05x03 - Prisoner

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x03 - Prisoner

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Manhattan college's about to be tutoring.

We are minimum security, not zero security.

If they come to us, we'd love to have them.

TV producer called third time.

She needs you to call back.

Warden, the TV lady?

Just put it on my desk.

William Marsh I said just put it on my desk, then go.


00 margaritas.

It's all, like, secretaries looking for love, man.

We're at the Javits tomorrow.

Be there early.

They take fingerprints for security, all right?

Jose, how about your time card?

- What are you, a moron?

- Hey, man, I'm sorry.

- Sorry?

You did that on purpose.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey! No way! Mitch, you're fired.


Why you doing this to me?

I don't believe you.

I said no.

- Salesman.

- At midnight?

Come on, Hope, let's go to bed.

Hey, man.

Yesterday, I told the boss I messed up.

What, you got a thing for me, hmm?

Take your beer and get out of here.

On this inmate transfer, Ellie Graham she's had a lot of write-ups.

Her brother in Seattle has heart problems.

A wedding ring?

No, no, Hope left it in a restaurant.

Can you excuse me?

You going to the gym?

Can't work out without these.

It's okay.

Law & Order CI I was getting in my car to go to the gym.

They jumped me.

Two of them.

They handcuffed me.

They threw me in my trunk.

You didn't get any kind of look at them?


They put tape over my eyes.

You hear them talk?

Their voices weren't familiar.

When you got to the golf course?

They made me stand on something.

Tied my wrists to the fence.

Wrapped wire around me.

Took the box away.

I thought I was gonna die.

You receive any threats recently?



Everything's been fine.


Morris, the way that you were att*cked is very unique.

Look, I've been working in prisons for almost 20 years.

Thousands of prisoners.

Who knows who could have done this?

Bill, oh, my god.

I'm all right.

I'm all right.

I'm all right.

I'm all right.

We can process that area.

His left hand was cuffed to the pole.

They wrapped wire around his right.

Took four of us to cut him down.


Marsh say anything when you were cutting him down?

Just "thank you," over and over.

Well, they wanted him to be found alive, or or they would have found a more secret location.

The injuries are only from the barbed wire.

More than hurting him, I think they wanted to to terrorize him.

Send him a message.

There are red and yellow nylon threads.

And he was wearing a blue nylon jacket and a sports watch with a yellow and red nylon band.

On his left wrist.

Got the threads caught in the wire when he put his hand up here.

- He tied his own hand?

- He said there were two attackers.

Why wouldn't one of them do it while the other one covered?

If there's only one attacker he wouldn't want to get too close to Bill.

Wouldn't risk it.

Yeah, he'd have him, he'd have him tie his own hand before he cuffed the other.

Bill lied?


To tie his own hand, he would have had to have his blindfold off.

He would have seen his attacker.

Maybe somebody he knew and doesn't want us to know.

We spent the weekend together.

Uh, saw a movie.

- Walked around the stores.

- And last night?

Last night?

I went home.

I had to work early this morning.

But last night, the reason you went home.

Something happen?

Last minute, he told me he was going to the gym and then to bed early.

You thought he was giving you the brush-off?

/ No.

No, no, no.

He was just in a mood.

He'd forgotten his sneakers, and I was putting them in his gym bag, and he yanked it away from me.

You see what was in it?


/ But you assumed it wasn't good news.

Look, you don't seem like a jealous person.

Something provoked you?

There was a phone call last week.

Late at night.

Bill said it was a salesman.

But something Bill said didn't sound right?

"Why are you doing this to me?

" Who says that to a salesman?

Excuse me, I'm gonna go check in on him, okay?

He can barely keep secrets from her.

I can't imagine he can keep any from his secretary.

Riverdale Detention Facility for Women Tuesday, September 20 The week before last, the warden got a letter.

Took the wind right out of him.

It was, um, hand-addressed in block letters.

A personal letter.

Any return?

I didn't get a good look.

If you had to guess, a threat from a former inmate?

It's not a violent population.

Our ladies are here mostly for dr*gs.

The warden has a deputy?

No photographs.

How are you gonna amuse yourself?

I don't know.

There's no plaques or degrees either.

Believe it or not, some people don't like to show off.

Deputy warden, I'm detective Eames.

This is detective Goren.

- How's Bill?

- Fine.

We think the people who att*cked him were harassing him for a couple of weeks.

- He mention anything to you?

- No.

What about contacts between the warden and the female population?

Were you aware of anything improper?

Absolutely not.

Well, maybe the problem is with a prisoner from one of his prior assignments.

He rarely talks about his previous jobs.


Any trouble in his personal life?

My wife and I had him to dinner with his fiance.

They barely had a glass of wine between the two of them.

Chocolate mousse is about as crazy as these two get.

Fiance Hope Daniels?

They didn't say they were engaged.

He didn't tell me, but I saw the ring.

He said Hope had left it at a restaurant, and they sent it here.

First, I thought it was a wedding band.

She wasn't wearing a band.

Warden have family, parents, kids?

He said his parents passed away.

He's never mentioned any kids or ex-wives.

Uh, thanks for your help.

Proof of life, the phone call, the letter.

Maybe a ransom demand.

The ring would be proof of life.

The gym bag he wouldn't let Hope touch.

He might have been making a ransom drop.

And it went bad.

Maybe he was terrified to say anything if somebody's life was in danger.

A guy with no family.

I doubt they kidnapped his cleaning lady.

A man without a past who went to college.

Either this book had another owner, or the warden had another name.


A neighbor called, thinks he knows you from Saranac lake.

- Who's this neighbor?

- Don't know him.

Rent's due.

End of the week.


Uh, William Hendry.

Warden of the Saranac state prison in the '90s.

Escapee Takes Hostage That's him.

He had a prisoner escape with a hostage.

- The warden's wife.

- I remember the bulletins on this.

Let's see.

Signs of a struggle at the scene.


As of five years ago, she hadn't been found.

She's presumed dead.

Wedding band.

It's got to be his wife's.

That's why he won't talk.

He still thinks he can get her back.

He'll k*ll her.

If I help you, he'll k*ll her.


Marsh, it's been almost 10 years.

It doesn't matter.

If he can get more money out of me, he'll keep her alive.

How much so far?


We read Bowman's file.

He's a con man.

Got off dr*gs in prison.

He earned his GED.

He ingratiated himself to you.

Saranac was my first wardenship.

I was idealistic.

I took a lot of sh*ts over what happened there.

That's why I started using my middle name.

You let him work in your house at the prison?

He led a work detail for a job skills program.

He retiled the bathroom.

He was an expert.

Now he's conning you again.

He sent me her ring.

Jenny is alive.

Twice now they have found a body with Jenny's birthmark.

She has a port wine stain on her right forearm.

And each time, I knew in my gut it wasn't her.

This time, my gut, it it tells me differently.

Warden, you have to let us handle it.

We need the letter and the envelope the ring was sent in.

I kept the envelope, but I, uh I threw away the letter.

I thought it s a joke.

Some joke.

He tied me up to the fence.

He said, "Now it's your turn to know what a cage feels like.

" Sent from DHL office, Northern boulevard, Roslyn, Long island.

Some kind of sand inside here.

Like a pink sand?

If Bowman's still in the tiling business, it could be grout.

The envelope was sent at 12:19.

If Bowman was working a job in the area, he probably went to the DHL office on his lunch hour.

Pink grout?

Might be a special order.

Lab could trace it.

That's right, it's hydraulic cement.

Custom-dyed pink.

- Your lab boys are pretty sharp.

- Well, we think so.

They are lab girls too.

Is this the guy who made the mosaic?

Yep, that's him.


Mitch Leblanc.

He threw a punch on the job last week, and I fired him.

I don't have an address for him.

A talented guy like that, one punch is enough to get him fired?

Well, we're working at the Javits the next day.

Security checks for everybody.

I don't need a guy who can't control his temper.

Control it?

Show just enough to keep from getting fingerprinted.

Was he friends with anybody on your crew?

Only the guy he took a swing at, Donny.

He worked on the mosaic with Mitch.

Thank you.

/ All right.


Can we talk to you about your friend Mitch?

Uh, yeah.

I'm kinda busy.

You know where he lives?

Um, I think Mitch moved out of state.

Maybe Texas.

You missed a tile.

You're kidding.

/ Yeah, I notice things that are out of pattern.

- It's true, he does.

- Oh, man! It's tough.

It's complicated work.

You know, I mean, it's like that mosaic.

Did Mitch help you a lot with that?

Yeah, he's a nice guy.

He showed me a lot of things.

I bet he didn't show you this.

Before he was Mitch the helpful buddy, he was Vic, the meth-head m*rder*r.

He escaped from prison 10 years ago with a woman hostage.

She's never been found.

That punch he was getting fired just to avoid getting fingerprinted.

He didn't care about hurting you.

He won't care when he hurts other people.

Well, there was this one time I went by his house.

It took forever to find a parking spot.

Ah, here, let me set the table.

No, you know what?

Let's eat here.

It'll be fun.

Bill, you don't have to hide your wedding album from me.

I'm here to support you.

We're in this together.

Until Jenny comes home.

You gotta put yourself in her place.

Wouldn't you want me to be there for you?

There can't be a "we" when she comes home.

I only have one wife.

Home of Mitch LeBlanc Staten Island, New York Friday, September 23 Police! Kitchen clear! Bedroom clear! Bathroom clear! Basement clear! Looks like he skipped.

That's not too fresh.

Maybe a few days.

He took his 50 grand and got out of dodge.

Hey, Jenny?

Excuse me.

You're Jenny?

No, I'm not.

My name's Wendy.

Oh, sorry, Wendy.

We, we had you confused.

Is this your backyard?


Right, well it's, uh, it's nice to meet you.

- Did you plant all these?

- Yes.

With these hands?

- You're Jenny Hendry.

- I'm Wendy Leblanc.

Hey, Jenny, it's over.

You're safe.

No, no, I'm Wendy Leblanc.

Jenny, we're police officers.

You're with us now.

You're safe.

Oh, god! Is he all right?

I want to see him.

He's fine.

He's anxious to see you.

He's close by.

He's a warden in Manhattan.

No, Mitch I wanna see Mitch! You've arrested him.

I want to see him.

I love him! I want my cell phone back.

If Vic Bowman tries to contact you, we need to intercept the call.

I'm not gonna help you.

Jenny, it'd be safer for him if you told us how to find him.


We ran away.

We fell in love.

Jenny, he hurt you when he took you.

They found your blood.

I ran into a door.

It was a nosebleed.

Did he tell you that your husband didn't want you?

That you were damaged goods?

That's what people like him tell their victims to make them stay.

Maybe he threatened to k*ll your husband or your family.

I don't have any family.

Just Mitch.

I have a good life with him.

The life of a fugitive.

Did you know he tried to ransom you?

Last week?

He got Bill to pay $50,000 for your safe return.

He even sent Bill your wedding ring as proof he had you.

He's gone and left you.


That's what love is worth to Vic Bowman.

I don't know where he is, and I want my cell phone.

Well, look we almost forgot.

Bill is outside.

/ No.

I can't.

He's been waiting a long time.

He's like a kid on a prom date.

He, he - I'll go get him.

- No, don't! I don't want him in here.


Tell him to go home.

I spoke to a psychologist.

It's Stockholm syndrome.

I understand she won't snap out of it overnight.

For now, she'll be staying in a hotel until we catch Bowman.

Yeah, psychologist said she'd need some time alone to transition back.

Uh, Jenny told the doctor that, um, that they were living together as husband and wife all these years.

Well, she did what she had to do to stay alive.

I'd never judge that.

She told us she ran away with him, that he didn't kidnap her.

No, not a chance.

Not Jenny.

Look, I don't want her staying in some third-rate witness protection motel.

If I give you my credit card, would you find her a nice place?

She's alive.

Nothing else matters.

Wendy didn't look like no prisoner.

I saw her by herself at the store, or, uh, waiting for a bus.

With no ball and chain in sight.

Any fights?

Maybe you heard from the neighbors?

Only one call.

Last week, about Mitch.

Neighbor thought he knew him from Saranac lake.

Thank you for coming in, Mr.


The officer'll take you downstairs.

Bowman got spooked.

Somebody in the neighborhood made him.

And left Jenny Hendry behind.

Any indication he's coming back for her?

She's got four calls since this afternoon.

From a no-name cell phone.

No messages.

Maybe her runaway wife story's legit.

She had a job, opportunities to get away from Bowman.

And Mitch might have convinced her she had nothing to go back to.

Maybe he's right.

He's supportive of Jenny.

It's almost the point of self-effacement.

As if he as if his own feelings don't matter.

Cabrini hospital ICU.

Please don't hang up.

Are you related to Wendy Leblanc?

She's been admitted to the hospital.

Is this Mr.


She's unable to speak.

No, I can't give out that information over the phone.

You'll have to speak to Dr.

Roger Stearn in person.

Yes, Stearn.

Will you be, hello?

He hung up.

Miss, can you page Dr.

Stearn again?

- Mr.


- Yeah.

I'm Dr.


This is Dr.


She's your wife's neurosurgeon.

Her room is this way.

Two days unconscious.

That's bad, right?

Just prepare yourself, okay?

She's got quite a nasty bump on her forehead.

Welcome home, Mr.


You're under arrest.


Hendry went with him willingly.

There was no kidnapping.

Well, we have a question.

How'd her blood get all over the floor?


She bumped into the door running out of the house.

How long do you think that, uh you're gonna be able to keep a hold on her, once she figures out what you deserted her?

I went south looking for work.

She was gonna join me once I get settled in.

And when were you going to tell her you extorted 50 grand from her husband?

I didn't do that.

Where'd you folks come up with this fairy tale?

Your client offered to sell his true love back to her husband, and then left him strung up on a fence.

He can shake his head till his ears fly off.

It won't make our case go away.

Nobody wants to put Jenny through a trial.

Your client could do the decent thing and cop a plea.

If I did the things that you say, why would I come back for her?

All right.

We'll talk about this.

In private.

You're moving your tongue.

There something wrong with your teeth?

I lost a filling a couple of weeks ago.

Well, you're not afraid of the dentist, are you?

Only of the bills.

But now I guess the state will pay for that, huh?

We found it under the bed.

It doesn't look like it's been fired in ages.

Got something here.

Bill's 50 grand.

Talk about a wishing well.

Yeah, one they didn't know they had.

Excuse me.

These are check stubs from Jenny's temp job.

Short term solutions.

$800 every two weeks.

It's probably why Bowman left her behind, to wait for her next check.

$800 is peanuts next to this.

All this cash.

He's too cheap to get his tooth fixed.

He's living here like he's living here like he didn't know he had the cash.

You know if somebody wanted to put the money in here without Bowman knowing all they'd have to do is pop this panel out and drop it in.

I hope you still like this.

You can eat it and watch a movie.

Thank you.

Would you mind if I showed you a photo?

It's our engagement dinner.

I really love that dress.

I can't remember if I had my ring.

When I left.

You must have.

I never found it.

I always knew that I'd see you again.

He stood on the crate.

He tied up his right hand.

Wrapped the barbed wire around himself.

Handcuffed his left hand.

He was suspended off the ground when they found him.

Yeah, he might've waited to see someone coming, and then kicked the crate away.

And that carries the risk somebody might see him kicking it.


Oh, boy.

The link is cut.

Look at that.

These marks It's a match.

All right, so he he hung himself by his belt, pushed himself off the fence when he saw someone coming.

All that effort just to make Bowman look bad?

Or to make himself look good.

Maybe his lie is the biggest of all.

The warden set this up, it means he orchestrated the whole ransom demand.

- Letter, phone call, wedding ring.

- Even the pink cement.

He's part of the system.

He knows every piece of evidence would be analyzed.

Somehow he found out where Bowman was hiding.

He used this charade to lead us to him.

I don't see what he gets out of it.

Well, this charade makes him look like a man who'd pay anything to get his wife back.

That's what he wants us to believe.

Truth, then, is the opposite.

He doesn't want her back?


He doesn't want her anywhere.

Then he would've been better off just keeping his mouth shut.

Sorry, folks.

This is not gonna fly.

He got a point.

Bill could have let Bowman and Jenny fade into the woodwork of trailer park America.

Unless he knew they were about to be plucked from the shadows.

I never heard the name Vic Bowman until this week.

What are these initials in the phone log, AF?

American fugitives, the TV show.

They have that number, 1-800-gotyou.

They've wanted to interview him.

Oh, it's his ten year anniversary since Bowman escaped.

- Probably wanna do a piece on him.

- They find a lot of people.

I told the warden they found Elizabeth smart.

You cannot hide from them.

He must've loved hearing that.

What, what about this transfer?

This is Ellie Graham to a prison in Seattle.

It was signed same week he got the phone calls.

We do prisoner transfers for deserving inmates.

Bill thought Ellie was deserving.

Her employer, short term solutions.

Jenny's temp agency.

Fieldstone Center for Women Seattle, Washington Tuesday, September 27 The warden's a very caring person.

That's why he picked me for a transfer.

You're modest.

Come on, you must've done something to stand out.

Your transfer is secure.

It's a done deal.

I had a drawing hanging up at the prison's training center.

The warden really liked it.

He was curious about it.

About my inspiration.

I called my drawing the pyramid of my potential.

I told him I got the words from the other girl I worked with.

At short term solutions.

Is this her?

She said she wanted to do, like, the food pyramid, but instead of food groups, she'd put personal qualities.

So instead of protein, she put, uh, "strength in crisis.

" Grains was "generosity of heart.

" - This was a motivational tool.

- I guess.

Wendy said she made it when she applied for a business loan from the government when she was my age.

Didn't work for either of us, though.

Sorry if it smells musty.

I had to pull it out of storage.

What kind of business was she starting?

Uh, greeting card business.

All she wanted was $5,000.

"There is a time one must seize a dream by lifting your gaze" "from the ground upward to an infinite sky.

" This was very important to her.

She had a clear business plan.

Realistic expectations.

We accepted her proposal.

All she had to do was sign the papers and start the loan process.

What are these dates?

She kept rescheduling her appointment to come in.

Some issues at home.

Her last appointment was three days after she disappeared.

But signing those papers would, would trigger a credit check, wouldn't it?

Yes, of her finances.

Maybe it's not too late to do our own credit check.


Ten years ago, it was hidden in an old account in the name of her parents' dairy farm.

An account that should've been closed when they died.

- Bill made sure it wasn't?

- Apparently.

Now, any credit check on Jenny would've brought up this cash.

Do we know where Bill got this money?

It's all cash deposits over three years, starting when he became warden at Saranac lake.

He finally closed the account a year after his wife disappeared.

It's money he never declared in his taxes.

Probably because he skimmed it from the prison.

Last place a warden wants to be is on the wrong side of the bars.

Lucky for him, Bowman kidnapped Jenny before she could trier a credit check.

He could've just confessed up and told her he had the stolen money.

Unless his plans for it didn't include her.

Get Bowman in here.

Let's see how much luck had to do with Jenny's kidnapping.

Our first Christmas.


We look happy.

There are things Mitch Vic told me.

I have to know the truth.

He said you hired him to k*ll me.

Vic Bowman is a m*rder*r.

He's a liar, and he's a manipulator.

He told you those things to terrorize you so you'd stay with him.

I've spent the last ten years hating myself for exposing you to that beast.

Don't let him take away another moment.

My client already told you.

He wooed Mrs.

Hendry, they escaped together.

But he's not still counting on Jenny to stick by him, is he?

I know how she feels about me.

- I'm not worried at all.

- You should worry.

Bill's been "wooing" up a storm in Jenny's hotel room.

Soon she'll forget you.

She'll go back to her happy life, and you'll go back to prison.

If those 25 years were to go away, my client might have something to tell you.

Off the record.

The warden said that he wanted his wife to disappear.

He said he would facilitate my escape if I fixed his problem.

He had a car for me, 20 grand, phony ID.

So I took Jenny.

But I never aimed to k*ll her.

After three days, I told her she could leave.

Why didn't she?

Nowhere to go.

I told her what I was hired to do.

She said the only home that she had was with the warden.

So I let her stay.

She believed you?

A m*rder*r?

A prisoner?

Did that surprise you?

I told her things that the warden told me.

Things that she heard him say before.

He said that there was two types of wives, show dogs and mutts.

And Jenny was a mutt.

He said he only married her because mutts know their place.


Hendry will corroborate his story.

Yeah, we made a deal, if we ever got caught, we'd say that we ran off together.

So that way it would be easier on me.

Oh, you can tell her I'm letting her out of the deal.

I don't know why Vic would say this.

He said you don't have to protect him anymore.

- You can tell the truth now.

- It's what I told you.

I ran away with him.

I made a foolish mistake.

For ten years?

You made a mistake?

I couldn't go back to Bill.

I was too ashamed.

But now Bill's so forgiving Jenny, he's taking advantage of you.


He Never stopped hoping I'd come back.

He paid a ransom.

You said so.

- We were wrong.

- No, you're wrong now! Bill hid $265,000 in an account in the name of your parents' farm.

It's why he had Vic kidnap you before you could sign the loan application for your greeting card business.

He didn't want anyone finding it, didn't want you finding it.

Because he stole it from the prison.

He wasn't hiding it.

It's from my parents' dairy from selling off equipment.

We know that's not true.

This was our money.

I knew all about it.

Please, leave us alone.

What do you call that?

- Staten island syndrome?

- Vic's going to jail.

Maybe she'd rather be with Bill than be alone.

As long as she claims to know that money was in that account, we can't begin to corroborate Bowman's story.

She's been in a ten-year nightmare.

She's forgotten who she was, who Bill was.

Maybe we can turn back the clock.

Yeah, I came as soon as I could.

They said it was urgent.


No, you, you could've come anytime today would've been fine or tomorrow.

I'm just finishing the paperwork on the case.

In here?

Yeah, could you Yeah, it's quiet.

I can hear myself think.

Anyway, look.

We need to, uh issue you a check for the ransom money that we recovered.

I can't give you the actual bills because it's, um, evidence.

Yeah, no.

I, I, uh, I understand.

Well, you need to fill out the top there.

You recognize this, huh?

Yeah, we recovered it in our investigation.

I guess it is just another dream that you and Jenny had to put on hold.

You know, I was thinking, maybe we could split the ransom money.

You know, a check to you, a check to Jenny.

And then she could use part of it to get her business started.

We can decide that later.

I'm, uh I'm not even sure that she's interested anymore.

Well, I was just, she spends it on this or another idea later - does it matter?

- Look.

I'm not gonna throw my money away.

Have you even taken a look at this thing?

Yeah, why?

What's wrong with it?

Well, look.

Come on, look at it.

She can't even draw.

It's, it's it's not professional.

Well, obviously she's not a professional artist.

It's about what she wrote.

I mean, that's what counts.

Vision to see value.

Look, okay, look.

I don't wanna sound harsh.

But, uh, like this one?

"Generosity of heart"?

Come on.

It's, it's not business-like.

All right, well if you really think so.

I was married to the woman for six years.

Trust me, organizing her recipes was a challenge.

- You finished?

- Yeah.

Does that sound familiar?

It's the same discouraging words you heard ten years ago.

Kept you from applying for your loan.

You can't go back to that, Jenny.

He hasn't changed.

But you have.


Remember the, the words that you wrote on your pyramid.

"Strength in crisis.

" Jenny was helping us wrap up some loose ends.

It'll go faster if we talk to you together.

Oh, sure, sure.

Anything we can do to put this behind us, huh?



Oh, you've been looking through this.

Yeah, detective Goren left it behind.

I was very impressed.

Especially the pyramid.


It's, it's excellent.

I found it inspirational, didn't you?


My Jenny is a talented woman.

That check is gonna be here in a couple of minutes.

We were just talking about Jenny's greeting card idea.

Well, it's never too late.

Did you tell her my suggestion?

Well, I was saying that your husband is getting, well, it's yours too, the $50,000.

Maybe you could use some of it to start up your business.

We can definitely talk about it.

Jenny may have some other ideas, huh?

Well, this is a good foundation for any kind of new beginning.

"Vision to see value.

" I think I know what that means.

I'd like to hear what, what you have to say.

There's a saying that "God makes no mistakes.

" And I just think that, even if you don't believe in God, if you look at nature Go ahead, Jenny.

Finish your thought.

There aren't mistakes in nature, and there aren't mistakes in people.

And I think you can always find value if you look with the right intention.

That's the cornerstone of of your proposal.

Greeting cards that that address the better angels of our nature.

It's, uh, it's a good idea.

I can see why you were ready to get that loan.

What we don't understand are all these postponed appointments to sign the papers.

Jenny was a little slow in getting the paperwork together.

I especially like this line here, "words into action.

" That was it?

Just, Jenny couldn't handle the paperwork?

- "Words into action.

" - It was just a little overwhelming.

Liar! What?

He wouldn't give me the papers I needed.

He said my idea was idiotic and childish.

Jenny, you know that I didn't mean that.

Right, you weren't stalling just so she wouldn't get, uh, her credit checked, right?

And so they wouldn't find the $265,000 you hid under her name.

I, I didn't hide anything.

Jenny knew all about this.

It was money from her parents' farm.

Jenny remembers.

Do you, Jenny?

You remember?




Speak, what, like a good mutt?


It's true! You wanted me dead! I never knew about that money.

It's not from my parents' farm.

He's lying.

Everything out of his mouth is a lie! You were gonna take that money and leave me.

You used it to pay Vic to k*ll me! You wanted me dead! Jenny, you can't believe that trash.

Honey, sweetheart.

I'm your husband.

Believe me.

Not him.

Easy, easy.

We believe her.


Sit! / Come on, guys, come on.

What's going on here?

What's going on is, you're under arrest for conspiracy That, that Sit down! - Wait, you're gonna believe her?

- Get him up.

Come on.

She's been living with trash for ten years.

She's trash herself now.

Come on.

I should've never married you.

Get him out! I should've held out for something a little better! Get him outta here! Come on! Okay, Jenny.

You are, You are free to go now.


Yes, I am.

Thank you.
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