we get an I.D.?

Well, I put a rush on it.

If his DNA's
in the system, a week.

And if he's not in the database,
we're screwed.

You think
you can get a hit?

Yeah, maybe a partial.

Hey, Rodgers...


Can you do that thing
where you peel off the skin

and pull it
over your own fingers?

I could do that.

I always say that Rodgers
is the best.

Don't push it.

Kyle Jones,
second-degree r*pe,

plead guilty,
sentenced to seven... the Max.

That's statutory.

Nancy Williams,
15 at the time of the crime.

Jones was 19.

Well, a lot of guys
could get rung up for that.

For screwing
15-year-old girls?

They always say
they're older, Wheeler.

And the men
always believe them.

Bad judgment,

But seven years?

Did five, got paroled
six weeks ago,

staying at his mother's house
in Queens, Maspeth.

That's a couple miles
from where the body was found.

See what kind
of reception he got.

Sex offender
in the neighborhood.

The ultimate
"not in my backyard."

Were there others?

Flyer that
was sent around.

"Warning, sex offender,
neighborhood watch."

It hurt me
to hear him called that,

see his picture

Even the police
harassed him.


Gave him a ticket
every time he drove my car,

which he had to do
to get to his work.

of dollars worth.

I can't pay them.

Did anyone
in the neighborhood

thr*aten you
or your son directly?


But I could tell...
The looks he'd get.

I moved here
to give Kyle a fresh start,

leave the past behind.

Should've known.

Can we ask what happened
between your son and the girl?

It wasn't r*pe.
They were in love.

It was consensual.

He plead guilty.

Nancy's parents raised hell
with the D.A.,

who told Kyle if he forced them
to go to trial,

she was going to tack on
a kidnapping charge,

add 20 years
to his sentence.

Tell me you're gonna take
this seriously.

Why wouldn't we?

'Cause deep down
you don't think he matters.

(Woman on television)
A routine water inspection

of Maspeth Creek
early this morning

led to an unexpected
and grisly discovery.

Bobbing just off of the water's
edge was a decapitated,

stabbed, and mutilated body
of Kyle Jones.

Mr. Jones was an employee
at this video store...

[Laughter and applause]
(Man) That's right.

Not in our neighborhood.

(Man ?2) Told you someone
was gonna get that perv.

I told you.
I told you.

He lost his head.
Don't come around here.

And flyers like this beg the question...
We got to celebrate.

Was this a revenge k*lling,

or is this the case
of a concerned citizen...

Uh, a pitcher.

Got to see an I.D.


"Jacob Lally"?


You think I'm stupid?

Get the hell out of my bar and
take your friends with you. What?

But what
about my... my I.D.?

When you see Jake Lally,
you tell him I got it.

Here's the CMC.

You got the keys?

That don't sound right.

Pop the hood.

Well, the spark plugs are okay.

Battery cables,
distributor cap.


Someone pulled
the ignition fuse.

I'm guessing
you need that.


Look at these tickets.

One for parking too close
to a hydrant,

one for wheels
at an angle...

The night he was k*lled, one
for parking too far from a curb.

Well, Mrs. Jones was right.
The police were on his case.

Somebody was,

'cause these are
all written out by one guy,

sergeant Whelan.

A sergeant
writing tickets?


Let's put him
on the list.

All right,
so Kyle Jones leaves work,

then his car
won't start.

A mile and a half from home,
across the expressway.

No subways.

Buses run once an hour
after 9:00.

Well, maybe someone
gives him a lift.

Rule number one...

Never accept rides
from strangers.

[Car hood closes]

Thelma Jones
is my cousin.

So I gave Kyle a job.

[Scoffs] Big mistake.

(Logan) Did he screw up?

No, he was fine,
but the neighborhood...

You got blowback?

They went ape,

canceling memberships
left and right.

I mean, between Netflix
and blockbuster,

I'm hanging on
by a thread as it is.

I was about
to let him go.

We'll need to get
copies of those.

We'll get them
back to you.

Knock yourself out.

Hey, you ever see this?

Neighborhood watch,

on every windshield,
bulletin board,

and telephone pole
from here to flushing.

We're gonna want to meet
some of these watchers.

These two
are the loudest.

Having that man
in our community

really galvanized all of us
to get involved.

It was
a wake-up call.

And who was responsible
for sending around these flyers?

Uh, Bob Goodman,

he's like the driving force
behind neighborhood watch.

And do you know
where we can find him?

You can try his store...
Maspeth and 61st,

formal wear.

Did you hear
what happened to Kyle Jones?

We heard.

One less thing
to worry about.

Yeah, the flyer's mine.

And, no, nobody feels bad

about what happened
to that creep,

nobody around here.

Maybe in Manhattan
hearts are bleeding.

Do you have an alibi
for the other night?

Neighborhood watch.

Who were you watching...
Kyle Jones?

Me and my partner,
with him all night.

We'd like to speak
to him.

I wish you would.
He's a cop.

Me and Goodman,
8:00 to midnight,

joined at the hip,
neighborhood watch.

Watching Jones.


You didn't follow
him home.

He closed early.

We went for a beer.
We got back.

The gate was down.
His car was still there.

Figured he got home
some other way.

Sergeant Whelan, you wrote Jones
a ticket at 8:05.

Yeah, I like to start
the night off right.

You wrote him
a lot of tickets.

Did I?

50 in the last month.

He was
a careless driver.

Kind of smacks
of harassment.

Call it what you want.
It worked.

Why'd you do him
like that?

He wasn't hurting

He r*ped
an underage girl.

Statutory... it was consensual.
So he said.

Judge threw the book at him.
That tell you anything?

The judge
was a hard-ass?

I spoke to the ADA
that handled the case.

She said the girl
said different.

Gave a statement
to the court.

He r*ped her.

Not a shred of sympathy
in that community

for what happened
to Kyle Jones.

Nope, and nobody's
gonna help us either,

because they're all convinced
he's a dangerous sex offender.

You're not?

Well, I'd like to talk
to the girl,

see what her side
of the story is.

Uh, Nancy Williams.

We're trying to get
in touch with her,

but her family moved from
forest hills to old Westbury

after Jones went to prison.

They moved,
but they didn't exactly move on.

Mr. Williams went
to every parole hearing

and adamantly opposed
Kyle Jones' early release.

"Kyle Jones can never undo
the damage he did

"or the pain he caused
our daughter and our family.

If he's paroled early, I'd fear
for my daughter's safety."

This is where I say

you go talk to dad,
you talk to the daughter...

At the same time.

I don't want them
comparing notes.

Of course I opposed parole.

Five years for what he did
to Nancy?

If it was my daughter, I don't
know what I would've done.

Yeah, you do.

You know, if I had a g*n
in my pocket

and I saw him on the street,

I might've blown
him away.

But stalk him, s*ab him,
cut off his head?

Come on.

That said, where were you
the night he was k*lled?

My youngest had a recital
at Suny Westbury.

My wife and I
were both there.

You know, when I saw it
on the news, I said, "good."

Now we have an alibi for when
the police come to talk to us."

How about Nancy?
Was she with you?

You can't be serious.

It's a m*rder investigation,
Mr. Williams.

My partner's talking
to her right now.

That is
totally uncalled for.

She's still traumatized,

and this nonsense
has brought it all back.

So she wasn't with you.

No, she was at my sister's
on the Jersey shore.

Yeah, I saw his face
on the news.

I started to shake.

How did you
and Kyle meet?

He worked at the swim club,
cabana boy.

We started
sneaking around.

You didn't want
your parents to know?

He was older...

And where he was from,
Lefrak city.

The wrong neighborhood.

So wrong.

When did
your parents find out?

When the doctor told my mother
I wasn't a virgin.

I'd gone in to ask
for some birth control.

And they freaked.

Daddy called the police
first thing.

You told the court
you were r*ped.

Did your father
make you say that?

No, I, uh...

I got to that
all on my own.

And they were so upset.

"Do you love him?"

I said, "no."

"How many times?"
I said, "just once."

"Did he talk you
into it?"

"Yeah, kind of."

"Did you want to?"

"No, not really."

"Did you feel bad


And then this woman from
the DA's office, Ms. Driver,

she said, "Nancy,
I know you like him",

but it sounds like r*pe."

And you said?

And I said, um...

"Yeah, I guess it was."

And you
were stuck with it.

I just really thought
this was all behind me.

she was all choked up, huh?

Yeah, Kyle Jones
getting his head cut off

was about the worst thing
that ever happened...

To her.

Not a good day
for him either.

(Ross) Oh, here they are.

Logan, Wheeler,
this is Clete Dixon.

Captain and I go back
a decade or three.

We were both up
to take over major case.

It was a coin flip.

And I won.

Instead of the acid reflux
you got, I got a full pension,

time to look at my old cases,
drop in on old friends...

All the adrenaline
and none of the agita.

Clete has a notion
about your case.

Well, let's hear it.

I was looking at a couple
of my old cold cases,

a couple others
that caught my eye.

I think you got
a serial k*ller on your hands.

Soon as I saw your guy,

I thought he could be
one of mine.

And these six others
are sex offenders?

All from the tri-state area,
m*rder*d in the last ten years,

all open cases.

Tell them what else
they have in common.

Obscured I.D.'s,

all dumped
in deserted locations,

fairly well-organized k*ller
or K*llers,

maybe trophy takers.

You know,
I can't help it,

but whenever I hear phrases like
"fairly" this or "maybe" that,

it sounds like the
usual profiler B.S.


Look, these
are rage killings.

In my opinion,
they're connected.

Every case,
the body was mutilated,

two decapitations.

Now, I don't know
about you,

but I didn't catch
headless corpses every day.

Are you going through all
the material? Mm-hmm.

In my opinion, only one of these
resembles the Jones k*lling.

Well, there were
two decapitations.

And one's almost certainly
a su1c1de.

From the autopsy photos,

I think that particular victim
died by hanging.

His body was found
at the base of a cliff.

So he tied a rope
around his neck,

jumped, and tore his head off?

Well, there was no rope
at the scene.

The family
found the body.

And probably
destroyed the evidence.

They were ashamed.

All right, what about the one
that does resemble Jones?

Well, there
are similarities:

Multiple s*ab wounds
from a survival-type knife,

and the victim
was decapitated postmortem...

By a pro.

As neat and methodical
as the Jones k*ller was sloppy.

Sure it's not
the same guy,

maybe drunk
or in a hurry?

There's a difference
between a surgeon and a butcher.

By the way,
Jones' tox screen came back.

It's positive for marijuana
and barbiturates.

Not a serial k*ller?

Not our guy, no.

Well, what about the others?
Are they connected?

Well, we can see
why you'd think so.

Two postmortem

But you have
your doubts.

(Logan) M.E. Rodgers said
definitively two different K*llers.


Well, you know how it is...
Too much time on my hands.

The wheels
keep spinning.

It was worth a try.

Good luck.


(Woman on television) Then how come
you haven't been able to get...

Speak to Dixon?

Gave him the bad news
this afternoon.

Tell him
there's no serial k*ller?

He's pretty disappointed.

Then what the hell's he doing
on Faith Yancy?

NYPD may not be ready
to admit it yet,

but sources inside of major case
agree with my investigation.

A serial k*ller

has been operating in our area
for a decade,

targeting sex offenders.

For a decade?

And we're just hearing
about it now?

NYPD, ball's
in your court.

inside major case?

He's trying to make a name
for himself, captain.

He's bluffing.
He's got nothing.

[Telephone ringing]


Yes, sir, I’m...
I'm watching it right now.

I understand.

yes, sir.

I am saying
there is no connection

between any
of these cases.

It's being suggested
that the avenger

might himself have been
molested by a predator?

You've got to be
kidding me.

(Yancy) The department
claims hey.

That there is no serial k*ller.

The department says
that there is no connection

between the murders
of these seven sex offenders.

'Cause they don't want
the public

to know how incompetent
they've been.

whether this was the act

of a vigilante
or a serial k*ller,

he will be found...

There's the ADA.
From the original r*pe case,

Terri Driver.

Let us remember, faith,

that Kyle Jones
was a violent sexual predator,

and the community
had good reason to be concerned

by his presence.

Yeah. Well, talk
about putting gas on the fire.

Rumor is she wants to be

New York's
next Attorney General.

And she's using Kyle Jones'
m*rder as a stepping stone?

Shocking, isn't it?

Go talk to her.

Be diplomatic,
but get her to dial it down.

So your ME is sure,
no serial k*ller.

That's correct.

Oh, good.
I'm relieved to hear it.

However, we're worried

that there possibly
could be copycat att*cks.

I don't think
that's likely, do you?

Sex offenders' names
and addresses

are posted
on the Internet.

With the media
stirring the pot...

It'll all blow over
in a few days.

We thought if you could issue

a statement
deploring vigilante justice?

That's just
what I've been doing.

Stating that Kyle Jones didn't
deserve what happened to him.

I didn't mean to imply
that he did.

And that he did not pose
a threat to the community.

We don't want
anyone else targeted.

I'm not gonna soft-pedal
Kyle Jones' crime,

even posthumously.

I spoke
to Nancy Williams.

[Clears throat]
And she said it was consensual,

that I pressured her
into saying it was r*pe?

She revised her story
after the fact.

The fact is,
he r*ped her.

His sentence was fair,
and justice was served.

Justice served.
What are you talk...

Let me tell you

Here's a kid who screwed around
with the wrong girl.

He survived five years
of prison.

When he finally gets out,
he's labeled a sex offender

for the rest of his life.

He's hounded!
He's harassed!

Then he's hunted down
and k*lled!

And then they
cut his head off!

Detective Logan,
I understand you're frustrated

because you haven't caught
your k*ller,

so I will take your anger
with a grain of salt.

Another bleeding heart.

Yeah. Well, she's right
about one thing.

I am frustrated.

Guy gets m*rder*d,
no one gives a damn,

not the neighborhood,
certainly not the D.A.'s office.

We need to go back to Maspeth,
start beating the bushes.

You know what?
Wait a minute.

As long as we're here,

let's check out all
the outstanding petty warrants,

you know, public urination,
dope smoking,

drunk and disorderly,
anything like that,

see what we find.

Hey, conversation's over.

Give me that.
Sit down.

You know what that is?
It's a warrant.

You know
about Kyle Jones?

For fare beating?

For failure to appear.

That's a bench warrant,

What, you're
gonna arrest me?

Well, that's up to you.

Kyle Jones.

The video store perv.


What's the talk
on the street?

Conlan's... some kids were
talking trash, bragging on it,

you know, like they
had something to do with it.

Did they?

This kid was running his mouth,
him and his friends.

(Logan) What were they saying?

About the dead guy,

sex offender,
how he had it coming.

Taking credit for it?

Hinting around
like they knew who did.



One of them
was underage, little guy.

I confiscated the I.D. he used.
It's around here somewhere.

You actually
card people here?

I do when there's a sergeant
sitting at the bar.

Here it is.

"Jake Lally."

Let's go pay him
a visit.

Is my brother
in trouble?

That's up to him.

[Footsteps descending stairs]


You Jake Lally?


You lose this?

I've been looking all over
for that. Where'd you get it?

Someone tried to use it
at, uh, Conlan's bar.

I don't go
to Conlan's.

well, this was an underage kid

with a couple of other guys,
a little bit older.

You do know
that it's a crime

to let someone else
use your I.D., don't you?

I didn't, I swear.

Okay, well, give us a name,
and we won't charge you.

Oh, no. Jamie.

You let that loser
use my I.D.?

No. They crashed a party here
a couple weeks ago.

Jamie, and Ricky, and Lew,

and I saw Jamie
coming out of your room.

I can't believe you even let
them in the house, Brenda.

They weren't even invited.

So where do we find
this kid Jamie?

You got no record.
You're clean.

So do yourself a favor
and tell us what happened.


They wanted me
to be involved.

Ricky and Lew.

So they had you
pull the fuse?



No, they... they just wanted me
to be a lookout or something.

I... you know, I...

I told them I couldn't.

I-I really didn't think

that they were gonna go
through with it.

Did they talk
about it afterwards?

Yeah, I asked them,
you know, "you did it?"

And they said, you know,
"we told you we would."

Did they tell you
how they cut his head off?


They just kept saying, you know,
"the deed is done.

We're gonna be heroes."

You know,
and that I was a...

You know, for not
going through with it.

So let me ask you

They ever say why
they wanted to k*ll Kyle Jones?

Yeah, you know,
because he was a, uh,

you know, a sex deviant.

Yeah, right.

Ricky was here
with me.

All night.

And what were you doing?

Watching the TV.

We like
the reality shows.

Like what?
"America's most wanted"?

More like
"extreme makeover."

We like cooking shows.

You do a lot
of cooking, do you?

Eh, not so much.

How about you, Ricky?
You like cooking shows?

Well, I like
what ma watches.

What we do every night,
right, Ricky?

[Chuckles] Yeah, ma.

Every night.


Ricky moss,
Lewis Olsen.

Both 20, unemployed, and dropped
out of the same high school.

Warrants for fare beating,
drunk and disorderly,

lewd conduct.

A little quality-of-life
crime wave, the two of them.

We're figuring
that they disabled Jones' car

and then drove by
and offered him a ride.

Either of them smart enough
to find a fuse box?

Well, Ricky's got a vehicle.
It's a '98 minivan.

Perfect for hauling around
a headless torso.

Think we can get
a warrant for that?

No, but if you can't pull over
a '98 minivan

for multiple violations

and find a reason
to search it...

[Police siren]

and registration.

What'd I do?

Turned right on a red light.

It was totally yellow.

You been drinking?

I smell alcohol.

I had a beer earlier.

Yeah, well, I may have
to breathalyze you.

There's a broken taillight,

expired New York
inspections tag.

I-I'll take care
of those.

Think you could
just write us up?

Let me see
your insurance card.

[Papers rustling]

[Glove compartment closes]

What, are you
in a rush?

What are you
so nervous about?

I'm not.


How about
your friend there?

He looks like
he's about to piss his pants.

Well, maybe
it's the open container.


I told you to chug that.

Shut up.

This expired
a year and a half ago.

It has?

All right, out of the car,
easy riders. Let's go.

[Both sighing]

[Car beeping]

It's new carpet.


Fresh and clean
back here.


A couple of mutts like this
who sleep in their own clothes

driving a spic-and-span
ten-year-old Van?


(Logan) So, guys, you
know the Luminol you used

to get rid of all the blood?

Don't know
what you're talking about.

Oh, sure you do. You probably
saw it on some bad TV show.

Well, guess what else
shows up with Luminol.


You scrubbed out the Van
with bleach,

and you drew us a map.

Oh, look at that.

You even got some
on your shoes.

You guys
are real dummies.

Looks like Ricky's
a real handyman.

What's missing?


These guys
are almost good.


The head, dumping the body
to make it look like the mob.

They've seen
too many movies.

Pretty clean,
bleach all over, no blood,

a few meds... barbiturates
prescribed to Mrs. Moss.

You know what?

Let's get someone
to take that drain cover.

They might have forgot to bleach
the underside of it.

Hey, Logan,
you keep your fridge locked?

It'd be a hell of a souvenir.

Pop that.


Not unless he turned his head
into a pot roast.


These guys.


Last week.

I installed some new carpet
in their minivan.

Yeah, the 15th.

Couple of days after.

Can we get a copy
of that work order?

Yeah, sure.

let me ask you something.

These guys, they, uh,
strike you as mechanical?

Well, they knew how to turn
the key in the ignition,

but they asked me
to UN-jam a seat belt.

That tell you



Tell us what happened.

We know you were there.
We got your prints.

They're all over Ricky's garage,
all over his tools.

I spend a lot of time
at Ricky's.

Must've been quite a job,
cleaning up all that blood.

Couldn't have been easy
to k*ll him.

Who cut off
his head? You?

not me.

(Logan) You disable his car?

I didn't, I swear.

Well, we found blood
in the drain.

Kyle Jones' blood.

You should've unscrewed
that drain cover, Lew,

'cause we did.

I guess you can't think
of everything.

Wasn't my idea.

I didn't think it was.

Ricky wanted to impress
this girl.

Brenda Lally?

[Scoffs] It's so whack.

They've had, like,

this stupid crush on me
since forever.

It's so annoying.


They hinted around
that they did it.

You know, community
should throw them a parade

for what they done, like that.

Ricky even said
he'd show me the head

if I didn't believe him,
which, of course, I didn't.

I thought
it was all just talk.

k*lling Kyle Jones?
Well, not just that.

For years, you know,
since junior high school,

they've been talking
about what it would feel like,

you know,
to... to k*ll somebody.

Well, I guess
now they know.


He dropped
a beer bottle and cut his hand.

So he was over
at your place.

Yeah, once.

The night
he was k*lled.

You picked him up
from the video store.

I was down the block.
He needed a ride.

Well, you rigged his car
so it wouldn't start.

We didn't do that.

[Inhales deeply] You liked him.

He was okay.

Well, you
must've liked him.

You invited him
over to your place,

had a beer, smoked a joint,
popped some pills.

That's the tox screen
from his autopsy.

Okay, we smoked a joint.

What, are you gonna write me up
for that too?

Was that your plan?

Get him drunk, get him stoned,
make him easier to k*ll?

We didn't k*ll him.


After you smoked
the joint?

He split.
He said he was tired.

You didn't give him
a ride home?

His mom's house
is like six blocks away.

And after he left
your place?


Yeah, I-I guess
we should've given him a ride.

Yeah, I guess
you should've.

You know, we went
through your computer.

You googled the location where
you and Lew dumped the body.


That's a coincidence.

You just happened to look up
driving directions

to an industrial wasteland
that's deserted at night?

You just happened

to look up where the mob
dumps its victims?

You just happened to order
Luminol online?

I didn't k*ll him.

Lew says you did.

Says you brought him home,
got him stoned,

stabbed him,
chopped off his head.

Lew says, Lew says.

Lew does say.

Lew also says
where you put the hacksaw.

[Scoffs] No way.

Oh, yeah.

Lew told us everything...

Except where
you put the head.

Where'd you
put the head, Ricky?

Brenda said you
offered to show it to her.

You talked to Brenda?

What'd she say?

She didn't believe you.

She said you were a loser.

No, she didn't.

She said you've been talking
for years

about what it would feel like
to k*ll someone.

She said you're all talk,
nothing but.

Tell him that other thing
she said.

Oh, yeah. She also said that you
didn't have the, um...

You don't have the balls
to do it.



Thing is...

What she doesn't know

is that I already knew
what it felt like.

Oh, you did, huh?


'Cause I k*lled
Kyle Jones,

and I k*lled
them other ones too.

What other ones?

In the paper.

The other sex pervs,
the molesters.

I k*lled them all.

You and Lew?

Nah, just me.

Lew only helped
with the last one, with Jones.

[Chair rattles]

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

You're a serial k*ller?


Like Hannibal Lecter.

A real-life
serial k*ller.

And you hate perverts?

Yeah. You know.

How'd you do it?
How'd you k*ll them?

Stabbed them.

Two of them,
I cut off their heads.

Come on, Rick,
that was already in the papers.

You got to give us

you know,
a little more than that.

What'd you use?



Well, the M.E. said
that one of those victims

committed su1c1de,
hung himself.

The other was decapitated

by someone with a working
knowledge of anatomy.

And that
wouldn't be you, Ricky,

'cause you's
a high-school dropout.


The only person you k*lled
was Kyle Jones, Ricky.

All right, yeah.

But, look,
it was self-defense.

It was?


He att*cked me.
I had to defend myself.

He was stabbed
in the back...

15 times.




Why'd you do it,
just for the rush?

I guess.


What'd it feel like
when you finally did it?

It wasn't all that.



It wasn't as much fun
as I thought it would be.


It was hard work.

Yo, stabbing him,
sawing his head off,

cleaning it all up,
totally soaked in blood.

if you had it to do over,

would you have done it?

Maybe not.

So... so...

I'm not... I'm not
gonna be famous, am I?


No, you're
not gonna be famous.

Oh, uh...

You know where the fuse box is
on a CMC?

(Ross) The banality of evil.

Good work.

Well, there's one thing
that's still bugging me.

They gave it up, huh?

Yeah. Everything.

Where to find the head.

Storage locker.


What was he gonna do
with it?

Sell it on ebay.
I don't know.

To tell you the truth, I didn't
think they had it in them.

Well, it wasn't
exactly planned.

They picked Jones up.

One thing
led to another.

I dunno.

You, uh...

You happen to see Lew or Ricky
near the store that night?

You know,
you need it,

I might've seen them
fooling around with Jones' car.

It's not a problem.

Thing is, those guys,

they didn't even know
that cars have fuses.

They're lying.

Why confess to the m*rder
and lie about that?

The car
wasn't broken into.

Someone would've had to have
a slim Jim.

So you gave Jones a ticket
at 8:05 that night.

Is that when you did it?

Cop to cop?

I was keeping
the pressure on him.

I didn't know
his number was up.

Funny how things
work out, huh?



Hey, Wheeler.

What do you say
we grab a drink?

I can't.

Hey, I'm buying.


Logan, this
is my fiance, Colin.

So you're the lucky guy.

It's great
to finally meet the man

who spends more time
with Megan than I do.

[Chuckles] Don't remind her.


We should go.

We should.
She's meeting the in-laws.


Good luck with that.

Good night.
See ya. See ya.

[Sighs deeply]

Our office is proud to announce
the arrest of two suspects

in the m*rder of Kyle Jones.

Our city
cannot condone lawlessness,

no matter who the victim is.

She's taking
all the credit.

And once again,
justice is served.

You know, one of
the first cases I ever caught,

guy was lying
on his kitchen floor

with his throat cut.

There was a trail of blood
out the door...

All the way down the hall
to the next apartment.

So I go...

[Knocking on desk]

Knock on the door.

A guy answers with a machete
in his hand covered in blood.

What'd he say?

"It was an accident."


This job, it's either tragic
or stupid,

mostly stupid.

Yeah, but even
when it's stupid,

they usually have
some kind of a...


But this kid,
just for the thrill of it.

That's the thing.

He didn't even enjoy it.
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